This page brings together many of Debt Camel’s articles about CCJs to answer the common worries people have:
- concerns that you might get a CCJ,
- questions about the court forms and processes,
- problems after a CCJ has been issued, and
- issues about credit records.
What exactly is a CCJ?
A County Court Judgment (CCJ) is a decision (“a judgment”) by a court in England, Wales or Northern Ireland that you have failed to repay money you owe. The CCJ sets out how much is owed, how the money should be repaid and when – it is possible to get the payments details changed.
A CCJ is not a criminal conviction and you cannot be sent to prison for not paying a CCJ.
CCJs are used for all types of consumer debt – credit cards, loans, overdrafts, catalogues etc. These are the main types of debts considered here, but CCJs are also used for other court claims involving money. For example, you could sue a builder for defective work, or your builder could sue you if you haven’t paid his bill.
They aren’t used for all types of debt, for example Council Tax debts go a Magistrates Cout, not a County Court, and you would get a Liability Order, not a CCJ.
Worried you might get a CCJ?
If you can’t make the usual debt repayments you may be worrying about courts and bailiffs – perhaps you have already had scary letters or phone calls.
Often people are worrying unnecessarily. Read:
Those articles explain what you can do manage your situation. The worst thing you can do is try to ignore the problem – by taking action it is massively less likely that any of these worrying things will happen.
It’s important to consider your full situation: your income, expenditure and other debts. There is no point in trying to sort out one problem creditor by offering an amount of money which means you won’t be able to pay your other debts so they will take you to court… You need to look at what your good debt options are.
How many people get CCJs?
In the first three months of 2024, there were 274,000 CCJs against individuals. Many of these were for quite small amounts – half were less than £600. Registry Trust estimates that more than 10% of the CCJs were for parking parking tickets.
My guess is that most of these CCJs were for people who were trying to ignore a debt. Some will be for people who had no idea about it as the court papers went to a previous address.
If you are making monthly payments, even small ones, most lenders and debt collectors will not want the bother – and cost – of going to court.
CCJ letters, forms and court processes
Before a case goes to court
Before a creditor can take you to court, they must follow the Pre Action Protocol for Debt that was introduced in October 2017. This means you should get a Letter Before Claim (it may have a slightly different name), with a Reply Form where you can ask for more information, including a complete statement of your account and a copy of your written agreement for the debt. Until you have been sent this, the creditor can’t go to court.
This may look complicated, but it’s good news! Read How to Reply to a Letter Before Claim for details, including a list of reasons you may have to challenge this debt and not get a CCJ.
It is much easier to ask for more information at this stage or say why you are challenging it than to wait and have to defend a court case.
Don’t assume these letters are a bluff, if you ignore them you are very likely to get taken to court next.
A Claim form is the start of a court case
The court process starts when you are sent a Claim Form.
Don’t worry if the form says Northampton County Court – you don’t have to go to Northampton. In most cases there isn’t a court hearing at all. If there is, it will be in your local County Court.
Read What to do if you get a Claim Form – that covers:
- making sure it is a claim form (N1), not just a letter threatening court;
- some reasons to dispute the debt (eg is the amount wrong? have you repaid it? is it too old so it is statute barred? etc);
- what to do if you agree you owe the money and want to make an offer of monthly payments.
If the Claim Form is sent to an old address you may not find out about it or may get it too late to reply. In this situation, the court will award your creditor a judgment “in default” as it will assume you agreed that you owed the money. See below for what to do if this happens.
National Debtline are a great source of advice on everything to do with CCJs,
from guidance on court forms, proceedings, laws, etc to discussing your possible alternatives.
If you do get a CCJ
Your creditor won the case, you have received a letter from the court saying you have a CCJ, so what are your options? The worst thing to do is to ignore it, no matter how impossibly large the debt may feel. Briefly your options are:
- pay it in full – if you can do this within a month then the CCJ will disappear from your credit record;
- start making the monthly payments the court set;
- if the court said you have to pay the whole amount immediately (“forthwith” is the legal term for this), or set monthly payments that you can’t afford, you can ask for this to be changed; or
- if you want to challenge the decision, perhaps because you didn’t get the papers in time to put in a defence, you can ask for the decision to be “set aside”.
For more details about each of these see I have a CCJ – what should I do?
If you don’t do anything, then your creditor may decide to take further action:
- send bailiffs to your house – see this Bailiffs Information;
- take money directly from your wages see this Attachment of Earnings Factsheet;
- take the money from your bank or savings account with a “third party debt order” (it is called this because you and your creditor are the first two parties and the order is to your bank, who is the third party). It is unusual; or
- get a “charging order” that secures the debt against your house. See Are you worried about a charging order? (NB you can still get a charging order even if you are making the payments set by the court.)
These actions are all called “enforcing the CCJ”.
Phone National Debtline for further information about CCJ enforcement and advice on what to do.
The creditor may also apply for an “Information Order” – you will be asked to attend a local court for an interview about your income, expenses, savings and other assets and may be asked to produce bank statements, pay slips etc. It is essential you attend court or get the hearing rescheduled to a date you can make as the court can send you to prison if you do not co-operate.
A CCJ never becomes “statute barred”, but if the creditor doesn’t take enforcement action within six years, they have to get court permission to start enforcement afterwards. This is very rare.
In most cases, interest isn’t added after a CCJ. If your creditor tells you interest is being added, read this fact sheet. Contact National Debtline to discuss your situation and what your options are.
CCJs and your credit file
A CCJ is recorded on your credit record for six years, after which it will be deleted. There are three exceptions:
- if you pay it in full within 30 days it drops off immediately;
- if the judgment is “set aside” (see above) the CCJ is removed;
- if an insurance company pays the debt and they supply evidence of this.
If you pay the CCJ over a period of a few years say, the CCJ will still remain for the rest of the six years but it will be marked as “satisfied”. Having a CCJ on your credit file damages your chance of getting further credit, but it is regarded as less bad if it is satisfied. Having any CCJs on your record, even ones you have paid makes it very hard to get a mortgage.
The CCJ on your credit file is in the “public records” section of your credit report – this is separate from the debt it relates to. So your problem debt is likely to show in two places. The debt itself will drop off your credit file six years after the default date, this will have been before the CCJ so the debt will disappear first, then the CCJ.
Your credit report doesn’t tell you who the creditor is for a CCJ. Not helpful! If the CCJ wasn’t expected, you need to find out who this is.
Adrian says
Hey, after some advice.
I’ve got a CCJ on my credit file that was satisfied within a year of finding out about it. I wasn’t aware of it as the letters were sent to a different address and not to one I’ve even lived at.
I found out about it through my credit file.
Is there a way of getting rid of it from my file as I’m trying to rent a property and can’t as they can see the CCJ.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
I suggest you talk to National Debtline on 0808 808 4000 and this. having a CCJ removed after you have paid it is unusual – but the address thing sounds odd, so take some advice on this.
Mack says
Cabot finance told me I must pay half my disposable income on paying there debt (£110) This was after doing a budget planner which just included my debts and bills. They have threatened me with a CCJ. I have asked for a copy of the original credit agreement but so far no joy…
I have offered £20 a month which I’m not budging on. The debt is 8yrs old
Sara (Debt Camel) says
apart from this, how many other problem debts do you have?
when did you ask for a copy of the CCA agreement?
Have they sent you a Letter Before Action/Claim, see for what one of these letters looks like?
Mack says
No other problem debts
Asked for agreement a month ago
Not received a claim letter
They’re ringing everyday even though I said all I can afford is £20.
Is there somewhere I can complain??
Many thanks
Musa says
Good morning.
I need your help please.
My bank turned down my Direct debit to a payment which was due 4th April I got a letter today saying. I need to pay the amount what I owe and as well as default charge for direct debt by 25th April. If I pay this Monday I won’t receive any default on my credit file.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
who was this payment to?
can you afford to pay it, or will it leave you with too little money to pay essential bills and living expenses?
are you making payments to all your other debts?
Musa says
The payment is to premium credit I never missed a payment I can afford it but I’m worried will it effect my credit report it’s only first payment I missed and never missed a payment.
I am just worried for the letter saying default change applied. For missing DD.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
“premium credit” – who is this lender?
It is common to charge for a missed payment – the terms and condition of the credit will say what the lender charges.
they should not add a default if you have only missed one payments. They may add a missed payment marker but that is not so serious as a default.
“If I pay this Monday I won’t receive any default on my credit file.”
Is that what the letter said?
Musa says
The letter says I need to pay £48 before 20th April that included plus’s a default changer.
The lender is intelligent insurance.
I am worried my remortgage is due December this year it won’t effect it will it?
This my first payment missed never missed it. I was busy with work and I just forgot.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
So when you wrote
“If I pay this Monday I won’t receive any default on my credit file.”
was that what the letter said? or what you were asking?
Musa says
Thet was me asking you please.
This is first time happens to me
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Ok then asd I said they should not add a default. But they may add a missed payment. You could ask them not to as a gesture of goodwill, but they are withing their rights to record a missed payment.
This may make it harder to get a remortgage with a different lender, but you should still be able to get a new fix with your current lender.
Musa says
Sorry I was meant to write remortgage is due 2023 September.
Will missed payment effect me taking credit out now
Sara (Debt Camel) says
what sort of credit?
Musa says
Credit cards,
Car Hp
Looking in July
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Well to point out the obvious, buying a car on HP now will definitely affect a remortgage next year.
Peter Thompson says
Cabot have admitted and apologised for issuing a ccj on my credit file by mistake as it was from 2003 and was statute barred the ccj was sent to wrong address in 2017 and his been on my file since then. It sopped me from getting mainstream credit cards I only have high interest card. Also any loans I had were on high interest APR. I wrote to them 2 years ago to explain they would not listen. Now they are looking to see if compensation is due but I have no idea what a fair amount would be. Any ideas? Peter.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Hi you asked this question on a different page and I replied there:
Emma says
How do I find out how much is left to pay on my CCJ?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
you can ask the creditor for a statement of the account.
Mark says
Hi Does anyone know anything with regards to a tomalin order? I was sent court paper in 2020 with regards to a debt from shop direct and I was basically worried as i didnt want a CCJ. So i was on a fb group and was advised to ask for a TOMALIN Order so it wouldnt go to court and I pay £3.00 per month. I have looked at the debt and its will lowell solicitors and it been put up to £4000.00 debt with added cost. I did and irresponsible lending with shop direct and they have acknowledged the claim and have given up £630.00 but said we need to take the tomalin order up with lowell as they have sold the debt. Is there any way I can get is set aside. thanks
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Your complaint against Shop Direct. What were you complaining about over what period? what have SD agreed was unaffordable?
Hi, i have a 3 year old ccj with lowells i am still paying for a loan from provident, however, i have just had confirmation from provident that they agree that it was irresponsible lending, where do i stand now? Can i claim my money back and insist the ccj be removed?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
See the provident page for what is happening – at the moment there is some confusion between Provident and Lowell.
krut says
If a DCA has been sending letters to a previous address for 2 years, during which time no CCJ or insolvency has appeared on my credit report, and recently started sending them to the new address how likely would a CCJ be at that stage?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Many debt collectors will wait a few years before thinking about a CCJ.
Jemma says
Hiya, looking for some CCJ advice please.
I received a notification on my ClearScore app today that a CCJ was issued against me on 17th June.
I moved address 12 months ago and have received nothing in the post to advise me of this so presumably the paperwork has all gone to my old address.
I don’t even know who the claimant is as I have nothing in writing.
I have not been sent any emails from creditors about outstanding balances although I do have a few debts that I am paying off monthly.
How do I go about finding out what to do?
I’m so anxious as I am going to be out of the country for 10 days in 3 days time and I don’t even know if ive missed any deadlines for hearings etc. I just have no information about this whatsoever.
Any advice would be appreciated.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Read which looks at this situation.
D. Edwards says
I have a CCJ but got notice to say that monies that I had been paying would be refunded to me as the debt is now statue barred.
The company has not written to the courts to ask them to remove the CCJ.
What can I do to remove it & could I claim compensation due to them not removing it?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
How old is this CCJ? Who is the creditor?
MB says
I used to be in the UK as a student and left the UK last in 2015. I am unaware of any debts but recently when I checked my credit file online discovered that I have a CCJ issued dated February 2019. I do not know what this is for. I’m flying to the UK soon on a business visit and have already got my Visa approved, I did disclose the same in the application as well. Is it possible that I will be stopped at the border for this issue when entering the UK?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
A CCJ is a civil offence, not a criminal offence. I have never heard of anyone being refused entry because of one.
Robert says
Hello, I hope you can help me
My ex partner and myself split up in 2017, in fairness the money she put into the house amounted to £12K. I paid her back £4k but due to financial difficulties I was unable to pay the rest at the time.
Her nephew who is!a crown prosecution lawyer took me to court on her behalf and obtained a CCJ and following this a charging order against my house. This was in 2018.
I am now in the final process of selling my house, and obviously she will be paid the amount registered afainst me.
However I have heard that they are now looking to charge me interest on this amount. But someone told me that they have to inform every six months of the intrest charged to date and the new balance. Is that correct?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
someone told me that they have to inform every six months of the interest charged to date and the new balance. Is that correct?
That sounds like the provisions that relate to Consumer Credit Act debts, see for a description.
Yours is not a CCA debt. So far as I know the General Provisions set out here apply and there is no provision that interest has to be stopped if you are not informed every 6 months.
National Debtline on 0808 808 4000 will be able to confirm this for you.
LB says
I have two CCJs from 2018 , I had no way of paying debts to had to go bankrupt . The CCjs are showing settled on the account payments status for Experian and Equifax but not showing up at all on TransUnion . Is there anyway I can ask the two companies to show them as partially settled .
We are trying to rent a house and this is now stopping us , my partner has perfect credit
Just dont understand what i can do as the rental checks company sais they need to be marked as satisfied , i am at my wits end with this all
Sara (Debt Camel) says
When did you go bankrupt and when were you discharged?
There is no way to mark a CCJ as partially settled. So it is normal that CCJs continue to show a balance after you are discharged even though you no longer owe anything. The same applies after a Debt Relief Order and an IVA, this problem is not confined to bankruptcy.
amanda Corley says
How can I find the start of a default, and When a CCJ drops off my credit file in 2 months will my credit score increase . I have no other bad debts apart from these two and they are due off anytime.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
How can I find the start of a default
I am not sure what you are asking for?
The default date should be shown on a credit report, the record will drop off 6 years after that.
Yes you should see an increase in your credit score with a CCJ and a default dropping off.
Mer says
Hi Sarah,
I have a ccj for £533.62, that hasn’t been chased for 5.5 years. I was recently contacted about it but the amount was for £634.87. As this wasn’t the amount of the Ccj, I didn’t recognise it, so asked for proof. The company came back to advise the ccj is for £533.62 but that the balance stands at £634.87 as further legal costs have occurred. Given that the ccj has not been chased in 5.5 years, until recently via a letter, can they claim the extra legal fees? I have asked them for details of the extra incurred legal fees and have advised that I accept the debt of the ccj amount of £533.62 and have said I can pay that in 10 days time
Many thanks
Sara (Debt Camel) says
I don’t know, it may depend on the type of debt it was originally. Ask National Debtline on 0808 808 4000.
Mer says
Hi Sarah,
Many thanks, I will give them a call.
Thank you for all that you do for us all!!
Kind regards
Delboy says
Hi Sara , I had a ccj back in Dec 2015 so it’s nearly 7 years old, never payed a penny off it as I have been to unwell to work only ever received threats of further action and as of now only receiving ask to pay letters . But I’m still losing sleep over t he fact that bailiffs might be used .
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Can I ask what other debts you have at the moment? Are you behind With any priority bills? Are you buying or renting?
Also are your health problems likely to be permanent? How old are you?
Delboy says
Hi Sara thanks for your reply , No other debts , yes long term ill health , renting and I am 60 year old . Debt is credit card £14500 sold to debt collecter nearly 7 years old now and ccj as dropped off my credit file never had any other action taken against me other then letters demanding payment never payed a penny towards debt as not worked in 8 years . But can’t help worrying that the bailiffs will knock the door .
Sara (Debt Camel) says
can I ask who the debt collector is?
Delboy says
Hi Sara, Cabot financial
Sara (Debt Camel) says
have you had any letters recently?
are you renting privately or social (council or housing association)?
Delboy says
Hi Sara Only a letter about once a month asking to set up a payment plan and I live in housing association property many thanks del
Sara (Debt Camel) says
After 6 years, a creditor has to go back to court to get permission to try to enforce a CCJ eg by sending bailiffs. This rarely happens. If you would like confirmation about this, talk to National Debtline on 0808 808 4000.
If it wasn’t worrying you so much, it may well be easiest to just sit back as it may well be nothing further happens, apart from more letters arriving.
But if you are very stressed by this and would like to be totally sure, you could go to your local Citizens Advice and ask them to write to Cabot to explain your health problems, that they are not likely to get better and that you cannot afford to make any payments. Ask them to write off the debt.
You could write this letter yourself, see But it”s often easier if a debt adviser writes on your behalf.
If Cabot refuses to do this, Citizens Advice can set up a Debt Relief Order for you that would clear this debt. And any other small debts or bill arrears you have too.
Delboy says
Thank you so much Sara for taking the time too reply . I’ve read yours reply many times now because it sounds so reinsuring and will certainly take your advice and talk about it . Many many thanks del .
Colin says
Hi I received a CCJ about 3 years ago from Lowell. I received the papers on 1st May 2019 and I payed the debt off on 25th May 2019 so within the 30 day period. I only checked my credit file the other day and was surprised to see the CCJ. The CCJ is saying that it was cleared on 6th June so outside the 30 days which was wrong. I have spoken to Lowell and they did agree that it was paid up in time. They said had to go to a different department and I should ring them back next week. Is it up to Lowell to right this wrong or is it up to me to sort this out? I was thinking of paying for a company to get the CCJ removed should I do this or wait for Lowell to fix it?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
DONT PAY A COMPANY (sorry to shout)
It sounds like Lowell agree this is wrong so they should fix it. If they don’t, you can do it yourself for free.
James says
Have a ccj it’s due to end 31st Oct 2022. I still owe ,3k been paying £1 per month. Can I stop payment and refuse it once ccj has finished.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
By “due to end” do you mean the CCJ will drop off your credit record?
James burry says
Hi yes it will drop off credit file
Sara (Debt Camel) says
ok that doesn’t mean it has ended. I am afraid you have to keep paying if you don’t want the creditor to try to enforce the debt in some way (bailiffs, deductions from salary etc)
Leah says
Hi Sara
Could you please help me
My old landlord is threatening me with a CCJ, I have recently moved into a new privet rented property, if my new agency finds out I have a ccj will I be evicted?
Thanks Leah
Sara (Debt Camel) says
I don’t know.
Do you have other problem debts as well?
May says
If my son is in a lot of debt, but lives with me and his father, can WE be evicted from our council house because of HIS debts? We’ve been here over 25 years. For example if he gets CCJs or bailiffs come etc. Can we be evicted or can they kick just him out, because of his debts, when we rent, not him? None of us want to be homeless. His debts aren’t priority debts, he simply lives with us like he has all of his life. He’s doing his best to get a job and pay them all, but by the time he gets to that it may be too late. He has a real fear of been homeless in the future because he is behind with everything, defaults are coming, credit score is diminishing. He just sits googling all day then is in tears by the end of the night. I’m also starting to fear if his sole, non priority debts could make us all homeless. Should I be worrying like this?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
No. Your tenancy cannot be affected by his debts.
And if bailiffs do turn up (which is probably a long way in the future unless he does an ostrich act and ignores the debts) then your possessions, including cars, are safe. Just do not open the door to a bailiff!
This must be very worrying for you with his mental health being so badly affected.
If you are happy with him continuing to live with you for a few more years, then one of his best options may be a Debt Relief Order. See That would clear all his debts, give him time to get back to feeling well and perhaps get a small part time job to ease him back in?
Could you encourage him to talk to a good debt adviser? His local Citizens Advice would be good if he would prefer to see someone, not use the phone. If he prefers the phone, then National Debtline on 0808 808 4000.
May says
Yes he’s screwing his head on, he sits and reads your posts over and over, talks to stepchange, has everything in payment plans off his own back and has his future goals set up. He’s just swaying in and out of anxiety. He has his goals set, he’s just struggling to find the motivation but I’ve stopped him from researching anything this weekend and told him to have a break. He will be cracking on from Monday, he’s been ignoring creditors because they are a nightmare, but hasn’t been ignoring the debt collection agencies. He’s just waiting for the letters to say the last few have gone to collections then he’s putting them in plans. He can stay here all his life for us, it’s him worrying about his future and what people think of him, he thinks now his credit score is bad, it will affect him renting in ten years time. Thank you
Sara (Debt Camel) says
tell him that if he gets a DRO or goes bankrupt now, his credit record will be completely clean in 6 years. That “clean start” may be better than limping on, borrowing more, defaulting again and his credit record never getting clean.
Just keep being sensible and making sure he knows he can always talk to you, no matter how hard things get and how depressed he feels.
May says
Then after 6 years, say in 10 years he wants to move out will it show on any credit checks? He’s dead against debt solutions because he wants to find a job and fix it his way. He has everything in payment plans with debt collectors. He thinks it is easier than creditors and is happy to take defaults early on. He is strong willed, while he’s living at home he will get a job and pay them all off inside 2 years, because he is terrified a bailiff will knock. He’s got 10 interviews in 3 days next week, so he’s putting the effort in, but he’s terrified of this debt and the future. He spends all day job hunting and researching debts, homelessness, credit scores, Just everything, hoping to find some relief that he won’t be homeless one day.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
he is already in a debt solution – payment arrangements. These can leave a footprint on his credit record that last LONGER than insolvency or defaults.
Insolvency (DRO or bankruptcy, he should avoid an IVA like the plague as he has no assets to protect and more than a third of IVAs fail) and defaults all disappear from his credit record after 6 years. A payment arrangement still shows for 6 years after the debt has been repaid which will be much longer.
Debt collectors are often easier to deal with then creditors. At the moment he is paying some creditors who have refused to freeze interest. Getting a DMP for all of his debts would sort that out and be much better for his mental health.
If he can get a job then he will be able to pay off a DMP quickly when all interest is frozen
Bailiffs are not going to happen unless he ignores debts and you are never going to be affected.
Steph says
Hi Sara,
I have a CCJ for £3,880 on my credit report dating back to Jan 2017 for a shop direct account. This is due to come off my credit report in Jan next year.
I’ve never paid anything against it and haven’t had any communication regarding it until I recently started receiving letters and texts from Capquest.
Should I enter into a repayment plan with them at this stage? They are offering a discounted settlement but I don’t have £2,500 to clear it.
Can the ccj remain on my report past the six years if I suddenly start paying it or can they register a new default etc that may further negatively effect my credit score?
Many thanks for any help!
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Can the ccj remain on my report past the six years if I suddenly start paying it
can they register a new default etc that may further negatively effect my credit score?
If you don’t come to some arrangement, they may look to enforce the CCJs in another way eg bailiffs, attachement of earnings, charging order. National Debtline has a factsheet that expelains these:
What are the rest of your finances like? If you could afford less than 2500 you could offer that, but dont offer money you can’t afford or that would leave you short so you would have to put Xmas on a credit card – better to make a low monthly affordable offer of payment.
If you have problems with a lot of other debts, then putting them all into a debt menegement plan including this CCJ may be a good idea. Or if you have no money to spare for anthing apart from bills and essentials, then a debt releif order ( would get rid of the CCJ along with your other debts and get you a clean start. Talk to National Debtline on 0808 808 4000 about your options.
Steph says
Thank you so much, really appreciate your reply.
Sam says
What comes before a CCJ? can creditors who you have arrears with go straight for a CCJ or do they have to issue defaults, debt collection agencies etc first. What I’m saying is… is there a step by step process or can they go straight to the CCJ? Also how many missed payments, roughly, before they default? I’m just trying to get some facts before I get my head together, start my new job next week and go from there.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
It depends what sort of debt this.
If it is “commercial debt” eg credit cards, catalogues, overdrafts, unsecured loans AND it’s personal debt not business debt then NO creditors will go straight for a CCJ. There are legal procedures they have to go through before starting a court case including issuing a Default Notice (that isnt the same as adding a debt to your credit record) and after that sending a Letter Before Action/Claim.
In practice hardly any commercial lenders will go for a CCJ on non business debts. The exceptions are guarantor loans and a very small number of high cost lenders. All the rest will generally sell your debts at some point if you havent set up a payment arrangement, usually after at least 6 months.
If you have debts you can’t pay now, tell them about your new job (congrats!) and explain you can start to pay again then. If you may not be able to pay in full even when you start being paid again, ask for a payment arrangement with interest frozen. See
What lenders and debt collectors hate most is you being an ostrich. tell them what is happeneing and it won’t be nearly as bad as you think.
Unsure? Talk to National Debtline on 0808 808 4000. They are very nice, no pressure, can explain all your options (you have other ones in addition to payment arrangements) and their pros and cons.
Dan says
I’m 5 months behind with Argos card payments now. I’ve let my mental health take over and they’ve been adding interest. I’m going to try and arrange a DMP next week. But at what stage would Argos default this and send it to a debt collector? I’m just curious as I’d rather deal with collections, I thought it would have happened by now. Once it defaults I’ll deal with it there. The thought of bailiffs makes me really sick. Even though they are a long way away, if it’s not defaulted yet. I know about DMPs as I’ve done lots of research. I just want to know when they default etc. Can they just continue to add interest for the rest of my life?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
so you haven’t made a payment for 5 months?
get on with the DMP now!
If Argos don’t default you immediately, send them a complaint.
Dan says
But if I don’t want a DMP, I’m not saying I’m against it. I’m just gaining info… when should Argos realistically be defaulting the account. I haven’t made a payment for 5 months. Can they just keep adding interest monthly for the rest of my my life? I probably am going to go down the DMP route. It’s just a shame because I have everything else in £10pm plans (temporarily until I find a job) but they all leave me alone. I just wish Argos would default it off to a collections and I can add that too. I don’t have my own home, I’m with my parents so I’m worrying a bit about the future.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Have you asked them to freeze interest? Are you paying them anything?
Dan says
Yeah and I’ve mentioned my mental health. They’ve just said no. So no I’ve not paid anything in 5 months, not a penny. I figured I’ll let them add it because it has to default eventually, then I’ll negotiate a payment plan like I have everything else. Don’t get me wrong, a DMP is a good option, but everything else are in plans, seems a shame to go through all that when I’ve got everything else covered. I just read around 6 months it would default
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Really you have No idea when they will default it.
You could make a complaint but it’s simpler to set up a DMP. The big advantage of a DMP is if you need to pay less then you just Tell the DMP firm you don Have to renegotiate all the payment arrangement.
John says
How long from the date it drops off do you see an increase we
Sara (Debt Camel) says
It depends a bit which report you are looking at but within a month
Ahmed says
Good morning.
I have received a CCJ by a Parking ticket I got from NCP.
I have previously ignored a similar parking ticket hoping that it would get to court so I can challenge it and it has (awaiting court hearing).
Meanwhile, I received another parking ticket from 2018 which I received letters to my parents house from Gladstone Solicitors , but instead of receiving Claim forms etc, I have straight away received a CCJ on 12th Dec 2022.
My argument is I never received a claim form, and I no longer live at that address and I am on electoral register for new address so they could have easily traced me.
If I apply for a set aside what are the chances of it getting accepted on the basis of 1) I never received letters (might be due to them not sending one or post strikes) 2) I have proof of new address. 3) I did not live at that address to get the parking charges to challenge it.
If my set aside is rejected, do I miss the 30 day window to pay and remove the CCJ from my credit file?
Kind regards
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Talk to National Debtline on 0808 808 4000 about the practicalities of applying for a set aside v simply paying the debt within 30 days.
Tracy Russ says
My husband has a ccc that he has been paying for a little over 6 years, it has now dropped off his credit file. He still has another 4 1/2 years before it will be paid off! I know it’s now not enforceable through the courts but what would happen if he did not continue to pay the debt? Will it be just a bombardment of letters or can it be sent back to court?
Thank you
Sara (Debt Camel) says
It could be bailiffs.
What is the rest of his financial position like?
Ed says
Had a Ccj with link financial in 2007 for£2763.
Have been paying £20 a month since then, agreed with the court. Totally forgot about it and didn’t realise the £20 was still going from the account until Xmas just gone. Stopped the DD and didn’t hear a thing. They’re now chasing me for the amount owed but my argument is I’ve paid it and then sum. Asked for a record of account and they’ve been adding 15% each month, they now want £4706. Shall I see them in court or speak to the ombudsman?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Talk to National Debtline about this – 0808 808 4000.
Bri says
I got issued a CCJ as a student in 8 nov 2018 for 381. On my credit report it has a dismissal date of 31 Dec’18. Does this mean it was satisfied/no longer active? I did pay in full
Sara (Debt Camel) says
I don’t know the term dismissal date. What report are you looking at? Did you pay it within a month of the judgment date?
Bri says
Massive apologies it was a discharge date! It’s on my clear score report. Being honest I think I did but I’m not entirely sure
Sara (Debt Camel) says
I think that means you paid it.
If you paid it within a month, it should have been removed from your credit record, t may be worth getting your old bank statements to verify this .
Jo says
I had received a ccj after I left my property since first getting court papers and just realised that I have a ccj on my credit file 🤦🏼♀️
The claimant has since passed away (an individual) can I get this removed?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Have you been contacted by the executors of their will? How long ago was the CCJ?
V says
I’d like some advice. I had an old car finance debt of 15k that I had a CCJ for. After the judgement was made in around 2013, I didn’t make any contact with the creditor or make any payments. Letters were sent by the creditor but no attempts were made to enforce the debt.
In approximately 2018 this CCJ dropped off from my credit files. The debt has since been passed on to Cabot who has sent letters to me from time to time over the years. Again, I haven’t responded and just ignored the letters.
Now just last week I got a letter from Resolvecall Ltd saying the debt has been passed on to them. They are demanding a response within 7 days or they will make a doorstep visit.
My question is this debt still enforceable? If not, what can I do to stop them from contacting me?
My understanding is that as there is (or was) a CCJ in place there is no time limit on how long the debt can be chased, however if 6 years has passed, the creditor would need permission from the court to take further action to recover the debt. Does this mean that they cannot take control of my goods on a visit? E.g. clamp my car?
What are my options? Any help/advice would be much appreciated.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
I suggest you talk to National Debtline on 0808 808 4000 about this.
Ryan smith says
Hi I recently got a letter saying I’ve got a ccj and I have to pay £1700.
And I recognised the name and its a woman who hit me on my motorcycle 5 years ago. We settled for 50/50 I still have the documents saying so can my ccj be set aside ?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Talk to National Debtline on 0808 808 4000 about this and what you would have to do.
John Obi says
I possess a CCJ, which has been present since 2018 and is scheduled to be expunged next year, in 2024. Regrettably, I have only made a partial payment of £50 out of the total amount owed, which stands at £280. I am now seeking clarification on whether settling the remaining balance of £230 would result in the CCJ being erased in 2024, or if it would initiate a fresh six-year phase on my record, considering the full payment made this year.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
The CCJ will drop off your record after 6 years even if you settle it.
John Obi says
So if the full payment is made this year, the CCJ will still drop off in 2024 and not begin a fresh 6 years count and fall-off in 2029?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Yes. They may also be prepared to accprt a partial settlement. In which case it still drops off.
Owen says
I discovered that Link Financial filed a CCJ against me on June 22, 2023, amounting to £2007 for a defaulted Halifax credit card from Feb 2019. Surprisingly, I have not received any correspondence from either the court or Link about this.
The address linked to the CCJ on my credit report is in Hampshire, England, where I resided from Aug 2021 to Aug 2022 due to a job assignment, but I also lived in Belfast, the address Halifax had on record during the default.
I contacted Link immediately, who directed me to their solicitors. When I asked why they didn’t send notifications to my Belfast address, they claimed to have received returned mail indicating that I no longer lived there. However, my parents still reside at that address, and we haven’t returned any mail to that effect. They suggested that I can only obtain further information through a (SAR). The court judgment requires monthly payments of £82, from tomorrow.
I assume the English address was obtained from the DVLA, as I sold my car in Aug 2022 before moving to Holland. The Dutch driving agency returned my N. Ireland license to the DVLA in Feb 2023 to replace it with a Dutch license. I have not received any correspondence from Link via email, they claim they are not obligated to send such information electronically. Additionally, they have an outdated telephone number for me that is no longer active. Do I have a valid case to have the CCJ set aside?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Talk to National Debtline on 0808 808 4000 about the chance for a set aside and the cost of applying for this.
If you get the set aside you will then have to defend the new case that will be started.
It is a shame you did not set up a payment arrangement with Halifax.
What are the rest of your finances like? Are there other debt you have been ignoring?
Neil says
Had a ccj put against me for £10000 by an ex. I paid for it to be put aside but haven’t heard anything for a few months. Just checked my clearscore credit rating and it says discharged but I believe the only way that can happen is if I had made full payment and I only paid the set aside fee…..please help?? Thank you
Sara (Debt Camel) says
I think you need to contact the court and find out what has happened to your set aside application.
For more information, talk to National Debtline on 0808 808 4000. Or post on the Legal Beagles court forum:
Bob says
I have received a claim form for a debt which I was trying to arrange directly with Equivo. I currently live outside the UK and am not a UK resident. I was hoping to make a settlement offer for the debt, but due to the delay in receiving the mail (they send the main which gets redirected to a service who scan and send me the mail) I must have missed their last cut off before they raised the court action.
Can I still make a full and final settlement offer, or do I now need to complete the N9A form to avoid the risk of it being settled by the court?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Talk to National Debtline about what your options are. It may be too late to get a settlement offer accepted. You can use their webchat or phone them from abroad:
Sarah says
Hi All,
So, I had a CCJ which I paid of through the automated phoneline.
Before I paid it off, I was informed that a further £150 charge had been added to my CCJ – I paid this on top of what was originally owed.
I have since found out that the £150 would only have been applicable if the order was passed to bailiffs – which it was not.
Please can anyone tell me if I will get the £150 back?
The scare tactics meant I paid it, yet there’s nothing on the automated line detailing what you need to pay so I went by what the person on the phone told me…
Will they have to refund me the £150? It’s so close to christmas and I now eel so foolish just paying the extra when I clearly didn’t need to :( :(
Any advice will be so appreciated.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
who was the creditor?
Fred says
I really need some advice here as the NATIONAL DEBT HELPLINE where very vague about it and I feel they don’t know the answer.
A debt has appeared out of the blue over 20 years old via one of the creditors “chasers”. The account was defaulted back in 2003.
It was an old old student debts from way back when for an overdraft.
So 20 years later I receive a letter going on about it for a repayment plan. Kind of them to let me know.
I have sent the “Statue Barred Limitations” letter off to the so called agents who have said they will pass back to the creditor.
Now my only concern here is now if they come back to me and lets say state that a CCJ (that I was unaware of) was issue lets says back in 2005 ish how long have the got to enforce it being an active CCJ?
I have read online from a variety of sources and it is a very grey area.
I am just reluctant to pay or agree to something now nearly 20 years later on something that a creditor can no longer enforced. The CCJ is no longer active.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
was this National Debtline? There are other firms that try to sound the same as National Debtline.
I have deleted the link you included which didn’t seem very useful and is from an IVA firm.
You have sent off a letter saying this is statute barred. I suggest you wait and see what they reply.
If they say there is a CJJ more than 6 years ago, ask for evidence about this as you were unaware of it.
At the moment you are heading off asking about a situation that may never occur. Takes this step by step.
Paul says
I think I had a ccj around 35 years ago down to getting in debt with my rent. I’m not at all sure about this as my life was a mess then and I didn’t take the proceedings fully in. It was in the 80s and there was no work and so I was stuck . I was around 22 year of age.
I’m now nearly retired and have a top credit score, and have never had an issue since then. I have had a mortgage (now paid off) and credit is easily attainable but I now avoid that and live within my means.
Until now I haven’t admitted to a past ccj when arranging home insurance as know that it isn’t visible to insurers or lenders. I recently tried applying on the basis of this old possible ccj (I declared it despite not being sure I even had one) and no one would insure me (and for those that would the price doubled).
My question is a predictable one…
Can anyone (at all) detect that I had a ccj 35 years ago given there is supposedly no trace of it either in court records or on my credit file?
Is there anyway the insurance company can find out and prove that I had one way back then?
I’m not looking to be dishonest, but on the basis it has zero impact on risk I feel it actually wrong of them to ask me to disclose such an historic issue given the completely spent nature of the ccj.
Many thanks.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
I am not sure why you now, after 35 years, decided to mention that you may have had a CCJ so long ago.
if you feel you have been turned down unreasonably for insurance you could make a complaint about this.
Abies says
Hi Sarah,
I have a CCJ in 23 May 2018 which is about to end this 23 May 2024 I believe. The creditor enforced it to High Court Enforcement (HCE), who contacted to arrange a monthly payment plan which I have since arranged. I have been paying the monthly payment until around COVID 19 when I could no longer pay, then I stopped the payments. I had left the old address that the debt was registered to in late 2019, but a while after LOCKDOWN, I think sometimes in 2020, I was very shocked to see the Bailiffs from the High Court Enforcement (HCE) arrive on my door, I then had to arrange and start another monthly repayment going forward. The initial debt was £5087.49, the interest charged by HCE is approximately £2034 from the invoice I received from the HCE in October 2023, now totalling £7238, and less the payments I have been paying, the October 2023 statement shows a balance of £6165.
Just this morning, I received an email from the company I owed and their invoice is different from the HCE which I believe it is because of the interest that has accrued. In the letter I received from the company, they are also threatening to issue a CCJ against me.
Please, how might you advise and how can I get the debts cancelled. Is there a way that the interest can be stopped.
This situation is too daunting.
Thank you.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
What sort of debt was this?
Jayjjay says
Hi Sara,
I have 4 unsecured debts that ended up with Cabot Financial. These debts are 15 years old and I never got a CCJ on any of them, as I agreed to pay £5 per month after getting default notices for all of them. I only received default notices on them all some 15 years ago.
I had a mental health problem last June 2023 and wrote to Cabot asking if they could write these old debts off, as I was unemployed and could see no way of ever repaying them, I have about 5k debt left on them.
They considered it and put the accounts on a 3 month hold, said they couldn’t in the and I have not paid any installment for 6 months.
I remember when I called them last summer, the operator said I was only morally responsible for paying my debt.
My question to you Sara please, will they be able to take a CCJ against me?
What action could they take?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
What sort of debts were these? Loans, cards, overdrafts…
You have Been paying (except for the last 6 months) for 15 years.
Cat says
Hi Sara,
I had an unsecured loan with Zopa. In 2020, I moved to Spain – I continued meeting my payment obligations until 2022 when I lost my job. I was already in difficulty with Zopa because they could/would not use my Spanish address, they kept insisting that they could only contact a UK address, and so had been using my previous address in the UK. I set up a payment plan with them which lasted until Dec 2023, when they ended it and informed me that they had sold the debt. At the time they would not tell me who they had sold the debt to, but (crucially) they had sold it with my old UK address attached.
I started a complaints process with Zopa regarding this sale with incorrect information, pointing out to them that this could put me in severe hardship if a CCJ was issued without my knowledge. Finally, after threatening to take it to the FSO, Zopa have informed me that a company called LCM (Link?) have purchased the debt. So I don’t know what to do. Do I try to contact these people, because I do acknowledge an outstanding balance and I do want to pay it off (although I can still only do it in small instalments)? My concern is that I could end up with them trying to pin an unrelated debt on me – unfortunately these companies are not known for their scrupulous and fair behaviour. Do I wait and see if they contact me? That risks a CCJ appearing on my credit file, which will be costly to sort out from abroad.
Many thanks!
Sara (Debt Camel) says
do you think this loan was affordable when you took it out?
Cat says
Hi Sara, thanks for getting back to me!
I thought so at the time, I had borrowed before from Zopa and paid it back before and I didn’t see any reason to believe this time would be different. Unfortunately life changed on me… I take full responsibility for the loan but I need to know the best way to handle the payments now it has been sold on. I am not wildly confident about the phone number for the purchaser that Zopa provided, when I googled it seemed to be associated with scam calls. This is why I’m a little scared to try to contact them. And I am very scared about the consequences if they take a CCJ out without being able to contact me given Zopa sold the loan on with the incorrect address.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
do you have an email address for the debt collector? What phone number do you have?
Cat says
Hi Sara,
No email address, just the name LCM and the number 0330 135 5254… it’s not a lot to go on but Zopa wouldn’t give me anything else. They are adamant that they did nothing wrong selling the debt on with incorrect information and initially wouldn’t even tell me who the debt had been sold to.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
“My concern is that I could end up with them trying to pin an unrelated debt on me”
i think that is a pretty small concern compared to the fact you want to set up a payment arrangement and make sure the creditor has your new address.
You could try emailing Link at and asking if they have bought your debt from Zopa.
Cat says
Thank you – I have emailed them. I have also tracked down the most recent statements from Zopa. Alarmingly, I do not have a copy of any default notice anywhere even though they assured me they would email me. I am guessing it went to my old address. I will see what Link say. Thank you again!
James says
I have recently received a letter from TM legal about a CCJ that is over 6 years old, so its no longer on my creidt file. It’s for around £440. They don’t actually know I’m the person as I moved 3 years ago but they have found likely found new address through a search, or perhaps they just write to all people with similar names! I think they are fishing hoping that their letter scares me to contact them which im not going too. I would like to know how likely is it that a court would give enforcement permission after all these years when tm legal failed to follow enforcement when the ccj was originally issued.. especially for a relatively small amount. I suspect this is a bluff but would be good to know in your experience how often this happens and how often a court would side with a creditor. I read this would be exceptional circumstance after this time period. The letter says to contact them to arrange repayment others may seek enforcement action. Thanks
Sara (Debt Camel) says
I don’t see anywhere near enough cases to be able to reply. I suggest you ask National Debtline on 0808 808 4000.
Mark Wilson says
Hi. Im just wondering if you can help. I had a CCJ off The Lending Stream a couple of years ago. In July 2023, i won a claim against them through the Financial Ombudsman for irresponsible lending, where they were ordered to remove all traces of loans from them off my credit report. Including the CCJ. However, on two of my credit reports, the CCJ is still showing on my report. On the section where it says “Bankruptcies and Insolvencies”, it is still showing up, albeit it is showing as settled. But it has been showing as “settled” since i paid the CCJ off. Is this normal? Or do i have to do something personally to have this removed? Thanks very much.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Did lending stream get the CCJ or was it sold to a debt collector who did? What is the date of the CCJ on your credit record?
Mark Wilson says
It was sold to a debt collector. But the lending stream informed the debt collection agency to remove it. The agency also had another outstanding debt from the lending stream which was also wiped. I emailed lending stream in December 2023 asking will the CCJ be removed and they told me it will be.
On my credit report, the “filed date” of the CCJ is november 2021. And the “settled date” is April 2023.
Thank you.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
send Lending Stream a new complaint about the failure to remove this.
Amanda Jane Smith says
Dear Sara,
I have recently received a notice of enforcement addressed to my parents at my address. They emigrated to Spain in 2018 and this seems to be for a water debt at the property they sold in 2018. I’ve been reading about have the judgment set aside but that looks like it would cost £275 which they just don’t have.
Do you have any advice on how we can get this situation resolved, I hate the thought of having bailiffs turning up at my door just because some of their correspondence comes here.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
You can’t apply for the set aside, your parents would have to.They would have to have a good reason to dispute the debt.
I suggest you talk to National Debtline about this, and whether the simplest option may be to give the bailiffs your parents address in Spain.
Claire says
Hello, I wonder if you could help me. I have 2 ccjs on my credit report one from 2020 and one from 2022 these both show up as discharged. At time of my debts I was living at my grandparents and during covid I moved out to live at my mums due to covid. My grandad has now unfortunately passed away but I never saw any letters about these ccj. If they are discharged does that mean that they was paid? I’m wondering whether my grandfather paid them for me, unfortunately I cannot ask him. Or can discharged just mean they have written the debt off? How can I get these removed from my credit file I’m unsure on what letter I have to chose to write to the county court. Obviously I have no proof of payment if it was paid. Thank you
Sara (Debt Camel) says
what credit report are you looking at?
do you know which debts these CCJs relate to? did you have any debts that you weren’t paying?
Claire says
This is on clear score. When I was 18 I got out a few credit cards which I didn’t pay back. So I am assuming they are from credit card debt that I didn’t pay. I am now 26 so they have all wiped off my credit score now which I’m working hard on to build up as I want to get a mortgage but my credit score doesn’t seem to be going up which I think is due to the CCJ.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
So first i suggest you get a statutory credit report from Equifax – simpler than Clearscore and see how the CCJs are marked on that report.
And also get statutory reports from Experian and TransUnion as there may be problems on there that don’t show on Equifax/ClearScore – see
If your grandfather did pay the CCJs and paid after 30 days, they can’t be removed from your credit record until they frop off after 6 years. And they will have a major affect on your ability to get a moartgage
Claire says
Thank you for your answers! So I have looked into my other credit reports and they have shown up on there as active and say I haven’t disputed them. I didn’t know anything about these ccjs? Am I not suppose to sign something or agree for them to take me to court? Is it worth doing a cancellation of judgement / set aside??
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Am I not suppose to sign something or agree for them to take me to court?
Is it worth doing a cancellation of judgement / set aside??
CCJs set aside applications have to be prompt and have a reasonable chance of you defending the case. Talk to Nationald Debtline about your situation – phone 0808 808 4000.
Claire says
Thank you for all your help, sorry just confirming what you said in the last message wasn’t sure if I read it wrong, are you saying that I have a reasonable chance of defending the case? Thank you, you’ve been really helpful!
Sara (Debt Camel) says
You haven’t given any reason why you might be able to defend the case – assuming the CCJs relate to some cards that you had stopped paying. But National Debtline can talk you through your options in detail.
Karen says
Hello, I’m still paying off a CCJ that has now dropped off my credit file as it’s passed the 6 years and my credit score has improved. I have been sent offers to settle, but there is a note that says “ If you accept this offer and make payment to settle, the judgment will appear on your credit file and remain on your credit file for 6 years, however your account will be closed. Will settling this early make the CCJ show on my account again? I want to pay this off but want to check the impact to my credit file as I’m worried about it effecting getting a mortgage in the future. Thanks
Sara (Debt Camel) says
No it won’t reappear.
Karen says
Thanks very much Sara
Luke says
Hi, I’ve been issued a CCJ for a sum of £2378. I was planning on paying this in full within 1 month to have it removed as I’m fortunate enough to be able to do this. Problem is, I’ve had a letter from the creditor today saying I now owe £3100 as they have added further costs since I was issued the CCJ and this is now out of my budget. They attached a letter from the court and the CCJ amount still says £2378. Am I right in thinking if I pay £2378, the CCJ will be settled and removed and I can discuss with the creditor about settling the remaining at a later date? Or is the CCJ amount now £3100. I’m slightly confused.
Thank you very much,
Sara (Debt Camel) says
I suggest you phone National Debtline on 0808 808 4000 and ask for their advice.
Rachel says
Hi Sara,
Can a debt collector add 2 different creditors to one ccj?
Lowell have registered a ccj and it is for npower and capital one is this correct can they do this?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
are they taking you to court or have they already obtained the CCJ?
Samuel says
I’m just curious. I have quite a few debts, but they’re all in payment plans except two old phone contracts. I can see them on my credit report but they’ve never contacted me in 2-3 years, yet they’re updating my credit file every month and not reporting missed payments. When I try to contact them, they want all this info that I can’t remember and I then fail security. At this point, I’m just waiting for them to contact me via letter, so I can sort it. My fear is ccj/ bailiffs, like, I’ve done everything I can but surely they have to send me something before they go down them routes? Do mobile phone providers even go down them routes? Thanks
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Have you moved since you took these phone contracts out?
Samuel says
Nope, I have changed my email address and numbers quite a few times since. I still live at the same address and I’m unlikely to move for at least 5 years when all my bad markers leave my report. I can see the defaults, but absolutely no correspondence from them. I guess they’re just going to spring up on me?! The only thing that keeps my anxiety at bay is knowing 80% are in plans and that they’re all disappearing in 2 or so years. It’s just these two that are on my mind
Sara (Debt Camel) says
If you are worried, then I suggest you send the phone companies a subject access request asking for all the personal information they have about you. If you tell me who the companies are, I can give you links for how to do this.
Samuel says
Sorry for the late reply, I’m so busy! So, the two companies are THREE MOBILE and EE. I don’t know if I’m worried, but the thought of bailiffs terrify me (not that they’d ever get in) but if they’re not contacting me, then I’ll have to take the lead.
Any help would be great. I keep track of my trans union and there’s no CCJ type things, just my defaults from way back when which are all in plans with Lowell etc, so they all leave me alone. Basically, I wanna be on top and not have something sprung on me
Sara (Debt Camel) says
See and
If you have old defaulted debts with Lowell, you may want to read
Samuel says
Thank you for your help. I think I speak for everyone when I say we appreciate what you’re doing here for the community
Paul says
Hi, quick question
I have a ccj and was wondering is the debt statute barred from the day it’s active until 6 years or from the day of the ccj until 6 years has passed?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
A CCJ never becomes statute barred.
But after 6 years of no payment it becomes harder to enfoce as the creditor has to go back to court – talk to national Debtline on 0808 808 4000 if you are in, or coming up to, this situation.
I don’t know what you mean by “the day the it’s active”.
Mark Wilson says
Hi. Just after some advice. I got a CCJ 3 years ago from an old payday loan, which i then paid off after about 8 months. After making an unaffordability complaint through the FOS, the loan was deemed unaffordable, and they were ordered to removed the CCJ too. That was in september 2023. After looking at my credit report a few months ago i noticed the CCJ was still there, although it was marked as satisfied. So i complained again that they hadnt got it removed. The debt collection agency then requested it be removed on 9th may 2024 (8 months after they were ordered to), and sent me a copy of the N244 to prove they had done this. However, 3 months later, it is STILL on all my credit reports. Is this normal? Does it usually take so long? Thank you for your help.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
These things can take a while. If you talk to National Debtline on 0898 808 4000 they may have an idea about timescales.