Did your payday loans cost so much when you repaid one you had to keep on borrowing?
You can get a refund of the interest you paid on unaffordable loans.
It’s easy to ask for a payday loan refund using the free template letters here. The letters work if your payday loans were repaid or you still owe money.
The comments below this article have thousands of stories of the refunds people have got using these letters. It is a great place to ask questions!
What are “unaffordable” loans?
Was a loan affordable just because you repaid it?
No! If paying a loan left you so broke you had to borrow again – from the same lender or a different one – it was unaffordable!
The regulator says:
“the borrower should be able to make the required repayments without undue difficulty, whilst continuing to meet other debt repayment obligations and reasonable regular outgoings.”
That means a payday loan is only affordable if you repaid it on time and you could still manage to pay your other bills and debts.
Payday loans are meant to solve a short-term problem. If you kept repaying one then getting another loan soon after, the lender should have stopped lending to you.
If the loan was small and it was the first loan or second loan from a lender, the lender may not have realised the loan was unaffordable for you. But it was irresponsible lending to just carry on giving you more loans.
Many lenders ignore obvious signs of problems such as your loans increasing in size, or borrowing again soon after repayment.
How much compensation can you get?
You don’t have to calculate this. Just ask for a refund from the lender and see what you are offered. This is simple and it works well.
The Financial Ombudsman has seen tens of thousands of payday loan affordability complaints.
A typical decision by the Ombudsman is that the payday lender should refund all the interest you paid interest after the third, fourth or fifth loan.
But if your first loan was large, or was rolled over several times you could get a refund from just one loan.
Which lenders can you get refunds from?
You can complain to lenders that are still in business, even if they are no longer lending. These include:
Lending Stream, Cash Converters, CashASAP, Drafty, Dot Dot, Fast Loan Uk, Fernovo, Fund Ourselves, Kabayan, LoanPig, Mr Lender, Moneyboat, MyKredit, My Finance Club, QuidMarket, Savvy, The Money Platform, WageMe, Wizzcash,
See this email list for payday lenders for a longer list and all the contact details to use.
If the lender has gone into administration, including CashForUNow, Piggybank, Ferratum, Oakam:
- make a claim to the administrators – there is normally a simple form for you to complete, see the lender’s website for details – but there will be a time limit for doing this.
- you may not get much cash back but this is very easy to do. A balance may be reduced or cleared even if there is no cash to distribute. And if you win the complaint any negative marks on your credit record will be removed.
It is probably too late to make claims to other lenders who gave up years ago, see this list.
For longer-term loans there are better template letters to use on other pages:
- doorstep lenders and guarantor lenders,
- Loans2Go – the worst loans in Britain!
- 118 Money, Everyday lonas, Likely Loans/Finio, Reevo, Bamboo, car finance, bank loans and other long-term loans.
Do this before, before you send in a complaint
Doing these things now will make your life easier later.
Get a copy of your TransUnion statutory credit report and keep it. After complaints are started, sometimes loans are deleted and you may want the full report if you later have to go to the Ombudsman.
If you still owe money to the lender, read Will an affordability claim hurt my credit record, and other questions. These looks at your options for stopping paying, the effect on your credit record etc.
If the rest of your finances are difficult, look into a Debt Management Plan (DMP) where you make one affordable payment a month to StepChange. This gets you into a safe financial position as these affordability complaints can take a long time to go through at the Ombudsman. Winning a complaint then speeds up the DMP.
Unless you can afford to make this month’s payment without borrowing again, cancel the CPA to the lender at your bank. Otherwise the lender may take the money and you will be in a mess.
If your loan was sold to a debt collector you complain to the original lender. But also tell the debt collector that you are disputing the debt. It is a good idea to carry on making payments to the debt collector if they are affordable.
Start your complaint & get loan details
Find the lender’s email address for complaints from this list.
Put “AFFORDABILITY COMPLAINT” as the subject of your email:
You should never have given me these unaffordable loans. Paying you each month left me with too little money so I had to keep borrowing to get through the next month.
You should have realised from the number of times I borrowed that my debt problems were getting worse. It was not responsible to continue to lend to me. [Add more details eg how often you borrowed or rolled loans if you know them, how the amount borrowed generally went up etc]
[Include/change this if your credit record would have shown big problems:] My credit reports would have shown all my other debts and problems including late payments/defaults /CCJs/debt management.]
I am asking you to refund the interest and any charges I paid, plus statutory interest, and to delete any negative information from my credit record.
[delete this sentence if you know what all your loans were.] I know the difficulties your loans have caused me but I no longer have all the loan details. Please send me a list, showing for each loan when it was taken out, how much interest and charges you added, and what I repaid. This will enable me to assess any refund you offer me.
[delete this sentence if none of your loans were sold.]If a loan was later sold to a debt collector, please inform me of the date of sale and the name of the debt collector.
Some ways to improve this
Add any other points that help you describe what happened to you. You don’t need to list the loans – the lenders knows them.
Some examples:
- “I took out another loan with xxxx to pay you.”
- “Sometimes I borrowed to pay the rent and then had to top-up to get money for food.”
- if you weren’t treated fairly while you were borrowing or when you could not make a payment, add a bit about this.
You can attach bank statements if you like, This is a good idea as these show how unaffordable the loans were for you. If you have gambling showing, this helps your complaint, it doesn’t harm it.
I don’t know if many lenders actually read what you send them. I
it’s easy to make these complaints – you don’t need to calculate what refund you should get or quote laws.
Only one loan?
The template refers to multiple loans because that is what normally happens with payday lenders.
When you only had one loan and it was large, read Refunds from large loans and use the template there.
If you only had one loan and it was small, this is going to be a very difficult complaint to win. If you have borrowed once or twice from 5 leaders, that is much more difficult to win an affordability complaint than having 4 or 5 loans from two lenders.
Waiting for a reply from the lender
This email starts your affordability complaint.
They may send the list of loans first and later respond to your complaint. So don’t be surprised if you get sent info on the loans but nothing about your request for a refund.
When you get your loan information, you can send in more details about your complaint if you want. You don’t have to do this, your complaint has already begun and the lender has to reply.
The lender should reply to your complaint within 8 weeks from when you send the email, not when they acknowledge it. Make a note in your diary for 8 weeks time and chase the lender up if you don’t get a reply.
Don’t be surprised if you have to wait until the end of the 8 weeks to get response – this is common.
Send your bank statements or other information?
Some lenders ask you to send them a copy of your credit record, payslips or bank statements.
Credit record – the lender can check your credit record themselves if they want. But you should download a copy of your credit record asap as the Ombudsman will ask for it. Don’t put this off, the sooner you get a report downloaded, the further back it goes which is good.
Don’t send payslips.
It is a good idea to send bank statements. But think twice about the cost of copying and postage if there are a lot. Some lenders seem to ignore them if you do send them.
Again this is a good point to get those bank statements even if you do not want to send them as they will help an Ombudsman claim a lot. You can get them going back at least 6 years even if the account has been closed.
Lender says No or makes a poor offer
If the lender rejects your complaint or offers you a small amount, don’t be depressed. You may still have a very good case!
It is easy and free to send your case to the Financial Ombudsman where many thousands of people have won their payday loan complaints, despite being rejected by the lender.
Give up?
Some lenders try to make your case sound bad when it isn’t. People have had large amounts refunded after a complete rejection!
Just ignore any of the following comments, they do not mean you have a weak case:
- they relied on your loan applications and you didn’t give accurate facts – see Lender says I lied for more about this;
- you repaid some loans early – this doesn’t prove the loans were affordable, just that you were trying to save interest;
- your borrowing didn’t go up every time – irrelevant, what matters is that you kept borrowing;
- you had a good enough credit score or they didn’t legally have to check your credit record – if you only had one or two small loans that is true. But if the loans were large or you kept borrowing, they should have looked more closely;
- some loans are over 6 years old – the Ombudsman will look at these even if the lender says they won’t!
A good enough case to go to the Ombudsman?
If you don’t know what to do, ask in the comments below this article. Accepting an offer settles your whole complaint – you can’t change your mind later.
Don’t worry that you will lose a small offer by going to the Ombudsman – this doesn’t happen.
Some points to think about:
- if you are offered a refund on only a few loans, don’t accept it if you think the lender should have realised a lot of the other loans were unaffordable;
- an offer to write off your current balance may sound convenient … but it may be very poor if you should get a refund as well;
- if getting defaults or late payments removed from your credit record is important to you, are you happy with what the lender is proposing to do? Don’t assume your credit record will be cleared if the lender didn’t mention this.
One or two loan cases are hard to win at the Ombudsman. It’s probably best to give up on one or two loan cases unless:
- the loan was large. Here is one single loan case that was won even though it was an instalment loan and the borrower had a good income. And another single loan case for a loan of £1,000. You can win cases for smaller amounts if the repayment would have been a large amount of your income; or
- you still owe money.
Don’t delay too long – there is a 6-month time limit after a lender rejects your complaint to send the case to the ombudsman. When you aren’t sure, send the complaint to FOS. This is free and easy to do – let FOS make the decision.
How to send a complaint to FOS
Put in a separate complaint about each lender.
Don’t wait until all your lenders have replied before sending the first one to the Ombudsman!
FOS’s “complain online” option is easy and takes you through your complaint step by step.
You can just copy what you said in your complaint to the lender. You can add more details, for example, if you disagree with what the lender replied to you.
If some of your loans were over 6 years ago, tell the Ombudsman when and how you found out about these complaints. For example:
“I knew the loans were causing me difficulty in 2018, but I thought this was my fault for being bad with money. I didn’t find out that the lender should have checked the loans were affordable until June 2024 when my brother told me about these claims/I saw an advert from a claims company on Facebook/I read an article about these claims” – change this so it is right for your case!
Things to attach:
- the reply you have had from the lender.
- bank statements if you have them. Ideally from 3 months before your first loan until the last loan was repaid or you defaulted on it. This strengthens your case, showing how unaffordable the loans were. You can still get bank statements even if your account is closed – if you don’t have them, start the process of getting them now, don’t wait until FOS asks for them.
- a copy of your TransUnion Statutory credit report
- if you dont have the credit agreements, FOS will get them from the lender.
What happens after you have sent a case to FOS
You will normally be contacted within a couple of weeks and asked for a copy of your credit record and your bank statements if you haven’t sent these. If you have sent these on one complaint, then when you complain about a different lender FOS will use the ones they already have.
After this initial contact, your case will wait for the lender to send FOS your case file and then wait to be picked up by an adjudicator who will make a decision on it.
If you are still making payments to the lender, tell the lender you want to reduce these to an affordable amount. This will make waiting for an Ombudsman decision much less stressful for you.
The Financial Ombudsman has a two-stage process. Most cases are settled by the first “adjudicator” stage but about 10% go to the second “Ombudsman” stage.
A few problem cases
Don’t ask for a refund:
- if you are bankrupt now or have been bankrupt in the past – any refund would go to the Official Receiver.
- if you are in an IVA, as refunds will go to your IVA firm not to you. If your IVA has finished the refund may still be sent to your old IVA firm.
- if you are in a DRO now, getting a refund may mean your DRO is cancelled!
More help
You can ask a question in the comments below – you may get a reply from someone who has been in your exact situation.
Don’t use a claims management company. They are expensive and often incompetent. It’s easy to do this yourself and you can ask questions below and get replies from other readers who have done this.
Jodee says
Do Wonga usually agree with the adjudicator or am I likely to have to go to the Ombudsman?
Ant says
They won’t respond it will go to the Ombudsman you’re in for a long wait unfortunately.
John C says
That’s not true at all. There are plenty of examples where Wonga have accepted an adjudicator’s decision without going to an Ombudsman. Mine included. It all depends on what they believe in your case as they don’t seem to have a set rule for accepting or declining. It is however pretty likely that they won’t respond to the adjudicator in the timeframe given, so it depends on how quickly you want to push it up.
Ant says
The adjudicator has ruled in my favour on 4 refunds 247 and Wonga have both failed to meet the deadline so will go to Ombudsman. Lending Stream are a nightmare they have offered to refund on 6 loans when the Adjudicator asked them to refund on 13 and they also claim I still have existing debt with them which is untrue as it was paid in full and have sent the confirmation to the adjudicator. Sunny were told to refund on all loans but they have said they have an offer but haven’t made the adjudicator aware of the sums yet either way it’s going to be less than what the adjudicator recommend. I’ve told Lending Stream I won’t accept any less than the adjudicators recommendation can they come back with that offer or will it go to Ombudsman?
John C says
Lending Stream won’t haggle so it will probably end up with the Ombudsman. I’m in exactly the same situation (read story above) where they said they would close accounts down without any further payment, like they were doing me a favour. I don’t owe them a penny. Terrible business to deal with, complaint went to them in July I think. I can bet the 6 they offered on were the 6 smallest too
Jordan says
Wonga made me an offer but told me they wouldn’t look at loan over 6 years old. I accepted their offer but I didn’t realise the FO would look at loans over 6 years old.
Can I make a complaint about the over 6 year old loans or is it too late now because I accepted the offer?
Shannon says
Probably not. When you accepted the offer it would have said you accept the offer as full and final settlement regarding your complaint.
Jen says
Just to share think this is the fastest any complaint is dealt with frm peachy (cash on go) requested SOA 22/1/18 received on 24/1/18 sent complaint on 25/1/18, received offer yesterday 5/2/18 to refund 2 loans and wipe current balance, I replied asking if 8% added, they said no but they will wipe all entries from my credit records (I accepted cause all recent loans are being refunded) and asked if refund can be paid today, e.mail saying yes tomorrow, money hit my account this morning 6/1/18, (loans not refunded were all very small and can’t see the FOS giving much more) I’m happy with that, thanks to this site
Vicky says
Hi just wondering if anyone can help, I complained last April to satsuma loans & mr lender I accepted their offers as I was really stuck for money is there anyway I can get back the full interest I paid or is that it now as I accepted their final offers thankyou
Dan says
Only if you feel you were mislead in some way?
Did they say you could refer to the FOS
Did it state a full and final offer?
Kyle Milne says
Great news no idea why my adjudicator is being such a nice guy but he’s personally dealing with as many cases as he can for me quick quick picked up last week finanlised yesterday all in all 3 weeks since original complaint and he agreed with all loans to be refunded which is fantastic which includes all top up amounts aswell
He also agree with my payday U.K. loans which were one of my complaints I never expected to get accepted
He’s going to take on another 2 cases for me he said
Such a top bloke
Sam says
If I have only taken out 1 loan with Wonga, 1 loan with Payday UK and 1 loan with Sunny, but all within quick succession of each other, is it worth me making a claim with all 3 lenders? I was under the assumption after reading various articles, that I must have more than 2 loans with a specific lender in order to make a claim. I was dependent on these loans, but used a different lender each time I lent over a 7 week period.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Are these loans recent? Do you still owe money?
Sam says
Hi Sara,
The loans are all from 2013 and were paid off in full.
The Wonga loan was for £300, the Payday UK loan was for £400 and the Sunny loan was for £500.
Do you think it would be worthwhile submitting claims to the lenders to get the interest back?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
One loan cases from a while ago are pretty hard to win, unless these was something dramatic on your credit record (Insolvency? Recent CCJ?)
If you listed the three loans in order, then the case against Sunny would be much the best – the largest loan and younhad recently borrowed from other payday lenders.
Lou says
I had my adjudicator say that she only thinks the last pounds to pocket loan was an unaffordable one and I am due £81. But I had loans from November 13 December 13 March 14 April 15 and November 15. The gaps were because they were instalment loans. I also had quick quid from 2012 to 2014. I don’t understand the outcome. Help/ advice from someone would be appreciated
Sara (Debt Camel) says
So there weren’t any real gaps from the time one PTP ended and the time the next one started? Is this a final decision from your adjudicator or is it just their first thoughts?
Lou says
No Sara. I paid it off and then borrowed again. Yes this is her final decision.
November 2013 to February 2016- various amounts of payments made almost continuously
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Ok, say you want it to go to the Ombudsman. Also write a note saying why you think this decision is wrong, send it to the adjudicator and ask for it to be passed to the Ombudsman.
Graeme says
Wondering if anyone could help me.
I raised a complaint with QQ in August 2016 about all my loans being mis sold to me. I had about 27 in total.
QQ came back to me and offered me £100 as gesture of goodwill payment on which I refused.
I took the complaint to te ombudman in August 2016.
They requested bank slips as some of these loans were more than 6 years old.
Last May when I called them, they said that there was a team looking into my complaint to see if they can look at the loans that are over 6 years old.
I called them in September 2017 for another update and there was no further update from May.
I have just called them today and a man from FOS stated that the complaint is with te jurisdiction team to see if they can still look at these loans that are over 6 years old. He said that there is 14 loans in total and 9 of these are over 6 years old.
He could not give me a timescale on how long this would take and just simply stated that they will be in touch with me once they have a decision.
He said that QQ had objected to them looking into the loans over 6 years old so that’s why the jurisdiction team is looking in to it now.
Can anyone give any advice on what I can do or has anyone had any similar experiences.
The complaint is now 18 months old and seems like we are getting no where at the moment.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Nothing has happened on your case as the FOS and QQ are arguing about a couple of test cases, only when they are resolved (and this may be soon!) will the others be looked at.
Alex says
Hi, I sent a letter to QuickQuid using the template here for 3 loans. They replied saying they will look into it but want bank statements, wage slips etc. I asked them to stop payments until matter is resolved. Here is the reply:
“We apologise and take note that you have an irresponsible lending claim, however this does not stop your service agreement. Per your service agreement all payment will need to be made. If payments are missed regular Collections activities can continue on your account per your service agreement. If the payment is not payment with in agreeable time frame your loan could be sent to a third party collector. As a reminder any missed payment would be reported to your credit file and this can stay on the credit file for up to 6 years. ”
What should I do in regards to payment? I have one due for £60 then another for £300.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Unless you can afford the payments without borrowing more (unlikely!) you shouldn’t pay them. You can either ignore what they have said or offer an amount which you think you can afford. In most complaints the last loan which is still going is the most likely one to be unaffordable, and if it is, any negative marks should be removed from your credit record, so don’t worry about those.
Payday loan complaints can take a long while to resolve – it’s important that you don’t feel pushed to pay what you can’t afford now, as this may mean you then feel you have to accept what is a poor offer just to end the problem.
Alex says
Thanks Sara. So should I call my bank and stop any payments to QQ?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Yes, cancel the CPA with your bank.
Alex says
I cancelled the CPA with my bank but have received this from QQ:
The above loan from QuickQuid is overdue. As a result of your returned debit on the due date, we have assessed the following default sums against the loan:
Date Incurred: 14 February 2018
Details: Late Fees
Amount: £15.00
These default sums have been assessed because the payment below was not met on the due date:
Pursuant to the Loan Agreement, we will continue to debit your debit card using continuous payment authority (CPA) or your bank account using direct debit authorisation to collect the outstanding amount due, including any late fees incurred.
Getting a bit worried that they’ll keep charging me every time they try to take a payment.
What should I do?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Have you told them you can’t make the payment as it is unaffordable? Assuming you win your complaint, any charges added here will just get wiped out anyway.
Alex says
I asked them to stop the automatic payment but they refused so I cancelled the CPA then they tried to take the payment anyway. Should I email them again saying I can’t afford it or wait till I get a final response to my complaint?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Up to you. You have already told them you can’t afford the payment and put in your complaint, so the ball is in their court. But you can say these things again if you want.
Tempest says
In communication with 247Moneybox, they have sent me details of my loans.
They have also included an example of my income and expenditure that i submitted for the last loan… Which yes, I might not have been fully forthcoming with my expenditures, giving my current payday loans at the time snowballing and wanting to look more favourable when applying.
However, they have finished by asking “In order to assist with our investigation, could you confirm if the information you provided was false or inaccurate?”… Have you any advice as to what my response could be please?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Hi Tempest, sorry I missed your question last week.
I suggest you read https://debtcamel.co.uk/payday-lender-says-lied/. If you borrowed a lot from them, they should have stopped and realised you were in trouble whatever you put on their application! Also many people just made a guess as to what to put down and didn’t include some expenses they forgot. You could simply reply “I think I filled out the application with what felt correct at the time but I may have been doing it quickly and may have forgotten some items as I didn’t have a detailed budget to work from. the fact I carried on borrowing from you should have suggested to you that I couldn’t afford to repay your loans without borrowing again.” -of course change that so it is accurate for your own experience.
Emma says
Have received a reply from Lending Stream and they have said that due to the information I gave them plus my credit score at the time being over 501 that they do not consider it irresponsible lending but have said I can provide them with further information and they will review my case. At the time of taking out the loans I was also taking out other payday loans and living in my over draft. With lending stream I would often have more that one loan at a time. Do I have a case with them and if so what other information can I provide?
S says
Provide them nothing else and tell them you want their final response within the 56 day window. The reply you received is standard and they will more than likely offer you a fraction of what you could potentially get at the Ombudsman. They won’t listen to any mitigation or justification you provide them either.
Meanwhile get your bank statements and loan history together and ready to open a case with the FOS as soon as you get their final response.
Kara says
I submitted complaints to 4 lenders and have now finally heard back from them all:
Quick Quid: offered £12 + interest when I paid £5k in interest (some loans over 6yrs old). Sent to FOS.
Payday Express: offered a refund for all but 1 loan (the first) for loans dating 2007-2013 – £6.8k.
Payday UK: offered a refund for 2/11 loans from 2007-2012 & offered to consider 5 more if I submit more documents. Going to send to FOS to consider all loans.
Wonga: nothing offered on 7 loans from 2011-2012 on basis that some are more than 6yrs old and none involved repayments of more than half my monthly salary. My namk statements show instances whereby they took 15 payments of differing amounts from me in 2 days but Wonga had no record of this when I raised it. They were clearly just taking as much money as they could, perhaps in the event when I couldn’t afford the full repayment on a big loan. Another one for FOS.
I think I’ll have a long wait on my hands with FOS, but luckily I sent a big pile of bank statements for my Quick Quid complaint which they’ll now be able to use for the others so hopefully it will at least be straight forward at this end….
Andrew says
I made a complaint to sunny.co.uk and was turned down. So I decided to pay the rest back then complain to the financial ombudsmen to see if I had a case. I didn’t know I had to make the complaint within 6 months of the final response. Is there anything I can do? It was a genuine mistake but I don’t know if that’s a good enough excuse.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Did the final response from Sunny say you had to go to the Ombudsman within 6 months? If it did, then there is nothing you can do (unless there have been major problems in your life eg health, bereavement, but you don’t mention anything like that.)
Andrew says
Would I need to provide proof of my major problem?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Yes some sort of evidence. it could be a doctor’s letter or a hospital appointment etc. You are asking to be treated as an exception to what is a very firm 6 month rule – it can be done but you do have to make out a good case, this isn’t normal.
Andrew says
I really don’t understand why there is a 6 month rule. Payday loan companies set out to ruin. Suppose it’s just another advantage on there part for making money.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
it’s not the payday lenders rule, it applies to all Financial Ombudsman cases. And to be fair there needs to be some cut off and complaints are also best dealt with as soon as possible whilst people’s memories and paperwork is better. I didn’t follow your reasoning as to why you didn’t take the case to the ombudsman immediately.
Ash says
Hi Sara,
Question for you – I went to make a complaint to Moneybox 24/7 but after logging in to my account to find a summary, I saw an “outstanding” amount due.
After calling them, they aggressively advised me that on my second to last loan with them, the payment I made was released in error and therefore still oweing, this is quite strange as the loan after was accepted and I paid this off on full.
Also, my Credit file is noted as “paid” – I have checked with my bank and can confirm no monies were actually taken.
Can you please advise me on where I stand on this
Sara (Debt Camel) says
This unpaid loan – how much did you borrow? Your other loans from them excluding this one, how much interest did you pay?
Annie says
Hi, my adjudicator wrote to wonga asking them to refund charges and interest on 28 of my 42 loans and to get back to him today. This morning I had an email from him saying they still haven’t replied so he has written to them again today. Does anyone know what happens next? If they don’t reply within a certain amount of time will it have to go to an ombudsman? My mum loaned me money to get out of these payday loans and the money I would be getting back from wonga is what I would be paying her back with. I just feel on edge about it all the time and just want to give her the money back.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
If they don’t reply it will go into the ombudsman queue. The good news is they sometimes agree even after that point!
Do you think the 28 loan refund was enough? because if it has to go to the Ombudsman anyway, then if you think it should be more, you should tell your adjudicator that you are happy to take a quick (!) refund of 28 loans, but if it goes to the ombudsman you would them to consider the whole case. People do get extra loans included by the ombudsman sometimes!
Annie says
Obviously I would like the full 42, but at one point in the middle they said they believe the loans were in affordable but further checks wouldn’t have shown them to be, as I wasn’t paying rent at the time, my partner was paying it and I was giving him money. But they said they can’t see consisten enough amounts in withdrawals to prove that
And to be honest he ones he said they don’t have to pay out on we’re tge really low ones so wouldn’t really make much difference to the amount
Julia says
Hi Sarah and everyone I really need help I had a reply from Northway finance yesterday re old pre 2013 loans with pounds til payday it’s not the biggest offer but do I take it as I fear I might not be up for a long haul
Also the adjudicator wrote re old quick quid loans pre 2013 with two options a small refund and write off the debt off my credit file or wait to see if they would consider 7 other older loans but long wait thanks so much Julia
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Hi Julia,
there isnt much anyone can say here to help you make this decision except look at the numbers. How much are the lenders offering now? how does this compare to a full refund?
Southern fool says
Sunny advised me Tuesday the funds should be in my account that day. I called them yesterday who said by close of business yesterday. Still nothing. So I called today and was told due to the amount it has gone to a compliance manager and they cannot tell me when I can expect the money. Has anyone else experienced this or know how long this process will take?
Tony says
Hi, I had Sunny agree to my claim last week & said the money would be in my account within a couple of days… when after 5 days it still wasn’t there I rang them and was told the delay was due to staff illness in the finance Dept !
They promised to call me back ( they did ) after 30 mins & I was promised the money would be in my account by the end of today 07/02/18
I’ve just checked & it’s in there now
Kim says
What number did you call about this please? I need to chase mine up as settlement form was sent back to them last Wednesday but not heard anything since?!
Southern fool says
+44 800 731 5444. Make sure you advise them the payment has been agreed and you want to chase up the compliance / finance team at elevate credit. That got me what I needed as before when I called they just advised they cannot connect the call to anyone
Kim says
Thank you. I just called and they said they didn’t receive settlement form
Until 6/2 and it normally takes a week so should be in my account by 13/2. Did they email to let you know they’d paid it or were dealing with it?
Tony says
Thanks to this site, back in December I raised 3 claims against Sunny, Wonga & Pounds to Pocket.
I got the replies back last week.
Sunny agreed irresponsible lending & offered a full refund including 8% interest
Wonga & P2P – denied… Ombudsman cases started.
Fingers crossed…
Stavros says
So Wonga finally respond the day before the end of the 2nd deadline and only offer to refund 2 out of 16 loans the adjudicator recommended 8 loans. Sunny have an offer but haven’t sent it which will be rejected anyway as the adjudicator recommend they refund from loan 1, Lending Stream are lying out of their back teeth and made a shocking offer so that’s with the Ombudsman and 247 haven’t bothered to reply so that’s with the Ombudsman too. Anyone had any luck with these lenders making better offers while in the Ombudsman queue?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Wonga and Sunny may respond in the ombudsman Queue – little or no chance of Moneybox 247 or Lending Stream doing this.
Are you happy with the adjuicator offer for the Wonga case? You muight have been happy to settle it quickly at that, but if it has to go to the ombudsman anyway, tell your adjuidcator that you would like the Ombudsman consider your complaint about all your loans – some people then get awarded more loans than the adjudicator said!
Steve says
Finally I have had a reply too from Wonga. I borrowed approx 5k just off them in 12 months. They said it was all affordable and not upheld my complaint off to FO we go :-(
Cannot understand why they have not offered me nothing?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
There seems to be a large random element in Wonga’s resposnses. 5k of borrowing is a lot – good luck with your Ombudsman case.
Stavros says
Hi Sara I wasn’t over the moon with it but would have accepted it as need the money but as it’s going to the Ombudsman anyway I’ll ask the Ombudsman to consider all loans.
Richard says
I’ve had a response from payday uk saying they can not determine 5 loans I had with them without bank statements and my credit report.
Where do stand on loans I’ve taken and then withdrawn from? I had several of these over the same period, and they say they can’t consider the although I would have paid interest – would have thought they add weight to my case anyway as I’m arguing that they should have taken my erratic behaviour into account when considering my suitability for loans.
Is it just time to forward this on to the FOS and provide them with the necessary documentation when they request it?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
“loans I’ve taken and then withdrawn from” you mean loans that you took out but repaid very quickly – how many of these were there? How many loans overall did you have? how many have payday uk offered to refund?
Richard says
9 loans overall, and yes within a few days on the ones they are saying they won’t look into, all between Nov 2012-Sept 2013.
They haven’t offered anything they are saying they want more info before making a decision.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Well the interest must have been minimal on the 4 laons you withdrew from. Your choice now is to send the whole case to the ombudsman or send PDUK the extra info they have asked for. If they refunded all 5 you would presumably be happy? They seem to be making quite quick decisions so why not?
Richard says
Yeah I’d be happy with 5, is there anywhere I can get a free copy of my credit report that they can use? They are suggesting for one from the money advice service for £2.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Try Noddle. Or just tell them they can look at your credit record themselves, so why are they asking you for this?
Lee says
Hope someone can help me? I made a complaint to sunny for irresponsible lending 4weeks ago, I had over 30 loans with them in a year and was still paying 4 off on a payment plan, emailed them saying I want payments stopped until it’s been resolved, but they never replied, they then sent me a letter saying I’ve breached the contract for the payment plan and have until next week to pay it or court action. I’ve now had an email yesterday saying I owe £670.00 to them and they have offered me a settlement of £201.00 (70%) to settle the loan. I’m a little confused to if this is to do with my complaint or they just want to settle that loan? Not sure what to do? Don’t want to have to go to court, so am I best paying it and hoping it’s not to do with my compliant. Thank you for help.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
I suggest you send them an email saying that the debts are in dispute and the FCA’s rules say in CONC 7.5.3
“A firm must not ignore or disregard a customer’s claim that a debt has been settled or is disputed and must not continue to make demands for payment without providing clear justification and/or evidence as to why the customer’s claim is not valid.”
NB it is usually simpler to have carried on with your repayment arrangements if they were affordable.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
NB you can’t accept this settlement offer unless they clarify what the effect on your complaint is as it sounds as though this settlementn offer on its own would be a pretty poor offer for your whole complaint. Ask them if this offer to settle the three debts is their Final response to your complaint because if it is, you will be sending the complaint to the Ombudsman.
jackie crawford says
I had £700 outstanding with sunny. I sent them a request for refunds and about 5 weeks later they said they would offer discount on my loan by 70% leaving me about £150 to pay. I agreed and assumed it was due to my request for refunds. Last week I received a final response email from them saying they would uphold 1 out of 19 loans (over £5000 in total loans) and were offering me £28. There wasn’t any mention of my complaint with the reduction in my final loan so I am assuming they are treating them separately. I am waiting for my statement of accounts from them then it’s off to the FOS. I had the same from trusted quid who offered to reduce my loan by £700 to £800 if I paid it all off in one go..again no mention of my complaint. I declined as I’d have to take a loan to get £800 ????. Hope this helps
Alex cameron says
Hi, im just wondering if someone can help me. I took out a lot of payday loans last year i havent noted them all done yet but i ended up having to get a loan to pay them all off because i was constantly getting more payday loans to get by the month and i dont know where to start to see if im entitled a refund, thanks
Brad says
Hi, you need to get a list of them all and calculate the interest you paid.
Once you have this, pursue any lenders that gave you repeated borrowing or any which gave you loans after defaults.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Put in complaints immediately to any lenders you borrowed from a lot.
Then make a full list of all the payday loans – which started when and finished when and how large they were. From that you can see that lender X when you applied in June17 would have seen that you already had 4 payday loans outstanding – thats worth a complaint even if you only took one loans from lender X. But if you borrowed once from lender Y at the begining of this bad year, that probably isn’t worth complaining about. Also add to this timeline list you have drawn up when any new defaults wourkl have appeared on your credit file. So lender Z gave you a large loan three weeks after you had a new default to some credit card – worth a complaint!
Also this loan you took out to repay them – I bet the interest rate was higgh. How is that going? is it affordable or are you struggling?
Alex cameron says
Okay thanks, yeah the interest on the loan is pretty high and its been a bit of a struggle with christmas and a fee unforseen incidenta with my car and phone etc.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
well if you think it’s too high to be manageable, you could make an affordability complaint about that… people have been winning cases eg against 118 Money.
Pacman says
Hi Sara,
Need some advice if you can help please.
I raised a complaint with SNC and went through the 8 weeks. I had around 400 loans with them totalling 39k about 6k of this is interest. I still have about a 1k outstanding with them. When they sent me the final response they offered to wipe the outstanding 1k but i wasn’t happy with this so i replied if you had offered to wipe the outstanding balance and maybe a refund of around 2k then i might have accepted but as you haven’t i will be passing this to the ombudsman.
Anyway i have sent this to the ombudsman for investigation on 17/01. Yesterday out the blue i had another email from SNC (so much for their final response) that said we see you have raised your case with the ombudsman and would like to take you up on your offer of 2k and to wipe the existing balance and remove all markers off my credit file. Now i have to agree that is a fair offer but im now wondering as they have said they are willing to refund the 2k that it shows some irresponsible lending on their part and that i should let it run its course with the ombudsman in the hope for more.
Thanks in advance
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Interesting that they have popped up with an offer that was three times their original one because you went to the Ombudsman…
It is going to be a few more months if you want to wait for an Ombudsman decision. Obviously you may not get a full refund if you do, but you may get more than SNC have offered. SNC probably think you will get more so they are trying to settle this complaint cheaply.
It’s not a dreadful offer any more and a month ago you would have been pleased with it… but now you have to decide if it’s worth waiting longer and hoping for a thousand or two more.
Pacman says
TBH with the help of this great site i’m now out of my pay day loan trap and am now financially stable so waiting is not an issue. i just didn’t want to not accept the offer and then get offered less when the ombudsman actually look at it.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Technically that could happen – but we haven’t seen anyone who has been offered less. the worst seems to be that the adjudicator will say you should accpet the lender’s offer.
Neil says
My SNC loans were taken up by the ombudsman on the 16th January, he emailed and phoned at that stage. Got the settlement offer approved by SNC yesterday and am now waiting for them to contact me letting me know they’ve paid what we have agreed (700 quid). They said that they usually pay within 7 days but it could take up to 28. Just FYI on the timescales involved, your situation could be much different to mine I don’t know if the number of loans makes a different to the duration of the ombudsman’s investigation, but from start to finish in just under a month from the ombudsman picked up my complaint. This site is great by the way.
Kim says
How long does it tend to take for loans to be removed from credit file?
S says
It can vary, some lenders quote 10-20 business days, but it can be anywhere up to 2 months in reality.
Bev Nelson says
PDUK have come back to me with their tesponse to my complaint Stating they have not lent irresponsibly.
Their teply is very pleasant, quite thorough and not at all dismissive, however i had 10 Loans with them during a 3 year period – some paid on time, some rolled over.
The loans weren’t huge but i had many others on the go at the same time and i was also in an IVA. They have admitted they didn’t run any credit checks but based their lending decisions on an income & expenditure form I filled in.
Is it worth asking the FOS to look into this?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
yes, that sounds like a lot of borrowing. After a while PDUK should have thought to look at your credit record, when the IVA would have explained to them why you were struggling.
Jackie crawford says
I’m about ready to send my complaint about Sunny ( 19 loans in 2 years some taken whilst I was in an iva) to the FOS. I have emailed them a few times asking for my statement of accounts but had no response. I telephoned them today and was put on hold for about 8 minutes and was then told they will put a request in (to whom they didn’t say) but they aren’t guaranteeing that I will be sent them. I have luckily kept emails from them telling me when my loan will be transferred etc. Has anyone else experienced this from sunny and can I still send my complaint in without the more detailed info on the loans taken.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
You can send the case to the ombudsman without a list of your loans – they will expect the lender to provide one. Sunny usually send a list of loans – one will probably turn up soon – but no reason to wait for this, 19 loans in 2 years is a LOT!
Liane Paterson says
So in 2 years I took out 21 loans with Lending Stream because I couldn’t afford to live month to month, I have tried to claim back the interest using the tool that you have provided which was very helpful. I paid all these loans back on time every month, but that was what was leaving me broke, and they say that basically it is my fault because the information I gave them when taking the loans indicated I could afford the payments back to them, that they give out the constant message saying consider the suitability of the loans etc etc but when you need cash to feed the family and put fuel in the cars etc it is difficult to not bend the payments to suit so that you have that money, because you are desperate! They have suspended the interest and the payments on the 2 loans I currently have outstanding, and given me the choice of how I pay them off, which is reasonable, but when I think of how much I have paid them back it pales into insignificance. Do I pursue through the financial ombudsman? If I do this do I need to provide documentation such as bank statements etc? Any advice would be gratefully received.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
21 loans in 2 years is very regular borrowing – whatever you put on your loan applicatuions, after the first few months LS should have reaslised you were in trouble and that their loans were not heklping.
Yes you should send this to the Ombudsman, LS’s offer doesn’t sound good. You will need bank statements – but most find these are easier to get than they expeceted, even from closed accounts. Good luck!
Jono says
I’m nearly at the end of my payday loan reclaims. The story so far got £800 from Wonga it should have been more but it was my first and I was so happy I just said yes no regrets though. Sunny offered all interest only 3 loans but v quirk. QQ doubled their offer when I sent case to the fos and I said yes. Only one left is 247 who have been horrible so I’m taking this one all the way. Good luck fellow sufferers just keep on and you’ll get there.
Liane Paterson says
Hi what I mean is can I accept LS’s offer now, and still take it to ombudsman?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
No. Their offer will be in full settlement of your complaint – if you accept it, that’s the end.
Liane Paterson says
So I will have to continue to pay the loans back or will they remain suspended until the matter is resolved?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
You could offer what you think is an affordable amount each month?
Liane Paterson says
But that is accepting their offer then is it not because that is all they are offering me? I want to take it further, but I am not prepared to pay £309 this month for 2 loans and another 4 months of loan payments at this rate.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
No, you have cancelled the CPA with your bank to lending stream I hope? You don’t have to pay them anything whilst the complaint is going through. You can offer an affordable payment if you want, but you aren’t asking them to accpet that, you are just saying that is all you can afford.
The simple way is to tell them you are sending your case to the Ombudsman. If they later come back and ask you to make a payment, you can offer what you can afford but say this will not affect your complaint with the FOS.
Bee smith says
Hi there,
I have recently put in a complaint to myjar and sunny loans. Both companies refused to aknowledge these loans were unaffordable so I went to the ombudsman. They agreed with my case, and I have so far gotten refunds from both parties. I currently have 9 other payday loans which I am struggling to pay. I have complained to each and every company that they were irresponsible to lend to me when my credit file is in dire straights, and I could never afford these loans in the start. I have so many due to the horrid payday cycle of borrowing to pay others off. What I want to know is that am I ok to have complained to these companies whilst I have all of the loans outstanding? I am willing to pay them all back but I need to reduce interest and set up a payment plan I can manage. Is there any hope?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Yes it’s fine to complain when you still owe money – see https://debtcamel.co.uk/payday-refunds-defaulted-loan/ for info about this situation.
What you need to do now is cancel the CPA to your current lenders with your bank. This gets you in a safe position where you won’t have to borrow again.
If you just had a couple of loans I would say offer the lenders a monthly payment you can manage. But with 9 I strongly suggest you contact StepChange https://m.stepchange.org/how-we-can-help-you/debt-solutions/debt-management-plan and ask them to set up a debt management plan. This may only be temporary if you win a lot of your complaints!
Bee smith says
What I am most worried about though Is getting a default on my account. I had a dealt years ago which knew nothing about until I looked into my credit report. Needless to say it was in my file for 6 years and ruined so many opportunities for me. Although I take full responsibility for getting myself into such a stupid state with payday loans all I want to do is avoid getting and defaults etc.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
I am afraid you have to be practical about this. If you carry on repaying these debts and borrowing again, you will still be in their clutches in a year or two. If you can’t repay the debts and not borrow any more, the only way to escape is to cancel the CPAs and ask for a payment arrangement. If you win a complaint any problems on your credit record should be deleted – if you get an offer from a payday lender, make sure this includes cleaning up your credit file.
Eva says
Can I please ask how long it took my jar to send the money? I had to send bank statement proving my name and account details for payment to be processed immediately as they said and two weeks on nothing. They also ignoring my calls and emails. Thank you
Bee smith says
Hi Eva,
When I initially made a complaint to myjar then said that they did not agree with my complaint. When I emailed back to say I would take it to the ombudsman (which I did) they emailed to give me an offer very quickly. I got the refund in around 3 days
Eva says
Thanks Bee. For me MYJAR were the quickest easiest lender to deal with and got what I wanted. The communications was too good and quick till now the payment supposed to be sorted. Since the last email i had from them where they saying they need statement and once they received they will process immediatelly I’m still waiting 2.5 weeks on. I send the statement to prove its me straight away but not heard anything back for 2.5 weeks. They ignoring my calls and emails.
Jackie crawford says
Hi, I had a refund email from my jar Thursday 1st Feb, I responded to them on fri 2nd to accept and the loan has been wiped and extra money gone into my bank today. I know lots have horror stories about them but they have been brilliant with me. Hope this helps
Eva says
Yes just through complaint to them. They never mentioned or sent any form for me to sign just asked for bank details and statement to prove its my account.thank you. I will go back to them
Bee smith says
I think they are trying to long it out. If you mention the ombudsman in your email (as it costs the payday loan companies money to be referred to them) they will more than likely sit up and listen, and speed up your payment
Good luck
Eva says
Bee, you’re a star. It worked the Ombudsman threat. Emailed me straight back confirming payment will be made before 5pm. So let’s see. Thank you
Kelly says
I had made a complaint (amongst others) with 24/7 Moneybox – when the 8 weeks passed I sent off to the FOS and emailed Moneybox to inform them I had done so. 2 days later I received an email stating there would be no redress but as a gesture of goodwill they would remove and negative information on my credit file and refund all interest on loans paid (I only had 5 – one was wiped off and the final went into a repayment plan). Now it’s just a case of trying to get hold of them! I know from previous experience they take days to reply as you email a generic email address, and I spent over an hour in total between calls on hold trying to get through to someone! :(
Kelly says
As an update on the above – I called again this morning and after having decided to choose the option to speak to someone about repaying a loan, got through almost instantly. They double checked that the bank details they held for me were correct and she said that it’s been marked that I have accepted their offer and will receive an email to confirm some more details
Craig says
Got a very prompt response when asking for statements.
Payday uk was one loan of 1100 so not going to persue that but qq was 8 loans ober 2 years many the day after payment was made from the last. I accept the first couple were probably reasonable but the last 6 increased in size up to £950 60% of my wage not even taking into account bills and other loans. I have paid just shy of £4k interest from these 6 loans and have just sent letter 2 off today. I have included a figure i would be happy to settle at or else in off to the FOS.
No replies after 1 week from 5 companies though.
Also does anyone have info on forces loans uk ( v gates i think it is who owned them?)
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Forces loans – complaints to info@forcesloans.co.uk. Put COMPLAINT in the email title.
£1100 is a huge loan – people do win single loan cases, so unless you think it was affordable, why not complain?
Nicki says
They completely ignored all complaint correspondence from me I sent to the FOS, they wrote to them and gave them 8 weeks to respond to my initial complaint and now it is sat in the queue for an adjudicator! That’s for Forces Loans’s (should have started with that)
Laura says
I see a lot of people talking about adjudicator, this may sound daft but at what stage is the adjudicator involved? I put complaints in about Sunny and Wonga and sunny got back to me within two weeks! In anyone’s experience will Wonga be last minute as I’m checkinh my emails about 40 times a day. I’m getting nervous I was 65 loans over 48 months so I’m realky hopeful of some form of reimbursement
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Hi Laura, “the adjudicator” is the term given to the first stage at the Ombudsman. Yes Wonga will probably be in the eighth week – try to only check your emails once a day for a while :)
65 loans over 4 years is a huge number – you should be looking for a refund for most of them. Don’t settle for a poor offer and don’t be put off by what Wonga say! If you aren’t sure, come back here and ask?
Andy says
I am in the final stages of a claim with the ombudsmen for several loans i had with mobile money. I am having a problem with the 1st being over 6 years old. How can I convince them that I have only just realised I can complain?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
You just need to be honest and say how and when you found out about affordability complaints – did you see a reference o Facebook? did a friend send you a link? did you find Debt Camel when you were looking at improving your credit record and then see the articles about refunds? There are no right or wrong answers, just say what happened.
With these sorts of complaints, it often doesn’t matter if they say the first loan can’t be included in the refund, because the refund may often not include the first loan anyway. The point you should make is even if the first loan can’t be refunded, you want it taken into account when deciding if the later loans were affordable or not.
Andy says
Thanks for this, in all honesty i had no idea i could raise a complaint until i discovered debt camel 6 months ago. I have explained this to them and am awaiting a response. Mobile money stated in a letter to me that they don’t follow the lending code, what does that mean?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Not a lot that is relevant for your complaint! It is a code used by most banks and some credit card lenders. not relevant to affordability complaints.
Matt says
Hi. I have had plenty of success so far with refunds. A big thank you for the running of this site for the advice and hope it gives us!
I have one complaint in the balance which is more complicated because it involves 3 loans with sunny that all have a balance remaining. I am requesting that the balances are wiped clean, is that possible?
Another issue is that these are now showing as defaults. At the time I raised my dispute they weren’t defaults, but sunny have said all along not to make payments whilst there is an ongoing dispute. Surely the default should be removed regardless of the adjudicator decision because it occurred on the back of their advice???
I was also shocked with their behaviour because I have had periods of constant calls and messages referring to defaults and debt collectors. I hope this goes in my favour!
Sara (Debt Camel) says
“I am requesting that the balances are wiped clean, is that possible?” Well it’s possible, if you have already paid a lot to the loans or have paid a lot of interest on previous loans from Sunny. But otherwise the best you can hope for is for interest to be removed so that you repay what you borrowed. See https://debtcamel.co.uk/payday-refunds-defaulted-loan/
“Another issue is that these are now showing as defaults. At the time I raised my dispute they weren’t defaults, but sunny have said all along not to make payments whilst there is an ongoing dispute. Surely the default should be removed regardless of the adjudicator decision because it occurred on the back of their advice???” I suggest you wait until the complaint is resolved and then look at this, because if the loans outstanding are regarded as unaffordable, then Sunny should remove any defaults / late payments.
Emma says
Hi all,
Just some updates on my PDL’s. I complained to SNC and they turned down my complaint, so I sent it to the Ombudsman in October and Friday 9th Feb, my adjudicator came back to say that she proposes SNC refund charges and interest. The current debt was £599 in a DMP with Stepchange, they have agreed to refund £307 and il continue to pay the rest through the DMP which isnt bad in my opinion.
I also have an complaint against Likely Loans – Trading as Oakbrook Finance. I complained to them back in September 2017 and they refused my complaint so sent to Ombusman. Adjudicator picked it up in January 2018 and we are back and forth currently with myself and the company having to provide different information.
Anyone have any experience with this company? I a hoping for all interest and charges refunded and a freeze on all interest as they are currently still applying it even though the debt has been in a DMP since September 2017 :( I borrowed £3,500 but currently owe £5800!!!
(Positive) Advice really needed!!!!
Sara (Debt Camel) says
So SNC is offering less than the adjudicator? It’s up to you if you think that is reasonable.
yes, some cases against likely Loans and similar high-interest bad credit lenders have been won.
Emma says
From the calculations in the response letter, £307 was the total interest paid plus the 8%. My adjudicator said that it seemed fair : /
Thank you, I am hoping to get a positive response from Likely Loans.
Matt says
I am in same boat with likely loans. Complaint raised. I was unsure about it to be honest but I remember the application being so easy and no statements required. Not to mention my credit file being pretty ugly too.
Not seen any positive news stories against likely loans.
Matt says
Further to my likely loans complaint….. I’ve just received an email from them saying that an “administration error” meant I over spent £200+ On my loan. As such I will receive a £250 goodwill gesture on top and removal of negative credit file data. Might be worth getting your loan checked out.
Hopefully such mistakes make my original case look stronger (ie they appear pretty negligent) and I will receive all interest back!
Sara (Debt Camel) says
It’s worth double-checking that this “goodwill offer” isn’t in full settlement of your complaint!
Stavros says
To my amazement whilst in the Ombudsman queue Wonga, Sunny and 247moneybox all got back to the Adjudicator on Friday and accepted their recommendations so now it’s just the waiting game for the refunds. So out of 10 payday complaints I’m only waiting for the Ombudsman on Lending Stream surprise surprise
May also be worth noting when I rejected Wonga’s initial offer I mentioned the time they had taken to respond was a factor in my decision to reject their offer so they replied saying they don’t agree with the adjudicator but due to the time they had took they would offer what the adjudicator suggested. Not sure if that’s just their standard reply though.
Phusita says
I have received Email from satsuma
This is Email Thanks for your e-mail,
We have forwarded the information provided to our specialist team as they can provide support and advice if you are experiencing financial difficulties, and you should receive contact in due course
What should I do next ?
Do I have to go on course?
Please help
Thank you
Sara (Debt Camel) says
hi Phusita,
the phrase “in due course” means “when we get around to doing this” – it doesn’t mean you have to go on a course, thank goodness!
If you haven’t heard anything in a couple of weeks, I suggest you reply to the email asking when you will get an answer to your complaint?
Craig says
anyone had any joy with mr lender?
i had 4 loans with them between 2016-17 but at the same time i also had loans with money shop & lending stream x 4
my 3rd loan with mr lender i couldn’t pay the full amount each month so i had to come to a repayment arrangement. but they still issued a 4th loan months later!!
Linda says
Hi Craig. I had a complaints with Mr Lender which they were upheld. They were more than reasonable to deal with and always got back to me quickly my complaint was resolved with them without any FO involvement, like you I was in a payment arrangement for my final loan. The complaint was resolved in a couple of weeks. Like Kelly says below they do negotiate. I turned down their initial refund offer which they raised and I accepted. A fair company to deal with in my experience Good luck
Kelly says
I only had one loan with Mr Lender and they made a goodwill gesture within about 24 hours – they were very good to deal with.
I have seen that they negotiate quite well too! I probably could have done as I ended up repaying way more through a DCA but it was my first offer and I was surprised :) good luck Craig!
Craig says
thank you Kelly that is good to know. i have just submitted my complaint to them today. :-)
Bee smith says
I made a complain to mr Lender amongst 9 other payday companies. They got back to me within hours, they offered me a repayment plan with the interest wiped off, and will remove all negative credit reporting once my pay plan has completed. They were pleasant and understanding, and easy to deal with. By far the best of the bunch
Allison says
Should I be worried that of all my complaints and it’s now been 5 weeks I’ve not heard anything from Mr Lender other than an automated response saying they have received my complaint
It was five loans so not a small amount but not huge compared to the others I took out. You all say they are quick and good to deal with but I’ve had more correspondence off Wonga and Quick Quid ?
B.smith says
Hi Allison, I would maybe call them on the phone and ask what’s going on? It’s only from my experience they have been so accommodating and willing to help me. Maybe a phone call with will be better? But if anything is said that you need in an email ask for email confirmation, as it’s best to keep a record of everything said.
Craig says
Mr lender offered goodwill gesture of £150 and to pay off remaining balance of £40! I think I’ll reject it as had 4 loans with well over £500 paid in interest Any tips on what to say back to increase my chances of an improved offer ?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
so the three loans you repaid – how much did you borrow for each? the last loan, what did you borrow and how much have you repaid? What were the gaps between the 4 loans – between paying loan 1 abd taking out loan 2, etc?
Craig says
Hi Sara
Loan 1 Oct’15 – Dec ‘ 15 £150
Loan 2 jan’16 – jun’16 £250
Loan 3 Sep’16 – mar’17 £200 couldn’t afford the monthly payment half way through and agreed a repayment plan
Loan 4 aug’17 – present day £200 have one payment left of £40 paid £350 to date
During all these loans I had other payday loans with lending stream, money shop, myjar etc. And as per above they still issued me a 4th loan even though I had to make an arrangement with the 3rd loan.
They have advised that they will wipe off the remaining balance (£40!) and offer a goodwill gesture of £151.88 which is the interest paid of the final loan.
Thanks Craig
Sara (Debt Camel) says
what they are doing amounts to saying they shouldn’t have given you the last loan – they are refunding the amount you have paid which is more than what you have borrowed and saying the don’t have the pay any more. That is what the Ombudsman would say for that loan.
So the question is, should you get a refund for previous loans? I think you could reasonably say that they shouldn’t have given you the 2nd or 3rd loans and should ask for a refund for those.
The second loan was immediately after the first and larger, combined with the other payday loans they could see on your record that should have suggested you couldn’t afford it and shouldn’t lend.
The 3rd loan was your 3rd loan within a year and also you had other payday loans at the time.
Work out exactly what your other payday loans were at the time you applied for loan 2 and loan 3 and make your reply to Mr L stronger by listing these.
Phusita says
Hi Sara
I have recive Emai from Mr lender
The result of our investigation:
It is for the reasons given within our investigation, that we do not believe we have acted irresponsibly and the loans issued were fair and should have been affordable based on the information you provided at the time and the checks that were carried out.
However, after taking into consideration what you have informed us of through your complaint, we would be willing to reduce your outstanding balance from £1,512.92 to the original capital amount borrowed of £1,000.00.
Further to this, as you have already paid £137.54 towards your final loan we will reduce your capital further to £862.46.
This new balance can continue to be repaid via your repayment plan.
As a further gesture of goodwill once the balance has been settled we would be willing to remove any adverse information from your credit file.
We look forward to hearing from you in the hope of resolving your complaint. This is our final offer based on the information we hold. However, if you have any further points or supporting evidence you wish for us to consider we would be happy to investigate this matter further.
What do you thing should I accept they offer ?
Best Regards
Sara (Debt Camel) says
How many loans did you have from MrL before this last one? do you know how much interest you paid on those previous loans?
Phusita says
Hi Sara
I have 2 loan with Mr lender
1. In 11/6/17 for £500 and pay back very quickly interest is £110 so total £610
2. In 22 /11/17 for £1000 but instead will be £1512.I have pay in for £137 last month
Should I accept they offer ?
Thank you so much for your help
Brad says
Yes this sounds like a good offer, they are removing all interest which is the best outcome you can get
Phusita says
Thank you Brad
I’m waiting from another to respond
1. Quick quid from 2012-2017
2. My jar in 2/2017
3 sunny 2017
4. Satsuma 2017
5. Wongo2012-2016
6. Pond to pocket 2017
7. Wagedayavice
8. 247 money 2017
9. Lending stream2015-2016
10. Ferratum 2017
11. Saftynet
12. Payday Express 2015-2016
13. Capital one 2016-2017
This this the all my payday loan I have in the past 6 years start from 2012
I would like to thank you to debtcamel / Sara for helping someone like me who try to get out of deb .
Hopefully I get responded from all off them soon.
Mik says
Hi there,
I’ve been trapped in a cycle of approximately 15 months worth of pay day loans from 247moneybox. I have lent from other lenders including: my jar, mr lender & safetynet to cover general living expenses. The interest i pay is astronomical and I cannot sustain this anymore.
I have decided to take action with my councillor as I suffer from ill mental health and my mother is taking action to clear all my loans so I can pay her back interest free.
The interest must be in the thousands in presuming and it’s been a downward spiral since I got the first one.
How would I best be tackling this situation? I have filled affordability assessments before but the ‘disposable income’ always appears higher than what actually remains so I’m concerned about being accused of lying.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
First are you sure your mum can afford to clear these loans? Please don’t let her have to borrow money or get into a mess because of this because there are other options for you.
Assuming that she can…
I suggest you
a) cancel all CPAs to payday lenders with your bank. Especially to Safetynet credit who can be very difficult.
b) send Moneybox 247 and all the other lenders you have borrowed from a complaint using the draft letter in the article above as a starting point. Change them so they say what happened to you, delete any bits that don’t sound relevant for that lender.
c) wait and see what they reply – you can come back here if you aren’t sure.
You may find it helpful to read https://debtcamel.co.uk/payday-lender-says-lied/.
Mik says
Yes, I’m fortunate enough to be in a position where I can be helped.
Thanks for the advice I’ll keep you updated.
Brad says
Just go on an agreed payment plan and get the letters out to the various lenders. If you are gambling like I was seek help. You have to stop and then the joy of recovering money will be greater and it can be used the right way. Good luck
Sarah says
Hi Sara, I have made complaints to all the lenders my husband and I took loans for. I have a few queries:
1) Payday Uk have got back to me today requesting a bank statement for a specific month and year. (March 2011) and a copy of credit score. They have asked for only this one. I took out 6 loans with them in just over 5 months! Do you think this is a good sign or not? I wondered why they only have requested a bank statement for 1 month. Credit score is terrible and will be worse now so I am happy to send that if it helps my case.
2) My husband and I tended to make applications between the two of us over the period of about 3 years. Sometimes in his name, sometimes in mine. We often used our ‘household income’ on applications. Will this go against us as the complaints are on an individual basis? Bank statements will (for some) be on joint accounts and will show both salaries going in?
Thanks so much for the help.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
1) they normally give a sort of decision with this request eg “we things loams 1,2,3 were affordable, we aren’t sure about 4 and 5 and we will refund loan 6 as being unaffordable” (those my words, they normally take a few sentences to say that.)
But if they haven’t and they are just asking for one statement and your credit record, why not send them? They handle these complaints a lot better than some lenders, who just ask for info to put you off. NB that doesn’t mean they always make a good decision though, but its worth a try!
2) well see what your lenders come back with. if cases go to the Ombudsman you will need to supply bank statements for your joint accounts as well as your own account. I can’t really guess how complicated this will be, you just have to plod through it.
Paul says
So Quik Quid, having offered nothing after my complaint to them, have now made an offer of over £3k whilst my complaint was being investigated by adjudicator. I declined the offer as I want the adjudicator to investigate fully.
How likely or unlikely is it that the adjudicator could not uphold my complaint or decide that Quik Quid DON’T have to refund me that much?
AK says
Paul, I had a very similar situation, but my offer was almost £10k and as you I declined it. My adjudicator in his findings added few loans more to QQ offer. The waiting for his decision added few gray hair as I was feeling like you and during few sleepless nights thought that I made worst decision in my life to decline their offer but it seems that their offer was my adjudicator’s starting point and he basically said in his letter that he did not look at the loans they offered and just included them in his view as they were already offered. Good luck!
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Unlikely! Do you know how much you paid in interest?
Paul says
My calculations were a little rough but I think it’s in the region of 7k interest ????
Sara (Debt Camel) says
And the FOS will almost always add 8% interest on to of any refund… a 3k offer doesn’t sound good to me!
Steve says
How did you hear about an offer made while in the queue? I’m in a similar boat with initial complaint rejected and waiting for it to be picked up by an adjudicator. Was it QQ or the FOS that let you know? Thanks
AK says
I received my offer via FOS before my case was even picked up by adjudicator but was in the queue. My initial complaint was rejected and zero was offered.
Kara says
I just spoke with the FOS about my QQ complaint. It doesn’t look like it will be progressing for a while. He said they’re still discussing the 6+ year-old loans as a wider business case as opposed to on a case-by-case basis and that he would expect it to take months, but hopefully not more than a year.
He did say I could allow them to look into the loans that were less than 6 years old but that would mean only investigating 2/13.
I wonder if they will reach a point whereby they can investigate the loans within 6 years and come back to the older loans so that people can have some redress in the meantime without losing the right to have their older loans investigated if/when they resolve that issue?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Yes that’s right – they are currently just looking at a couple of test cases, everyone else’s is on hold until they are sorted. As ever I remain optimistic that there will be progress soon…
Kara says
Well I guess the loans are accumulating interest whilst they drag their heels!
Jampanda says
Hi all.
Won against Sunny in an unaffordable Lending case at Ombudsman level.
They have behaved horrendously to me over past two years and this particular complaint has gone on for 13 months.
Finally they’ve been told to amend things, most important being wiping default they applied whilst I was in a DMP. (I told them about this DMP 15 times by phone and email!) I legitimately hate them, sold my debt to a debt collector 6 weeks after the default… was making decent payments.
Of all the companies I borrowed from they have behaved the worst by a country mile.
To be totally Frank, I despise them. Ruined my credit score, phoned my employer and are now claiming they haven’t received OMBUDSMAN decision 11 days after it was posted and emailed to them telling them to refund and wipe.
Has anyone else had issues with Sunny being deceitful or excessively underhanded and scummy?
Sorry for the rant. But I’ve had enough of these Scumbags.
AK says
Sorry to hear about your horrible experience with Sunny. I was very lucky with them, they refunded 100% of interest without involving FOS. It was very fast and easy to deal with them.
Jampanda says
Yeah it seems I’m in the minority. Most people seem to have an ok time with these cowboys.
Nothing to be proud of, but when I entered the aforementioned DMP I was up to my eyeballs in debt to Myjar, 118118, peachy, payday express and payday uk. They all treated me fairly given the circumstances.
I don’t know why but Sunny just couldn’t be bothered to connect the dots between themselves and the DMP company !
Anyway just heard back, they’ve claimed to Ombudsman that they have yet to receive the final response ! It was posted to Sunny on the 1st… Doubt it got lost in the post. Sigh
They’ve been sent another one but doubt they’ll make it easy and call or email me when that arrives.
More chasing.
Looking forward to the end of this saga.
Bee smith says
I have also been lucky with Sunny, but I had to complaint to the ombudsman. I took out over 25 loans with them in two years. They rejected my initial complaint, but my adjudicator found 20 of the loans to be unaffordable. Sunny agreed with this and said they will issue me with £500 refund which also include the 8%. I am awaiting payment from them at the moment
Matt says
Funnily enough I’ve had similar issues but I hadn’t seen much noise about it until I read your post.
They allowed me to have 3 loans at the same time (also at a time I had other more significant loans). I ended up entering into a DMP with these loans on.
I raised my complaint with them for unaffordable lending as per this article and was advised by sunny not to make payments whilst the dispute is live. Since then they’ve recorded all 3 loans as defaults and threatened me with debt collections on multiple occasions. My case is now with the adjudicator after I rejected their initial offer as the defaults are the main concern for me in this case! I also believe they need to feel some pain for their threatening behaviour. Hopefully I get a FAIR outcome from the adjudicator/ombudsman.
Bee smith says
Hi Sara, I posted the other day, and you have been so helpful along with other members here. One question. I have 9 payday loans amounting to £5000 My main concern is not to get defaults on my accounts. I didn’t want to contact StepChange at this point. Due to having mental health issues which I am Medicated for, quick quid, mr lender, and Satsuma have been very understanding. Contacting all lenders individually quick quid said they would set up a repayment plan for me and so did Satsuma (the complaint is still being looked into) Mr lender refused to acknowledge they had been irresponsible but they have wiped all interest on my £500 and said they will set up a repayment plan for me. I am happy with this as I only had two loans with them over two years. I am going to accept this from Mr lender as they have proven to be the most helpful so far. What I’m wondering is if I enter a repayment plan with them, will they still register a default?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
I am afraid you have to ask each lender this… if they agree there has been irresponsible lending then they shouldn’t. But if they deny this and are just offering a goodwill gesture they may or may not, in which case you may need to take your complaint to the ombudsman to get the ombudsman to agree the lending was irresponsible.
Emma says
HI Sara,
Just wanted to send a huge thank you again. After CashEuroNet flat out rejected my complaint, I forwarded to the Financial ombudsman, they have just offered a total settlement of £8.1k inc interest for Quick Quid and Pounds to pocket loans. This takes my total refunds to £18k (wonga, quick quid, P2P, Mr Lender, Satsuma) which has absolutely changed my life! I wouldn’t have even contemplated complaining out of embarrassment after 100+ loans had I not found your website.
I’m still waiting on ombudsman decisions for Payday UK and Payday Express but I am already so happy and I hope if anyone is avoiding starting this process because of the same reasons I did, then please don’t put it off any longer! There really is nothing to lose and i’ve realised you are just a number/ticket to them, they don’t care :)
Good luck!
Sara (Debt Camel) says
wow £8,000 after they originally offered nothing – that shows why people shouldn’t be disheartened if they get a complete rejection!
Laura says
That’s amazing Emma. I was the exact same as you. I actually am what many would consider a “high earner” but taking out payday loans between uni and employment has literally sent me into a debt spiral that I can’t explain. Still to this day I’ve told nobody. I’m waiting to hear back from wonga I had 65 loans from them in 48 months. After that I’m going to deal with quick quid and pounds to pocket so fingers crossed. All the best
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Put in your complaints to QQ and PTP now! It could take a long while to resolve your Wonga complaint if it has to go to the Ombudsman. You don’t want to feel you have to accept a poor offer from Wonga, that is a big complaint for you.
Joel says
I have recieved any email today
Based on the information above, I can confirm the loans were issued responsibly in line with the Satsuma lending policy and therefore I am unable to uphold your complaint. There is a legal requirement for you to declare honestly, your income and outgoings at the time of application.
I understand that this may not be the answer you were hoping for, however I trust you understand the reasons for my decision
Shall i now send this to the obudsman as they have rejected my complaint??
Sara (Debt Camel) says
yes – ask the ombudsman to look at your case.
James says
Hi Sara,
Thanks alot with all your help so far. I got a decision from wonga today stating that they upheld my complaint but on only ONE loan out of 43 and this one was back in 2012.
I claimed loans from January 2012 up until present. They mentioned in their decision about loans being older than 6 years and would be a problem for both them and Ombudsmen. And also 3 years after I should’ve realised there was a problem, I already said in my complaint I only realised a few months ago I could claim this.
My complaint was made in December 2017, which means all loans where under 6 years at the start of complaint. They have taken pretty much all 8 weeks to reply and now some are over 6 years, does this still count as after 6 years despite the complaint being filed before then?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Yes, get your complaint into the FOS as soon as possible. Hopefully the over 6 year cases should be looked at, but it’s good to get as many in the 6 years as possible.
James says
Thank you, i have sent the complaint to the FOS this evening. Luckily there are just 2 in January 2012. The rest start up from May 2012 so this gives me 3 months for the FOS to get a decision before more pass the 6 year period.
Thanks again for you’re help.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
The 6 years runs from the date you send the complaint to the FOS, so it doesn’t matter if they are slow in making a decision.
Lil says
Probably a stupid question but I assume if a company had gone out of business (for a couple of years+) there’s no possible way of being able to request a payday loan refund?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
If it has really gone out of business that is probably correct. But do check up that your lender wasn’t just using a brand name they have stopped using but they are still in business with different brand names.
TMC says
Hi guys.
I have processed five complaints with payday lenders for unfordible loans that I’ve had over the last 6 years.
Wonga I borrowed £18,000 over 44 months and paid in the region of £3,500 in interest and fees. That was acknowledged on 11th January with no response as of yet.
Sunny was £12,500 over 19 months and paid in the region of £1,500 in fees and interest, that was acknowledged on 8th January. Also no response.
I have other complaints logged with Trusted Quid, Lending stream and quid quid too.
I wondered what people’s experiences have been with claiming? I was rolling over loans, increasing my borrowing and taking out multiple loans on a regular basis to juggle everything and keep my head above the water. I’m out of it now but had to heavily rely on help from my family to do so and having reviewed everything I do feel like I have a case.
What are your thoughts? Any tips on next steps?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Wonga and Sunny sound like a lot of borrowing! Don’t expect to hear from them before the 8th week. Come back here if you are offered something and you aren’t sure if it is enough.
Jane says
Hi, I have sent a complaint to the ombudsmen about quick quid, they totally rejected my claim. Since the complaint has been with the ombudsmen they have said they are offering a refund on one of 9 loans for about £200, I worked out that I am owed about £500 and that’s without the 8% interest. My question is can I ask the adjudicator to ask quick quid if they would be willing to refund between £350 and £400 and I would accept that.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
yes you can do.
Linda says
Hi just an update and a question about my 247 Moneybox complaint. After a lot of messing about and ignored emails (even ignoring the adjudicator so it had to be referred to an Ombudsman) I have received a refund from this company 2 days before the 28 day deadline date. The thing is there is no breakdown email of payment figures so I have no idea as to whether the figures are accurate. I’ve emailed 247 3 times asking for a breakdown and they haven’t responded and the FO have also emailed them although she did say companies’ don’t always provide these’? Is this right as if you want do a future tax claim or you want to check the figures it makes it impossible.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
They have to provide you with a simple breakdown into refund / 8% interest for tax purposes.
have you calculated the refund bit yourself?
Linda says
Yes I’ve calculated a rough figure myself from emails when the loans were approved but they didn’t provide me with a statement of account so it’s very rough. They also carried on adding interest to the debt when i was in a payment plan which the Ombudsman said had to be refunded also. And I’d struggle to work out the 8% so would prefer a breakdown. I was surprised when the adjudicator said they didn’t have to provide one to be honest. I might ring the Ombudsman as the final decision was made by them and they emailed me a number I could call if there was any problems. Thanks Sara
Sara (Debt Camel) says
OK, let us know how you get on.
Linda says
Hi. Just called the Ombudman as it is a different telephone number and was told by an extremely helpful lady that there is indeed a process whereas they can request, on your behalf a breakdown of refund figures if the company have not sent these through. When they receive these they are checked by the FO to see if the company has complied with all refund recommendations. They have sent 247 an email and given them a week to respond. Why 247 haven’t just sent me these through goodness knows it would have saved a lot of messing about but they hardly ever respond to emails so I shouldn’t be surprised really
Mark says
Hi ,
First i would like to congratulate this site. I see it helped a lot of people .
My story …
Between 2010 and 2015 i had well over 100 payday loans ( wageday advace, quickquid , lending stream, mr lender, 1st stop, payday express, express pay and probably missing some more) Also credit cards.
My wages weren’t bad ( £1600 month and expenses £1000)
My big problem was gambling ( Clean since December 2015 )
Can i still ask for a refund ? Cos when i write down my monthly expenses i still had about £ 600 pound to spend .
Do i have write down all my expenses when i send the email for refund ?
Thanks a lot
Sara (Debt Camel) says
If you were gambling a lot, it will have been hard for a payday lender to tell the loans weren’t affordable. But if you carried on borrowing from the same lender, they should have realised!
You may decide it’s not worth complaining to a lender you only used a couple of times – especially if the loans are over 6 years old as these take much longer to deal with at the Ombudsman. But for any cases where you had loans around the 6 year point you need to decide now whether to complain or not, you shouldn’t try a few complaints to other lenders first. You want as many of your loans to be within the last 6 years as possible.
You can just delete chunks from the template late if you want, so it just talks about your repeat borrowing and they should have realised you were in trouble. The template is just a starting point, you don’t have to stick to it at all.
Mark says
Thanks for the reply.
I have sent an email to wageday advace , lending stream and quickquid asking for a list of loans i had with them. This ones were between 2010 and 2012. They were almost every month and rollover. I am not going to deposit much faith on this ones…
I am going to email 1st stop ( 19 payday loans and unsecured loan between 2012 and 2014 ) M lender ( over 40 payday loans between 2012 and 2015 ) and Payday express & Express finance (over 20 payday loans between 2013 and 2014)
On this 3 companies i have the details of my loans ( email, bank statements and they still show on my credit file) . I will ask for a refund due to unaffordable loans.
Some were rollover for 13 months.
Thanks again for your help and i will keep you informed with the outcome
B.smith says
Hi mark,
All my payday loans were due to a gambling problem. My first complaint was against Sunny, and was upheld by the adjudicator. He told me that gambling transactions make no difference to a case, and it can actually go in your favour as lenders should have looked at bank statements before lending and seen you had multiple gambling transactions. With other lenders this would ring alarm bells, but payday lenders don’t check all of these things.
Hope this helps.
I am also in recovery, wishing you the best of luck
Nicola Handley says
Can anyone answer.wonga have today to answer my adjudicator about his findings.could I email wonga and if they are agreeing with the findings
Sara (Debt Camel) says
well you could, but they may just ignore this. I know this is a really frustrating wait for you.
Nicola Handley says
Thank you.do you know if they normally agree with the adjudicator decision or drag it out
Yvonne Walker says
I’ve just started this process by contacting lenders and asking for a statement showing all of the loans I had with them. I’ve had my first reply from Mr Lender which shows that I borrowed £200 in September 2010 and repaid it in August 2011, this was a payday loan which I kept on rolling over. The statement shows that I paid interest of £550.
They have stated in their reply that I need to provide bank statements covering the period if I want to make a complaint, is this correct?
I know that this is a relative small loan but I just want to understand what I need to do because some of my other loans were for larger amounts.
Thank you
Sara (Debt Camel) says
You don’t have to provide anything to a payday lender if you don’t want to. Having said that. Mr Lender are a lot more pleasant to deal with than some of the other payday lenders, so there is no harm in sending the statements.
The Ombudsman will ask for bank statements if the complaint goes to the ombudsman. If you don’t already have them, they aren’t usually that hard to get, even from closed accounts. it can take some time so you could decide you want to do this now, so you are prepared for cases that do go to the Ombudsman. To be sure you have all the statements you may need, get ones from 3 months before the first loan until the month you repaid the last one. If you tell your bank why you need them, they will often charge you a lot less or nothing!
Mr L don’t usually ask for bank statements – it may be because this is a bit of an odd case, just one loan, rolled a lot and over 6 years old.
Ian says
Hi Sara,
Is it only payday loans within the last 6 years that I am able to process complaints for? I had a couple of loans that rolled over with Wonga but they were about 8 years ago.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
You can complain about older loans but your complaint will have to go to the ombudsman and expect it to take a very long while as wonga are not curently paying out on older loans.
John says
Hi Im wondering if anyone can advise me further back in 2013 i was in a financial mes and was borrowing payday loans, yes as you can imagine i got into the dreaded cycle of borrowing more and rolling loans over to hit the payback deadlines well moving forward today a company called MMF contacted me this a debt recovery agent saying they have bought the debt from pounds to pocket and are now wanting me to set up some payment plan. I told them at the time i couldn’t afford the loans and had loans with pounds to pocket, Quick quid, lending stream and payday express all at the same time.
I asked for the signed credit agreement to be sent to me for the alleged debt and also can anyone advise me further if debt collection agencies have to be registered or licensed by the fca and if they are not can i not deal with these companies as they are not fully compliant. the company shows on its letter heads csa and cai but not fca is this something they need????? Im also going to ask them to prove to ,me that it was not irresponsible lending when they gave me the money back in 2013, any help or advice would be fantastic
Regards John
Sara (Debt Camel) says
MMF are FCA authorised – number 718024.
You need to send your irresponsible lending complaint to PTP not MMF – it was PTP that was wrong to lend you the money. Tell PTP that you want them to consider all the loans you gave them as they were unaffordable, including the last one you defaulted on. Tell MMF that you are disputing the loan with PTP and ask them to hold off on any enforcement action until your complaint is resolved,
If they tell you to talk to MMF about the last one do not be fobbed off, repeat you want PTP to consider all your loans. If you don’t get a reasonable offer from them – which should include dealing with this last loan that MMF now owns – then send your complaint to the Finanical Ombudsman immediately and tell MMF that you are doing this.
MMF can be very difficult. Do not ignore letters from them. If they persist in chasing you, put ina formal complaint to MMF that they should not be doing this before your complaint with PTP has been settled.
When you put in the complaint about PTP, also put one in about QuickQuid at the same time as they were the same lender and will often make a combined settlement offer to you.
And put in complaints to Lending Stream and Payday Express at the same time!
James says
Hi All,
Thought i would just update on how my cases are going as i promised i would even if early settlements.
Wonga – Had 43 loans with them over 6 year period, They offered me £111 which was interest and 8% on ONE loan from 43, i rejected this and have sent it to the Ombudsman.
Sunny – Offered me £1800. Cleared a £482 loan i currently had and paid the rest in cash. Waiting for this to hit my account now.
Myjar – Refused to accept any responsibility, case is currently awaiting an adjudicator.
Lending Stream – Cleared 2 loans of over £500 and allowed me to set up a payment plan on the remaining balance of £173 with no bad credit reports and removing any old ones.
Satsuma Loans – Refused to take any responsibility, with an adjudicator.
Piggybank Loans – Had only 4 loans with them over 4 month period, however they replied with an offer of £388 on 3 of these loans so i took that and closed the claim.
118 118 money – No reply yet, one week left until 8 week mark.
Very.co.uk – No reply yet, received an email from them stating they will give me a final response by 1/03/18
So far im over £2200 claimed back, so thanks alot for that Sara.
Will keep updated so there’s hope for others
Bee smith says
Hi James,
Can I just ask how long it took lending stream to aknowledge your complaint? I complained about all of the lenders I am using (9 in total) and everyone of them has at least aknowledge my compliant apart from lending stream! Satsuma and mr lender and also quickquid have already arranged payment plans with me, and still no reply from lending stream.
James says
Actually Lending Stream was the fastest reply for me, I sent the complaint to them on the 22nd of December, they replied with their offer on the 3rd of January. alot faster than I expected with Christmas and New year
Mr BB says
HI All,
I’ve had a very few productive 24 hours with my complaints, please see below a summary of the responses by company:-
* Sunny – They have accepted that from loan 1, they shouldn’t have allowed me to borrow, full refund plus 8% coming back to me (around 1k)
* MyJar – Accepted partial responsibility but not full, made an offer but I have countered (There offer was on random loans), has anyone been able to negoiate with MyJar?
* Cash ASAP – Didn’t admin full liability but, offered returns on 75% my loans, amount didn’t add up based on what they supplied so queried (Also, they have never forwarded to me a borrowing summary after 3 calls and 6 emails)
* Wonga – Emailed me this morning accepting partial liability, agreed to refund 2 from 20 loans, I will counter today but will likely send to FOS (Has anyone been able to negoitate with Wonga?)
* SNC – The big one (for me), they accepted that the loan was affordable initially but, should never has increase the loan – Refund of around 5k :)
Sara (Debt Camel) says
MyJar – some people have reported success with negotiations
Cash ASAP – can be difficult. I suggest you want to see the loans list before accepting, and also check it against your banks statements if possible.
Wonga – don’t usually negotiate
Suny & SNC – great!
AK says
Cashasap is extremely difficult, the adjudicator found in my favour on 6 loans from (small) 9 ones, cashasap came back offering to remove the interest from the last outstanding loan only, the adjudicator confirmed her decision, now the case went to the ombudsman as per Cashasap request. And we are talking about £70-90 which I would have to pay them if I win and £300-325 f they win.
Eva says
I had very successful process with my jar. They sent me list of loans before their final response. Their final letter contained spreadsheet with all loans and interests paid and they highlighted the loans they were upholding. They upheld half my loans first. I went back and said I didn’t agree and said that more should be unaffordable. They came back saying yes except first 3 loans. I looked at it and was happy with that. They also added 8% on top. This guys called James was very quick to respond and deal with it. For me the easiest quickest lender to deal with and negotiate with. Money within 10 days of accepting. Good luck
Eva says
Sorry was meant to say they the first time my jar upheld half my loans they were very random loans. After that it was all loans except first 3.