Did your payday loans cost so much when you repaid one you had to keep on borrowing?
You can get a refund of the interest you paid on unaffordable loans.
It’s easy to ask for a payday loan refund using the free template letters here. The letters work if your payday loans were repaid or you still owe money.
The comments below this article have thousands of stories of the refunds people have got using these letters. It is a great place to ask questions!
What are “unaffordable” loans?
Was a loan affordable just because you repaid it?
No! If paying a loan left you so broke you had to borrow again – from the same lender or a different one – it was unaffordable!
The regulator says:
“the borrower should be able to make the required repayments without undue difficulty, whilst continuing to meet other debt repayment obligations and reasonable regular outgoings.”
That means a payday loan is only affordable if you repaid it on time and you could still manage to pay your other bills and debts.
Payday loans are meant to solve a short-term problem. If you kept repaying one then getting another loan soon after, the lender should have stopped lending to you.
If the loan was small and it was the first loan or second loan from a lender, the lender may not have realised the loan was unaffordable for you. But it was irresponsible lending to just carry on giving you more loans.
Many lenders ignore obvious signs of problems such as your loans increasing in size, or borrowing again soon after repayment.
How much compensation can you get?
You don’t have to calculate this. Just ask for a refund from the lender and see what you are offered. This is simple and it works well.
The Financial Ombudsman has seen tens of thousands of payday loan affordability complaints.
A typical decision by the Ombudsman is that the payday lender should refund all the interest you paid interest after the third, fourth or fifth loan.
But if your first loan was large, or was rolled over several times you could get a refund from just one loan.
Which lenders can you get refunds from?
You can complain to lenders that are still in business, even if they are no longer lending. These include:
Lending Stream, Cash Converters, CashASAP, Drafty, Dot Dot, Fast Loan Uk, Fernovo, Fund Ourselves, Kabayan, LoanPig, Mr Lender, Moneyboat, MyKredit, My Finance Club, QuidMarket, Savvy, The Money Platform, WageMe, Wizzcash,
See this email list for payday lenders for a longer list and all the contact details to use.
If the lender has gone into administration, including CashForUNow, Piggybank, Ferratum, Oakam:
- make a claim to the administrators – there is normally a simple form for you to complete, see the lender’s website for details – but there will be a time limit for doing this.
- you may not get much cash back but this is very easy to do. A balance may be reduced or cleared even if there is no cash to distribute. And if you win the complaint any negative marks on your credit record will be removed.
It is probably too late to make claims to other lenders who gave up years ago, see this list.
For longer-term loans there are better template letters to use on other pages:
- doorstep lenders and guarantor lenders,
- Loans2Go – the worst loans in Britain!
- 118 Money, Everyday lonas, Likely Loans/Finio, Reevo, Bamboo, car finance, bank loans and other long-term loans.
Do this before, before you send in a complaint
Doing these things now will make your life easier later.
Get a copy of your TransUnion statutory credit report and keep it. After complaints are started, sometimes loans are deleted and you may want the full report if you later have to go to the Ombudsman.
If you still owe money to the lender, read Will an affordability claim hurt my credit record, and other questions. These looks at your options for stopping paying, the effect on your credit record etc.
If the rest of your finances are difficult, look into a Debt Management Plan (DMP) where you make one affordable payment a month to StepChange. This gets you into a safe financial position as these affordability complaints can take a long time to go through at the Ombudsman. Winning a complaint then speeds up the DMP.
Unless you can afford to make this month’s payment without borrowing again, cancel the CPA to the lender at your bank. Otherwise the lender may take the money and you will be in a mess.
If your loan was sold to a debt collector you complain to the original lender. But also tell the debt collector that you are disputing the debt. It is a good idea to carry on making payments to the debt collector if they are affordable.
Start your complaint & get loan details
Find the lender’s email address for complaints from this list.
Put “AFFORDABILITY COMPLAINT” as the subject of your email:
You should never have given me these unaffordable loans. Paying you each month left me with too little money so I had to keep borrowing to get through the next month.
You should have realised from the number of times I borrowed that my debt problems were getting worse. It was not responsible to continue to lend to me. [Add more details eg how often you borrowed or rolled loans if you know them, how the amount borrowed generally went up etc]
[Include/change this if your credit record would have shown big problems:] My credit reports would have shown all my other debts and problems including late payments/defaults /CCJs/debt management.]
I am asking you to refund the interest and any charges I paid, plus statutory interest, and to delete any negative information from my credit record.
[delete this sentence if you know what all your loans were.] I know the difficulties your loans have caused me but I no longer have all the loan details. Please send me a list, showing for each loan when it was taken out, how much interest and charges you added, and what I repaid. This will enable me to assess any refund you offer me.
[delete this sentence if none of your loans were sold.]If a loan was later sold to a debt collector, please inform me of the date of sale and the name of the debt collector.
Some ways to improve this
Add any other points that help you describe what happened to you. You don’t need to list the loans – the lenders knows them.
Some examples:
- “I took out another loan with xxxx to pay you.”
- “Sometimes I borrowed to pay the rent and then had to top-up to get money for food.”
- if you weren’t treated fairly while you were borrowing or when you could not make a payment, add a bit about this.
You can attach bank statements if you like, This is a good idea as these show how unaffordable the loans were for you. If you have gambling showing, this helps your complaint, it doesn’t harm it.
I don’t know if many lenders actually read what you send them. I
it’s easy to make these complaints – you don’t need to calculate what refund you should get or quote laws.
Only one loan?
The template refers to multiple loans because that is what normally happens with payday lenders.
When you only had one loan and it was large, read Refunds from large loans and use the template there.
If you only had one loan and it was small, this is going to be a very difficult complaint to win. If you have borrowed once or twice from 5 leaders, that is much more difficult to win an affordability complaint than having 4 or 5 loans from two lenders.
Waiting for a reply from the lender
This email starts your affordability complaint.
They may send the list of loans first and later respond to your complaint. So don’t be surprised if you get sent info on the loans but nothing about your request for a refund.
When you get your loan information, you can send in more details about your complaint if you want. You don’t have to do this, your complaint has already begun and the lender has to reply.
The lender should reply to your complaint within 8 weeks from when you send the email, not when they acknowledge it. Make a note in your diary for 8 weeks time and chase the lender up if you don’t get a reply.
Don’t be surprised if you have to wait until the end of the 8 weeks to get response – this is common.
Send your bank statements or other information?
Some lenders ask you to send them a copy of your credit record, payslips or bank statements.
Credit record – the lender can check your credit record themselves if they want. But you should download a copy of your credit record asap as the Ombudsman will ask for it. Don’t put this off, the sooner you get a report downloaded, the further back it goes which is good.
Don’t send payslips.
It is a good idea to send bank statements. But think twice about the cost of copying and postage if there are a lot. Some lenders seem to ignore them if you do send them.
Again this is a good point to get those bank statements even if you do not want to send them as they will help an Ombudsman claim a lot. You can get them going back at least 6 years even if the account has been closed.
Lender says No or makes a poor offer
If the lender rejects your complaint or offers you a small amount, don’t be depressed. You may still have a very good case!
It is easy and free to send your case to the Financial Ombudsman where many thousands of people have won their payday loan complaints, despite being rejected by the lender.
Give up?
Some lenders try to make your case sound bad when it isn’t. People have had large amounts refunded after a complete rejection!
Just ignore any of the following comments, they do not mean you have a weak case:
- they relied on your loan applications and you didn’t give accurate facts – see Lender says I lied for more about this;
- you repaid some loans early – this doesn’t prove the loans were affordable, just that you were trying to save interest;
- your borrowing didn’t go up every time – irrelevant, what matters is that you kept borrowing;
- you had a good enough credit score or they didn’t legally have to check your credit record – if you only had one or two small loans that is true. But if the loans were large or you kept borrowing, they should have looked more closely;
- some loans are over 6 years old – the Ombudsman will look at these even if the lender says they won’t!
A good enough case to go to the Ombudsman?
If you don’t know what to do, ask in the comments below this article. Accepting an offer settles your whole complaint – you can’t change your mind later.
Don’t worry that you will lose a small offer by going to the Ombudsman – this doesn’t happen.
Some points to think about:
- if you are offered a refund on only a few loans, don’t accept it if you think the lender should have realised a lot of the other loans were unaffordable;
- an offer to write off your current balance may sound convenient … but it may be very poor if you should get a refund as well;
- if getting defaults or late payments removed from your credit record is important to you, are you happy with what the lender is proposing to do? Don’t assume your credit record will be cleared if the lender didn’t mention this.
One or two loan cases are hard to win at the Ombudsman. It’s probably best to give up on one or two loan cases unless:
- the loan was large. Here is one single loan case that was won even though it was an instalment loan and the borrower had a good income. And another single loan case for a loan of £1,000. You can win cases for smaller amounts if the repayment would have been a large amount of your income; or
- you still owe money.
Don’t delay too long – there is a 6-month time limit after a lender rejects your complaint to send the case to the ombudsman. When you aren’t sure, send the complaint to FOS. This is free and easy to do – let FOS make the decision.
How to send a complaint to FOS
Put in a separate complaint about each lender.
Don’t wait until all your lenders have replied before sending the first one to the Ombudsman!
FOS’s “complain online” option is easy and takes you through your complaint step by step.
You can just copy what you said in your complaint to the lender. You can add more details, for example, if you disagree with what the lender replied to you.
If some of your loans were over 6 years ago, tell the Ombudsman when and how you found out about these complaints. For example:
“I knew the loans were causing me difficulty in 2018, but I thought this was my fault for being bad with money. I didn’t find out that the lender should have checked the loans were affordable until June 2024 when my brother told me about these claims/I saw an advert from a claims company on Facebook/I read an article about these claims” – change this so it is right for your case!
Things to attach:
- the reply you have had from the lender.
- bank statements if you have them. Ideally from 3 months before your first loan until the last loan was repaid or you defaulted on it. This strengthens your case, showing how unaffordable the loans were. You can still get bank statements even if your account is closed – if you don’t have them, start the process of getting them now, don’t wait until FOS asks for them.
- a copy of your TransUnion Statutory credit report
- if you dont have the credit agreements, FOS will get them from the lender.
What happens after you have sent a case to FOS
You will normally be contacted within a couple of weeks and asked for a copy of your credit record and your bank statements if you haven’t sent these. If you have sent these on one complaint, then when you complain about a different lender FOS will use the ones they already have.
After this initial contact, your case will wait for the lender to send FOS your case file and then wait to be picked up by an adjudicator who will make a decision on it.
If you are still making payments to the lender, tell the lender you want to reduce these to an affordable amount. This will make waiting for an Ombudsman decision much less stressful for you.
The Financial Ombudsman has a two-stage process. Most cases are settled by the first “adjudicator” stage but about 10% go to the second “Ombudsman” stage.
A few problem cases
Don’t ask for a refund:
- if you are bankrupt now or have been bankrupt in the past – any refund would go to the Official Receiver.
- if you are in an IVA, as refunds will go to your IVA firm not to you. If your IVA has finished the refund may still be sent to your old IVA firm.
- if you are in a DRO now, getting a refund may mean your DRO is cancelled!
More help
You can ask a question in the comments below – you may get a reply from someone who has been in your exact situation.
Don’t use a claims management company. They are expensive and often incompetent. It’s easy to do this yourself and you can ask questions below and get replies from other readers who have done this.
warren says
Hi everyone how long does it take for a ajudicater usually take to pick up a Safteynet credit complaint to i know they have a special team look at it but its been nearly 3 months and i havent heard nothing at all and are people usally sucessful against this company? Thanks in advance
Sara (Debt Camel) says
6-10 weeks is average for a complaint to be picked up by an adjudicator. Lots of wins against SNC but I don’t have any statistics.
warren says
Thank you for the reply hopefully hear somthing soon fingers crossed ☺
Linda says
Hi Warren my Safetynet complaint has been with the FO now 11 weeks today and still hasn’t been assigned an adjudicator. When I called last week they said they’re being investigated by a separate smaller team so there’s a backlog, they also said as it’s a different kind of lending this has slowed things up a bit. Fingers crossed they’ll both be picked up soon.
warren says
Hi linda thanks for your reply hopefully we both get picked up soon they are the only one im waiting for now. So far i have had 1 refund from wonga they accepted my adjudcaters finding which was good but two have rejected my a adjudicators findings and are now both being sent to the main ombudsman to decide ( QQ and lendingstream) could be in for a long wait from these 3 but hopefully not ?
Mrs W says
Hi, my complaint took 14 weeks to be picked up by an Adjudicator who agreed in my favour all interest to be refunded. Awaiting a response from SNC who are a few days late in responding now.
alan says
Peachy – Settled but not a lot (needed money at time)
Ferratum- Settled half interest but only £30 odd so happy with £20
Mr Lender – Offer just under half without 8% waiting on email back
Piggybank – Initial offer waiting on email back
Lending stream – Disagreed so need to send to FOS
Most took between 5-7 weeks since 30th Sep.
8 weeks up end of week so hoping for more responses.
Natalie says
I sent an email to Cheque Centre given that I am approaching the 8 week period and I have received this response. Any ideas what my next steps should be?
Regrettably, there will now be no investigation into your complaint and you will not receive a final response letter.
Unfortunately, the company does not have funds to allow your claim to be paid. Therefore, your claim will rank as an unsecured creditor in the Administration, you will receive an additional letter within the next couple of days advising you of this. Within this letter, you will also receive a Statement of Claim by Creditor form and this will have to be completed by you.
I have no further information at this time, I would advise you to wait for the letter which will explain the process in more detail.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
I am sorry to hear this. I suggest you phone the Finanical Ombudsman up and ask if there is anything you can do. I can’t guess how much money will be there for payouts to unsecured creditors.
Natalie says
I received the letter from the Administrators today I am going to lodge my claim with them and speak with the Financial Ombudsman to see where I stand. Effectively the administrators have said that the amount I paid in interest is £4,101,83. I assume I will require to add 8% onto this figure for each year, is this correct?
In their correspondence they also say “that there are no funds available to make a payment to me even if the complaint was found o be valid and accepted”
Does anyone have any advise for me?.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Well you don’t have to add the 8% on, but yes, 8% per year is what is typically awarded by an Ombudsman. If there is no money you may not get anything. Administrators are usually pretty straightforward – they are independent professionals, they won’t benefit from putting off potential claimants.
Alison says
Hi there
I have put a couple of irresponsible lending claims in. One being to Wonga. I have worked out I have borrowed 24 times over a 2 year period – around £5700. Sometimes twice a month. I have paid approx. £300 fees and £1750 in interest. If I got a refund (not expecting it on all the loans) will it be on the interest plus fees – or on what I have borrowed too.? Also a few years ago they wrote my last balance off – due to recognising unaffordability. I think this was about £1000. Will this go against me or in my favor – as they have in effect already ‘admitted’ irresponsible lending.
Im also in the process of claiming against Provident for the same. Over a 4 year period I borrowed £5000 and paid around £3400 in interest/charges. I regularly missed payments and was borrowing form both places to pay the other off at times.
I cringe when I look at these figures. :( I have not had any kind of PD loans/borrowing for over 18 months thankfully…….
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Refunds are of interest paid and any fees charged – not on the amounts you borrowed.
The best way to think of the write of is as “the first instalment” of any refund you get now. It will reduce the amount you get, but probably not by £1000 as some of that would have been interest probably, so the real write off would have been less.
Alison says
Thanks for that. Ive just checked my account and the last amount I borrowed was £740 and I paid back £200 of this amount so in effect they wrote off £500 ish I assume. (plus interest)
Sara (Debt Camel) says
ok well wait until you get an offer from Wonga and pop back here and discuss it?
Alison says
Yes will do. Its been 6 weeks this week so hoping to hear something within the next 2 weeks.
Its been about 4 with Provident so few more weeks to run yet. Has anyone had success with Provident???
Anon90 says
Hi all thought I’d let you all know how glad I am I found this site. So far small refund and balance write off cash ASAP. 247 moneybox write off £188. Satsuma write off £500 still waiting for a letter from them am hoping they have looked at other loans. Also as above lending stream still waiting for them to reply ? waiting on my jar. Payday express ,Ferratum and wageday advance.
Lisa says
Hi all..
In short I wrote to Wonga back in May this year, they didn’t agree the loans were unaffordable, I referred the complaint to the FOS and an adjudicator partially upheld my complaint.. however, Wonga failed to respond and the case was put forward to an Ombudsman for a final decision a month ago. I called the FOS Friday and was advised it has now been allocated to an Ombudsman. My question is, how long roughly will it take the Ombudsman to reach their decision and get back to me?
I also have a QQ & P2P complaint waiting to be allocated to an Ombudsman as the business didn’t agree with the adjudicators decision. I am a bit confused though because that case has been in the que for an Ombudsman for 2 months and still hasn’t been allocated.
Although I would like to share some success, I received all my interest and charges back from Sunny (£1,250) and Payday Express (£1,400) at adjudicator level =)
Stuart says
My first success and after only 7 days from start to finish!
Used the templates above as a rough guide to email Myjar (Txtloan at the time I had loans), though had low expectations as I could see from old emails that I had 3 loans only.
I had 3 loans over 31 days for £100, £100 and £200. The third loan I couldn’t pay on time and incurred both charges and interest.
They upheld my complaint and offered to refund interest and charges of £145.20 but I managed to figure out that they did not add statutory interest at 8%, so I replied and asked them to add this, using an old bank charges calculator that is still on the money saving expert website (google it)…
Today they increased the offer to £191.21, which includes statutory interest less tax. I accepted, provided bank details and the money is in my bank this afternoon! I realise that I have been relatively fortunate in the speed at which this has been resolved but thought it worth posting to encourage others to keep pushing for refunds if you think you have a chance!
One down, 9-10 to go!
Sean says
Current Status so far:
Wage Day Advance – 7 loans totaling £1,375.00 with £2,256.25 interest paid in total (one loan rolled over 15 times), 8 weeks up on 4th December. Advised they still investigating
Pay Day Express – 9 loans totaling £4,545.00 with £2,094.50 interest paid in total (repeat borrowing month after month) 8 weeks up on 4th December, advised after week 4 they “need more time”
Lending Stream – 16 loans totaling £5,760.00 with £6,212.50 interest paid. Offered interest refund on 3 of the loans total sum of £524 (inc. 8%). Again, month on month repeat borrowing. Rejected and sent to FSO last week, still waiting on reply.
Unfortunately My Mate no longer seem to be trading so may have to park that one, but still hoping for positive news on the three above
Laura says
Hiya , My Mate changed names to Different money – Have a look on the a to Z list on here and you should be able to find a contact
Acee says
Had my first rejection from the Adjudicator. He firstly called me Mr Wilson which is not my name then stated WDA did nothing wrong as my salary was £1200 and I was only borrowing £300 per month so there was enough left over. He did not even look at my bank statements where he would have seen how many payday loans I was having and how almost all my salary was going on paying back these payday loans hence why I’m on a DMP now. Is this normal for the adjudicator not to mention bank statements etc? I’ve asked him to send straight to the Ombudsman
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Is this a final decision from the adjudicator? You should have been given a chance to comment on it before it was final.
Acee says
Well I replied he has now given my a final decision saying WDA did not need to check my expenditure as it was my responsibility to provide accurate income and expenditure on my application, obviously I exaggerated a bit as I was desperate for a loan to pay off another loan. What do you think my next step should be?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Read https://debtcamel.co.uk/payday-lender-says-lied/. It does depend on how often you borrowed from them – if it was month after month they should have realised something was wrong.
Set about analysing a few months bank statements – income, rent, utilities, other essential bills and food, other loan repayments, other items… the aim is to show that you repaid WDA £x this month – so you had to borrow again from them or you couldn’t have got through the month.
Also work out how many times you borrowed and the gaps between your loans.
Then write all this out into a “why my loans were not affordable and why WDA should have known” explanation and ask for it to be sent to the ombudsman.
Acee says
Thanks Sara will do.
Gary says
Donated £100 to centrepoint stay safe campaign from my refunds so far – thanks Sara next one I will donate to CAB ????
Sara (Debt Camel) says
that’s another good charity :)
Lou says
Would like to say a big thanks for the help and advice from this site. I received a refund from QQ after the 8 weeks. Wonga and Sunny both rejected my complaint so sent to FOS at the beginning of September. Adjudicator upheld my complaint on 10 of my 15 loans. Wonga have today agreed with the adjudicator offered just short of £1,500 which I an happy with and accepted – any idea how long Wonga take to pay out?. Just final complaint against Sunny to go – this was picked up by an adjudicator on Friday.
Thanks again Sarah
Lisa says
Morning all,
Just a bit of an update on timeframes with FOS.
Wonga: Wrote to business on 09/10, business response 20/10, allocated to adjudicator 13/11 (It seems that Wonga complaints are being prioritised)
Lending Stream: Wrote to business 19/09, business response 04/10. allocated to adjudicator 16/11
247Moneybox: Wrote to business 22/09, business response 08/11, allocated to adjudicator 20/11
Outstanding with FOS: Cap Fin wrote 12/09, response 28/09. Ferratum wrote 22/09 response 27/09/ WDA: wrote 22/09 response 29/09 PDUK wrote 22/09 response 08/11 PDE wrote 12/09 response 31/10. QQ wrote to business 28/09 responded with offer on 6/7 loans within 6 years (the largest) by 10/10.
Fingers crossed my remaining 5 will be picked up before end of month.
Linda says
HI Lisa/all just thought I’d let you have my experience. I had decisions in my favour from adjudicators on 30/10 & 31/10 for Lending Stream, Wonga and 247 Moneybox. All were written to at the time but as yet none have replied back to the FO and we’re on week 3 now. I’ve been told by my adjudicator that there is a delay with response times due to the volume of complaints especially for Wonga. Good luck hope they get backl to you soon :)
Lisa says
Thanks Linda, good information.
What I take from that is a) you have had the same 3 companies picked up first. Do you have any other complaints waiting that you have submitted at the same time or earlier? B) even if I get any decisions by the end of next week that are favourable, it will probably be about a month before they respond, another month if they agree for payment or about 3 months if they need to go to ombudsman.
Lucky I’m not needing any of them for Christmas, so happy to wait, but great to understand the timelines for the next stages.
I am not overly confident with these 3 so am not holding out a lot of hope due to some gaps in between loans, and only had 3 with LS but all within the same month, 7 with 247 but they spanned 3 years (although not convinced they should have kept loaning after the registered a default!) and 7 with Wonga, but 6 were out of the 6 year timeframe (just).
Good luck and keep us posted!
Linda says
Hi yes these were the first 3 companies that were picked up and all of my complaints were submitted in September. I have 3 still outstanding Safetynet Credit, The Money Shop and Provident all over 2 months since FO referral and all still awaiting an adjudicator to pick up. The companies all seem to drag their heels when responding to a FO decision I presume this is partly the company stalling and partly because they have a lot of complaints to work through. It is disappointing especially when they are given timescales to stick to but it seems to be the way things are.
AK says
Thank you very much for the useful information, Lisa. I assume the date when they wrote to the businesses is the date on their acknowledgement letter. But how did you know when a business responded? Did you ask for the update FOS’s customer services or your adjudicator(s)? I don’t get any updates from FOS but to be honest I didn’t phone them once yet.
Lisa says
Hi AK, yes. In some instances, I called them and gave them a nudge if my complaint had been submitted for about a week with no news, so they wrote to the company there and then.
Each time I have called for an update (about 3 times) I have asked customer services if they have received responses, and to confirm the date. I wanted to try to keep full timelines so I could help others to understand how long each of these companies have taken.
Its a fine balance as its actually adjudicators who answer the phone, so the more often people call, the less time the guys have to work cases.
When did you submit your cases?
AK says
Lisa, the first two against Lending Stream and QQ in the end of September, all other during October. The acknowledgement letters came by post and dated 2nd, 18th, 27th October and 6 letters – 7th November. So far I heard only about 3 complaints. For two FOS asked for final responses’ dates, and QQ made an offer on 3/14 loans which I declined.
You said earlier that you’ve declined an offer from QQ via FOS for £3k. Was the offer on 7/8 loans the one you’ve declined or was it the second offer which you’ve accepted? How long did it take between two offers if there were two?
Lisa says
Hey, so hang in there. It seems you are 2 or 3 weeks behind me so should start to be picked up towards end of the month.
I think there are 2 lisa’s posting though. I never had an offer from QQ of 3k, (I would have snapped their hand off) I had 1 offer, which was a good one of 7/8 loans which I accepted. So only 1 offer for me, and the 8% made up the interest on the first loan so I was happy just to start the process of defaults being removed.
AK says
I see, it was another Lisa then. The comment was posted yesterday at 1.47 pm. 7/8 is a great offer, I wish I had a similar offer. 11/14 (and not 3/14) would do as first 3 are older than 6 years.
Hopefully you are right and my cases will be picked soon. I’ll wait for a week and then phone FOS for an update.
AK says
I just phoned FOS and asked for an update. It seems that FOS only received responses from 3 out of 10 businesses. These 3 are waiting to be allocated. Back to waiting game.
Thomas McKinlay says
PDUK agreed to refund me for some of my loans but not all however they’ve given me my refund by offsetting what I owe – which is a debt they say belongs to PRAC who they sold the debt too.
It’s not a major issue as it means I have less debt to clear but are they able to do this while stating the debt is no longer theirs? Surely it should be my decision whether the money goes to that debt or not?
Thomas says
Also, I had a total of 6 loans in which they are refunding 2 yet the overall decision is still that they were lent responsibly. They also say 3 of the 6 were lent responsibly and no refund applicable, and 1 they are unable to determine so no refund. Should I even be accepting their offer?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
This is what normally happens. Was the debt sold to PRAC included in the refund?
Thomas says
My final loan was included and they have agreed to remove the interest on that.
I had 6 loans in total, the first 3 they say were lent responsibly. The 4th they can’t determine. Refunds offered on 5th and 6th of interest and 8% although they are still saying they were lent responsibly.
They have however been fly and offered a refund of interest on the 6th loan (the debt sold to PRAC) then made out the refund is more than what it is by saying they’ll remove the £75 interest on this loan separately which really they have already refunded as part of the offer.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Let me be clear what should happen here. The balance with PRAC should be reduced to the amount you borrowed, less any payments you have made to either PDUK or PRAC less the refund of interest paid on loan 5.
If this is what is happening, then yes, it is fair.
Annie says
Here’s my timeline with wonga, 5 month process all together but if FOS decide in my favour and I get the full amount then I should get just over £2k for the second week of December.
18/07/17 – sent email 1 to wonga
24/07/17 – wonga reply, passed to complaints.
08/08/2017 – reply from wonga, sent email 2.
Final response from wonga 28/08/17
Contacted FOS regarding wonga 28/08/17
Sent screenshots of credit file 17/09/17
Lots of faffing for bank statements as it’s a 4 year period but finally sorted and sent on 02/11/17
Reply today saying he will have completed his investigation in the next 16 days, so should have final response by 07/12/17
Anon90 says
When I try to login to my wage day advance account it won’t let me anyone else have this problem? So I’ve look through my credit report and can see 9 loans from them all pretty close to each other that have been closed and one currently active which I owe £30. I have been paying this last one on a payment plan for over a year but they have stopped collection now while investigating. I can’t remember what I borrowed all together but I know my last loan was £300
Gary says
Yes they did that to my account also, still awaiting my final response
Anon90 says
Just had my response from satsuma they have written off my 3rd loan of £497 and refunding me my 2nd loan of £584 interest plus 8% = £665 ???? oh Sara I could kiss you. My first loan was only £200 and not much interest so I’m not bothered. They have said my cheque will be here withing 10 days fingers crossed.
Gary says
Great news well done ????
Jack says
Just for anyone thinking about complaining to safety net credit this is how my experience was with them.
I borrowed continuously from them for around 18 months, withdrawing the maximum amount available to me as soon as a I cleared the balance plus interest every payday. Overall I paid 1500 in interest over this period.
I emailed them explaining how my reoccurring borrowing as soon as I paid off the balance should have alerted them that I was not financially stable and pointed out that the fact they can see outgoings from by bank account that they should have picked up on the fact I was reliant on payday loans.
Around the 6 week mark they have just sent their first and final response which is a full refund in interest plus the 8% on top of that.
Just incase any of you were wondering if it’s worth giving it a go with them, then it’s definitely worth a shot.
I did work out the amount of interest I paid before sending my complaint and mentioned this number in the email just to show I was aware of just exactly how much I had paid and that I had researched it.
Thank you to Sara and this site, doing an excellent job and helping myself and a lot of others.
Gary says
I had a similar experience with safety net so well worth a go , well done ??
Mike says
Yep and me, took them 4 weeks then refunded £950 out of a possible £1100 so I was happy too?
It does seem a shame that there seems to be others who are having to fight with them ?
AK says
I had a similar experience as well. After first rejecting my complaint they refunded most of the loan and written-off the outstanding balance. It was the easiest lender to complain against.
Jax says
Is anyone able to share Mr Lender complaints timelines please.?
Gary says
Mine was done and dusted in 2 1/2 weeks Jax , best one in my experience so far
Jax says
Thanks Gary, I had noticed on here that they seemed pretty quick. Only sent my complaint in 2 weeks ago. Hopefully won’t have to wait the full 8 weeks. Were your loans over 6 years old?
Gary says
Hi Jax , no mine were under 6 years, they were very good on mine got £1600 refund which was in my bank within a few days . Good luck with yours let us know how you get on ????
Jax says
I’ll let you know. It was only 1 loan but rolled over for a year! Had loans from 8 other lenders at the same time too.
Linda says
Hi if lenders reply after second template saying loans older than 6years and that they did all checks do you ask lenders to send to ombudsmen or do i contact them i have had a redress wage day advance . payday express wonga denied irrisponsible lending 24/7 offer to wipe existing loan ,8 weeks up for pay day uk mo response from second template thankyou
Hopeful2018 says
I had a few loans with Ezbob from 2014/15 which I had forgotten about. I have just checked my Experian credit report through MSE for free and Ezbob is showing up as a defaulted account even though I paid the loans off.
I wonder if they can be treated the same as a payday loan lender. My credit problems have probably arisen because I have only now found out about this supposed default, i.e i had to use payday loans as my credit report showed the default
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Are you saying you didn’t default? If you think the default is inaccurate that should be challenged.
But Ezbob is lending to a business. I don’t know what checks they would have done before lending but they would have been different from the ones a consumer lender would make.
Hopeful2018 says
They refunded the interest on the last of the 9 loans I had with them but the account still shows I owe £6600, I don’t know where I stand as no agreement was put in place for me to pay the money back, and they haven’t contacted me to pay the money back.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Do you dispute you owe 6600? If you do, complaint to them. If you don’t then it’s hard to see how you can dispute the default as you aren’t making any payments.
Hopeful2018 says
I thought the loan was finished with as I made a lump payment back in February 2015 that I assumed was to clear the outstanding balance less the refunded interest “Further to our conversation I have removed the interest for your loan 008 due to your financial difficulties. The amount to pay is £580.84 on Feb 28 2015.” I have not received anything else from them since that date to say I still owe money, obviously if they keep me informed about any money owing I would have set up an arrangement to pay it back. I don’t know what I can do
Sara (Debt Camel) says
HAd you repaid the previous loans?
Hopeful2018 says
I have gone over my emails and there is nothing from Ezbob about any money owing, nor have I received any letters/emails about money being owed, I assumed it had all been cleared, hopefully I will be able to get it resolved, it was a complete shock to see it on the default section on my Experian credit report, I relied on Equifax and CallCredit information only. So much for trying to stay on top of my bills !
Can I complain that Ezbob never contacted me about the money still owed?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
I suggest you first try to establish what is owing. Ask for a statement of account for all your lending with them and take it from there.
Hopeful2018 says
Yes I repaid all of the other loans, I hope that they have made a mistake with the last loan as I have an email from someone in the company saying she would refund the interest so I only had to repay the capital, which I did. Fingers crossed, my credit report will almost be perfect once it has been corrected. I really cant believe I didn’t know this was on my credit file until last night!
bal16 says
Hi there, firstly, thanks so much for creating such a wonderful site for people like me. I have recently submitted a complaint to Lending Stream for 3 loans since 2015 – £360, £120 & £670. The interest paid back was almost equal to what I borrowed. At this time, I also had loans open with Wonga, Safetynet, Sunny & Different Money so it was a vicious circle of lending.
Lending Stream have rejected my complaint, stating my Experian score was acceptable, I was full time employed, my monthly income (which was exaggerated) was acceptable and they could observe a sufficient amount of disposable income (again, exaggerated). They go on to say a “rollover” is not a term applicable to Lending Stream. They say they were never made aware of my financial adversities, even though I missed 2 payments with them and was sent chasing emails, forcing me to borrow again from other lenders.
In light of the above, please could you advise whether you think I should pursue the Lending Stream complaint with the Ombudsman, and if I should submit a complaint with Sunny now (who I am in a monthly arrangement with) or wait until my balance is paid off? Thank you SO much for all of your help once again.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
What were the “gaps” between the LS loans – between settling 1 and borrowing2, then between settling 2 and paying 3. If these were a very long it makes a complaint harder. BUT the last loan is so much larger and you had missed payments on the earlier loans so whatever the gaps, I think this is worth taking to the Ombudsman.
Complain now against sunny. There is no reason to wait. And the other lenders if you haven’t already done this.
bal16 says
Hi Sara, dates for LS are: Borrowed £360 on 24/08/15 repaid 29/02/2016… Borrowed £120 on 18/10/2015 repaid 28/04/2016… Borrowed £670 repaid on 25/08/16. Throughout this period I had a number of other loans open and was borrowing from one to pay another. I am going to submit all my other complaints today, thank you so much.
Darren says
Looking for some advice regarding 247 moneybox.
Complaint has been on going since March and it got assigned to an Ombudsman on 31st October after they rejected my adjudicators findings.
On the 14th November, 247 have now changed there mind and agreed with the adjudicator. They called today to say 247 have offered interest and fees on loans 2,3 & 5 totalling £500 but they haven’t taken into consideration default fees which takes this closer to £2k without the 8% added on.
The adjudicator has went back and said they haven’t calculated correctly so my question is, will I get the default fees added and if not will it need to wait to get assigned to an ombudsman again to look at?
247 have by far been the hardest to deal with at every stage they delay and drag there heals!!!
Nigel says
Moneybox 247 are a joke to deal with. My compliant originally raised in in June 2016 took for ever for them to replay and in time was sent to the FOS, after a lot of messing about the the complaint eventually was dealt with first with an adjudicator decision totally ignored that delayed it for another two months unbelievably. It was eventually given a Ombudsman decision and still they keep me waiting for that payment. we are on 24 days out of the 28 that they have to pay me. My total due is just under 5k
Bakey says
Response from Sunny at the 7 week mark:
To investigate your complaint I have reviewed the account opening procedures in place at the time. Having done so, I am able to inform you that we conducted creditworthiness checks, we assessed your ability to afford the repayments which would fall due under the proposed agreement and we considered how you were managing other debts at that time. Based upon these checks it was considered responsible to advance credit to you.
Given the information available to me, I am unable to uphold your complaint. We believe that the aforementioned checks were proportionate and responsible. Initial assessment of your application accounted for some of the adverse information held at the credit reference agencies and as a consequence you were offered a small amount of credit relative to your stated income. In light of your declared financial hardship, I don’t feel it would be appropriate for us to extend any further credit to you, as such, we will not approve any further applications.’
Not sure what I make of that. I only sent the 1st template off and never gave them any further details. Did make me laugh that you complain and they suddenly ‘care’ enough you are in financial trouble enough to withdraw giving you credit but not to decline you in the first place! I also repaid most of my loans early – so I could borrow again but still.
For the record, I have no plans to ever get another PDL with them or anyone anyway.
My borrowing with them is as follows:
Borrowed £500, then another £150 two weeks after, then another £50 a week after that. Had all 3 running together. Then two days later, borrowed £450 (which I defaulted on and am behind and will end up paying double on by the time it is cleared) and then, three weeks later I borrowed another £50.
My argument is they should never have allowed me to take so many loans out, so close together. Am I correct?
Their response was not a final response and even said I should let them know if they misunderstood anything.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
So many loans close together is a reason why they should have looked more closely.
The £450 loan – was it used to repay the previous 3 loans? Were these 1 month loans or longer?
How bad was your credit record when you took the first loan out – were there missed payments / defaults / CCJ in the previous year? how much other borrowing was showing?
Bakey says
Thanks for your input, Sara.
The dates of borrowing were:
13/06 to 04/08 – £500
07/07 to 04/08 – £150
12/07 to 04/08 – £50
14/07 to present – £450 (defaulted)
06/08 – 30/08 – £50
I did use some of the £450 to make repayments on the previous loans if I remember correctly.
When I took the first loan out, my score would have been around 200 out of 700’ish.
There would have a credit card missed payments, a defaulted Wonga and The Money Shop closed accounts, missed payment or 2 on a mail order catalogue too. Oh and 2 PRAC debt collection closed accounts. I would have had an up to date finance agreement for a car on there too for £7k, 3 mobile phone contracts and an overdraft for £250. For some of those loans, also an account with SafetyNet Credit – up to date but still…
Sara (Debt Camel) says
OK so you can EITHER argue that the first loan was unaffordable so you should get a refund on all the loans OR that the 4th loan was unaffordable.
First loan unaffordable – those credit record problems – were they all in the last year before you took out the first Sunny loan? Problems longer ago don’t count for as much, so you need to be clear what RECENT problems they should have seen.
Fourth loan unaffordable – In addition to credit record problems, the thing to focus on is what your monthly payments would have been after you had taken the 4th loan when the previous 3 were still running. It is that sum that is very likely to have been unaffordable so the 4th loan should never have been given and the redress should be to reduce your balance to 450 less all payment you have made to that loan so far.
Bakey says
The credit problems at the first loan were all there, apart from the mail order one, which I missed a payment or 2 on after the 1st loan.
I paid pretty much the quickest schedule for the first three loans which is at the biggest payment amounts. Without going back to look for definite at this moment (although I can), it would have been about £160 per month, and another £150 for the fourth loan every month. I was paying that on time until about 4 weeks ago so would have been paying the biggest amount per week you could choose.
I have worked out the £450, I have paid that amount back on it already. The £388 left defaulted currently is purely interest and charges as such.
Gemma says
I had a couple ty court claim from motormile for a QQ loan. On receiving this I places a complaint to QQ and informed motormile of this and they confirmed whilst the investigation is in place they will put the court on hold. I emailed the court confirming this and provided the email showing this. I have now received a notice of proposed allocation to the small claims track and am entirely lost
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Hi Gemma, did you defend the claim by returning the N9B form? (This isn’#t a criticism if you didn’t, I just want to find exactly where you are in the process.)
Gemma says
I filled a form in online stating that the debt company had confirmed the case would be put on hold, but I’m assuming that’s the same as the n9b form
Sara (Debt Camel) says
OK, I think that must have been a defence form as MMF’s solicitors (is it Moriarty Law?) haven’t asked for a “judgement by default”.
Is this the form you have been sent? https://formfinder.hmctsformfinder.justice.gov.uk/n180-eng.pdf
Gemma says
Yes that’s the one
GMA says
So I asked the adjudicator for some feedback on why the Money shop rejected my claim and got this back, they are old ones 2007-2009, happy to wait a couple more months, started this process in July.
So Money Shop disagree with the whole assessment and have stated that they think all the loans were affordable. They’ve said that they allowed you to defer payment when you couldn’t pay. As well as this they’ve said due to repayments being made by cheques, as they were guaranteed it wasn’t as onerous on you. Lastly they’ve said that you borrowed £2,731.20 over 20 months, and you repaid in total £4,430.21 which they’ve said is an interest rate of 60% per annum. They’ve stated that they think this is a reasonable amount and that you were treated fairly.
What do you think? Reasonable and fare?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Poppycock is my verdict!
Allowing you defer payments is good – but that means they should have investigated VERY thoroughly if you wanted to borrow again in the future as previous loans had obviously been unaffordable.
Cheques being guaranteed is a total red herring – it just means you would have ended up with an expensive overdraft if there wasn’t the money in your account. It protected the Money Shop not you..
What the interest rate was is also pretty irrelevant – what matters is if they gave you loans which you couldn’t afford to repay without borrowing again.
I suggest you make those points (& others you think of) to the adjudicator and ask for them to be passed on to the Ombudsman.
AK says
PDUK sent me their final response on exactly 12 weeks’ mark since my initial complaint today. On 4 loans they didn’t admit any wrongdoing, on one loan they couldn’t decide. Is it worth sending them bank statements, credit reports or do they use this tactics to drag the response for longer? The complaint is for a month with FOS, in theory I can send them what they asked for, the complaint is in the queue anyway. Anyone had a refund for the loan they can’t decide the outcome?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
One person said they got a refund for an extra loan… but would you think a 1 loan refund out of 5 would be fair? If not, then there’s no point in sending them anything, just leave the case with the Ombudsman.
AK says
Thanks Sara. This loan’s interest is £1.1k out of £3.5k total. No, I guess it’s not worth it. I’ll wait for FOS to decide, already forwarded them the PDUK’s final response.
davey says
Very similar to me. To be fair to them I sent the statements and credit report and within 3 days they upheld that loan too
Alan says
Hello all
I’ve been turned down by 3 companies as they have showed that my loans weren’t unaffordable and a couple of times I had 300 – 450 available after outgoings.
What I need to know
Do I pursue them still with Ombudsman
How to go about contacting Ombudsman
Does someone have a template letter I can use to file with Ombudsman as I’m rubbish at emails (and phone calls)
Lastly one lender showed they shouldn’t of lent on one loan with them as it was unaffordable yet the following loans showed as affordable so they’ve agreed to refund on first one only and have given me a deadline to accept or they’ll withdraw offer.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
can you say who the three companies are that have turned you down and how many loans you had from each of them?
I wouldn’t trust a payday lender who thinks you had 300-450 left after all your expenses – I bet it didn’t feel like at the time!
And who is the lender that thought 1 loan was affordable? how many later ones were there? were the later ones a lot smaller or something?
Alan says
Lending stream payday express and wageday advance. Have all said no
Uncle buck are the ones saying only one of my loans was unaffordable so are offering refund on this as it shows on my affordability that they were affordable. Most loans were around the same amount of £100 but at least one was £300. One loan was accepted with only £65 disposable after everything else
Finally is there a template for sending to Ombudsman?
Alan says
Sorry that doesn’t quite make sense for uncle buck
They’ve offered refund on one loan as that shows as unaffordable but they’ve said the rest were affordable
Also they have given me a deadline to accept offer of 4th December and said if not accepted by then offer will no longer be valid.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Sorry I can’t tell from what you have said if you just had one loan from some of these lenders or not. One loan cases are pretty hard to win, though some people have done it. For any lender where you had several loans it’s worth sending the case to the Ombudsman. The more loans and the shorter the gaps between the loans the better your case, but as you arent being offered anything at the moment, you have nothing to lose except for a bit of your time.
If UB are threatening to withdraw their offer it probably isn’t any good. Otherwise they would just leave it on the table and expect the Ombudsman to say that the UB offer looks fair! So unless you are very desperate for the money, probably send that too.
There isn’t a template to send to the Ombudsman because it’s so easy. Read https://debtcamel.co.uk/payday-refund-complaint-detail/ which looks at this. Use https://help.financial-ombudsman.org.uk/help which is their online system as that asks you for all the details that they need.
Tomas says
Hi,in last 3 years i had 7 loans from lending stream 5 repaid and 2 open, so i wrote a complaint and in their final response they did not offer any refund on 5 closed loans but offered to pay principal only on 2 open loans,and now i dont know should i accept it or no? And if i would accept to pay principal only on 2 open loans that i have can i still write to ombudsman about 5 loans that i have repaid?thanks.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
It doesn’t seem a very generous offer, but could you summarise the borrowing – first how big were all the loans in order, so 100, 200, 150, etc. Then what were the gaps between repaying 1 loan and then taking out the next loan?
You can’t accept part of their offer and send the rest of the case to the ombudsman.
Alan Techner says
Many thanks All companies had at least 4 with so I’m going to gene to Ombudsman
Ub offer was on one loan that they agreed was irresponsibly lent for. Offer was £65 roughly for this although I’ve had about 6 loans with them.
Nicola Handley says
Is it normal not to hear from your adjudicator for 5 week.its been with them for nearly 3 months they have all information no loans over 6 years.i know they they have file from wonga.i have emailed him but not heard anything from him.thinking of just emailing and saying to forget about and just pay my last loan with wonga off
Sara (Debt Camel) says
I suggest you phone and ask if there is any other information you can help by providing? It would be a shame to try to change what you want at this point when it is probably closed to getting a decision!
Scott says
Good Evening All
For those who have a positive outcome with SNC in their reply was there examples of why they upheld your complaint? Also what was the time scale before the final response?
Additionally does anyone have a direct dial number to their complaints department as I find when I phone the main number the staff really don’t have a clue pass the basics and seemly are reading from scripts?
Thanks in Advance
AK says
I received my offer at week 7. In my complaint the main point was that they had an access to my bank on daily basis and could see what was going on and still they increased the limits and allowed me to borrow on my payday straight after their collection.
Scott says
My complaint is along similar lines but additionally pointed out that the way their systems work meant that any credit (not limited to a wage payment) that went into a bank account was then used to repay SNC which took away my ability to prioritise essential bills such as rent, council tax etc. This meant the only way to cover the bills was to loan again with them. Bearing in mind they state you will never pay more than X days interest on the amount you borrow, but as soon as they take funds as payment (which is an automated payment at 2/3am) and loan again the interest period starts from day 1.
I’ve had a final decision in my favour from the ombudsman regarding my complaint against 1st Stop loans (now trading as Clear Recoveries).
Unfortunately 1st Stop/Clear have chosen to ignore all correspondence since rejecting my complaint and failed to respond to the adjudicator and ombudsman.
Their 28 day time limit to resolve the matter is up tomorrow and despite emailing them, they’ve failed to respond. I’m assuming they’re expecting me to just go away and forget about it.
Fact is I’m due approximately £1300 in interest & charges so I’m more than willing to push for legal action.
Do you have any advice regarding enforcing an ombudsman decision?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
See https://debtcamel.co.uk/enforce-financial-ombudsman-decision/
Linda says
Can I ask please Sarah I’ve won several of my complaints but none of the companies as yet have responded to the adjudicator who initially gave them 2 weeks to reply. We are beyond that point now and the adjudicator has chased a second time (no reply has received again). Is it worth me getting in touch with the company direct at this point or should I just leave the process to work its way through?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
It is unlikely that you will speed things up by getting in touch with the lenders :( Many of them are snowed under with these complaints – especially as so many of them are being won at the adjudicator level.
In the end your complaint gets put in the Ombudsman queue if there is no reply – but lenders sometimes get round to your case a few weeks later and accept the adjudicator’s decision!
Bob says
Hi Sara,
Just had a full rejection on all my loans forms Wonga. They are stating I was put on a payment plan on 1 loan and all the interest charges were wiped off it.
The loan they’re on about I borrowed a £1000 and then borrowed another £1500 off another PDL on the same day to pay this so I think they have their wires crossed. I had about 20 loans in total.
Is it worth replying or just send it straight to the ombudsman?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Straight to the Ombudsman – 20 loans is a lot! Wonga don’t seem to want to negotiate, even where they seem to have misunderstood a case.
Lisa says
So… a bit of an up and down day for me today.
I have had a response regarding PDUK. 5 loans but between 2011 and 2016. Loan 2 was deferred 6 times, and they have advised that deferall 3 onwards should not have happened so to refund this amount. Apparently as a credit check was completed in 2011 and there were gaps in the loans 09/02/2011, 21/02/2011, 30/06/2011, 10/06/2014, 04/07/2014, 13/10/2016, and the FOS have reviewed my outgoings for this time, they have deemed everything else responsible.
Capfin, (4 loans in 5 months) the FOS believe there was no wrong doing as I could afford them. I have written back to my adjudicator to disagree, as in feb (date of the first loan) I actually made payments of £1600 to payday loans which is far more than my available income.
(Both of those were with the same adjudicator)
Wonga refused to look at loans 1-6 as they were opened more than 6 years before my complaint, but loan 7 has been upheld.
Im not sure what to do about PDUK as the adjudicator has given me an option to comment on his Capfin to provide more evidence, however, with PDUK he has written straight to the business.
Ryan says
Hi All,
Safety net. Full response within 4 weeks and offered full payout of all interest paid with 8% added. And all loans removed from Criedit history.
Anyone know how long they normal take to pay, once you have accept the offer?
Thanks again for this page for all the information. Really has helped me loads.
2 claim down 6 to go.
Mandy says
Accepted my refund from safteynet credit and it was in my bank less than a week later
Lisa says
Can anyone please work out how much interest I actually paid on this loan from the 3rd deferral? I’m stumped!
21/02/2011 Principal | Deposit £250.00 £312.50
21/02/2011 Interest | Deposit £62.50 £312.50
31/03/2011 Principal | Repayment (£62.50) £250.00
31/03/2011 Principal | Deferral (£187.50) £312.50
31/03/2011 Interest | Deferral (£62.50) £312.50
31/03/2011 Principal | Deferral £250.00 £312.50
31/03/2011 Interest | Deferral £62.50 £312.50
28/04/2011 Principal | Deferral (£187.50) £375.00
28/04/2011 Interest | Deferral (£62.50) £375.00
28/04/2011 Interest | Deferral £62.50 £375.00
28/04/2011 Principal | Deferral £250.00 £375.00
28/04/2011 Principal | Repayment (£62.50) £312.50
Sara (Debt Camel) says
I think it was only deferred twice?
anna says
I have complained to Sunny but they rejected my complaint. I sent it to FOS and to be honest I had no idea what loans were involved. I got response form FOS today that they sent a letter to Sunny asking them to repay all interest and charges on loans 11-19. The first loans were quite small. I still don’t know what amount is involved but was wondering whats your experience with Sunny? they have till 07/12 to respond.
Thank you
Anon90 says
Received satsuma refund cheque today. Had final response on Tuesday ?
Gary says
Update – Wonga refund received today 10 days after accepting the offer ??
Mrs W says
Hi Gary, did you accept via FOS or direct with them?
Jax says
I put some complaints in a couple of weeks ago. 247 came back pretty quickly saying they were offering to remove info from my credit file but I declined this and asked them to continue to investigate my complaint. I have checked my credit file today and the default they put on there has gone albeit a few days earlier than it would have fell off anyway. WDA have sent me a statement of account although I didn’t ask for one as I had all the info from my bank statements. Are these usual actions following submitting a complaint please?
AK says
Anyone had any dealings with Cashfloat?
FOS told me that CF didn’t send them any information re my complaint. I sent a polite reminder to CF and back received the answer that they will send their file in due course even the due date for their response was in the beginning of this week. Also I had to chase them for their final response which they didn’t include in their empty email but claimed they did. I found them very unpleasant to deal with.
Linda says
Hi could I ask please if anyone had any experience with The Money Shop. Ive been told by the FO that my complaint is currently on hold as there’s some with loans older than 6 years which is complicating things. The thing is most of of my loans are under 6 years can you ask for a complaint to be split if the majority are under the 6 years threshold? I’m also a bit confused as to whether loans over 6 years can actually be investigated by the FO. I thought they could but judging by the response today I’m not so sure. Any advice would be most welcome thanks as I wasn’t sure what to say to the FO :)
Michellew says
Money shop paid mine from 2007 to 2012, originally rejected but was with fos for 10 months waiting then they decided to pay
Linda says
Hi- thanks for the info Michelle, mine are from 2008 onwards. I was surprised the loans went back that far as The Money Shop had never sent me a statement of account. I called the FO just after I posted this as they are open until 8pm and asked for more clarification and they gave me dates, to be honest he was really nice and explained that it was done by a case by case basis as The Money Shop are objecting to complaints for loans over 6 years. It seems I have two options wait in a queue or the other option is to have the loans within the 6 year period investigated now. Now I have my statement Im going to look through the figures and make my mind up. Well done winning your complaint.
Pamela says
Linda I am the same as Michelle. The Money Shop paid just under 6k to me last week. It was with Ombudsman for 10 months and I was also waiting when they came in with an offer with interest on all loans 2007 to 2013. FO seemed to have quite a bit of info from them despite the MS refusing to send statements. My thoughts are they may be sifting out cases they know they may not win as the interest adds up the longer they leave it. Good luck
Linda says
Well done on having your complaint upheld that was a good refund. 10 months seems to be the average, a long time to wait but worth it for what you received. Well done again.
Pamela says
Thanks Linda, it was fantastic news for me after a long wait. It would probably surprise you what you may get for loans prior to 6 years including the 8% simple interest. If you can wait, it might be a good idea. Money Shop seem to be taking this all more seriously recently, so things may move quicker than you hoped. I was very surprised I got the full offer without adjudicator/ombudsman decisions so fingers crossed.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
You can ask for the older loans to be ignored, in which case you will probably get a decision sooner. But you can’t ask for the case to be split into to and get part of it dealt with sooner.
The FOS will look at loans over 6 years, but there is an extra check each time that the lender is happy with this. The Money Shop often are.
Linda says
Hi Sarah thanks for your reply that’s what the FO said when I called earlier. The charges really add up Im going to have to do some calculations based on the dates of lending and see whats what. Its the first time ive seen my statement and I cant believe how much I paid.
Gary says
6 weeks are up and £5.5k back with 5 more to go,my payday loan days are well and truly over…?? as I said before make Sara a dame x
Michelle says
I had repeated payday lending with myjar in 2015 (3 years+). Suddenly they stopped lending and I took 2 loans with satsuma as after repaying my myjar loan I couldn’t afford to live without borrowing. Satsuma lent to me at this time even though I had this history and other payday loan and credit card defaults from 2012 -2013. I had 2 loans and defaulted on the second. The first loan had late repayments yet they still lent.
I complained to Satsuma who refused to uphold and sent to FOS along with my credit report. I have been emailed this week by the adjudicator who said that they agreed with satsuma. Even though they could see the financial state I was in, the credit check Satsuma did didn’t show up any of my debts as it was very basic (it didn’t show up over £10,000 of car finance with motonovo, defaults with NatWest, payday loans from other lenders or the stuff from myjar).
Satsuma has also told the adjudicator on the application I declared £300 worth of loan payments on loan one and only £40 on loan two (typo) and therefore the loan was affordable from the info they had. I pointed out that my credit file proved this was incorrect. I don’t understand how the checks they did can be so basic that they don’t show major borrowing and that is ok??
I don’t want compensation I want the default removing. If I send to the ombudsman are they likely to just agree with the adjudicator?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
The Ombudsman doesn’t always agree with the adjudicator. In this situation you have nothing to lose by asking the Ombudsman to look at it!
Have you also complained about Myjar?
Michelle says
Yes thanks! Myjar were great – offered me an amount short of what I calculated so I called them and they upped it to the full amount. It allowed me to pay off nearly all remaining debts so thank you!
I just don’t understand how the credit check Satsuma performed was so basic it didn’t show any of my debts (including big companies) yet they said it was sufficient? I also have a Vanquis card which the repayments in alone on were pushing the declared outgoings. (I’ve just read another thread about the repayment plan and may have a claim there!) I feel that they should have spotted all of the debts.
Is there any other way of getting a default removed? I am desperate to fix this as I want to apply for a mortgage in the next 3 years and it is the only negative info on my record now and is relatively recent!
Ps. I really appreciate the support you’ve offered!
Sara (Debt Camel) says
All good points to make to the ombudsman re your Satsuma complaint. Do write out an explanation for the ombudsman about why you disagree with the adjudicator’s verdict – send it to the adjudicator and ask for it to be passed on to the Ombudsman.
There are no other obvious ways to get the default removed.
Michelle says
Thanks for your help! I will appeal the decision. Have you heard of them doing the basic check before? I assumed a credit check would show it all.
I might also put in a complaint to provident for the Vanquis repayment plan and cheekily ask for them to remove the satsuma default too as a gesture of goodwill. I’ve just noticed I’m still paying it !
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Still paying ROP? Cancel it! It makes PPI look like good value!
I don’t know what the basic check is. You could send Satuma a Subject Access request asking for a copy of all your information.
D says
So got 2 letters yesterday from the FOS. Said they have all the info they need from me and they have requested info from the lender. Is this a good.sign now? Am I going up the queue? I’m not sure as these are 1st ones I’ve sent to ombudsman
Shannon says
They are now waiting on the pdl companies to send their case file over to them. Once the FOS receives that you will then be put in the que for an adjudicator to be assigned.
Head in hands says
My last complaint has now been issued a final decision by an Ombudsman in my favour – Lending Stream originally offered a refund on the first 4 loans but rejected the Adjudicators decision to refund 17/18 loans. It has been in a queue for an Ombudsman since June but a decision was made this week that she agrees with the Adjudicators original decision and to refund me 17/18 loans. A huge relief that this chapter in my life is finally over & I have learnt my lesson!
Any idea how long LS normally take to pay out? Would be nice to have this in time for Xmas ???
Thanks again Sara and everyone on this site for your help & Support. A contribution will be made to my local CAB along with a local animal charity.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Unfortunately LS often drag out paying for as long as possible too, sometimes even a bit longer :( But it will be a nice start to 2018 even if they do!
Dan says
Same situation for me – LS rejected the adjudicator decision and it went to an ombudsman who upheld in my favour.
I actually called lending stream to find out what is going on as it had been a couple of weeks and I’d heard nothing from them.
The guy I spoke to said that they have 1 month from receipt of decision from the FOS to action the refund and I’ve been given a date of 29/11 that they will email me the figures for me to agree and then they will send the refund.
Will wait and see if I hear anything tomorrow…..
Hope that helps.
Head in Hands says
Thanks Dan, just frustrating when your as impatient as I am ?. Hope you get the email on time & your refund soon after.
Dan says
Well blow me down, I had the email with their calculations this afternoon! It’s was within £30 of my calculations so have replied and accepted.
Might be worth calling them (which is painful as you have to go through their call centre first to get to someone in the complaints department) but, so far, they’ve been true to their word and kept to their time line.
I know the feeling of impatience – it’s awful knowing that a company “owes” you money but I’m hoping for cash in the bank within days now.
Good luck! I’m sure you’ll have good news soon!
Head in Hands says
Thanks Dan, I actually rang them today and they told me they would respond by 21/12 with a breakdown and providing I accept their calculation payment would be the same day. I’m just wondering if my 8% calculation is correct as they offered initially on the first 4 loans due to a “procedural error” and this was quite a bit more than I expected (£1643) Overall I think it will be in the region of £4500 – for 18 of the 19 loans the Ombudsman ruled on. Either way it will be a lovely Xmas ?
Hope you receive yours quickly
Nigel says
Moneybox 247 watch Friday 24th
Still no refund received this is day 25 of the 28. Hilarious conversation on the 22nd with an operator in the so called customer services dept. Had no idea what I was on about and kept asking me if I wanted to loan. Surely the worst of the worst. So looks like Monday is deadline day. I have the draft already for the FCA.
Brendan says
Good lucky with them, they won’t do anything other than reject your claim, and anything about your loans they will fail to response.
brendan says
Has anyone had any success with them with regards the ombudsman?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
oh yes, and in the early days they paid out promptly, but now they seem to be struggling under the number of complaints. See this recent comment https://debtcamel.co.uk/payday-loan-refunds/comment-page-75/#comment-247295
L7 says
Hi bit of advice please do ombudsman consider loans over 6 years with wonga?
Mrs Cheaplaugh says
I’ve just spoken to the FO for an update on my case against Quick Quid. I rejected my original offer of £675 and forwarded it on to the FO. After not hearing anything for a month since my acknowledgement, the FO said the adjudicator had not picked up my case yet but they said they have received a revised offer of just over £1300. This includes interest with tax deducted. I calculated that I originally paid £1333 interest on all my loans. They are upholding my last 5 loans out of 10. I am considering accepting as the bulk of the interest was paid on these. Has anybody ever had the full amount paid back from QQ?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
A lot of people are happy to settle for effectively getting all of the interest they paid back. Were there any gaps between the loans? How long ago were the loans?
Mrs Cheaplaugh says
The oldest was one month off 6 years old. There were 10 loans 2 of which were rolled over a few times. Most of the loans probably only had a week between them. I know I could have probably got more but my guess is about 300 more. I think I’m happy with this. I have accepted now. I wonder how long they will take to pay out.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
I think that sounds like a sensible decision! QQ normally pay out pretty quickly.
Bob says
Turned down a £4600 offer from QQ,
Is there a chance the ombudsman could lower the offer? Paid 13k in interest.
Sent to the ombudsman last week.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
I know it must feel risky turning down that much, but we haven’t heard of a case where the Ombudsman has awarded less than a lender offered. And such large sums usually mean it is a case with a lot of borrowing over a long period. Good luck.
Tom says
Lending Stream update:
April – Started Complaint
June – Lending Stream denied any wrong doing
July – Sent to FO adjudicator
August – Adjudicator upheld loan 3-28
September – Lending Stream disagreed, sent to Ombudsman level.
November – Just had letter from Ombudsman who agreed with the Adjudicator and has upheld loans 3-28 which Lending Stream now have 4 weeks to pay.
Very happy with the outcome, it has taken a while but so worth sticking it out for the result in the end! This is one of my largest amounts and iv calculated it to be approx. 5’500 which will make me debt free for 2018 ??
Big thanks to Sara and the helpful people on this site. Good luck everyone.
Zoe says
Evening all, I have today received my soa from payday uk wish I could
Put it up here as I am bit confused I first took
Out a loan on the 11/05/2008 and finished 26/01/2011 nearly 3 years of hell just off one payday lender, I am not sure if I can go ahead and complain as these loans are well over 6 years old, any advise would be greatly appreciated.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Well the good news is that PaydayUK are one of the lenders who are paying out for loans that are over 6 years ago. PDUK will probably reject their case – just send it to the Ombudsman. the case will probably be slow but it sounds like you borrowed a lot so its worth being patient.
PDUK’s statements are very confusing, aren’t they!
OK so 1st Stop Payday Loans Ltd (who then changed names to ‘1st Stop Unsecured Loans Ltd’, then ‘1st Stop Recoveries Ltd’ and finally ‘Clear Recoveries Ltd’!) have apparently ceased trading as of 31st August.
My complaint went into them on the 27th July and they rejected the complaint on the 27th August.
It went immediately to the FOS, the adjudicator and subsequently the ombudsman has upheld my complaint on the 17th October.
I accepted the decision and the ombudsman gave them 4 weeks from the 24th October to resolve my complaint.
According to the companies house website Clear Recoveries is still showing as ‘Active — Active proposal to strike off’.
An application to strike the company off the register was made on 19th October 2017 and then on the
31st October shows ‘First Gazette notice for voluntary strike-off ‘.
They are/were operating out of the same offices that is now ‘1st Stop Group’ and have the same director, Mr Alexander John Mollard.
The 1st Stop Group are actively trading and present on Facebook etc.
Where do I stand if 1st Stop Payday Loans/Clear Recoveries have actually ceased trading?
Am I likely to get anywhere by going to the local court in order to enforce the ombudsman’s decision?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
This is not an area I am familiar with. I *think* you may now be a creditor of the company after a Final Decision by the Ombudsman. The FOS should be able to confirm if this is correct.
If you are a creditor, then https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/company-strike-off-dissolution-and-restoration/strike-off-dissolution-and-restoration#when-a-company-cannot-apply-to-be-struck-off-the-register says to the directors “You’ll be committing an offence by not sending the [copy of the strike off application] to the relevant parties, and could face a fine or, in the most serious cases, a maximum of a 7 year prison sentence.” As a creditor you can object to the strike off.
This may all sound interesting, but if there is no money in the company I am not sure how far it will get you. Have you worked out how much money you are actually owed, including the 8% interest?
I am owed in the region of £1300 which (to me at least) is no insignificant sum.
If they hadn’t been so quick to issue defaults and threaten legal action against me I would be more inclined to let it go.
It’s this negative credit information I’d really like to get removed from my report too as it’s having an obvious negative impact and I’m wanting to finally be able to buy a house next year.
I can see that the company director is still actively engaged as a director with 1st Stop Group, 1st Group Holdings, Clear Water Fisheries etc. and a number or similarly named companies that he’s started which all seems quite shady n shifty to me!
According to that page you’ve linked to it states “Even if the company is struck off and dissolved, creditors and others could apply for the company to be restored to the register.”
If I am classed as a creditor the site states that a reason to object to the dissolution may include “some form of action is being taken, or is pending, to recover any money owed (such as a winding-up petition or action in a small claims court)”.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Yes I saw that. But my concern remains that if there is no money, where will it come from?
Is there a default on your credit record? I would hope there is a way to get that removed if the company is no longer there.
I’ve e-mailed the director and the FCA contact that I’ve made an objection against the dissolution of the company – I’m hoping this will re-engage them with my complaint and perhaps nudge them towards resolving it rather than simply ignoring it and the FOS!
There is a default showing on my credit report from them (as well as showing as a payday lender) and I’d really like this information removed – I’m wondering whether contacting the credit reference agencies with details of the FOS decision may get them removed if the company do in fact no longer exist?
Failing the above, I’ll take legal advice with a view to filing the N322A form.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Well the company does exist at the moment. If and when it disappears, if the default is still there I will investigate how to get it deleted – I think this will be possible with a Final Decision from an Ombudsman.
LH says
I’m in exactly the same position – I have sent my complaint to the FOS today – although my issue is that they refused 3 offers of payment plans and instead got a CCJ against me !! – I didn’t know about it until recently.
Hopefully the FOS will see they are being really shady (in my opinion) and just trying to get out of what looks like a lot of bad practices.
L7 says
Any news on ombudsman agreeing to wonga loans over 6 years?
Last I heard from the FOS were that there were still long delays on this. I only had 2 over the 6 year period so chose to omit these from my complaint in order for it to progress.
L7 says
Thanks I’ve had 9 over six years ago and 1 under so they have made a offer on just the one. Not sure what to do about it!
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Send it to the Ombudsman is my suggestion.
GMA says
My loans (cheques) with the money shop were over 6 years 2007 – 2009, the adjudicator has fought all the way but they won’t back down, it is now with the Ombudsman, just sitting back and keeping my fingers crossed. I still have Provident and Lending Stream with the adjudicators but they never reply to emails asking for updates. Complaints sent on 21st June. Just have to be prepared for a wait, I have had over 6K in payouts so happy to wait and see.
Natalie Hoffman says
I have just had an email from Payday UK offering me a settlement of £2310 on my 19 rollovers I had with them. It’s taken 12weeks and I’ve sent the acceptance form back to them so hoping to have my money by next week, merry Christmas to me! Thank you for your templates and advice, that’s now my 3rd lender I’ve had a refund from and the biggest yet. X
Mrs W says
Hi Everyone.
I sent the Ombusman acceptance back around 10 days ago and received an email the same day to say it had been sent back to Wonga. Does anyone know how long Wonga take to pay?
Linda says
I’m in the same position. I received an email from wonga the day after I accepted with the adjudicator from Wonga direct saying they’re processing my refund and to allow 14 working days so I have a while to wait yet as that was only last week.
Mrs W says
Thanks Linda, I haven’t received anything from Wonga. I have emailed them directly and called twice but not getting anywhere. I am waiting on around £6400 and really keen to get it :-) Trying to be patient x
Linda says
Wow that’s quite a refund well done! Like I say I received an email from them next day saying they were pleased it had been resolved with the FO (or words to that effect) and saying it would take up to 14 working days. Maybe give them another few days and call again and mention you haven’t received any email acknowledging the decision and refund. It might just be an admin error. Good luck and well done again :)
Lou says
I received the same e-mail last Tuesday (the day after I sent back my acceptance) saying they were pleased it had been resolved – my refund was £1.467 and was paid into my account today.
Lee says
Hi all, hope everyone’s good. How’s everyone got on with a refund from safetynet? Is it the same as a normal payday loan? I’ve been sorting myself out financially and thought I’d look into it. I got myself into a bad mess between Aug 2015- jan 2017 borrowing and then borrowing again to repay and then it spiralled our of control. I’ve been going through everything I’ve borrowed and paid back and quite ashamed of it, especially when working out the interest I’ve paid back. But getting back on my feet now.
Anyway back to the safetynet, I’m still in it and I’m quite shocked they’ve actually kept me going for so long, I’ve had over 8 different loan companies pay money into the bank account that’s linked to and they’ve still let me have credit with them. I don’t even get my wage paid into that account anymore.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Cancel the CPA to them, put in a complaint. They often seem to write off balances but aren’t so good at refunding.
Lee says
Thank you for the reply. I’ve worked it out that I’ve paid £1239.66 in interest on £500 they’ve given me between September 2015 up to now.
I thought they monitored money going in and out of your bank? That’s what suprised me, with them letting me keep it.
Any ideas on what to put in my complaint to safetynet?
Also, I had 34 sunny loans (cant believe they kept letting me) 1 after each other between an 18 month period, until it got too much and I started a payment plan with them, which I’m paying back still. Am I ok complaining about that?
Thanks for your help.
Lee says
Worked out the interest on sunny and I paid back £2244.00 :-(
Sara (Debt Camel) says
SNC – tell them they should have realised from your bank statements that you were dependent on borrowing from them and they should have stopped lending. Send to Ombudsman if they don’t wipe your balance and offer a reasonable refund. You MUST cancel the CPA to SNC.
Sunny: yes, put in your complaint now!
Linda says
Hi I have a complaint with the FO about SNC they turned down my complaint early Sept I referred it straight away and it’s yet to be picked up by an adjudicator. I was surprised to be honest as I had multiple other payday loans/defaults and CCJ’s at the time of lending and was on a DMP yet they offered me credit of £300 initially going up to £1000 after a few months even though I was in a terrible financial mess. After I referred the loan to the FO they placed a marker on my credit file and said a loan was only ‘in dispute’ after the FO had been in touch with them. Just waiting for it to be picked up now. Good luck I can see many people are now having successes with balance wipes but they didn’t even offer me that. I’m paying them £20 per month now whilst the complaint is getting sorted for fear they’ll escalate it. They haven’t behaved well to be honest. I’ve cancelled my CPA though and I’m sticking to the payment plan. Fingers crossed!
Lauren says
Just wanted to post a message to say thank-you for all the information on this website and for always being happy to answer questions that you must get a million times, Sara. A work colleague recommended this site to me and initially I wasn’t going to take it any further as I’ve been debt-free for almost 12 months and I really struggle with anxiety when I think back to that period in my life. Eventually I took the plunge and the whole process (for me anyway) was seamless. Admittedly, Wonga took forever to reply and didn’t offer me a satisfactory amount but I was straight on to the Ombudsman. The hardest part for me was digging out those old bank statements and cringing at how awful they were. Whenever my adjudicator would email me with a question about them my heart would skip a beat. However, they were never trick questions- she was completely non-judgemental and she was simply trying to understand my affordability a bit more. Wonga agreed with her findings and paid me the money within 4 days. I’ve now come away with not only money I wasn’t expecting, but a much more positive feeling towards that awful period. I encourage anyone to take Sara’s advice on this website; it’s not just about financial gain. For me, I’ve been able to have the default removed from my credit record and I’ve had some acknowledgement that the debt spiral I was in wasn’t wholly my fault. Thanks again Sara
vickie9 says
Well done Lauren. I have felt the same as you. I cringe when I look at my debt and the times I was relying on payday loans to get me through the month without realising how they were the main issue in the first place.
After the first firm I put a proper complaint into went bump i didn’t know if it was worth doing but thanks to support from Sara and others on here I went for it. Very glad I did as my refunds have paid off my overdraft, flexi-loan and are helping to pay off the CCJ’s I have from a stupid amount of credit card debt. It’s not over for me yet but one thing is for sure I will never ever go back to pay day loans.
Jon says
Hi all,
ive been reading this for the last few days and decided to get my old bank statements out to have a look at the PDL I had in 2011-13,
I had loans to a total of £4500.
Several were done in the same months etc
many were paid off apart from a couple towards the end when I got in deep and couldn’t keep my head above water. I cut my losses.
Could you have a look at the attached list and see if it would qualify for IR?
There a couple that aren’t on there as I got them through my local Moneyshop and they didn’t get paid into my account.
I also have a mini credit one which is being dealt with by Opos,
Lender Date Amount Borrowed
Wonga 11/08/11 £200.00
Wonga 12/09/11 £400.00
Wonga 16/09/11 £124.00
Wonga 03/10/11 £634.15
Wageday Advance 07/10/11 £185.00
Wonga 07/10/11 £87.00
Wageday Advance 28/11/11 £335.00
Express Finance 06/12/11 £240.00
Wageday Advance 03/01/12 £350.00
Wonga 07/02/12 £500.00
Wonga 15/02/12 £103.00
QuickQuid 20/02/12 £400.00
Express Finance 14/03/12 £185.00
Express Finance 04/04/12 £280.00
Txt Loan 20/04/12 £100.00
Lending Stream 15/08/12 £200.00
Express Finance 12/12/12 £200.00
TOTAL £4523.15
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Wonga is obviously the strongest complaint, but all except the last two loans are over 6 years old so you will have to settle down and expect a very slow complaint via the Ombudsman.
Are you saying you have balances owing to some of the others?
Jon says
Hi yes I owe to the last couple, and the money shop ones which aren’t on the list. Thanks
Anon90 says
Hi all its 6 weeks today since I’ve put in complaints I’ve had an email off my jar this morning saying thanks for your patience and to contact them they would like an opportunity to agree a settlement and if they agree that payment is due to have my bank details ready. Should I phone them or say that I want it in email?
scott says
I telephoned them and to be honest they were Absolutely fine. What I would say is make sure you have a good understanding of why you made the complaint – don’t me generic! Have a figure that you would like to receive in your head.
Don’t agree on the spot and ask for a email to confirm any settlement.
In my case they wanted to offer 50% of the interest and I up that to 75% pointing out the stress at the time all the payday loans had caused me. Remember to ask about Credit File Removal if that is important to you!
Hope this helps
mike says
I had the same email but was dubious of ringing them in case I shot myself in the foot.
I said I would prefer to keep all correspondence regarding the complaint to email to keep a record.
I suggested a figure I would consider a fair settlement and put it back in their court.
I received an email within a week and they offered pretty much what I had suggested. So the choice is yours
Anon90 says
Ok thank you for the reply I may just phone them now. As I think they may offer me and I already know how much interest I have paid so I have a rough idea thank you both
Anon90 says
So I have phoned them they have offered me interest refund on last 6 loans (I’ve only had 7) the first was £100 so only paid £24 interest. Also write off my current balance of £100
So £550 refund which is what I had in mind. They will email me final response and then I should get my refund hopefully this week ?
scott says
Well done! They paid out to me the same day.
mike says
Good news!!
Once you accept the offer on the email they send it straight away…mine was in within the hour of accepting!! Merry christmas
Shellbell says
Does anyone have any experience with uncle buck once upheld? How long generally do they take to pay out?
Mrs W says
Hi Shellbell
I am waiting too! I think it will be full 28 days