Some lenders responding to affordability complaints by saying your application wasn't accurate about your income or expenses when you took out the loans. They are doing this to try to put you off taking your case to the Financial Ombudsman. That may save them a lot of money! Let's see why applications may have been inaccurate and whether this is a problem for your complaint. Most of the … [Read more...]
Payday loans
Payday loans - easy to take out - hard to escape from. This page has all Debt Camel's articles about them, the most recent first.
If you think you were given a payday loan which was unaffordable - you could only repay it if you borrowed again soon afterwards, read How to ask for a payday loan refund which has step by step instructions and free template letter.
Tens of thousands of people have got a refund of the interest they paid on some of their loans using this approach!
Money Shop – redundancy plans and stores closing
UPDATE - June 15th Money Shop to close – two million customers will be informed On June 21 the Daily Mail reported that : In a letter sent to employees and seen by This is Money, ICL said it plans to close or sell off all of its UK stores following 'poor financial performance' and an 'unprecedented number of customer complaints'. The Money Shop has already shut down or sold … [Read more...]
Payday lenders tired of having to pay so many refunds – unsurprising!
The Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS) published its Annual Review this week which highlighted the massive jump in payday loan complaints - up 130% to c.40,000 in 2018-19. The Consumer Finance Association (CFA) has responded with a blog "Reflecting on the FOS Annual Review". The CFA is the trade association for payday lenders, so you won't be surprised they are not happy... Mandy Rice-Davies's … [Read more...]
2018 FOS statistics – most complaints about QuickQuid
New statistics for July-December 2018 from the Financial Ombudsman (FOS) show how payday loan complaints have jumped in the second half of 2018 and give details for how many complaints the larger lenders had. Almost all these cases are affordability complaints where a customer was given payday loans without proper affordability checks and is asking for a refund of interest paid. The … [Read more...]
Recent payday loans make it hard to get a mortgage
Having a recent payday loan on your credit history can make it much harder for you to get a mortgage at a good rate - or even at all! If you have used payday loans, the rule of thumb for a mortgage application is to wait until at least 2 years have passed after your last payday loan was settled. Before coronavirus, the usual advice was to wait one year. But from 2020 many mortgage lenders … [Read more...]
QuickQuid’s refusal to refund loans after 2015 is wrong
In 2018 and early 2019 QuickQuid was been refusing to consider any affordability complaints about loans made after March 2015. First it rejects a refund on any of these recent loans when a customer complains. Here is an example of how QuickQuid even classifies these loans separately in its reply to a complaint: Then, when a customer takes the case to the Financial Ombudsman (FOS), … [Read more...]
Lending Stream stops customers complaining by email
Lending Stream has changed its complaints handling to make it harder for customers to make an affordability complaint and ask for a refund of the interest they have paid. Until recently you could send them a complaint email, as you still can to the other payday lenders. Now all emails to or bounce back. Instead, you have to complete … [Read more...]
How the Wonga administrators will handle refunds – the Proposals
The Wonga Administrators sent a letter in late October to some of Wonga's creditors with their proposals to handle the administration. These include: background on the events before administration; how to decide the payday loan affordability complaints that have already been sent to Wonga; and how to encourage other customers to submit a complaint. These Proposals were agreed by a … [Read more...]
QuickQuid – misleading customers about loans over 6 years old
Mr X has received a reply from QuickQuid saying why it will not consider an affordability refund on payday loans that are more than six years old. This part of QuickQuid's reply isn't related to the details of Mr X's case. It looks like a standard response QuickQuid is sending everyone whose complaints include these older loans. I often see pretty poor replies from payday lenders to people … [Read more...]
Dear Payday Lender CEO – should you start a redress program?
On October 15, the FCA sent a Dear CEO letter entitled Affordability of High Cost Short Term (HCST) loans to payday lenders. This letter tells the lenders to review their affordability assessments. There are some very clear points about what the FCA expects a payday lender to do if it is not making good affordability assessments now or hasn't done in the past. "Chains of loans" over an … [Read more...]