If you want to get a refund for “unaffordable” payday loans, the first step is to complain to the lender. Often it’s simple as the lender has a Complaints section on their website, but some have been taken over or the website isn’t there anymore, so here is a list of their email addresses.
For all these emails put AFFORDABILITY COMPLAINT as the subject of the email.
If you haven’t already seen it, read and bookmark Can I get a payday loan refund?
That page has the template letters for complaints and it also looks at the most common things that happen, such as whether you should accept an offer or take the case to the Financial Ombudsman.
High Cost Short Term lenders – “payday lenders”
Anico Finance info@anicofinancialservices.com
Auden complaints@auden.co.uk
Bingo loans info@bingoloans.co.uk They are a lender and a broker. If they referred you to another lender, you should complain to that lender.
Cash 4 U Now info@cash4unow.co.uk in administration but you can still make a complaint.
CashASAP complaint@cashasap.co.uk
Cash Converters customerservices.uk@cashconverters.com
Cash Float complaint.handling@cashfloat.co.uk
Cash Generators use the contact form on their website and put AFFORDABILITY COMPLAINT in capitals at the start of the message
CashPlus complaints@apsgroup.com
Credio info@credio.co.uk
Credit Star complaints@creditstar.co.uk
Dot Dot Loans customerservices@dotdotloans.co.uk put COMPLAINT as subject
Drafty (sister company to Lending Stream) complaints@drafty.co.uk
G&A Drapers gandadrapers@gmail.com put COMPLAINT as the subject
Fast Loan UK complaints@fastloanuk.co.uk
Fernovo complaints@fernovo.co.uk
Fund Ourselves complaints@fundourselves.com
H&T (Harvey and Thompsons) complaints@handt.co.uk
Herbert Brown complaints@albemarlebond.com
Instamoni complaint@instamoni.com
In-Sync ics.complaints@in-syncgroup.com
Kabayan simon.roberts@kbnfinance.co.uk
Lending Stream You can use their web form here. or email debbie.gandy@gaincredit.com. If you don’t get an acknowledgement in a week, phone them up and ask if they have received it.
Loan Pig customercare@themoneyhive.co.uk put complaint about Loan Pig in the subject line
Miss Payday info@thequickloanshopltd.co.uk put complaint about Miss Payday in the subject line
Money Boat complaints@moneyboat.co.uk
Money Hive info@themoneyhive.co.uk
Money Platform support@themoneyplatformsupport.zendesk.com
Monkey Dosh see My Finance Club and put complaint about Monkey Dosh in the subject line
Mr Lender Send your complaint to complaintml@mrlender.co.uk If you don’t get an acknowledgment in a week, phone them up and ask if they have received it.
My Finance Club / Ondal compliance@myfinanceclub.com and put COMPLAINT as the subject
MyKredit info@myKredit.com
Payday Bad Credit complaint.handling@westerncircle.co.uk
Paydayloansnet / PDNET complaint.handling@paydayloansnet.co.uk
Pera Loans complaint.handling@peraloans.co.uk
Polar Credit a sister brand of CashASAP complaint@polarcredit.co.uk
Quick Loan Shop info@thequickloanshopltd.co.uk
Quick Loans Express complaint.handling@quickloansexpress.co.uk
Quidie see Fernovo above. Make it clear in your complaint that you are complaining about a Quidie loan.
QuidMarket help@quidmarket.com
Safeloans no longer trading but complain to customercomplaints@sllcapital.co.uk
Savvy info@savvy.co.uk
Speedloan see Herbert Brown
Stagemount see Quidmarket
Street UK see Track Loans
Swift Money Complaints@SwiftMoney.com
The Credit Thing support@thecreditthing.com with COMPLAINT as the title
The One Stop Money Shop (not related to The Money Shop): apply@theonestopmoneyshop.co.uk
The Quick Loan Shop info@thequickloanshopltd.co.uk
THL Direct info@thl-uk.com
Tick Tock customerservice@ticktockloans.com
TM Advances info@tmadvances.co.uk
Track Loans david@ftxgroup.co.uk
Wageday Advance they went bust! But a new lender now uses this name so for loans from 2020 complain to complaints@wagedayadvance.co.uk
WageMe customer.services@wageme.com
Wizzcash – no longer lending but you can still complain complaints@wizzcash.com
Zebit trading name of Lending Stream, see above
Zippa complaints@zippa.com
100Pounds support@skyquid.co.uk
Payday lenders in administration or already liquidated
The following firms have disappeared, or have been dissolved (they no longer exist or have any assets) or the administrators are not accepting any more complaints, and I don’t think the Ombudsman is taking new complaints. If you have an existing claim in with the administrators you may get a small amount back:
- Access fast Money; Bonga Loans; Capfin (other brand names Ecash Window & EPDL); Cash Genie; Cash Choice; Cash Store; Cash365; Cheque Centre (the Loan Store & Square Today); CFO (Payday First, Flexible First, Money Resolve, Payday Advance); Dosh Loans; Different Money (My Mate); Easy Finance Club; Ferratum; Forces loans (V Gates); Handycash; Lifeboat loans; Liquid Advance; Microlend; the Money Shop (PaydayUK & Payday Express); Money In Advance; Mini Credit; NextCredit; Oakam; Open Door Loans; Payday First; Payday Overdraft; Peachy; Perfect Payday; Pick A Payday; Pixie; Pogo Loans; Prime Payday; Purple Payday; QuickQuid (Pounds to Pocket & OnStride); Quid24; Response Funding (Fancy a Payday); Safetynet Credit (Tappily); Satsuma; Smart Pig; Speed Credit; Speed-e-loans; Speedycash; Speedy Dosh; StepStone Credit; Sunny; Swift Sterling; Toothfairy; Trusted Quid; Txt Me Cash; Umbrella Loans; Uncle Buck; Vivus; Wageday Advance, Wonga; 1st Stop; 247 Moneybox; 321 Cash;
There are literally dozens of payday lenders that have gone without trace. The above are just some of the ones people have asked about. There are also lenders who were never authorised such as Loans4U / Loans4You who you can’t take a complaint to the ombudsman about.
The info here may not be up to date. so the safe thing is for you to look in the company’s website to see how to make a complaint or what form to complete if the lender is in administration.
If you can’t locate the website, talk to the Financial Ombudsman about these firms.
Affordability complaints to other lenders
Large loans, including car finance & logbook loans
For contact details for lenders such as banks, Avant Credit, Bamboo Loans, Everyday Loans, Loans2Go, Likely Loans, Moolr, On Stride, Savvy and 118 118 Money, and car finance lenders, see Refunds from largeloans and logbook loans.
Doorstep lenders
The Provident Scheme has ended and it’s too late to complain. Morses has gone into administration. For other doorstep lenders such as Mutual, see Get a refund for unaffordable doorstep lending.
Guarantor lenders
It is now too late to make a complaint to Amigo’s Scheme. For guarantor lenders such as UK Credit and TFS see How borrowers can get refunds from a guarantor loan OR Complaints by guarantors.
Affordability complaints to bank and credit cards
See email addresses for banks and credit card complaints.
Anything missing or wrong?
If there is a missing lender, or you think one of these addresses is wrong, please leave a Comment at the bottom of this article.
A good place to try to track down old lenders is the FCA Register, as this lists firms’ brand names as well as their company names and also sometimes shows details for firms that have ceased trading.
If you still aren’t having any luck, then try the Financial Ombudsman’s complaints line – they are very friendly!
Kyle says
Anybody have an update on moneybox? I saw the last report in July but nothing since
Chris says
Hi Kyle. There has been some sort of development, albeit not much yet. If you’ve still got your 24/7 Moneybox account that you can log into, you will probably find that the ‘Redress’ section is back with a message from the administrators saying they are still working on it.
And there’s another part for updating your bank details for the redress, which suggests it must be getting close to the time. The problem I have found though is that most of the time, I can only log into it via my mobile, my desktop browser can’t seem to display it consistently, just now and again.
Emma says
I received a email this week asking me to login and update my bank details, saying I have 2 weeks to do it, hopefully a payment will he soon.
Chris says
Yes, I hope we will get a payment from them soon too. They have made us all wait for a ridiculous amount of time now!
Robert McCrea says
I checked my online banking this morning and see a payment of £6.10 from 247MB-UNSECUREDRESS, so they must be paying out now (although £6.10 didn’t get me THAT excited!). Best of luck on yours!
Damian says
Hi is 118 118 considered pay day loan and will it effect mortgage application
Sara (Debt Camel) says
how long was the loan term?
has it been repaid? any missed payments on it?
Damian says
1 k for 1year
I withdrew from the loan but shows as settled on my report
Sara (Debt Camel) says
and the interest was ?
Damian says
49.9 apr
They claim they are not a pay day lender
I have no other out standing credit everything has been cleared
Sara (Debt Camel) says
then that won’t be categorised as a pay day loan.
Damian says
Thanks for quick response is it likely to have impact on remortgage you think ?
What APR they usually class as pay day loan may I ask ?
Thanks Damian
Sara (Debt Camel) says
over 100% and 1 year or less in length.
A mortgage lender can’t see who you took the credit from, it won’t be flagged as a payday loan and as it’s settled I would be surprised if they even notice it.
Andrew says
Hi Sara
I had loan after loan with payday express in 2014 £400 a month for 6 months. I can see from the above that the lender has dissolved and i cant make a claim against them. But this year i got a CCJ filled against me for the loan with interest for £761.27. I have tried to appeal with the corts and am awaiting their decision. Do i have a case with them as the lender has liquidated or my affordability wasn’t taken into account?
Any help from you would be massively appreciated.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
So you have a CCJ already and you are trying to set it aside or appeal the judgment?
Or you have been sent court papers and you are trying to defend the case?
Andrew says
Hi Sara
I Have the CCJ already. I am trying to get the case dropped due to the letters and emails going to an old address and email address as this is a historic case.
Also who would be receiving the money from the CCJ if the company has dissolved?
Thanks Andrew
Sara (Debt Camel) says
who was the claimant for the CCJ – it is most likely to have been a debt collector that the debt was sold to, so the money is now owed to them, not to the original creditor.
Bob says
I’ve heard today that Ounapuu (formerly Ferratum) have gone into liquidation
Shireena says
Hi, please could someone let me know if I can submit an affordability complaint regarding pawnbroking? I’ve had jewellery in the store for almost 10years big just have to keep renewing the agreement because I can’t afford to pay the full amount to get them out. And advice would be appreciated!
Sara (Debt Camel) says
I am afraid the affordability rules do not apply to pawn broking. I suggest you should talk to a debt adviser about your options here – phone National Debtline on 0808 808 4000.
Abi says
Hi Sara,
I’m being chased by a 3rd party for an outstanding balance on a payday loan from Peachy (Cash on Go).
Since Peachy is in administration, any tips on how to respond?
Many thanks
Sara (Debt Camel) says
It is now too late to make a claim to the administrators.
I am afraid this is a debt which you owe. What is the rest of your financial situation like?
Abi says
Thanks for the response, Sara.
The amount is below £200, which I am able to pay (begrudgingly, tho’)
I just thought I’d ask because if I had been aware earlier I would have made a claim and potentially got redress from them.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
They may well accept a settlement offer from you.
Marko says
Hi, I’ve only just learnt about affordability rules and wondered if somebody could help me please. I am in a DMP which I’ve been paying into for a few years – one of my debts is with Elevate after I had a couple of loans with Sunny that I could not keep up with. I’ve just seen via my TransUnion Credit report just how clear it was that I had affordability issues at the time with 30+ payday loans over the space of 12 months with them constantly overlapping just so I could pay the previous one.
I understand that Elevate / Sunny have now gone into administration and so they don’t have any money as such to reimburse any claims, however I am still having to repay an outstanding balance to them from the financial mess above.
Do I have any way to submit a claim against Sunny and request that a refund is applied to my outstanding balance? (£848 which I’m slowly paying back to “Asset Collections & Investigations”) or is this now a legitimate debt for this third party and I’ve missed any chance of appealing for a refund?
Thanks :)
Sara (Debt Camel) says
It is too late to make a claim to Sunny.
You can get the Sunny loans removed from your credit record by “suppressing” them, except for the last one that has been sold to ACI. See https://debtcamel.co.uk/correct-credit-records-lender-administration/
Do you have any other possible affordability complaints to make? Any other high cost credit? If you do, you need to make sure you take a copy of your credit record now, before the Sunny loans are removed. As this may help you with other complaints.
How large are the debts in your DMP? and what are you paying a month to it?
P L says
hi there, im having issues with Steadypay, they say their not like a payday company as they don’t charge interest ever, but on the small print you have to pay £4 weekly which means, £208 in 12 month weekly subscription.
now, they say they top up your wage when its gone down, and i had been furloughed last time like more than half of the country, and, my wage dropped, they advanced me i think £250 in 2 occasions, but i was made to pay one of the 3 instalments in advance so i could get another top up the following month, are you getting me?
this had became unaffordable and with my wage drops there was no way to afford .
this was the first top up £250 payable in 3 instalments of £83 taken off my wage, add to that £4 weekly (subscription)
the following month my wage was even lower so they gave me the option to get another £250, but not before i was taken £83 from the previous top up loan which had ended in £167 + £250 = £417
the month after i just couldn’t afford to pay £139 and my account was closed and defaulted and the usual bla bla bla of threats and harassment even, i had sent my Debt and Mental Heatlh Form.
I’ve complained about unaffordable lending and irresposible lending to this company, and also the fact they had ignored my mental health condition and kept bombarding me every single day with emails.
Just wanted with my personal experience with this company, it should be classed as payday lender
Sara (Debt Camel) says
You can take this complaint to the Finacial Ombudsman. They don’t charge payday lender rates of interest but those £4s add up and you can ask for a refund. And if they continued to bombard you after you had told them you had mental health problems, ask for compensation for that too.
Roman says
Does anyone knows if it too late or not to claim agaist SpeedyCash
Thank you
Sara (Debt Camel) says
too late. See the article above.
Katie T says
Do you have any information about Likely Loans please? They appear to still be in business, can I make a claim about irresponsible lending? Thanks
Sara (Debt Camel) says
the best template letter for them is on this page: https://debtcamel.co.uk/refunds-large-high-cost-loans/
Milhouuuuse says
Hi guys,
Not sure if this has been said but I’ve found 2 things:
1) My Finance Club require you to contact them via their online form (https://www.myfinanceclub.com/contact-us/)
2) LikelyLoans want you to contact them via Oakbrook (complaints@oakbrookfinance.com)
John davies says
Was in an I.v.a and wizzcash was one of my creditors my I.v.a finished 2018 but wizzcash are still reporting my account with them in arrears
Sara (Debt Camel) says
See https://debtcamel.co.uk/repair-credit-record-iva/
Amy says
Are the following categorised as pdls?
Drafty, The Money Platform, The Credit Thing (previously called Koto)
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Draft – yes
The othe4 two, how man loans did you have from each and how large were they?
Amy says
One loan from each. TMP was for £1000 over 3 months. The Credit Thing is for £1200.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Then for those I suggest you use the template on the large loans page: https://debtcamel.co.uk/refunds-large-high-cost-loans/
Amy says
Thank you very much
dan says
Hi any news on lending stream?
Went to file a complaint today and finding it increasingly difficult.
No email address to send to, when i go on there website, no form to complete either.
Tried calling them as couldnt login to my account as couldnt remember details despite doing password reset etc, they just said i failed security and they couldnt help me!
Sara (Debt Camel) says
how long ago was the borrowing from them?
Dan says
Was from 2016/2017 Sara
Sara (Debt Camel) says
They retain data for 6 years after a loan is repaid, so they should still have them.
Try emailing lisa.middleton@gaincredit.com and explain your problem – let me know if that email address doesn’t work
John says
Hi Sara
Thank you for everything u have done previously I have totally regained control of my finances and life, unfortunately I have one remaining issue with MyJar.
Basically I defaulted 3 years ago and to cut a long story short ACI bought the debt and are now threatening me with resolvecall for the amount of £411….I never did claim against this company and I understand they are now in administration, question is could I still contact the administrators with an affordability complaint which could in turn help keep these horrible threatening people away from my door or even contact the ombudsman directly, I am unsure on my rights regarding this issue and any advice would help me with what steps to take next…. Many thanks again…. Eternally grateful to you.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Sorry but it is now too late to make a claim. And once a company goes into admionistration, the Om,budsman cannot look at a complaint.
I am afraid you need to make an offer of monthly payment, or (if you can afford it) an offer to settle the debt.
John says
Thank you Sara, by making an offer to pay in full does this mean they could consider a less amount to settle the debt? And also will this have any bearing on my default on my credit file? Thanks again
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Yes you can make a lower settlement offer. See https://debtcamel.co.uk/debt-options/less-common/full-final/.
Having a lower settlement offer accepted will not mean that the default is on there for longer, see https://debtcamel.co.uk/ff-credit-record/
John says
Thank you Sara you truly are a great help and have certainly changed my life, I wish everybody else who uses your wisdom on here the very best for the future , money troubles can happen to anybody and it is hard to envisage a way out but stay strong and value yourself as a human being, don’t let it beat you there is help out there that doesn’t judge you…. Thank you
Charlotte says
Hello. I received and email at the beginning of the year from lending stream, stating that they were looking into peoples accounts and they thought 3 of the loans they gave to me were unaffordable and wanted further information to see about refunding the money plus interest. I submitted this information, however I haven’t heard anything back. I emailed them via the email address they contacted me on, with no response. I called them about a month ago and they said they would try and get a response via email but still waiting. Is there an alternate email address to (info@lendingsteam.co.uk) I can contact them on or anything else I need to do?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Send them another email saying that you consider your loans were unaffordable and you will be sending this complaint to the Finacial Ombudsman in 8 weeks if they have not offered you an appropriate refund.
Chloe says
Hi Sara,
I’ve recently received a response to my mr lender complaint. They have offered me a refund for 3/9 loans I had taken with them. Loans 1-5 have been longer than 6 years. They are saying because I had a loan with wonga in the past I would of been aware I could complain back in 2018. Do I have a leg to stand on if I contest this? I was only aware of how to complain this year. Also they won’t refund me loan 6 because there was a 156 day gap between the last loan. Again do you think this is a fair call considering how many loans I had borrowed previously? If I was to accept the refund offer for the last 3 loans, can I take the other loans to FO?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Can you say how large the loans were in order eg 200, 300,350,250, 400 etc…
Chloe says
Loan1 -£200
Loan2- £400
Loan 3- £750
Loan 4 – £700
Loan 5- £700
Loan 6- £300
Loan 7 – £950
Loan 8- £950
Loan 9- £1000
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Did you make a complaint to Wonga administrators? Or were you unaware of it?
Chloe says
No I didn’t but wonga did pay me redress when the company went bust. Before they sent my response, they rang me and asked if I’d had other payday loans at the time I had my mr lender loans. I told them I had loads and they asked me to name some of the companies. So they used that information I h gave them against me. They’re basically saying that wonga emailed all of their customers back in 2018 so I should of been aware I could of made a complaint to me lender back then
They did say on the phone when they called, If I’m not happy with their offer then to call back and they’ll see what they can do. I just wouldn’t know what to say?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
So they are refunding you on the last three loans whoch are the larges, so it’s not a dreadful offer. You can’t accept this offer and take the rest of the loans to FOS – if you reject it FOS is VERY likely to start by saying that MrL should refund you the last three and just look at the others, so you arent “risking” the refund by doing this (unless MrL goes bust and there is no sign of that happening.)
But it would mean delaying getting the refund and would be a bit of work for you – not a lot, it’s pretty easy to send a case to FOS using their online form.
If it goes to the Ombudsman, FOS may decide it can go back more than 6 years, it often does with payday loans. FOS will take the Wonga refund into consideration, but just because the administrators told you Wonga had done something wrong and was now insolvent doesn’t necessarily mean you should have realised that you could make a claim about any payday lender.
If it goes to FOS then the most you would be likely to get would be a refund of loans 4,5 and 6. Not all of them. And you may well get ononly 5 & 6. Its possible they may agree with Mr L.
Mr L is sometimes prepared to negotiate. You could phone them up and say you think you may get more loans back at FOS but in the interest of speed you would be happy to compromise if they agree to refund 5,7,8,9 ?
Chloe says
That’s very helpful. Thank you Sara. I will call them and see if they are willing to compromise, will keep you posted.
Mike says
Safety Net Credit have agreed a decent refund with me in December but no sign of payment, they aren’t replying to emails and when I’ve just called they said they are unable to make refund payments at the moment and have no timescale for when they will resume. I’ve just read some articles from yesterday saying they are heading for insolvency, I’m guessing there’s nothing I can do here but sit and wait?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
probably nothing else you can do.
Jonny says
Personally, I’d still register with the small claims court as you have been waiting a long time, but it could be a fruitless task given they’re likely to go into Administration.
They’re clearly still collecting loan repayments still off people so unless their bank account has been frozen I can never quite understand why these companies hold off giving refunds even if they’re likely to be insolvent within a month or two.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
That will likely just waste the money for the court fee.
Lauren Brooker says
I have a general question regarding an agreement I had with a company who have now gone into administration and I have no means or way or contacting them.
I started an unaffordable claim with them and it never went any further as they stopped taking further claims due to administration. They then sold the outstanding amount which has now resulted into a CCJ. I have all evidence of the unaffordability and have sent this all through to the company who sold it on. My question is, is if I applied too the court to have the CCJ set aside on the basis that the company never responded to me fully with regards to my claim and the evidence quite clearly shows it was very unaffordable, would I have a chance in having the CCJ set aside and removed to allow me to clear the rest of the balance without the charges etc that have been added?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
who was the lender?
Kelly says
Ive just seen this and was unaware i could ask for a refund / redress on Wonga, Payday UK, Payday Express and quickquid – am i too late?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
yes too late for all of those lenders.
What other debts have you had – any credit cards, catalog or overdraft problems?
Rebecca says
Hi Sara, I had a succession of payday loans between 2018-2019, getting a new one to pay another and obviously spiralling. Lending Stream kept giving me loans even though I was struggling to pay previous they’d given me. All I really want is them gone from my credit history so that it won’t go against me for a mortgage in the next year or so, as it’ll be 2 years before they start disappearing off of my file. I saw up above you mention “suppressing” multiple loans from one company, what does that mean?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
“Suppressing” is only relevant if the lender has gone out of business – unfortunately Lending Stream haven’t.
How many loans did you have from them and did they tend to get larger? Were there any late payments on them on your credit record?
Rebecca says
13 loans in total (so embarrassed it got to that) all ranging between £50 and £200, I think they did go up to the £200 mark towards the end of the borrowing. Never missed a payment though. I had others payday loans from other businesses though!
Sara (Debt Camel) says
in that case send LS an affordability complaint using the template here https://debtcamel.co.uk/payday-loan-refunds/. Thos e were small loans but 13 is a a LOT and LS should have realised these loans were not helping you.
Add a line to that template saying that as there were so many loans, you would also like the defails deleted from your credit record.
Rebecca says
Thank you so much. I will let you know what they say. To be honest, i’d be happy with them just being removed off my credit scores as I’m worried it’ll affect me getting a mortgage in the future.
Do you happen to know the best way of getting in touch with Elevate (used to be sunny) as I’d like to see what I can do about that one.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Those you can suppress – see https://debtcamel.co.uk/correct-credit-records-lender-administration/
Rebecca says
Do you have an email address for Elevate Credit at all?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
no they are long gone. That is why you can go to the CRAs and ask them to suppress the records
Diana says
Could you tell me if Everyday Lending is a payday loan company – if so what’s the email to try to make an affordability complaint?
Thank you
Sara (Debt Camel) says
no their loans are too long term to be classified as payday loans.
Can you tell me when this loan started, as there are two different routes you have to go depending on this.
Diana says
Thank you Sara, I’ve managed to get sketchy details from my relative who took out this loan. She thinks it was taken out less than a year ago, for £2,000. She seems to think it will be repaid in a year – currently paying £170pm so I’m not convinced that’s the term of the loan. She went into a branch of Everyday Lending in our local town to arrange it, and now can’t find the paperwork. She’d recently retired and it was to get her out of her overdraft – of course this additional payment has just put her further into the overdraft. I’m going to try to use your affordability complaint template to pursue her bank about the overdraft. Thank you for all the excellent resources on Debt Camel.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
OK, if it was taken out less than a year ago, then you can use the template here https://debtcamel.co.uk/refunds-large-high-cost-loans/ to complain to Everyday Loans.
And an affordability complaint about the overdraft also sounds a good idea!
Paula says
I received an email from Lending Stream stating that after a periodic review I am due £398 which will be in my account in 14 days. Looks genuine but wasn’t sure?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
are they asking for your account details?
how many loans have you had from them?
Paula says
No they had the right 3 digits for my bank account and said only contact if it is incorrect.
I had a lot and had a claim a few years ago but I don’t think it covered them all. Thankfully I don’t have any payday loans now.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
well it isn’t likely to be a scam if they are putting money into your bank account and not asking you for the number.
but is it sufficient? I think will have to look back at the previous claim details to find out.
Paula says
It was fully unexpected to be honest so I will take it as a nice boost for Christmas!
Thanks for all your help with this website by the way. Over the years I’ve managed to get money back and put myself on a much better path. Very grateful!
Mk says
Is creditspring considered a payday loan?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
It shouldn’t be.
Ruth M says
Hi Sara, I have an outstanding loan with Onstride Finance that is now with Lantern. I know I can’t make an affordability complaint against Onstride but is there anything I can do with the Ombudsman etc? I definitely shouldn’t have been given the loan and I cann’t afford to pay Lantern who are hounding me right now. Thanks in advance
Sara (Debt Camel) says
No FOS won’t look at an affordability complaint about this. It’s a shame you didn’t make it earlier. What to Lantern say you owe? Do you have othe debt problems?
Ruth M says
Just over £700. Yes, quite a few that (thanks to you!) I am in the process of submitting affordability complaints and getting things in some shape/order. This is small compared to some of my other debts.I do have two other debts with Lantern, one with Savvy which I have submitted an affordability complaint to and the other with Sunny which I believe has also gone under? Thanks
Sara (Debt Camel) says
if your debts are large then you should be looking at your other options as well as affordability complaints – have you talked to a debt adviser? Phone National Debtline on 0808 808 4000.
Yes Sunny went under some time ago,
Lucy Rushen says
Hi Sara,
I still have a negative on my credit file for CASH ON GO LTD. I have no idea who these people are and why they are appearing as a negative on my account. It says “a default was recorded on your Cash on Go Ltd account 2018-08-09 an this is significantly impacting your credit score” but then it says “this will remain on your report and continue to impact your score until 2024-08-09”
does this mean, after 2024-08-09, this will no longer have an impact and be removed from my score?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
It was a payday lender that traded as Peachy – did you ever borrow from them?
Jo says
Hi sara I’m trying to make a complaint to wave credit card but having a lot of trouble contacting them I’ve emailed chetwood and also emailed them through the app but I’ve not heard back from either of them, do you have another contact email??or should I just go to the ombudsman after 8 weeks even if I don’t get an acknowledgement??any advice would be greatly appreciated.jo
Sara (Debt Camel) says
how long ago did you complain?
Jo says
Thank you for getting back to me, Chetwood I emailed on 07/10/24 and through the app I did on 08/11/24
Sara (Debt Camel) says
I suggest you phone them on 01978691012 and ask why they haven’t acknowledged your complaint.
Do you still owe a balance? Is this your only problem debt?
Grant says
wondering if anyone knows if the email add listed above for complaints for mr lender is still correct? complaintml@mrlender.co.uk, I checked on their website and cant see it listed anywhere, in their complaints section it says you have to write to them by post which is ridiculous, if anyone knows it would be appreciated, cheers
Sara (Debt Camel) says
that is the address for complaints Mr Lender has listed on the regulator’s register.
It’s not on their website as they would prefer people didn’t know it!
Grant says
thanks for that, have emailed them my complaint now!
Grant says
have just received an email from mr lender acknowledging they have received my complaint, a surprisingly fast reply