In a Full and Final Settlement (F&F) a creditor agrees:
- to accept less than the whole amount to clear it (“full”), and
- that they won’t take action to recover the rest (“final”).
This is sometimes called a “partial settlement” and sometimes a “short settlement”.
You can offer a F&F to a creditor. Or a creditor may write to you to suggest an F&F. This usually happens if you have defaulted on the debt or have been in a debt management plan for a while.
You propose a Full and Final settlement
If you have a lump sum, then you can write to your creditors and offer a F&F.
You can do this yourself, there is no need to employ a solicitor to write a letter, that is no more likely to be accepted than an offer from you.
Where could the money come from?
The lump sum could come from:
- a refund that you get, for example from an affordability claim;
- a redundancy payment (make sure you will still have enough money to live on and pay the mortgage until you find another job);
- selling some assets, possibly even your house;
- an inheritance;
- it might be offered by a relative (do consider if your relative can really afford this – if your situation is close to hopeless, then it may be better to go bankrupt rather than take money from a relative); or
- if you are over 55, you might consider taking money from your pension if you can get your creditors to agree a low enough settlement.
It is usually a big mistake to try to borrow money in order to clear a debt that has already defaulted.
You don’t have to offer the same to all your creditors
If you don’t have a lot of money, it could be a good idea to use it to pay off one creditor.
For example, if you only have £1,000 then that isn’t going to get far if your debts add up to £24,000. But if you could get a creditor you owe £3,000 to take £1,000 then this is a good improvement.
When is an offer likely to be accepted?
A full and final offer is NOT LIKELY to be accepted unless you have already defaulted on your debts.
The longer you have been paying little or nothing towards them, the lower offer your creditors may be prepared to accept.
An offer is more likely to be accepted by a debt collector that has bought the debt then the original lender.
How to make the offer
National Debtline has a sample letter that you can use.
It is a good idea to add an explanation about where the money is coming from.
A couple of examples:
“I have been offered £2,000 by my sister if this will help me clear my debt with you, which is currently about £4,650. “
“I am reluctant to take money from my pension, so I will only do this if you agree to accept this offer.”
Enclosing an income & expenditure sheet with your letter will make the point to the creditor that if they don’t accept this offer it will take a very long while to repay the debt.
That sample letter asks the creditor to confirm in writing that the money will be accepted as a Full & Final Settlement and also that they will not sell the remaining debt.
You need to insist on this. Unscrupulous creditors have been known to just take the money, reduce the debt then continue to chase you for the rest of it. In 2025, this is very rare but it’s simply not worth the risk! If a creditor calls you up and agrees to your offer, do not pay the money without a written agreement.
When you are in a debt management plan
A F&F can be great way to start getting the number of debts down in a Debt Management Plan. the remaining debts will then be paid off faster
Often your DMP company will say you have to offer the same to everyone, which is normally not going to work well unless you have a lot of money to offer.
So I suggest you don’t talk to your DMP firm about this but make the offer to some creditors yourself.
I don’t think this is being unfair to your other creditors – by clearing one debt, your DMP will then start paying more to the others.
An unusual case – a single payment IVA
If you have a lump sum to pay towards your debts but afterwards you are unlikely to be able to pay much at all on a monthly basis, then this could be a good option for you.
A typical situation might be if you have been made redundant and you are unlikely to be able to work again, perhaps because of your age or health. Or if you have downsized your house.
This gives you a Full & Final settlement on all your debts without having to negotiate with each creditor individually.
The downside is that this is a form of insolvency – it has the same bad effect on your credit record as bankruptcy for 6 years.
If you want advice on this, talk to StepChange, who could set one up and who will explain if you have better options.
Before making an offer…
Is the debt enforceable in court?
Think about this before making a settlement offer.
For loans, credit cards, store cards and catalogues, the debts are unenforceable in court if the current creditor (usually a debt collector) can’t produce the CCA agreement for the debt. See When and how to ask a creditor for the CCA agreement for more details.
This is most likely to work for old debts, especially those where the account was opened before April 2007. It’s also worth doing this for accounts that were opened more recently if they have been sold to a debt collector. It won’t work for overdrafts or mobile or utility bills.
If the creditor admits they can’t produce the CCA agreement, you could decide not to pay the debt at all. This is normally your best option.
You may think that the creditor will then accept a really low settlement offer. Unfortunately many don’t. completely sorted.
How low an offer will be accepted?
This is a really hard question to answer because it depends a lot on your circumstances. An offer may be rejected because it is too low, but if you give the creditor more information it’s possible that they could be persuaded if you can give them more information.
You have to put yourself in the mind of the creditor and try to work out what they will think – for more details read What to do if a Full & Final Offer Is Rejected.
For example, if you have been paying token payments for more than a year and your brother offers you half the amount you owe, then there is a good chance your creditors might be interested.
But if you have just lost your job, are young and healthy and have only missed a month’s payment, then your creditors are very unlikely to accept 50%… but you may be able to persuade them with 90%.
It isn’t good tactics to always start with a really low offer such as 10% if all the indications are that they won’t accept that. Your letter may just be binned if it isn’t somewhere close.
Realistically, a secured creditor is extremely unlikely to accept a low F&F if there is much equity in your property. And they are uncommon on debts where there is a CCJ.
Your creditor proposes a F&F
If you have been in a DMP for a while, or have not been paying anything, then you may receive a letter offering you a Full & Final settlement.
Klarna has said that it will offer 50% reductions to eligible customers who have missed payments for a long period.
Of course you may have no money to accept this offer… But if the offer is a good one it may be worthwhile taking a hard look at your situation (see the list of possible money sources above) to see if you have any options.
At this point it may be a good idea to negotiate, but there is no point in wasting everyone’s time. If they have offered you a 60% settlement, then it’s worth seeing if they will accept 40%, but not 10%.
Read their letter closely – is it clear that they are definitely writing off the remainder of the debt? If you are unsure, get them to clarify this in writing.
Your credit record & worries about a future mortgage
Debt collectors tell you that a partial settlement will harm your credit record and it will be there for 6 more years. The first is partly true – but often doesn’t matter – and the latter is simply wrong!
- A F&F usually results in the debt being marked as “partially settled” on your credit file. You may decide this isn’t important for you. Your credit rating is usually poor or dreadful if you are likely to get a F&F, and it’s sensible to decide that clearing your debts is your top priority. Whilst it would be lovely to get rid of the debts and improve your credit record at the same time, that probably isn’t going to happen.
- If the debt has a default date on your credit record, it will always drop off your credit file six years after that date. Making a Full and Final settlement will not affect this, the debt won’t stay there for longer.
- If the debt has already dropped off your credit record it will NOT reappear after a partial settlement.
This is discussed in more detail in How partial settlements affect your credit rating.
You may be worried about a future mortgage. I have looked at this here: Will partial settlement make it hard to get a mortgage?
For most people if they have to pay in full it will be many more years before they can get a mortgage… so unless you can easily pay the full amount, this probably isn’t something to worry too much about.
Summary of pros and cons
Pros Clears a chunk of your debts, leaving you in a better position to clear the rest faster.
Cons Your creditors don’t have to accept. You shouldn’t leave yourself short of money you need for living on.
Debt Camel says Often you don’t have the money for a F&F, so they tend to be rare, but they are good options when they work for you.
Remember to keep the emails or letters
99 times out of a hundred, everything goes smoothly and you will never hear anything about the debt again after a F&F.
However just in case something goes wrong it’s a good idea to keep the emails or letters from the creditor confirming that your payment was a Full and Final settlement.
If you ever get any letters about the debt again, send them a copy of the letter or email where the creditor agreed to the settlement or proposed it. Keep these letters for at least six years, after which the debt would become statute-barred anyway.
Poppy says
I am currently in a DMP with Stepchange since 2019 with debts outstanding of £27,000. I currently pay £90 a month into the plan.
I have debts with HSBC Repayment Services and PRA.
My mum has kindly offered me £14,000 to clear the debts as I would like to start trying for a baby and she recognises that it will be a huge weight off my shoulders to have the plan closed. I’m wondering what the best process to follow to negotiate 50% would be? Should I try for an affordability complaint first? I had been in my overdraft continuously for years before my credit cards/ loans were granted and limits increased but now the debts have far exceeded 6 year time limit.
I was going to follow the below steps:
1) ask for CCA agreement
2) raise affordability complaint
3) ask for default dates to be removed or moved (2 marked as 2019, 1 2020 and another 2021 although the plan started in 2019)
4) put forward full and final settlement
It would be much easier just to put forward a full and final settlement but I’d be really grateful for your thoughts and advice.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Can I ask if you are buying or renting? Do you own a car?
Poppy says
Thanks for the reply Sara. I’m renting and do not own a car.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
The £90 you are paying, is this easy to afford? does it allow you to put money aside for xmas, clothes, dentists, do you have enough for heathy food?
Poppy says
Yes it is. I probably could afford a lot more but right now I’m focused on ensuring I have all of those things listed.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Sorry I missed your reply. How many of the debts are with HSBC and what is their total? And how many with PRA and their total?
Poppy says
HSBC loan £11,958
HSBC credit card £5,158
Both with HSBC Repayment services
PRA £3,908 and £5,150
Sara (Debt Camel) says
OK so comments on your 4 step plan…
– I would cross worrying about the default dates off the list. Compared with getting the loans settled, this is pretty minor and can be left until afterwards if you really care about it.
– these are pretty old debts to be making affordability complaints about. Unless you have your old bank statements you may find this hard going and it may not be worth bothering with.
– there is a bigger chance that the CCA agreements cant be produced by PRA than HSBC. But I think you pat as well ask. If any can’t be found, you just stop paying. It is painful to try to get a lender to agree to take a lower settlement because there is no CCA – you may think it’s sensible but the lender probably won’t agree. So unless you are prepared to stop paying the creditor if they can’t produce the CCA, I probably wouldn’t bother trying.
So that leaves settlement offers. 50% seems very generous to me. I would be tempted to start at 10k,
Your other option is just to start trying for a baby now, and reduce your DMP payments when you go on maternity leave. After that your creditors may be prepared to accept even less.
James Cooper says
Hi Sara,
Hope it’s ok to post on here?
I have been paying a DMP through Stepchange for about 18 months. I had roughly £33k split across 5 credit cards. I pay just under £1k per month and have roughly 18 months left – the total debt is now around £16K.
Would it be worth me offering final settlements, or is there no chance they would be accepted do you think due to the fact the debt is coming down relatively quickly? I may be able to borrow some money from a family member to pay the lump sums and them pay them back what ever the lower figure is I need to pay.
The biggest two debts are around £4.8k each, to MBNA and PRA, the rest is spread out between Nationwide, Creation and HSBC.
Any advice welcome please.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
With such large monthly payments I would be surprised if many would except a significant discount.
Have you looked at affordability complaints though? Read and have a think about each card.
James cooper says
Thanks Sara for the reply, I appreciate it. I will look at that article. A few people on MSE website have suggested going down the CCA route, so I may look at that.
Have a good Christmas.
Frank says
Hi Sara
I read this part of the article “If you don’t have a lot of money, it could be a good idea to use it to pay off one creditor. For example, if you only have £1,000 then that isn’t going to get far if your debts add up to £24,000. But if you could get a creditor you owe £3,000 to take £1,000 then this is a good improvement.”.
Then I have seen this on national debtline page “If you have made full and final payments to only some of your creditors, it may be argued that this is a preferential payment and you have not dealt with your debts fairly. If you apply for a DRO, it is possible that the DRO application will be refused or you may receive a debt relief restrictions order. See our Debt relief orders guide for more information.”.
Just wanted to clarify that if considering a DRO in the future if things don’t improve, should this preferential lump sum payment be avoided?
Thank you
Sara (Debt Camel) says
are your debts defaulted? sold to debt collectors?
Kelly Avery says
Id be interested in a response to the same question as above re preferential treatment. Most of my debts have been sold to debt collectors. Do I need to offer them all the same percentage? Also do you think councils and the DfWP are open to full and finals? Thank you
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Are you making payments to them all at the moment?
How long ago were they sold?
Councils & the DWP are not usually open to offers – you should assume they need to be paid in full
How much do all the debts add up to? Where will the money for offers come from?
Bella says
I’ve got a debt I’ve been paying via a DMP for over 15 years! There is £1700 remaining but I cannot afford to clear that. Is it worth me requesting the credit agreement as I have been paying this debt for so long and potentially stopping payments?
The original debt was with Sainsbury’s bank but is currently with PRA.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Yes that sounds like it’s worth asking for the CCA. See
Are you having problems paying current debts too?
Peter says
Please can you give me some feedback on the wording of the full and final settlement offer I have written below. Thank you.
Dear Sir/Madam
Without prejudice
Account No:
I am writing about the money which you are claiming on the above account. I can confirm that I am unable to pay the money which I owe in full.
I am currently in recent of universal credit and this is my only source of income. I have been unemployed since June 2019.
However, I can raise £ and I want to offer this as full and final settlement of the account. I am being offered this money by a friend if I can use it to settle this debt. I am making this offer on the clear understanding that, if you accept it, neither you nor any associate company will take any other action to collect or enforce this debt in any way and that I will be released from any liability.
Based on my circumstances, and because these circumstances are very unlikely to improve in the future, I feel a full and final settlement is the best way to resolve the outstanding debt.
I enclose a copy of my budget sheet which gives details of my financial circumstances.
If you accept this offer, please confirm that you will mark my credit reference agency file to show that the above account has been paid and closed.
I can pay the amount I have offered within 7 days of receiving your written agreement of this offer. Please give me details of how I can pay via bank transfer.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
That looks like the National Debtline standard wording?
How long has it been since this debt defaulted? What sort of debt was it?
Peter says
Thank you for the quick response Sara.
It is the National Debtline standard wording, I added the following and wasn’t sure if they were OK:
I am currently in recent of universal credit and this is my only source of income. I have been unemployed since June 2019.
I am being offered this money by a friend if I can use it to settle this debt.
Please give me details of how I can pay via bank transfer.
Default date is August 2020.
It’s a credit card with creation.
The debt is around £12,000. I’ve been paying £6 PM since August 2021, but now they have decided that is not enough and have asked for an amount that is nearly all of my income per month which I cannot possibly pay. They are taking me to court to obtain a CCJ with a view to getting a charging order.
A friend has offered to give me some money to see if they will accept an offer to clear the debt. I wanted to add the first line to try and emphasis to them that a CCJ will not change how much I can repay per month. I am also attaching a budget sheet that will show them I cannot make a higher payment. The second line is to try and ensure it is not seen as a preferential payment.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
They are taking me to court to obtain a CCJ with a view to getting a charging order.
Have they just threatened this?
Or have they sent you a Letter Before Action (see what one of these letters looks like)?
Or have they sent a court claim form (see
Do you have a mortgage? How are you managing on UC?
Peter says
I have received a money claim from HM courts.
I don’t have a mortgage.
I am finding it hard to survive on UC, I only have £70 left per month after my outgoings. All of the £70 is paid to creditors, with this claimant receiving £6.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
I suggest you talk URGENTLY to National Debtline on 0808 808 4000.
If you do not respond to the court claim you will get a CCJ “by default” within a few days. This is very likely to be too late to try to make a settlement offer by post.
Peter says
I’ve responded to the court claim by making an acknowledgement of service to buy some time.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Good. But that gives you only 14 days to file a defence. Many creditors will not withdraw a court claim at this point. Please talk to National Debtline tomorrow.