Did your payday loans cost so much when you repaid one you had to keep on borrowing?
You can get a refund of the interest you paid on unaffordable loans.
It’s easy to ask for a payday loan refund using the free template letters here. The letters work if your payday loans were repaid or you still owe money.
The comments below this article have thousands of stories of the refunds people have got using these letters. It is a great place to ask questions!
What are “unaffordable” loans?
Was a loan affordable just because you repaid it?
No! If paying a loan left you so broke you had to borrow again – from the same lender or a different one – it was unaffordable!
The regulator says:
“the borrower should be able to make the required repayments without undue difficulty, whilst continuing to meet other debt repayment obligations and reasonable regular outgoings.”
That means a payday loan is only affordable if you repaid it on time and you could still manage to pay your other bills and debts.
Payday loans are meant to solve a short-term problem. If you kept repaying one then getting another loan soon after, the lender should have stopped lending to you.
If the loan was small and it was the first loan or second loan from a lender, the lender may not have realised the loan was unaffordable for you. But it was irresponsible lending to just carry on giving you more loans.
Many lenders ignore obvious signs of problems such as your loans increasing in size, or borrowing again soon after repayment.
How much compensation can you get?
You don’t have to calculate this. Just ask for a refund from the lender and see what you are offered. This is simple and it works well.
The Financial Ombudsman has seen tens of thousands of payday loan affordability complaints.
A typical decision by the Ombudsman is that the payday lender should refund all the interest you paid interest after the third, fourth or fifth loan.
But if your first loan was large, or was rolled over several times you could get a refund from just one loan.
Which lenders can you get refunds from?
You can complain to lenders that are still in business, even if they are no longer lending. These include:
Lending Stream, Cash Converters, CashASAP, Drafty, Dot Dot, Fast Loan Uk, Fernovo, Fund Ourselves, Kabayan, LoanPig, Mr Lender, Moneyboat, MyKredit, My Finance Club, QuidMarket, Savvy, The Money Platform, WageMe, Wizzcash,
See this email list for payday lenders for a longer list and all the contact details to use.
If the lender has gone into administration, including CashForUNow, Piggybank, Ferratum, Oakam:
- make a claim to the administrators – there is normally a simple form for you to complete, see the lender’s website for details – but there will be a time limit for doing this.
- you may not get much cash back but this is very easy to do. A balance may be reduced or cleared even if there is no cash to distribute. And if you win the complaint any negative marks on your credit record will be removed.
It is probably too late to make claims to other lenders who gave up years ago, see this list.
For longer-term loans there are better template letters to use on other pages:
- doorstep lenders and guarantor lenders,
- Loans2Go – the worst loans in Britain!
- 118 Money, Everyday lonas, Likely Loans/Finio, Reevo, Bamboo, car finance, bank loans and other long-term loans.
Do this before, before you send in a complaint
Doing these things now will make your life easier later.
Get a copy of your TransUnion statutory credit report and keep it. After complaints are started, sometimes loans are deleted and you may want the full report if you later have to go to the Ombudsman.
If you still owe money to the lender, read Will an affordability claim hurt my credit record, and other questions. These looks at your options for stopping paying, the effect on your credit record etc.
If the rest of your finances are difficult, look into a Debt Management Plan (DMP) where you make one affordable payment a month to StepChange. This gets you into a safe financial position as these affordability complaints can take a long time to go through at the Ombudsman. Winning a complaint then speeds up the DMP.
Unless you can afford to make this month’s payment without borrowing again, cancel the CPA to the lender at your bank. Otherwise the lender may take the money and you will be in a mess.
If your loan was sold to a debt collector you complain to the original lender. But also tell the debt collector that you are disputing the debt. It is a good idea to carry on making payments to the debt collector if they are affordable.
Start your complaint & get loan details
Find the lender’s email address for complaints from this list.
Put “AFFORDABILITY COMPLAINT” as the subject of your email:
You should never have given me these unaffordable loans. Paying you each month left me with too little money so I had to keep borrowing to get through the next month.
You should have realised from the number of times I borrowed that my debt problems were getting worse. It was not responsible to continue to lend to me. [Add more details eg how often you borrowed or rolled loans if you know them, how the amount borrowed generally went up etc]
[Include/change this if your credit record would have shown big problems:] My credit reports would have shown all my other debts and problems including late payments/defaults /CCJs/debt management.]
I am asking you to refund the interest and any charges I paid, plus statutory interest, and to delete any negative information from my credit record.
[delete this sentence if you know what all your loans were.] I know the difficulties your loans have caused me but I no longer have all the loan details. Please send me a list, showing for each loan when it was taken out, how much interest and charges you added, and what I repaid. This will enable me to assess any refund you offer me.
[delete this sentence if none of your loans were sold.]If a loan was later sold to a debt collector, please inform me of the date of sale and the name of the debt collector.
Some ways to improve this
Add any other points that help you describe what happened to you. You don’t need to list the loans – the lenders knows them.
Some examples:
- “I took out another loan with xxxx to pay you.”
- “Sometimes I borrowed to pay the rent and then had to top-up to get money for food.”
- if you weren’t treated fairly while you were borrowing or when you could not make a payment, add a bit about this.
You can attach bank statements if you like, This is a good idea as these show how unaffordable the loans were for you. If you have gambling showing, this helps your complaint, it doesn’t harm it.
I don’t know if many lenders actually read what you send them. I
it’s easy to make these complaints – you don’t need to calculate what refund you should get or quote laws.
Only one loan?
The template refers to multiple loans because that is what normally happens with payday lenders.
When you only had one loan and it was large, read Refunds from large loans and use the template there.
If you only had one loan and it was small, this is going to be a very difficult complaint to win. If you have borrowed once or twice from 5 leaders, that is much more difficult to win an affordability complaint than having 4 or 5 loans from two lenders.
Waiting for a reply from the lender
This email starts your affordability complaint.
They may send the list of loans first and later respond to your complaint. So don’t be surprised if you get sent info on the loans but nothing about your request for a refund.
When you get your loan information, you can send in more details about your complaint if you want. You don’t have to do this, your complaint has already begun and the lender has to reply.
The lender should reply to your complaint within 8 weeks from when you send the email, not when they acknowledge it. Make a note in your diary for 8 weeks time and chase the lender up if you don’t get a reply.
Don’t be surprised if you have to wait until the end of the 8 weeks to get response – this is common.
Send your bank statements or other information?
Some lenders ask you to send them a copy of your credit record, payslips or bank statements.
Credit record – the lender can check your credit record themselves if they want. But you should download a copy of your credit record asap as the Ombudsman will ask for it. Don’t put this off, the sooner you get a report downloaded, the further back it goes which is good.
Don’t send payslips.
It is a good idea to send bank statements. But think twice about the cost of copying and postage if there are a lot. Some lenders seem to ignore them if you do send them.
Again this is a good point to get those bank statements even if you do not want to send them as they will help an Ombudsman claim a lot. You can get them going back at least 6 years even if the account has been closed.
Lender says No or makes a poor offer
If the lender rejects your complaint or offers you a small amount, don’t be depressed. You may still have a very good case!
It is easy and free to send your case to the Financial Ombudsman where many thousands of people have won their payday loan complaints, despite being rejected by the lender.
Give up?
Some lenders try to make your case sound bad when it isn’t. People have had large amounts refunded after a complete rejection!
Just ignore any of the following comments, they do not mean you have a weak case:
- they relied on your loan applications and you didn’t give accurate facts – see Lender says I lied for more about this;
- you repaid some loans early – this doesn’t prove the loans were affordable, just that you were trying to save interest;
- your borrowing didn’t go up every time – irrelevant, what matters is that you kept borrowing;
- you had a good enough credit score or they didn’t legally have to check your credit record – if you only had one or two small loans that is true. But if the loans were large or you kept borrowing, they should have looked more closely;
- some loans are over 6 years old – the Ombudsman will look at these even if the lender says they won’t!
A good enough case to go to the Ombudsman?
If you don’t know what to do, ask in the comments below this article. Accepting an offer settles your whole complaint – you can’t change your mind later.
Don’t worry that you will lose a small offer by going to the Ombudsman – this doesn’t happen.
Some points to think about:
- if you are offered a refund on only a few loans, don’t accept it if you think the lender should have realised a lot of the other loans were unaffordable;
- an offer to write off your current balance may sound convenient … but it may be very poor if you should get a refund as well;
- if getting defaults or late payments removed from your credit record is important to you, are you happy with what the lender is proposing to do? Don’t assume your credit record will be cleared if the lender didn’t mention this.
One or two loan cases are hard to win at the Ombudsman. It’s probably best to give up on one or two loan cases unless:
- the loan was large. Here is one single loan case that was won even though it was an instalment loan and the borrower had a good income. And another single loan case for a loan of £1,000. You can win cases for smaller amounts if the repayment would have been a large amount of your income; or
- you still owe money.
Don’t delay too long – there is a 6-month time limit after a lender rejects your complaint to send the case to the ombudsman. When you aren’t sure, send the complaint to FOS. This is free and easy to do – let FOS make the decision.
How to send a complaint to FOS
Put in a separate complaint about each lender.
Don’t wait until all your lenders have replied before sending the first one to the Ombudsman!
FOS’s “complain online” option is easy and takes you through your complaint step by step.
You can just copy what you said in your complaint to the lender. You can add more details, for example, if you disagree with what the lender replied to you.
If some of your loans were over 6 years ago, tell the Ombudsman when and how you found out about these complaints. For example:
“I knew the loans were causing me difficulty in 2018, but I thought this was my fault for being bad with money. I didn’t find out that the lender should have checked the loans were affordable until June 2024 when my brother told me about these claims/I saw an advert from a claims company on Facebook/I read an article about these claims” – change this so it is right for your case!
Things to attach:
- the reply you have had from the lender.
- bank statements if you have them. Ideally from 3 months before your first loan until the last loan was repaid or you defaulted on it. This strengthens your case, showing how unaffordable the loans were. You can still get bank statements even if your account is closed – if you don’t have them, start the process of getting them now, don’t wait until FOS asks for them.
- a copy of your TransUnion Statutory credit report
- if you dont have the credit agreements, FOS will get them from the lender.
What happens after you have sent a case to FOS
You will normally be contacted within a couple of weeks and asked for a copy of your credit record and your bank statements if you haven’t sent these. If you have sent these on one complaint, then when you complain about a different lender FOS will use the ones they already have.
After this initial contact, your case will wait for the lender to send FOS your case file and then wait to be picked up by an adjudicator who will make a decision on it.
If you are still making payments to the lender, tell the lender you want to reduce these to an affordable amount. This will make waiting for an Ombudsman decision much less stressful for you.
The Financial Ombudsman has a two-stage process. Most cases are settled by the first “adjudicator” stage but about 10% go to the second “Ombudsman” stage.
A few problem cases
Don’t ask for a refund:
- if you are bankrupt now or have been bankrupt in the past – any refund would go to the Official Receiver.
- if you are in an IVA, as refunds will go to your IVA firm not to you. If your IVA has finished the refund may still be sent to your old IVA firm.
- if you are in a DRO now, getting a refund may mean your DRO is cancelled!
More help
You can ask a question in the comments below – you may get a reply from someone who has been in your exact situation.
Don’t use a claims management company. They are expensive and often incompetent. It’s easy to do this yourself and you can ask questions below and get replies from other readers who have done this.
Dan says
I must say this is a brilliant website. I came across it completely by accident but so glad I did. Back in 2012 I was a 21 year old silly lad who stupidly took out one of these loans which as I’m sure you have all done took more and more out. I’ve sent complaints out to all the companies I can remember and finally got my first response back from Lending stream after 2 weeks. I had 6 loans off them between 2012 and 2013 with the interest working out at 757. They have offered me 587 as a refund. I have decided to accept it as in all honesty I was surprised they offered that much without fighting for it. cheers guys for setting this up though, I look forward to hearing back from the several other companies I was stupidly taken in by.
April says
Good luck Dan, I was exactly the same when I was 21 and got myself into an absolute nightmare. I found this site in March, emailed 12 different companies about irresponsible lending and since then I have had £3K of outstanding debts wrote off, and over £4k back in refunds.
What a difference it has made, 5 years of having this debt hanging over me and I’m nearly free! Hopefully you’ll receive more quick and positive responses!
Dan says
Brilliant news. I have since sorted all my debts out and now own a home so to have these refunds has really been a pay back to all the stress I was going through at the time. Hope everyone gets what they can out of these Bas****s
SL says
Morning everyone
I was wondering if anyone can advise on the QQ jurisdiction issue … I was told by the FOS short term lending team that the senior ombudsman is looking at the issue now because QQ said they will take the FOS to court if they enforce the 6 year ruling so naturally the FOS are checking every i is dotted and t crossed but yesterday I received an update to say nothing was being looked at as they are looking at the lenders who have said yes to some older loans being looked at … does anyone else have any clarification from FOS?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
I am unsurprised if QQ are threatening a judicial review… whether this is just bluff or not only time will tell. The FOS have been proceeding very carefully and deliberately, explaining the reasons for their decision and listening to counter arguments from the lenders. This makes it much less like any JR could succeed.
There isn’t much anyone can do except wait. It feels like it won’t be much longer, but who knows.
Karen says
Hi I had spoken with the Fos today and they have sent me an email in regards to my wonga complaint.
I got this response
I’ve spoken to one of my colleagues to clarify what’s happening on your complaint and it looks as though there’s an ongoing issue with your complaint and others like it.
We have previously written to Wonga about cases where we feel a consumer bought their complaint within the time limits set by the regulator. But unfortunately Wonga have widely disagreed with us on this. We are in the process of working with Wonga to explain our approach – but this does take some time. They have also raised a number of arguments that we are still considering.
I appreciate that this is frustrating for you, but unfortunately, I can’t give you any further updates or provide you with a timescale for when this will be resolved at thi
The Hitman says
Hi all,
I’ve had a loan with lending stream that was sold to Motormile Finance. They’ve already tried fobbing me off saying I need to contact motormile, I’m not I’m still pursuing LS.
My question is I still had a outstanding amount with LS of 2k (just 400 if you minus all the fees) that was sold to motormile. So if I get a payout with LS would I still owe motormile 2k?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Any payout will be used to clear the outstanding MMF loan, after any interest has been deducted from it. Have you told MMF the debt is in dispute with LS? If not, do this, you don’t want MMF starting court action.
MH says
Today is the last day that Sunny have to respond to my adjudicator’s findings partially upholding my complaint…. i don’t hold out much hope for a response. I know people have said that Sunny have been easy to deal with but ive had nothing proactive from them, they waited until after 8 weeks to decline my initial complaint then this next.
Positive is ive had today is that the adjudicator upheld my Uncle Buck loan – was only the 1 loan – so if people are reading this and have only had 1 loan get a complaint in, its the second single loan success ive had; this one and Peachy. They deemed my disposable income as very little after UB would have taken the installments.
Hang in there people!
Dan says
Today is the last day for Sunny to respond to to my adjudicator’s decision too but haven’t heard anything – I have a feeling that I’m in for the long haul…..
The positive is that an ombudsman decision is likely to be the same as the adjudicator’s so that means they’ll definitely have to refund.
Good news on your single Uncle Buck loan – that’s a good result considering it was a single loan.
Keep at it!
MH says
I rang adjudicator Dan and they said just because they hadn’t replied doesn’t mean they haven’t they said it could be a case they haven’t updated the emails onto files yet so it MAY be sitting waiting to be updated, anyway they said they’d get in touch with me next week. Well exactly there’ll be a refund it just depends how long we’re made to wait!
Dan says
I just called them too – got a completely different explanatory you.
They told me that they haven’t had a response from Sunny/Elevate yet but that they often give an additional week for them to respond (given that they know they’re snowed under with complaints).
Said that they adjudicator would probably start chasing them at the back end of this week.
I wait with baited breath…..
Dan says
Hi MH,
Just wondering how you got on with your adjudicator/Sunny decision?
Sunny accepted my adjudicator’s decision and I’ve sent my acceptance.
Good news for me as it’s £2500 returned to me and £670 balance cleared (so over 3k refunded in total). I’m dead chuffed with that!
Did you get a good result too? If so, have you accepted and got you refund yet?
Also, good news today as adjudicator found in my favour against Lending Stream to the tune of £4600 – let’s hope they accept and back down!
That’s a total of over £9k in either refunds or wiped off – seriously life changing stuff. Can’t thank this group of people enough!
My family have struggled because of my stupidity and, now that I’m practically debt free, I plan to make it up to them with a holiday to say that I’m sorry.
It’s really comforting to know that there are people who are/were in as much (or more) trouble than I was and I hope we can all break this terrible cycle we go ourselves into.
Gary says
Hi Sara,
Have just received an offer from Cheque Centre for £3324 which is a full refund of interest on all loans taken out excluding the 2 initial loans which were of low value. (makes little difference to the refund if included)
Cheque Centre have not included the statuary 8% interest on the refund which i work out to be circa 3324 / 100 x 8 = 265.92 / 365 = 0.728 x 1741 days = £1268. So an additional £1268 should be included within their final offer.
I have contacted CC via telephone and spoke with the customer relations person who provided the response, she has advised that the statuary interest is never taken into account by CC and they never include the interest within a refund offers, she advised that only the FOS can advise CC to include the interest.
Iv requested that my complaint be escalated to a manager to include the interest to allow a resolution to be made without FOS involvement. The customer relations person advised i will receive and email or call within 2 working days. I wont hold my breath.
Would you advise accepting the offer without interest or delay my refund and submit it to the FOS? My worry is that i may be made redundant by the end of September and the money would be very useful if that scenario takes place where i would like to avoid a long waiting delay to have my case reviewed by FOS.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
First your figures. 1741 days is that the average time from your loans? Did your loans get larger over the years, if so the later, larger refunds will have less interest added to it. You may have corrected for this.
It’s really up to you wahat you feel a “fair” refund is. Many people think that getting back virtually all the interest they paid, with little fuss, is a good offer from a lender. Other people want to try to maximise what they may get.
The Ombudsman doesn’t always add interest but it is certainly usually done.
Chris Allen says
Response from Quick Quid :-( Only 3 loans
We appreciate your comments about the loan/these loans being unaffordable. However, as your loans were taken out in 17/04/2008-30/06/2008 you would have been reasonably aware of this issue at the time you were making your repayments.
I understand you may be disappointed but hope this explanation explains why we have taken this position.
If you remain unhappy with our Final Response, we need to ensure you are aware of your rights of referral to the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS).
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Loans over 6 years will take much longer to resolve. It’s not clear you would win a 3 loan case either.yiu need to think if this one is worth taking to the Ombudsman.
Gary says
Hi Sara, many thanks for your reply.
To be honest the 1741 days does not take into account the varying loan amounts and dates so my interest would in fact be less.
I’ve spoken with cheque centre and received a reply advising that my request has been escalated. I’ve responded advising that the FOS will no doubt uphold my complaint and direct CC to include the statuary 8%, so to avoid additional correspondence and requests for case files I would like to come to a resolution direct with CC where the interest is included, upon agreement and receipt of the refund I would deem this full and final settlement against my complaint.
Fingers crossed this works, it certainly worked with H&T who added the interest immediately and made payment the next day.
Gary says
Hi Sara,
Just an update on the above, Cheque Centre responded this morning advising that my complaint was escalated to a manager who has agreed to amended the original offer of £3324 to include the 8% interest where the final offer amounts to £4214. So well worth a quick email and call requesting the interest to be included. I just wish all lenders were as easy to deal with. So far Mr Lender and H&T have given refunds including interest very easily and promptly, however Wonga, Uncle Buck, Payday Express and Wizzcash have not upheld my complaints with no refund offer. Currently awaiting responses from Lending Stream, Money Shop, Cash Generator and Quick Quid. Looking to submit all complaints not upheld to the FOS in one go.
Maz says
Can someone please help re Uncle buck payday loans circa 2009 they refused to entertain my complaint with 1000 of interest on 3 tiny loans they told me to go to ombudsman who in turn said they can’t help as not regulated until 2012 this after a bit of digging is company dissolved and started up again. They must have just switched assets anyway they won’t entertain any letters and seems nowhere to turn I was in a terrible place at the time payday loans all over place. I don’t want them getting away with this. Funnily enough although a new company they still had my statements which they sent me showing all details.
Someone please assist?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Have these loans been repaid?
Bev says
Want to say a hugs thanks for this site and all the updates from everyone.
I have complained to Wonga and Quickquid. At 7 weeks for each one I received an offer of around the £1000 mark. Wonga for 3 loans and QQ for just 1. I referred to the FOS and so far they have been amazing. Thought I would update for each one.
Emailed complaint and asking for statement in on the same day. Received acknowledgement email quickly then statement was emailed to me within a week. I emailed them a few times to ask for updates then got my final offer at 7 weeks. (7:45am on a Saturday Morning!) I Referred straight away to the FOS. Filled in the complaint form on line then was asked after to email them the final offer email. Unfortunately, my complain is on hold at the moment as Wonga closed my complaint down when I didn’t accept their offer and FOS are waiting for someone on Wongas end to handle it again. They asked me to email bank statements etc which I did.
Bev says
Part 2/2
QuickQuid – Same as Wonga but rang my complaint into FOS and its being handles within a week. The adjudicator has looked at it today and emailed a couple of times to ask for a few more details but she emailed earlier to say from what she has seen so far she will be asking QQ today out on more than just the one loan. Interestingly though, only complained about QQ but FOS/QQ automatically have looked at my Poundtopocket loans too. I hadn’t complained about those yet. She did say however that atm QQ were refusing to consider loans over 6 years and I could hold out and wait but it would take some time so I said just to look at those within 6years. Fingers crossed.
Going through my bank statements I realised also had loans from Paydayuk too. I had completely blanked that so I have now put a complaint in to them.
How long does a refund take from the adjudicator deciding how much? Can the business refuse?
Tom says
Hi Bev,
companies can refuse an adjudicator’s findings. If this happens it will go into the queue to be seen by an Ombundsman, and their findings are absolute. Unfortunately there is quite a long waiting list for the Ombudsman, anywhere between 3 and 6 months before they pick cases up.
Hope you get what you deserve.
Steve says
just an update. I sent out e.mails to 9 company’s 2 weeks ago. had acknowledge from the majority. I have today had an offer and settled complaint with Mr lender. I have to say they acted fairly and promptly. accepted offer lunch time and refund was I’m my account by end of the day and the last loan payment wiped and settled.
a positive start so 8 to go
thanks to everyone on here and Sara
Lee says
Steve, always try counter offer with providers if thinking accepting anyway. To see if you can squeeze more out of them before accepting anything. I did this and got a further £230 from Mr Lender added onto their final offer and did same with Peachy. You have to play hardball with them and they have to believe your going to the financial ombudsman and also going to notify the FCA regarding their lending practices. Saying that I learnt a lot after first offer. Don’t settle low.
Leah says
So far I’ve had successful payouts with lending stream (as soon as I referred it to the ombudsma I cc’d them in) lending stream sent me an offer, clear account and uncle buck paid out from my complaint no ombudsman required.
My jar went to ombudsman they made the recommendation and my jar paid out.
Wonga was also done through the ombudsman as after 8 weeks they declined my complaint but the ombudsman agreed with me, I am currently waiting for a response to an email I sent to wonga asking when my refund will be received as it was agreed 31st July 2017 and active securities have been written to by ombudsman as they agreed that 19 out of 23 loans were unaffordable and recommend a refund of all interest but they have until 19th August to respond with any evidence suggesting otherwise.
I have a ppi I found for rfs Ltd now taken over it related to a preference account but I’ve take it to the ombudsman as they keep telling me to refer back to the retailer that sold me the car. The ombudsman have written to me asking for the details of the Renault dealer but all my paperwork and payments were to rfs Ltd which to me sounds like head office. Any advice on this I have provided everything to the ombudsman but seems like they are struggling too.
Lee says
Leah accepted a £2486.10 offer from Wonga on Wednesday morning (9th Aug). They told me up to 14 working days. Your worrying me now that they will take longer. Maybe call them. Let me know when you get your money paid out.
Funny how they can normally credit accounts in hours but drag refunds out. Has anyone else had a refund recently from Wonga and how long did you wait?
Linda says
Sarah can I ask please I’m on a DMP I’ve informed the debt collecting agencies that I’m in dispute with my payday loans as 4 were passed to debt collectors all of whom are on my DMP. Do I continue to pay them through my DMP whilst the loan is in dispute or do I inform StepChange not to make any more payments to them until the complaint decision? I am continuing paying but just read a thread above so about Northway Finance which says to stop.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
I suggest continuing to pay in a DMP – Northway is the exception as in is Malta based and you can’t go to the Financial Ombudsman.
Charlotte says
Hi there
Can I get a bit of advice please.
On 26 July, SUNNY provided their final response and offered to write off all 5 outstanding loans totalling £2500 and to remove all record of these loans from my credit filed which I accepted straight away – I hadn’t made any payments towards these 5 loans so was a great offer.
Since accepted the offer I have received 5 emails confirming the loans had been ‘paid’ and the accounts closed – great! However, I checked my credit report on the 30 July (3 days after their offer) and they had removed 4 out of the 5 loans. I wrote to them on the 30 July, 3 and 7 August asking them to remove the final loan as per their offer….no response. I checked again on the 9 August and all 5 loans have appeared again and this time they are showing as in default? So they have clearly updated this information since their offer and me accepting such offer.
What do I do? Do I take this to the FOS?
Shannon says
They are obviously very busy with emails for complaints so I would advise to call them up and ask for an explanation of what is going on. It may be an error they will correct for you.
If you don’t get a reply to an email is best to call them up to find out what is going on.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
I agree with Shannon, phone them up, it’s probably an error. Suzy got £75 back from the Money Shop when her defaults, deleted after affordability complaint settled by Ombudsman, then reappeared, so ask for some compensation!
Charlotte says
I called them and they said they had no record of the complaint or the offer email having been sent to me! However, the balance was showing as 0. He said “maybe we agreed to write off the balance but not remove the information from your credit file”?! I advised I had the email in front of me and quoted the part where they agreed to remove all record of the loan from my credit file. He then continued to say they can take up to 6 weeks to be updated? I advised they had updated my credit file twice since the offer email, plus he had just told me they had no record of the offer email so they obviously hadn’t even tried to remove the information yet and so this would now obviously take longer to be updated! He put me on hold and apparently spoke to head office….they asked me to send the offer email in and explain what has happened with my credit file, which I have done and attached screen shots…..
Let’s see what they come back with.
NGill says
Hi All,
Does anyone have any idea about the time Peachy and Safety Net Credit take to respond back to the email complaints on average.
From previous posts I’m hoping they will negotiate and wholly expect the rest to go to the FOS.
Linda says
Hi Safetynet credit replied to my initial complaint within a couple of days saying they would investigate and although they said they had 8 weeks for a full response they also said they were aiming to get back to me within 4 weeks, they have a couple of weeks to go now so not too bad. Good luck.
Vijay says
I filed an affordability complaint with Peachy on 1 January and I heard back from them on 4 January with a final response (“Unfortunately, based on the above, we are not able to uphold your complaint as we are confident we carried out sufficient checks.”). It went to the FOS/Adjudicator on 17 January and he found in my favour on 20 March and the refund from Peachy was in my account on 21 March.
Ross says
I had an issue with Safety Net Credit. I emailed their complaint address and received an auto-reply, confirming receipt. After hearing nothing, after a week, I sent them another email asking when they planned to respond? I then had an email back, advising they had never received the initial complaint, even though they sent an automated response. Anyway, when they did confirm receipt (and respond) it was after about 6 weeks. They denied any wrongdoing, but offered to write off the balance which, by that point, was about £1370. I wasn’t going to argue the toss on whether they were in the right, or not, and the balance exceeded the amount of interest I had paid over the duration of my lending with them, so I was happy to accept. Good luck, but chase them up for sure, just in case!
GMA says
SNC responded straight away, same day saying they would investigate and they turned down my complaint 4 weeks later, I forwarded straight to the adjudicator and not playing the waiting game.
Andy says
I also had a auto response from SNC, says they’d investigate 4 weeks ago , so cancelled my CPA with them , and I receive text and email daily stating my balance is overdue and to pay immediately,
Waiting game
Charlotte says
SAFETYNET took exactly 8 weeks to response. However, they did agree to write off the outstanding balances
Sharon says
Just a quick update folks on waiting times for an Ombudsman decision. My first complaint was passed from adjudicator to Ombudsman on 2nd June and I got a final decision is the post on Saturday 12th August. Hopefully they are catching up.
Unfortunately not a good result for this one, two loans with My Jar so knew it was doubtful and it wasn’t upheld at adjudicator. I have 3 outstanding in Ombudsman queue, Wonga, Lending Stream and Sunny, all multiple over 2 years and all upheld at adjudicator level so fingers crossed.
GMA says
Another success! I got a letter from WDA on Saturday upholding my claim for all but the first 2 loans, just over 2K which is the interest + 8%, letter arrived just in time as tomorrow their 8 weeks are up. Been a great and worthwhile exercise so if you are thinking about claiming do it now! I have had refunds so far within the time frame of 8 weeks from PDK, Lending Stream, Mr Lender and WDA. Still waiting for Provident and The Money Shop. SNC Turned me down two weeks ago so forwarded to FOC with bank statements and credit reports. 7K better off now, that’s my nest egg I never thought I would have. All loans were paid off 2 years ago. Good Luck and thanks again Sara and everyone else that contributes to this blog.
Lee Heylings says
I have recently put in my claims for a refund against a few payday loans MYJAR, WONGA, LENDING STREAM, QQ after finding this site. The interesting one is Lending stream that admit they made an error to calculating the interest to the tune of £291 on just one loan, but they say that lending to me was not an error. Having had several loans with them , how can we be sure more loans have not been miscalculated. I emailed back saying that can I have that money back now as they have admitted liability but I did put a disclaimer in the email stating that acceptance of this money, was not for the a full closure of the situation as that had not been rectified. The acceptance was only for the admission error on the calculation of interest. Since then, I have heard nothing from lending stream and now I see that they have removed all my loan details from their website.
I have now sent all my details to the FOS as even though this has only been a few weeks, already we are backwards & forwards. Was I right in this instance after just a short time, or should I have left it the full 8 weeks (although i’m sure nothing would have happened or refund received)
Also, as I cannot find out now as to which loan the £291 refers to, how does the 8% get worked out as lending stream have been lending that £291 for up to 2 years. The £291 has been pure profit related for them.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
It was not a good idea to say you would accept the 291 but want to carry on with the rest of your claim. I suggest you don’t worry about the 8% interest on the 291 as if they didn’t offer it they won’t pay it and arguing about this is a side track.
Instead you need to make it very clear to Lending Stream what is happening. Even if you think they should already know, I suggest emailing them to say:
“On dd/mm I complained to you about iunaffordable lending. On dd/mm you replied denying irresponsible lending but offering £291 as you has incorrectly calculated some interest. On dd/mm I replied I accepted that amount where you had made an incorrect calculation but said this was not in settlement of my affordability complaint. Since then you ave not replied so I have sent the affordability complaint to the Financial Ombudsman.”
Dave says
Hi All
I just wanted to thank Sara for all the advice provided on this site, without it i wouldn’t have had a clue about reclaiming from Payday Loans.
So far i have had £1600 refunded from Quickquid, unfortunately the Ombudsman didn’t find in my favour regarding my complaint about Wonga. However, they have agreed with my case against PaydayUK and out of 10 loans they have agreed to pay back on loans 2-10. Not sure what the final figure will be as they have been told to contact me directly. Has anyone had any dealing with PaydayUK and are they quick to settle with?
Phil says
Hi Dave,
PaydayUK are the complete opposite of ‘quick’ I’m afraid. After requesting a statement of my loans they told me they had no obligation to provide this. When pressed, they again advised the same. in both instances, they replied within a matter of hours to my request.
I then sent the email in part 2 off to them detailing the gist of my loans etc, and have heard nothing since. Tomorrow will be 3 weeks since I sent this mail.
As the Ombudsman has agreed with you on this case however, I would expect you to see results shortly.
Dave says
Hi Phil
I know when i sent my initial complaint to PaydayUK, they eventually came back to me on the last day of the 8 week deadline basically stating ‘ they are happy with the checks etc. that were carried out and can see no wrong doing. However there was a slight error on 1 of your loans as a result would like to offer £120 to settle’ I declined this offer and went to ombudsman, i think its taken just less than 3 months to get to this point after making my complaint to the ombudsman.
Not sure if this helps Phil, i signed up with Noodle to view my credit report (this was free) and got a list of all my loans this way.
Hope you get the outcome you want on this, Good Luck!!!
gillian says
hi i have put in two complaints to the ombudsman regarding quickquid and lending stream this was back in feb 2017 i have had a reply the adjudicater upheld loans 3 to 12 at quickquid they disagreed so this is now in the ombudsman que i last spoke to the person who i thought was the adjudicater for lending stream 8 weeks ago i have six emails from the ombudsman service saying they are looking into this one having not heard anything for a while i just rang them this morning and they told me it as not even been given to a adjudicater i find this a bit strange as i put both complaints in in feb no loans over the six year period as any one else had this problem please tjis means it as been there for nearly six months and no one as picked it up
Linda says
I’m getting really fed up with Sunny. I originally put in my complaint a few weeks ago. It was picked up and I was sent the complaints procedure and an acknowledgement but not my SOA. So I emailed again a week later asking for this again and was sent an email back saying they are still investigating (no SOA attached), then another email appeared from them with my SOA and a couple of sentences asking me if I wanted to put in a complaint??! It also added they had already done affordability checks and credit checks. I really feel they are messing me about and don’t know if to send to FO now as don’t want to start again with yet another complaint so putting the timescale back for weeks any advice. On the plus side I had great Success with Mr Lender, Peachy and My Jar.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Reply asking if that is there final response to yor complaint dated (date of first complaining email). If yes, send to FOS. If no , wait until 8 weeks from that date. Don’t start a “new” complaint.
Stacey Reddick says
If The FO ask for bank statements but you have gambling on it .. also had £5000 put in by family to help pay debts x
Ross says
Don’t overly concern yourself about gambling transactions showing on your statements. The FOS are not judgmental and this can even help your case if you were constantly borrowing to gamble.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Gambling and this gift from family won’t hurt your case.
Jean Neymar says
Hello Guys
After coming across this amazing site I have referenced all the loans I took within the last 3-4 years, I went through all my emails to remember the lenders and have emailed them the first template of this site, I had used 12 different provider during this time and could not see the end of the tunnel, but I have now received 2 replied from Lending Stream (negative answer and forwarded to the FOS) and from Mr Lender who agreed to refund GBP 160 after refusing their first offer of GBP 80 and to wipe off the outstanding balance of GBP 199 from SLL (deb collector) I start to feel relief but still awaiting for Wonga (their reply should be this week and will not allow to go beyond the 8 weeks as advised on this site) PiggyBank and Sunny. The other lenders were contacted a bit after so just got to wait, unfortunately I have money shop on my list and they hard to deal with but will not give up as per the advice on this website
Jean Neymar says
Quick update on my Wonga and PiggyBank, and Sunny
Lets start with the bad news wonga has refused my complaint so it will be forwarded to the FOS
The good news come from Piggybank on GBP 955 interest I paid, they agreed to refund GBP 654 as for them only 4 loans were unaffordable
I should be expected an answer from Sunny by tomorrow otherwise i will escalate to the FOS as i have done with Lendingstream
Stacey Reddick says
Sorry just one more question!
Has anyone tried claiming anything from 118 118 money or Savvy Loans ?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Quite a few payouts from 118 but usually through the Ombudsman.
Jean Neymar says
Hey Sara
That is excellent news as they just refused mine, I will now escalate to the FOS
Thanks so much for all your help and this site Sara
Shem says
Minor update
I’ve only just begun the process and have complaints in with qq, wonga and myjar – wonga and mj have acknowledged my complaint, nothing from qq….. be good to know from others if that’s standard?
Myjar have today contacted me to say the complaint is being looked at and they will update with a final response within the 8 weeks and in the meantime my account is on hold until the end of September (which is roughly the 8 weeks) I’ve called to check a concern what will happen about missed payments once the hold is lifted – especially if my complaint is not resolved or upheld and she says d they certainly won’t just suddenly take 2 months arrears but I’ve cancelled my CPA anyway to be on the safe side …..I have to say the lady I spoke to was really friendly and understanding but only time will tell if they uphold or not
Shem x
Phil says
Hi Shem
I put a complaint in with QQ on 26/07/17. Got an email on 03/08/17 asking for more info like wage slips, bank statements etc. I replied with a copy of my credit report from Noddle showing numerous defaults and a copy of a couple of pay slips during the months I had loans (I no most people on here don’t provide this info when asked, but thought it might possibly speed claim up) Got another email 11/08/17 saying thanks for additional info, final decision within 8 weeks of first complaining.
Shem says
Thanks Phil, so no basic ‘we’ve received your complaint’ email….maybe they will ask me for more detail, I have eveidence of pay slips, rent and council tax arrears if required, I know my credit file was shocking at the time but i don’t have a copy of it from the time, The main basis of my claim woth QQ is the obvious dependency as I literally borrowed increasingly every month immediately after a payment, and had constant top ups and roll overs as the spiral grew with trying to pay back the interest and replace the income it took to pay my essentials. when searching quick quick in my emails to try and list my loans the amount of marketing emails sent during my lending history promoting further and additional borrowing through re finance roll overs and top ups is unreal, I’m thinking that may help too as that can’t be responsible. I had to use email to track my loans as they have deleted all of my 60+ loans from my record with the exception of the most recent one, I have therefore used a very vague ‘I borrowed a lot’ approach in the hope of them chancing their arm with an offer as I would be prepared to take a bit less than the full amount on the basis I would make a similar amount back by paying existing creditors early and recouping the difference that way
Be interesting to see if you do get any news earlier than the 8 week mark
Shem x
Phil says
I will keep you posted, and let me know how you get on. I only had a couple with quick quid, but had a lot with wonga basically same as you repeat borrowing just to live and pay bills (complaint is also being looked at for wonga)
Also have complaints in for amigo who I had about 4 loans with but not feeling positive about that one, and one with provident who I had a lot of loans from years ago. No reply after 3 weeks from them as of yet.
Good luck !!!
Kathy says
If you have several complaints that you want to refer to the Financial Ombusdman, do you do them one at a time as you receive your final responses from individual companies or wait and put them all in together?
Thanks x
Lee says
Kathy. Do 1 at a time as can tailor the compliant to the relevant payday provider.
I suggest the best and most easiest way of lodging your complaints is through the Financial ombudsman online compliant portal on their website (Takes around half an hour to complete each one properly).
It will prompt you to attach copies of initial compliant letters for the provider complaining about, all further correspondance docs sent/ received and the final responses.
Then when you here from financial ombuds man about 3 weeks later they will ask for bank statements and credit report details. You however only need to provide this once. If you make sure bank statements start 3 months before your very first payday loan (regardless of if different provider to one complaining about to present) that way you cover further complaints you may submit weeks later. Just ask for them to be linked to quoted case ref numbers provided when you here back from them.
Lee says
It is very important bank statements provided start 3 months before the first payday loan to last/ present.
Then obtain your Credit report via Noodle it’s free and easy to do.
I personally think easiest way is to send the bank statements and credit report is in the post recorded delivery with covering letter stating your full details and address and Dob.
State in covering letter you have multiple complaints waiting for an adjucator to review and possibly will be submitting more in the next month or do so want these bank statements and credit report scanned to your file and linked to all current / future cases. Then quote any financial ombudsmen compliant references provided at the time.
Once you have done the first one (which seems a lot of hard work) it’s a lot easier to submit further complaints.
As the adjucticators will be able to all review the same bank statements / Credit reports.
Hope that helps as I asked same question about 5 weeks ago.
Kathy says
Really helpful, thank you for all your comments.
Steve says
I have today recicieved my final response from lending stream after being persistent with them stating that I disagreed with my credit score and that when they did a search they can see amounts I owe.
after a lengthy letter sticking to there guns the last part read that they are willing as a one time and final offer to refund all interest charged and leaves me 55 pounds to clear my account completely. the balance is currently 675.
I’ve done my sums and if followed it up with the ombudsmen would probably stand at recieving a refund of 100 above balance being cleared.
I think this is a good enough offer to accept as will be another case closed and can concentrate on the larger 7 cases I have left
Lee says
Accept offer if your figures given are correct and move on. Your not really going to gain much more by pursuing LS further. Maybe use funds and pay off a credit card to save the interest on it. That will narrow the £100 difference somewhat.
The Hitman says
I have a claim of 2.5k going on with lending stream, but 1.9k of that would go to mmf as it stands.
How would I go about trying to get the mmf debt cleared?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Complain to LS.
Jacob says
Hi all
I have sent my complaint to the financial ombudsmen as paydayuk didn’t uphold my complaint. I am looking at getting my credit report ready to send in to them and reading here noddle appears to be the best free one to use online. I’m a little cautious though as during registration it asks for my card details including the 3 digit security number on the back. Is this correct?
Shannon says
Yes, Noddle does ask for card details. It’s for identity purposes rather than taking any payment. Have been signed up to Noddle for a year and never had any sort of a payment taken by them for using the free service.
Lee says
I got Noodle as was worrying like you beforehand.
But it is perfectly safe/ fine. Credit Card confirmation questions is just way to confirm account. You are not going to be charged. Trust us all.
Jacob says
Thanks for the replies you two. Before I register the complaint I have made is for loans over 6 years old from PDUK. I know they they are not fighting the 6 year rule with the FOS which is good but does my credit file only go back 6 years? And if so will FOS still request it?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Problems (defaults, CCJs, most Insolvency) older than 6 years will have dropped of your credit record.
This makes it a bit harder to win over 6 year cases. But repeat borrowing over a long period and your bank statements will usually be enough. Probably not worth pursing over 6 year cases if just a few loans.
Jacob says
I have calculated over £2k of interest pause between 2009 and 2011. Loans rolled over 9 times and 10 times. With the loans building up to half of my monthly salary. Also had a QQ loan at the same time being rolled over for approx the same amount so between the 2 taking up my full salary to pay back in full. Also had a loan with my bank hsbc for some of that period too. So I’m pretty confident it was unaffordable/irresponsible lending. The reason PDUK gave for not upholding my complaint was lack of info as I didn’t provide bank statements. I now have these and am sending them to the FOS. I’m more than happy to send these along with credit report if they request it.
Nick says
I have had my complaints upheld at adjudicator level for qq, pde, money shop and uncle buck. Waiting for amounts and redress now. Just pduk and wonga still being worked on… Feel so relieved…also epdl.. I think that’s my biggest one
This site has literally made such ( or will ) to my financial out look…
Hayley says
Just an update payday uk didn’t send me a list of complaints but when after 7 weeks sent me a response to my complaint and listed them all and upheld them all with 8% on all and got my refund within one week (had to chase this not bad even after their reputation
John says
Morning All,
Just an update on my claims & timescales with Wonga & QQ for anyone in same situation.
Sent complaints into both Jan ’17. Both replied within 8 weeks, QQ offering a goodwill gesture on £16.50 on 25 the loans I had with them, Wonga disagreed with complaint on the 31 loans I had with them.
Passed to FOS where adjudicator picked up both complaints in May ’17.
Adjudicator upheld my complaint with QQ asking for removal of loans from files, interest + 8% on loans 4-25…..QQ came back with an offer of £1,345.55….refused offer and now passed onto Ombudsman.
Adjudicator upheld my complaint with Wonga asking for removal of loans from files, interest + 8% on loans 3-31…..Wonga disagreed, no offer as yet but have passed onto Ombudsman also.
I know there is the potential for a long wait in Ombudsman cue which I’m happy to wait and see what comes of this. All loans are from 2012-2016, what do you think of my chances of these complaints being upheld by Ombudsman? The Adjudicator did mention they will look at these complaints again from the start and make a decision!
Thanks for all your help so far, crackin website.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
An Ombudsman does start again from the beginning.
Often the result is the same as the adjudicator. Sometimes it is slightly different, so “loans 4-25” could be “loans 6-25 ” or indeed “2-25”.
The cases where there may often be very different result are where there is a very small number of loans which doesn’t apply to you. I can’t think of an payday loan case involving your number of loans where the result from the Ombudsman wasn’t some shade of good.
Saffi55 says
So MyJar originally rejected my complaint so I sent them copies of my bank statements and I have now had an email upholding my complaint. All interest plus 8%. SafetyNet have just sent me a very long snotty email rejecting my complaint, I had over 60 loans from them so off to the FOS with this one. Thanks Sara great information on here.
Kathy says
If you have sent emails asking for SOA, do you have to wait the two weeks before submitting the complaint? I’ve now gone through my credit file and have the information so wondered if I could submit the complaint before the two weeks is up? Also if you have sent the first email asking for SOA and they write back saying they’re investigating the complaint (although you haven’t actually made one at that point), do you still need to send the complaint letter or let the 8 weeks clock start ticking from there? Sorry for so many questions!
Lee says
Statement of accounts – from inital SOA have to wait until they send them. If don’t respond in 8 weeks though can go to both FCA and Financial ombuds man saying they won’t provide them. But I’d follow up with Chase phone calls second email after 4/5 weeks of no response.
Initial compliant – You basically have to wait up to 8 weeks. If no final response at 8 weeks go refer to financial ombudsman using online compliant portal way I advised earlier.
If get a final response in 8 weeks (will state final response in offer-if unsure phone them and check). If near to a settlement amount you want to accept try an counter offer with them to get £200-£300 more out of them. Send email then phone them up day after to check they are email. Give them 5 working days to respond. State in email if don’t here back in this time referring to financial ombusman. At day 5 either refer to FOS or accept offer.
If final response way off. Refer to financial ombudsman straight away.
Can go to FOS as soon as get the final response if not it’s 8 weeks.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
If you have all the details, put in a full complaint.
Cmum says
Wonga had until 10th August to respond to my adjudicator’s decision to uphold my complaint in full. They didn’t respond however my adjudicator has said that they have a large backlog at the moment so has extended until 21st August for a response. If they don’t it will be going into the ombudsmen queue. So frustrating!
C says
Hello…just wanted to give you all a update. Complaints sent to various payday lenders and catalogues.
Qq i settled for 3400. Wonga 42, payday uk 234 ( had a outstanding balance so this was taken off the amount), 247 mobeybox and wageday advance are with ombudsman as didnt respond to aujudicator.
Catalogues: next agreed not to sell my debts on, jd williams (had various accounts with these) wrote to Lowell, these have all been zeroed balanced along with Littlewood’s ( amounts were about 3000). Ace ombudsman agreed that all interest to be refunded and also awarded me an extra 200 for my distress they caused. 3 other catalogues currently with ombudsman, waiting on aujudicator for credit cards and one overdraft. Dont give up.
debs says
I complained to QQ and Pounds to Pocket (CashNetEuro) both rejected my complaint but offered £197.00 for both companies, all in all my interest would have been over 2k, which I refused and sent my complaints to FOS. I had an offer from P2P of £400+ plus which is all my interest plus 8%, plus a distress payment. Whereas QQ failed to reply to the adjudicator and my complaint is now waiting to be seen by the Ombudsman, this will be the larger of the payouts from CashNetEuro trading as QQ… I suspect they are hoping I will go away but I don’t see how they can accept the complaint for P2P and not QQ, as they are the same company and all the loans were taking around the same period of time. Anyway hope to hear from them in the near future.
But thanks to this site I have some money back at least.
Has anyone else had a reply from P2P and not QQ? I understand it could be in the ombudsman que for sometime. :(
Gary says
Could you please give me some advice, i currently have 3 outstanding loans with Sunny amounting to £1300, and will be putting in a complaint of irresponsible lending. I have funds in my account which would clear the outstanding Sunny balance due to a refund from another lender. Should i clear the outstanding balance and submit my complaint, or should i submit a complaint with the outstanding balance in-tacked? I have had 38 loans with Sunny including the 3 which are ongoing. As i have positive funds in my account the monthly payments to sunny wont be a problem during the 8 week complaint process.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
I assume you don’t have any priority debts? (Rent/mortgage/council tax arrears, utility bills, parking fines etc?) if yes, then clear those. If any debts with debt collectors or in a DMP, try to use the money for full and final settlements and so clear more debt.
But if you don’t need it for any of those, I would probably clear the Sunny balances,Keep things simple. Sounds like a good complaint against Sunny.
Anna says
Hi everyone thank you all your advice and help on this site I have the success rolling in.
My most recent success is cheque centre but can anyone tell me how long it takes for them to pay out .
They have recieved my signed acceptance form from FO
Just I am going away end of next week so would lovely bonus for then.
Thanks again xxx
Bev says
Had my decision from Adjudicator yesterday. They found in favour for all loans except 2 which were over 6 years so we agreed to.leave those off. I think it will be £3500ish if my calculations are right and QQ agree or in the ombudsman queue for me.
Wonga-FOS has said there is a big wait because half of them are over 6 years and they are currently trying to negotiate with Wonga.
Payday uk – put complaint in and asked for statement of Account but they refused. Anyway I can make them send me one?
Good luck every one
MH says
Hi Everyone
Had a missed call off Sunny – rang them back and they were wanting to put me on a repayment plan – I told her i was actually awaiting their response to the FOS’ findings ruling in my favor! She then called their compliance team came back and said that they would repond today (they had until 11th Aug) and didn’t. She said they would be sending over an acceptance form to the FOS but wouldn’t tell me whether they agreed with the adjudicator’s findings – seems strange to me- has else anyone had this?
Lee says
Phone Sunny up yourself and ask to speak to a supervisor to get some answers. Stick to your guns though.
Ross says
Seems to me that sending over an ‘acceptance form’ to the FOS means that they have upheld your complaint, albeit partially or in full. I would contact your adjudicator and ask them to tell you what Sunny have said, if they haven’t already? I doubt they would send an acceptance form to reject a complaint?
Bev says
Fos sent me this:
As you may know already Wonga have raised a time bar on some of your loans (first 8 loans) which you took out more than six years before you made your complaint on 20 May 2017.
We’re looking into what they’ve said at the moment and we’ve also got a number of similar cases where Wonga has said the same thing. Since we last wrote to you, we’ve been trying to work with Wonga resolve this as quickly as possible. But it might be some time before we’re able to give you an answer on the whole of your complaint.
Anyone know what’s going on with Wonga? Are they likely to start looking at over 6 years?
Daniel Lane says
Doing better than me. I have similar complaints against PaydayUK and Payday Express. I put my complaints in back in February with the FOS and haven’t even been assigned an adjudicator yet. All of the info I’ve managed to get regarding my complaint is by calling the FOS directly every month or so. They keep telling me the lenders are trying to block all of my complaint on the time bar basis even though the bulk of my borrowing happened within the 6 year period.
Considering I’ve been blocked at every stage of the complaints process and it’s taking so long is upsetting. I put my initial complaint in with the companies back in October 2016. A complaint should not take nearly a year to be resolved, regardless of outcome.
Ross says
I claimed back for one loan from Pounds 2 Pocket and they, eventually, accepted the adjudicator decision after initially rejecting my complaint. It all depends on the size of the loan, the duration, if you missed payments, rolled the loan over and had other loans at the same time?
Dan says
I’ve tried it with Satsuma for 1 loan – they rejected my complaint and sent loads of “supporting documents”. However, what they send actual has no correlation with my credit records (claim my rating was considerably higher than it was), said I had no outstanding pdl, state I hadn’t had and pdls or short term loans for 12 months or more – all of this is incorrect so I’ve sent it to the FOS.
What’s the worst that can happen?!
Sara (Debt Camel) says
I agree with Ross. I wouldn’t normally bother for a standard 1 month payday loan which you repaid on time. Unless it was HUGE, or just very big and in the last two years and your credit record was DREADFUL.
Taking every single one loan case to the ombudsman is just clogging up the system to no purpose. If you aren’t sure, why not give us some details? One loan complaints have definitely been won!
MH says
I’ve had 1 case be upheld by the adjudicator, uncle buck and peachy (settled with them direct) both 1 loans. Was really surprised but it does happen.
Saffi says
Same here, Peachy straight away offered repayment on the 1 loan I had from them.
I’ve sent a complaint letter to 4 lenders – Payday UK, Wonga, QuickQuid & Mr Lender for the period of financial hell between early 2011 to late 2013. My loans total across the 3 main ones comes to over £30k (before interest & fees). With 8% interest added I’ve calculated I’m could be due between £3.5 & £4.5K.
Mr Lender offered a very good settlement refund straight away (only 2 loans) which I’ve accepted and been paid out for already. RESULT!!!
I’ve now had statements of account back from Wonga & QuickQuid but am still waiting to hear from Payday UK despite having had acknowledgments from each of my irresponsible lending complaint.
Once they’ve acknowledged my complaint and sent me statements of accounts, do I just need to sit back and wait for the 8 week reply time-limit or a refund offer?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
The 8 week time limit starts when you sent the first email asking for statements of account.
If Payday UK haven’t sent you details after a couple of weeks, send them a rather vague step 2 full complaint. If they then make you an offer, say you need the list of your loans so you can consider it.
OK Thank you – I kind of skipped step one as I had most of the details from my bank statements and credit report. Some of them were quite difficult to work out due to having rolled over a couple of months and some repayment dates or amounts missing off my report.
When Wonga sent me my statements they just said:
” We have now sent you details of your loans with WDFC UK Ltd.
As a responsible lender, we must make sure every single application we receive is individually assessed. We look at your repayment history and a wide range of industry data. A decision is then made based on a combination of factors.
All applications we receive are assessed at the time of application.
If this is not the information you were looking for, please contact us on …”
They haven’t really addressed any of the affordability complaints raised in my letter. Do I need to send them another e-mail to reiterate my reasons to make sure they’re still investigating or do i go to the FOS with this?
I don’t want them to think that I just wanted a statement of account!
Sara (Debt Camel) says
If your letter or email (do switch to email, they are much better as they are free, instant, date sptamped and easier to forward to the Ombudsman if needed) said it was an affordability complaint, then the 8 week clock started when they received that.
If your letter had reasons, then reply “is that your final response to my complaint dated dad/mm? If it is I will be sending it to the Ombudsman.”
If your letter was light on reasons, now write a full step 2 complaint and send that, saying it’s additional info for you complaint dated dd/mm.
Mark says
I went through a spell with a lot of payday loans – I can’t even begin to calculate how many. whilst most were a long time ago, I thought i’d try the reclaim process. QQ replied with statements saying I had a loan in 2010 that still has a balance outstanding – I know I repaid everything but I did get help from family who paid some off directly. I don’t really want to drag them back into it all, unless I absolutely had to. I’m now petrified that I have started something off and they will try and come after me for money that I will struggle to prove repayment of – can they try and go for a CCJ or would they have to try and resolve with me first? I only had a couple of loans with them so it wouldn’t have been a lot of money I was looking at anyway. AM feeling really stupid because if I end up with a default or worse against me now it would be an absolute disaster!
I have got my finances under control now but only by being really open with my wife and she just could not cope with me saying I owe almost £700 for 7 years ago.
At the time I had been moving rented addresses multiple times and whilst I think I kept everyone up to date and was on the electoral register I’m really worried I’ve missed something!!!
For clarity – I’m certain I’ve settled all debts and updated my addresses but the statement they sent shows a balance outstanding, I’ve queried with them making it clear I settled the debt but am now concerned!
Mark says
thankfully they replied quickly – the debt was sold to a third party in 11/2010 – which makes more sense and again I’m sure that’s been paid off but I’m loathed to contact them in case they say they tried contacting me in august 2011 – because I assume that would mean they would then try and reclaim the money (if I haven’t settled it) I’ve not had any ccj’s but have had defaults in the past -which have dropped off my credit file so I’m not sure who they were with (yes I spent years burying my head!)
Sara (Debt Camel) says
A loan from that long ago would probably be statute barred – if the debt collector took you to court you would win the case. See https://debtcamel.co.uk/statute-barred-debt/
Make sure you have checked your credit records with all three credit reference agencies https://debtcamel.co.uk/best-way-to-check-credit-score/.
It’s up to you if you want to pursue this case with QQ, but I suggest not letting worries about the last loan affect your decision. QQ would not know if you had paid the loan with the debt purchaser. If you have never been contacted about it, the chances are very good that you have. And if you haven’t, it is statute barred.
Matthew says
I had a similar issue- Qq claimed I had an outstanding balance at adjudicator stage. I knew this was false as had been sold to Mackenzie Hall/PRA Group and settled with them.
I contacted PRA and received an email confirming the account was settled. The adjudicator forwarded this to Qq who accepted it.
Paul Smith says
Hi Sarah,
My adjudicator decisions are darting to roll in now and so far they have advised payday uk and Quickquid to refund me everything.
I’m sure my final loan with QQ was written off by them some time ago, although I can’t find the paper work to prove it. However in an offer they have made they are deducting this loan from the amount on offer. Can they do this if they have already written it off?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
It is unusual for QQ to have written off a loan – are you sure? Could it have been sold to a debt collector? We have had a couple of people here recently saying QQ have tried to deduct a loan sold to a debt collector from a refund even though the loan had then been paid with the debt collector… if this has happened, it needs to be challenged by you
Andy says
Hi jean , could I ask how long ago your piggy bank loan was and did they respond to initial complaint within 8 weeks I currently have a piggybank loan that have defaulted on still owing £378 and was in process of template complaint
Cheers andy
Lee says
I’d be interested to here about Piggy Bank typical response timeframe.
As I complained about them around 6 weeks ago – still no response.
As had around 13 compliants and was negotiating settlements with other providers at time- 3 fully settled – 1 awaiting settlement payment – 2 with the adjudicator at the moment and the other 6 currently within the 8 weeks to respond I sort of left this one to run.
May phone them to ensure they are looking into my compliant.
Please keep me informed of any Piggy Bank progress you have Andy. Cheers.
Jean Neymar says
I had a reply at the 7th week, they offered me initially 566 + 68.35 as 8% interest but i then requested that more loans were included and the following day I had an answer and they were offered GBP 654.
I have to admit that they were really easy to deal with as Mr lender, the headache are Sunny, LendingStream and Wonga so far
Hope this help
Yeah my complaint with Mr Lender was also really quickly dealt with and they didn’t hesitate in making a refund offer.
Shame the rest of them can’t act as quickly!
Andy says
Great news jean , hope the others go in your favour, last question sorry did u still owe them funds and how long ago was it from the last loan to complaint
Cheers andy
Lee says
Wonga Sunny and Mr Lender easiest ones for me.
Just waiting for £2486.10 final response offer to be paid back to me as around 80% of the total amount I had calculated.
Laurence says
I wrote to Wonga about 14 loans that I took out with them between March 2011 and July 2013. They deemed that 6 of the 14 loans were lent wrongfully and offered me £1718.99 which included 8% interest on the various amounts. It took about 10 weeks for a response and decision from my initial complaint. I took the case to the Financial Ombudsman who eventually deemed that Wonga’s assessment and offer was fair and now the case has been settled. I am due to receive payment in the next 14 days. I just wanted to say thank you to Debt Camel for this advice and guidance as without reading this I never would have requested a refund. You need to persevere but all worth it in the end. Thank you and to anyone thinking of requesting a refund best of luck.
Lee says
Laurence I’m currently waiting for a Wonga Refund of £2,486.10. Make sure when you accept the final offer and fill in your banking details on the refund form they email you. That you provide bank account evidence regardless of if same account on file. They were a bit funny with me. I don’t want you to suffer with a further delay.
Then once you email the form back with bank account evidence regardless. I would phone them straight up to confirm they have sent it to the financial refund team. And ask for a confirmation email to be sent to you when this has been done.
I’m still waiting for refund 8 working days on – hopefully will receive it soon.
They appear to be dragging the refund time out to the max.
Laurence says
Hi Lee – thanks for this advice. I’ve received full payment to my account today.
Chris says
So Wonga have come back to the adjudicator and disagreed with his finding (11 loans from 20 unaffordable) they have offered to refund on 4 (£850) and although I could do with the money I have rejected. The adjudicator feels that they should come back with a much better offer or it goes to the FO. I started this complaint In May. So fingers crossed
Neil says
Hi all,
I have seen numerous posts regarding piggy bank loans and i would just like to give my findings with my complaint with then.
I first complained to piggy bank on 26th June 2017 for a total of 21 loans over 2 years interest paid being around £1210.
They took the full 8 weeks to respond to my complaint nd sent me an email yesterday which they upheld my complaint for my last 6 loans and offered me a refund of £617.20.
I replied to them stating i didnt think this was a fair offer and asked why did they pick the loans they did but i asked them to consider the previous 7 loans before the 6 they had already offered and add 8% interest ln top.
They have came back to me today offering a total of £949.70.
I am going to accept this offer as it is pretty close to the total amount and only around £261 short of my total interest borrowed but it saves a lot of time with the ombudsman who might not uphold every loan anyway.
One bit of advice i would give to anyone is dont accept their first offer.
Thanks Sara for all of your help! 3 succesful complaints and waiting for 8 more!
Andy says
Hi Neil currently owe to piggybank £378 and some defaults , extensions with them, if don’t mind what was ur credit status and did u use template 1 and 2 from this site , many thanks to Sara again for it and yourself for response
Neil says
Hi Andy,
My credit record was very poor at the time. I used templates from this site and also put in a bit of my own circumstances such as “i had other payday loans out at the same time” and “i had a massive gambling addiction” etc
Lee says
Yes agree with you always try a counter offer and give them a further 5 working days to respond and revise their offer. If no joy send to FOS once addition 5 working days is up.
mr stressed says
Hi Sara,
so I have put in claims following guidelines in this blog to both Wonga and QuickQuid, had a response from both about a week later acknowledging the complaint/refund request. Also was asked by quickquid to provide bank statements etc, however following advice I told them I would provide to the financial ombudsman if required and want them to proceed without. Waiting for a response.
I spoke to stepchange and real alot about DMP’s and decided to run my own DMP – so that I can control payments 100%. It is a pretty big task, but I have all my numbers, have created a budget in accordance with guideline amounts etc and have worked out I can afford 2450 per month against non priority debts of 124k.
I have cancelled CPAs and DD’s on my account and am now about to contact my creditors, provide them with a summary statement and offer reduced payments. I wanted to ask whether you would recommend doing this over the phone first or just send letters explaining the situation and with the request of reduced payments and frozen interest? I hope to get some cash back from the payday loan refunds but appreciate this may take a couple of months – so just trying to get things under control in the short term.
A bit worried some of the offer’s Im making are quite low, and also, I dont want to get into big debates with everyone or provide them with paperwork/statements etc, so guess I just have to take the plunge…
any advice appreciated…
Mr Stressed
Sara (Debt Camel) says
I suggest all contact with your creditors for the DMP is in writing. CABmoney can generate all the letters and an attached income & expenditure statement for you: https://debtcamel.co.uk/more-than-1000-people-using-cabmoneys-free-dmp-facility/. Don’t get into arguments – you have made an offer showing what you can afford and that is that. You do just have to take the plunge, carrying on borrowing will only make your situation worse.
Do try to keep your wife’s debts separate. Any money back from her payday loans (if she has any) should be used to repay some of her debts not yours. You have such a lot of debt that insolvency may be necessary if things don’t go well, so it’s good to be careful about keeping your debt plans separate.
Once you have sent the DMP letters you should also ask all the creditors to produce the CCA agreement for the debts, see https://www.nationaldebtline.org/EW/factsheets/Pages/getting-information/credit-agreement-advice.aspx which looks at how to do this and what happens if they can’t. There is little chance of this working for payday loan debts but any old debts or ones with debt collectors you may as well try.
Kathy says
247 sent this to my first letter …
You have borrowed a total of £598.00 from us. You have repaid a total of £464.12. This means that you have not repaid the principal amount lent to you (ie minus any charges). If you ask a third party mediator to look into this, they are likely to recommend you repay what you have borrowed (the principal amount). In this case that would mean they would recommend you repay £133.88 to us.
They’ve offered to write off the outstanding debt. Does that sound reasonable?!
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Assuming you agree with their figures, then it is a very good offer and you won’t get more by going to the Ombudsman
Saffi says
I have an outstanding balance with 247 that they have offered to write off however I had a futher 6 loans from them. I have emailed asking them to look at the interest from the other loans as well as writing this one off. Am I daft to do this or should I have just accepted writing the last one off?
Lee says
Right to do this. Quite a few providers think if they say we will write off the existing loan (normally in a payment plan at this time) you will accept as desperate to improve financial situation immediately. However you have settled the case and can’t complain about the other loans. Decline offer in email to them, propose a proper counter offer not selling yourself short. Maybe just the full interest and saying you will accept this interest amount without the additional 8% if matter settled now. If not I will refer my complaimt to the FOS and request full interest plus the additional 8% statutory interest on all loans to be applied.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
do the maths. First add up how much interest you paid on the 6 loans that were repaid. Then the outstanding loan – how much did you borrow? Have you made any repayments?
Saffi says
I have worked it out and have sent a counter offer of writing loan off, currently owe £440 ( the last one was £800 so I have paid off £360) and will accept interest payment of £750 which is what I have paid minus £440.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Their offer to write off the debt isn’t a dreadful one – you may not get back a refund on all the loans if you go to the Ombudsman. But you would probably get 8% interest added. Seeing if you can get it increased seems like a good idea.
Kirsty says
So I’ve just had my first offer after sending complaints to about 8 lenders in July. Safety net credit have offered me just over £1000, £400 of which will clear my outstanding debt to them. They have agreed that it was irresponsible lending, I’m happy with their offer, it matches the interest paid plus 8% and they’re taking stuff off my credit report too! I’ve accepted their offer.
Has anyone else had a refund from safety net, how long did they take to pay out?
Thanks :)
Linda says
Hi-My complaint went into Safetynet on 21/7/17 nothing from them as yet apart from a promise that they’ll be back in touch in about 4 weeks how long did they take to make you the offer from when you sent your complaint in?
GMA says
HI, they turned me down after 6 weeks so it went to the FOS about 2 weeks ago, not heard a been from anyone since.
The Hitman says
At last a response from Lending stream (not the answer I want, but expected)
However, as per the latest communication received from FOS we reviewed the information to ensure that we share the best available resolution from our end. Upon reviewing, we found that the loan 1766761 was approved with a procedural error. Hence, we would have refunded you the interest paid towards this loan, however, we have not even collected the actual principal amount before the ownership was given to the third party Debt Collection Agency.
Having the said the above, we would not retreat in extending our support while helping you with your current circumstances, hence, we are ready remove any adverse entry reported for the above loan.
Also told me my credit score was 770 ha ha!!
The Hitman says
What’s the best method to get a historical credit score?
Best thing was they passed the full balance onto a 3rd party, so they are basically offering me nothing.
Time to report to the financial ombudsman!?
Thanks guys
Lee says
You will never find out a historical credit score. Just provide FOS with current Noodle credit report and all the bank statements.
They tend to review final response from the provider and look at how many loans and history of financial situation during this ti.e from the bank statements. So don’t waste your time on trying to do this as won’t effect the outcome of your claims.
The financial ombudsman understand this.
acee says
Hitman Lending Stream are known to lie about credit scores – I think its their tactic to put people off. They said mine was something ridiculous like 700 when infact its never been that high in about 10 years. They also said my income was £1700 per month which ive never earnt in my life. I told them this but they haven’t responded that was a few weeks ago.
The Hitman says
Hi Acee, thanks buddy.
Yeh credit score has never ever been that high, so did make me laugh. The salary they had of 2100 was right for that first month, but that was with a bonus.
Lee says
Lending Stream lie about your Credit score said I was 660+
Shannon says
Hi Sara,
Have had my final resolution email today from WDA. They have said that from my 15 loans they find loan 1 was unaffordable and offered a refund for that but find all other loans were affordable.
First loan was for £130 in August 2013. It wasn’t until October 2014 I borrowed again but it then became a monthly, or twice monthly, occurrence to borrow from then with loan amounts between £200 to £400 each time. My income and expenditure had not changed throughout my borrowing from WDA.
Surely if they deemed the first loan unaffordable then all following loans should be? I have already escalated to the FOS but just wondering what you make of this.
Thanks again for your help.
The Hitman says
Hi Shannon,
I’ve just had a response from Lending stream today, and I suspect they all attempt to fob you off with a poor offer and select the smallest loan you had.
Lee says
You are right. Send to FOS immediately let the adjudicator decide.
They are just using this sort of tactic with everyone. Hoping a large percentage of people that complain will give up and accept a very poor offer.
Shannon says
Thanks Hitman and Lee. I was thinking the same thing but I’m in it for the long haul. They seem to hope people are desperate for the cash so they will accept anything.
I have had the same sort of reply from Lending Stream too Hitman. Seems to be their generic go to reply. At least we get a laugh along the way. Worst with LS is the fact they seem to give this reply quickly then keep you holding on for the 8 weeks before they confirm if this is final reply.
I got the reply a week after sending in my complaint and now I have sent three emails, no reply of course, and called four times to be told not final response and have 8 weeks to provide this. Yet another tactic to try and put people off.
I have found these to be the most difficult of my lenders so far and guessing not gonna get any easier to deal with. 8 weeks up next week so see what they come out with then.
vickie9 says
Little update, the adjudicator has upheld my complaint against Lending Stream and believe LS should give me a refund on all 19 loans. So pleased I got over my nerves and took this further as LS only wanted to give me a refund on 4 loans. I realise that this is only the start and LS may not agree with her, so I might have to take it to the Financial Ombudsman but I just wanted to let others know they should stick with it and keep pushing regardless of what the payday loan company say. I was a bit worried because I just got in a mess with credit cards and payday loans, no reason for it other than going through a bad time but the FOS are excellent, they don’t judge, just want you to be honest with them. Good luck all.
Thank you Sara for having this website. I really don’t what I would have done without the amazing help and support from both yourself and other people.
graham says
Well done Vickie9.
I’m in the same boat as you, I had 28 loans with LS and they came back right on the 8th week and said they would be refunding 1 loan which was random due to a processing error so they offered me £208. I thought that this was a really bad offer, but was sitting and thinking about it for 2 or so weeks as I needed the money. But kept strong and took it to the FOS, it took about 2 and a half months and my adjudicator upheld 22 of my loans and have worked out to be near enough £4K in interest.
LS didn’t like the sound of it so they rejected the offer and now I’m waiting in a que for an Ombudsman to look at it. Just to anyone who is thinking of cashing in on a really low offer… Don’t!!! Be strong and say NO. By them offering you an amount of a few quid just to to make you go away. I have been waiting since February 2017 but for the sake of nearly £4K if my Ombudsman agrees with my adjudicator that’s something I can wait for.
If it wasn’t for Sara and this website and all the other staff members who help out behind the scenes and the FOS service I probably would have taken the £208 that LS offered me in the first place.
So a massive Thanks is in order.
Chasabeth says
Hi guys,
I have been following this post with great interest. I got myself into the Payday loan trap starting in 2010. It started with Quick Quid and then moved onto Wonga & Payday UK pretty quickly. Soon I was taking out 3 different loans per month with each company each month, amounts getting bigger & bigger or rolling them, just to cover paying the other. It was hell to be honest. Luckily I managed to get out of this.
I have raised complaints with all 3 of these companies and sent these off nearly 8 weeks ago. All I have had back is the bog standard responses so I am getting ready to send these over to the Financial Ombudsman next week when their 8 weeks are up. I didn’t have any of the statements, I sent them over my bank statements but just showing their individual payments in & out of my account, no more information at all.
Looking at things it seems that most of my loans are over 6 years old. I started with Wonga in April 2010 and managed to pay everything off with them in February 2012, the others took longer, Payday UK was April 2014 & Quick Quid was 2015.
My query is has anyone had a response from any of these companies before going to the Ombudsman with loans of this age?
I had 48 loans with Wonga, 46 with Quick Quid (including rolled loans) and only 10 with Payday UK that I could find, but I’m sure that there were more (they changed their names on my bank statement when paying money in and collecting it) so I’m sure that I must be owed something?
fiona says
I have very similar loans like you with the same compaines & same dates, i got a good response & settlement really quickly from PayDayUK, Wageday & Quick Quid gave very poor setlements to everything has been sent to FOS & im just waiting now. I know it will be a long wait but so far they have emailed really quickly with what they now need from me, just would like a fiar settlement it was a while ago now but it was such a stressfull period of time, good luck.
Lewis says
Right guys just thought I’d provide an update.
I put a complaint in about Wonga roughly FOUR month ago.
My adjudicator found that Wonga were irresponsible to lend me 35 out of 39 loans and told them to reimburse me the interest paid on these. (With the 8%)
Today he has told me Wonga didn’t reply to his findings and so now the case is in the queue for an Ombudsman.
Any idea how long I’m looking at for this stage?
It’s a long long process BUT it will be worth it in the end.
mathew says
Hey i am pretty much in the same position as yourself adjudicator has upheld some of my loans but its been been 3 weeks since he sent his final decision to Wonga and we haven’t heard anything back at all. They have until Monday to reply or it will go into the ombudsman Que which i was trying to avoid because i here its at least a 3 month wait. I may try and ring up Wonga see if i can get a least a decision on the adjudicators findings.
Ross Cooper says
Getting close to the 8 weeks for my complaints.
Sunny have not sent me anything.
MYJar sent me statement of Accounts & I raised step 2 had nothing since.
Wonga rejected & was sent to FOS however I have not received any confirmation they have received/looking into it.
Payday express told me that as I did not have any outstanding loans then they were under no obligation to provide statements, Followed advice on here to challenge that & my complaint was escalated.
My question is though if the companies do not reply within the 8 weeks do I go straight to Ombudsman?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Yes. (Well you may decide not to bother if you just had one or two loans and there wasn’t much interest.)
Linda says
Just wondering if anyone has had any dealings with Pounds to Pocket. I’ve put in multiple complaints against different companies, some have been resolved and some i’m waiting whilst they investigate, but all except Pounds to Pocket have responded in some way. It’s been quite a few weeks and they’ve simply ignored my emails and I’ve sent 3 now with not even a generic reply. Anyone else put in a complaint about Pounds to Pocket at all?
Kathy says
Pounds to Pocket responded within a week of my request supplying my SOA and advising that the complaint had been lodged with them, stating they had 8 weeks to look at it! Maybe call them to check they’ve received it?
Linda says
Really, they’ve just completely ignored me funny enough one of my other complaints was QuickQuid and they responded within a week but Pounds to Pocket absolutely nothing even after reminders as I say. Think I will give them a call
Karen says
I’ve just sent my first email to pounds to pocket so will wait to see if they respond. First time I’ve been on this site and it’s really reassuring to know iam not the only one to have fallen into the trap of payday loans!
Shannon says
I made initial complaint to both them and QQ on 27/06/2017. QQ replied after 8 days with complaint reference. Pounds to Pocket however didn’t reply with a complaint reference until 05/08/2017.
Susan says
I started my claim against pounds to pocket in March, they didn’t acknowledge until 28th June.
The adjudicator ruled in my favour last Thursday and told pounds to make me an offer.