Did your payday loans cost so much when you repaid one you had to keep on borrowing?
You can get a refund of the interest you paid on unaffordable loans.
It’s easy to ask for a payday loan refund using the free template letters here. The letters work if your payday loans were repaid or you still owe money.
The comments below this article have thousands of stories of the refunds people have got using these letters. It is a great place to ask questions!
What are “unaffordable” loans?
Was a loan affordable just because you repaid it?
No! If paying a loan left you so broke you had to borrow again – from the same lender or a different one – it was unaffordable!
The regulator says:
“the borrower should be able to make the required repayments without undue difficulty, whilst continuing to meet other debt repayment obligations and reasonable regular outgoings.”
That means a payday loan is only affordable if you repaid it on time and you could still manage to pay your other bills and debts.
Payday loans are meant to solve a short-term problem. If you kept repaying one then getting another loan soon after, the lender should have stopped lending to you.
If the loan was small and it was the first loan or second loan from a lender, the lender may not have realised the loan was unaffordable for you. But it was irresponsible lending to just carry on giving you more loans.
Many lenders ignore obvious signs of problems such as your loans increasing in size, or borrowing again soon after repayment.
How much compensation can you get?
You don’t have to calculate this. Just ask for a refund from the lender and see what you are offered. This is simple and it works well.
The Financial Ombudsman has seen tens of thousands of payday loan affordability complaints.
A typical decision by the Ombudsman is that the payday lender should refund all the interest you paid interest after the third, fourth or fifth loan.
But if your first loan was large, or was rolled over several times you could get a refund from just one loan.
Which lenders can you get refunds from?
You can complain to lenders that are still in business, even if they are no longer lending. These include:
Lending Stream, Cash Converters, CashASAP, Drafty, Dot Dot, Fast Loan Uk, Fernovo, Fund Ourselves, Kabayan, LoanPig, Mr Lender, Moneyboat, MyKredit, My Finance Club, QuidMarket, Savvy, The Money Platform, WageMe, Wizzcash,
See this email list for payday lenders for a longer list and all the contact details to use.
If the lender has gone into administration, including CashForUNow, Piggybank, Ferratum, Oakam:
- make a claim to the administrators – there is normally a simple form for you to complete, see the lender’s website for details – but there will be a time limit for doing this.
- you may not get much cash back but this is very easy to do. A balance may be reduced or cleared even if there is no cash to distribute. And if you win the complaint any negative marks on your credit record will be removed.
It is probably too late to make claims to other lenders who gave up years ago, see this list.
For longer-term loans there are better template letters to use on other pages:
- doorstep lenders and guarantor lenders,
- Loans2Go – the worst loans in Britain!
- 118 Money, Everyday lonas, Likely Loans/Finio, Reevo, Bamboo, car finance, bank loans and other long-term loans.
Do this before, before you send in a complaint
Doing these things now will make your life easier later.
Get a copy of your TransUnion statutory credit report and keep it. After complaints are started, sometimes loans are deleted and you may want the full report if you later have to go to the Ombudsman.
If you still owe money to the lender, read Will an affordability claim hurt my credit record, and other questions. These looks at your options for stopping paying, the effect on your credit record etc.
If the rest of your finances are difficult, look into a Debt Management Plan (DMP) where you make one affordable payment a month to StepChange. This gets you into a safe financial position as these affordability complaints can take a long time to go through at the Ombudsman. Winning a complaint then speeds up the DMP.
Unless you can afford to make this month’s payment without borrowing again, cancel the CPA to the lender at your bank. Otherwise the lender may take the money and you will be in a mess.
If your loan was sold to a debt collector you complain to the original lender. But also tell the debt collector that you are disputing the debt. It is a good idea to carry on making payments to the debt collector if they are affordable.
Start your complaint & get loan details
Find the lender’s email address for complaints from this list.
Put “AFFORDABILITY COMPLAINT” as the subject of your email:
You should never have given me these unaffordable loans. Paying you each month left me with too little money so I had to keep borrowing to get through the next month.
You should have realised from the number of times I borrowed that my debt problems were getting worse. It was not responsible to continue to lend to me. [Add more details eg how often you borrowed or rolled loans if you know them, how the amount borrowed generally went up etc]
[Include/change this if your credit record would have shown big problems:] My credit reports would have shown all my other debts and problems including late payments/defaults /CCJs/debt management.]
I am asking you to refund the interest and any charges I paid, plus statutory interest, and to delete any negative information from my credit record.
[delete this sentence if you know what all your loans were.] I know the difficulties your loans have caused me but I no longer have all the loan details. Please send me a list, showing for each loan when it was taken out, how much interest and charges you added, and what I repaid. This will enable me to assess any refund you offer me.
[delete this sentence if none of your loans were sold.]If a loan was later sold to a debt collector, please inform me of the date of sale and the name of the debt collector.
Some ways to improve this
Add any other points that help you describe what happened to you. You don’t need to list the loans – the lenders knows them.
Some examples:
- “I took out another loan with xxxx to pay you.”
- “Sometimes I borrowed to pay the rent and then had to top-up to get money for food.”
- if you weren’t treated fairly while you were borrowing or when you could not make a payment, add a bit about this.
You can attach bank statements if you like, This is a good idea as these show how unaffordable the loans were for you. If you have gambling showing, this helps your complaint, it doesn’t harm it.
I don’t know if many lenders actually read what you send them. I
it’s easy to make these complaints – you don’t need to calculate what refund you should get or quote laws.
Only one loan?
The template refers to multiple loans because that is what normally happens with payday lenders.
When you only had one loan and it was large, read Refunds from large loans and use the template there.
If you only had one loan and it was small, this is going to be a very difficult complaint to win. If you have borrowed once or twice from 5 leaders, that is much more difficult to win an affordability complaint than having 4 or 5 loans from two lenders.
Waiting for a reply from the lender
This email starts your affordability complaint.
They may send the list of loans first and later respond to your complaint. So don’t be surprised if you get sent info on the loans but nothing about your request for a refund.
When you get your loan information, you can send in more details about your complaint if you want. You don’t have to do this, your complaint has already begun and the lender has to reply.
The lender should reply to your complaint within 8 weeks from when you send the email, not when they acknowledge it. Make a note in your diary for 8 weeks time and chase the lender up if you don’t get a reply.
Don’t be surprised if you have to wait until the end of the 8 weeks to get response – this is common.
Send your bank statements or other information?
Some lenders ask you to send them a copy of your credit record, payslips or bank statements.
Credit record – the lender can check your credit record themselves if they want. But you should download a copy of your credit record asap as the Ombudsman will ask for it. Don’t put this off, the sooner you get a report downloaded, the further back it goes which is good.
Don’t send payslips.
It is a good idea to send bank statements. But think twice about the cost of copying and postage if there are a lot. Some lenders seem to ignore them if you do send them.
Again this is a good point to get those bank statements even if you do not want to send them as they will help an Ombudsman claim a lot. You can get them going back at least 6 years even if the account has been closed.
Lender says No or makes a poor offer
If the lender rejects your complaint or offers you a small amount, don’t be depressed. You may still have a very good case!
It is easy and free to send your case to the Financial Ombudsman where many thousands of people have won their payday loan complaints, despite being rejected by the lender.
Give up?
Some lenders try to make your case sound bad when it isn’t. People have had large amounts refunded after a complete rejection!
Just ignore any of the following comments, they do not mean you have a weak case:
- they relied on your loan applications and you didn’t give accurate facts – see Lender says I lied for more about this;
- you repaid some loans early – this doesn’t prove the loans were affordable, just that you were trying to save interest;
- your borrowing didn’t go up every time – irrelevant, what matters is that you kept borrowing;
- you had a good enough credit score or they didn’t legally have to check your credit record – if you only had one or two small loans that is true. But if the loans were large or you kept borrowing, they should have looked more closely;
- some loans are over 6 years old – the Ombudsman will look at these even if the lender says they won’t!
A good enough case to go to the Ombudsman?
If you don’t know what to do, ask in the comments below this article. Accepting an offer settles your whole complaint – you can’t change your mind later.
Don’t worry that you will lose a small offer by going to the Ombudsman – this doesn’t happen.
Some points to think about:
- if you are offered a refund on only a few loans, don’t accept it if you think the lender should have realised a lot of the other loans were unaffordable;
- an offer to write off your current balance may sound convenient … but it may be very poor if you should get a refund as well;
- if getting defaults or late payments removed from your credit record is important to you, are you happy with what the lender is proposing to do? Don’t assume your credit record will be cleared if the lender didn’t mention this.
One or two loan cases are hard to win at the Ombudsman. It’s probably best to give up on one or two loan cases unless:
- the loan was large. Here is one single loan case that was won even though it was an instalment loan and the borrower had a good income. And another single loan case for a loan of £1,000. You can win cases for smaller amounts if the repayment would have been a large amount of your income; or
- you still owe money.
Don’t delay too long – there is a 6-month time limit after a lender rejects your complaint to send the case to the ombudsman. When you aren’t sure, send the complaint to FOS. This is free and easy to do – let FOS make the decision.
How to send a complaint to FOS
Put in a separate complaint about each lender.
Don’t wait until all your lenders have replied before sending the first one to the Ombudsman!
FOS’s “complain online” option is easy and takes you through your complaint step by step.
You can just copy what you said in your complaint to the lender. You can add more details, for example, if you disagree with what the lender replied to you.
If some of your loans were over 6 years ago, tell the Ombudsman when and how you found out about these complaints. For example:
“I knew the loans were causing me difficulty in 2018, but I thought this was my fault for being bad with money. I didn’t find out that the lender should have checked the loans were affordable until June 2024 when my brother told me about these claims/I saw an advert from a claims company on Facebook/I read an article about these claims” – change this so it is right for your case!
Things to attach:
- the reply you have had from the lender.
- bank statements if you have them. Ideally from 3 months before your first loan until the last loan was repaid or you defaulted on it. This strengthens your case, showing how unaffordable the loans were. You can still get bank statements even if your account is closed – if you don’t have them, start the process of getting them now, don’t wait until FOS asks for them.
- a copy of your TransUnion Statutory credit report
- if you dont have the credit agreements, FOS will get them from the lender.
What happens after you have sent a case to FOS
You will normally be contacted within a couple of weeks and asked for a copy of your credit record and your bank statements if you haven’t sent these. If you have sent these on one complaint, then when you complain about a different lender FOS will use the ones they already have.
After this initial contact, your case will wait for the lender to send FOS your case file and then wait to be picked up by an adjudicator who will make a decision on it.
If you are still making payments to the lender, tell the lender you want to reduce these to an affordable amount. This will make waiting for an Ombudsman decision much less stressful for you.
The Financial Ombudsman has a two-stage process. Most cases are settled by the first “adjudicator” stage but about 10% go to the second “Ombudsman” stage.
A few problem cases
Don’t ask for a refund:
- if you are bankrupt now or have been bankrupt in the past – any refund would go to the Official Receiver.
- if you are in an IVA, as refunds will go to your IVA firm not to you. If your IVA has finished the refund may still be sent to your old IVA firm.
- if you are in a DRO now, getting a refund may mean your DRO is cancelled!
More help
You can ask a question in the comments below – you may get a reply from someone who has been in your exact situation.
Don’t use a claims management company. They are expensive and often incompetent. It’s easy to do this yourself and you can ask questions below and get replies from other readers who have done this.
Barbara says
I emailed Sunny, PD UK, Wonga, My Jar, LS at the end of Nov and they have all replied back saying that they dont agree with my complaint. Very dishearting. I have now passed them all to FO. Has anyone else been similar situations where all payday loans have disagreed? Does it take long for Ombusman to make a decision? Thanks
Sara (Debt Camel) says
How many loans did you have with each of them?
Barbara says
11 LS
5 MJ
21 Wonga
Sunny and PD UK still waiting for them to send me statements. But mostly they were rollover loans.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
ok, they all sound like a lot of borrowing. I asked because sometimes people have only borrowed one or two times from 5 or 6 different lenders, and these can be difficult cases to win.
Michelle says
You can log into your sunny account online and get all your statements as I did this. Its a bit painful as you have to look at all statement periods for each loan you had but then it depends on how many loans you had. Like most comments on here Sunny are one of the better companies to deal with and in most but not all cases they have made a full or partial offer at week 7
Good luck
James says
Hi Sara,
Sent off my complaint to Quick Quid on 11th January with a similar letter template you have on your site (very useful) with regards approx. 20 loans I took out from 2013-2016. They actually had the majority of the loan info detailed in ‘my account’ on their site so very little digging to do and they have acknowledged the complaint. I’ve also contacted Wonga regarding approx. 5 loans I had with them during the same period. Wonga have said they will get back with loan info during next 30 days.
Can you confirm it is 8 weeks that Quick Quid have to respond back with a decision?
Also if I am successful with these claims will all the loans that generate a refund be automatically removed from my Credit Report…..I have requested this in the complaint letter?
Thanks in advance.
Nattalie says
Hey guys
So quick update from last time. Sunny upheld my complaint and wrote off my balance and refunding interest plus 8% as we speak. My jar outright rejected and has been with FOS for about two weeks. Lending stream recently gone to FOS, their offer was simply to reduce os balance by 15% which is 1000 and no offer of refund.
So 4 complaints in all, sunny now won in the 8weeks and other three at FOS.
Wonga have asked for more time after 8 weeks but I have gone to FOS because I still have not received a statement of lending from them. I have a figure of how much I borrowed £14.100 over less than 3 years but no idea of interest paid because they still have sent me statement
Anyone else luck in getting this?
Michelle says
Ok so my updates so far
Peachy – Adjudicator partially ruled in my favour, Peachy decided ombudsman so waiting to be allocated. Im good with this as found further evidence of CCJ that was set aside so not on credit file now however Peachy lent me money when I had this
Different money – These guys have closed so took smaller offer just before xmas as wasnt sure how it would work if I went t the FOS so something was better than potentially nothing
Mr Lender – Decent with response times – Made me an offer but approx £4k short of if I was given full refund plus found alot of things in their investigation that were not true and I can provide evidence to show this so waiting FOS adjudicator
Wonga – Biggest complaint with 49 loans and just got a flat out go away (Amazed) With FOS adjudicator but there is a wait on wonga at the moment
Wageday advance – Rejected outright went to FOS adjudicator. Partially upheld and WDA agreed so just waiting money
247moneybox – Difficult company to deal with but they did refund full interest (Just under £300) before xmas
Cashgenie – Standard e mail I can have my money back when they get their money so no idea when this will be
Minicredit – Closed complaint as ceased trading and no where to go
Satsuma – Surprised as most people say they ae awful however put to FOS as no answer in 8 weeks. 3 weeks later they sent me letter saying loan cleared and cheque for remaining refund in full plus 8% so £90 back and loan cleared
Sunny – Great to deal with Came back at week 7 giving partial offer that was close enough so accepted and paid me same day
Moneyboat – Rejected my complaint so with FOS adjudicator
Uncle buck – Funny took 8 weeks to the day then letter said partially upholding my complaint – That was an error – Rejected my complaint so with FOS adjudicator
Ferratum – Good response time, easy to deal with. Full refund which meant I had to pay £250 to clear what would have been £550 through normal installments. small amount of loans so pleased with this
Next credit – Rejected my complaint so with FOS adjudicator
Payday UK – Rejected my complaint so with FOS adjudicator
H&T loans – Waiting on information from them
Wow after writing that list I feel I should have started with Once upon a time (stupidly not so long ago) I took out lots of silly loans
Hopefully they will all get to a happy ending though :)
Shell says
Hi Sara/All,
I wonder if anyone can help me.
I have been looking through my bank statements from 2015 and have noticed a credit from “Pacnet services LTD” twice in 1 month, one for £825 & one for £250, this is all around the time that I had taken numerous payday loans out.
Does anyone know what company this is? Or their trading name, as gathering all my complaint letters.
Marina says
Hi Shell,
PacNet Services is an international payment processing company. They have been closed down…
SR86 says
Did you ever find out which company this was? I have the same…
SB says
Did you have a loan with Uncle Buck? I think it’s them, well for me at least.
Debbie says
I had 2 similar and it was swift sterling that made the payments xx
Dave says
What is the situation in regards to putting inflated salaries in or even lowering expenditures on applications? I would have likely done this in desperation. I can’t remember when and for how many but I know it happened. Would the companies just hit back on that one and could I be in trouble?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Hi Dave, this article looks at this sort of situation: https://debtcamel.co.uk/payday-lender-says-lied/
Dave says
Thanks Sara, I just read that actually. Do you think I’d be fine. Paranoid they could go to town on me instead! Scary thing is getting the confidence to get all this going!
Connie says
Don’t worry, I did this too. I knew the lenders wouldn’t have loaned me the funds if my income and expenditures weren’t sufficient for the funds. Desperation is why we all did these loans in the first place!
Allison says
Hi I was wondering if anyone can help me. I have had Loans with quick quid and numerous others! But I logged in to quick quid and my history has been removed, it just shows 2 loan numbers with the outstanding amount £654 but the statement that they sent me only shows one loan which has different number? Not sure what to do next. They have asked for bank statements and wage slips, as the account was in 2011 \2012 I don’t have at hand. What should I do now? Thanks
Sara (Debt Camel) says
First I think you should go back and query the statement you have been sent, pointing out the loan numbers and also if you think you had more than two loans from them.
Re their request for payslips etc, see https://debtcamel.co.uk/quickquid-payday-loan-refunds/.
Although you may not want to give QQ your bank statements, if you have several payday lender complaints the chances are at least some of these are going to end up with the Ombudsman and the FO will usually want to see bank statements. So getting them together now would be a good idea. This will also let you “reconstruct” your own list of loans and repayments to each lender, so you can double check what the lender tells you – always a good idea!
Allison says
Hi, I have a copy of my credit file that I have just received and it shows 4 Loans from Quick quid and more from paydayuk, quick quid only sent statement for one dated 2012 because others are from 2011 will this be because of them being 6 years? Even though they are roll over Loans running into 2012? Thanks guys
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Well most loans from 2011 should still be within 6 years so I don’t think that can be the reason. Credit records aren’t completely reliable but usually because loans are missing from them. You need to ask QQ to explain the statement they gave you, what your online account shows (NB take screen shot of that in case it vanishes) and your credit record.
For each loan you want to know when it started, what you borrowed, if it was rolled, when it was repaid and what you repaid.
And checking against you bank statements is the best way to be sure nothing is missing.
Ricky says
Hi guys, yesterday I received an email from the adjudicator saying she thinks some loans from quick quid should have not been given to me, she has sent the assessment and her findings to quick quid and given them until 08 FEB 2016 to come back to her to see if they accept or decline. My question is, typically how long do quick quid take? Does anyone have any experience dealing with quick quid at the stage??
Mike says
Hi Ricky,
I’ve heard mixed reviews about QQ.
In my personal case I thought they were ok – they sent me the standard rejection email and offered me £200 which I rejected and my case went to an adjudicator. After that it took about 3 weeks and they came back with an offer of £940 which I accepted. As soon as I gave them my bank details, they paid my funds direct into my account within 2 hours.
hoping for a good result for you.
Ricky says
Hi mark
Thanks for replying with your experience. Sound fair enough , I guess there really isn’t any concrete answer for my suituation and where it’s at hence why I wanted to how other people found it with quick quid.
I will see what they have to say.
From £200 to £940 , that’s a huge increase. When they came back to your adjudicator with £200 what did you say to your adjudicator? Simply that you refuse there offer? I’m keen to know what to say to my adjudicator should I face a similar reply from QQ
Glen says
Had my final response from WageDayAdvance rejecting my complaint as I didn’t pay the £10 for my SOA. Just submitted my complaint to the FOS, anyone been in this position with WageDayAdvance? Thanks
Sara (Debt Camel) says
They can’t reject a complaint for not paying them £10! But they may have rejected a complaint if it didn’t have much info about what you were complaining about … how did they word their rejection?
Glen says
“In light of the above, it is my view that WageDayAdvance acted appropriately in requesting you to pay a £10 fee and I am therefore unable to uphold your complaint.” They then, “as a gesture of goodwill”, sent me my SOA, which I have forwarded to the FOS.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
That sounds as though you complained they tried to charge you £10 … and it is that complaint they are rejecting. Not your complaint about unaffordable lending. Have you put in your unaffordable lending complaint yet or were you waiting for the SoA?
Glen says
No my complaint was about unaffordable lending! They just seem to have disregarded it. I never complained about being told to pay £10, I just let them know I wasn’t going to and asked them to consider my complaint regardless as I had a pretty good idea of loans through historic bank statements.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
oh! well good luck at the FOS!
Anon341 says
Thank you for the help on this site – it has allowed me to get around £800 so far and I now have 6 with the FOS. Once of which is Wonga, which I had at least 20 loans from and lots of rollovers. 8 weeks was up on Monday and they have asked for 6 weeks more, which is a very long time to wait so have taken it to FOS – is anybody else in the same boat with them?
Connie says
I sent a request for a list of loans and not eve had an automated reply! They’re the only of 7 or 8 I’ve emailed that hasn’t responded in any form.
Matthew says
QQ should be getting into bother with the FCA surely for playing games…adjudicator asked them to repay all interest bar one loan. They offer £600, reject and the day after they offer £900, advised I will accept interest without added 8% (over double their offer). Be interested to see if they keep upping it or whether it stays in the long queue for an Ombudsman!!
Ross says
Payday Express had until yesterday (25/01/17) to respond to my adjudicator as to whether they agreed with his recommendations. Unsurprisingly, they haven’t bothered to respond. He has now advised he will allow them a further 14 days, after a chase up email, to respond before putting it in the queue for the ombudsman. I know why they’re not responding, as this comes out at a substantial 4 figure sum, if they agree to the adjudicators decision. I wouldn’t mind as much if they actually say they disagree with the adjudicator, as at least then I can get in the queue for an ombudsman, but it appears Instant Cash Loans like to play games (still awaiting a refund of £900 from another of their cowboy outfits, 19 days after they agreed to pay). I will be reporting them to the FCA for their poor complaint handling. How they have a licence to operate is anybody’s guess?
Dave says
Received loan summary statements from QQ tonight after only requesting on Sunday. Interest alone is over £6k as was continually leant to over 4/5 years. Pretty much non stop with many rollovers and immediate loans on the day they were paid off. It makes me feel sick how trapped I became. I’m hoping that the pattern of rollovers (7 on one loan in particular) and the constant loan on the day one was paid off will stand out as irresponsible lending. I really hope I can do something with this and finally put the money to good use:
Allison says
Hi, I hope you get some back I also was in this trap, I have just had my statements and am shocked at how much I paid! On £500 Loans think you were allowed to roll over for 6 months! £125 every month then £500 at the end! Grrrrr
JRG says
I have submitted irresponsible lending complaints against 4 lenders-
Lending stream- I have to say we’re very good at handling my complaint. Received an offer of just under £1000 for 18 of 36 loans. I accepted because I thought that was fair and happy how it was handled.
Payday UK and the money shop- both rejected my complaint so I have forwarded to FOS and waiting to be assigned to an adjudicator. (This part doesn’t seem to be a quick process). I would of thought between the 2 I’m hoping for a refund of £3k.
The last one is Wonga- customer services are useless. My 8 weeks ends next Friday. I already know that they won’t have looked into my complaint by that time. I will be taking straight to the FOS and would be expecting around another 3k fingers crossed! Just thought I’d share my experiences for your expectations.
Allison says
Hi, I have emailed to payday UK but they haven’t replied how long did they take to reply to you please? Thanks
sarah says
Hi I had a quick reply from them it was 3 days with am email…I am also waiting on a reply from wonga nearly 2 weeks now and not heard a thing!
Ross says
Payday UK will respond, at some point, but it’ll be an almost certain rejection. They’re part of the same company as The Money Shop and Payday Express, and these 2 are just as hopeless as well, when it comes to handling complaints. I won my case with Payday UK at the FOS, but still awaiting payout after a long wait. Payday Express had until 25/01 to respond, but haven’t, and my complaint with The Money Shop is being held up as my adjudicator has been chasing their business file for weeks now. See my point? Good luck!
Allison says
Oh dear won’t hold my breath then! Is it ever worth ringing these companies? Thanks
Ross says
I wouldn’t bother calling, just keep it all by email. That way, you have a record of what you’ve sent and when you sent it. If they do fail to respond, then you can prove to the FOS that you did complain and attach the emails to your complaint. Phone calls are difficult to prove, unless you record them. Plus, the ‘customer relations’ unit for all of these companies are just hopeless. They couldn’t tell me when I should expect to receive my refund, even though they’re the ones issuing it!
Matt S says
Ah ok, so your actually the same as me as I’m 3 weeks on Monday also. They have been by far the worst. My complaint was logged with them on 2nd February last year so almost a whole year now. Lets hope they are accurate with the ‘3 weeks’ they told me and I might actually have mines resolved before it hits a year.
Sarah says
Can anyone help with MMF DCA … I’m waiting for a cash genie refund and I have the confirmation from Beth everything is settled and that I have nothing outstanding but MMF are emailing repeatedly for payment on a CG debt and threating legal action. I’ve told them to contact Beth but they said they don’t have too I owe the money. Do I contact the FOS about this?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
I am assuming Beth works for Cash Genie. If Cash Genie are saying “everything is settled” does this mean you don'[t owe them any money – but actually you owe MMF money as they sold a debt? Or that they don’t think ethere was ever a balance outstanding? Or that after the CG refund you won’t owe any money because they will clear your debt to MMF?
Do you have something in writing from CG saying that your loans were unaffordable and they will be refunding you interest for these?
Sarah says
Beth works for CG … she’s confirmed in writing that the debts were brought back to cash Genie from MMF and the outstanding balance was written off in April 2016 and removed from my credit file and that I’m getting £719 as a refund for the loans … I’ve sent a copy of the letter to MMF but they are ignoring the letter and won’t comment on it and just keep saying that their files from cash Genie show I have to pay but Beth is saying that everything is cleared … MMF were the DCA for CG but never purchased the original debt for my account
Sara (Debt Camel) says
In that case I suggest you put in a formal complaint to MMF by email. Send to complaints@mmile.com – if that bounces back, send to customerservice@mmile.com with COMPLAINT in the email title.
You are complaining that they are chasing you for payment of a debt that you do not owe and where you have already supplied them with the evidence on [date]. Say you are attach a copy of the CG letter that you have already sent to them on [date]. Say you will be taking the complaint to the FOS if they continue to contact you about this debt.
Mat says
Hi Sara,
I promised to update you on my case which was submitted more than 6 months after receiving the final response. I couldn’t find the original post so starting a new thread, apologies for the bad form!
I heard nothing for the first week, so I sent a general enquiry e-mail to FOS, worried that I might have done something stupid like forgotten to put my e-mail address in the contact details or something! The next day I received a letter by post saying they are looking into the complaint, and to send all the relevant information across. I was pretty pleased with that outcome!
However, about 3 days later, I got an e-mail from the FOS stating that they are still looking into whether they are able to take up my case, as the company have refused and they will need to evaluate my circumstances which led to the delay. They said that a number of other cases are pending with the same company for the same reason, so not sure whether they’re looking at them together or individually.
So, I’m none the wiser at the moment as the two correspondences seem to be contradictory! But at least they haven’t yet flatly refused, which is better than nothing :)
Will update when I know more…
Wiggles says
Time for an update on my lending stream complaint.
My adjudicator has found that 30 of my 35 loans should not have been issued and has asked for them to be refunded with 8% added and removed from my history, this works out to about 3.3k and my total repaid interest was 4.1k so im very happy with this. Just now need to wait for LS to pull their finger out and get it sorted. This proves that keep on keeping and you will get something back.
Again Sara I can’t begin to thank you enough for putting the site up and helping everyone as you do
Wiggles says
An update on this LS have not even contacted the adjudicator back so she has now passed it on to an Ombudsmen and will have to wait and see what happens for that now. Soon I hope
James says
Just wanted to share with you that Wonga refunded my interest charges, however I didn’t know I may be entitled to an extra 8% in interest, oops! Still i was over the moon! Just over £600 back!
Allison says
Hi, just seen your reply thanks, I did call before I saw your advice. I had sent several emails so rang them and after a fraught conversation with the person on the phone she said she would ensure my email was seen and acknowledged by the complaints department, within 10 minutes I had received a reply saying it was being looked into. This was paydayuk
alan says
Would just like to share good news regarding a complaint I had with Mr Lender which I started in mid Dec 2016 regarding 4 loans over 3yrs with a bit of distance between them.
First offer was £360 which I refused and after 2 weeks they offered me double…..£720… which was the full interest of the last loan I had with them. My reply just stated that I didn’t feel this was reasonable and would take my complaint to the FOS and low and behold today I had an offer of £1100 which is 80% of the interest of loans I rolled over and I accepted.
My adjudicator was great and I was really happy at the outcome…..just another 10 lenders to go and all because i found this site
Thanks Sara
Lisa says
Well done you….
Drinks on you…lol…. im still waiting to hear from from about 8 now
Allison says
Hi ya can anyone help please? I have a Mr lender loan outstanding at £165 it is now with motormile finance who I have just received a letter threatening a solicitor being contacted. Mr lender have sent me a copy of the loan which showed that they had run credit checks but I was in debt with loads of payday loans and banks. They have just said it’s now in the hands of mmf, I’m not sure what I should do now? I only had one loanwith Mr lender, more with Quick Quid. Payday UK, pounds till payday, should I just pay to MM? Any advice please?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
If you only had one loan it is pretty hard to win an affordability case, unless it was rolled a lot. You can take Mr L’s rejection to the Ombudsman if you feel there is a good reason you should never have been given the loan, in which case you need to tell MMF the debt is in dispute with Mr L, but you may be wasting your time and also clogging up the FO with pointless small cases.
Otherwise you do need to settle with the debt collector (I am assuming here the loan was less than 6 years ago.) They may be prepared to accept a full and final settlement offer, see https://debtcamel.co.uk/debt-options/less-common/full-final/.
Allison says
Hi Sarah, I have spoken with them and set up a payment plan. I Wonder if you have heard of month end money? Consumer finance? It seems like I borrowed from these too! ! But haven’t heard from them and can’t find out how to contact them . What should I do? Thank you for your help
Sara (Debt Camel) says
MEM is a previous trading name of Instant Cash Lons, the parent of the Payday UK group
Allison says
Hi Sarah, just an update on QQ I can’t find original tread, but I rang them and apparently they had sent all Loans but I got just one sent 5 times! She was quite helpful and sent all statements whilst I was on the phone, it seems that I have had numerous roll over Loans and paid about 2000 or more pounds in interest! I will keep you posted
kg says
just to give an update, i have won a case where there were 2 loans and the third loan was taken out 14 months later. i got the 2nd loan and the top ups from loan 1 refunded. it entirely depends on the repayment/deferras etc of the loans.
i had a question, payday uk confirmed that they will be removing the affected loans, does anyone know when this will be reflected on my credit file?
Allison says
Hi, after I had set up a payment plan with motormile re Mr Lender I still sent a complaint, they replied today saying in there eyes they did everything right but as a goodwill gesture will write off the debt of £140.
the original loan was £150. Over a period of time I have paid £243.They tell me that I still owe £140, but as a gesture of goodwill they are willing to write off the outstanding amount . They explained that they believe they did all the correct checks and did not act irresponsible , thank you for your time Should I acccept seeing as I didn’t expect anything? Thanks
Sara (Debt Camel) says
ok, so if they write off the balance now, you will have repaid the loan plus £93 in interest. The most you would get by taking the case to thye Financial Ombudsman is a refund of that £93 interest (plus 8% simple interest, but that is unlikely to be much).
It’s pretty harde to win a one loan case – unless you think there are excellent reasons why you should never have been given the loan, this write off is probably an OK offer… it depends if you think it’s fair?
Lynnette says
Sara and this site are absolutely amazing, made a donation to my local citizens advice as these people are amazing at the work they do.
Update on my current cases.
Sunny – refund of around £2400 at week 8, FO not involved.
WDA – refund of around £990 at week 8, FO not involved.
PDUK – refund of around £2400 after ombudsman final decision took around 6 months all together.
QuickQuid – received final decision today from the ombudsman for loans 4-11 and flex credit account +8% interest and removal of loans from credit file. Took 9 months from complaining. Looking at around £6000 by end of next month.
PDExpress – still waiting on ombudsman final decision first complained April 2016.
Hopefully this helps people with time scales for complaints. Has anyone had experience as to how long QuickQuid take to pay out?
Ross says
Hi Lynette,
Well done on your results. If Quick Quid are the same as Pounds 2 Pocket at paying out (they’re sister companies) once P2P confirmed my bank details, the funds were in my account a couple of hours later. They seem to transfer the funds same as they would with one of their loans. So, hopefully, you won’t have long to wait once they confirm your details :)
Lynnette says
Hi Ross just wondering how did they contact you for your bank details please? And how long roughly did it take them to contact you for them?
Ross says
Morning Lynette,
After I accepted in the morning, via my adjudicator, P2P called me at around 8 o’clock in the evening, They were very professional & polite, but be aware that it will come up as ‘Unknown’ or ‘No Caller ID’ on your mobile. Whereas I tend to ignore these types of calls, as it’s normally PPI calls or calls saying I’ve recently been in an accident?!? I have chosen to take these for the duration of dealing with these complaints, just in case. After confirming my bank account number and sort code (they will just ask you to confirm the last 4 digits of each), I then received 2 emails confirming the details and that the refund had been processed. An hour later the funds were in my account. A lesson a lot of the others could take!
Kerry says
Great results for you. When you say took 6 months is that with the ombudsman or from the start of your complaint. I have complaints with the financial ombudsman service they have had them since end of sept 16 following my complaints been rejected from money shop payday uk and express and quick quid, seems to me reading posts theses companies tend to hold it all out till the last very minute.
Lynnette says
Hi Kerry the 6 months for me was from first submitting complaint to paydayuk, I do believe now that the wait is becoming longer due to the increased number of complaints, but it’s definitely worth hanging out til the end to get ypurself the best possible and fairest result. Paydayuk once they had the fjnal decision waited the 28 days for payout, I then contacted them the day after to explain it was over the 28 days and they had the money in my account either the same or next day can’t remember which now. Good luck to you hope it goes well for you!
Gemma says
I have just drafted all my letters to send off by email so thank you for all the pointers. Has anyone had any luck with Uncle Buck or Payday Express? I had multiple loans with quickquid which I have not paid back the final amount on and it was a number of years ago. I’m loathed to contact them and open that particular can of worms particularly as they still call me multiple times a day, I just have a feeling I’m not going to get anywhere with them – how has anyone else got on with them?
I must confess Wonga contacted me back in 2014 to advise they had cleared my credit file of the default (after I had paid the outstanding debt) but made no mention of refund of interest and charges so I have also fired off an email to them in the hope that as they have led the way they may be cooperative.
Would love to hear of anyone else’s successes.
Many thanks
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Hi Gemma, if a lender hasn’t contacted you for years you may worry about “opening a can of worms”. But if QQ are contacting you every day, I can’t see that you have anything to lose by putting in an affordability complaint!
Ross says
Hi Gemma,
Payday Express are part of Instant Cash Loans, who also own Payday UK and The Money Shop. Payday Express rejected my complaint, but offered £340 as a ‘goodwill gesture’. I sent it to the FOS, and the adjudicator ruled in my favour and recommended that a large proportion of the loans taken, and rollovers, be refunded along with the 8% compound interest. Payday Express had until 25/01 to respond and, unsurprisingly, they haven’t bothered to respond. Annoyingly, the adjudicator now has to give them another 2 weeks before he sends it on to an ombudsman. Either they will ignore this, or make an inferior offer to try to palm me off. Bearing in mind this will be a substantial 4 figure sum, they haven’t got a chance of me taking anything else, no matter how tempting it may be.
Payday UK rejected my complaint outright, offering nothing at all. This also went to the FOS and the adjudicator recommended, again, that they refund on a majority of loans taken. They offered to refund what the adjudicator asked, but without the 8%. As this was for a relatively modest figure, I accepted (although 3 weeks later, I’m still in their ‘Queue’ for my refund). My complaint with The Money Shop is being stalled as my adjudicator is still waiting for their business file. I am still paying this one and am seeking the interest being removed. I repaid the smaller loan I had with them early, and reapplied for a much larger loan minutes later, which was approved. I did this to try to keep my head above water. Stupid I know, but when you’re desperate? If you have any complaints with these companies, then this will give you an idea of what to expect.
Good luck!
Andrew says
Hi Sara,
Thank you for advice, my complaint replies are slow but are progressing. I have had an offer from the lending stream offering to clear two of my outstanding loans and pay the money I leant on the third loan with zero interest. I know the third loan offer will have a negative impact on my credit file but will accepting to clear the other two loans have a negative effect?
Also is it true if you have ever had a payday loan it is very unlikely you can get a mortgage?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Hi Andrew, did you have a lot of loans before these last three? The two LS have offered to clear – you need to ask if they will delete the default from these loans. IF you had a lot of previous loans and you take the the case to the Ombudsman, you may get all the defaults deleted.
See https://debtcamel.co.uk/payday-loan-mortgage/ for payday loans and mortgages. Quick summary – probably OK if you paid the loans on time, no defaults AND they are more than a year old.
MattB says
Good Morning Sarah,
I settled my compliant with Lending Stream on the 13th December 2016, within there email they stated “We would raise a request with the credit reference agencies in terms of the removal of the adverse entries from the loan”. Now, it wasn’t recorded as “adverse/defaulted” it was marked as settled in 2012….what they have done is updated the settlement date to 9th September 2016 (the date I lodged my complaint).
Is this correct?…..I’ve asked them to update it again to reflect the actual date it was settled back in 2012
Sara (Debt Camel) says
It is amazing how many different ways there are to mess up sorting out a complaint. They should certainly not have changed the settlement date to later.
Lorraine says
Hi, i had 29 loans from ukpd between 2112 and 2115, they were rolled over every month as i had to borrow more money every month to survive. I have no outstanding debt with them but it is still on my credit file. I emailed them a template of your second letter yesterday. Do you know roughly how long it will take? I borrowed between £500 and £750 every month. I also was borrowing from other pay day companies at the time and i have emailed them a template of your first letter. It was stupid and i am now sorting my life out, only have a ccj to get rid of and to improve my credit rating now. Its so easy to do…. but life is easier if you deal with your debtors direct. I’ll never borrow again. Sorry bit of a rant lol
Louisa says
Has anyone tried to get interest back from Safety Net Credit? They are a different kind of lender because they can see your bank balance and automatically take the repayments when you have money in your account,
Ross says
Hi Louisa,
Safety Net Credit kept increasing my credit limit until it got up to a whopping £1000. I ended up using this every month, as once in this trap, it’s hard to get out of it. I then decided to complain, making them aware that I was inundated with other payday loans and that they should’ve noted this, as they were the only lender with the ability to see what was coming in, and going out, of my bank account. I asked them to freeze the account, but they never did, and it continued to accrue interest. By the time they sent their final response letter, the balance was £1370. However, they offered (as a gesture of goodwill) to write off the whole balance, which I was happy with. When I tallied up the interest I had already paid, prior, it was nowhere near this amount, so I agreed and it was a relief to be rid of this.
mike says
My partner had a speedloan in 2007 but defaulted and eventually had a ccj.
The loan was for £800 but the CCJ was for the loan plus all interest so £1900 in total. (even though she was only 4 months into loan when defaulted)
We didn’t think it was fair at the time, but didn’t contest it
My question is:- can she get a refund from this far back?
How does it work as she has paid off the ccj?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
The Ombudsman will not consider a case where there has been a court decision. If there had been previous loans before the one that defaulted, you could put in a complaint about those.
susan says
thought i would give you all an update, Peachy the adjudicator agreed with me, so waiting to hear if peachy agreed.
Safety net credit – i declined there offer and waiting to be signed with adjudicator ( also it states in there terms every time they increase or decrease your limit they would send you this in writing, which was never done).
Monekydosh, declined me so waiting to get assigned to adjudicator.
Myjar – Adjudicator said that they do not have the right to investigate this.
QQ – Still waiting to be seen my adjudicator
Pounds to pocket – the same waiting on adjudicator
247 Monkeydosh – still waiting on my final notice and the 8 weeks is up so forwarded it on for further action
Payday Express – waiting to get signed by adjudicator
Provident – adjudicator agreed with the company
WDA – agreed and settled with them
Cash Genie – Agreed and settled with them ( beth should be emailing me next week with hopefully more up to date news)
sarah l says
Hi Everyone, Ive been on my journey trying to claim back from my payday lenders since November so thought id give you all details so far.
Lending Stream –
20 Loans taken out between Sep 2011 – Dec 2013
£3’342 paid in interest over the period
04/11/2016 – Sent request for SOA (Never received)
05/11/2016 – Sent Complaint using sara’s template
02/12/2016 – Lending Stream offered £42 for a ”procedural error” which i declined
14/12/2016 – Received Final Response offering £183.90 for two loans which i again declined
14/12/2016 – Sent complaint to FOS
25/01/2017 – Response from my adjudicator upholding my complaint apart from the first two loans so should be due around £3’184.66 before 8% added, they have until 08/02/2017 to respond and after looking at previous case histories on the ombudsman website Lending Stream almost always disagree and sent to Ombudsman.
Cash Genie –
1 Loans taken out Dec 2013 (Three Rollovers)
£329.16 paid in interest over the period
04/11/2016 – Sent request for SOA (Sent with Final Response)
05/11/2016 – Sent Complaint using sara’s template
07/11/2016 – Email’s failed to sent so sent to FOS
17/11/2016 – Received email from Cash Genie acknowledging my complaint
24/11/2016 – Final Response from them not upholding and no reason just a curt email
25/11/2016 – Sent complaint to FOS again.
20/01/2017 – Update from FOS to say they are looking into complaint but there are a few things they need to resolve before they can reach an outcome.
MiniCredit –
3 Loans taken out March 2013
£165.50 paid in interest over the period
04/11/2016 – Sent request for SOA (Never Received)
05/11/2016 – Sent Complaint using sara’s template
17/11/2016 -Final Response offering to write off outstanding balance of £3.41 but the email did contain the following which some people could find intimidating (I would also highlight to you that the information you have provided in your email suggests to me that you provided false and inaccurate information to Mini Credit in 2014 and I would remind you that this is considered fraudulent as you made the decision at that time to provide false figures to them) i din’t provide any false figures they just failed the see that i’d written that my wage ”averaged” not was.
12/12/2016 – Sent to FOS
30/01/2017 – Emailed FOS for update?
Ladder Loans –
2 Installement Loans taken out between Feb 2013 – Nov 2013
£1’218.99 paid in interest over the period
04/11/2016 – Sent request for SOA (Never received)
05/11/2016 – Sent Complaint using sara’s template
05/12/2016 – Final Response given offering £250.39 for adding interest to the account after they were informed i had entered into a DMP. I declined.
05/12/2016 – Sent complaint to FOS
23/01/2017 – Response from my adjudicator not upholding my complaint!! I wrote her a detailed email outlining everything about my circumstances and to my surprise this changed her mind and she the upheld my complaint the very same day so should be due all interest plus 8%, again Ladder Loans have until 06/02/17 to respond.
Sorry for the long comment i do have Six others i can tell you about but my hand is aching so if sara doesn’t mind and you’ve found this helpful let me know and ill post the others regarding Pounds to Pocket, Payday UK, Payday Express, Wageday Advance, Wonga and Quick Quid
Sara (Debt Camel) says
I expect people would like to see the details on the others!
A couple of comments. First the Ombudsman decisions only shows the ones where a lender has disagreed – the ones where the lender accepts the adjudicator decision aren’t published. Sometimes this can give a rather wrong impression.
Cash Genie – keep yoour hopes low for this one – they are in administration and people have been waiting months for a payout after it has been agreed. At some point there may be no more money. It’s worth persevering, but just don’t bank on it working.
John says
Hi Everyone,
Just wanted to share some good news and encourage everyone to stay positive and keep going.
I felt I had a weaker case than most I read about on this site because I earned a lot more than most people. I was worried my the loans would be deemed affordable because of my earnings even though I got into a financial mess at the time.
The first of my cases has just been assigned to an adjudicator. Before the investigation has started QQ have upped their initial token offer of £150 to £2,000. I have made a counter offer for a much higher amount – but less that the initial claim – which I hope they accept.
So persist people – the months of waiting are worth it. I now cant wait for my other cases to be assigned or maybe settlements made before adjudicator makes a decision.
Good Luck everyone and HUGE Thanks to Sara for running this site – she is amazing!
ricky says
Hi John
That’s amazing, happy for you, It helps me reading this as my assessment has now been passed over to QQ from my adjudicator as she felt loans 3 and 4 should have not been given to me and has told them to refund all charges and interest back to me including 8%.
I wanted to ask you a question though, was your offer from QQ when your case was sent over to them and your adjudicator asking them to refund all charges or did they come back to you before the adjudicator even started assessing your case?
My adjudicator has given QQ until 09 Feb to come back to her with what they say, I’m hoping they offer something decent, this has been on going now since July 2016 and I’m hoping to finish it with a positive especially with all of the running around trying to get old statements from closed accounts.
John says
Hi Ricky,
The made this offer when the adjudicator asked them to send over the information. It was before he started assessing the case.
Annoyingly the adjudicator has told me today that he is not allowed to tell QQ my offer even though he was allowed tell me what they offered me. It seems a silly rule. I called QQ with my counter offer but they told me I had to go through the adjudicator.
Both sides seemingly willing to settle but now an FOS investigation will happen probably adding more months to the process instead of moving onto the next case and reducing the wait time for everyone.
PS The adjudicator though did take time out to call me and explain the reasoning behind this approach. While I still don’t completely agree with it there was a certain logic to what he explained to me and he seemed very professional so will just sit it out!
Sara (Debt Camel) says
I doubt QQ would have accepted your higher offer so you probably haven’t lost much in practice.
John says
Thanks Sara,
I have emailed the offer to QQ direct. In any case the adjudicator is hoping to finish my case next week so I am happy to wait for his decision of they ignore or reject it which I expect they will.
While I could do with some money now QQ seem to take the full 28 days to refund anyway so no point in rushing it now and missing out on what could be several thousand pounds.
Thanks again,
Allison says
Hi Sarah with regards to the Mr Lender payout yes I agree it’s fair and a bonus because I wasn’t expecting anything. Because I have set up now to repay with MMF who would Mr Lender send funds to? Thanks again, one loan down hope I’m lucky with the others !
Sara (Debt Camel) says
I suggest you say tell Mr Lender you would like to accept and that you are cancelling your payments to MMF. Good luck with the rest!
steve says
Im pleased with the success so far, CFO lending agreed to remove defaults as have trusted quid, also Mr lender have come in joint with mmf and wiped my remaining debt and credit file
Lisa says
Has anyone ever had a final reply before the 8 week mark?
Connie says
I’ve had 3 responses on 9 lenders, all submitted on a friday, 2 sorted the interest refunds by the tuesday! One had made the offer on the monday.
Lisa says
Wow thats good… I have another 4 weeks to wait until the 8 weeks are up… good luck on the rest
Connie says
Thanks! From a colleague’s experiences, those were the best for responses. One declined the complaint so that’s gone to the FOS, who confirmed receipt yesterday morning.
Ross says
Hi Lisa,
Sadly, companies dealing with these complaints vary wildly in how they resolve them. Whilst Mr Lender resolved my complaint within 24 hours (gold star for them), others took up to, and including, the whole 8 weeks and then even chose to reject my complaint(s). Luckily, I have been able to resolve some before going to the FOS and some have accepted what the adjudicator has recommended at the first level at the FOS, without the need for it to go to the second, ombudsman, stage. It’s quite hard to work out just how long a company may, or may not, take when dealing with a complaint (it’s a bit like saying ‘how long’s a piece of string?’) but you will get there in the end, albeit slightly slower with certain lenders. Good luck!
Lisa says
Aww thank you for your reply…..I just want to see abit.of.light at the end…
Sara (Debt Camel) says
It’s a pretty long tunnel, try not to worry about the “delays”, this is all money you never thought you might be able to get back a year ago, so if it takes quite a few months to get proper results, that’s what it takes.
Also other people’s experiences of timescales could be very different from yours becasue (a) they may have started earlier and (b) their case may have been very different. A few firms are quick to offer to wipe balances but not to refund for example.
Ross says
Also, my experiences of dealing with the companies you mention are;
Satsuma Loans – Outright rejected my complaint. FOS upheld it and they agreed to my adjudicators recommendations. Case resolved.
Uncle Buck – Agreed to refund al interest, but not before lecturing me (in the response letter) for playing the lottery? Bonkers!
Ferratum – Used all interest from previous loans to reduce balance and wiped the rest. Very good company to deal with and professional with it.
Cash ASAP – Only had a small number of loans with them, for relatively small amounts, and they were quite condescending in their approach, so I left it after their final response.
WageDay Advance – Outright rejected but then agreed to the adjudicators decision and wiped all interest and refunded what I had overpaid.
I never had loans with George Banco, 118 or Piggy Bank, so can’t comment on these I’m afraid.
Hope this helps?
Lisa says
That is a help… thank you… satsuma were very good and I was surprised, I have my fingers crossed for the rest, they were all totally unaffordable to myself, so hopefully we all will have some good news…
sarah l says
I had my final response from nine lenders before the eight weeks, thd only one i had problems with were wonga, by far the worst to deal with for me who eventually sent it at 10 weeks but i think this was only because i called them everyday.
Ross says
So, I’m now on day 22 of waiting for my refund from Payday UK and it’s becoming ever more frustrating. As much as it’s about the money, it’s also now about principal. My adjudicator called them last Friday and received short shrift off them. Apparently, I was number 7 in the Queue (then) and my refund ‘should’ be dealt with this week. What’s the betting they drag it out for the full 28 days? I’ll also have this to look forward to (Yippee!) when Payday Express eventually decide to pull their fingers out and respond to my adjudicators decision. He has stated that he is very disappointed with the behaviour of Instant Cash Loans, as a company, and I have to agree with him. It appears they have a reputation for being unhelpful, whilst taking it to the wire. It’s almost a week after the initial deadline that PDEX had to respond, so I may drop him a little email today, to see if he’s had any joy with them, although I won’t be holding my breath on that one!
Matt S says
Day 22 for me also today with Payday Express. I’ve emailed them again this morning looking for an update after being told last week that they were running at approximately 3 weeks for processing refunds. If your number 7 in the queue I must be about the same. Surely shouldn’t take them a week to calculate 7 refunds. I pretty much worked out what I should be due in about half an hour this morning.
Ross says
The amount was agreed on the day of decision Matt. It’s just a case of somebody punching the numbers in to a machine. It’s, obviously, being done purposely to cause as much grief as possible.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Honestly I doubt it. They may well be incompetant and/or understaffed and/or not care about customer service – but this isn’t being done deliberately to cause you grief, whatever it feels like.
Eddie says
Hi all
Just an update on my situation:
Filed complaints against Wonga, Myjar, Lendingstream, Mr Lender and Swift Sterling in December 2016 –
I had 200 loans with all of these folks over 6 years totalling £50k and 12k interest paid back
Wonga – responded and investigating, still have 4 weeks to offer
Myjar – received offer to refund £167 (I paid £5000 in interest), refused, filed to Ombudsman
Lending Stream – received final response no offer, filed to Ombudsman
Mr Lender – received offers – £450 first, £980 second, now investigating further as I said I will go to FOS if offer not improved (£1700 interest paid)
Swift Sterling – as this is no longer in UK I need to complain to Malta financial services authority, will do this soon, but I don’t have high hopes.
Slowly and steady this is moving forward. Will keep you posted
Ross says
For those of us currently awaiting the outcome of the ‘jurisdiction issue’ with Quick Quid, here’s an update from my adjudicator this morning;
Your complaint about Quick Quid (as you know) has what we term a ‘Jurisdiction issue’ in that QQ are saying that loans you took out more than 6 years prior to raising a complaint – are outside of our time limits. Our position on this is currently with our legal team. I don’t think this matter will be resolved in the very short term.
Your option with that complaint is to forego any loans more than 6 years old – and then we would look at the merits of the other loans only. But as I’ve said previously – because of the potential sum involved should we be able to look at the older loans – you are perhaps better of waiting. But I think it will be a few months.
I have chosen to wait, as I may end up foregoing a substantial sum (also the adjudicators opinion). As I never thought I would get back what I have, so far, I’m not going to miss something I never had in the first place.
Rachel says
This is where I am with PDUK worth waitng I think
Ross says
I’m going to wait, as I have nothing to lose and everything to gain ?
Ross says
Hi all,
If you’re frustrated, or unhappy, at the way your complaint is handled by an individual company or companies, then I suggest you head over to the FCA website and use their ‘live chat’ service to give feedback, so that they’re aware of what companies, regulated by them, are doing, or not doing, as the case may be. Although they can’t keep you updated on what happens with this information, I have been informed it’s invaluable to them, as it helps them keep tabs on whether companies are treating consumers fairly and correctly. I believe that the more feedback we can give, the more it may help people further down the line, or still yet to complain, and speed up their complaints. Here’s the link (don’t be shy!);
Nick says
So I’ve now received final letter from, paydayuk,unclebuck,sunny and quickquid all have denied any claims so all have been sent to the FOS Wonga have asked for 6 more weeks so I have sent to FOS today, only Mr lender made an offer which I refused, we agreed on a figure in the end so that was paid out a couple of weeks ago.
I find it odd Mr lender wanted rid of me so easily with a reasonable offer, much less than interest I paid but I’m looking to put my life in order not get rich.
I wonder why all the others say it was affordable but Mr lender, made its goodwill gesture to me.
Time will tell what the FOS say!
Ross says
Hi Nick,
For some reason, I thought Mr Lender were going to be one of the worst to deal with and, surprisingly, they turned out to be one of the best! All resolved within days and to my satisfaction. I’m surprised at your Sunny result as, even though they took a while to investigate, they upheld my complaint. However, as Sara says frequently, every case is different, but I don’t see many things on here about Sunny rejections. However, I am not surprised about Payday UK or Quick Quid. Persevere though. Uncle Buck refunded me all interest, as a gesture of goodwill, but not before they told me off for playing the National Lottery, as they said this was a ‘lifestyle choice’ that could’ve affected my finances.
Nick Welch says
I find it so odd, that like you say Mr lender just dealt with it, there was a possibility I could have got more with FOS but happy with my agreement, so what made it worthwhile for them but not for all the others…I’m quite confused by it all but will leave it in the hands of the adjudicators now and see what they say. I think I paid back about 26k in the 3 years statements I can see online I can’t see 2013 which is when I believe I Started to borrow.
My sunny was one loan and then a flexcredit loan which isn’t a loan apparently.
And just sent one off to loans2go this morning for 2 logbook loans, they denied receiving the email I sent last week.
John says
Following my increased offer from £150 to £2000 from Quickquid yesterday which I declined I got my first decision from an adjudicator today. This case is against Lending Stream, my smallest and weakest case as it was only 4 loans.
Adjudicators decision is that interest plus 8% should be repaid on loans 2-4. Approximately £1,300. And loans removed from credit file. Delighted. Lending Stream have a couple of weeks to agree or disagree.
More importantly it gives me the confidence to turn down small offers from Wonga and Quickquid. Based on the criteria used in arriving at the Lending Stream decision I feel the same result is a strong possibility. I paid interest and fees of over £5K to each, about 20 loans in total. These were all 4-5 years ago so with 5 years of interest that makes it closer to £6K each. While I may not get awarded all of it I at least know to hold out and not accept token offers.
Keep going folks. The long waits are frustrating but waiting it out does seem the best approach.
Good Luck all and as always THANK YOU SARA. Without this site I wouldn’t be (hopefully!) getting this money.
Nesta says
A response from MyJar today in regards to my complaint.
They have basically said they acted responsibly and do not feel they could have done any more. As a goodwill gesture they have offered to wipe the interest on my current loan and setup a repayment plan that i can afford.
What would you advise? Will the repayment plan adversely affect my already butchered credit file?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
How many loans did you have from Myjar before the one you couldn’t repay? How much did you borrow for this last laon and have you repaid anything so far to it?
Nesta says
Hi Sara,
I have had 5 loans from them, the last one is for 550 with 175 repaid.
Tom says
OK so I have a bit of humble pie to eat.. I didn’t spot that Money Shop had in fact included the transactional information I asked for.
Here is the scary thing.. I have added up the value of the cheques I had with them including rollovers… £62,300!! SIXTY TWO THOUSAND POUNDS!! The statements don’t state what interest was paid but I think I paid them about £25 per £100 so that would be a whopping £15,575 in interest and with 8% interest going back 10 years it’s a gigantic sum. No wonder they are desperate to avoid these complaints.
I am genuinely stunned looking at these statements, at times I had £750 in cheques issued and rolled them over 10 times in a row!
I don’t expect that even if the FOS do end up looking into the loans (all over 6 years) that they would look at the whole 10 years however.
Totally shocked… They basically used me as a cash cow!
Sara (Debt Camel) says
ouch. The Money Shop reduced their fees over the years, they would have gone down to £19 a thousand and then to £18 at some point… but that is still a lot of money!
susan says
Does anyone know how long a case can take with the obmiousman as peachy have rejected the adjudicators findings.
Michelle says
Mine was the same with Peachy, went to ombudsman around 18th December and I have been told today it is now with an ombudsman so cross fingers not much longer to wait but also better than I thought as I understood wait was 3 months
Fin says
I’ve filed a complaint with the Ombudsman for Wonga, as they didn’t get back to me in the 8 week period, just said that they are going to need another 6-8 weeks to respond.
There seems to be a wide range of resolution times for these cases, I’ve taken out 39 Loans over the previous 3 years, to a total of around £9,000.
How long does it normally take for this to ride through the FOS pipeline?
Michelle says
Wonga had improved but have been inundated with complaints again as my adjudicator told me the same thing.
The FOS could investigate without the details from Wonga but then Wonga would only ask for it to be reviewed again or reject any outcome and push to an ombudsman which will add another 6/7 weeks so frustratingly it’s a waiting game with Wonga at the moment
Matthew says
Once an offer has been accepted from qick quid at adjudicator stage does anyone know long payment takes? Thanks
Kat says
Mine was the next day for a refund of just over 2k
Rachel says
Mine took a week
Danny says
I recently found this website and thought Id write to the lenders I’ve used in the past, this was 1 week ago, I have done this with Wonga, QQ, Moneybox247, Mr Lender and lending stream. all have replied with the SAR and not once grumbled, I have now sent the affordability complaint so I’m just waiting for them on a decision before I take it to the ombudsman.
Today I had an email from Moneybox247 (5days from my initial contact) saying as a goodwill gesture I they will wipe the outstanding balance of £340 and credit me with £250 for any inconvenience caused. I have accepted the offer as I only had 3 loans from this company and the interest in total was £305. sounds like a fair deal to me, very quick response from them and very polite, which I was surprised at.
I will keep you informed on how the rest get on once I hear back from them.
Thanks Debt Camel
Danny says
Just an update on my last post, MR LENDER has wiped my outstanding balance of £213 and refunded me £879, my interest did add up to £1252 but thought id take the offer now instead of waiting for that little extra as it helps me so much in the meantime.
Just Wonga, QQ and lending stream to come back to me with any sort of response or I’ll be going to the FO with my complaint.
Keep going people!! we will all get there in the end.
Thanks Debt Camel
Kelly says
Update: 4 complaints went to qq, pduk, lending stream and p2p.
All go away letters except Pduk who offered £171 “goodwill”
All sent to FOS in Dec.
This week adjudicator had an additional offer from pduk for £867, ive declined as more like £2k.
She has fond in my favour all loans from qq and they have until 14/2 to accept/decline findings
Lending stream she has upheld 4 of 7 loans they have until 15/2
P2p nothing as yet
My question is will qq and lending stream qenerally accept or will it end up going to ombudsman?
Thanks Sara! This site is brill
Lynnette says
Excellent result today QQ final decision sent back to adjudicator on Friday and payments from QQin bank today just over £6.3k back more than I expected cleared the last of my debts and now a great feeling to be debt free!!!
Case details: they rejected adjudicator decision and it went all the way through to ombudsman decision. I gave my bank details to adjudicator and money was in my bank today 5 days later can’t fault them on time it took to pay me.
Thank you so so much Sara for this amazing site!! You have helped me to get into a position I didn’t think I’d be in til at least the end of the year and now I’m there at the start.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
“Debt Free” those are two of the nicest words in the English language :) Well done!
Kg says
I have just had a decision in my favour for a refund of all loans plus 8% for quickquid. However i am fully expecting this to go to the ombudsman which may be another 3 month wait.
Has anyone had qq accept the firdt adjuticators decision?
Jimmy says
Excellent. I now have an Ombudsman looking at my case after my adjudicator referring this ob 31st Aug. It is dragging out a little but hoping for something soon. The ombudsman has had this for 3 weeks now.
alan says
Today Pounds 2 Pocket and Quick Quid responded via email within seconds of each another not upholding my complaint so its in the hands of the FOS and has been from December. After reading others stories I did expect this as their first response so will keep fingers crossed.
On the other hand Sunny have offered to refund all interest plus 8% and have been quick with their response and I’ve has success with Mr Lender also.
Dave says
In people’s experience, do these companies, adjudicators and the FO communicate by e mail? I don’t really want loads of letters posted out to my address!
Connie says
Mine are all emails, although Satsuma also sent me a letter saying exactly what their email said…
Neil says
My Wonga complaint was entirely resolved by email, for what that’s worth. My adjudicator posted a copy of her decision, and a copy of the refund schedule, as well as emailing this. I was able to accept the offer over email, but I did print, sign, scan (and email!) the document where I formally accepted the offer and closed the complaint.
So if that’s anything to go by, the paperwork appearing through your letterbox should be minimal.
Ross says
Hi Dave,
When you submit a complaint to the FOS, they ask you which way you would prefer to be contacted. If you just tick ’email’ then that’s how they will contact you. Your adjudicator will most probably call you, to introduce themselves to you, and ask if you have any questions. You can also take this opportunity to reiterate the fact that you would only like email as further contact from thereon. They’re happy to oblige.
Ian says
Hi all.
I have had the adjudicator rule in my favour with payday express to reply. What will this mean if they reject it?
Ross says
Hi Ian,
My adjudicator ruled in my favour against Payday Express too. They had until 25/01/17 to respond to his recommendations, but have failed to reply. They now have until next Wednesday (08/02/17) to further respond, after he sent them a chaser email. If they fail to respond again, then he will queue for it an ombudsman to make a final decision, which they have to abide by. It will be, roughly, a 3 month wait for an ombudsman to pick it up, but I am happy to wait, as the sum involved is quite substantial, hence the reason why I think they’re trying to ignore it!
Ian says
Cheers Ross. Yeah I think they are going to try and drag it out as long as possible. Has anybody ever had adjudicators decision overturned?
Ross says
The ombudsman will, in most cases, agree with what the adjudicator has decided. If the ombudsman has further information, provided by either the customer or the company, this may affect their decision but I think this happens very rarely. It would seem a safe bet that the ombudsman will stay on the same side of your adjudicator though. It’s just a case of waiting now.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
– There have been some cases where an Ombudsman has upheld a complaint rejected by an Adjudicator.
– There have been a small number where an Ombudsman has ruled in the lender’s favour after the Adjudicator has unheld the complaint – these have typically been cases involving very few loans, sometimes only one, or where there is something else unusual about the case.
– There have been more cases where the Ombudsman has changed the adjudicator’s award. These payday loan affordability complaints are quite unusual for the FOS I think because of the need to make a judgement about the exact point at which the lender should have stopped lending, awarding redress for loans after that date. In some cases the Ombudsman has decided the date should be earlier than the Adjudicator, so the refund is larger. In others the date is later, so the refund is smaller. Some of these cases were where the lender never got round to replying to the Adjudicator at all.
– We have not seen any case where the Ombudsman or an Adjudicator has awarded less than a lender has offered.
Ian says
Thanks for the reply sara.
My situation at the moment is payday express denied any wrong doing so I referred it to the ombudsman service. An adjudicator has since been over the case and awarded 11 loans from 13 and 5 top ups +8%. I have never received any kind of offer nor do I have a copy of the loans as the adjudicator got sent them direct. I have no idea what I would get back!
Sara (Debt Camel) says
I always prefer people to have a feel for what interest they have paid. Sometimes a lender will offer an amount – how do you know if this is adequate? Many people are very surprised by how large an amount of interest they paid, a few are surprised that it wasn’t more.
Could you reconstruct the borrowing and repayments from your bank statements? It would be a boring evening’s work, but at the end of it you would be better informed.
Jack says
Well the replies and acknowledgements have all started on my 7 lenders. All bar Northway have replied , mostly just initial acknowledgement letters but that’s fine.
With LS has anyone had a reply that fails to really address the points raised. I can see they are difficult on the thread but the reply is so poor it is beyond belief in that they don’t address anything specific to the complaint made , is this a usual tactic?
Mr L reply offers to clear current balance as goodwill gesture. Previous loans(5) plus a current one were all increasing instalment based. If anyone can advise from own experiences on whether to push back to them or settle it would appreciated as always. They are lower end of my scale so I am tempted to take this and focus on the firms who provided me with considerably more loans over a much longer period.
Liz says
Mr Lender have been, by far, the most easy to deal with from my perspective. They initially offered me a refund of interest for one loan but in the end they refunded me five times their original offer. I emailed them back the first time with what I felt was fair and they accepted.
The refund was in my account within three days.
nattalie says
So here is my latest update.
As stated before Sunny agreed to refund and write off my outstanding balance before I went to the FOS. Great result and they were very helpful.
Wonga, LS, and Myjar all with the FOS. Adjudicator called me about Myjar and has suggested out of 4 loans that loan 2 was unaffordable and should be refunded all interest plus 8%.. however when I asked what she deemed loan 3-4 to be (loan 4 is still outstanding £950) she said that on my application I put down I was earning £2500 a month, I only earn £1389 a month and had 4 other payday lenders at the time. That because of that fact the lender can only go off what I have said therefore she cannot deem it unnafordable? I explained to her I was desperate when applying and have massively over exaggerated my income and surely after my previous applications showing less income that should be deemed unnafordable aswell? She didn’t think so? So I am lost now as to what I can do. She has written to the business with her outcome and asked them to refund loan 2 interest etc and 8% but this still leaves loan 4 outstanding. Whilst I totally appreciate this is entirely my fault I wondered what anyone else’s experience was in this situation?
And if there is anything further I can say in my defense to try to get loan 3 and 4 included in my complaint and loan 4 specifically written off?
Sorry to ramble.
Thanks to everyone for any advice.
Allison says
Hi, I have received emails from paydayuk and payday express both replied at the same time (are they the same company? )they both asked for £1 to get my statements and both said they can only give me statement that I owe on because all the others have been paid, well I had more than 9 Loans with payday UK I’m not sure about payday express because it’s not showing up on my credit file. I am waiting for bank statements. I wrote back saying that I expect to get my statements free and that I will take to the ombudsman also put in about credit file and my situation at the time. I had a reply back from paydayexpress saying they will reply within 4 weeks, so I will wait and see!
Ross says
Hi Allison,
Payday UK and Payday Express are both part of a company called Instant Cash Loans limited. I am afraid they are becoming renowned for unhelpfulness and your experience is not unique. I’ve had notification, this morning, that my refund from Payday UK is being processed today. This is 25 days after I agreed the settlement with them, and they had 28 days to process the refund. They like to leave it close to the wire! My adjudicator upheld my complaint against Payday Express, and they were asked to respond by 25/01/17, but they haven’t bothered to respond. The adjudicator has now given them a further 2 weeks, until 08/02/17, after sending them a chaser email. To date, they still haven’t responded, so it will be queued for an ombudsman after 08/02/17. Whilst this will be another 3 month wait, I am happy to wait (under the circumstances) as this comes out at a substantial 4 figure sum, if the ombudsman sides with the adjudicator. This gives you an idea of what to probably expect?
Gemma says
Hi guys, bit of an update.
My Lender offered to zero my balance (but got their figure wrong) and remove adverse loan from my credit file but it obviously wasn’t their fault and this was purely a goodwill gesture! I rejected.
QQ haven’t responded, surprise surprise.
Wagedayadvance still reviewing my complaint. Payday express still reviewing. PaydayUk no response.
24/7 I asked for info on all my Loans, they replied saying they could provide but I should be able to access this as I would have received emails on all loans – they did not attach info and have not yet replied to my original request to provide.
UnckeBuck have asked for bank statements and a copy of my credit file to investigate further which doesn’t sit comfortably with me if I’m honest, has anyone else been asked for this by a lender?
Katie says
Anyone claimed back from moneyboat ? I am in the process of complaining against 17 pay day lenders. I had three instalment loans running back to back which lastest over 18 months. They were paid off on time but only because I was bailed out by a family member. Total interest paid approx £1000. Is it worth sending a complaint ? I had a DMP and poor credit score when I originally applied plus loans with more than 8 payday lenders at the time. Many thanks
Sara (Debt Camel) says
yes it’s worth claiming!
Kevin says
Has anyone had any dealings with cheque centre, put in a pretty solid claim with over 22 loans starting at 300 eventually getting to 1000 , they told me I could afford all loans as I paid all of them back, the thing is I had 6 other loans going at the same time to make sure they got money, and trying to keep 2 young kids as well.ended up with an IVA to pay all off. IVA is all finished now.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Sounds a very good case, take it to the Ombudsman. It doesn’t really matter what other people’s experiences are here – you have a long pattern of repeat and increasing borrowing.
(If your IVA hadn’t finished, it wouldn’t be worth claiming.)
Sarah says
Hi Guys,
Sent off complaint letters to The Money Shop, My Jar, Wonga, Lending Stream/Drafty and Quick Quid.
So far only My Jar have responded via email to say that they will be looking into my claim. Has anyone had any experience with the above lenders and any responses from the others?
Quick Quid had sent my case to ARC Europe to deal with who keep hounding me. Have sent them an email stating I was dealing with Quick Quid on the matter and was awaiting a response from them and told them I won’t be making any payments to them regarding this. Have I done the right thing? :oS
Comments would be appreciated
alan says
Has anybody dealt with Quick Quid or Pounds to Pocket and had your complaint rejected and if so did you take it to the FOS and how did it turn out. These two companies have been the most ignorant and unhelpful I have came across so far
Ross says
Hi Alan,
I have dealt with both. Quick Quid rejected my complaint within 5 hours of me sending it as ‘I owed zero monies’. No investigation, no explanation, no nothing. Pounds 2 Pocket never responded at all and, after 8 weeks, I sent it to the FOS. The day after I sent it to the FOS, Pounds 2 Pocket, again the same as Quick Quid, sent a 1 line response, rejecting my complaint again saying I owed zero monies.
The Quick Quid complaint is currently on hold with the FOS, as a number of my loans are more than 6 years old and there’s a ‘jurisdiction issue’. It is currently being dealt with by the legal team at the FOS, but my adjudicator has said that there will be a bit of a wait, as they deal with it. He has advised that I could disregard the loans which are more than 6 years old, and that they could concentrate on ones which are not affected by the 6+ years rule, but he advised against it as he says the loans which are more than 6 years old could be a tidy sum, if they’re able to include them in their investigation.
As for Pounds 2 Pocket, after it was investigated by the FOS, they upheld my complaint. However, Pounds 2 Pocket disagreed, but offered to refund 50% of what the FOS adjudicator recommended. I rejected this and advised I would only accept what the adjudicator recommended. Surprisingly, a few hours later, the FOS contacted me to advise that Pounds 2 Pocket had agreed to pay the full amount and the money was in my account later that day.
The moral of this story, don’t get short changed with their game playing!
Good luck!
Lb says
Hi Alan, I initially complained to QuickQuid last June. In their final response they offered me £150 as a goodwill gesture. I rejected this and sent it straight to the FOS. The adjudicator found in my favour. They rejected the adjudicators views however they kept increasing the offers from £2000, to £3800 to £5900. I rejected them all and waited for an Ombudsman to review They agreed with the adjudicator and in early November I received just over £8500 back. It is a long process, I have had a lot of success so far with still a few cases to go. Keep at it!
alan says
Great outcome and thanks for your story and will see this one to the end
John says
Hi Alan & LB,
I have exactly the same experience with Quickquid as LB.
In their final response they offered me a goodwill gesture of £150. Two months later when an the adjudicator was assigned they offered £2000. Based on your experience it seems likely that should the adjudicator find in my favour they will reject his/her view but then offer a higher amount.
I assume they hope that these offers will tempt us as most of us had financial problems in the past which is why we borrowed so much at high interest rates and some of us probably still do. So 4 figure sums can tempt us to settle and let Quickquid off the hook for the full amount. I imagine that for some they have no choice but to settle as we need to have to have the money now to help with debts.
Thankfully I am in a better position now than I was so can wait it out. I don’t expect to see a penny for many months yet but eventually they will have to cough up.
Good luck with you claim
martin hood says
QQ im dealing with at moment they have made a offer of £425, £875 AND NOW £1100 but still not what the adlucator says seems as though should be £2200 so mine is going to ombudsman
Laura says
I’ve found this feed so helpful and have put in a complaint to both Wonga and QQ. QQ came back within a day asking for more information, but I haven’t yet heard from Wonga. In total i borrowed £3825 from Quickquid and £4230, often borrowing from one to pay back the other. My loads were from 2014 to the end of 2016, where I was also accumulating credit card debt. I know in comparison to other’s the amounts of interest I paid wasn’t too high – i’ve worked out around £808 from wonga and £762 from QQ although this may be incorrect as I couldn’t see all the details on all of my loans. I know they have adversely affected my credit score – however I know if i got a lump sum payment from them i could pay off my credit cards which would assist in it improving. How much should I expect to get back as a refund/what would be a reasonable offer?
I don’t owe them anything, everything was repaid in full, although my last QQ loan was paid in extra instalments because £850 in one payment was too unmanageable and I contacted them to set this up.
Also, I’d ideally like some of them removed as I know they’re not going to look good when i want to apply for a mortgage…
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Well the loans are quite recent, so you should be able to check the payments on your bank accounts to see if you have a complete list. If the Ombudsman decides a loan is unaffordable the whole loan will usually be deleted from your credit record.
Laura says
I’ve worked them all out from my bank statements which appears to be a complete list. I can only see a borrowing statement for my most recent one. I have had a reply from Wonga saying they have my complaint and will take up to 8 weeks to process. At least they didn’t reject immediately :) time to start waiting…. Does the amount they tend to repay usually happen to be based on just interest plus 8% as this could almost pay off all my outstanding debt! Fingers crossed and thanks for your help – so happy i stumbled across this site. you’re a star!
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Wonga sometimes offer to refund just a few loans, sometime chosen apparently at random. It is possible to get all your interest refunded, but more common to get all after loan number [x]. If they make an offer and you aren’t sure if it is reasonable, come back here?
Miriam says
Hi Sara
I got back from 247 Money box:
Hope that you are well. Please find below a copy of our complaints procedure. If you remain dissatisfied, you may refer your complaint to the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS). Separately, you may also refer the complaint to our trade association (BCCA), this does not stop you taking your complaint to FOS.
I note from your account with us that over the course of our relationship you have still not repaid us the total amount that has been advanced to your account.
You have borrowed a total of £230.00 from us. You have repaid a total of £94.72.
This means that you have not even repaid the principal amount lent to you (ie minus any charges). If you ask a third party mediator to look into this, they are likely to ask you to repay what you have borrowed (the principal amount). In this case that would mean they would tell you to repay £135.28 to us. Where you hear comments about refunds. This often relates to payments of interest and charges over and above the principal amount we have advanced to your account. As you have not paid any, there is nothing to refund.
We are happy as a gesture of goodwill to resolve by accepting £135.28 as settlement of your balance.
I’m lost, does is mean they ask me to pay £135.28 or they will write that off ?
Thanks in advance
Sara (Debt Camel) says
They are saying that there is a some balance owing on this account.
But they will remove all the interest included in that balance, so that it is reduced to £135.28.
They want you to pay this reduced balance. Although they don’t say this. this could either be in whole or by making an arrangement to pay so much per month.
This may well be a good offer from them. Do you agree that you haven’t repaid the last loan? Were there any lons before this last one that you did repay?
Miriam says
Yes I paid one before, but not the last one.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Unless you paid a lot of interest on the previous loan, this is probably a reasonable offer then.