Did your payday loans cost so much when you repaid one you had to keep on borrowing?
You can get a refund of the interest you paid on unaffordable loans.
It’s easy to ask for a payday loan refund using the free template letters here. The letters work if your payday loans were repaid or you still owe money.
The comments below this article have thousands of stories of the refunds people have got using these letters. It is a great place to ask questions!
What are “unaffordable” loans?
Was a loan affordable just because you repaid it?
No! If paying a loan left you so broke you had to borrow again – from the same lender or a different one – it was unaffordable!
The regulator says:
“the borrower should be able to make the required repayments without undue difficulty, whilst continuing to meet other debt repayment obligations and reasonable regular outgoings.”
That means a payday loan is only affordable if you repaid it on time and you could still manage to pay your other bills and debts.
Payday loans are meant to solve a short-term problem. If you kept repaying one then getting another loan soon after, the lender should have stopped lending to you.
If the loan was small and it was the first loan or second loan from a lender, the lender may not have realised the loan was unaffordable for you. But it was irresponsible lending to just carry on giving you more loans.
Many lenders ignore obvious signs of problems such as your loans increasing in size, or borrowing again soon after repayment.
How much compensation can you get?
You don’t have to calculate this. Just ask for a refund from the lender and see what you are offered. This is simple and it works well.
The Financial Ombudsman has seen tens of thousands of payday loan affordability complaints.
A typical decision by the Ombudsman is that the payday lender should refund all the interest you paid interest after the third, fourth or fifth loan.
But if your first loan was large, or was rolled over several times you could get a refund from just one loan.
Which lenders can you get refunds from?
You can complain to lenders that are still in business, even if they are no longer lending. These include:
Lending Stream, Cash Converters, CashASAP, Drafty, Dot Dot, Fast Loan Uk, Fernovo, Fund Ourselves, Kabayan, LoanPig, Mr Lender, Moneyboat, MyKredit, My Finance Club, QuidMarket, Savvy, The Money Platform, WageMe, Wizzcash,
See this email list for payday lenders for a longer list and all the contact details to use.
If the lender has gone into administration, including CashForUNow, Piggybank, Ferratum, Oakam:
- make a claim to the administrators – there is normally a simple form for you to complete, see the lender’s website for details – but there will be a time limit for doing this.
- you may not get much cash back but this is very easy to do. A balance may be reduced or cleared even if there is no cash to distribute. And if you win the complaint any negative marks on your credit record will be removed.
It is probably too late to make claims to other lenders who gave up years ago, see this list.
For longer-term loans there are better template letters to use on other pages:
- doorstep lenders and guarantor lenders,
- Loans2Go – the worst loans in Britain!
- 118 Money, Everyday lonas, Likely Loans/Finio, Reevo, Bamboo, car finance, bank loans and other long-term loans.
Do this before, before you send in a complaint
Doing these things now will make your life easier later.
Get a copy of your TransUnion statutory credit report and keep it. After complaints are started, sometimes loans are deleted and you may want the full report if you later have to go to the Ombudsman.
If you still owe money to the lender, read Will an affordability claim hurt my credit record, and other questions. These looks at your options for stopping paying, the effect on your credit record etc.
If the rest of your finances are difficult, look into a Debt Management Plan (DMP) where you make one affordable payment a month to StepChange. This gets you into a safe financial position as these affordability complaints can take a long time to go through at the Ombudsman. Winning a complaint then speeds up the DMP.
Unless you can afford to make this month’s payment without borrowing again, cancel the CPA to the lender at your bank. Otherwise the lender may take the money and you will be in a mess.
If your loan was sold to a debt collector you complain to the original lender. But also tell the debt collector that you are disputing the debt. It is a good idea to carry on making payments to the debt collector if they are affordable.
Start your complaint & get loan details
Find the lender’s email address for complaints from this list.
Put “AFFORDABILITY COMPLAINT” as the subject of your email:
You should never have given me these unaffordable loans. Paying you each month left me with too little money so I had to keep borrowing to get through the next month.
You should have realised from the number of times I borrowed that my debt problems were getting worse. It was not responsible to continue to lend to me. [Add more details eg how often you borrowed or rolled loans if you know them, how the amount borrowed generally went up etc]
[Include/change this if your credit record would have shown big problems:] My credit reports would have shown all my other debts and problems including late payments/defaults /CCJs/debt management.]
I am asking you to refund the interest and any charges I paid, plus statutory interest, and to delete any negative information from my credit record.
[delete this sentence if you know what all your loans were.] I know the difficulties your loans have caused me but I no longer have all the loan details. Please send me a list, showing for each loan when it was taken out, how much interest and charges you added, and what I repaid. This will enable me to assess any refund you offer me.
[delete this sentence if none of your loans were sold.]If a loan was later sold to a debt collector, please inform me of the date of sale and the name of the debt collector.
Some ways to improve this
Add any other points that help you describe what happened to you. You don’t need to list the loans – the lenders knows them.
Some examples:
- “I took out another loan with xxxx to pay you.”
- “Sometimes I borrowed to pay the rent and then had to top-up to get money for food.”
- if you weren’t treated fairly while you were borrowing or when you could not make a payment, add a bit about this.
You can attach bank statements if you like, This is a good idea as these show how unaffordable the loans were for you. If you have gambling showing, this helps your complaint, it doesn’t harm it.
I don’t know if many lenders actually read what you send them. I
it’s easy to make these complaints – you don’t need to calculate what refund you should get or quote laws.
Only one loan?
The template refers to multiple loans because that is what normally happens with payday lenders.
When you only had one loan and it was large, read Refunds from large loans and use the template there.
If you only had one loan and it was small, this is going to be a very difficult complaint to win. If you have borrowed once or twice from 5 leaders, that is much more difficult to win an affordability complaint than having 4 or 5 loans from two lenders.
Waiting for a reply from the lender
This email starts your affordability complaint.
They may send the list of loans first and later respond to your complaint. So don’t be surprised if you get sent info on the loans but nothing about your request for a refund.
When you get your loan information, you can send in more details about your complaint if you want. You don’t have to do this, your complaint has already begun and the lender has to reply.
The lender should reply to your complaint within 8 weeks from when you send the email, not when they acknowledge it. Make a note in your diary for 8 weeks time and chase the lender up if you don’t get a reply.
Don’t be surprised if you have to wait until the end of the 8 weeks to get response – this is common.
Send your bank statements or other information?
Some lenders ask you to send them a copy of your credit record, payslips or bank statements.
Credit record – the lender can check your credit record themselves if they want. But you should download a copy of your credit record asap as the Ombudsman will ask for it. Don’t put this off, the sooner you get a report downloaded, the further back it goes which is good.
Don’t send payslips.
It is a good idea to send bank statements. But think twice about the cost of copying and postage if there are a lot. Some lenders seem to ignore them if you do send them.
Again this is a good point to get those bank statements even if you do not want to send them as they will help an Ombudsman claim a lot. You can get them going back at least 6 years even if the account has been closed.
Lender says No or makes a poor offer
If the lender rejects your complaint or offers you a small amount, don’t be depressed. You may still have a very good case!
It is easy and free to send your case to the Financial Ombudsman where many thousands of people have won their payday loan complaints, despite being rejected by the lender.
Give up?
Some lenders try to make your case sound bad when it isn’t. People have had large amounts refunded after a complete rejection!
Just ignore any of the following comments, they do not mean you have a weak case:
- they relied on your loan applications and you didn’t give accurate facts – see Lender says I lied for more about this;
- you repaid some loans early – this doesn’t prove the loans were affordable, just that you were trying to save interest;
- your borrowing didn’t go up every time – irrelevant, what matters is that you kept borrowing;
- you had a good enough credit score or they didn’t legally have to check your credit record – if you only had one or two small loans that is true. But if the loans were large or you kept borrowing, they should have looked more closely;
- some loans are over 6 years old – the Ombudsman will look at these even if the lender says they won’t!
A good enough case to go to the Ombudsman?
If you don’t know what to do, ask in the comments below this article. Accepting an offer settles your whole complaint – you can’t change your mind later.
Don’t worry that you will lose a small offer by going to the Ombudsman – this doesn’t happen.
Some points to think about:
- if you are offered a refund on only a few loans, don’t accept it if you think the lender should have realised a lot of the other loans were unaffordable;
- an offer to write off your current balance may sound convenient … but it may be very poor if you should get a refund as well;
- if getting defaults or late payments removed from your credit record is important to you, are you happy with what the lender is proposing to do? Don’t assume your credit record will be cleared if the lender didn’t mention this.
One or two loan cases are hard to win at the Ombudsman. It’s probably best to give up on one or two loan cases unless:
- the loan was large. Here is one single loan case that was won even though it was an instalment loan and the borrower had a good income. And another single loan case for a loan of £1,000. You can win cases for smaller amounts if the repayment would have been a large amount of your income; or
- you still owe money.
Don’t delay too long – there is a 6-month time limit after a lender rejects your complaint to send the case to the ombudsman. When you aren’t sure, send the complaint to FOS. This is free and easy to do – let FOS make the decision.
How to send a complaint to FOS
Put in a separate complaint about each lender.
Don’t wait until all your lenders have replied before sending the first one to the Ombudsman!
FOS’s “complain online” option is easy and takes you through your complaint step by step.
You can just copy what you said in your complaint to the lender. You can add more details, for example, if you disagree with what the lender replied to you.
If some of your loans were over 6 years ago, tell the Ombudsman when and how you found out about these complaints. For example:
“I knew the loans were causing me difficulty in 2018, but I thought this was my fault for being bad with money. I didn’t find out that the lender should have checked the loans were affordable until June 2024 when my brother told me about these claims/I saw an advert from a claims company on Facebook/I read an article about these claims” – change this so it is right for your case!
Things to attach:
- the reply you have had from the lender.
- bank statements if you have them. Ideally from 3 months before your first loan until the last loan was repaid or you defaulted on it. This strengthens your case, showing how unaffordable the loans were. You can still get bank statements even if your account is closed – if you don’t have them, start the process of getting them now, don’t wait until FOS asks for them.
- a copy of your TransUnion Statutory credit report
- if you dont have the credit agreements, FOS will get them from the lender.
What happens after you have sent a case to FOS
You will normally be contacted within a couple of weeks and asked for a copy of your credit record and your bank statements if you haven’t sent these. If you have sent these on one complaint, then when you complain about a different lender FOS will use the ones they already have.
After this initial contact, your case will wait for the lender to send FOS your case file and then wait to be picked up by an adjudicator who will make a decision on it.
If you are still making payments to the lender, tell the lender you want to reduce these to an affordable amount. This will make waiting for an Ombudsman decision much less stressful for you.
The Financial Ombudsman has a two-stage process. Most cases are settled by the first “adjudicator” stage but about 10% go to the second “Ombudsman” stage.
A few problem cases
Don’t ask for a refund:
- if you are bankrupt now or have been bankrupt in the past – any refund would go to the Official Receiver.
- if you are in an IVA, as refunds will go to your IVA firm not to you. If your IVA has finished the refund may still be sent to your old IVA firm.
- if you are in a DRO now, getting a refund may mean your DRO is cancelled!
More help
You can ask a question in the comments below – you may get a reply from someone who has been in your exact situation.
Don’t use a claims management company. They are expensive and often incompetent. It’s easy to do this yourself and you can ask questions below and get replies from other readers who have done this.
Josh says
Hi Sara,
I’ve just had an update with regards to my QuickQuid complaint. I had 7 loans, and one of which entered into a CCJ for a total amount of £1259.
The adjudicator found in my favour with 3 loans, and total refund was £1400 roughly. They have settled the outstanding principal of £650 and waived £609 interest on that loan. And the amount that will be refunded to me is £819.84!!
Thank you so so so much for your help, and for this website giving people hope when in a big hole. £819 isn’t alot in comparison to what others have got. But it wipes off all the bad credit on my credit file, the CCJ I shall contest with the court displaying the letter from the adjudicator and the acceptance from the business and hope that it gets removed from my credit file also. If that’s the case, my credit file will be in impeccable form as I’ve been using a credit card to build it up. (Only small amounts £20 a month and repaying at the end of each month) plus the refund.
This is such a huge weight of my shoulders and it wouldn’t have been possible without you and this website. So thank you again.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Apart from the money, was the decision clear on what would happen to the CCJ?
Josh says
They were clear in that they couldn’t do anything with regards to the CCJ. However, without “advising” me they told me to send a letter with their findings on the loan in question and that it was unaffordable. And also show the email showing the business accepting their findings and see if the court will offset or remove the CCJ from my file.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Ok, I suggest you should either talk to National Debtline 0808 808 4000 or post on the Legal Beagles forum https://legalbeagles.info/forums/forum/legal-forums/court-claims-and-issues about how to approach this.
Anon90 says
Hi has anyone complained to cash4unow? I was supposed to have response today as it’s been 8 weeks but nothing yet ????
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Send it to the Ombudsman!
Jax says
After a 3 month wait for my complaints against PDE and PDUK to be assigned to an adjudicator I received an email on Wednesday from an adjudicator saying they had been assigned my case. Low and behold I got an outcome today but it related only to PDUK. The adjudicator did not uphold my complaint and said my bank statements showed I could afford the repayments after normal living expenses and credit card commitments. They talk about my bank statements from 2011 showing my regular expenses as £xxx and therefore disposable income of £xxx. However the first loan was taken in 2009 and there were regular deferrals and re-loans on the same day as paying a loan off. They say the checks on loan 1 were enough but that the checks from loan 2 weren’t enough. However if PDUK had asked for further info they wouldn’t have found the loans to be unaffordable. There is also some factually incorrect info in the response. I had payday loans from other lenders which would have, and did, take up and exceed any disposable income that I had left over. They haven’t taken this into account.
Nicki says
Just respond to your adjudicator and tell them why you disagree with there findings if you have more information then just tell them and they will look at it further if not you can pass it to the ombudsman too
Sara (Debt Camel) says
This is so quick it sounds like the adjudicator’s first thoughts to their final decision. Go back and explain why the adjudicator needs to look at your bank statements again and how they show the loans were unaffordable for you eg the payments going to other payday lenders, your gambling problem.
Jax says
Thanks Nicki and Sara. It really is quick. Especially as I called last Thursday to see if there was an update but I was told it hadn’t been assigned yet. I will go back and explain and let you know how I get on.
Chris says
Good result.
Accepted my 7800 offer from payday express and removal of ‘forced payment’ (was unaware of it) on credit file yesterday.
Money in account today, quick turnaround within 6 weeks.
Week 8 next week with five lenders and week 4 with another two.
Quick Quid already at the ombudsman.
All the best everyone.
Natalie Paterson says
hi all
i had a final response from quid saying they didnt uphold my complaint but as a good will gesture they will wipe the balance i owe, which is a good deal but i asked them to removed the default from my file and they sent a letter back saying they didnt uphold the complaint so they wont remove the default from my file and if i want i can send the case to ombudsman.
i dont understand because they said i dont owe them anything anymore so why dont they remove it, does anyone have any answers???
Sara (Debt Camel) says
They are being difficult? The last thing payday lenders want is loads of people complaining just to try to get their credit records improved…
S the questions for you – how good is the rest of your credit record? if it’s very poor then one default may not make any difference. And how much interest did you pay on the previous loans to the last one … is the offer really good?
Natalie Paterson says
hi sara
i have a ccj from mmf on there along with this default so not great, £500 interest paid on previous loans, the last loan i owe £300 still but with the interest and defaults its was £486 but its now standing at £585 with a debt collector. i thought the offer of wiping the £585 off was good, what do you think?
thanks in advance
Sara (Debt Camel) says
So you have a CCJ and a default for the CCJ debt. Then this other Quid default. Right?
And the last Quid loan, you borrowed £300? Did you make any payments to them or to the debt collector?
Natalie Paterson says
sorry no the ccj is for swift and currently being paid and a default for the quid debt, just the 2 of them on my file, i never made any payment towards the last loan of £300.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
ok, so wiping the last debt is a reasonable offer – you could possibly get more if you go to the Ombudsman but may not. With only 2 problems on your credit record, getting rid of the default will help your credit score but it will never get to be good because of the CCJ.
Up to you if you think its worth going to the Ombudsman.
Louise says
Hi All,
I have received an email in relation to Payday UK – they cant uphold my complaint as they have not had additional information from myself in relation to whether the loans (3) where lent responsibly in the letter they state:
On 9 March 2018 I asked for some further information from you because, having looked at our records, I believe we should’ve asked more questions and done more checks at the time we lent to you. To make my decision, I need to be able to see if the lending decision was a fair one at the time you applied to us.It isn’t possible for me to assess some of the lending decision(s) we made without you providing me with the information I’ve asked for so I am now closing your complaint as I have been unable to reach a decision as to what we should have done at these times. However, if you are able to provide the documentation previously requested, I am happy to look at the loans again that I have been unable to reach a decision on.
I have requested my bank statements from my old bank – shall I send to them to make a decision or straight to FOS. They have not mentioned any of the rolled over loans which were continuous is that as they cant assess the original loans?? I did explain that I was awaiting on the bank statements. No one else has asked for bank statements. Many thanks Louise.
Many thanks
Jordan says
My complaint against wonga ended up going to the FO, where an adjudicator has agreed with me that wonga shouldn’t of lent me 6 out of my 9 loans…
The adjudicator emailed me this decision, saying that Wonga had until the 16th of march to reply..
Now I know that’s only yesterday’s date so they might of got in touch, but my question is if they haven’t and it goes to the Ombudsman, do you know how long that process will take?
Nicola Handley says
My adjudicator found in my favour as well.wonga took nearly 2 weeks to replay to them and they did not agree with adjudicator so it’s been in the ombudsmen que since Feb.can take a few month for ombudsmen to even pick it up
mathew says
I have submitted all my complaints to the main companies i dealt with!
However, one company (pounds to pocket) I only had 2 loans. One was for £650 which i paid back over the course of 6 months and then i got a new loan out 2 weeks after this one for £350.00.
Around 4 months into paying i started to struggle and missing payments. They constantly rang me and i told them i was struggling, however, i kept paying the interest which was due to late payment charges…this got so bad i just stopped paying and ignored all contact!
Ive now emailed them for statements and ive worked out on this £350.00 loan i have paid back £2,587.47 and they still say i owe £327.54
Do i complain? I’m so confused and angry by how much this is costing me! I feel this amount is so unfair!
Sara (Debt Camel) says
That sound like a very good reason to complain. This is an affordability complaint – it may have been fine to give you both loans, but when you told them you were in difficulty they should not have continued adding late payment charges an interest. Change the standard template letter to say this very clearly.
nash says
Hi all
I’ve finally got my act together with regards to claiming back money from the multiple payday loan companies i’ve been using the last few years. Wageday advance i used most, since 2013 although have been using Safetynet since Jan 2016 also. Not really sure how much they’ve had off me but i’ve downloaded everything i could before i contacted them for a refund and also can see all transactions on my online banking back that far. Must be a fair amount as was paying just the £35 interest each week for a good few months at one stage. With WDA total payments they made to me since i started using them is £2010 and amount they’ve taken from me is £3083.23. The last year on top of these two lenders i’ve also been using:
nash says
QuickQuid – £750 total borrowed (3 loans) / satsumaloans – £490 (3 loans) / Unclebuck – £400 (2 loans) /Cashasap – £500 (4 loans) / trackitloans- £150 (1 loans) / myjar – £350 (2 loans) / Creditstar UK – £200 (1 loans) / Ferratum UK – £300 (1 loans)
They’ve both just acknowledged receipt of my complaint and will get back to me within 8 weeks they say. Was wondering few things. Has anyone had much joy back from Safetynet? What kind of amount should i be going for with these two? Also should i also send similar letters to the other smaller loans i’ve had. Took them out when i had many payday loans on the go anyway so certainly not responsible of them? How should i go about this? Thanks in advance for any suggestions. This site is really good. Thank you all at debtcamel! Nash
Emma says
How long do satsuma take to respond to a complaint? Are they easy to deal with?
Gail says
Out of all the companies I have complained to they were by far the easiest and quickest. Not everyone may have had that type of experience with them but hopefully you will
S says
A lender made a soft search of my credit file whilst investigating my complaint… can they do this without my permission?
I would’ve thought their standard terms and conditions, where I will have given them permissions in relation to the loan itself, wouldn’t cover giving them permission to search my file in relation to a complaint?
Appreciate that the soft search doesn’t hurt my credit rating, but it’s the principle of it that doesn’t sit well with me.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
The loan T&Cs will allow the lender to conduct administration searches – answering your complaint clearly comes under that heading, I am not sure why you are concerned about this?
Paul says
Just a quick update regarding loans over 6 years with 24/7 moneybox, I first submitted my complaint to 24/7 in June 2017, they denied any wrong doing and stated they would not look at the first 11 loans as these were over six years old. Forwarded to FOS in late July and was told if I wanted to include the first 11 loans it could not be looked at as test cases were going through. Recently an adjudicator contacted me and asked how and when I became aware of the possibility of complaining. I stated I only became aware in June 2017 when I came across this site which is true. The adjudicator wrote to 24/7 saying they thought they were able to look at all of my loans, 24/7 have failed to respond in the allotted time so the adjudicator is now looking at all loans. Will keep you updated. Paydayuk complaint in the ombudsman queue since nov 2017 :o(
S Akram says
I complained to Cash Converters UK Ltd and recieved a final response. I then escalated to FOC but recieved a reply saying that they can only look into loans after 18/01/2016 as they only became regulated then. My loans were from 2012. What would be my next move?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Go back to the FOS and ask for this to be looked at again.
Mrs R says
Hi Sara –
A bit of advice please…I’ve just received the below email from wonga about my complaint, their 8 weeks deadline is today.
“We apologise for the delay in responding to your complaint. We are currently experiencing a high volume of complaints so our normal timely response has been delayed.
We thank you for your patience and aim to respond within the next 7 days. The attached letter confirms the status of your complaint as well as providing you with important information regarding your rights. We would like to reassure you we take your complaint very seriously.”
Shall I wait for their final response or should I raise a complaint with the FOS tommorrow?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Well it’s only a week… but you will feel cross if they don’t make an OK offer and you have to go to the FOS anyway. If you are sending other complaints to the FOS it’s very little work to do a Wonga one as well.
Mrs R says
I do have another complaint to raise with the FOS tommorrow due to a non responder, so I think I will send the Wonga complaint through just in case.
Mrs R says
Hi Sara –
So Wonga have responded today with an offer.
I’ve read from other comments that they cherry pick the loans to offer of which they have done to me as well but also I can’t seem to tie up the interest they want to pay back against what I can see from my bank statements.
Do I need to ask them for a statement on the loans that they are offering to be able to check that the interest refund is correct on those loans?
Has anyone had this before with Wonga where the interest they are trying to refund you doesn’t match what you can see in your statements.
Any feedback is appreciated!
Sara (Debt Camel) says
What is their offer? I think you should ask for a statement from them for ALL your loans, not just the ones they are offering a refund on.
Mrs R says
Their total settlement is £1,876.59, with £1,360.84 interest and fees and 8% stat. interest of £515.75
Thanks I’ve made the request for a statement of all loans so I can check on the refunded loans.
AK says
When I sent my complaint to Wonga they told me to wait two weeks more, I didn’t. I sent my complaint straight to FOS and after two weeks Wonga came with the complete rejection. Long story short, last week I received £11,000 from Wonga when the complaint was upheld at the adjudicator level.
Mrs R says
Thanks for sharing your story AK.
I didn’t want to hold any hope that as it’s taken them a little longer than 8 weeks to investigate my complaint that I will be offered a refund from them, so I will be sending mine to the FOS.
You just can’t second guess what decision these companies will make.
I’ll update everyone as soon as I hear more from Wonga.
Pamela says
Sara I was given a refund my 247moneybox who also told me they would wipe out my current balance and remove negativity from my credit file. They have refunded the money owed after deducting the balance from it but they still haven’t wiped the balance or updated my credit file it’s been 3 weeks and I have emailed 3 times and got no response. What do I do?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Tell them you are taking the complaint to the Ombudsman if it isn’t sorted in a week.
gillian says
hi just a update on my lending stream refund it was deposited in my bank this morning that is one day before the 4 weeks the ombudsman give them it been a long wait over 15 months but worth it in the end they dragged everything out the worst to deal with by far if they had been fair at the begining it would have cost them a lot less as i settled with two other lenders for 60 to 70 percent refund without going to ombudsman and my quickquid one went all the way to ombudsman and had to also repay all loans i dont know why when they know it is a clear case ie constant borrowing for 6 years they do not offer to settle fairly thank you again sara
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Is that your last one done then?
gillian says
just got sunny but i only put that in about 3 weeks ago as wasnt going to bother with it but decided why not it as been so easy to claim so far with you help and every one as paid a refund then just waiting for vanquish rop i did send it to ombudsman and they replied it wont be picked up for 12 weeks i think that is due to the automatic refund they are paying out ty again sara
Louise says
Everyone has paid out Gillian well done you – did you submit bank statements to them do you mind me asking or go to FOS for any of them? Just advise really on your experience. I am sorry if you have already posted this on here previously.
John C says
Pleased you’ve eventually had your refund Gillian. I’ve had to get the FOS involved again as they have given me deadline after deadline and failed all of them. The adjudicator at the FOS even rang them again this morning as I no longer believe a word LS say. I too would have settled in July last year for half what they ended up having to pay out, after it was decided by an Ombudsman, I don’t get why LS wouldn’t just engage with someone with a concern first. Strange that it seems to be the US based businesses that are most awkward – LS, CashEuroNet (Quick Quid and Pounds to Pocket) Clearly think they are above UK rules and regulations
gillian says
good luck john i to would have settled for 50percent refund at the begining hope you get your refund soon
John C says
Thanks Gillian. Money landed in my account today. The 28 days was up in 3 days anyway, so as a priority for the last 3 weeks, they’ve managed to be 3 days early. So glad I don’t need to feel with this terrible business again. I hope they sort the loans on the credit file in a more timely manner
Sara (Debt Camel) says
John, at long last! Is that the last of your complaints done?
John C says
Yes Sara, 2yrs after I started, all my payday loan complaints are finished. Thanks again for everything you do on this site, I don’t think you realise how much help you’ve given people over the last few years. After the ease of WDA as my first one I think I’ve been unlucky to have all the awkward companies – Quick Quid, a Quick Quid flex loan that they completely ignored, Wonga messing up my credit file for months after my refund, Lending Stream being almost the worst business to deal with and the months of pain with Pauline at the MFSA dealing with Northway. I took a year out after that as it was exhausting! Just Shop Direct to sort now, 8 weeks up next week.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
I’d like to say thanks to you for the hard work and perseverance you put in on the Swift Sterling case. It was the regular reports from people like you that encouraged everyone else to not give up! Good luck with Shop Direct!
John C says
Aww, feeling the love. I’m pretty sure most of my PTPD complaint was me ranting to people and posting my rants on here. If that helped anyone then I’m more than happy. To be honest, most of my complaints have been me ranting at various incompetent complaints teams! No wonder I took a year out
Best advice I can give is go for what you can, be sensible in what you think an offer is worth, and dig in if you think it’s not a good offer. Don’t be greedy, whether you like it or not these companies did give you a service / help out when some of you needed it. They are there to make money (as are most businesses) but they have to treat you fairly. Also use any refund to get away from payday lenders as quick as you can. I didn’t at first and squandered some of my initial refunds. Have a plan, pay your debts, enjoy the feeling of freedom, and if you have enough left over have a little holiday. Sara I’m sure there are many who would give you a toast with their first cocktail in the sun. In 2016 I had the first holiday I’d had in 6 year, and I did just that!
Good luck everyone ????
Tina says
Hi, I received the usual rejection response from Lending Stream advising credit score was some random number, adequate checks carried out and income and expenditure provided at the time. I have another 4 weeks until the 8 week deadline to send to FOS. Should I wait until the 8 week has expired or can I send now to FOS? Many thanks
D says
If that was the final response, then yeah get it to the ombudsman ???????? good luck and hope it goes well for you
Tina says
Many thanks D, will get it sent off this week and will keep all updated with progress.
Shannon says
The email must say that it is their final response or the FOS will not take it on until the 8 weeks is up. LS regularly send this letter but don’t state it is a final response and make you wait the full 8 weeks before you can send it to the FOS. See other comments about this.
shammi akthar says
They didn’t say anything just they give me stetment which I show you
Debt1 says
I have entered a payday loan spiral, facilitated further by a gambling
addiction along with mental health issues. I’ve been robbing Peter to pay Paul but essentially I’m now defaulting so have spoken and
written to a number of providers around 5 in total.
There a systematic patterns of continuous lending. For example Sunny alone in the last 4 years have lent me £27000 that figure is without interest.
My jar borrowed a similar amount with £15000 in 5 months split across 7/8 loans.
I’m trying to get debts written off but I am wondering if I should also pursue a case for totally irresponsible lending.
Of the two providers that have responded, lending streamAnd my jar they are just writing off interest. Should I accept that
and try and set a repayment plan for the balance?
Jordan says
I’m no expert but I’d 100% be putting in claims against them..
I’ve been in your situation regarding gambling and the mental health side and it’s not nice, my lending wasn’t to the amount of yours but the FO has just agreed that Wonga were wrong to lend to me..
Hope you’ve got the gambling stopped and the debts nearly wrote off…
Takes along time, but if you want to do it you’ll eventually do it… 6 more months for me and il be off my DMP can’t wait!
Good luck!!
Lucy says
Hello just a question really, since 2015 to the present I have been getting loans from sunny, I have had 39 loans with them, many at least 2 in the same month just to replay- I started of as just a student in a part time job and obviously with the interest rates I felt like I needed to keep borrowing to afford to pay off other things- do you think I would have a claim for irrisoponsible lending?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Yes! It sounds like a very strong case.
Debt1 says
I need some further guidance so have provided a bit more context as I know a lot of you are a lot more advanced in your complaints then me.
I have some outstanding loans which I can’t currently pay where I have already contacted the lenders and submitted letters asking them to write the debt off. Should I also be sending them a separate letter asking them to review previous loans for the refund? I sent my letter before I found this site, but it does reference the following
Based on my mental state, gambling addiction and the fact I believe all lending made to myself to be irresponsible, I am requesting this debt to be written off as an act of goodwill and my credit file to be updated accordingly.
Do I need to explicitly ask for a review/refund of other loans before I can go to the Financial Ombudsman? Or should I go to them for the individual loan outstanding, or am I best to wait submit a letter to the lender in regards to a review of the other loans settled, then take the whole lot to the Financial Ombudsman? Just looking for a steer
To give further history
Sunny over 4/5 years 27k borrowed over 20+ loans, all loans settled bar the latest one around (£900 minus interest), awaiting a response 8 weeks are up 27/3/18
My Jar – 15 loans since December 2015 – total loan amounts 26k – submitted complaint in regards to the last loan of £1200.
its similar for Lending steam and 118 although not as many loans.
Simon says
Hi Sara,
Quick question, my complaint with 24/7 moneybox is with the adjudicator at the moment but I have come to an agreement with them directly to refund loans 4-9 of 9 loans. I have not advised the FOS of this yet but in the email from 24/7 moneybox confirming they agree to the refund they have not said its a final resolution. They are saying its a gesture of good will but would not included the 8%.
Should I let the adjudicator know this and to continue the investigation with a look to the other loans and 8% or call it quits and be happy with what they gave me back?
Thank you
Neil says
Hi Sara,
I have had a reply back from Satsuma by post, saying that they have agreed that my second loan out of the three loans i took with them was unaffordable and they sent a cheque out in their letter. They haven’t said it was their full and final, and i could send it to the FO if i wish. I don’t agree with them as i had payday loans through out the three loans, and the last two loans were a pay back weekly, which i was on occasion taking out another loan to pay this one back. i have a couple of questions with regards to what to do on this one if possible?
If i pay the cheque into my bank would this be classed as me accepting it as a full and final, and not be able to send it on to the FO? and the thrid loan i took out with them i paid back half way through it as i had got myself in that much trouble a family member helped me out with a loan for me to pay everyone back so i didn’t have the massive interest rates to pay back.
Thanks Neil
Sara (Debt Camel) says
You had three loans and paid the last half way through – do you know how much interest you paid on the each of the three loans? And what were the “gaps” between the loans – how long from repaying loan one to taking out loa 2, and from loan 2 to loan 3?
Neil says
The first two loans the interest was about £120 on each one, the third loan was for a larger amount and the interest i paid on that was was a little under £600. In between the first and second loan there was about 2 or 3 days, and between the second and third i think it was a week.
Also is it strange that they would just send a cheque out rather than sending an offer that you have to accept or not?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
oh in that case you definitely want to try to get the third loan refunded! Don’t cash the cheque, they are just trying to tempt you to settle low.
I suggest you go back to them and say “I don’t understand why you haven’t refunded the third loan. This was much larger than the first two loans and taken out only a week later. If you don’t reconsider this I will be sending the case to the Ombudsman”
Lou says
Hi all,
As anyone had an dealings with cashfloat? The adjudicator ruled in my favour but they haven’t contacted the adjudicator within the time frame so it’s going to the ombudsman. Anyone else had this problem? Any advice would be appreciated.
AK says
The adjudicator ruled in my favour, too. They came back but disagreed, adjudicator explained his findings again, they disagreed again and asked my case to be sent to the ombudsman. The whole refund is below £100 once outstanding balance deducted. I find them very difficult to deal with.
Tash says
Uncle buck have asked for a copy of my credit file and bank statements from the bank which I received payment and re paid, how do I do that for the credit file part and my bank account which I used is closed but also owe money too, I feel like I couldn’t face going in there let alone ask for statements. I know others will ask so I need to know I am so worried!
Chris says
Hi Tash.
Firstly, you don’t have to send the lender any thing, only the ombudsman needs to see it.
When required, your credit file can be found through noddle or checkmyfile.com, which does charge after a month.
As for the bank statements, are you able to go in to a different branch. If they say you owe money, you can still say the statements are for your records and to subsequently seek help. It’s your data so they can’t stop you from having them. Besides, if the banks won’t supply them, the ombudsman will demand them anyway.
Hope this helps and all the best, don’t let them put you off.
Sarah says
Um- I’m a bit confused! Got this today from one month loan saying they DONT uphold the complaint yet they say this:
earing in mind the above, I am unable to uphold your complaint, as we believe that the aforementioned checks were proportionate and responsible. Initial assessment of your application accounted for some of the adverse information held at the credit reference agencies and as a consequence you were offered a small amount of credit relative to your stated income. I can see that you borrowed £4450, that your repayments to date total £6015 and we will refund the difference of £1565 to you. Please can I ask that you provide me with your account number and sort code so I can arrange for the refund to be processed. Once we have received these details, we will be able to transfer the funds within five days. The balance of your 1 Month Loan account (£760) was written off in November 2014, during our closure of the product. You therefore have no further liability to
This is all the interest I paid?! Is it just I’m not getting the 8% on top?
Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks
Sara (Debt Camel) says
“This is all the interest I paid?!” well unless you think some of their figures are wrong, then yes!
“Is it just I’m not getting the 8% on top?” – yes, that’s quite common for these “goodwill” payments. People usually don’t mind if they are getting a full refund. Who is the lender?
Sarah says
it is one month loan (sunny) – I am happy with it to be honest. I haven’t had a statement of account from them though (even though I requested it) so cant be absolutely sure it is correct. I will have a think before accepting. thanks for your help.
Louise says
Good Afternoon,
Sara – A question and interest this for you please.
I have had an email from Everyday loans in relation to my complaint requesting information – which is fine. Now the scary bit. I originally got a loan that they said would consolidate some debts not all but would assist- the loan was for £5000 in 2016. They paid me £3157.00 and they were supposed to pay direct to Avant Credit the remainder of £1843 direct and took it off the £5000. This would have cleared Avant Credit. Well they never paid it? Also the list of loans they had is inaccurate in relation to the amount for 118 118 and On-stride financial. I have proof to send to them they gave inaccurate figures. I paid them £450 per month or there abouts prior to my DMP. I am still in my DMP and they get regular payments but keep putting on all this interest. They don’t seem interested about this missing £1843. I have asked for all the documentation as it is all inaccurate. I called the lady direct line and I told her this complaint is serious and I will take this further if it is not dealt with satisfactory. I have figures of the amount I have paid to date in interest. She demands to know who I consolidated my other payments with these were credit cards but I cant remember which ones.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
It sounds as though you have two separate issues. First that they say they gave you a loan of £5000 and they are charging interest on that amount but you only received £3157? is that right?
Second that the loan was unaffordable, so you want the interest removed so you only repay what you borrowed.
Louise says
Yes that is correct – but they said they paid Avant Credit the remainder £1843 yet it is on their documentation was I paying them as a consolidation. I said No you were I had it in writing. I have emailed my figures I have paid over £4000 back and I am still paying my DMP per month. So they should also refund the amount of interest on £5000 as was only £3157 that was as the difference was Avant Credit outstanding balance. I called the collector today for them and they are not happy either and have explained we are going to be following up your complaint and freeze your account?
Also the 8% as well do I request? Also that money they have had interest on the £1843 since Sept 2016? plus additional interest and charges to Avant?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
“I called the collector today for them and they are not happy either and have explained we are going to be following up your complaint and freeze your account?” was that an Avant Credit debt collector?
I’m not entirely sure I have understood what has happened. If what I am suggesting doesn’t sound right, you either need to wait for Everyday Loans to reply and then send the case to the Ombudsman, or go to your local Citizens Advice who can look at everything in detail and help.
You either need to say:
“I want you to reduce my loan to 3157 and recalculate the interest on that lower amount as that is all the money I received and you never credited my Avant Credit account with the 1843”
“I want you to clear my Avant Credit account which now stands at £x because additional interest and charges have been added, This will put me back in the position I should have been in if you had not made the error in not clearing myAvant Credit account in mm/yyyy.”
I can’t tell which of these would work better for you. But you can’t ask (I don’t think) for both.
Louise says
Yes it is the collector for Avant that should have been cleared I was in such a mess my DMP has paid them and still a balance – I explained the situation to the collector for Avant as Avant couldn’t give me a statement as it was with their collector gave me a direct line. They have no statement either for that date the loan commenced as It was with Avant and was taken over only in October 2017. . However, they have not received the £1843 as that would have cleared Avant balance. So I have had that as well in my DMP.
I only owe now Avant £900 as I have cleared the rest and they have frozen the interest since going to DMP and selling debt to collector. Everyday loans were concerned too – re this £1843 and the information she has does not tie up. So I will wait till she makes her decision and then I will send to Ombudsman. It is an absolute mess Everyday loans.
Louise says
Along with this the statement they sent is wrong it says at the top principle borrowed £5000 and at the bottom interest then amount outstanding and principle loan £5939.19 so they have added on £939.19 where from?
Bob says
I have a case with QQ the loans were taken in 2009-2010. QQ didnt refund because the loans were from 6 years ago. I went to the ombudsman in November 2016 when a friend Told me to. They still don’t know whether they can ask for a refund but it has been more than a year. I have another case with Wonga. It is with an ombudsman because Wonga ignored my adjudicator. This was 6 months ago. But I still haven’t had a refund. I phoned up last week because I am struggling. I have unpaid bills. I don’t know where I will get the money. I can’t sleep because of the stress and I am relying on getting something from these complaints. I was told that both issues are with the lead ombudsman because they don’t know what to do and they can’t prioritise my case.
I don’t know what a lead ombudsman is so I wanted the name of the person in charge. The person on the phone said it was someone called Nathan Horn. I looked at decisions on their website and couldn’t find any from him. Do you think the person on the phone just gave me any name to get me off the phone? Has anyone else been told anything new about this? I’m sorry this is long I just don’t know what to do. I want to email this Nathan Horn directly to find out what is taking so long. But will they say they don’t need to refund if I do?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Hi Bob, is the Wonga case also over 6 years old?
I think you misheard the name. Nathan Horner is a lead Ombudsman
Bob says
No I started using Wonga and others after getting into difficulty with QQ. Thank you for finding that out. Do you think he is looking at the 6 years? Should I ask to speak to him?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
I don’t think you will get to speak to him. But I think you should go back to the FOS person you were speaking to and say that you do not understand what the problem is as these loans are not over 6 years old. Ask what the issue is that is causing the delay.
carol says
Hi I am new to this site, I have last week put in 10 complaints with payday lenders I had over the last 10 years.
I did it all on the phone based on unaffordable lending, stating that at one point I was suicidal.
I have already had a reply from Peachy saying they havent upheld my complaint as I said at the time I could afford it. To be fair Peachy was my smallest loan and I only did it once with them. I have told them I will take it to the FOS.
Is this a usual reply?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
One loan complaints are a lot harder to win, especially if the loan is small. It’s your decision, but this one may not be worth taking to the Ombudsman.
Where you borrow again from a lender, they should consider your previous lending history in deciding whether to lend again. So If you are borrowing soon after the previous loan, or you are borrowing more, this should have rung a warning bell. That’s why the ombudsman will often say the lender wouldn’t have realised your loan was unaffordable at the start – it’s common to get an award such as “refund all interest from loan 3” from the ombudsman.
One loan complaints are definitely worth pursuing if they are very large, or the loan was rolled/deferred a lot, or if you still owe money.
Damian Blows says
SO, got a response today from ‘Mr Lender’ after requesting details of all interest and charges added to a loan I had back with them in 2011 and eventually cleared in 2013. Total interest and charges added to a £300 loan total £645.
In the response they have stated – ‘IMPORTANT: If you are considering making an complaint, we will require bank statements covering the period of the loans detailed in the statement of account. Bank statements allow us to investigate complaints with the thoroughness they deserve and enable our agents to make informed decisions so they reach the right outcome for our customers.’
Should I try and get statements from Halifax (I stopped using the account before this loan was paid off) or tell them that I will pass my complaint to FOS and will provide them to the ombudsman if requested.
Mrs R says
Hi Damien –
So in my case I followed the inital steps that Sara has outlined here and did not provide any bank statements to Mr Lender (to be fair they didn’t ask for any either). They came back and refused to uphold my complaint and I then sent my complaint to the FOS.
I sent them a mail stating I had sent my complaint to the FOS and also I believed that my complaint still stands and sent them bank statements as you would need to provide to the FOS, so from 3 mths prior to your loan with them and one mth after your last loan (again they didn’t ask for these bank statements).
After a week Mr Lender than came back upholding refunds on loans 3 & 4 from a total of 6 equating to £1200.
I then went back stating I would like them to also consider upholding loans 5 & 6 and this is still with them to consider.
Hope that helps and will update you once I gain a further response from them.
Good Luck!!
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Well it’s a good idea to get statements from Halifax as they will be needed by the Ombudsman anyway so I think you may as well start doing this.
I suggest you reply “I don’t currently have the statements so I would like you to investigate the case as it stands. I will be getting these statements if the case goes to the Ombudsman.”
Damian Blows says
Latest reply from Mr Lender –
We can confirm that all checks were carried out in line with the company’s responsible lending policy. All of the assessments conducted by Mr Lender were completed in accordance with regulatory requirements and guidance at the time of your loan.
We are not currently conducting a redress to customers however, in order for us to investigate your account further, could you please provide us with more details as to why you have been dissatisfied with the service you have received from Mr Lender.
Phusita says
Hi Sara
I would like to update my complaint
1.Quick quid go to FOS
2..Money shop go to FOS
3.My Jar. Go to FOS
4.everyday loan Go to FOS
5.Mr Lender offer to pay back £833. without interest (£300)
6.Sunny wait
7.satuma Wait
8.wagsdayavice wait 9.Ferratum wait
10.credit star wait
11.Capital one wait
12.Debenham wait
13.247 money box wait
14. lending stream wait
15. Wonga wait
16. Safety net wait
17. Lloyds PPI get offer £928
18. Vanquis get offer refund of £765.86 clear off my balance
I would like to big thank to Sara debtcamel for have this website help me so much
Gemma Vanstone says
Hi. I’ve messaged here before but it has progressed since.
I had loans with QQ in 2013, was sold to motormile then passed to Moriartylaw. I made a complaint to QQ (rejected) and its now with the ombudsmen. During this time ML have refused to hold case despite the complaint, and have rejected my offer of a payment plan in lieu of taking me to court. I have sent the court every email showing their unwillingness to sort this out. My question is if the court rule in their favour and say I must pay, but the ombudsmen rule in my favour where will that leave me?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
If you lose the court case, you get a CCJ. If you win the case at the Ombudsman, it will depend on what redress the Ombudsman orders. At some point you may want to put in a formal complaint to MMF concerning the way they have handled this. But there isn’t much point in looking too far ahead, you just have to take things step by step.
Is the FOS aware (ie have you rung them and told them) that a court case is underway?
Gemma Vanstone says
Yes I have made them aware of the case, they were more concerned if judgement had been made, but it is due to be heard until May.
I will complain to MMF I already did a semi complaint to them in regards to ML back in January and they just replied saying they thought they had acted responsible (not surprised) I have drafted another as either way the judgement goes I will only be able to pay the amount I offered to them weekly anyway so I felt that I was being forced to get a possible ccj.
Gemma Vanstone says
I just wanted to thank you BTW for all your help with this. To say this has stressed me out would be an under statement. My adjudicator ruled in my favour asking for various interest repaid and all legal costs and credit file updated. I dont fully expect QQ to agree but we shall see. The most surprising part was finding out both QQ and Motormile Finance had agreed with the adjudicator last week to place the court action on hold. It seems Moriartylaw have ignored this as I spoke to them days after the apparent agreement and they were still pressing ahead with court action so I believe my complaint against then will hold its weight. Again thank you for all your advice and help over the past few months.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
very good news – let’s hope it is now sorted speedily but I hope you will have a less stressful weekend now.
John M says
As the 8 weeks were up for me yesterday I thought I’d give an update. All of my loans are over 6 years old as I was gambling then and got myself sorted and only just realised from a friend I could look at this. All figures I have given are based on my calculations including statutory interest up to yesterday using the calculation Sara gives:
MyJar offered £446.08 of a potential £1256.67 so off to FOS
Wonga offered nothing from a potential £5765.76 so off to FOS
Quickquid offered nothing from a potential £3654.28 so off to FOS
PDUK offered £168.68 from a potential £1675.48 so off to FOS
247moneybox offered nothing and didn’t give me my loan statement so off to FOS
Pay Day Express offered £1517.97 of a potential £2876.48 but have agreed to review 10 more loans once I have my bank statements through
WDA offered me £1475.19 of a potential £2217.84 which I accepted as I think I’d be pushing it for the sake of a long wait for a little reward.
EPDL offered me £1266.68 of a potential £1567.47 which I accepted
Still waiting on Swift Sterling and Cash Genie but appreciate they are a little more complicated.
Those at the FOS are going to take time I understand but I am in a good place and can bide my time.
Thanks to everyone on here for their advice and especially Sara. I will keep you informed for my FOS cases.
Chris says
Thanks for the update John.
It seems hit and miss with varying lenders. I have a couple I’m deliberating on and whether to take the money and settle or pursue through the ombudsman.
Glad you’re on top of the gambling as well.
All the best ????
All the best
Louise says
Brilliant John – What is EPDL – Everyday loans
John M says
Thanks both.
Very hit and miss Chris. Some didn’t even look at it I don’t think. It’s over 6 years so they’re not interested but I’m in no rush so they’ll have to investigate eventually… as for the gambling Gamblers Anonymous has been awesome for me. Such wonderful support and attend twice every week. Like Sara says no point me doing all this if I was still gambling.
Louise – EPDL is Early Pay Day but Capfin are the people to speak to for them. They were the best to deal with. Pay Day contact for PDUK and pay day express were also helpful. Others give less information but all replied on time
Antony says
Payday uk – reply day before start of week 8 – complaint partially upheld – couldn’t provide bank statements – refund of £525 on £1500 – going to be submitted to ombudsman today. Won’t consider loans of a certain period as I should’ve known to complain as I had entered in to a DMP.
Payday express – Day before 8 week limit. £380 refund on interest of £1100. Partially upheld – some undecided- unable to provide bank statements. Going to be Submitted to ombudsman today.
-Sara can i submit submit these to the ombudsman together seen as they are both MEN capital?
Quid.co.uk- complaint not upheld but as a good will gesture refund of all interest paid. No 8% though and no change to credit report as loans will remain on there. £1089 in total. Going to accept as loans will drop off from next year, but a bit odd.
Lending stream- straight rejection in week 2. Doesn’t confirm final response. Emailed them to ask – no response. Deadline is 22nd March.
Wage day advance- rejection in week 6. To be submitted to ombudsman.
Opos – (mini credit) rejection week 6. Letter at the end provides several quotes from ombudsman where they have found in opos’s favour. Find this a bit strange- definitely trying to put me off going to the ombudsman. Find it very strange.
Will update all on my story once I’ve heard back. On average how long does it take for an adjudicator decision?
P.s this site is amazing!! Thank you so much!!
Tony says
Sorry, I’ve kind of asked the same question as you before reading your post ????
One thing that worries me slightly, ” entered into a DMP so should have known to complain” .
I disagree, ho2 can taking steps to manage your debt and get things back on track be comparable with knowing you have grounds to complain on affordability grounds?
All my cases are dead in the water if so, my spiral began in 2009, I entered into a DMP late 2014 and I am still paying the price today. I didn’t know I had grounds to complain until late 2017 (when I found this site ????)
Sara (Debt Camel) says
The “entered into a DMP” argument is nonsense. Of course you knew you were in a mess when you went into a DMP. That does mean you had any idea what irresponsible lending was or that you could complain about it. Did your well informed and well respected DMP firm tell you you had a right to complain? No they didn’t because they didn’t know these complaints could be made either.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
“Unable to provide bank statements “ you will need these for the Ombudsman…
“can i submit submit these to the ombudsman together seen as they are both MEN capital?” No, send as separate cases. They may well be picked up by the same adjudicator.
Oops – send to Ombudsman
Tony says
Good morning all,
Does anyone have experience with timescales from complaints being investigated by an adjudicator to a decision being made?
I have a case against payday express which was picked up by an adjudicator 20th Jan and payday UK on the 23rd Feb.
Quick quid and wage day advance still.in the queue I guess?
sean says
Hi, I sent my LS case to the FSO on 11th November and was picked up by an adjudicator on 23rd Feb. After initial conversations and providing further information sent they have confirmed that the majority of loans we’re unaffordable (over £6k in interest) and have advised I’ll receive official response by the end of the week.
It’s not a quick process however after LS initially offered £509 on 2 loans for me it will hopefully be worth it.
The adjudicator did advise that LS dragged their heals somewhat in providing the case file so I guess the length of time depends on the lender also
Tony says
That’s great thanks, I will keep this thread updated with progress and understand this may be a long haul. Especially with QQ ????
Lauren says
Hiya – I supplied my bank statements and paperwork to the FOS at the start of January. It was then picked up by an adjudicator on the 8th March and yesterday I received the letter from the adjudicator to say he’s found in my favor on loans 3 to 8 (I had 8 loans with Quick Quid) I think once the adjudicator picks it up, it moves it a better speed! I had a smaller amount of loans compared to others I’ve seen so mine was maybe more straight forward. Now quick quid have until the 30th March to reply – so fingers crossed they do – but I’m well aware they may drag their heels and it’ll go to the ombudsman! Will keep everyone posted! Good luck all with your claims!
Andy says
What should i do about Lending Stream as they sent this when I asked for statements last April. We have reviewed your account details and would like to share our findings. There were three loans borrowed from Lending Stream, out of which the loan account1****** was closed successfully. The loans accounts: 1****** and 1****** were sold to Motormile Finance Ltd (can be contacted on 0113 8876 876) due to non-payments on this account. To know about the repayments and the updated outstanding balance details for loan accounts 1***** and 1******, you may contact Motormile Finance Ltd on 0113 8876 876, as the ownership of the account has been transferred to them.
I had 3 loans in 4 days off them and all are showing as defaults on my credit record but are now settled, should I complain to Motormile Finance Ltd about inappropriate lending as LS aren’t interested.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
NO. MMF will say it is nothing to do with them – don’t waste time on this red herring. Ask LS if that is their final response because if it is you will be going to the Financial Ombudsman about all three loans.
Normally I say that you should inform MMF that you are disputing the loans with the original lender, but as they are settled you don’t need to do this.
Andy says
OK Thanks, I might have slipped up with this one as I have just discovered a final response email from LS dated 1st June 2017 stating that I have 6 months to take the matter up with the Financial Ombudsman. I did dispute this straight away with LS as they have never provided me with statements of all 3 loans. Is it too late to take the Financial Ombudsman as more than 6 months have passed? I’m not actually too fussed about a refund I just want them to remove 3 defaults from my credit record. I have emailed LS 5 times over past 6 weeks and no response.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
“I did dispute this straight away with LS as they have never provided me with statements of all 3 loans.” was this by email? did they reply to you?
Andy says
Yes it was by email and they replied with the following on 14th June 2017 with no mention of final response.
This is in reference to your correspondence. Sincere apologies for the delayed response. We hope you had a chance to go through our email dated 03rd May’2017 explaining the affordability checks done. We confirm that the affordability check has been done with due consideration on your loan account 1******. We would like to confirm that you have borrowed the loan account 1****** on **th July 2017 for the amount of £115.00 and you paid total amount of £270.62 towards this loan. For any concern in regards to the loan accounts *3**** and *4***** we request you to get in touch with Motormile Finance Ltd on 0113 8876876 as the ownership of these loans have been transferred to them. For further queries, please email at complaint@lendingstream.co.uk or call on 0203 365 0138 (Monday to Friday between 7 am to 10 pm). Call charges apply.
They have never sent me a breakdown of payments made or any details of 2 loans with MMF
Sara (Debt Camel) says
ok, then I suggest you do put in a complaint to MMF (who have now rebranded as Lantern) – make it clear it is an affordability complaint. Then when they reject you go back to LS and put in a new complaint saying their previous advice was misleading so you want them to again look at your full complaint.
Andy says
I just spoke to MMF they were very helpful, they will email full statement of accounts regarding Lending Stream activity within 2-3 days. They also advised that LS should have removed defaults when they sold the debts to MMF so they gave me an email address for their credit file team at MMF (now Lantern) to at least get 2 defaults off my record
Sara (Debt Camel) says
“They also advised that LS should have removed defaults when they sold the debts to MMF” this is nonsense …
Andy says
Oh, That’s a shame, I thought I was on to something then, at least they are sending me the statements I have never had of LS, I will then just pass it all on to the Financial ombudsman as I am sick of LS misleading me.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Well you can try, but I doubt you will get anywhere.
David says
I have two complaints, one with Wonga with a decision due by 6th April, and one with Sunny due by 1st April…. anyone here have any recent experience with either company, and able to advise if they are replying within this time period at present??
Many thanks,
Sara (Debt Camel) says
someone a few days ago said Wonga had asked at the end for another week and then gave their answer 2 days later.
Ben says
Wonga replied to me with an offer 7 Week +2
Nigel says
Sunny replied to mine on the day the 8 weeks was up
Nari says
So I’m currently waiting for a refund from Wonga and it’s day 7 our of their 14 day wait.
What has been other people’s experience with how long they’ve had to wait for the money to be in their account? And did you receive an email from Wonga telling you that it had been actioned?
Thanks in Advance
Bob says
I had an email from Wonga stating please allow 14 days. I’m currently on day 10 still waiting.
Shannon says
Got mine on day 11 put of 14.
cat says
I started a claim against Wonga back in May 2017, they eventually offered me £350 on one loan as they agreed that they should have done more to assist me, but didn’t accept that the remaining 24 loans I had with them had been irresponsible lending!
I referred it to the ombudsman and had a response on Monday recommending that they had mis-sold 19 of the 24 loans, and that these should be refunded. In total its about £4000 refund but obviously I’ll only get around £3000. But still…. a huge success given the rubbish offer from them.
I still have to wait for Wonga to accept it. Interestingly the adjudicator has ruled out the loan that they offered to refund in her calculations. I have emailed asking for it to be included as they obviously accepted this loan as irresponsible.
Just wanted to share so that people know its worth pursuing to the FOS, and that you can do it all yourself by use of this wonderful site. Fingers crossed that the next ones with QQ, payday Uk and Sunny are quicker to settle :-)
Neil says
Hi Sara,
Sorry i have another question, this one is in regard to my loans with Uncle Buck, i only had two loans with them, but about £400 in interest, they have asked for a credit report and bank statements to help with their investigation. I know you have said before to ask them to look into it with out these, but as i have them to hand anyways for when and if i need to go to the FOS, would it be best to sent it to them anyway? It would show them that their loans were used to pay off other payday loans, plus i had to get other loans out to pay them off. But it would also show a mountain of gambling transactions on there too, which i am slightly concerned about.
Thanks Neil
Neil says
I also have just received my reply from Wonga after 8 weeks, stating the following…
‘In your recent complaint you suggested that you were experiencing financial difficulties and we should not have lent to you. As such we have considered your position at the time and have found no evidence that you:
• continued to borrow over an extended period of time,
• took out a further loan immediately after repayment,
• advised us you were in financial difficulty,
• borrowed high loan amounts when compared to your stated income.
• We are not aware of any other factors that indicated unaffordability.’
I love the first 2 they have said, as i have over 60 loans in about a 3-4 year period. On to the FOS for this one.
Eva says
Lending Stream
Not sure what happened but just check my credit report and 9 loans and 2 defaults wiped off fro my credit file. My complaint is still waiting to be assigned to adjudicator. I don’t even know if lending stream sent the case file to them. Well this was the main thing for me to get it off the credit file. Now just wait ans see what happens next
Eva says
And the same with payday express. Weird but happy as still in dispute with the adjudicator
Tina says
Hi Eva, did they wipe all the loans you took out with them or just some? I would like all mine taken off. Thanks
Eva says
All of them and 2 defaults. And they did it before my case picked up by adjudicator as still waiting to be assigned. I know LS supplied the case file to fos though. I did ask in the original complaint to LS but this was wiped off in the last 3 weeks which I think they will try to fob me off. Well I do have plenty of reports saved to prove it.
James says
I’ve been taking Payday loans out for the best part of 2 years now.
In the last 6 months I’ve taken out around 10 loans with 10 different providers leaving me in a debt spiral coupled with existing credit cards and catalogs.
Even though only a few of the companies rolled over my loans and let me borrow is there a chance I could prove irresponsible lending because I was taking loan after loan out with different companies which would have shown on my credit file?
I’ve logged complaints with each of them but thinking the ones were I only took out 1 loan I might not have success.
Any help/advice would be appreciated.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
1 loan complaints are harder to win. But these are very recent, so all your other borrowing would have showed on your credit record. I think it’s worth complaining about these but make sure you change the step two complaint latter to be very clear you only had 1 loan, remove the “your loans trapped me in a spiral” stuff and actually say what that lender would have seen on your credit record in July 2017 when you applied for the loan. Probably worth attaching a copy of your credit record to your complaint.
tom price says
Hi, like many other people who posted on here – I was in a massive (looking back) awful debt spiral concerning payday loans from 2010 to 2105. I am now pretty much clear with these however I feel aggrieved of how I was treated by these companies (QQ,P2P,PDUK,PD express, Wonga, Ladder Loans, Uncle Buck, Lending Stream,MyJar,TxtLoan, Wageday advance) I have requested following your advice statements from all. However out of interest for me I downloaded all of my banks statements for the past 7 years – imported them into excel, then sorted the data. As I have had the same acc. for over 10 years. It listed every transaction from each loan provider – what date it was taken. when a payment was made and the total repaid
although I have a break down for each lender the totals are quite astonishing for
Total Borrowed – £61385
Total Repaid – £84847
Looking back this was a vicious circle when if they had used there brains they would of ssen it was quite clearly unaffordable. I will update when I get responses
Chris says
Hi Tom.
I feel your pain and was in a similar place with similar lenders
I borrowed just under £79k and repaid £129k
It’s incredible how it spirals and entrapment ensues. I take some sort of comfort knowing it wasn’t just me, yet great resentment in how it was and still is allowed to happen to so many of us.
All the best Tom ????
tom price says
Thanks Chris,
I would though I have received a statement of account etc from a couple of them and it lists on there late payment fees and then they would lend to me again the following month – this is criminal now I look back anyone with half a brain would of seen I was in the shit and struggling….. I would hope (@ sarah(debt camel) that this would strengthen my case?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
yes, a responsible lender would have looked VERY hard at an application for a new loan soon after one you had been late paying.
Chris says
Absolutely Tom.
I’ve currently got a case with over £14k of interest from just one lender with the ombudsman and all loans were between 2012 and 2015.
I’ve also had 15k back from 2 lenders already as well.
Better times ahead mate,
Dan says
Jesus, to see the sorts of amounts borrowed and interest paid gives me heart palpitations!
Although my amounts will be around the £8k or so levels, im happy ive found this site to read through peoples experiences.
I spent a good 2 years or so chasing my own tail, and giving up hard earned cash in a not so well paid role working nights….to get nowhere.
Although at the time, being refused these loans would have hurt, i am 100% certain it would not have meant it carried on for 2/3 years, making the totals higher and higher.
I hope you get every single penny back peeps!
Sara (Debt Camel) says
“Although at the time, being refused these loans would have hurt, i am 100% certain it would not have meant it carried on for 2/3 years, making the totals higher and higher.” I think most people will agree with you, Dan. Being offered an unaffordable loan doesn’t help, even though its what you may want at the time.
Dan says
If it was at all possible, i would pay an arm and a leg to go back in time and not take out the initial £50 payday loan with QQ. Thats all it was.
Skip to 3 years later, and i had £300 a time with 3/4 different lenders. Horrendous!
Wish they had refused the first one, as i clearly couldn’t even manage that!
Mrs R says
I wasn’t sure when I first found this site that this was real but after the initial 8 weeks I wanted to share how it’s worked out for me.
Fancy a Payday – made a low offer, sent to FOS
Payday UK – Refund of all interest of loans within 6 years, £1k
Payday Express – rejected, sent to FOS
Lending Stream – rejected, sent to FOS
Mr Lender – Refund of 4 of 6 loans, £2k
Trusted Quid – Rejected, sent to FOS
Sunny – refund of all interest £500
WDA – refund of all interest £200
Wonga – refund of all loans apart from one within 6 years, £1876
Quidmarket – rejected, sent to FOS
My Jar – rejected, sent to FOS
Thank you all for your comments and Sara thank you for this amazing help you are providing us all.
I’ll also be making a donation to my local CAB as thanks to you.
Louise says
Good Evening Mrs R,
Did you supply Payday Uk with bank statements may I ask?
Did WDA just come back to you and refund after 8 weeks?
Many thanks in advance,
John M says
I didn’t supply PDUK with statements and they said they couldn’t make a decision on 13 loans so I’m at FOS as they also said the responsibly lent 10 loans.
WDA did just come back after 8 weeks with an answer so be patient
Louise says
Thanks John – the same with me PDuk said cant make a decision either way as it seems should have done more checks but require bank statements. PDuk interest was £7000 I bet that is why like yours?
Wage Day advance wasn’t too much borrowing compared to PDUK – did they uphold?
Mrs R says
Hey Louise –
I did provide Payday UK with bank statements when they asked as I had them ready to go.
Yes settled with WDA directly in 7 weeks and received refund in week 8.
Andy says
Hi I just had my loan details sent through from Wonga. I noticed they only went back 6 years and I was sure I had older ones. I phoned and questioned this, Wonga said they only had to supply 6 years as outlined by fsa. My problem is my bank can only supply 6 years of statements. My question is should I make a SAR request to Wonga to see if I can get my details from over 6 years.
Emma says
Hi Sara,
Quick update:
Wonga agree to pay £1060 on all loans.
Thank you so much! I will be making a donation to our local CAB and telling them why!
You are a one in a million.
Thank you
sean says
After starting the process early in October with claims against PDE,WDA,LS and PDUK I’m nearing the end
PDE – settled £2750 approx. 90%
WDA – settled £1500 all loans over6 years old
PDUK – settle £900 approx.90%
and the big one Lending Stream that the adjudicator has agreed loans 3-16 of 16 loans were unaffordable approx £6750 with 8% simple interest.
LS have been given until 5th April to reply but I expect they will drag this out for as long as they can
Sally says
Hi Sara, would I still be able to make a complaint against quick Amigo loans even though it is a guarantor loan and if so do you know any success stories or even the address I send the complaint too. Thank you
Debbie says
Has anyone had any successful offers before the 8 weeks is up?I’m on week 5 with my jar,oakam, cashconverters and week 2 with loans at home
Eva says
My JAR came back with final offer 2 days before the 8 weeks. I disagreed with it and managed to negotiate more and it worked. Very quick to respond to emails etc. All without going to the fos.
Debbie Sturgess says
Thank u for the reply Eva. That’s handy to know .fingers crossed I get a good result
Louise says
I’m trying with PDUK with this tactic so we shall see.
Eva says
I’ve had the same with PDUK. But I think what helped was that I sent them my bank statements and credit reports with the complaint. But sent it to the FOS as they only upheld half my complaint due to me having 10 month break in between.
Louise says
Is it worth sending the bank statements to them I have them now? I will also download my credit file report and send it to them – it may help. They said today if they get bank statements will look at it again.
Andy says
Mobile Money (Log Book Loans) – £750 Refund received in my bank today after adjudicator upheld my complaint at 6pm on Tuesday this week, I strongly suggest anyone who has ever dealt with this company to check them out as they didn’t do income and expenditure checks on top-up loans. Thanks again to Sara and this site as I would never have complained had I not discovered Debtcamel last year and I had already got my girlfriend over £2000 back from Wonga last June, Perfect timing as we are going on holiday in 6 weeks. I still have open complaints against Myjar, PDUK, QQ, WDA, Lending Stream, Loans 2 Go, Shop direct & JD Williams so I will keep on going. Thanks again.
Andy says
Can I ask how the 8% simple interest is calculated as Mobile Money have said that they have only added £130.50 interest to a refund of £581.80 due from November 2012 to February 2013, I think it should be £581.80 + 8% = £628.34 (year 1) then £628.34 + 8% = £678.61 (year 2) then £678.61 + 8% = £732.90 (year 3) then £732.90 + 8% = £791.53 (year 4) then £791.53 + 8% = £854.85 (year 5). I believe they should have added £273.05 interest over the 5 years and maybe a bit extra for year 6. What do you think? are they right or am I? Any help would be appreciated.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
I think you are both wrong. I have no idea where they got the £130 figure.
Your calculations are wrong because this is simple interest, not compound. So your calculation for year 1 is right, but then you get the same amount of interest in each of the next years. So ££230 or a bit more is my estimate.
Andy says
Thanks Sara, I asked Mobile Money for their calculations and I spotted loads of errors, so I went back to them and they have recalculated and paid me the difference instantly another £175 before tax, which is strange as they have now added over £300 interest to my refund. I am really happy and will continue to make monthly donations to the guide dogs and WWF adopt a penguin.
Allison says
Does anyone know what mr lender are like for agreeing with the adjudicators findings. He’s just rung and told me he’s recommending every loan from loan 2 through to 5. They offered loan 3 only.
He’s giving them 14 days to reply to his recommendations.
Do they tend to agree or fight?
Eva says
Sara, can you please advise. I’ve just receive amended offer for PD Express through the adjudicator. It says they will refund loans 2-8 £2926.59 + interest £1553.27 minus 20% tax. But from the Statement of account it is easy to breakdown to: loans 2-8 amount borrowed £640 and money taken from my bank £4369. The adjudicator sent me breakdown which only showed payments to be refunded + interest + tax. The breakdown never showed how they got to the £2926.59. Am I calculating it wrong? The statements show:
Loan amount £ 200
Interest £ 50 balance: £250
Extension fee £ 50 balance £300
Exten fee receipt -£50 balance £250
and this goes on for over a year till next loan.
Could you please tell me if I’m right counting Only the extension fees paid?
I really don’t feel the adjudicator looked at my breakdown on the account of statements ad i wuestuoned it twice now anf never get any answer only get back what payday express says. I feel like sending it to the ombudsman to do the calculations.
Thank you Eva
Lee Sharratt says
So I have emailed wonga, got my statement from 2012, had seven loans, totalling £4600, they wrote off an outstanding 1000. Do you think there is a chance a might get a refund ?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
You need to separate out the last loan which was written off.
The first 6 loans that were repaid – how much interest did you pay on them? That is your total payments less what you borrowed.
Then the last loan – how much did you borrow? did you make any payments at all?
Lee Sharratt says
About 1500 in interest , can I claim the fees back ? I paid nothing on the final one of 1000 pounds , they wrote it off
Sara (Debt Camel) says
yes you can claim fees back. The last loan was it £1000 borrowed or £1000 including interest written off?
Lee Sharratt says
1000 borrowed nothing paid and written off
Sara (Debt Camel) says
ok then this £1000 is effectively the first part of your refund. So if you paid £1500 in interest ion previous loans your max refund will be £500.
Daniel says
So i have got my QQ statements back from them. Over the course of 21 months i had a total of 23 loans, ranging fro £50 to £250. Income/expenditure should have shown them that anything more than £50 would have left me in a spot. 2 late fees, but more importantly, they were all paid back, then borrowed again same day or within 3/4 days. 14 of then were rollovers and the total was £2650 borrowed and £3922 paid back (the last loan wasnt paid in full and was when i went on to a debt management plan (completely paid off now thanksfully and out of that hole). Is this something that would be successful? was between Nov 2010 and August 2012…..
Cheers Daniel
Sara (Debt Camel) says
it’s a good sounding case but its almost all over 6 years – so expect QQ to decline and for it to sit at the FOS for a very long time. Well worth doing, just dont expect it to be fast.
Daniel says
I read quite a few on here saying QQ drag it out well, so its just a waiting game!
I was in the same situation with Wonga and Payday UK, however they aren’t playing ball with getting me statements etc yet.
I really do appreciate the guidance on this site!
Catherine says
Hi all just a quick one.. I sent my wonga complaint to the FO in Oct 2017. This has now been moved onto the adjudicator and they have said they can’t give me a time frame but just wondered what other people’s experiences are if this and how long it’s taken for them?
Mathew Clements says
Hi Sara! I’ve received my lending stream statements and they also attached this email at the same time….
I dunno if this is them saying they won’t even look at refunding me money? The wage they’ve put isn’t correct and I can guarantee the credit file isn’t either….
Dear Mr. ……..
You borrowed 14 loan accounts from Lending Stream and all the accounts have been closed successfully.
Affordability Checks:
While reviewing your accounts, we note that your loans were approved based on the following facts:
Employment: During the applications, you were full-time employed.
Income: The data shared in the applications indicated that your monthly income was above £1400.00. The disposable income on all your loan accounts was ample to complete the monthly repayments towards your loans easily.
Experian Scores: the score was confirmed to be above 650.
Applications Declined: We have not approved for a loan each time your application did not meet our lending criteria.
The loans were approved only for the amount you were eligible for
Considering the above data, we confirm that all necessary checks were executed at the time of your applications and your loans were approved only after it cleared our affordability analysis.
In lieu of the overall situation, we believe that Lending Stream has behaved responsibly in approving your loans and has dealt with them fairly.
Lending Stream Complaints Department
Davy says
Just about word for word, the response I got from them. It’s utter garbage and it beggars belief that they can get away with plucking figures from the air to suit their agenda. Head straight to FOS!
Davy says
Head to FOS after the 8 weeks are up!
Eva says
This is their standard reply to everyone. My wages were up to 2000 and credit score 750. No way. Basically they are saying they’ve done nothing wrong. You need to get them to say it’s their final response as otherwise they will drag it like that for 8 weeks. No point even try to negotiate as they won’t badge. Pester them for final response and then send to Ombudsman. Most of us did.
Paul Fairhurst says
This site is brilliant
I had email from ombudsmen about payday uk and payday express this week saying they believe the loans provided to me were not suitable they did say they have given them two weeks to reply. Not sure how long I will have to wait been on going for months
sean says
My adjudicator just got back to me with his response to Lending Stream. It appears that on the evidence supplied by lending stream despite them quoting my credit score as 750 they couldn’t supply the evidence that they’d even carried out a credit search. Not sure where they pulled 750 from!
Sara (Debt Camel) says
hence the picture on this article: https://debtcamel.co.uk/lending-stream-complaints/
Claire says
So 3 cases have come back as declined at adjudicator level so far. They say the companies have provided them with credit reports that show no active payday loans at the time of borrowing and nothing that would cause any red flags. I have mapped out my borrowing history and had over 130 loans since Jan 2012 so do not understand what their credit searches showed.
I do not have credit reports from this time so offered to send statements of other active loans at the time and was told this would not suffice.
Should I just give up? I don’t know what a high number is, maybe my borrowing wasn’t that bad in the wider context? I am so confused now!
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Who are the lenders, could you say a bit about each case, eg xxxx lender, 6 loans from Apr12 to Dec12
Have you supplied your bank statements and your current credit record?
Jayne says
Hi Sara I have heard back from my Adjudicator today and he’s advised PDUK to refund me all interest and charges on 1-18 loans plus 8% interest. From the statement I have from PDUK with a list of all my loans and interest how can I identify what I will potentially get back?
It says-
Principal Deposit
Interest Deposit
Principal Repayment
Interest Repayment
What figure should I be looking at ?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
The Interest Repayment lines – but PDUK statements are often tricky to work through.
Jayne says
It’s very confusing! When an adjudicator makes a decision is it only ever the interest on the loans and the 8% that gets paid back?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Yes. The Ombudsman says you should repay what you borrowed but the lender shouldn’t make any profit from unaffordable lending so you get the interest refunded. Also an affordable monthly repayment for any balance outstanding.