If you get a letter saying that a debt has been sold to a debt collector you may be very worried.
This article answers common questions about what has happened and how it will affect you:
- will the debt collection agency (DCA) be horrible to deal with?
- is it legal to do this?
- do you still have to pay the money?
- what about your credit record?
- what if you don’t owe the money?
I don’t think this is my debt
The letter doesn’t say what the debt is!
If you get a letter that might be about a debt but it doesn’t give any details at all, it is just asking you to call them, then this is a “fishing expedition”. They don’t really know who the debt belongs to and they are hoping someone will give them their details (date of birth, previous addresses) that will match.
You can usually ignore these vague letters – see Prime Location Services – do I have to call them? for an example.
But I don’t owe this money
When the letter mentions a debt that you don’t think you owe, do not ignore it.
If you have already repaid the debt, tell the debt collector this. Ask them for a Statement of Account for the debt if they say you do still owe money.
If you have never borrowed from that lender, or never used that electricity supplier, reply telling the debt collector to Prove It!
It is the debt collector’s job to show you are the borrower. You don’t have to prove you aren’t. But unfortunately you may need to be persistent about this.
Has the debt really been sold?
A lender will often appoint a debt collector to try to collect the money for them. This isn’t a “sale” – you still owe the money to the original lender. None of the rest of this article is relevant.
If you aren’t sure what has happened, the best thing is to contact the original creditor and ask them if your debt has been sold or not. If you are worried and don’t want to talk to the creditor, phone National Debtline for advice about the letter.
Is the sale fair?
Is this even legal? Why wasn’t I asked?
When a sale happens, everything about your debt remains the same, except that you now owe the money to the debt collector who has bought the debt. The T&Cs of the debt haven’t changed – just who the creditor is.
You won’t be asked to agree to the sale. AndYou can’t object to or stop the sale.
You agree to the original terms when you borrowed the money or opened the account. In the small print, there will have been a clause that said that the lender can “assign his rights” to a third-party. This is the legal term for a “sale”.
Your debt can be sold if you are in debt management or you have an arrangement to pay. It may not feel fair if the lender accepted your monthly offer and you are making the payments as agreed, but legally the lender can still sell the debt.
There is one exception here. If your lender subscribes to the Standards of Lending Practice and if they had previously been shown evidence that you have mental health problems or critical illness, your debt should not have been sold. Most banks and many major credit cards are subscribers. Go to your local Citizens Advice if you would like help with this situation.
How much was my debt sold for?
That will depend on the state of your account. A debt where you have paid token payments or nothing for a long while may have been sold for very little, just a penny or two in the pound. If you are making regular payments then it will have been sold for more.
You won’t be told what your account was sold for. The sale is a commercial agreement between the seller and the buyer.
This may seem annoying or unfair, but the debt collector and the original lender are not doing anything wrong by not telling you the sale price.
The price the debt collector paid for your debt is irrelevant to you. It doesn’t affect the amount that you now owe. You still owe the full amount but now to the debt collector.
If the lender has been paid, why do I owe anything?
The original lender has had the debt settled by the DCA. But you now owe the money to the DCA instead.
Think of this example. You borrow £200 from your sister for some car repairs, agreeing to pay her back £50 a month. But she suddenly needs all the money immediately, so your dad gives your sister the £200 and you repay your dad instead. Same debt, same repayments. You borrowed from your sister but now you don’t owe her anything but you do need to repay your dad.
This is pretty much what has happened with your debt being sold. Your debt stays exactly the same, you just owe it to a different person.
NB This example isn’t an attempt to explain the legal contractual obligations – it is an analogy illustrating why you now have to repay someone else.
I want to carry on paying the original lender
You can’t do this. You don’t owe any money to the original lender anymore.
Has this reset the 6 year period for becoming statute-barred?
No, this hasn’t changed anything about statute barring:
- if the debt isn’t yet statute-barred, the 6 year period carries on, it doesn’t start again after the sale. But if you were hoping the debt would soon become statute barred, the debt collector may push you to make a payment or go to court for a CCJ if you won’t.
- where you have been making payments, this debt will never become statute-barred.
- a debt that is already statute-barred will continue to be so after the sale.
Read Statute Barred Debt – Common Questions because statute barring is complicated.
My debt has now been sold to another debt collector!
This happens. Sometimes several times. There is nothing you can do about it.
Sometimes the debt collector is going out of business. In 2022-3 there was a very big transfer of debts from Hoist to Lowell for this reason.
If you have been paying the previous debt collector, just start paying the new one.
What will the debt collector do?
Will the debt collector be difficult?
You may find that debt collectors are as easy to deal with as the original lender. Indeed they may be more likely to freeze interest or accept a full and final settlement offer!
If you had a payment arrangement with the original lender, for example in a debt management plan, you just need to offer the same amount to the debt collector.
There are regulations to make sure that consumer credit debt collectors behave fairly. All debt collectors handling credit card, overdraft and loan debts have to be regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and if you have problems with one, the Financial Ombudsman will look at your complaint.
Unless you ignore the debt collector, it’s unlikely that you will get phone calls at work.
Will they come to my house? send bailiffs?
Bailiffs can’t be sent until the debt collector has got a CCJ (see below) and you are not making the CCJ monthly payments. this is very unlikely unless you ignore the debt collector.
In theory, a debt collector can send someone to your house. They have no more right to enter your house and take your things than the postman has. You don’t have to open the door to them.
As a result, this is pretty rare. It isn’t going to happen unless you ignore the debt collector, and even then it’s pretty unusual.
Can the debt collector take me to court?
Legally, yes. The debt collector now has all the rights that the original lender had and this includes applying for a County Court Judgment (CCJ).
You don’t have to worry that this is going to happen straight away. The debt collector would rather reach an agreement with you for monthly payments and not have the cost and bother of going to court.
But in 2022, there were nearly 900,000 CCJs. Many of these CCJs are for quite small amounts – much less than a £1,000.
Very few original lenders go to court for a CCJ – they usually sell the debt and let the debt collector take you to court. You may have been ignoring the original creditor and all that has happened has been a few emails and letters. But if you ignore a debt collector they are much more likely to take you to court.
How much can you pay to this debt?
I already have a payment arrangement in place for the debt
If you have a debt management plan, tell the DMP company. They will switch your monthly payment to go to the debt collector.
Where you have set up the payment arrangement, you need to ask the debt collector for their bank account details so you can start paying them.
I can’t afford to pay anything as I have arrears on important bills
Explain this to the debt collector. Most of them will let you have a break from paying if you have priority debts.
DO NOT PANIC and offer too much
You should only offer what you can afford for regular monthly payments. Not the maximum you think you can stretch to next month.
Never borrow money to try to pay a debt collector. This is an already defaulted debt where interest should be frozen. You will make your situation worse by borrowing more money to clear this and paying interest on it.
If you have been ignoring this debt, this is a good point to review your whole situation and your possible debt solutions.
If you aren’t sure what to offer, or feel a debt collector is trying to push you to pay too much contact your local Citizens Advice. Or phone National Debtline on 0808 808 4000,
But I now have two defaults on my credit file!
Debts are usually already defaulted before they are sold. When it is sold the original creditor will mark the debt as settled with a zero balance owing and the debt collector will add the debt with the same default date that the original creditor used.
So now there are now two debts with defaults on your credit record. You may be alarmed because that looks bad.
But the debt isn’t being double counted because one of the debt entries says that there is zero owing.
And when your credit rating is calculated, only one of the two debts is counted. So your credit score will not get worse because you now seem to have two defaults.
Jack says
Hi Sara – have you ever heard of a case of a DCA transferring a debt back to an OC?
The situation is that I never received a default notice from the catalogue company Next and now over three years later they have sold the debt on, but in that time increased the debt by over 60%! So from £50 to £200! I had previously written to them to offer a token payment but they declined this.
I want to deal with Next directly, as I don’t believe the DCA will be fair.
Do you have any advice? Would writing or speaking to Next reset the ‘statute barred’ clock?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
You have had pretty poor treatment from Next, I can’t think why you want to go back there! No there isn’t a way to get your case transferred, back.
I suggest you consider putting in a complaint to Next that they refused to freeze interest and charges and your debt escalated hugely. See https://debtcamel.co.uk/creditor-wont-freeze-interest/. You can do thise even though have sold the debt on.
Yes talking to the creditor will reset the statute barred clock. But this debt isn’t close to being statute barred, it isn’t realistic to hope this is going to happen.
Jack says
Thanks Sara!!
I’ll put in a complaint to Next – I take it they aren’t my ‘creditor’ anymore anyway?
Also, the default on my credit report is for £200 and the default date is July 2013, however at that time the actual debt was not £200, so it seems a bit unfair. I’m happy to pay the original but the charges seem a bit excessive!
Brad says
Is there a statute of limitations on how long the debt purchaser has to contact you to after they purchase your debt?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Not specifically for a debt purchaser. See https://debtcamel.co.uk/statute-barred-debt/ for limitations times in detail, broadly the clock starts ticking from when you last missed a payment. This doesn’t change if the debt is sold.
Maria Ashdown-Ford says
I was £50 off from clearing my debt off that I have worked soo hard to clear and when I asked to settle the account I was told they have sold the debt on …. This is soo unfair as I’m about to clear it and now am worried I will have to repay the whole debt again like has happened to me ..
What shall I do ?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Not sure why you think you will need to pay any more with a DCA? Call them up and settle your debt.
Alison Clarke says
On the 5th September 2010 I received a letter from First Plus telling me they had sold my ‘secured’ loan had been sold on to a debt collection agency.
To my knowledge I have never received any letters from the DCA & now I am selling my house FIRST PLUS (they have since ceased trading) but it is still on my land registry charges… I have not received any letters or information for over SIX years so will I still have to pay this when my house sells? Should I contact the DCA & ‘offer’ them a settlement figure?
Any advice would be very helpful please. Thanks
Sara (Debt Camel) says
The charge over your house does not become time barred so the fact you have had no contact for 6 years is probably not relevant. You need to talk to the solicitor handling your house sale about your options. you may also want to speak to a specialist debt adviser such as National Debtline 0808 808 4000.
John says
Hi Sara,
I need some advice regarding an alledged debt on a bank overdraft I had with Lloyds Bank.
I previously had a staff account with Lloyds bank which was opened in 2003 when I started working for the bank. In 2005 I requested an overdraft faciliy on my account, which started at 500 and eventually defaulted in June 2011 for approx 2.5k. The debt was sold to a company called debt managers, who appear to have later sold it to cabot financial.
I made 15 payment on the account totalling to 130, the last of which was made in Nov 2012 – it went quiet until June 2015 when I start writing letter to them asking them to prove the validity of the debt.
The last letter I wrote to them was in March 2016:
Re: Account – xxxxxxxxxxxx – Formal Complaint – Amount of debt is in dispute
“I hereby wish to make a formal complaint with regard to the above account and an alleged balance of £2500. I do not agree that this sum of money is owed and I believe that the alleged debt has been made larger by unexpected interest and charges.
I hereby request that Cabot Financial provide evidence to show the amount that is actually owed. If you have relied on a figure provided by the original lender, then it is your responsibility to ask the lender for the necessary breakdown of the figure you claim I owe.
I request your final response to this matter within eight weeks.”
They sent a letter in May 2016, advising that they would not pursue the debt until they could provide confirmation of the sum owed.
Today I have recieved a letter date 28th Feb 2017, with full copies of my bank statements going back to the date the account was opened in 2003! There is no copy of any credit agreement confirming the terms of the overdraft.
I believe that Lloyds Bank have broken data protection by sending full copies of all bank statements. I believe this is highly sensitive information and I did not consent to this information being shared with a 3rd party. Even if there is some clause within the contract that allows them to forward information to a debt collection company – surely these rights do not extend to sending copies of my bank statements from when I was 16 years old and had no overdraft facility on my account? How in any way are they pertinent to the debt recovery?
Furthermore, with the nature of the debt being linked to a bank overdraft and initial complaint alledging they have added unexpected interest and charges, without a copy of the credit agreement confirming the interest rates and charges for late payments etc. the bank statements themselves do not prove that the caluation of money owed is correct, merely that there was an overdraft facility on the account – which at no point has been in dispute.
I appreciate that this is somewhat complex – although I am confident that Lloyds have acted unlawfully in sending bank statements that precede the inception of an overdraft facility. Do you agree on this point?
Would you agree that without the credit agreement outlining terms, the bank statements do not prove the calculation of charges is accurate?
And finally – in commencing debt collection activity, while illegally posessing bank statements which precede the debt, can I also take action against cabot financial?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
I am not a lawyer, so you may want to take legal advice. But no, I don’t think Lloyds acted wrongly in sending the bank statements. You disputed the balance, the only way to prove what the balance is is to show all the credits and debits to the account. If the balance had been wrong before the overdraft started it would still be wrong now so old statements may matter. I can’t see there is anything here to dispute with either Lloyds or Cabot.
Overdrafts don’t have a consumer credit act agreement. Is there a particular reason why you think the charges were calculated incorrectly?
Lee Minshull says
hi some advice please….
we have two credit Card debts which were passed to collection agencies over 6 years ago when my husband was made redundant. I now would like to release some money from my mortgage but I am not sure if the debt agency will share the details of my accounts with my mortgage provider? are they able to see my debt information before the morgage provider makes a decision?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
A mortgage lender will look at your credit records – have you checked what they are with all three credit reference agencies? See https://debtcamel.co.uk/best-way-to-check-credit-score/ for how to do this.
A mortgage lender will also normally ask to see your bank statements, so they are likely to see any payments you are making to debts, including any to debts which aren’t on your credi record.
Jon says
I have had a credit card debt sold on. It shows a perfect payment record as I have been paying it for the last 3 years without missing a payment. It does however obviously state the name of the lender as the company who bought the debt. I’m looking at going for a mortgage in the coming months. Will the mortgage company recognise the company as a debt collector?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
A lender can’t see the names of who you have borrowed from. They can see if it is a loan, credit card or overdraft. And there is a flag that indicates payday loans. But they can’t see the names.
In theory they could piece together two different debts, the closed one from the original creditor and the new one with the debt collector and make a guess what has happened. This would seem to me to be pretty unlikely.
Jon says
Thanks Sara.
Can a lender sell the loan to a DCA just before the end of the 6 years. The DCA could then carry on as a normal loan indefinitely until it’s fully paid off, or, a fresh default for another 6 years?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Was there a default on this debt? You said there was a “perfect payment record”?
Jon says
Sorry Sara. I have 3. The one I first mentioned, and 2 others. One of the 2 that are showing as defaults is a Lloyds credit card. That is just under 5 years old. They have just written to tell me that it will be dealt with by a collector. I have a payment plan with them all that I have never missed payments on. Now they are selling it on.
George says
Hi Sara, I have two defaults for the same debt. Motormile Finance and the original lender Lending Stream. Can Motormile add a new default for this debt? Should they not have updated the original default entry with their details rather than add a completely new default? I now have two defaults for one debt and no one seems to care!
I would add this default from MMF only appeared on my credit file two years after the debt payment was missed, albeit with the correct date of the original loan agreement
Thanks for your help :)
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Hi George,
The Lending Stream debt should have been marked as settled with zero owing. If this has happened, then it’s fine, although it looks as though there are two defaulted debts, only one is taken into account in your credit score.
A couple of things to think about though:
If you borrowed several times from Lending Stream ( or from any other payday lender) read https://debtcamel.co.uk/payday-loan-refunds/ and see if you should ask for a refund of the interest you paid!
George says
Thanks for the reply keep up the good work :)
lyn Thomas says
We owe cabot £4,339.00, and pay £70 per month, we have been paying monthly payments for 12 years, and have never missed a payment. However we have now taken a drop of £460 in our monthly income, and are finding it very hard to manage. A relative has offered to give us some money, it is not a great deal, but it is very kind. Would it be alright to offer a full and final settlement for £2,200, and would they think we could pay this off and still have to pay the rest? that is a great worry. this debt was with co-op, then fredricksons, now cabot. Despite never having gone to court or missing payments, fredricksons added cort costs, solcitors fees on, many years ago.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
That is a really old debt – was it a loan, credit card or an overdraft originally?
Are you sure this never went to court so you didn’t get a CCJ?
(The reason I am asking what may sound like irrelevant questions is because there may be another option for you to try,)
lyn Thomas says
it was a unsecured personal loan taken out with the co-operative bank in February 2004, regular payments made till December 2004, then reduced payments ever since.
No we have never gone to court, we went to trading standards money advice, who set up a repayment plan with all our creditors 13 in total, they have now all been paid off, except this one, and one that Westcott recently took over which is £297, down from over £6,400. they will not give us an early settlement. We have never missed any payments, nor have any been late, (a model client apparently that is why money advice stopped helping us), now with this drop in money, it is a real struggle, hence father in law offering to pay it off, but he is not a wealthy man, and has a limited amount. We chosse this option of repayment over an IVA, we still owe over £90,000 on mortage. When we contacted cabot recently for an annual review, they did offer to lower repayments, as our plan was leaving us with £43 a week for food, clothing. we accept it was our fault in debt, which is why we feel we should pay it back, however after 12 years and another 5 or 6 is taking its toll, esp now. We are very worried that cabot will start putting interest on account, I think that is why we are worried about writing to them.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
First it is HIGHLY unlikely that Cabot will start adding interest.
As this debt is so old, the first think I think you should look at is asking Cabot to produce the Consumer Credit Act agreement for the debt. National Debtline, one of the biggest debt advice charities, have a sample letter you can use for this here https://www.nationaldebtline.org/EW/factsheets/Pages/getting-information/credit-agreement-advice.aspx#.
If they can’t produce this then you can stop paying them as they can’t take you to court. National Debtline will be able to explain this to you, they have a very friendly helpline: 0808 808 4000. I know you wanted to repay all your debts but you have been doing your best for many years and I think you have done as much (or more) then is reasonable.
lyn Thomas says
we have recieved a response from them, we offered the £2000 my father in law has offered, however they offered a settlement of £3640 on a debt of £4,121. and also wanted a fiancial statement from us, we completed this and sent it off. Now they said they need further information to pass to cabot, before our offer of £2000 can be passed to cabot. They now want to know how long is left on mortage, what is owning on it, and if we have any equity on the house, also how we have these funds for a settlement. We have already said how we have the funds, do we have to answer them re our mortage?? we have had no CCJ’s, my hubands career could be affected by one of these. we have till the end of the month to answer them.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
You don’t have to answer their questions. But then they don’t have to accept your offer.
Did you consider my suggestion to ask them to produce the CCA agreement for the debt?
lyn Thomas says
Yes we took your advice and spoke to National debt line, they said that because we felt we had a good relationship with the debt company not to ask for the CCA agreement, and just to make an offer using their template letter, which we did. (we explained to the debt line, that the company have always been understanding in their dealings with us, when we have rang them with our yearly fiancial statements, also we told them in february, we where struggling due to a £460 month drop in income, they suggested less monthly repayments, the lady on the phone was very understanding as due too a medical condition I need to eat certain foods, and said if we could not manage to ring back, it was following this conversation that my father in law offered this money).
lyn Thomas says
Do yo think we should try and borrow the shortfall of what we have offered and the final settlement figure which is £1600, from famlily members to pay it off?
Or do you think we should ask for a copy of the CCA agreement? if they produce a copy of the CCA agreement, can they take us to court, add interest, get a CCJ?
If they do not send us a copy, can we stop payments immediately? what can they do if we stop payments? Under no circmstances can we have a CCJ for employment purposes The company we are dealing with are debt managersltd, acting on behalf of Cabot. The offer of a settlement is open until the 28th of this month. I have presumed wrongly, that beacuse we have never missed a payment, and they have been understanding on the phone, that I did not want to rock the boat and ask for a CCJ, this is causing a considerale amont of worry at the minute for us.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Have they rejected your offer?
lyn Thomas says
No, they have not rejected our £2000 offer, they have said they needed more information to pass to Cabot, they then asked for a fiancial statement, which we completed then they wrote to us asking about our mortage, any equitey, how much was owed on the mortage, how much the house was worth and where this money was coming from, (we had already told them where the money was coming from) we have till the 28th to reply. they said they needed this information, before they could pass the offer to Cabot. It was an unsecured loan, with the co-op taken out feb 2004, reduced payments since jan 2005, it has been passed from co-op, to friedricksons, and now debt managers on behalf of Cabot. Never missed a payment, never had CCj
Sara (Debt Camel) says
It sounds as though you have sent them what they have asked for. You need to wait and see what they say now. If they reject the offer, you can look again at the idea of asking them to produce the account documentation, but there is no point in worrying about this at the moment.
lyn Thomas says
we have not responded to their letter asking for details on mortage, or where the money has come from. should we write back and repeat where money is coming from, and ignore answers on mortage?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
I think you should tell them what they are asking for. You have no more spare income I think you said? Then they will have to choose between the bird in the hand of the settlement you are offering or the two birds in the bush of getting low payments from you for a long while.
If you don’t tell them, they will think you are concealing something.
From what you have said, you offer sounds a reasonable one to me. If they reject it, then you can start looking at your other options, but there is no need to expect that this will be necessary.
lyn Thomas says
We wrote to debt managers giving them the information they required about our mortage and equity on the house, we recieved a response within a few days, stating that they would pass this to Cabot, but we have heard nothing from them now in almost 3 weeks. How long should we wait? and do you think it is wise to write and ask them for a copy of the CCA? I cannot understand the delay as previously they have responded within a week, also debt managers and cabot are the same address, we are slightly worried over this to be honest.
lyn Thomas says
We have recieved a reponse from debt managers ltd on behalf of Cabot, after asking about our mortage, equity, how long mortage is lasting, and how much we owe, and wanting up to date fianical statement, all of which we have sent. Our offer of £2000 early full and final settlement, has been refused, they have offered a settlement figure of £3,281.51, on a balance of £4101.89. Should we try and write to them to offer a payment in between this of £2650? or write and ask them for a copy of the CCA? we simply cannot pay that figure of £3281. any help would be appreciated. thank you
Linda Hepherd says
My comment is how many times can a bank sell on a loan that is 11/12 years old that has been payed up until last April because it changed hands yet again and somehow the collection details got lost (on their side) it now seems as if the loan has never reduced but doubled.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
There is no limit to the number of times a debt can be sold.
I suggest that you should ask for a Statement of Account, to see when the interest was added, and also a Consumer credit Act agreement as this is pretty old. See https://www.nationaldebtline.org/EW/factsheets/Pages/getting-information/credit-agreement-advice.aspx for tmeplate details.
Paul says
Hiya Sara. When an overdraft debt is sold to a DCA does all the bank statements of the original account go to them too?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Do you want the statements because you are disputing the amount owed or because you think the overdraft charges are too high or for some other purpose not connected with this account?
Paul says
I was just wondering in general if they have them as part of the selling of the debt.
I’ve had a few letters from a DCA recently about a 7 year old overdraft. Even though it’s probably statue barred I was thinking they might send the bank statements to me to show the overdraft and try and pressure me to pay it.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
statute barring is tricky for overdrafts as there is no monthly payment to be missed. I suggest you talk to National Debtline 0808 808 4000 about whether this may be statute barred and your options if it is/isn’t.
Heiress says
Please help, My sister received an address verification letter from westcot. I contacted them and was told I owed a utility company 1,560gbp between June and July 2012. I settled the utility account fully in 2012 with no outstanding. I contacted the utility company, I was told the debt was written off in 2013 and passed to debt collection. I have lived abroad since that time. Please advise. Thank you.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
I can’t really say anything about whether the debt collector would be able to pursue you whilst you are still abroad for this. Do you have any intention of returning to Britain? Where is this property?
Heiress says
Thank you. No, not anytime soon. The property is in my name in England, I am concerned because I do not know what they can do. Please, how do I proceed?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
In that case you need some advice on your options. National Debtline can be accessed from abroad, see this factsheet which has the number to call: https://www.nationaldebtline.org/EW/information/abroad/Pages/living-outside-the-uk.aspx
Carl says
Interesting post. I have a question, I have had debt from 2014 sold to Lowell. I have told them a number of times I do not feel this is right as I cancelled the mobile contract and stopped using the mobile.
I have asked for an itemised bill to demonstrate I continued to use the mobile however, to date they have provided something other than a statement that shows nothing with regards to usage.
My contract has expired 18month to two years prior so it was just a rolling agreement, but they can’t even provided details on contractual obligations……
What are they mandated to provide me with??
Sara (Debt Camel) says
You need to tell them you dispute the debt. Any proof you cancelled the contract would help. But they are likely to say you need to complain to the mobile company.
Vijay says
I have two accounts now being handled by 1stCredit .Registered Office: The Omnibus Building, Lesbourne Road, Reigate, Surrey, RH2 7JP, Registered number is: 3752940
However, I have been trying to reach them for over a week to complain about my account being mishandled (overcharging and wrong dates for the accounts) and no one has answered my emails. Also, their website is down and they are not answering their phones.
Have they gone out of business? It could have repercussions for many people who have accounts with them.
Thanks for your help.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Not so far as I know.
Shri says
In past I had a HSBC Cr.Card which is showing Defulted account with some balance on my Credit Reports. When this account actually been settled through Debt collection services in one off payment.
When I contacted HSBC regarding this. I was told that my account is written off and marked as a default account with balance which I was owing.
But in reality this account has been settled.
Need some advice or help to get this sorted.
Many Thanks.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
I suggest you write/email HSBC saying when you paid the debt off, attach a copy of your bank statements showing this, and ask them to correct your credit record.
Simon says
If a DCA buy a debt from a lender, own it and its unenforceable – Do they send it back to original lender? Thank you very much.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
If they own it, I wouldn’t have thought so, I haven’t heard of this happening. They may sell it on to another DCA. Why is the debt unenforceable?
Simon says
It was debt that was included in my bankruptcy so therefore unenforceable. DCA after contact I had with them were reasonable and agreed to change default date back to date of bankruptcy order. It’s from a bankruptcy of 6.5 years ago.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
You shouldn’t hear any more about this. If it pops up again, send the new creditor a copy of your discharge notice.
christine says
Hi, I am being chased by Westcot for the sum of £700 for a debt off £60. I owed Orange £60, but my husband was made redundant so I couldn’t pay it….I almost lost my home. I told them I wa unable to pay at the moment, but would pay it when I could. Is this fair?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Hi Christine, that sounds a difficult situation. I think you should talk to National Debtline on 0808 808 4000 about these debts and your complete situation. I hope that will give you a complete picture of what your options are now and how they may change in the future.
martine parry says
Hi Sara, When I was forced to close my business due to the 2008 recession, I struggled on but defaulted on 4 personal credit cards in 2012. They have all been paid £1 a month since then with interest frozen. I now have an offer from Cabot for one of those debts for 30% of the total owed and the letter reads that I can pay that in instalments. Before I accept this offer, I’d like your advice re dealing with them and how their offer of partially settled with nil balance affect my credit rating. Will it be another 6 years before it drops off the credit report when I make the last payment? Is there a better way to deal with all 4 creditors at the same time without bankrupcy or IVA? I’m worried that the other 3 creditors will go for CCJ as the 6 years after default will be next year. Many thanks, Martine
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Does the Cabot debt have a default date on it? Do the other three? Also how old are these accounts, when did you first open the credit card account?
martine parry says
Hi – all have the default date on my credit report (noddle). The account start date for the credit card related to the cabot debt is 26/09/2007 with the other credit cards opened in 2004, 2007 and 2005.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
OK, well any debt with a default date is going to drop off your file after 6 years whether you pay it in full, partially, carry on with the token payments or stop paying altogether. ( That last isn’t recommended as you will probably get a CCJ which will wreck your credit record for another 6 years, but the debt itself will still have dropped off.)
So if you agree this 30% F&F with Cabot, it isn’t going to hand around for another 6 years, it will go in 2018 if the default date was 2012.
The reason I asked about the start dates for the accounts is that for many credit card accounts opened pre April 2007 the debt collector will not be able to produce the correct Consumer Credit Act Agreement details… and in that case they can’t enforce the debt in court and you can stop paying…
(This can also apply to debt after April 2007 but the rules changed at that point and it’s much more likely the debt collector can comply with them.)
So one good option for the older debts is to ask them to produce the CCA agreement. More about this, including a template letter, here: https://www.nationaldebtline.org/EW/factsheets/Pages/getting-information/credit-agreement-advice.aspx. And National Debtline are good people to talk to if you are sent back something you don’t understand or you don’t think looks right.
There isn’t really a way to deal with all 4 debts at the same time and get them all to accept the same offer except through a formal debt solution such an insolvency. And at this point you don’t want that on your credit record – the time for an IVA was back in 2012,
You don’t want to make an arrangement with Cabot which means you don’t have enough to make a deal with the other three.
They aren’t going to start pushing you because the 6 years is coming up – as you are making monthly payments these debts are never going to become statute barred. But at some point they may ask you for an income & expenditure sheet to get you to pay more.
A good approach could be to save up a pot of money so you can make a F&F offer to the other debts.
martine parry says
Thank you Sara. I will send them letters and have just sent an email to Wonga re the payday loans I took out as well.
martine parry says
Hi Sara, I’m sending the letters to ask for the CCA agreement. I have the registered address and a PO Box address for Link Financial I’m unsure whether to use the registered address or PO Box address. Is there any potential issue with them saying they didn’t receive the requests if I write to either of these addresses? Should I send letters to both addresses? What would you recommend? Thanks
Sara (Debt Camel) says
I would send it to the address on the top of the last letter you received.
Margaret grimes says
Hi I’ve had sheriff officers today with a decree for an unsecured debt from 2002 , This debt has been sold on numerous times to debt collection companies I have never responded to them stupidly , I live in Scotland and the debt was with a Scottish bank , but now the debt is owned by an English based company , I was told a few years ago it was statue banned by citizens advice so I didn’t reply to letter s , what options have I got now cheers
Sara (Debt Camel) says
I’m sorry I am just going to have to point you to somewhere you can get advice on debts in Scotland: https://debtcamel.co.uk/more-information/where-to-get-help/
Karl says
Just thought I would ask. I do think your article is a little bit muddled as you refer to ‘assignment’ and than call it a ‘sale’. if a DCA is ‘assigned’ your debt from the original creditor, then I agree that you original credit agreement is still in force, provided that the original creditor informs you first. If a DCA ‘buys’ your debt, then the original CCA shouldn’t apply ?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
As the article says, this is legally an assignment but it is frequently called a sale.
The original creditor doesn’t have to inform you first.
The CCA agreement still applies after the assignment / “sale”.
Alex says
Hi i had an old rent account sold to a debt collector which includes £750 of legal charges? Is this is excessive and what can i do about it?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Go to your local Citizens Advice with full details of the rent debt and the charges added.
Shirley says
Hi Sara
I have to say the site is very informative. I hope you may be able to help. I was made redundant in 2009. I managed to pay my debts until 2011 when I had two defaults listed against me. The first default was paid off in full a few months ago and had dropped off my credit report in March this year. The second default I had been paying down, as it had been passed to Westcot a number of years ago and I have been paying them, (there are still a few months left to pay to clear the debt) this however was due to drop off my file in May as the six years are up. However when I check my credit report today (Noddle) it no longer shows on my file at all under either closed or open accounts. What can this mean?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
That it has dropped off in May as you expected? Not sure why you think this is a problem.
Debbie J says
I have a CCJ after falling behind with payments. The CCJ agrees a set payment until the debt is settled which I have paid ever since through step change. I have now received another letter from a different DCA saying I have missed two payments (I haven’t). I have not recieved notification from the original creditor or the courts that this debt has been sold on. Where do I stand on this as the CCJ states I have to pay the original creditor the money?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Contact the DCA, say you haven’t missed any payments and say you will be carrying on paying the original creditor until they tell you that the debt has been sold.
james says
Hi Sara
I recieved a final bill off british gas begining of may (about 30 days ago) when i moved and on saturday i recieved letter from debt coll comp for £20 more than final bill. Can they send it to collectiom company in this short time? Thanks
Sara (Debt Camel) says
It does seem a bit quick. Their T&Cs allow them to start charging interest 28 days after a bill (see https://www.britishgas.co.uk/products-and-services/gas-and-electricity/our-energy-tariffs/standard/terms.html). Have they also sent you a reminder? Why haven’t you paid it?
NB you have posted on an article about a debt being sold to a debt collector – this one hasn’t been, BG are just using a debt collector to try to get it paid.
james says
No reminder recieved and was waiting till i get paid mid month
Adam says
I have had a few letters now from Lowell regarding an Orange account they have brought, and they want £1300+ . I have never had an Orange account and have been with O2 since I don’t know when and can prove this. What should I do???
Thanks in advance,
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Write to them saying just that. This is not your debt, it belongs to someone else and they have wrongly matched it to you is the most likely explanation.
Josh Thomas says
Hello Sara!
I am wondering if you can help me, upon checking my credit report, I have an outstanding debt to Huthcison 3G UK LTD, upon phoning this company, I have been advised the debt as been sold on to Fredericksons debt collection company, I have since called this company and been advised that the debt has been sold back to client, I.E Hutchisons, but they are adamant they are no longer in control of this debt and neither company can help me. All I want is to settle this default. Any advice?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
It is a daft sort of problem, isn’t it. You have to stop phoning them and get these complaints put in writing. I would start with Hutchisons – send a complaint to their data controller, saying if the debt has been sold on to a debt collector then H3G should correct the entry on your credit record to show this and they should inform you of who it has been sold to.
White says
Hi Sara
Thank you for creating this website and your continued posts and replies.
Has answered questions I had :-)
There are two points however that I would be grateful if you could clarify.
From this blog post, I gather:
The DC can apply for a CCJ.
A debt will become statute-barred six years after you last acknowledged the debt e.g. by making a payment towards it.
Can you clarify what happens if the debt is 4 years old and the DC gets a CCJ and no full payment is made on the CCJ within the month for it to be removed from file.
Is the CCJ valid for 6years (from date DC filed) or 2years (time remaining on debt)?
Asking because a CCJ is 6yrs in length
Thank you for reading and looking forward to your reply
Sara (Debt Camel) says
After a CCJ the “time remaining on a debt” is no longer relevant.
A CCJ never becomes statute barred, but after 6 years from the CCJ date it can only be enforced if the creditor goes back to court.
White says
Thanks for clarifying
Can see why CCJs popular amongst DCs (read your other post on CCJs increase)
Dom says
Hi, my debt got sold to another collecter however on my credit report i have an outstanding default from the original lender but also one from the new one. Both say outstand 155.00. I am paying this today but who do i pay?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
I suggest you phone the original creditor and ask if the loan has been sold to the debt collector. If they say yes, ask them to set your balance iewed to zero and pay the debt collector. If they say no, pay them and put in a complaint to the debt collector asking them to delete the record.
Stuart Crump says
Hi Sarah, it appears when I left my previous address in 2009 I had an bank of scotland credit card and this must have been the only organization that I didn’t In form of my move as I wasn’t using it. I have just had a letter from Arrow Global who have bought a debt of £139.23 passed on to Capquest to recover. Contacted bank of scotland and only details so far is account was closed in 2013. I can only think New owner of old address was just throwing correspondence away. Interestingly in with the Arrow Global letter is a bank of scotland letter confirming Arrow Global legally own debt with my new address on it so why didn’t they ask for it first. Do I have any rights as I suspect majority of money is built up interest between 2009 and 2013 where correspondence has gone to old address. Regards Stuart
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Are you sure you never made a payment to it since 2009?
Stuart Crump says
Will do a final check with first direct who I bank with but 99% certain as have had no correspondence with them after left old address
Alan says
Hi I could do with some advice here guys and this one is a bit of a nightmare. In August 2011 HSBC took me to court and I lost so I have been paying monthly via the so called HSBC automated service. All was well until 21st July 2017 when out of the blue, it wouldn’t accept my payment. I contacted HSBC and initially told it was a banking system problem. I tried again a week later but still no go so I phoned them again only to be told the account had been sold on the 21st July and was told that I would be advised in writing. I was so annoyed about this I sent an email to the HSBC
managing director. As yet nearly one month on I have not herd from HSBC or the so called new debt owner. I was wondering can HSBC sell my debt even though the court order clearly states between claimant HSBC and defendant being me, And does the court order over ride all of HSBC’s small print policies regarding sale of accounts etc. I would be grateful for any advice on this. Thanks
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Yes a debt with a CCJ can be sold. I’m not sure what the “small print” you are referring to is?
Alan says
Thanks for the reply – is the CCJ still enforceable because the court order is between HSBC and myself. From my understanding the DCA have purchased the debt from HSBC so therefore they must have settled my HSBC debt. I have not had any official notification from HSBC or the new purchaser regarding the sale. As it stands at the moment I have no idea who has bought it or what there intentions are to continue with the debt. So my question has to be “is a court order transferable or does the whole process of recovery start all over again” Thanks
Sara (Debt Camel) says
The CCJ is still there, you will just have to make payments to the new purchaser. Is this a large debt because you have been paying it for a long while? Could you afford to make larger payments?
Alan says
It was a large amount and the reason was 2010 I had a great business then the banking collapse happened leaving me with loads of debt. HSBC decided out of the blue to call in the overdraft. That was the end of my business. Trying to do the right thing by paying everybody of has taken a long time and it’s only now that I am beginning to get straight. Which is why I am so angry with HSBC because they have not been exactly rosey in the whole sordid banking industry. What is interesting they sold my debt of on 21st July 2017 and it’s now 20th August 2017 and I have not had any notification from either HSBC (other than being told over the phone because I was trying to make a payment) or the new purchaser. I don’t know who to pay and I am rapidly becoming a month in arrears. Doe’s the new purchaser have to honour an agreement I had with HSBC and can they instruct bailiffs without even getting in touch with me? Thanks for your help
Tim says
Hi. My ‘debt’ now seems to have been passed onto a debt collection agency (DCA). The DCA have also only contacted me by one email demanding payment but since I am wary of dealing with companies demanding payment by email, I do not feel obliged to make a large payment as the email could be fraudulent. In Sept16, I purchased 2 flight tickets for Jan17 from travel agency ‘x’. 3 weeks later I had to cancel the tickets for urgent reasons. I contacted x to ask for cancellation/refund. They refused stating that the T&Cs meant that the tickets were non-refundable, but at no point did they offer me a cancellation arrangement which their website clearly says they can. The people I spoke to at x said tickets can be cancelled but this does not mean they are refundable. My point is that this was not stated when I made the booking. It is impossible for a customer to know which flights are refundable and which are not unless they are given this information clearly at the time of the booking. I was not. I later checked the t&cs for a similar booking and discovered that the t&cs were not clear about whether the tickets could be refunded. I then contacted my creditcard company to get a chargeback and got it, the claim was not challenged by the merchant. Now a DCA have contacted me by email They have asked my girlfriend to make the payment even though I originally paid. I asked the DCA to provide a copy of the original T&Cs, but they have not replied after 8 weeks.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Hi Tim, this isn’t really a debt problem so much as a consumer dispute. I suggest you go to your local Citizens Advice and ask for their help. It is quite common for a flight to be non refundable but I think you need to get advice on your specific case.
dennis gardiner says
Hi Sara just over 7 years ago the DCA acting for the owner of a Mortgage Shortfall Debt wrote to me stating they had been instructed to take no further action.Now out of the blue another Company say through a solicitor company they require payment through a payment plan and I need to contact them to arrange this.I get the feeling they are not in possession of all letters and documents,what would be the best route to take
Kind Regards
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Hi Dennis, mortgage shortfalls are complicated. In addition to the legal “Statute of Limitations” position, the FCA’s guidance and the Council For Mortgage Lenders rules may be relevant, see https://www.nationaldebtline.org/EW/factsheets/Pages/mortgage-shortfalls/mortgage-debt.aspx. I suggest you phone National Debtline 0808 808 4000 and talk through the details with them.
dennis gardiner says
Sara many thanks for your reply and the links,you are right it is complicated
angela says
Hi Sara. I have been working to improve my credit score which was good up until a few days ago, when a entry appeared by lowells for a telecommunication provider. I contacted them and they confirmed it was for a BT Account. My service with BT ended in dec 2015 and had no reason to believe any amount was outstanding. For the duration of time I was a BT Customer they never once appeared on my credit file, and still don’t. They have advised that me that a default notice wasn’t issued, this is the final bill – which I didn’t notice in my junk emails until I spoke with BT last week who confirmed the date of issue. It does not even mention default anywhere. BT have now sold the debt on – of which I was unaware of – I have received notice of assignment. Do BT even have the right to share my information with a third party 18 months after my contract has terminated? Or does this breach Data Protection laws? How can the original creditor never maintain accurate and timely information about your account including a default they have recorded with a CRA, but can then sell the debt on and the debt collection agency can? I am concerned the law has not been followed and my personal date has been used when it shouldn’t be. Any advice appreciated – Thanks
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Yes they have the right to sell it, your contract hadn’t ended as you haven’t paid the last bill.
However, if BT only sent the rival bill and didn’t send any reminders, then I suggest complaining to them that that they have not treated you reasonably. Say you are happy to pay Lowell or BT but don’t think it’s reasonable that a default should have been added, if your debt. Sold, with no communication from BT.
Angela says
Thats great thanks i will do this.
And what about the fact BT never once appeated or updated my credit file when i was with them, and only now when it has been sold on lowells has this beem registeted. Its seems so unfair that i had no visability of this until now, and that it has now ruined my credit score. Do BT not have an obligation under the CRA and ICO regulations to report data accuaratley and in a timely manner? Just one last thing the account number lowells have input on my CF is not the same as my BT account number… is this normal? Really appreciate your advice thank you.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
“Do BT not have an obligation under the CRA and ICO regulations to report data accurately and in a timely manner? ” I don’t think they are obliged to report, but anything they do has to be accurate.
Lowells can report their own account number, that isn’t a problem.
Angela says
That seems so unfair and inconsistent. If i had come across the final bill earlier, even after BT so called recorded a default in march 16, and settled this prior to it being passed on in aug 17, then this would never have been recorded on my credit file. Therefore other customers in this position who may have defaulted but settled with BT would not be disadvantaged in the same way. The bill is for £70 btw…. so disproportiante to the punishment. Is this not a reasonable argument? Also how does a third party have rights to report my details when BT have not notified me that the bill has been sold on? Thanks again
Sara (Debt Camel) says
I suggest your complaint majors on the unfairness. Trying to suggest Lowell have no legal right to report to the credit reference agencies isn’t really going to help your case – it is bizarre but there is no legal requirement for you to be notified before a default is added.
angela says
Thanks Sara. I’m sorry but I have some more questions (but I really do appreciate your input.)
Im advised BT T+C say – ”If you don’t pay your bill, we may give your details, including your personal information, to a debt-collection agency and ask them to collect the money for us. If we do, you’ll have to pay an extra charge to compensate us. The charge won’t be more than the amount we have to pay to the debt-collection agency, who will add the charge to your debt. VAT will not be added to any extra charge we add to your bill.We might also transfer your debt to any other business (in which case, your personal information will also be transferred) who may then try to recover the amount in a way it considers suitable. This clause continues to apply after the agreement with us has ended.”
In this, There is No mention that your account can be recorded as in default? Nor that they will update CRA Records.
(which they personally haven’t done only appearing via the DCA, however with a record from BT of the default date.)
If they have not stated in the T+C’s that your credit file will be effected do they have the right to register and record a default and report this information on you? BT are yet to issue me with a copy of the T+C’s that actually include this clause above. They have signposted me to their website and this clause is not in the general T+C’s they have on there? I’m awaiting an update re this.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
It’s certainly worth asking BT to explain where you consent to having your dated reported.
angela says
My last questions now…
If BT have failed to ever report my payment history to a CRA, nor record a default at the time they recorded it on their records, and it only appeared 18 months later by Lowells, would this demonstrate that they have not followed ICO Guidelines that state reporting of account information should be in an ‘accurate and timely manner’?
It would appear BT are only ever recording negative information on a customer.
The final bill does not state the account is in default. Or that a default will be recorded against me, or give me a 14 day timescale, if not brought up to date. It says ”you must bring your account up to date now. What will happen if you don’t pay now
We’ll pass your details to a debt collection agency, which could affect your credit rating and any future credit.”
If BT T+C’s don’t mention anything about payments effecting credit rating, then how can they then state this in your bill?
If the T+C have changed post my contact ending with them, do they apply to me? Or would I have to have been issued with a new copy and agree to them? Does ‘transfer your debt’ include the selling on of your debt? Thanks
Sara (Debt Camel) says
“If BT have failed to ever report my payment history to a CRA, nor record a default at the time they recorded it on their records, and it only appeared 18 months later by Lowells, would this demonstrate that they have not followed ICO Guidelines that state reporting of account information should be in an ‘accurate and timely manner’?
It would appear BT are only ever recording negative information on a customer.”
I don’t think this argument will get you anywhere.
“If BT T+C’s don’t mention anything about payments effecting credit rating, then how can they then state this in your bill?”
As I said, it is a good idea to ask where in your T&Cs you gave consent for BT to report information to a CRA.
“If the T+C have changed post my contact ending with them, do they apply to me? Or would I have to have been issued with a new copy and agree to them? ”
what typically happens is that BT would have written to you saying there was a change in your account t&cs, enclosing a copy, and saying that by continuing to use the account you will have accepted these.
“Does ‘transfer your debt’ include the selling on of your debt?”
SG says
I appear to have 2 defaults for the same accoutn by two different originators… is this correct?
or can i ask for one to be removed
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Was one the original creditor and one the debt collector it has been sold to?
SG says
Yes that is correct
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Then having 2 defaults is fine. The one with the original creditor should have been marked as closed with zero owing. And the new one should have the same default date as the original one. If both of those are correct, this is nothing to worry about, the credit scoring systems treat it as just 1 defaulted debt.
S says
I have an account with EE which was “sold” to Vanquis for repayment back in 2016. I have been paying £10:19 each month for the past two years to clear the debt( balance now £700).
EE have placed a default on my credit file in June 2018,
is this correct?
can i ask them to remove it as i am paying the debt off?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Sold to Vanquis? Are you sure that is the right name?
John Awde says
Hi I have a CCJ its over 9 years old and has just been sold by HSBC to Cabot , I have never missed a payment and have already made agreed to pay same monthly amount.
Will this now appear on my credit file and if yes what will it show as
Thanks John
Sara (Debt Camel) says
No, this is not going to reappear.
Steve says
Hi Sara,
I had a loan with Lending Steam in 2010 and they placed a default on my account in 2012. The debt was sold to PRA Group in 2014 and they placed a duplicate default notice on my file.
I asked LS to provide information on the default which they couldn’t find and have agreed to remove the default. However, PRA Group have refused to remove their entry.
Do PRA Group have to remove the default? I haven’t paid anything on the loan since 2010
Sara (Debt Camel) says
it us a shame you asked LS to remove the default – you shoukd have asked them to backdate it to 2010 and then you could have told PRA to copy the LS default date. Now you have to ask PRA to backdate the default to 2010, see https://debtcamel.co.uk/debt-default-date/.
michael RLP says
Please accept my sincere apologies if this question has already been answered but when a lender sells a debt to a DCA which has already defaulted and then the original lender marks the default as settled with the credit reference agencies is there then a specific time frame (i.e 6 month e.t.c) in order for the DCA to put the debt in there name with the defaulted balance and original default date from the original lender? Many Thanks for your help!
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Not that I am aware of. Not sure why you would care if they don’t?
CharlieP says
Hi Sara,
I have been looking at my credit report on Experian today. I have defaulted with lenders in the past subsequently my account has been passed to debt recovery agents (I have a few). I have payments plans in place with the debt recovery agents. How should this appear on my credit report? My original lenders are showing on there as defaulted (which I know is correct), but should the debt recovery agent be on there to show I am paying it back?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
have your debts all be sold to dcas? or are some of them still with the original creditor who is just using a dca to collect? It makes a difference…
CharlieP says
Umm I’m not sure…as stupid as that sounds. I think its a case of DCA collecting on behalf of the creditor. So come to think of it I assume that’s why the original creditor would show on my report then?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
If the DCA is collecting on behalf of the creditor, the DCA will not show on your report, the creditor debt will show as not settled and either in arrears or in default.
If a debt has been sold to a DCA, the debt to the original creditor will show as closed with a balance of zero. The DCA will usually have added a new record, if you can’t see it it may be because the DCA doesn’t report to the credit reference agency you are checking. Check all three CRAs for free: https://debtcamel.co.uk/best-way-to-check-credit-score/.
Ann says
Hi Sarah I had a card with capital one with a limit of £200. I was then off work as I lost my dad and suffered depression I had cover for if was off ill but they said it didn’t cover for my illness. So I couldn’t pay. Anyway they was saying if I didn’t pay they would take me to court I was telling then to do that but it went up to almost £1000 when they took me to court. I was to pay £10 a month ( this I did for along time ) anyway it then got sold on so was paying them every month never missed any. They the last month or so a company call pra has been ringing my mobile I did answer it and told them I was paying it to someone but when I looked at my bank it has stopped. Noone has sent a letter or anything and they keep ring I just don’t answer them but sick of all the call from them. I did tell them to send a letter but never got one. This depth has been going on now for over 15 years do I still need to pay this pra crap? Sorry for the long letter thank you Ann
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Hi Ann do you remember when they took you to court?
Rhubarb says
Hello. i had a £5k cc debt that defaulted 5+ years ago that was sold onto a DCA about 4 years ago – this DCA then sold it onto ‘themselves’ again under another name about 3 years ago. Whilst i would love for it to go statue barred i am realistic that they may try for the CCJ route at some time. however i have noticed that in this last year, they are showing an increase in the debt of nearly 2k, but the defaulted balance has stayed the same.
no payments no communication. last chaser from them was 4 years ago when they tried the ccj route, which they withdrew court proceedings [letter from them and also court to confirm] as i advised them that i was in ill mental health [proof available] and i was still waiting for them to supply proof/paperwork and that they should not have commenced ccj route as i was still waiting for them to respond to my original request. they didn’t supply paperwork but sold it on [different name but same group]. so since then i have not heard from them.
i don’t want to wake the sleeping tiger, but concerned that this debt appears to have increased recently [according to credit file].
Sara (Debt Camel) says
If you don’t want to “wake the sleeping tiger” there isn’t much you can do. What sort of debt was this?
Rhubarb says
Hi. It was a CC debt. On credit file CC is defaulted and closed. Dca has original amount as same default balance but then shows the higher amount in balance due.
I will write to them if I.must but wondered why this increased figure and can I challenge? Wondering if they doing this to try to get reaction? Thx.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
You have asked them to produce the CCA agreement and they haven’t? not sure why you would want to talk to them – does it really matter what these numbers are?
Rhubarb says
I suppose it doesn’t until they go down ccj route…… which they prob will as deadline approaches…..
So if they are adding charges?… just think it’s a bit suspicious and of course the debt increasing even though no communication since original time.
Thx .
Gordon says
Hi Sara
Debt with Cabot – Lloyds Loan&CC . When a CCA has been requested for an old debt circa 2000 (payments may be proved through a DMC in the last six years – payments stopped about four years ago) and only a copy agreement is provided, have you experience of success in court challenging this?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
It depends on what exactly they have provided you with. There are certain terms CCAs must contain. You should have been sent a separate one for a CC and a loan. Good people to talk to are National Debtline or you could try the Legal Beagles forum.
Gordon says
Thanks Sara, nothing received yet! I have only received a reply saying they have requested the relevant details which include a copy of the credit agreement statement of account and original and varied T&Cs from original lender – this came over six weeks after my original S77,78,79 request. Their letter is dated 25th of August 17. I am not expecting a signed agreement but a copy – we shall see. I have never had an annual statement of account from them either which I am sure is not legal?
The letter only mentions the CC as the debt
sherrie says
i loaned some money to a relative who said they would pay me £500 a month back they still owe me £1700, have not payed me anything since feb, they are now ignoring me and have no intension of paying me back, can i sell this loan balance to a dca
Sara (Debt Camel) says
No. Debt collectors don’t buy this sort of contract between private individuals.
sherrie says
thank you for the reply
Ryan Thomas says
Hi there,
I have a complicated issue and I’m not sure how to deal with it. In a nutshell I had a payday loan with uncle buck its since gone to a company called tm legal services. I moved and thought I had payed it back (I was borrowing from one lender to pay of the other at the time so I lost track) now this tm legal is sending the normal letters were sending bailiffs blah blah blah, they have got a ccj out on me however while trying to remember the loan I went back threw my old bank statements and see that unclebuck deposited 335 into my account. Tm legal are claiming is was 350 now I know it’s only 25 pound but surely intrest and charges before they sold it would be wrong if it was calculated at that. I sent the statement to tm legal who said they will contact uncle buck. Where do I go from here. I have a ccj against me for the wrong amount don’t they have to get a new one is the old agreement even legal if they didn’t pay what we agreed im not sure
Any help would be appreciated
Sara (Debt Camel) says
did you get the court papers for the CCJ?
350-335 = 15 not 25. Is it possible you paid a £15 extra charge for faster payment?
It sounds as though you may have had a lot of payday loans? If you did, have you looked at whether you can get payday loan refunds? See https://debtcamel.co.uk/payday-loan-refunds/ for details.
Yvonne says
Hi there,
My partner just received a letter from a debt collector saying they bought his debt and he owes them over 600pounds. He doesn’t remember what he supposedly bought in 2010 and didn’t pay for since 2011. We have been together since 2010 and never before received any letters that he owes money. He called them up to ask them what this was all about but they didn’t give him an answer as to what it was he bought 12 years ago. He was send another letter and asked to fill in a budget plan.
Do we have to answer to these letters?
Thanks in advance for any answers
Sara (Debt Camel) says
“He doesn’t remember what he supposedly bought in 2010 and didn’t pay for since 2011.”
“they didn’t give him an answer as to what it was he bought 12 years ago.”
Is the “12 year” bit right? Who was the original creditor, they must have told you this?
Sending a “Prove It!” letter is probably his best option, see https://debtcamel.co.uk/prove-it/.
Yvonne says
Yes, it was 2010 when he bought something and stopped paying for it 2011. That’s what he’s been told. We have been thinking hard what it could be he purchased that year but cant remember. He had just moved in with me back then (no big purchases necessary). They didn’t answer his question as to what it was or who the creditor is. They deflected and tried to get information like where he works, how much he earns and so on.
I will have a look at the letter you suggested. Thanks
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Definitely don’t give them any information until they have told you more about the debt.
Hayley byrne says
Hi I’ve just had a call from a company called county collections saying that I still owe money on a payday loan I took out 7 years ago with speedy dosh I thought I had repaid this in full I’ve asked them to prove I still owe the money but they said the onus is on me to prove that I had paid it off, as it was so long ago I no longer have the records! They have said it’s not statute barred as I had correspondence with the company less than 6 years ago,. My credit file is now immaculate and I’m worried they will now put something on my file !!
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Speedy Dosh went into liquidation in 2014. Has the debt collector told you the date you took the loan out? Do you think you would have paid it on time?
If you are sure that you would not have corresponded with Speedy Dosh you could email them at customer@countycollectionsltd.com and say something along the lines of
“I have been contacted by you on dd/mm regarding an alleged loan from Speedy Dosh taken out 7 years ago. I deny any liability for this. I do not recollect this specific debt but so far as I know all the loans I had at that time were repaid in full. In any case, if any money is still owing it would be statute barred. To the best of my recollection, I have had no correspondence with Speedy Dosh over the last six years – if you feel this is incorrect can you please send me a copy of it.”
You could also ask them to produce the CCA agreement for the debt (See this fact sheet from National Debtline https://www.nationaldebtline.org/EW/factsheets/Pages/getting-information/credit-agreement-advice.aspx) but this could wait until you get a response to your complaint.
If the payday loan was 7 years ago then any default should be over 6 years ago, so it can’t be added to your credit record. the only exception was if you had set up an arrangement to pay that lasted a long while, but you would be likely to have remembered that. The danger to your credit record is not having a default added but the debt collector going for a CCJ.
AndynJonno says
Hi Sara,
I took out a credit card in 2004 and after some financial trouble around 2009 the account became defaulted. The account went to a debt collector, i dont know if they bought the debt, and I have been paying the balance at £15 a month since 2009. I recently checked my credit file and the default has “fell off” and no longer showing. I am continuing to pay the debt collector – is this still the correct thing to do? Or will they now issue a ccj? I have suffered a long time due to my personal circumstances in 2009 and I want my credit file to recover and have no ccjs entered to my file now the defaults have “gone.” What is your advice regarding this very old account? Can the debt now be unenforceable?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Hi AndynJonno,
I suggest you read https://debtcamel.co.uk/paying-old-debt/ which looks at this situation.
Frank says
Hi Sara,
I have a debt with Vanquis of about £2000, which was frozen for around 2 years. I Have not contacted them as I’m not in a position to start paying till I finish my post grad next September but the debt has just now been sold to Lowell. I was meaning to complain about unfair lending/credit raises without my asking etc but left it as a ‘sleeping lion’ till I could pay whatever was left. If I tell Lowell the amount is in dispute how does this help? Will it freeze any further action please?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
yes, if there is a dispute underway, Lowell should not take any enforcement action until it is resolved.
Do you know if you ever had ROP on your Vanquis card? If you did or you are not sure, read this: https://debtcamel.co.uk/vanquis-rop-refund/.
Frank says
Oh brilliant, thanks! Such a relief – I was panicking a little!
I’m not sure about ROP but I’ve written asking for details of all charges, interest, late/missed payments and charges so it should hopefully be in there. I think I managed to turn it down, I remember when I phoned to activate the card/account they tried to sell it to me as something I needed rather than optional and I’m pretty sure I said that I’ll not take the card if that’s the case! But I may have been swayed/persuaded in the end, I just don’t remember as it was so long ago.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
I think you should ask specifically about ROP. Also you aren’t likely to get sent details of all the interest you paid… you need to put in an unaffordable lending complaint without all this.
Frank says
OK thank you, I will. I am now getting daily phonecalls from Lowells, an automated message asking me to call them back. I already sent them a letter telling them the amount was in dispute. I’m starting to keep a record of the calls, just in case I need it but can I make them stop hassling me while the Vanquis debt is sorted out please?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
£2000 is a pretty large balance, the chance of this all being written off with a ROP refund is very small. So it may be simpler to make an arrangement to pay Lowell an amount you can afford each month. This won’t harm you ROP complaint.
Frank says
Yes, I realise that and I never expected it to write it off completely, though there will be other interest/charges that may make a good dent in it. As I said before I am on a very low income and cannot pay them, if I do it will be coming out of tax credits. So they can still pester me for payment, even if they cannot take court action?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
It is just simpler to offer them £1 a month – send them an income & expenditure sheet showing this is all you can afford. See https://tools.nationaldebtline.org/yourbudget/ for a budget sheet you can print out.
You can put in a complaint to them saying you feel they are harassing you, but how much do you like dealing with these complaints? Paying them £1 a month may just seem simpler.
Mel says
Hi Sara, I wonder if you could help. I had a secured loan with Welcome Finance. They’ve since gone bust and sold my account to Cabot then to legal ascent. The loan total was for £15000, I was paying £300 a month for 4 years since 2009. When it was sold to cabot, I asked to reduce my payments and now pay £100 a month. Yet the balance to date is around £12000. My questions are:
1. Are all welcome finance secured loans really secured on the property?
2. If so, can the title deed be transferred to a debt collector?
3. Is there anything I could do with regards to the high interest rate?
4. Does 6 year status barred apply to secured loans? (If it really is secured)
Sara (Debt Camel) says
I’ll give some brief answers, but really I think you should talk to a debt adviser about your options, see https://debtcamel.co.uk/more-information/where-to-get-help/. Expensive secured loans can be very difficult to deal with, but just plodding on doesn’t really get rid of them as you are finding.
1. you can check what security there is by looking at the Land Registry information https://www.gov.uk/get-information-about-property-and-land/search-the-register
2. yes this can happen
3. probably not unless you could remortgage to pay off this loan?
6. no, the security never becomes statute barred.
Ash says
Hi Sara,
I paid off a small debt (£135 approx) with British Gas (BG) 3 days after it appears they passed on the debt to a debt collector, although i was never notified. I know it is a collector judging by the telephone number search i did. I only realised a week after paying that my house phone was getting a couple of calls a day while i was at work. ( I use a mobile for contact so never really check the house phone habitually). BG claim no knowledge of having sold a debt and that accounts are settled and up to date. I get phone calls but no letters from this collector. I’ve not contacted them as I’m not sure of my rights.
Shouldn’t there be some sort of written communication from BG to say they have passed on a debt? It all seems very strange as they are not acknowledging it. Should I ignore calls until written communication is provided?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Has the person calling left a message saying it’s about a British Gas debt?
Ash says
It’s only British Gas which I can think of. I only have utility bills which are not direct debit and i was late on one bill, stupidity / forgetfulness was the cause, that’s all. I have the payment references and confirmations but worried I was unwittingly too late and it was sold after without my knowledge.
I would call this company but i hear all sorts of horror stories. I will turn on the answer machine and see if they leave a message.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
I think you are making a lot of assumptions – you could do with some facts. It doesn’t sound as though there should be a BG problem.
Remy says
Hi Sara,
Hope you are keeping well.
Please I wonder if you can help me with below enquires.
I had a catalogue account which was defaulted more than 6 years ago with a payment plan with the creditor. After 6 years the default on my credit file disappeared from my credit file but I kept with the payment plan as there are still balances left to pay the creditor.
I checked my credit file recently and I noticed there has been another default registered on my account from Lowell Group for the same debt I’ve been trying to pay off
Please my question is:
1. Can Lowell group registered another default on my credit file which will last another 6 years? Their entry is shown the defaulted started a month after the original default came off my credit report
2. The amount registered from Lowell do not reflect all the monthly payment I have paid the original creditor.
Can kindly advice on above two questions if you can please.
Thank you
Sara (Debt Camel) says
1. no they can’t. Email Lowell and tell them a default was added to the original debt and they should use that date.
2. Ask Lowell for a statement of the account as you don’t think it’s right. That should let you show clearly what they have missed.
Remy says
Hi Sara,
Thank you very much for this information – this is really very helpful.
I’ll let you know how things go with Lowell.
Many thanks
Andrew Barker says
Hi, I took a joint morgage out with Northern Rock roughly 2006, The house got repossessed in 2010, Ive not acknowledged or made any payments since then, If a debt collection agency purses this how long have they got before its statued barred?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Do you have any idea if your ex has made any payments or acknowledged the debt since repossession?
(NB assuming you have split up as you didn’t mention your partner.)
Andrew says
No she hasn’t
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Here is National Debtline’s factsheet on mortgage shortfalls https://www.nationaldebtline.org/EW/factsheets/Pages/mortgage-shortfalls/mortgage-debt.aspx. As you will see, it is complicated. I suggest you read it and then phone them and and talk to them about the details of your situation.
SM says
My wife had an alleged credit card debt sold to Arrow earlier this year, who appointed Moorcroft to collect; we received one letter from them in July of 2017 suggesting we contact to make a payment.
Since then, we have heard nothing. Do Moorcroft need to give us notice if they are pursuing a CCJ?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
You should get a Letter Before Claim/Action, see https://debtcamel.co.uk/letter-before-claim-ccj/ before a court case is started. Unless there is any danger that this would go to the wrong address, you shouldn’t just wake up to find she has a CCJ.
But realistically these sorts of debts don’t disappear or get forgotten, if that is what you are hoping for.
SM says
We’re not hoping it’s going away, just concerned we’d not heard anything.
We’ve lived at the same address for almost 5 years and letters for the original debt were sent here (and it’s where we got the notification they’d sold to Arrow) so there’s no danger of that.
It’s just we’d expect to have heard something is all.
John says
Hi! Can they make the bank to take money out of your bank account without your permission? I haven’t worked in the last 3 months and I was in an debt management plain which I stopped to pay in the moment I quit my job same happened with my phone contract! So now I’m a bit worried because I have some savings to lay on and I’m afraid not to be taken out by them! Hopefully I will find answer here
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Two cases. 1) If you owe money to your bank – a loan or a credit card say – then they will usually be able to access mone6 in your current or savings account using something called a “set off”. I would hope this doesnt apply to you as your DMP firm should have advised you to switch bank accounts.
2) in other cases it is theoretically possible but incredibly rare. The lender first has to get a CCJ (which will take many months if you defend the case) and then go through some long legal processes. Yiu don5 need to worry about this.
Have you considered offering a token £1 a month to each lender explaining that you are unemployed? https://debtcamel.co.uk/token-payment-debt/
Sean says
If a Debt company “BUYS” my Debt, can you Legally send them a letter stating your name ref number etc, telling them “Thank you for buying my debt” and the Debt is then theirs, surely this can happen as they buy your debt so the debt is then theirs to pay??
Sara (Debt Camel) says
A debt is a contract between two people – the borrower (you) and the lender. When the lender “sells a debt” he is selling not “the whole debt” but “his rights as the creditor”. Your half of the debt – your obligations as a borrower – still exist, you just have to repay the money to someone else.
Steve says
Hi, I sent a letter to Lending Stream asking for 30 days breathing space on the three loans I have with them. The loans were all up to date and no payment was due for another 2 weeks. They emailed me back the following day to say the debt had been transferred to a debt collection agency called Credit Resource Solutions (CRS) Is this legal as I have read they should not take any action under the professional bodys code of practice?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
I’m not sure what bit of what code of practice you are referring to? Most of them aren’t terribly useful :( It’s usually best to concentrate on your situation and what should happen next.
HAve you cancelled the CPA to LS ? What were you planning to do in the 30 days, are you taking debt advice? Do you have other debts as well?
Did you have other loans from LS before these three? Have you read https://debtcamel.co.uk/payday-loan-refunds/ ?
Steve says
Hi Sara,
Yes I am taking debt advice from Citizens Advice and have other debts with payday loan companies. I have cancelled the CPA and LS have sent me several emails and texts today reminding me of my non payment yesterday which I find confusing as they passed my account to a DCA 2 weeks ago despite the accounts being up to date. I have had other loans with LS and yes I have today sent all my lenders requests for refunds of interest and charges on multiple loans. My question is why have they transferred the loans to a DCA when my accounts were up to date?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Well you will have to ask LS that! But it really doesn’t matter, just tell the DCA that you are currently getting advice from Citizens Advice and your are disputing the debts with LS.
Jim Dobbin says
Hi there,
I had a mortgage with GE Money and voluntary terminated in 2009. My home was then sold in 2010 and a shortfall was outstanding which was never paid or paid towards. The debt was then passed on to “Capital Recoveries” which is a subsidiary of DMS (Debt Management Solutions). My last contact with them was in 2014 and they were working on behalf of GE Money and hadn’t actually purchased the debt. Contact stopped in July 2014 from both sides.
Recently I was advised to contact previous creditors with a Debt and Mental Health Evidence Form (DMHEF) given that during this time and since I was, and am, in poor mental health. Anyhow, my letter containing the DHMEF was returned from Capital Recoveries as “Undeliverable: Gone Away. No longer resides.” So I decided to do some digging and I see that Capital Recoveries are no longer and neither are GE Money. It seems GE sold their debts in 2015 and I haven’t heard a word about this from either them or their new debt owners. They had my correct contact details as previous letters attest to and given it is almost 3 years since GE Money ceased in the UK I am wondering how long they or the debt’s new owners had/have to contact me with notification of debt transfer and appropriate communication details?
I’ve searched high and low online and I can’t seem to find the information I’m looking for but this could easily because I am using the incorrect search strings.
Can you shed any light on my enquiry?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
I will start by saying that it is a shame you didn’t go bankrupt back in 2009/10 – this would all have been over long ago if you had. That doesn’t help you but it may help someone else who reads this.
It depends whether the contacts you had with GE Money count as “acknowledging the debt”. If they did, then the mortgage shortfall will probably become “statute barred” 12 years after your last contact, so another 9 years :(
However as the years go by it’s less likely that you will hear from anyone, but it can’t be ruled out. But even if you do hear from the new creditor, they may well not have the correspondence that you had with Capital Recoveries, so in practice the statute barred time may start from 2010.
I guess you are asking for this debt to be written off? I suggest you keep a copy of the letter you sent, also the returned envelope somewhere safe. Then if anyone does contact you, explain you have been trying to sort this out and send them the copies. I know this must feel unsatisfactory and you would rather get this sorted, but there is no easy way to do this as the new creditor may refuse a write off anyway.
Jim Dobbin says
Hi Sara,
Many thanks for your response and apologies for the long delay in responding.
I decided to contact GE Money directly for more information. They say that that they “are not actively pursuing the debt”. I asked them to tell me what exactly that meant for me I was informed that the account had “been settled with a shortfall which wasn’t being actively pursued”. I pressed them on this and asked does that mean I am not being pursued now but I could be in the future 5 or 10 years down the line? I was told they would not be pursuing it at all. I asked for proof of this in writing and was promised that a “Letter of No Further Interest” would be posted. That was before Xmas and this week when I still hadn’t received said letter I called again and this time got speaking with someone who seemed more amicable. She informed me that the letter had not yet been posted, apologised and said that she would post it that day. I took that opportunity to press her on what this mean for me and she said that GE Money won’t be coming after me for the balance as “they are no longer interested in it”.
So. The name of the letter itself would suggest that should GE Money or any third party ever chase me for the debt in the future they likely wouldn’t have much of a case, would you agree? Are you familiar with these letters? Can you add anything else to this?
Thanks again
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Well when you get it, file it away, then you can produce it if anyone in future does contact you.
lola says
my issue is an old pay day loan with quick quid. They did not default me at the time and i now have 4 months to go before being SB. BUT they sold the debt to MMF three weeks ago and MMF are now threatening to default – which would just ruin everything
The original loan for £125 was taken out in 2010 and i repeatedly rolled every month over for 2 years until i reached the ridiculous amount of £1700 – at the time of the original loan i was in an utter mess, 8 defaults on my file, i was in a DMP and had at least 2 other pay day loans (WONGA and PAYDAY UK) – i was robbing peter to pay paul constantly. I worked really hard to break the cycle and i would like to eventually get a mortgage so want to fight on
i would really appreciate some advice , i think the best way to go would be to go for an unaffordability claim to QQ, my ideal would be for MMF to not be able to register a default as the thought of another 6 years of a rubbish file is heart breaking after all i have been through
So should i a) contact QQ and put a claim in using step 2 of #Debtcamel’s excellent templates (i have ALL the agreements so its easy to list) and should I B) tell MMF that i am in dispute or ignore them completely for now – i really don’t want to risk the default
do you think i have a chance, am kicking my self for not doing the unaffordablity router but didn’t want to reset the clock, thank you all in advance for your help
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Yes put in a complaint to QQ now. Also tell MMF that the loan is in dispute with QQ and ask them to hold off on any court action.
In your situation a default doesn’t matter – if MMF add one now, you can tell them to correct it as it should have been back in 2012. The real danger is MMF going for a CCJ.
It is a great shame you didn’t put in an affordability complaint earlier because many of your QQ loans will not be over 6 years old and these cases take a lot longer to get decided. But all you can do is put your complaint in right now.
(Of course you do have one other option – to pay off MMF.)
Do you also have Wonga and Payday UK loans outstanding?
lola says
thanks for getting back to me
no nothing outstanding from Pay day UK or Wonga all paid (wonga wrote it off and i paid Payday UK) – last loans taken out Apr 2012
I really do want to fight the QQ one as they had soo much interest from me and i was in such a bad state ! MMF have a fair few steps to go before going for a CCJ i’d say so I will follow your advice put the dispute in now
is there anywhere I can find more information about the 6 year rule and pay day loans?
thanks so much for your help
Nick says
I’d be grateful for any advice on a debt that’s been sold to a dca.
The dca has recently approached me offering a reduced settlement on 2 accounts purchased from HSBC (currently part of a dmp).
Before responding I wanted to check the status of the accounts and obtained 3 separate credit reports, all of which to my amazement show me as having an excellent score! The accounts defaulted in 2006 with HSBC and no longer show on my credit file.
The dca have stated if the offer is accepted my credit file will be marked as ‘partially settled’.
Does this mean these old accounts will reappear on my credit file and ruin my score? I was under the impression that any such note would have to be back dated to the default date in 2006 and therefore wouldn’t appear as the account has dropped off my file. However my dmp have advised me some dca’s can be spiteful and issue a new default in the event of a partial settlement and then mark the file ‘partially settled’. Am I right in thinking this is incorrect as a second default can’t be added to an already defaulted debt? Or does the dca have cart blanche to do whatever they like once they have purchased the debt?
The reason I ask all of this is a relative is prepared to help pay off a lump sum reduced settlement. But it seems there is no point if this is going to adversely affect my credit when I can just continue to give them a few £ a month via my dmp and maintain my ‘excellent’ score
thanks in advance for any help
Sara (Debt Camel) says
No, these debts will NOT reappear on your credit record, see https://debtcamel.co.uk/ff-credit-record/. WHich DMP firm told you they might?
I hope the DCA is offering a very big discount.
Nick says
Hi Sara,
Many thanks for the quick reply.
It was one of the advisers at StepChange who was under the impression the DCA could effectively resurrect the account by issuing a new default and mark it ‘partially settled’.
After years of silence the DCA came out of nowhere with a 54% discount. I have countered with 33% but they tell me they are unable to consider any offer without me filling in an extensive income/expenditure form. I’m told this is generous on my part and should have been more like 20-25%.
So just to confirm, my bargaining position is such that they can’t do me (my credit score) any harm?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Correct, they can’t add a new default. It is reasonable for them to ask for an I&E form – what level of discount will depend on what that shows.