Did your payday loans cost so much when you repaid one you had to keep on borrowing?
You can get a refund of the interest you paid on unaffordable loans.
It’s easy to ask for a payday loan refund using the free template letters here. The letters work if your payday loans were repaid or you still owe money.
The comments below this article have thousands of stories of the refunds people have got using these letters. It is a great place to ask questions!
What are “unaffordable” loans?
Was a loan affordable just because you repaid it?
No! If paying a loan left you so broke you had to borrow again – from the same lender or a different one – it was unaffordable!
The regulator says:
“the borrower should be able to make the required repayments without undue difficulty, whilst continuing to meet other debt repayment obligations and reasonable regular outgoings.”
That means a payday loan is only affordable if you repaid it on time and you could still manage to pay your other bills and debts.
Payday loans are meant to solve a short-term problem. If you kept repaying one then getting another loan soon after, the lender should have stopped lending to you.
If the loan was small and it was the first loan or second loan from a lender, the lender may not have realised the loan was unaffordable for you. But it was irresponsible lending to just carry on giving you more loans.
Many lenders ignore obvious signs of problems such as your loans increasing in size, or borrowing again soon after repayment.
How much compensation can you get?
You don’t have to calculate this. Just ask for a refund from the lender and see what you are offered. This is simple and it works well.
The Financial Ombudsman has seen tens of thousands of payday loan affordability complaints.
A typical decision by the Ombudsman is that the payday lender should refund all the interest you paid interest after the third, fourth or fifth loan.
But if your first loan was large, or was rolled over several times you could get a refund from just one loan.
Which lenders can you get refunds from?
You can complain to lenders that are still in business, even if they are no longer lending. These include:
Lending Stream, Cash Converters, CashASAP, Drafty, Dot Dot, Fast Loan Uk, Fernovo, Fund Ourselves, Kabayan, LoanPig, Mr Lender, Moneyboat, MyKredit, My Finance Club, QuidMarket, Savvy, The Money Platform, WageMe, Wizzcash,
See this email list for payday lenders for a longer list and all the contact details to use.
If the lender has gone into administration, including CashForUNow, Piggybank, Ferratum, Oakam:
- make a claim to the administrators – there is normally a simple form for you to complete, see the lender’s website for details – but there will be a time limit for doing this.
- you may not get much cash back but this is very easy to do. A balance may be reduced or cleared even if there is no cash to distribute. And if you win the complaint any negative marks on your credit record will be removed.
It is probably too late to make claims to other lenders who gave up years ago, see this list.
For longer-term loans there are better template letters to use on other pages:
- doorstep lenders and guarantor lenders,
- Loans2Go – the worst loans in Britain!
- 118 Money, Everyday lonas, Likely Loans/Finio, Reevo, Bamboo, car finance, bank loans and other long-term loans.
Do this before, before you send in a complaint
Doing these things now will make your life easier later.
Get a copy of your TransUnion statutory credit report and keep it. After complaints are started, sometimes loans are deleted and you may want the full report if you later have to go to the Ombudsman.
If you still owe money to the lender, read Will an affordability claim hurt my credit record, and other questions. These looks at your options for stopping paying, the effect on your credit record etc.
If the rest of your finances are difficult, look into a Debt Management Plan (DMP) where you make one affordable payment a month to StepChange. This gets you into a safe financial position as these affordability complaints can take a long time to go through at the Ombudsman. Winning a complaint then speeds up the DMP.
Unless you can afford to make this month’s payment without borrowing again, cancel the CPA to the lender at your bank. Otherwise the lender may take the money and you will be in a mess.
If your loan was sold to a debt collector you complain to the original lender. But also tell the debt collector that you are disputing the debt. It is a good idea to carry on making payments to the debt collector if they are affordable.
Start your complaint & get loan details
Find the lender’s email address for complaints from this list.
Put “AFFORDABILITY COMPLAINT” as the subject of your email:
You should never have given me these unaffordable loans. Paying you each month left me with too little money so I had to keep borrowing to get through the next month.
You should have realised from the number of times I borrowed that my debt problems were getting worse. It was not responsible to continue to lend to me. [Add more details eg how often you borrowed or rolled loans if you know them, how the amount borrowed generally went up etc]
[Include/change this if your credit record would have shown big problems:] My credit reports would have shown all my other debts and problems including late payments/defaults /CCJs/debt management.]
I am asking you to refund the interest and any charges I paid, plus statutory interest, and to delete any negative information from my credit record.
[delete this sentence if you know what all your loans were.] I know the difficulties your loans have caused me but I no longer have all the loan details. Please send me a list, showing for each loan when it was taken out, how much interest and charges you added, and what I repaid. This will enable me to assess any refund you offer me.
[delete this sentence if none of your loans were sold.]If a loan was later sold to a debt collector, please inform me of the date of sale and the name of the debt collector.
Some ways to improve this
Add any other points that help you describe what happened to you. You don’t need to list the loans – the lenders knows them.
Some examples:
- “I took out another loan with xxxx to pay you.”
- “Sometimes I borrowed to pay the rent and then had to top-up to get money for food.”
- if you weren’t treated fairly while you were borrowing or when you could not make a payment, add a bit about this.
You can attach bank statements if you like, This is a good idea as these show how unaffordable the loans were for you. If you have gambling showing, this helps your complaint, it doesn’t harm it.
I don’t know if many lenders actually read what you send them. I
it’s easy to make these complaints – you don’t need to calculate what refund you should get or quote laws.
Only one loan?
The template refers to multiple loans because that is what normally happens with payday lenders.
When you only had one loan and it was large, read Refunds from large loans and use the template there.
If you only had one loan and it was small, this is going to be a very difficult complaint to win. If you have borrowed once or twice from 5 leaders, that is much more difficult to win an affordability complaint than having 4 or 5 loans from two lenders.
Waiting for a reply from the lender
This email starts your affordability complaint.
They may send the list of loans first and later respond to your complaint. So don’t be surprised if you get sent info on the loans but nothing about your request for a refund.
When you get your loan information, you can send in more details about your complaint if you want. You don’t have to do this, your complaint has already begun and the lender has to reply.
The lender should reply to your complaint within 8 weeks from when you send the email, not when they acknowledge it. Make a note in your diary for 8 weeks time and chase the lender up if you don’t get a reply.
Don’t be surprised if you have to wait until the end of the 8 weeks to get response – this is common.
Send your bank statements or other information?
Some lenders ask you to send them a copy of your credit record, payslips or bank statements.
Credit record – the lender can check your credit record themselves if they want. But you should download a copy of your credit record asap as the Ombudsman will ask for it. Don’t put this off, the sooner you get a report downloaded, the further back it goes which is good.
Don’t send payslips.
It is a good idea to send bank statements. But think twice about the cost of copying and postage if there are a lot. Some lenders seem to ignore them if you do send them.
Again this is a good point to get those bank statements even if you do not want to send them as they will help an Ombudsman claim a lot. You can get them going back at least 6 years even if the account has been closed.
Lender says No or makes a poor offer
If the lender rejects your complaint or offers you a small amount, don’t be depressed. You may still have a very good case!
It is easy and free to send your case to the Financial Ombudsman where many thousands of people have won their payday loan complaints, despite being rejected by the lender.
Give up?
Some lenders try to make your case sound bad when it isn’t. People have had large amounts refunded after a complete rejection!
Just ignore any of the following comments, they do not mean you have a weak case:
- they relied on your loan applications and you didn’t give accurate facts – see Lender says I lied for more about this;
- you repaid some loans early – this doesn’t prove the loans were affordable, just that you were trying to save interest;
- your borrowing didn’t go up every time – irrelevant, what matters is that you kept borrowing;
- you had a good enough credit score or they didn’t legally have to check your credit record – if you only had one or two small loans that is true. But if the loans were large or you kept borrowing, they should have looked more closely;
- some loans are over 6 years old – the Ombudsman will look at these even if the lender says they won’t!
A good enough case to go to the Ombudsman?
If you don’t know what to do, ask in the comments below this article. Accepting an offer settles your whole complaint – you can’t change your mind later.
Don’t worry that you will lose a small offer by going to the Ombudsman – this doesn’t happen.
Some points to think about:
- if you are offered a refund on only a few loans, don’t accept it if you think the lender should have realised a lot of the other loans were unaffordable;
- an offer to write off your current balance may sound convenient … but it may be very poor if you should get a refund as well;
- if getting defaults or late payments removed from your credit record is important to you, are you happy with what the lender is proposing to do? Don’t assume your credit record will be cleared if the lender didn’t mention this.
One or two loan cases are hard to win at the Ombudsman. It’s probably best to give up on one or two loan cases unless:
- the loan was large. Here is one single loan case that was won even though it was an instalment loan and the borrower had a good income. And another single loan case for a loan of £1,000. You can win cases for smaller amounts if the repayment would have been a large amount of your income; or
- you still owe money.
Don’t delay too long – there is a 6-month time limit after a lender rejects your complaint to send the case to the ombudsman. When you aren’t sure, send the complaint to FOS. This is free and easy to do – let FOS make the decision.
How to send a complaint to FOS
Put in a separate complaint about each lender.
Don’t wait until all your lenders have replied before sending the first one to the Ombudsman!
FOS’s “complain online” option is easy and takes you through your complaint step by step.
You can just copy what you said in your complaint to the lender. You can add more details, for example, if you disagree with what the lender replied to you.
If some of your loans were over 6 years ago, tell the Ombudsman when and how you found out about these complaints. For example:
“I knew the loans were causing me difficulty in 2018, but I thought this was my fault for being bad with money. I didn’t find out that the lender should have checked the loans were affordable until June 2024 when my brother told me about these claims/I saw an advert from a claims company on Facebook/I read an article about these claims” – change this so it is right for your case!
Things to attach:
- the reply you have had from the lender.
- bank statements if you have them. Ideally from 3 months before your first loan until the last loan was repaid or you defaulted on it. This strengthens your case, showing how unaffordable the loans were. You can still get bank statements even if your account is closed – if you don’t have them, start the process of getting them now, don’t wait until FOS asks for them.
- a copy of your TransUnion Statutory credit report
- if you dont have the credit agreements, FOS will get them from the lender.
What happens after you have sent a case to FOS
You will normally be contacted within a couple of weeks and asked for a copy of your credit record and your bank statements if you haven’t sent these. If you have sent these on one complaint, then when you complain about a different lender FOS will use the ones they already have.
After this initial contact, your case will wait for the lender to send FOS your case file and then wait to be picked up by an adjudicator who will make a decision on it.
If you are still making payments to the lender, tell the lender you want to reduce these to an affordable amount. This will make waiting for an Ombudsman decision much less stressful for you.
The Financial Ombudsman has a two-stage process. Most cases are settled by the first “adjudicator” stage but about 10% go to the second “Ombudsman” stage.
A few problem cases
Don’t ask for a refund:
- if you are bankrupt now or have been bankrupt in the past – any refund would go to the Official Receiver.
- if you are in an IVA, as refunds will go to your IVA firm not to you. If your IVA has finished the refund may still be sent to your old IVA firm.
- if you are in a DRO now, getting a refund may mean your DRO is cancelled!
More help
You can ask a question in the comments below – you may get a reply from someone who has been in your exact situation.
Don’t use a claims management company. They are expensive and often incompetent. It’s easy to do this yourself and you can ask questions below and get replies from other readers who have done this.
Mark says
Good evening,
I sent my complaints into Wonga and QQ on the 11/8/17, I received an acknowledgement from both within a week.
Today I received a final response from Wonga, I had 81 loans including some roll overs between 26/6/11 to 8/7/17, the interest equates to £3940.73, they have offered £225.95 from one random loan in 2012, they also deny any wrong doing. I know the first few loans are over the six year mark but I’m prepared to forget these as they weren’t large amounts anyway. I’m not exactly happy with their decision especially as there’s obviously repeat borrowing and the fact I’ve been on a DMP since April 2012. I think I’ve got a good case.
Should I send this Wonga response to the FOS now or wait until I hear from QQ, they have until the 11/10/17 to respond with their findings?
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks all.
Kind regards
Sara (Debt Camel) says
I’m not surprised you aren’t happy – that sounds a very poor offer. Send it straight away, there is no reason to wait.
Acee says
Just had this response from my complaint to cashasp
We have reviewed your transactions and have discovered that although you borrowed from us on 12 separate occasions your second cashasap.co.uk loan was never repaid. A system error resulted in your account being closed even though no money actually left your account.
You borrowed £2,645 from us in total but have only repaid £2,638.93 so far. Please make a payment of £6.07 using our bank account details below to repay your remaining loan principal.
As the repayment of your second loan did not go through you have not paid any interest or charges for your use of our service.
What a load of rubbish even if that payment hadn’t left my account they are saying I only paid about £300 interest on £2600 worth of loans what should I do? I need to check the payment did leave my account first.
Ben says
surely that all depends on the payment, as you say – if you can prove that it was repaid it completely ruins their argument, if not do the loans you did have still have an adverse on your credit file? – if so it might be worth pursuing to have the references removed? I don’t think anyway has not had to repay the principle amount though so I guess you’d be liable for the £6.07 if it was within 6 years
Can you also cross reference what they lent you against what left your account to double check the interest repaid?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Have you asked them for a complete statement of your account? When you get that, you need to cross check it to your bank statements. Cashasap are not a lender I would trust to get this sort of thing right.
Andy says
Hi Sara thanks for the advice , think in total paid £1200 in interest , with last one £ £650 wrote off, so offer is reasonable probably just not got the 8% added interest so , going to accept the offer , 1 down 5 to go , thanks for your help and great site , is donating to the CAB the best thanks I can offer
Sara (Debt Camel) says
The best thanks is actually to Like my Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/debtcamel/ and share some of the articles from there. This site doesn’t make any money so I can’t afford advertising, so social sharing is a great way to let more people know about it.
Jo says
Hi Sara
Just started with this site what a fabulous site it is didn’t know you could do any of this. I have done one to Mr lender. I had three loans first one £300 and paid £525 interest and paid back in full. Second one £150 and paid £61.20 in interest and paid back in full. The third loan took out in sept 2016 £650.00 interest of £594.38 but still an outstanding balance of £499.38. They have looked at my complaint and as a gesture of goodwill will just right off the outstanding balance of my third loan if £499.38.
Pamela says
Hi Sara
I wonder if you or anyone could help. My case with Cheque Centre has just picked up by an adjudicator and she said she would get back to me shortly with her findings. (Been sitting since Jan 17 waiting to be picked up). My older loans have been separated so just everything from Jan 11 to March 13. I am now confused as to what is happening with the Cheque Centre with the recent administration. Even if the adjudicator finds in my favour could C Centre now not have to pay this?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Nothing is known for definite here. All you can do is push ahead with this and see what happens. Sorry, but there isn’t much point in me making guesses…
vickie9 says
A short time ago I was gutted that CFO Lending had gone into administration and my promised refund went with it. Now on the other hand I couldn’t be happier. PDUK have just deposited £9,315.76 into my bank account, along with WDA’s money of £3,000 I have been able to pay off my flexi-loan, overdraft, rest of my secured loan & 2 credit cards that I had been paying off very slowly. Thank you so much everybody for all your useful comments, but most importantly thank you Sara for having such an informative site. Had I not stumbled across Debt Camel I would never of had the courage to do something about this. I still have complaints in for Wonga & Lending Stream so not completely done yet but at least I know the possibility of getting money back is very real. For those of you just beginning this journey, stick with it as you could also receive some good sums of money back.
Jenny says
Hi did pduk pay you out or did you have to take it to the FOS , they rejected mine but it’s with an adjudicator now. I have had 20 loans over 5 years. All are settled
Vickie9 says
Hi Jenny, I took it to the FOS as they offered a pittance originally. My adjudicator split the loans into payday UK and instant cash loans but upheald my complaint on all of them. It took PDUK five weeks to accept her findings and then three weeks to pay out but it was worth it in the end. Good luck
Shem says
So wageday advance have really annoyed me, I sent in my complaint last week but I also have an outstanding loan which was for 425 but totalling 840 with interest to the end of the loan, I gave made one installment of £140 so I asked for interest to be frozen and CPA cancelled and offered to pay £50 pm whilst the complaint was investigated. I got a reply 5 days later acknowledging the complaint and advising the account would be frozen completely whilst being investigated and that my current balance was £840
I went back to note the incorrect total and ask interest to be frozen and got a reply today now stating a balance of £440 and stating a repayment plan starting this month for £57 pm until the loan is paid off….no mention of my complaint or it’s current status! They also said that I stated I wanted to pay by standing order and gave me account details! I did not even mention a standing order just that I wanted to cancel the CPA as if I do need to make repayments I would use the online account facility
I’ve gone back to them to see what on earth is going on but there randomness doesn’t fill me with confidence and neither does their £440 calculation which basically means I’ve paid £155 in interest on £425 loan in just over a month!
Anyone else had this kind of problem? I’m reluctant to send to FOS as a relatively low amount and fewer loans than some of the larger pd companies I’ve used
AK says
I contacted WDA on 24th August. On the day I’ve sent an email about financial difficulty and a complaint WDA closed my online account, when I log in I see the message ‘Contact us Got a question? Get in touch today. Our Leeds and Nottingham teams are here to help and look forward to hearing from you. Please email, call or write to us.’ Are you sure you can pay online I can’t. Yesterday I received a letter asking me to pay, the only payment methods the letter stated are debit card or payment to their bank. For the complaint I received an acknowledgement by email, that’s it so far.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Hi Shem, You should cancel the WDA CPA with your bank. It’s up to you if you want to pay online each month but a STO is a reasonable suggestion, it’s totally under your control with a STO unline a CPA or DD.
Saying £57 when you suggested £50 is just bizarre, but if you can afford £57 it may be simpler to go with the flow. I wouldn’t worry about what the account balance is at the moment, wait until there is a reply to your complaint and then take it from there.
Shem says
Hi Sara
Yes will cancel the CPA with my bank too, it was more their email saying that I had stated I wished to pay by Standing order which I hadn’t, it may be that AK is right and my online account will now not be accessible so they have assumed it by elimination but it would of been better for them to advise of the need for an Standing order rather than say I stated it. To be honest I was more confused by the u turn from saying there was no need to set an arrangement up as my account would be frozen until the result of the complaint to the random subsequent email telling they had set an arrangement up! not only a confusing contradiction but also seemed to be signed off as if it concluded my complaint … hopefully they will clarify soon.
I take your point about the baleance and to be honest I don’t think I would risk any more confusion by querying it again, will wait as you advise.
Charlotte Gilsenan says
Hi guys,
I just wanted to let everyone know that Safety Net Credit has agreed to refund all of my loans plus the 8% interest! It comes to approximately £400, but i used then over such a short time (maybe 3-6 months off the top of my head), so anyone who may have used them for longer and isn’t sure, could be in for a really decent refund :)
My initial complaint was in April, but it was only picked up by and adjudicator after the 8 week period, in August. It took about 6 weeks to get that answer after that :)
Acee says
Nice one Charlotte I had about 15 loans with them in 6 months this year mine is with adjudicator now so fingers crossed. Did Safetynet reject your claim or did they make an offer? They rejected mine outright.
Charlotte Gilsenan says
Hi, they rejected outright and have now told me the money will be in my account Friday :)
debbie says
How are people doing with Safety Net Credit? I have just had a response from an adjudicator and not sure how to respond. I borrowed:
10/3/16 £400
13/04/16 £430
18/05/16 £490
20/06/16 £580
12/08/16 £730
13/09/16 £880
12/10/16 £960
Safety net say I had a disposable income of £1292 ( had no disposable income). More worrying is that they are taking into account money paid into my account by my husband either for bills he paid but that came out of my account or to supplement my income so I could pay bills. They note that I was regularly using payday loans but that this was a positive as I kept paying them back on time. This was only done because I kept borrowing from other lenders. At the same as borrowing from safety net I was using MyJar, and wageday UK. Both my complaints against Myjar and wageday uk have been upheld as unaffordable.
I would really appreciate some help in how to proceed and what to say to the adjudicator.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
What did the adjudicator say? or have they just passed on SNC’s comments?
debbie says
These were the adjudicators comments!! They say my income increased significantly over the period I was borrowing and that is why it was ok to continue to lend to me, but my income hasn’t increased. They also say I only borrowed with other lenders after I started with SNC I was borrowing from wageday and myjar from June 2016 and both of the complaints have been up held by another adjudicator as being un-affordable. Do you think I should respond to the adjudicator and tell them this?
AK says
Today just on week 3 I received an offer from Safetynet credit. I borrowed in total £11,303.29, repaid back £11,510.54. I still have a balance outstanding. They offer to refund all the interest I’ve paid, plus the statutory 8% interest from the date the credit limit increased up to £550, which is £1072.27 less principal outstanding balance (£1000.00). This will clear the outstanding balance leaving an amount of £72.27 payable to me. They didn’t refund any interest on initial £400 deposits in 3 first months which is £156 (no 8% added). I think I’ll accept but wanted first check with you if it is a good offer.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
I find those numbers a bit confusing but it sounds like a good offer. Bet you will be pleased to see the last of that debt…
AK says
I found them confusing, too. But for different reason I guess. It’s my first proper offer. Sunny upheld my complaint but from them I had only 3 loans. It was easy to understand, and it was very quick.
From SNC I started to borrow in November, the limit then was £400/month, for 3 months I borrowed just for few days, couple of weeks at max, then they increased my limit to £550, then to £700, £850, and in May to £1000. My borrowing time increased as well, in June-July it was from payday to payday. Total interest I paid from November till August was £1200 ish and I didn’t repay them the loan of £1000 I took in August. I’m not sure what amount they used to calculated 8% . From February 2017 when they increased my limit the interest I paid was in region of £1050. As it less than one year since February I think statutory interest calculation is correct.
I’m very glad indeed that this debt will be the history. Two out, ten to go…
Xenedra Rebecca says
So glad to read the above post as it is identical to my response from SNC.
They also said I had a large disposable income when I really didn’t! They acknowledge the other payday loans but again said that I was paying them (again incorrect)
They also mentioned that I had extra ‘substantial’ amounts go into my account..I had my partner pay in bill money but I also was gambling at the time and may have had the occasional win. (Never over £200 and certainly not once a month)
No adjudicator just a letter attachment from SNC themselves.
Wondering whether to go to Ombusman?
They other thing is that they didn’t mention any of my outgoings.
Also they took their money back whenever my account had some cash in it so I was left needing to borrow more and more each month!
They also said that I used a template letter and they were concious of this when considering my complaint!
They also said that they stopped putting interest on after 40 days but I think that’s wrong as well?
Please help!
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Ignore the stuff about using a template letter – as you can tell they too use template letters when they reply :)
They haven’t offered you anything so definitely take it to the Ombudsman. You will have to explain to the Ombudsman what is going on in your account. But you know this, it’s just a question of setting it out clearly if the adjudicator seems confused.
Have you cancelled the CPA to SNC with your bank? You need to – otherwise they may help themselves ..
T says
The template letter comment really annoys me. Who cares if it’s a templated letter or one we’ve written out ourselves fully? If they’ve lent irresponsibly they should face the consequences, regardless of how we ask.
Every email we send we get an automated response back, I even received one from 247 Moneybox and on the bottom of the email it said “Yours sincerely,
[Insert name]”
Couldn’t make it up!
Acee says
That’s the exact same email SNC sent to me almost word for word it’s obviously there standard response send it straight to the Ombudsman. I tried to respond but they weren’t having any of it don’t waste your time send it to the Ombudsman straight away.
Xenedra Rebecca says
I have responsed basically to point out their use of templates! And to tell them I’m off to the Financial ombusman!
AK says
Reading your posts re SNC I feel like I won a jackpot. I don’t understand the payday lenders, they reject one good complaint and upheld another. SNC also said that I had a big disposable income which I would if I didn’t have other payday loans for 8 years in a row. And also they mentioned the deposits from another account I had but only because I wanted to hide money from SNC and transferred them out to another account and back otherwise they would help themselves with repayment. Good luck with your complaints! I’m so glad no-one will be lurking in my account after SNC debt will be cleared.
Craig says
Hi Sara,
Just had first response from Safety Net Credit, after 17 days, one I wasn’t looking forward to as it was my lowest outstanding balance but most used and some comments on here suggested they weren’t good to deal with. Fortunately for me they have accepted liability for continuing to lend after first month, refunded all interest and 8% statutory to clear my balance and give me a £263.16 payment. Absolutely made up with this and 3/3 so far after 17 days on from original complaints. 6 more to go but with Lending Stream, WageDayAdvance, CashFloat, MyJar & MoneyBoat to go I can my success dipping! Thanks for all your help again.
Tom W says
having been knocked back by Wonga and MyJar during the intitial complaints period, I have just had my first monetary success (have had outstanding amounts on two other loans written off): 118 money are refunding me £776 (which is pretty much the amount I calculated) plus 8% interest which won’t be much as the loans were all in the last couple of years. Result!
Still waiting to hear from PDUK, Pounds2Pocket, Wizzcash, Sunny and Satsuma. Deadline day is Thursday before off to the ombudsman they will go. Thanks Sara, and I agree with the person who suggested putting a paypal donate button on the site. I would definitely like to make a contribution.
Benjamin Broad says
Quick question.
My Adjucater sent Wonga his opinion on how to settle complaint on 31/08 and gave them until 14/09 to respond. But they haven’t he has given them into the 21/09 as a reminder and then it goes to a Ombudsmen. What would a Ombudsmen do different if they are waiting on Wonga?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
While it is in the Ombudsman queue it will be gradually wending its slow way to the top of someone at wonga’s inbox. You may get a notification after a month or 6 weeks that they accept the adjudicator decision! If they don’t, when an ombudsman picky up the case, usually after a couple of months, they will ask Wonga for their input. if there isn’t any, they will look at the case without it.
Ro65 says
My adjudicator found in my favour for 12 loans from Cheque centre and they had until today to respond. They haven’t done so and I haven’t been able to contact my adjudicator. Anyone know what happens now?
Maureen says
Same boat as you, although i got a lot less upheld but deadline today and not heard a peep! I did have a conversation with my adjudicator as I potentially wanted an ombudsman to look at it as I think he should have found in my favour for more but in light of the current situation, I agreed to wait until they respond. I did say to him that i thought it highly likely that they play stalling tactics due to the time constraints as cheque centre will know the ombudsman queue is long and probably won’t get looked at before December. I did think they may fast track these to the ombudsman though knowing what they know but even then it doesn’t guarantee us any redress being paid out.
Maureen says
Update *** adjudicator just called having spoken with cheque centre and they have made an offer based on their recommendations. It’s nowhere near what I wanted as I said previously I believe the adjudicator has missed a lot of my other short term lending, therefore he didn’t uphold as many loans as I expected. However, in light of what’s happening, he said they would fast track it if I wanted to take it to ombudsman but can’t guarantee that would be before December, so taking this all in to account, ive decided to cut my losses in this and walk away with something as I could inevitably end up with nothing if it’s not looked at by december, so I’ve accepted their offer of just under £1000. That aside, I still have the separate complaint with loans over 6 years with them so I could get a bonus at some point in the future should they get looked at and there is money available for further redress.
Linda says
Hi today received list of loans wonga had 6 between 2009 -2010 borrowed 2,215 interest 1,600 paid 3,344 roughly what is my nxt step they havnt really said . 24/7 mbox have offered to wipe a debt i owe of 410 but not sent a list of previous loans i had,payday express and payday uk refused to send my statements thankyou
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Wait for Wonga to reply to your complaint, but they are probably going to say because the loans are over 6 years. Just send it to the ombudsman and settlement back and wait – it may be long but you have nothing to lose.
re 247 Moneybox – ask them to send you a statement of your loans otherwise you can’t consider their offer.
for Payday UK & Express, see https://debtcamel.co.uk/payday-lender-wont-send-loan-details/
Like busses, I’ve had 3 responses arrive in my inbox today from QuickQuid, Wonga and from the Adjudicator dealing with my complaint against !st Stop / Clear Recoveries.
I’ve calculated that I’m due a maximum refund of £4789 from Wonga if they refund fees and interest on all my loans.
However, they appear to have ‘cherry picked’ 7 of my 29 loans (from a 3 year period!) to offer a refund of interest & fees on – to the tune of £2478.70. They’ve said this is their full and final settlement offer – so looks like I’ll be sending this one on to the Ombudsman, although I’m really quite happy that they’ve upheld my complaint.
Likewise, I calculatad I’m due a maximum of £3854 from QuickQuid, yet they have only taken the last 8 (of 19 loans) and offered a final settlement offer of £1324.50, so this too will be going to the Ombudsman as I believe they should consider more of the loans.
The adjudicator has provided his statement to 1st Stop, recommending they refund all interest & fees for my 3 loans with them – with a calculated refund of £1291, giving them until 3rd October to respond.
I’m keeping my fingers crossed they just pay up and get the refund ball rolling!
Adam says
Hi Sara
I had a response yesterday from Satsuma, who were one of my lesser used pay day loan companies, I only had 2 loans but thought it was worth complaining anyway. They’ve rejected my claim in a long winded email but one thing I found interesting was the information they said they got from the Credit Bureau (see below) at the time of my application.
Agreement number Active CAIS Accounts
With a Balance excluding a Mortgage. PDL Accounts
Last Six Months Months Since Most Recent PDL Outstanding PDL Balance Number of PDL in last 6 years Settled PDL
(in last 12 months) Defaults
Recorded in last 12 months
800001131208 5 6 1 £511.00 25 9 0
800001260683 12 6 3 £545.00 36 13 0
The applications were only 4 months apart.
Tthey were 13 week loans, for some reason Satsuma take payment weekly rather than monthly, and they were for £500 and £700, and I paid back £716 and £1340 .
My monthly income was around £1500 but I was also paying out other payday loans, credit cards and mobile phone contacts at the time, as well as the usual outgoings.t and in that time there had been 7 extra CAIS and 11 extra pay day loans. To me that would highlight someone that is struggling financially. Would you forward this to the FOS or do you think it’s a waste of time?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
In that case I think it is worth taking to the Ombudsman as the “gap” between your first loan ending and the second one starting was very small. Also your second loan was larger than your first one, suggesting that your situation had got worse.
Kel says
Good morning all below is the final response I received from Safety Net a little long winded but i would like your thoughts as i am not sure whether to take their offer and its one less lender to stress about. I am however annoyed that some of the response is untrue. They stipulate that I had one credit increase, I had several to get me from my starting point to a £1000 limit so the interest grew and became unmanagable with the credit limit. My credit rating according to Noddle is very poor and was when I took this out. I am not sure who’s account they were looking at when they stated my disposable income as this was probably just funds from other loans to make ends meet.
In light of these checks we do not believe that your initial credit limit of £400 should have been unaffordable for you. However, after examining your disposable income and spending over the course of your time as a customer, we can see that the credit limit increase offered to you on the 11th May 2017 may not have been affordable. Normally we would propose a refund of any interest you have repaid after this date (£732.34), plus an additional 8% statutory interest (£11.81).
However, In accordance with guidance from the Financial Ombudsman Service this amount will be credited to the principal outstanding balance you have with us (£992.44), meaning it would leave you with £248.29 to repay before we can close you account.
We therefore think it would be mutually beneficial for us to close your account with a full write off, and to take off any adverse marking, relating to this account, from your credit file. This will enable us to draw a close to this matter.
Kel says
Hi Sara I have gone through the statement and from 16/11/16 – 4/9/17 I have paid them £1621.65 in interest the added £144.26 on the day I sent my complaint ! They only refer to one credit increase but I had several from opening the account I started at £200 which quickly ended up as £1000
Sara (Debt Camel) says
They only mention one credit increase, that isn’t quite the same as saying that you only had one.
What is your balance at the moment?
How much interest do you think you paid before 11th May? If you paid 1621 overall it would be 1621 less 732, which sounds like too much to me as your earlier borrowing would have been much smaller.
I am wondering if you have included any interest added to your current balance in working this out, eg the recent 144. The interest that has been added to your current balance has already been “removed” by them when they have said “what your “principal outstanding balance” is.
Sorry this seems complicated but it’s a lot of money and it’s good to chew it over before making a decision.
AK says
I had a very similar response from SCN. Regarding the increases mine is worded differently. They didn’t mean that you had only one increase they meant that they refund the interest starting from the time of your first increase. I accepted the offer as it was very reasonable and saved me time going to FOS. I only lost the interest paid during first 3 months when the credit limit was £400.
Matthew says
Went through all the steps with Wonga got a settlement amount which I accepted and they followed up with a email saying it’s being processed and takes 14 working days . Still hasn’t come in my account yet . Anybody had any trouble getting the money ?
T says
Accepted mine on 08/09/2017, still no sign of money.
Lauren says
Accepted mine on the 4th September and still no money, got the confirmation of me accepting it on the 4th too, I rang them Monday and they said itll be 3-5 days, They certainly know how to make people wait! :( congratulations on your refund though! :)
Lauren says
I’ve just received the funds, hopefully you get yours soon! :)
Dave says
Just checked my bank again and…. wonga have paid!!!
Dan says
Finally received my refund from Wonga on the 14th working day! Made me wait it out until the end! Thanks Sara for your help, still hoping to get something back from P2P and Payday UK
Acee says
Advice please: had 4 loans with EPDL April May June and July 2012. Total loans £1100 paid back £1600. They reject my complaint saying at time of loan the sector was not regulated by FCA and I only exceeded the rollover limit on one loan but as the ruling has been updated they are willing to refund me on my last loan for £138.64 as their final response. What should I do?
Acee says
Just accepted this offer could do with the money. Sounds like a small company just answered the phone ‘Hello capfin’ then asked for me to email my acceptance and bank details incase he got my details wrong, when I asked for the email he said erm ill just go and find out and could hear his footsteps walking across the room very strange.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Well it’s up to you if you want to accept – it’s not a large number of loans – but the reasons they have given are nonsense. Before the sector was regulated by the FCA it was regulated by the OFT. Who had exactly the same “affordability” definitions as the FCA has. And OFT complaints can go to the Ombudsman.
Acee says
Hi Sara yeah my thinking was it was only 4 loans was suprised they offered anything I have £2 in my bank account so that £138 makes it a nice round number haha.
Payment is already in my account within 2 hours of accepting nice and quick from EPDL who are now Capfin.
Acee says
Myjar rejected my complaint last week some loans were £1000 and the biggest £2400. Was advised to speak to them as they are reasonable so I put my case forward they emailed me back this morning saying it’s their view that they are unable to offer and redress and will await contact from the Ombudsman.
drew says
Wageday advance have offered me £436 refund based on loans 4-7, this includes the 8% interest but I have paid almost £1100 in interest ( Loan 3 was for £400 but paid £1000 back as rolled over several times )
My question is, once they have made an offer, if I go to ombudsman, will I lose the offer, or will thy have to pay me their offer regardless ??
Sara (Debt Camel) says
We have never seen a case where someone got less after going to the Ombudsman.
Paul Smith says
Afternoon all. 1st stop failed to respond to my adjudicators decision. So I emailed them and asked if they kindly would.
I had a reply stating that 1st stop (or clear recoveries as it is now called) had ceased trading and so couldn’t deal with my complaint.
According to companies house they are still active though.
Anyone had any luck with 1st stop? Or know any more about this?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Talk to your adjudicator :(
Interestingly I have a complaint filed against 1st Stop too – I submitted my complaint at the end of July and a month later I received a response from them (now going under Clear Recoveries) rejecting my complaint, so forwarded it to the adjudicator.
I received an initial response from the adjudicator saying -“Unfortunately it’s seems likely that 1st Stop Recoveries is looking to wind the business up, once this is done there will be no one to consider your complaint against. So while we can still look into your complaint for the time being, it’s likely we won’t be able to resolve your complaint in time.”
I decided to proceed with the complaint anyway and received an e-mail on Tuesday from the adjudicator with a copy of the letter they’d sent to 1st Stop / Clear and how they think I should be refunded. They’ve given them until the 3rd October to respond.
There’s no further mention of them winding up the business. I’m wondering whether it may be a rather underhand way of hoping that people will drop their complaints if they think the company has gone bust (which would be pretty satisfying too anyway after the way they treated me!).
I’m keeping my fingers crossed for now that I’ll get a refund offer – whilst it’s one of my smaller complaints, it’d still amount to over £1500 and would nicely clear my remaining debts.
Paul Smith says
Well I queried why they were still listed as trading on companies house and why they were indeed still there answering my queries if the business has been wound up…….
They stated that the business closed on the 31st July and that they were just there till the end of the month to inform customers of this.
I then queried why their website 1ststop.co.uk where I got my loan from was still live and accepting loan applications……. I’m yet to receive a reply.
My guess is 1ststop group are closing one of their trading companies and claiming all the loans came from them to make this go away and stop them having to refund everyone.
Paul Smith says
Funnily enough my adjudicator rejected my complaint against them for unaffordable lending (I only had one loan) but awarded me compensation against them because of how poorly they handled my account when I told them I was in financial difficulty.
A horrible company. Well I’m not going away without a fight!
Shem says
Just a quick update re QQ and speed of payout, I accepted an offer of £3905 with QQ by email yesterday and the money was in my account by lunchtime today. This was a direct offer from QQ and not through the ombudsman.
I’m happy with this but it is worth mentioning that QQ have not automatically applied the 8% to this, someone on here said QQ quote without the interest but then automatically applied it upon payout – perhaps this does happen when FOS have been involved but it’s deffo not standard. I’m happy anyway as it’s a healthy amount without waiting months for FOS
Thank you so much for this site Sara, you really are making a difference to the lives of real people, this one refund alone is a whole fresh start from the debt spiral for me
Shem x
Linda says
Same here I settled from a final response, which was a pretty good one to be honest but speed of payment was a lot slower for me I really struggled contacting them to chase. No interest added either but again the offer was extremely fair so im happy. Congrats Shem!
Lou says
Is this normal? Just had a call from a guy from the ombudsman about my ferratum complaint. Ferratum have said they will refund the interest from previous loans and take it off the balance of the one still owed but I have to pay the outstanding balance of £550 in three instalments. I am on a DMP and they are included in that. Any advice would be appreciated.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Yes it’s normal BUT it’s worth double checking their figures as some lenders don’t seem to get these write off calculations right and the errors (sometimes several hundred pounds) always appear to benefit them, not you … At this stage the FO is just passing on the lenders offer, it hasn’t checked it’s correct.
Xenedra Rebecca says
I sent off formal complaint to lending stream on 31.08.2017. Iv had nothing back from them at all, however they still keep harassing me about my 3 outstanding loans that are currently In a DMP?!
Will they respond or shall I go to FO?
Iv had lots of loans with them as currently have THREE outstanding!!
Acee says
What do you mean they are hassling you? Are you doing the DMP on your own or with someone like stepchange? If its just the standard letters or emails just ignore them. I’ve got a a DMP but Lending Stream sent my debt to CRS to mange and they knocked about £700 off straight away. Also got a irresponsible complaint in with Lending Stream they offered to reduce my debt by £400 I counter offered but haven’t heard back.
Xenedra Rebecca says
Yes DMP is with StepChange, the continue to call, email and text to say that I am in arrears and that they are damaging my credit file.
Lending stream refuse to acknowledge my DMP or any correspondence from StepChange. TThey haven’t stopped interest and they say that they haven’t received any documents about my DMP although they have had 2 payments so far via StepChange for each of the three debts!
Hopping they get back soon! As far as I am aware my debt is still with LS no one else
Sara (Debt Camel) says
here is a letter of complaint you can write about them not freezing interest: https://debtcamel.co.uk/creditor-wont-freeze-interest/
But in your situation, it may be simpler (less stressful) to just pursue the affordability complaint. If you had a lot of loans before these last three, the odds are good that the last 3 will be considered unaffordable and any interest added will be deleted at that point.
Dave says
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! To everyone on here, but especially Sara. You haven’t judged and you have been so supportive throughout my journey to put my life right from the self-inflicted mess I got myself into for years in the hideous cycle of PDLs. It was the worst feeling of my entire life and I was completely trapped. I’ve been PDL free since last October and started to fight back at the end of January this year after finding this amazing site. In 9 months I have had £1000s back and none of the complaints went to a full FO decision. All before adjudicator level or at adjudicator level. Claims against QQ, Wonga, Sunny and PDUK. Today I received £13,081 from QQ into my bank account for 12 out of 13 loans. A life changing sum of money that I paid out in a 5/6 year period. I had £4447 from Wonga which could have been similar to QQ, but at the time I needed the money. £1413 from PDUK. £1827 from Sunny. £1402 from Lending Stream.
In total I have received £22,170. This is the end of my journey to redemption and I have tonight made a significant donation to the Citizen’s Advice Bureau. I am so grateful!!!
AK says
What an inspirational post! Fantastic results.
GMA says
Fabulous! I agree this site is the best, I have had over 7K refunded and have 3 more with FOS, keep at it people, its mostly worth it!
Dan says
Dave – I’m catching you up, just accepted my first offer, five weeks in!
Happy days,
Ok so it’s only cash genie and only £90 and I probably won’t actually get it because of the liquidation but it was nice to feel like I ‘won’ one of my cases!
TB says
Hi Sara,
I have received the following from Mr Lender today:
Having completed our investigation we do not believe we have acted irresponsibly and the loans issued were fair and should have been affordable based on the information you provided at the time and the checks that were carried out.
However after taking into consideration the full extent of your situation from your complaint, we would like to assist you further. As a gesture of goodwill we will refund £145.32 which is 50% of the interest paid on your final loan.
Upon acceptance of this offer, it will mean that you have borrowed a total of £2,600.00 with Mr Lender and repaid £352.18 in interest across all of your loans. This is less than 14% in interest on the capital amount you borrowed, meaning you are significantly below the 100% interest rate cap introduced by the Financial Conduct Authority in January 2015.
Should I ask for more? I have have 5 loans with them in total.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Can you give some details about these 5 loans – how much were they for? were they one month loans or longer? What were the “gaps” between repaying one and taking the next one out?
L7 says
Hi Sara,
I was taken to court by moneyboat due to an unaffordable loan ( I only had the one loan with them) and only time I became aware of court order was when I got a payslip with an attachment of earnings taken! This is the second month money has been taken and I’m just about to complain to moneyboat! What do I do about this court order?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Talk to National Debtline 0808 808 4000 about the attachment of earnings.
Did you have previous loans with moneyboat before this one that defaulted?
AK says
My bank backdated CPA cancellations and currently disputes several payments to payday lenders made before I found out I can complain and stopped lending more to cover due payments . Two of the lenders in the list upheld my complaints and these CPA payments are part of the settlement. The rest have outstanding loans which at the moment are part of my self-managed DMP. And in case the cancelled CPA payments are returned to me it will just increase the outstanding balances which in best case scenarios will be covered by refunds. All lenders in the list received and acknowledged the complaints and still have 3-4 weeks to reply. I don’t know what to tell the bank. Should I get the money back and wait until my complaints finalised or should I tell bank that these payments are made before CPA cancellation was in place and are genuine?
AK says
Just to add I really struggle this month as it is my first month without credit and the money I paid to payday loan lenders if they can be returned now will make a huge difference. All together excluding two upheld ones it will be £1660. I am very tempted to get the money now and if necessary pay the lenders after FOS decision.
T says
You have every right to cancel the CPAs. Then sort out repayments with each lender with what you can afford.
If you’re struggling to repay these, try StepChange Debt Charity who will be more than happy to help you consolidate your repayments. If you can get the money back from the CPAs then that’s good as you won’t struggle financially this month.
AK says
Thank you T. I was overoptimistic they didn’t plan to refund me. They said they can’t stop my CPAs as the dates and amounts are different each month. And as proper bankers told me that once I borrowed I have to repay. It wasn’t nice of me to cancel the payments.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Have you actually cancelled the CPAs now? Bother whether your bank thinks you should repay money you borrowed, you have the right to cancel the CPAs.
AK says
In my letters to the payday loan lenders telling them about my self-managed DMP I cancelled CPAs. Bank told me ‘from the bank perspective we can’t cancel CPAs as they are not the same date and same amount’. Again they suggested to cancel my card which is cancelled ages ago. So far I was lucky lenders couldn’t help themselves with my money the cancelled card thing worked. I also asked my salary to be paid to a neutral account so there is nothing to take in my previously main bank.
Brad says
Has anyone had any luck with Piggy Bank and Response Funding? I’m assuming Response are fairly small as I always speak to the same girl when I call up!
Ben says
had 3 loans back to back with Response -they took the full 4 weeks to reply, they said they did nothing wrong – they even sent me screen shots from their system showing the affordability figures. it said after my new loan was taken out I would be left with £120 a month, they deemed this affordable!!
I will pass it on to the FOS this weekend.
Lisa says
I wrote to response funding asking just for all credit file entries to be removed (from 1 loan), and that if they acted quickly, I wouldn’t persue a refund. (the credit file is more important to me now that apx £100.)
The responded and removed within a week.
Nav Gill says
Can anyone advise is Wage Day Advance negotiate with Complaints.
They have only upheld my complaint on 1 of my four loans, loan 2.
I think it’s fair they didn’t uphold loan 3 as there is a big gap between 2 and 3. However after repaying loan 3 I took another loan out straight away for a higher amount which was later sold to a set collection agency.
Is it worth countering with a request for interest on both 2 and 4 or do WDA not negotiate and I send straight to the FOS?
Any help would be really useful
Acee says
I would send straight to Ombudsman. You can still try and negotiate whilst it’s at the Ombudsman but can’t see them changing their mind. What was the reason for uphelding loan 2? I had 3 flexi loans with them £300 £500 and £500 each time I paid back I took another loan the exact same day but they said they’ve done nothing wrong so it’s with the Ombudsman.
Nav Gill says
Hi Aceee, their reason for loan 2 is because I missed payments on loan 1 and therefore they should have known.
However as I paid back loan 2 on time and didn’t reloan until 6 months later they said everything else was affordable. Upon loan 3 being paid for £200 they loaned out with 4 days for £315 and that went to debt collectors.
That’s why I think even an adjudicator would consider loan 3 affordable.
Acee says
I paid my first 2 loans back on time that’s 8 Payment’s 4 Payment’s for each loan however I could only repay them by lending from other lenders and I was paying other lenders with WDA loan a real vicious cycle as many will understand on here. I took my last loan with WDA of £500 the day before I applied for a DMP with stepchange because that was the only way out. They haven’t stopped the interest the only company not to so far.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
They don’t usually negotiate – but it’s worth a try in this case. Have you repaid loan 4?
Nav Gill says
Hi Sara, yes I paid it off within 4 months of the debt being passed on and the Complaints handler acknowledged that fact in the response.
I’ll give them a call tmrw and see what they say otherwise off to the FOS it goes.
Thanks for all the advice, it’s my 8 week mark next Tuesday so will update all at once then.
Ro65 says
So after a year of waiting, Cheque centre have agreed with my adjudicator and have surprisingly agreed to pay out on all loans within the last 6 years – £3911 -20% tax on the 8% interest. I thought when they went in to administration they’d put to the ombudsman but fair play to them. However I won’t count my chickens until the money is in the bank! Thanks again Sara. Thanks to you and this site I became debt free in March for the first time in my adult life and this money can now be put away for a rainy day. Can’t thank you enough.
Pamela says
Well done great news and encouraging for me. I just got an email from my adjudicator upholding my loans from C Centre. Now the waiting game. I hope you get this soon and congratulations on being debt free. I am too and a great feeling ?
Kathy says
Has anybody dealt with Whizz cash? They sent a letter rather than email which was odd! Do they negotiate normally? Thanks.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
We haven’t seen enough cases to know if they are open to negotiation. Have you had an offer from them? Do you know how much interest you paid them? Do you still owe them any money?
Kathy says
They are not one of my biggest claims.
March 16 – borrowed £200 and paid back £283.46
December 16 – borrowee £200 and paid back in full £203.20
December 16 (8 days later than previous loan) borrowed £300 – now in DMP. Thy have offered to write off all interest of this loan so I now owe them £130.63 because I’ve paid back £169.37.
They say no negative information on credit report but I had numerous payday loans and a CCJ.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
That sounds like a reasonable offer then. The most you could get back would be another 83+3 – the interest on the earlier loans. But you may very well not get any more by going to the Ombudsman.
Kathy says
Thank you. I attempted to negotiate and this was their response … so doesn’t look hopeful!
Thank you for your email.
We are a short term credit company, we bear a level of risk that banks sometimes would not. The affordability would not be invalid if an old settled CCJ is showing on your credit report, is is our believe that the Financial Ombudsman would understand that. Recent negative entries and the affordability calculation is what would determine a valid claim and we are confident that we did all that we could and needed to make sure that all the loans funded to you were affordable.
We were trying to settle the loan outside the FOS remits, however if you are not happy we can withdrawn our offer as we believe that we acted fairy and responsibly in our dealings with you.
Acee says
8 week deadline been and gone, on the naughty list for not replying are:
Sunny, PDUK, PaydayExpress, 247 and Lending Stream so these will all go to the Ombudsman with a complaint of how unhelpful they have been especially Lending Stream who have ignored all of my emails.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
It might be worth phoning Sunny – they aren’t usually lat in replying.
Acee says
I emailed them yesterday to say it was the deadline and did they have a final response but no reply. Noticed when putting my complaints in today to the Ombudsman PDUK Payday Express and 247 all lent to me on several occasions whilst I was on a DMP in 2012. Will this go in my favour? I was obviously desperate at the time.
All of my payday loans were taken out whilst I was subject to a £21k DMP for from 3yrs previous.
I was told by the adjudicator that this (and my repayment amounts/frequency) would be visible to a lender on my credit report and should have been taken into account when the lenders made their decisions whether to issue loans.
So definitely add it to the information you supply to the adjudicator when you send to the FOS, it will all help back up your case whether that’s an affordability claim and/or reliance on payday lending.
Paul says
Morning everyone.
Received a response from MyJar this morning, 3 days before 8 week deadline. They have partially upheld my complaint on 10 out of 25 loans. They offered me £1350 including the tax. Now, I have done a lot of investigating into this and gone back over my bank statements and, as an honest person, I agree that not ALL of my loans were ‘unaffordable’. I have deemed, through thorough investigation, that 16 of the loans were ‘unaffordable’ to me at the time.
So, I have made them a counter offer of what I would be happy to accept, before going to the Ombudsman. In their email, they did NOT state it was their FINAL’ decision so I believe I have nothing to lose in making the counter offer. Hopefully they’ll uphold it but not holding my breath.
Will update you when I hear back from them.
Maureen says
I went back to them with a counter offer and they refused so had to go to ombudsman anyway.
Wynthorpe says
Just had a very quick response from Pounds to Pocket, put complaint in against one loan last week and had the remaining lance of £600 written off and given £455 back what i had paid in interest, Im happy with that one to be honest.
Adjudicator also confirmed looking at all 19 loans with Wonga going back to 2010.
Tom W says
8 weeks from the date of my complaints to 10 lenders was up yesterday.
3 settled up. Mr Lender and Peachy offset what I owed against what I had paid and have written loans off my credit history. I didn’t expect to do any better. 118 Money refunded all interest I had paid on rolled over loan plus 8% per annum on top of that, without question.
Wonga and MyJar said I didn’t have a valid complaint.
Sunny came back with an offer containing figures that made no sense, so I have asked them to make one that does and provide a statement of lending (which they hadn’t done).
PaydayUK, Satsuma, Pounds to Pocket and WizzCash have failed to respond in time. I heard from the first 2 saying they didn’t have enough time. Pounds to Pocket and WizzCash acknowledged but nothing else.
Complaints against all that didn’t settle now with ombudsman!
Brad says
Just had my first settlement out of 13 from Mr Lender. They offered to reduce my balance by £400 but I had paid interest on all my loans of £880. I went back and asked for another £168 and they have agreed so my owing balance has gone from £1100 to £542. All settled in less than 2 weeks.
They did deny any wrong doing as seems to be standard.
Mrs W says
I have had complaints upheld in my favour with the Adjudicator from Payday UK, Mr Lender, Satsuma, Wonga, Sunny and Uncle Buck. Has anyone actually heard back within the adjudicators deadline or have all lenders missed the first deadlines?
Roch says
Wonga had until today to respond and that’s an extra week my adjudicator gave them to agree with them and refund all interest and charges, so this will be sent to the ombudsman now which I didn’t want as really needed the money now.
It’s not even that much just over 1k I don’t know why they couldn’t jut settle my complaint as I’ve seen others get a lot more at adjudicator stage. I’m not happy with them, the same will happen with Quick Quid also waiting for them to agree with adjudicator.
Ads says
Same boat as you on Wonga.
They had until yesterday on the original deadline. Adjudicator told me they would allow 1 extra week.
Reading your post now makes me realise I’m not going to get an answer by next Thursday either.
Quick enough to give you a loan and pay it to you but take their sweet time responding back to your complaint. I bet if i owed them a payment they would be active.
Mrs W says
Hi Ads and Roch
My refund should be over £5000 so I assume I will be in the same situation as you both. How frustrating.
Please keep me posted. I read somewhere that sometimes Wonga still come back whilst in the Ombudsman queue.
Paul Smith says
Roch, the same happened with me with Wonga. So I sent them a polite email asking them saying that I know they must be busy, bu5 would they kindly at least state that they didn’t agree with the adjudicator rather than ignore her.
Then I sent another saying how disappointed I was that they couldn’t even reply to me and that such a well established company were using mere delay tactics.
Low and behold two days after this mail I had a reply from a collections manager upholding my complaint and promising funds within 3 working days.
It can’t hurt to try!
Acee says
247 have rejected my complaint but offered to remove all reporting to credit reference agencies. Already sent it to Ombudsman anyway as they lent several times whilst on a DMP. It’s like getting blood out of a stone. If the Ombudsman agree with 247 (surely they can’t possibly) can I then go back to 247 and ask them to remove all reporting to credit reference agencies or will their ‘goodwill’ offer be removed as I’ve complained to the FOS?
Tom says
I don’t think I recall seeing a post where someone received a worse deal by going to the FOS. The fact they’re prepared to remove it from credit reference agencies proves they believe they’ve done something incorrectly.
Tom says
Accepted my Wonga refund on 08/09/2017. They said they would process this WITHIN 14 days, but it looks like it’s going to be the full 14 days.
Anyone else had a similar situation?
Quick to take cash out of your account to repay the loans – slow to put the cash back in!
Lm says
Same date as me Tom.. I rang them today and they said any time up until Friday coming.. Wouldn’t give me a specific date.
Stu says
Hi all, I have had a rejection from Satsuma within 5 days of making a complaint.
The loan was for 400 over 4 months.
They said that the information about my outgoings and the credit checks they performed were enough to suggest that I could afford the repayments.
They then give me information about previous PDL’s saying Id only had 2 in the last 26 months.
I have actually had more like 20 and many top ups with Wonga. They said at the time of application I owed nothing in PDL’s but I had £704 owed to Wonga at the time. I have passed on proof of this, so I will wait for a response before going to FO.
Good luck everyone
Acee says
Did you just have 1 loan with Satsuma? Looking at comments from Sara it’s hard to win a 1 loan complaint.
Stu says
Yeah just one. Just not sure how they get there figures from
Michelle says
Interesting you’ve said that re. Credit check. I had 2 loans with Satsuma (increasing amounts) and defaulted on the 2nd. I was just aiming to get the default removed as I feel I shouldn’t have been given the loan anyway as I had defaulted with many other lenders previously and I had over 20 consecutive pay day loans with another lender prior to this one showing that I was struggling to make ends meet without repeated borrowing. They refused to uphold and remove the default and similarly quoted credit report saying there wasn’t any evidence of pay day loans within 63 months of them giving me their loan. My credit file (noddle) clearly shows the defaults and 20+ loans with myjar with the last one being 4 days before the one with Satsuma! I’ve sent it to the FOS with a copy of my report…. it’s a bit hopeful but I think it shows repeated borrowing and that their credit check clearly wasn’t done correctly! I’m not bothered by the interest I just really want the default gone! Think I have a case?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
“My credit file (noddle) clearly shows the defaults and 20+ loans with myjar with the last one being 4 days before the one with Satsuma!”
Just so you know, credit records often take time to be updated so someone checking today may not see a loan or a default that has been added in the last few days.
Obviously they should have seen the previous loans!
Michelle says
Ahh ok. But the others would all have been on there? I only took the loan with satsuma because I’d been repeat borrowing monthly for 2 years from myjar and then suddenly myjar wouldn’t lend again (No issues I think that they were perhaps forced to review lending). I just don’t know how if satsuma did this check, that they missed this long 2 year period of borrowing and it sounds like they did with Stu too? Do you think there’s a chance the FOS will find in my favour and remove the default? (In your experience).
I’ve applied for interest back from my jar as there was clear repeat borrowing but I’m awaiting a response (6 weeks ish) which would be nice if successful but I’m more bothered about the satsuma default. I know ultimately that it was my own fault but I was pretty much trapped in a cycle of pdl borrowing and I’m stuck with a default for another 3 years!
Stu says
Hi Michelle
They said to me that I’d only had 2 PDL’s in the last 6 years! Crazy..
I have a complaint in with Wonga for £1200 and with PDUK for £250.
All from last 6 years. Around 35 loans in total☹️.
The Hitman says
Lending stream
Hi all, I received a call today from my adjudicator asking about the ridiculous amount of gambling transactions on my bank statements, to which I was honest explaining I had a serious gambling problem. He’s coming back to me early next week with his findings. Question is has anyone had settlements at adjudicator level with Lending stream?
Thank you
Acee says
Good luck the hitman. I’ve just sent mine to FOS today Lending Stream did offer me £400 off my outstanding loan but I rejected it. How long did it take for the adjudicator to contact you? I made 3 complaints a few weeks ago but only heard back about 1 asking for more info. I’ve also got lots of gambling on my statements on one day I took 4 payday loans out with different lenders totalling £1000 and stuck it all in betting account thankfully I have overcome that now.
The Hitman says
Thanks buddy, yeh I was very similar.
From submitting my FO letter just over a week to a acknowledge my complaint, then just over a month to get hopefully positive news. Lending streams response was full of lies, so hopefully the adjudicator can look through them!.
I still have £1995 outstanding with MMF which I haven’t paid in over 2years and sitting on my credit file. So if I can get that removed and paid off, it’s a result!!
Good luck!!
Acee says
Same for me with Lending Stream they just make sums up. I submitted 3 complaints a few weeks but only 1 acknowledged by adjudicator and no responses to any of my emails put my final 6 complaints in yesterday so hoping to hear something soon.
Stephen massie says
Both lending stream and wonga rejected my claim, stating the affordability checks was fine even though I lied and said I earn £6,000 a week just to obtain credit, and that my credit rating with Expedian was above 599 (when in fact it was at about 200-220)not sure how they got a decision based on my information, I have taken out 42 payday loans with wonga in 11 months, and 37 payday loans out with lending stream in 8 months, totalling about £27000 and paying an extra £2900 in interest. I spoke with the adjudicator on the phone and have sent the final offers from both company’s over now. Does anyone know the process of roughly how long it takes before the adjudicator starts speaking with myself and the company to try and offer a resolution? As I’ve emailed them asking for a confirmation email stating they have received both complaints and are looking into them – I’ve not received a reply yet about this, any help would be awesome.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
You have emailed them asking for confirmation they have received the FOS complaint? Don’t bother with this, the FOS will get in touch with them and ask for their case file. From here on you talk to the FOS, not the lender. Talking to the lender won’t speed things up and just gives them more emails / phone calls to field.
If you have just put in your complaints to the FOS then you haven’t yet had an adjudicator pick up your case, you have just spoken to the front line team who get the complaints into the system. First the lender is asked to supply the case file. If you haven’t yet been asked for bank statements and your credit record, you will be asked for those. Then it waits for an adjudicator to pick it up. Usually somewhere in the 6-8 week region but it’s variable.
sally says
How do you work out how much you are owed.
Tom says
If you request a Statement of Account from the lenders, you should be able to work out how much interest and charges you paid. If you have access to your bank account statements from the time of lending you can work out how much you paid out and cross-reference it with the SoA.
sally says
Sorry to sound really thick. I have got a list of all my loans from Wonga so do you just add up the fees and interest paid and this should be how much your refunded.
Tom says
That’s right. however Wonga may not think any of the loans were unaffordable or claim any irresponsible lending, especially not ALL of them.
For example, if you borrowed £50 one month, then £60 two months later, then £100 after that – they may well have been affordable for you, but consistent lending, particularly where loans increase and you’re borrowing soon after repayment, could be deems as unaffordable.
Wonga tend to pick loans at random that they’ll refund and it’s nowhere near what people expect. Hope this helps.
sally says
Thank you Tom, I have had over 50 loans with Wonga since 2012, I had a response saying they only think 2 loans were unaffordable and offered a refund of £500. I have just added all the interest and fees up and it’s in the region of £2000 think I might go to the ombudsmen on this after all.
Tom says
You’re welcome. They’re really strange with their responses. I had 22 loans with them and they refunded more loans than I thought they would – I’m nearly at their payout date which means I’ll be getting a refund of £4000.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
” Wonga tend to pick loans at random that they’ll refund and it’s nowhere near what people expect” and it’s nowhere near what the Ombudsman expects… which is why they are agreeing with the customer in a massive 77% of cases.
Paul says
Received final offer from Wage Day Advance, this morning via post. Offered me £943 which I am very happy with as it’s only about £160 short of what I calculated. They state in their letter, that if I reply immediately with my bank details, they will use Faster Payment bank transfer.
So far, from complaints against 12 companties, 4 have settled with me directly (Peachy, Mr Lender, MyJar – but I’m awaiting a counter offer I put to them & WageDayAdvance), QuikQuid has gone to the FOS and yet to hear from other 7 but the 8 week deadline is up on Monday so hope to hear today.
Mark says
Evening all,
I had a response from Wonga offering a refund on one random loan from 2012 offering me £265, I’ve had 81 loans with them since 2011 to present, I worked the interest out from my SOA to be nearer £4000.
I also had a response from QQ stating they are refusing my complaint completely, I had about 40 loans with them since 2011 to present with interest and fee’s totalling £3000.
I had a terrible credit score, defaults and was in a DMP at the time of borrowing so I feel I’ve got a good case.
I’ve now sent these over to the FOS but should I inform Wonga and QQ I have done this or should I just leave it at that?
Tom says
You have a really strong case because of the amount of borrowing you did. Unless you’ve got an outstanding balance I wouldn’t bother telling them, if you do then just ask them to put collection activity on hold until the outcome of the investigation.
Mark says
Hi Tom,
I do have outstanding balances with both albeit relatively small amounts, I have set up repayment plans for both just to keep them happy, i did cancel the CPA on both and then waited to see what they would do, Wonga to be fair were really nice about it and basically just asked me what I could afford to pay each month, QQ refused to stop adding interest and charges unless I set up a repayment plan, it started to add up so I gave in but made sure it was affordable, I figured that if I win my cases I’d sort of get it back anyway.
Tom says
That’s right, the more you pay in now, the more you’ll get back at the end if the FOS finds in your favour. Sara said earlier the FOS were upholding 77% of claims against Wonga.
I hope you get the money back that you deserve mate.
Bev says
Twas thinking. Payday UK are being awful and refused point blank to send statement of loans. I have tried all responses as posted on this site but they still refuse. My thought a are that I will nwver be able to accept any offer they may or may not make me as without a statement of loans and interest I don’t know what it should be. Based on this I was wondering if I had grounds to send it to the ombudsmen now as without the loan details that’s where I will send it anyway as I can’t consider an offer without that. What do you think?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Sorry you have to wait. When (if?) they make you an offer, tell them you can’t consider it until they send you a list of your loans.
If you get a copy of your bank statements you can usually work out from those what you’ve borrowed and repaid.
Worked for me – even though I’d long since closed my account with the Halifax they were able to provide me with over 100 pages of statements from 6 years ago (speak nicely to the cashier as I got mine free but I believe they’re supposed to charge for printing them!)
Saffi says
247 MoneyBox have come back to me with an offer now that I have the FOS involved. I am happy with the offer as it is all the interest I have paid however they haven’t mentioned anyting about the 8%?
Lisa says
Hi Saffi,
Well done – 247 have been totally awful with me. 2 reponses to 21 emails and on the last day rejected my complaint with no explanation!
I have sent this to the FOS and on Friday the FOS wrote to 247 to ask for the case file.
Can I ask how long after you contacted the FOS did 247 get in touch with you and if you did anything additional? (i.e. gave them a call?)
Saffi says
Hi lisa,
I did nothing, they contacted me out of the blue, I sent my complaint to the FOS roughly 3 weeks ago.
Lisa says
excellent thanks – hoping that they do the same for me!
The FOS wrote to 247 on the 22nd asking for the case file, so fingers crossed!
The have also written out to Ferratum, WageDayAdvance, PDUK, Lending Stream, CapFin (E-cash Window), Payday Express and awaiting them writing to QuickQuid. All between the 12th and 22nd.
Has this happened to any of your others (or if anyone else has, please let me know and the rough time frames!) Would be fab to clear my consolidation loan before Christmas :)
Acee says
Hi Lisa how long did you have to wait for your first contact from the FOS? I’ve only heard back from them on 1 complaint I’ve got 9 in. I’ve emailed them a few times with the case ref number for the one they have picked up but they never reply.
Lisa says
Hi Acee,
Ive been pretty on the ball with them. I sent all of my complaints off in 3 batches. A week after each batch, I called them (allowing time for it to be worked through the system) and have pulled a spreadsheet together with the FOS reference number and the date that they wrote to the business asking for the file. Each time I call they have been really helpful and any registered complaints where the business had not been contacted, they did there and then for me.
Im not sure this means that I’m any further forward than you, its just I am aware of where I am with them.
Now I have the detail, I’ll leave them get on with things and try not to take up too much of there time. I have diarised to give them a call every 3 weeks (or so) to check where we are and nudge it along if the business hasn’t responded etc.
Hopefully this is helpful!
Acee says
Thanks Lisa. I’ll give them a call this see I’ve emailed them as I’ve had documents to attach don’t mind how long it takes Just want reassurance that they are getting all of my documents and ready to look at it.
Nigel says
Hi Saffi
What if you dont mind me asking is the total?
Saffi says
Interest was £417, waiting to hear if they are paying 8% on this.
Holly says
Hoping you can offer some advice.
I took out numerous payday loans from different companies within the space of 2 years (2013 to 2014). Using companies such as Pounds to Pocket, The Money Shop, Satsuma Loans, Quick Quid, Sunny payday, Uncle Buck, Pixie, Lending Stream and Payday UK. Totalling around £8,000 lent to me. I’ve started my complaints with some responses. No offers, one refusal. However, I’m unsure of how to proceed with with the FOS. Should I put 1 single case to them or should I do each individual one for each company I used?
I was majority of the time using the loan I had to pay off another and got in to a terrible cycle with it. I ended up going onto a DMP to sort it and am nearly clear of all of them.
Do you think I have a decent enough case for the FOS, reading some of the comments I believe so but really unsure of how to word things to get the best responses.
Tom W says
you have to do one for each company you are complaining about. I made sure i did all mine in one go, and in the appropriate box I asked if it would be possible to deal with the same adjudicator for all of them. I only did this on Friday so have no idea if that will happen!
Ross says
Hi Holly,
You need to register individual complaints, for each individual company, with the FOS. As you have quite a few, you may want to consider doing these a few at a time, as trying to deal with multiple complaints, at the same time, can be a bit daunting. You can easily lodge your complaint(s) using the online complaint form on the FOS website. Be sure to attach your final response letter, as long as you’ve had one, or advise that more than 8 weeks has elapsed, since you first complained, if they haven’t provided you with a final response within this timeframe.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Hi Holly, that sounds like a lot of borrowing, definitely worth pursuing affordability cases. Any money back should help to end your DMP!
When cases go to the Ombudsman 9as probably some will) you will be asked for your bank statements for the period – you only have to provide these for the first complaint, they can then be used for your other complaints.
Pastpayday says
HI folks – need some help please. Borrowed from Vivus, recevied claim form from Moriarty Law saying Motormile payment needs to be made or else CCJ. Contacted motormile with the first template letter asking for details of account. In the meantime got agreement from Moriarty saying they will put action on hold for 30 days (I also put in a defence stay on the claim form for CCJ to give the extra 14 days).
Motormile have just sent me an email stating the account balance etc but no mention of Vivus details. My question is, in regards to the step to above do i address it to motormile or Vivus? MM have given the details of more or less when they acquired the loan (around 2014) the Vivus loan was probably way before that.
Ross says
You definitely need to complain, directly, to Vivus, as they were the ones who originally gave you the loan.
Pastpayday says
Hi Ross – Vivus arent trading anymore and from my initial reply they directed me to motormile. They are the ones who provided the account balance after i forwarded the reply from the automated vivus email. Now Motormile have replied but havent given any other details apart from ‘original debtor: vivus’ and then the outstanding balance.
Hi Sarah – No other loans from Vivus but prior to Vivus have had a good couple of years with Wonga (which thanks to your kind work, I have fired off emails to), PDUK, Wagedayadvace and a couple of others. At that time i was upto my neck with payday loans and defaults.
Just in case anyone else has an ongoing complaint against 1st Stop (now renamed to Clear Recoveries).
They were given until the 5th October to respond to the adjudicator for my complaint.
I’ve had a call today from the adjudicator telling me that 1st Stop have finally responded to him, but claiming that they are no longer trading.
This is a lie.
The adjudicator has confirmed himself, that they are still registered as operating on companies house website and that their website is still accepting new loan applications!
There was also no mention of this when they sent me their final response/refusal e-mail.
He has forwarded my complaint directly to the ombudsman rather than wait any longer for them to respond further.
He said the Ombudsman will almost definitely find in my favour unless 1st Stop actually do wind the company up this week (which he doubts).
It would seem this may just be a rather shady tactic by 1st Stop to try avoid FOS complaints and paying refunds!
They were one of the WORST PDL companies to deal with, being very quick to apply charges and threaten legal action.
On my last loan for £300 I ended up paying £1060 in fees and interest!
April says
I went to log into my Wonga account, to unsubscribe from receiving emails from them as I tend to get alot of junk.
This is one company I made a complaint about and they refunded me / removed all marks off my credit file. However when I signed in, there was an option to take out a new loan for a random £710. I thought with making a complaint payday lenders would automatically blacklist you?
I didn’t apply as I don’t need or want to. Just wondered if anyone else had noticed anything similar?
Luckily there’s no temptation to ever apply for a pdl again!!
Acee says
Yeah same with me with Myjar I still owe them over £1500 have put a complaint in about them but when I logged in to check balance the first screen was offering me the chance to apply for a new loan. I imagine if I did apply it would be rejected but like you I’m not tempted in the slightest.
April says
Checked Mr Lender and again I can apply for a new loan. Logged into QQ and they’re saying I can’t apply for a new one.
I don’t have any outstanding balances with any of them, but I did make formal complaints earlier this year. Very weird, I doubt I would be accepted even if I did apply!
Linda says
Same with me with Quickquid I’ve received several emails and numerous texts offering me a new loan even though they upheld my complaint and cleared my outstanding balance…..madness! These companies obviously haven’t learnt!
Acee says
Lending Stream are on a wind up – they offered to reduce my debts by £403 to £630 8 weeks ago. My balance was only around £895 at the time not £1030. I have since made 2 payments through DMP of £100 each and today they say there offer still stands to reduce my debt to £630 when it’s only £695 now anyway so reducing it by £65. The kind souls even offered to let me pay it all in one go. The debt has been passed onto CRS anyway so I’m not even paying them. Going to be so sweet if I win this complaint.
vickie9 says
My adjudicator told them to pay all of my interest back from 19 loans, they disagreed with her findings so it’s now in the queue for the FO so don’t give up!
Dan says
I guess some people accept these offers, by mistake, naivety or in desperation, I kinda did that with wonga two years ago – my acceptance was certainly naive, I trusted them to be fair! Doh!
Acee says
Yeah that’s why I put the post up people will be desperate and think they have a decent offer, you have to do the sums yourself before accepting any offer as they can be sneaky. Just told them to stop wasting my time and only to contact me again if they have a sensible offer and gave them then the correct sums and a screenshot of the debt collection agency confirming my existing debt.
Vicky says
Hiya sara, I made my complaint to lending stream & wonga on the 7th of April this year they both declined my offer & then have both not replied to the adjudicator so they have both been passed to the ombudsman lending stream was on the 18th of August and wonga on the 4th of September do you know how long roughly it takes now, also thankyou so much for all your help I wouldn’t of even knew I could be refunded if I didn’t come across this website
Vicky says
Also I have just recieved this email – I am writing to update you on this case. I have received an email from Wonga stating they are willing to make an offer on this complaint they have stated they are willing to make an offer on loans 4-8 and loans 10,17,19 and 20.
What can I reply I don’t want to accept that offer
Sara (Debt Camel) says
That sounds like a random selection of loans -do you know why they chose those?
If you aren’t happy with the offer, just reply saying you will be sending the case to the Financial Ombudsman. Don’t worry that you could lose this offer by doing this – we haven’t seen a case where anyone has ended up with less than Wonga offered.
AK says
Quick update from me. Sent a complaint to SNC on 25th August, received an offer on 20th September to remove my outstanding balance and pay an interest on most of my withdrawals, I accepted, SNC promised to pay on 22nd. After one email and one phone call they closed my account and sent money to my bank yesterday. Hopefully their account will be removed from my credit file soon.
Darren says
Last day for 247 moneybox to respond to my adjudicator. If they don’t reply they have till Friday then its onto the ombudsman. Adjudicator has mentioned the queue for an ombudsman is sitting a few months. Hoping the reply today and get this over with as its been going on since early March!!
Nigel says
Hi Darren
My Moneybox 247 complaint has been running on since July 2016. It has just gone on and on. Originally I was complaining for 6+3 years. That took for ever and In the end I dropped the +3 and just went for 6 years as it was not actually a significant amount just 4 loans. So 4 August 2010 until 21 June 2016; are the inclusive loans now, Its 32 loans and adjudicator said that all loans need to refunded in these dates. It has been with an Ombudsman since Mid August! I Have not seen such a delay in any of mine and I am sure its just continued delaying from Moneybox. Indeed I do believe now they are the worst to deal with.
Darren says
Yeah they have defo been the hardest to deal with. Mines is for 4 loans with money due back to me around the £2k mark. I phoned them and was shocked someone picked up straight away. Told them today was the deadline to respond to my adjudicators decision and they said they hadn’t been notified of the decision. I know for a fact this is a lie as they emailed me last week saying all info was now with my adjudicator. Fingers crossed they manage to sort it today but not holding my breath!!
L7 says
Hi just need some advice please,
I’ve had an offer from peachy for £159.60 for 4 of the loans I had. In total I had ten that totalled over £1000 in interest! I had a gambling problem so expenditure was not in full on the affordability checks! I have now overcome the gambling problem and have been for 11 months! Any idea what to do with this offer?
Tom says
Don’t accept it. Adjudicator and FOS don’t tend to look negatively on gambling transactions.
There’s a part on this site which tells you whether to counter-offer or not with certain companies, I never used Peachy so can’t help unfortunately!
L7 says
Thanks they Have come back with an improved offer of 464.60 which takes into consideration the interest on one more loan! I’m quite tempted as it has only taken 5 days for them to come to this point
Martin says
Did you say in your complaint that you had a gambling problem? I have a similar situation just don’t know to write it in my complait or not
L7 says
Yes I’ve put this in all my complaints! It’s recognised as a mental illness and I’ve heard adjudicators don’t hold this against you. I’ve been clear of gambling for 11 months now with the help of family and counselling. Are you still gambling or have you managed to quit?
warren says
Hi has anyone been paid a refund by wonga? I was told 3-5 working days im on working day 5 and nothing still yet. Does this happen alot? Thanks in advance
Tom says
Did you receive an email saying 3-5 working days? Ring up and chase it.
warren says
Hi tom yes i did spoke to the via live chat online said i should recieve the money by tomorrow not holding my breath though ?
Tom says
Out of interest mate, what were the timescales like? My “within 14 working days” timescale email after I sent the form off is up tomorrow. I spoke on live chat last night and they said it had been “processed internally” on Friday 22nd September. But I haven’t received an email about this.
Did you have to wait 14 working days and THEN 3-5 after?
Hope you get it today or tomorrow and hope it’s a good amount! Can’t wait for all this to be over so am not constantly checking emails etc lol
warren says
Hi tom it was surposed to be today as it was told 14 working days orginaly too which i think includes the 3-5 working days too which is day 14 which is today but i can wait one more day. I was told when i asked them last monday how much longer i will have to wait they apolgized and said they would push threw the refund they said wait 3-5 working days. I think 14 days is when others get theres usually mate. Hope you get your money too i hate waiting lol if i havent recieved payment by tomorrow i will be back on live chat lets hope not. I will keep you updated ☺
Tom says
Seems like we’re in the same position mate! As I say, I was told it was “internally processed” on Fri 22nd, god knows what that means! But yeah, I’ll raise a glass for you when I get mine mate, a nice £4,000 to end a vicious cycle and a low part of my life! Fingers crossed for you buddy
warren says
Thats great and a lovely sum too. Very pleased for you. I know what you mean i never want to be in this postion again! I think that means they are in the final stages of sending payment to you. Fingers crossed for you ☺
Tom says
Yep very happy with it, very simple too, all thanks to this site. Luckily I didn’t have to escalate to FOS, Wonga offered me more than I expected first time tbh!
I hope so, gonna book a holiday! Take care mate enjoy
Kel says
Hi need some help again please I have several complaints in process at the moment one being with Sunny I have sent my letter of complaint I am still making token payments on the outstanding balance I have which is £336 at the moment
I have asked for a summary of borrowing three times I have just been sent a link that shows the date amount of my loans but not the interest paid. I took out 36 loans over 11 months all max amount per time was £300 as this was my limit with them However the frequency was high sometimes the day after I’d pay them off just because I thought it looked better and I knew I needed to lend again to get by the following week. I have tried marrying these up with my bank statements it’s a mine field as some months I made partial payments to keep them sweet sometime paid of early to lend the next day I have totalled the loans and I’ve have lent £6350 over the 36 loans how do I get an idea of the interest if they won’t give me this information
Ross says
Hi Kel,
The best way to do this is with your bank statements. Total up ALL of the amounts you have paid to Sunny, over the 36 loan period, and subtract the amount you borrowed from the total amount you have paid. For instance, if your total paid to Sunny was £6000 and you had borrowed £3500, then the interest/charges paid would’ve been £2500. Hope his helps?
AE says
Can anyone help 3 of my loans have now been sent to ombudsman ive sent all the information however only one has been picked up by adjudicator- how long roughly does the investigation take by the adjudicator?
Thanks :)
Tom says
Around 3 months
Mikie says
Thanks,again for this amazing site, it’s changed my situation immensely already. It made me realise the absolute horrendous mess payday lending left me in and how much money I wasted.
I’ve 4 cases with the ombudsman/adjudication now- qq and p2p (total rejection despite me borrowing over £15k before interest!) wonga (31 loans over 8k in interest alone) ladder loans- no soa ( not responded in time) payday express (same)
Have had some settlements which I’ve accepted (to give me breathing space to take on the cases with the big cases above)
Sunny- partially upheld, offer of £1900 approx in last week of 8, good to deal with
Uncle buck- claimed they’d done nothing wrong but offered £500 approx – accepted
Wageday Advance – partially upheld, offered £2100 in last week of 8
The sums above alone have transformed my finances, never in my wildest dreams did I expect anything like this.
Lending stream – started a complaint this week.
To anyone thinking about complaining- do it! Think of the stress you had juggling sometimes 5 or 6 payday loans a month!
Stuart says
I’ve just sent my final responses to FOS I had an offer from wageday advance, pduk and payday express I would accept 1 but the figures don’t add up in there settlement. my question is im struggling to get the bank statements as the bank I was with are saying they cant locate my old account does this matter with my claim? Also would I lose the offers now if it has gone to ombudsman?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
How old are these loans?
Stuart says
Some are over 6 years but must are under! Issue is that it’s an old account and ringing them to try get info there saying they can’t locate account!
Sara (Debt Camel) says
I think you need to persevere – they will probably locate it.