Did your payday loans cost so much when you repaid one you had to keep on borrowing?
You can get a refund of the interest you paid on unaffordable loans.
It’s easy to ask for a payday loan refund using the free template letters here. The letters work if your payday loans were repaid or you still owe money.
The comments below this article have thousands of stories of the refunds people have got using these letters. It is a great place to ask questions!
What are “unaffordable” loans?
Was a loan affordable just because you repaid it?
No! If paying a loan left you so broke you had to borrow again – from the same lender or a different one – it was unaffordable!
The regulator says:
“the borrower should be able to make the required repayments without undue difficulty, whilst continuing to meet other debt repayment obligations and reasonable regular outgoings.”
That means a payday loan is only affordable if you repaid it on time and you could still manage to pay your other bills and debts.
Payday loans are meant to solve a short-term problem. If you kept repaying one then getting another loan soon after, the lender should have stopped lending to you.
If the loan was small and it was the first loan or second loan from a lender, the lender may not have realised the loan was unaffordable for you. But it was irresponsible lending to just carry on giving you more loans.
Many lenders ignore obvious signs of problems such as your loans increasing in size, or borrowing again soon after repayment.
How much compensation can you get?
You don’t have to calculate this. Just ask for a refund from the lender and see what you are offered. This is simple and it works well.
The Financial Ombudsman has seen tens of thousands of payday loan affordability complaints.
A typical decision by the Ombudsman is that the payday lender should refund all the interest you paid interest after the third, fourth or fifth loan.
But if your first loan was large, or was rolled over several times you could get a refund from just one loan.
Which lenders can you get refunds from?
You can complain to lenders that are still in business, even if they are no longer lending. These include:
Lending Stream, Cash Converters, CashASAP, Drafty, Dot Dot, Fast Loan Uk, Fernovo, Fund Ourselves, Kabayan, LoanPig, Mr Lender, Moneyboat, MyKredit, My Finance Club, QuidMarket, Savvy, The Money Platform, WageMe, Wizzcash,
See this email list for payday lenders for a longer list and all the contact details to use.
If the lender has gone into administration, including CashForUNow, Piggybank, Ferratum, Oakam:
- make a claim to the administrators – there is normally a simple form for you to complete, see the lender’s website for details – but there will be a time limit for doing this.
- you may not get much cash back but this is very easy to do. A balance may be reduced or cleared even if there is no cash to distribute. And if you win the complaint any negative marks on your credit record will be removed.
It is probably too late to make claims to other lenders who gave up years ago, see this list.
For longer-term loans there are better template letters to use on other pages:
- doorstep lenders and guarantor lenders,
- Loans2Go – the worst loans in Britain!
- 118 Money, Everyday lonas, Likely Loans/Finio, Reevo, Bamboo, car finance, bank loans and other long-term loans.
Do this before, before you send in a complaint
Doing these things now will make your life easier later.
Get a copy of your TransUnion statutory credit report and keep it. After complaints are started, sometimes loans are deleted and you may want the full report if you later have to go to the Ombudsman.
If you still owe money to the lender, read Will an affordability claim hurt my credit record, and other questions. These looks at your options for stopping paying, the effect on your credit record etc.
If the rest of your finances are difficult, look into a Debt Management Plan (DMP) where you make one affordable payment a month to StepChange. This gets you into a safe financial position as these affordability complaints can take a long time to go through at the Ombudsman. Winning a complaint then speeds up the DMP.
Unless you can afford to make this month’s payment without borrowing again, cancel the CPA to the lender at your bank. Otherwise the lender may take the money and you will be in a mess.
If your loan was sold to a debt collector you complain to the original lender. But also tell the debt collector that you are disputing the debt. It is a good idea to carry on making payments to the debt collector if they are affordable.
Start your complaint & get loan details
Find the lender’s email address for complaints from this list.
Put “AFFORDABILITY COMPLAINT” as the subject of your email:
You should never have given me these unaffordable loans. Paying you each month left me with too little money so I had to keep borrowing to get through the next month.
You should have realised from the number of times I borrowed that my debt problems were getting worse. It was not responsible to continue to lend to me. [Add more details eg how often you borrowed or rolled loans if you know them, how the amount borrowed generally went up etc]
[Include/change this if your credit record would have shown big problems:] My credit reports would have shown all my other debts and problems including late payments/defaults /CCJs/debt management.]
I am asking you to refund the interest and any charges I paid, plus statutory interest, and to delete any negative information from my credit record.
[delete this sentence if you know what all your loans were.] I know the difficulties your loans have caused me but I no longer have all the loan details. Please send me a list, showing for each loan when it was taken out, how much interest and charges you added, and what I repaid. This will enable me to assess any refund you offer me.
[delete this sentence if none of your loans were sold.]If a loan was later sold to a debt collector, please inform me of the date of sale and the name of the debt collector.
Some ways to improve this
Add any other points that help you describe what happened to you. You don’t need to list the loans – the lenders knows them.
Some examples:
- “I took out another loan with xxxx to pay you.”
- “Sometimes I borrowed to pay the rent and then had to top-up to get money for food.”
- if you weren’t treated fairly while you were borrowing or when you could not make a payment, add a bit about this.
You can attach bank statements if you like, This is a good idea as these show how unaffordable the loans were for you. If you have gambling showing, this helps your complaint, it doesn’t harm it.
I don’t know if many lenders actually read what you send them. I
it’s easy to make these complaints – you don’t need to calculate what refund you should get or quote laws.
Only one loan?
The template refers to multiple loans because that is what normally happens with payday lenders.
When you only had one loan and it was large, read Refunds from large loans and use the template there.
If you only had one loan and it was small, this is going to be a very difficult complaint to win. If you have borrowed once or twice from 5 leaders, that is much more difficult to win an affordability complaint than having 4 or 5 loans from two lenders.
Waiting for a reply from the lender
This email starts your affordability complaint.
They may send the list of loans first and later respond to your complaint. So don’t be surprised if you get sent info on the loans but nothing about your request for a refund.
When you get your loan information, you can send in more details about your complaint if you want. You don’t have to do this, your complaint has already begun and the lender has to reply.
The lender should reply to your complaint within 8 weeks from when you send the email, not when they acknowledge it. Make a note in your diary for 8 weeks time and chase the lender up if you don’t get a reply.
Don’t be surprised if you have to wait until the end of the 8 weeks to get response – this is common.
Send your bank statements or other information?
Some lenders ask you to send them a copy of your credit record, payslips or bank statements.
Credit record – the lender can check your credit record themselves if they want. But you should download a copy of your credit record asap as the Ombudsman will ask for it. Don’t put this off, the sooner you get a report downloaded, the further back it goes which is good.
Don’t send payslips.
It is a good idea to send bank statements. But think twice about the cost of copying and postage if there are a lot. Some lenders seem to ignore them if you do send them.
Again this is a good point to get those bank statements even if you do not want to send them as they will help an Ombudsman claim a lot. You can get them going back at least 6 years even if the account has been closed.
Lender says No or makes a poor offer
If the lender rejects your complaint or offers you a small amount, don’t be depressed. You may still have a very good case!
It is easy and free to send your case to the Financial Ombudsman where many thousands of people have won their payday loan complaints, despite being rejected by the lender.
Give up?
Some lenders try to make your case sound bad when it isn’t. People have had large amounts refunded after a complete rejection!
Just ignore any of the following comments, they do not mean you have a weak case:
- they relied on your loan applications and you didn’t give accurate facts – see Lender says I lied for more about this;
- you repaid some loans early – this doesn’t prove the loans were affordable, just that you were trying to save interest;
- your borrowing didn’t go up every time – irrelevant, what matters is that you kept borrowing;
- you had a good enough credit score or they didn’t legally have to check your credit record – if you only had one or two small loans that is true. But if the loans were large or you kept borrowing, they should have looked more closely;
- some loans are over 6 years old – the Ombudsman will look at these even if the lender says they won’t!
A good enough case to go to the Ombudsman?
If you don’t know what to do, ask in the comments below this article. Accepting an offer settles your whole complaint – you can’t change your mind later.
Don’t worry that you will lose a small offer by going to the Ombudsman – this doesn’t happen.
Some points to think about:
- if you are offered a refund on only a few loans, don’t accept it if you think the lender should have realised a lot of the other loans were unaffordable;
- an offer to write off your current balance may sound convenient … but it may be very poor if you should get a refund as well;
- if getting defaults or late payments removed from your credit record is important to you, are you happy with what the lender is proposing to do? Don’t assume your credit record will be cleared if the lender didn’t mention this.
One or two loan cases are hard to win at the Ombudsman. It’s probably best to give up on one or two loan cases unless:
- the loan was large. Here is one single loan case that was won even though it was an instalment loan and the borrower had a good income. And another single loan case for a loan of £1,000. You can win cases for smaller amounts if the repayment would have been a large amount of your income; or
- you still owe money.
Don’t delay too long – there is a 6-month time limit after a lender rejects your complaint to send the case to the ombudsman. When you aren’t sure, send the complaint to FOS. This is free and easy to do – let FOS make the decision.
How to send a complaint to FOS
Put in a separate complaint about each lender.
Don’t wait until all your lenders have replied before sending the first one to the Ombudsman!
FOS’s “complain online” option is easy and takes you through your complaint step by step.
You can just copy what you said in your complaint to the lender. You can add more details, for example, if you disagree with what the lender replied to you.
If some of your loans were over 6 years ago, tell the Ombudsman when and how you found out about these complaints. For example:
“I knew the loans were causing me difficulty in 2018, but I thought this was my fault for being bad with money. I didn’t find out that the lender should have checked the loans were affordable until June 2024 when my brother told me about these claims/I saw an advert from a claims company on Facebook/I read an article about these claims” – change this so it is right for your case!
Things to attach:
- the reply you have had from the lender.
- bank statements if you have them. Ideally from 3 months before your first loan until the last loan was repaid or you defaulted on it. This strengthens your case, showing how unaffordable the loans were. You can still get bank statements even if your account is closed – if you don’t have them, start the process of getting them now, don’t wait until FOS asks for them.
- a copy of your TransUnion Statutory credit report
- if you dont have the credit agreements, FOS will get them from the lender.
What happens after you have sent a case to FOS
You will normally be contacted within a couple of weeks and asked for a copy of your credit record and your bank statements if you haven’t sent these. If you have sent these on one complaint, then when you complain about a different lender FOS will use the ones they already have.
After this initial contact, your case will wait for the lender to send FOS your case file and then wait to be picked up by an adjudicator who will make a decision on it.
If you are still making payments to the lender, tell the lender you want to reduce these to an affordable amount. This will make waiting for an Ombudsman decision much less stressful for you.
The Financial Ombudsman has a two-stage process. Most cases are settled by the first “adjudicator” stage but about 10% go to the second “Ombudsman” stage.
A few problem cases
Don’t ask for a refund:
- if you are bankrupt now or have been bankrupt in the past – any refund would go to the Official Receiver.
- if you are in an IVA, as refunds will go to your IVA firm not to you. If your IVA has finished the refund may still be sent to your old IVA firm.
- if you are in a DRO now, getting a refund may mean your DRO is cancelled!
More help
You can ask a question in the comments below – you may get a reply from someone who has been in your exact situation.
Don’t use a claims management company. They are expensive and often incompetent. It’s easy to do this yourself and you can ask questions below and get replies from other readers who have done this.
Mark says
QQ update after my acceptance of the Ombudsman upholding my complaint-they have 4 weeks in which to contact me with regards to settlement and pay-out of same,otherwise I have to contact my adjudicator and advise him of the same.
Heres hoping they dont muck about too much
Angie says
Hi, I’ve had a response from Wonga today and they have said out of the 10 loans I had from them 6 were unaffordable. They have agreed to pay me the interest plus 8% then deduct 20% for tax. Is this right? Do I need to send a copy of the offer to the ombudsman as Wonga have responded to me before they have heard from the ombudsman, and should I go for all 10 loans or am I just being unreasonable? Any advice welcome.
Duane says
Only offered me 3 loans out of 27 today. Not having any negotiating either. Very odd random loans too and looking back there are 6 other months where I was paying up to 700 each month on 1400 wages. Can’t work Wonga out. I’ve also pointed out to them as a so called responsible lender who say there product is only for short term loans, why did there ”high tech” system not relise I was borrowing once a month or twice some months for 21 consecutive months!!!
fusionx212 says
duane, they did the same to me, take it to the FOS, they have ruled in my favour, wonga offered me 8 of 25 loans. +1000 each loans just ensured your presenting your case clearly.
FOS awarded me from the 2nd loan.
Mark says
I have to take my hat off to Quid.co.uk. They came back within 6 weeks with an offer of £700, which is the entire interest I paid on 4 loans. Not because I rolled over or had gaps, but because the loans did not suit my financial position at the time. They have a complaints team with real people who answer the phone and call back and email straight back to complaints. I know payday loan companies from my experience can offer terrible service but Quid have been great with me. Paid in next day of offer too.
Predictably Money Shop, Payday Express, Payday UK, QQ have offered nothing after 10 weeks and are all with the FOS for me.
So far for me I have won back £2000 Txt Loan, £700 Quid, £1500 Lending Stream, £680 cash converters – total just under £5k with the biggest claims hopefully to come, thank you Sara!
Lisa says
Just after a bit of advice please….
I took my first loan with Lending Stream on 8th February 2013. I took another 4 loans with them following that, the last one being 21st June 2013.
I complained to them about the affordability of these loans given I had taken over 60 loans with various other lenders starting March 2010.
They replied, NOT officially stating it was their final response, they believed they had behaved responsibly in approving my loan and had dealt with it fairly. They came to this decision because apparently my Experian credit score was over 600.
I replied advising them that on 30th April 2012, less than 12 months before my first loan with them, my score was 367 which is considered VERY POOR.
I continued to borrow from numerous pay day lenders after that date so cannot understand how my score could have increased and asked them for their final response.
They have replied today saying, amongst lots of waffle about how the scores they see are different than I would see for myself, “we understand that your circumstances would have been difficult then. Hence, we offer to refund some of the interest and fee which was incurred post June’13, amounting £310.90”
I borrowed a total of £945 and paid back more than double that. Is it worth proceeding to FOS or should I just take their offer and run!?
fusionx212 says
Hi Lisa, the score means nothing- it’s used an indicator for your use solely. on that note Lending stream would not of been able to see your score so they are incorrect and i gather they’ve pulled this from your discussions with them.
your argument with them is that Payday loans are short term loans, 60 loans with various lenders as well as them is not short term, had they carried out the adequate checks they would of seen you were borrowing from numerous PDL’S and had the checked this it would clear from the beginning your were not suitable for their product.
your argument is about the debt and struggle these loans placed on you and how you struggled to meet the minimum payments.
their lack of due care towards yourself as a customer.
Barry says
Having waited 14 long weeks, Wonga have finally responded to my complaint advising that all my 42 loans totaling over £14k (over a 39 month period) were affordable and they will not be offering me anything.
Has anyone had this experience with them? Next step for me is FOS as I have nothing to lose, I have a record conversation with duty and shift managers from their Customer Service team with them telling me from a personal opinion that 42 loans over a 39 month period is not the act of a responsible lender!
Duane says
Very similar to me yesteday. Been back to them a few times today as they didn’t answer my questions ”what about the other 24”
Why don’t they count? Why are Wonga a so called resonsible short term provider?
Why did alarms not ring when I had 27 loans in 21 months by your so called high tech system?
Why do you keep mentioning my income and not outgoings, income is irrelevant if you don’t know outgoings.
Still not having it. Funny thing was they sent me a customer rate me survey after.
Bunch of jokers or what
We will see who’s laughing at the end. And I’m putting in a claim for additional stress and wasted time.
They just won’t accept ( well they did on 3 random loans) they acted irresponsibly.
fusionx212 says
Barry, Wonga seem to be losing patience with their offers some get partial offers some get nothing..
14 weeks is a joke and you should complaint to the FCA as well
if you believe they acted irresponsibly (42 loans is irresponsible in my opinion) again you need to prove how unaffordable they were and how they impacted you financially or if there were clear indicators showing financial distress.
i.e late payments, defaults, detrimental financials.
there is the irresponsible lending aspect due to the sheer numbers of loans but it seems to be very hit and miss if they agree with you,
I had 8 loans offered back out of 25… so a lot less than you but I had large amounts about 15k total.. the FOS have upheld my complaint from the 2nd loan as it should of been clear from that point I was not suitable for PDL’S and these trapped me in a bigger debt spiral.
my suggestion is that you need to prove your case i.e bank statements and credit reports.
Becky says
Update – My adjudicator emailed me for the first time today saying QQ had got back to them saying they agreed they should have asked more questions before they gave me two loans issued (£450 + £400) and are now offering to refund all charges on above loans totaling just over £900,
Before I went to the FOS they offered me £200. I had a total of 33 loans from 2010 – 2012 which most were constantly rolled over, I have worked out the interest to be just under 3k and that’s not including the 8% interest. Ive been told to email them back if I’m happy with the offer, Any advice welcome as to what to say to the adjudicator ? Has any had QQ do this before ? Thanks
Graham says
Hi Becky, same for me QQ have offered £1004, I have calculated I paid £4000 in interest and charges. I have E-Mailed my Adjudicator and refused QQ offer and asked them to look at my business file again. Stick with It.
Nat says
Just a little quick quid update. Half my loans were from 2010 so the fos wouldn’t lokl at them but they have offered me £588 I owed, the loan to be crossed out from mckenzie hall and to removed from my credit file.
The funny thing is this debt has been paid. every penny and it was with PRA group. Lol. I have the payment confirmation email off PRA and the entry in my credit file. Can’t believe how wrong they are lol sent all my evidence back to the fos and hopefully they will get back to me tomorrow x
Robbie says
Hi Nat,
Funny I read this because exactly the same happened to me today. QQ saying they would take back the loan from Mackenzie hall yet I paid it off via PRA and I have proof. Be interesting to see what happens next, clearly trying to pull the wool over the eyes of the adjudicators.
Good luck
Nat says
Really rob? How strange is that I am really looking forward to seeing what they will say too. let me know how you get on & I’ll keep you posted. X
Rob says
Hi Nat,
Received an email from QQ this morning saying thank you for your payment. Completely out of the blue, so the adjudicator must have got back in touch with them about it.
Have you received something similar?
I haven’t made any payment – I will try and call my adjudicator today to see if she’s heard anything and let you know x
Rob says
Hi Sara/Nat,
QQ tried saying to the adjudicator that they never received my final payment but it was passed to makenzie hall now PRA group. I paid it off in 2011. QQ said they would wipe the debt off.
I emailed the letter from PRA group to my adjudicator and this morning had an email from QQ saying they had received the funds.
Nat says
Just got off the phone then QQ excuse is that Mackenzie hall was PRA group I don’t know if that’s correct. They said they are going to look at my offer again and get back hopefully tomorrow.
Rob Lloyd says
Hi Nat,
The adjudicator got into contact with me yesterday and said QQ acknowledged the letter from PRA group but haven’t increased the offer.
He’s contacted QQ to say if they don’t increase their offer then he will take it to the ombudsman. Such a long winded process
fusionx212 says
Same for me, quick quid think they are doing us a favour by recalling it back.
I bloody paid the debt collectors, I also went ahead and challenged their default due to PRA putting incorrect details on my credit file.
so I have no defaults on my file. all done off of my own back so their offer is a pointless one.
they offered the principle amount which I wasnt sure about i phoned quick quid up and they point blank refused to explain their offer.
so it got sent to the FOS who are now looking but it also turns out quick quid are saying I only had 3 loans with them although my online account says 5.
Danielle says
Hi Fusionx212
Just regarding your QuickQuid account, 2 of those loans shown might be top ups, when I log into my QuickQuid account it shows 28 seperate loans, however when I got my statement of account it shows that only 9 of those were actual loans and the rest top ups.
However saying that this is QuickQuid so triple check.
Nigel says
Eventful day!
Different Money Not upheld. Monkey Dosh Not Upheld. Both small but both I will take time to consider a challenge. I think it will be hard to push those, 3 loans only on each.
Payday Express I cant log into the account while the complaint is on-going. As I still have a loan they have frozen it with out adding Interest or trying to collect anything until 19/09I mentioned earlier that it had been a busy day. see post for 2.40pm
Next Credit agreed to refund £295 on 4 loans out of 8 and I am satisfied with that and have accepted.
Lending stream came back with a vastly improved offer of £1314 instead of the original offer off £369 just with me phoning and emailing and keeping the pressure on. It took 3 weeks but I have accepted this as well and I am happy with this. Its a fair offer.
My running total is now £8074 I have claimed back from Wonga, Piggybank, Safeloans, MrLender, Lending Stream, NextCredit.
Only Quick Quid and Peachy so far on to the FOS One refused Peachy and QQ was just laughable although it was over £1000 and they would not budge.
Still have MoneyShop, Safetynet, PaydayUK, PaydayExpress, Moneybox 24/7, Wageday Advance, MyJar, H&T, EPDL, CFOLending, Unclebuck to go.
Still trying with not much luck with Pounds till payday, Ambermarle&Bond, CashGenie, Toothfairy, SpeedyDosh , MisterCheque, MiniCredit
Scary the amount of lenders I was stuck with!
Caddy says
Hi all I am after some advice please.
After 14 weeks wonga have offered me £4800 which I have accepted which I thought was a fair offer and very pleased about.
Wageday advance,Mr lender, qq, pounds to pocket, sunny and peachy have all refused to uphold my complaint even though I borrowed from some of them every month for 4 years.
I have sent them all to the FOS and was contacted today by the FOS asking for my bank statements from the time of the loans, I am worried as they show heavy gambling which got worse as time went on and feel that the pd lending made situation worse. I am embarrassed to show them but they want them to follow my complaint up. Has anyone else shown statements that was in the same situation as me.
Jamie says
Don’t worry too much , I’m in the same situation as many others, the fos has help up complaints with it all over statements, i think it just shows more so that u couldn’t afford them and they should of asked to see your bank statements ! Good luck
David says
I have had an offer from Cheque Centre in 5 weeks advising that they agree that some if my loans were not affordable, but feel the smaller loans were all fine. They have advised they will not offer the 8%. I am unsure if I should accept the offer or if I should contact the ombudsman.
The loans are from 14/08/2012 – 12/02/2014. There was 53 transactions in this period, every month for 18 months and I worked out about £8000 in interest. They have offered me £2751.67. All my loans were paid but it was constant reborrowing from them to live. The loans started at 265 and ended up 1000.
Any advice or comments from anyone who has dealt with cheque centre would be great.
alan says
David, I have a cheque centre complaint being dealt with by the ombudsman. They offered my £385 not for irresponsible lending, but for my later loans becoming non short term.
Its dragging on, but my adjudicator has advised that she will be in touch very soon.
I started my complaint in march and sent to the ombudsman in may.
I’m hoping to be upheld,and if so I will expect 8% interest to be applied.
As soon as I hear anything I will post on here. Good luck
Duane says
So after 11 weeks QQ have decided to respond – although I had 27 loans top ups through 21 months, they didn’t do anything wrong and all loans were affordable.
The main reasoning for this was I past their credit score and was earning 1300 a month.
They don’t actually say this but the only plausible way of translating what they say is that each loan was rolled over / or loans on a payment plan so therefore the monthly payment commitments were affordable even though they allowed me to reloan straight away for higher amounts.
On my point about dependancy, the response was;
“When I reviewed your loan history I see that excluding loans which you repaid early, you never had more than four consecutive loans (< 15 days between loans) where the loan amount increased over the prior loan amount.
In addition, the principal amounts borrowed fluctuated throughout your lending history. If there was dependency we would expect to see constantly increasing amounts in order to cover the prior loan interest and principal. There were several instances where the loan amount you applied for actually decreased from the previous loan which shows that you were not relying on one loan to repay the previous loan.monthly figure was less. ”
Now I don't agree at all, dependancy does not mean you would always have higher amounts. Just means I was juggling different lenders. Also, in my eyes dependancy means month on month not inside 15 days.
I'm shocked.
Didn't answer my question about their aggressive advertising structure, couldn't provide outgoings, couldn't answer why they class themselves as short term loan providers.
Surely just because the monthly payments were around 90-151, that’s completely irrelevant as most of them were just roll over payments or payments plans.
Offered a 300 goodwill gesture !!!
Any thoughts
Lynnette says
Take it to FOS I got same response from Quickquid and my adjudicator ruled all unaffordable from 4th loan and to repay interest and charges plus 8% interest and removal from credit files.
Duane says
Here are just a couple of examples of my payday outgoings. Not all months were quite as severe as this but not a great deal difference on most of them although a few did drop down 300 on payday payments alone
DEC 2010 – wages 1294
Wonga – 772
QQ – 387
APRIL 2011 – wages 3148 ( yearly bonus)
Wonga – 1540
QQ – 127
PTPD – 450
MEM – 135
MARCH 2011 – wages 2210 ( overtime)
PTPD – 625
Wonga -356
QQ – 127
WDUK – 85
I have a question…….. Please can someone help me. Should payday loan companies have know people were in a DMP like CCCS for all my long term debt? As you can add 310 to the lot above for long term debt. I’m hoping someone will say yes.
Does this my case stronger or is it my fault with gambling was to try and get the money back that was going out on payday loans?
From the above you can also see why I’m so annoyed at Wonga and QQ.
Thanks eceryone. This site is amazing
Sara (Debt Camel) says
“Should payday loan companies have know people were in a DMP like CCCS for all my long term debt? As you can add 310 to the lot above for long term debt.”
There are two ways they could have known. First if you included this in your “expenses”. Often the expenses question were vague and people weren’t clear what they should put down, but if you put this down then the lender did know about it.
Second by looking at your credit records. This only works if the lenders did credit check you – they weren’t obliged to back in 2010/11. It also only works if the DMP showed up on your credit record as defaults or AP (arrangement to pay) markers. If you are insolvent (bankrupt, IVA, DRO) or have CCJs then these will always show clearly no matter which credit reference agency the lender looked at.
I think QQ and Wonga used Call Credit and Wonga also used Experian. So for you it would make sense to get your credit reports from both of those. If you havent done this already, do it now – the longer you wait the more stuff drops off after 6 years.
If your credit records as seen by the lender would have showed a lot of defaults or AP markers this is a big sign that the lender should not have given you money.
Another point on those example months. Your income is very variable. This may have been an important fact in why the amount you borrowed from QQ, say, didn’t go up every month. So it may be the case that you were still dependent on the loans, you couldn’t manage without them and they were unaffordable as you would have to borrow again the following month but the amounts you needed varied.
But repeat lending every month tells it’s own story, that you were in trouble. But if you throw in a few months without any lending and an erratic pattern of how much you borrowed then it’s less clear.
Kim says
I currently have a complaint with the Fos re lending stream for 3 loans. The adjudicator upheld my complaint and requested all interest on the 3 loans be refunded along with 150.00 compensation and 8% interest. However lending stream requested this be looked at again by ombudsman – to date I now have the provisional response from the ombudsman which does not agree with the adjudicator – ombudsman is recommending only the 3rd loan interest be refunded and that there is no requirement for compensation – I am very disappointed and have given my response to this and am awaiting the ombudsman final response. I expected the ombudsman to agree with adjudicator from the start which wasn’t the case – not holding my breath on final outcome.
David says
Same happened with me. Adjudicator decided 9 of my loans were unaffordable. Lending Stream disagreed and said only one was. Ombudsman decided 6 were unaffordable and gave Lending Stream a further month to accept his decision. Lending Stream argued and said 3 of the loans should be deemed unaffordable.
The Ombudsmans final decision was to keep the 6 loans as unaffordable – but as a compromise decided Lending Stream shouldn’t pay 8% interest on those 6 unaffordable Ioans!!!
Lending Stream seem intent on being as awkward as possible and haggle to get the best result possible for them. Fairness, unaffordability and any sort of morality is alien to them.
Eve says
Hello all
So I complained to Peachy loans, in total I borrowed £640 off them and have paid £1003.79, but I have an outstanding balance of £160.27.
My first was taken on 11/06/2012 for £200 I repaid £287.42 on the 30/06/2012 and then on the same day I took another loan for £220.00 and rolled this over 3 times and paid £543.20 back on 28/11/2012. I then took out another loan on 28/11/2012 for £220 which I defaulted on, I have paid £173.17 of this loan back.
I’ve complained that I feel these loans were unaffordable, particularly the 2nd and third loans as I had already defaulted with other loan companies at this time.
They are saying that based on the information I give them about expenses they are not at fault and they see my loans as being affordable.
They have come back offering to write off £113.44, and leave me with an outstanding balance of £46.33.
Do you think it is worth pushing this to get the rest of this cleared and if I stand a chance at this?
Many Thanks
Sara (Debt Camel) says
I thinks that’s worth a push. The fact that you rolled the 2nd loan 3 times and took out both the 2nd and 3rd loans the same day as repaying the previous loans shows that you were finding the loans unaffordable. They are effectively refunding the interest on the third loan but nothing from the second loan.
Vic Smith says
Had some good news today that the FOS adjudicator found 5 of my Provident loans shouldn’t have been loaned due to my dire credit score.
With over £3k and 8% interest on top that should be a nice sum.
Has anybody else had any luck with Provident?
Vic Smith
Margo says
Hi Vic.
My husband is trying to get something from them but adjudicator said that in his opinion everything was good. They gave him two loans at the same time. So now we are waiting for Ombudsman.
Ann Marie says
Hi guys
Just a very quick update with a success !!!
I got an email yesterday from wonga after 15 weeks with an offer of £7520.00
IM totally amazed 8 loans between 2011 -2014 with numerous rollovers/extensions
THank you so much to Sarah and this site , this will help me to pay back arrears which I have accrued with priority debts.
A decent nights sleep for the first time in four years
THank u xx
Lisa says
Had a success with Wonga – finally!
After 16 weeks, they have offered £6499. I think I probably would have gotten a bit more had I gone via FOS but honestly, I’m happy enough with this result so have accepted and they’ve said I should have it in 3-5 days…..we’ll see :)
David says
QQ responded, didnt agree with my complaint, they looked at my account and can see that even though i borrowed every month for 4 years that i should have been able to afford the repayments, off to the FO i go!
Satsuma have agreed with the FO in regards to 2 out of 3 loans with them and are refunding what i expected which is a good bonus along with them taking the loans off my credit report,
Mr Lender waived the last payment of a loan with them, still waiting for Wonga and WDA.
Nigel says
Its a good day all round. £4271 back from MYJAR today basically paid me back on 127 out of 130 loans.
Jade says
I have started making my claims – one success so far, which was a £360 refund from Sunny Loans!
I haven’t heard a thing back from QuickQuid so will ve escalating to the FOS, and Uncle Buck rejected my claim so will also further my complaint.
My question is regarding Wonga. I had a loan zeroed with them after repaying £360. I have asked for the £360 to be refunded, as had i not made any payments would have had the whole balance wiped… Do i have much chance of receiving the £360 back? I’ve also put in a claim for unaffordability.
Rachel says
P2P claim is with the fos had first offer last week which I rejected I still have a current loan last few payments left should have been taken from my account yesterday now shows as outstanding when I log in has this happened to anyone else?
Sam says
Can I ask how many loans you had with P2P as my adjudicator deemed them affordable as they were instalment loans even though I had another 7 payday lenders on the go.
Rachel says
Hi Sam I had 7 loans reloaned same day when repaid which I think shows dependency the same adjudicator is looking at my QQ claim so I think together they make a stronger case, they offered a good amount on this current loan but nothing more as yet have now sent credit reports and bank statements I’m prepared for a long wait.
MilliesMummyx says
Today I got a ‘final response’ letter from PDUK.
The long and short of it is that I have several loans an have an outstanding balance.
Loan 1 march 2011 £150, deferred 5 times, late payment and eventually repaid by CPA in September.
Loan 2-5 between Sept 2011 and August 2014 with several deferrals throughout.
Loan 6 October 2014 for £920 (at this time my wage was £1080 per month so clearly not affordable!) due to repay £1396 over 3 instalments of £465.37. This was never paid due to change of circumstances. They agreed a repayment plan of £48 per month which I only paid once and my debt spiral was so out of control I was unable to repay again.
My current outstanding balance is £872 as they removed all interest and froze the payment.
They have said this to me…
“With regard to your eligibility to a refund, following the recent announcement, I can confirm that you have already received a restitution payment of £163.28 on 25 May 2016. This is in relation to your fourth, fifth and sixth loans taken out on 30 July 2014, 27 August 2014 and 29 October 2014. As such, these loans have been removed from your credit file and the necessary refund has been applied.
I can confirm that PaydayUK did not identify any concerns in relation to your remaining loans under either part of the review.
However, it appears that upon completing your second loan application on 26 September 2011 your lending history with PaydayUK indicated the loan was unsuitable for you as you had defaulted on your repayments of your first loan. As a result of this, I am upholding your complaint with regard to your second loan and the deferral of your second loan with PaydayUK. In light of my findings above I am willing to reduce your outstanding balance from £872.00 to £757.00, and remove the second loan and the deferral of your second loan from your credit file in full and final settlement of your complaint. This balance reduction represents the contractual interest you paid regarding your second loan deposit. If you wish to accept this offer please can you complete and return the enclosed settlement form within fourteen days of the date of this letter.
As your balance with PaydayUK is outstanding, with your account five hundred and twenty-six days in arrears as of the date of this letter, an Income and Expenditure form has been enclosed for you. If you wish to discuss repaying your loan in instalments please complete and return this form at your earliest convenience. ”
They also added this…
“Our Settlement offer is made without any admission of liability and will remain open for fourteen days from the date of this letter. Our offer is strictly confidential and conditional upon you agreeing not to disclose to any third party details of the offer, the fact that an agreement has been reached and the terms of our agreement.
If you wish to accept our offer, please sign, date, and return the copy to the Customer Relations Department at the address above within fourteen days of the date of this letter.
I, *** accept the proposed resolution of reducing my outstanding balance from £872.00 to £757.00, and removing my second loan and the deferral of my second loan from my credit file in full and final settlement of my complaint/claim against Instant Cash Loans trading as PaydayUK.”
Surely if my second loan was unaffordable then continuing to provide me with larger loans is also unaffordable? Should I take this to the FOS?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Do you have the details of the £163 restitution payments you were sent? Were you asked to sign anything to accept this?
Do you have the dates and the amounts of all the loans – date borrowed, amount borrowed, date finally repaid?
MilliesMummyx says
I have a letter with all my statements in the house (at work just now), this was posted to me rather than emailed. The details above I have taken from their final response email. I am unsure about the £163.28, I will need to look back letters in the house and my bank statements but I don’t remember signing anything about it. TBH I can’t remember knowing about it at all.
MilliesMummyx says
Have looked back my bank statements and a payment from instant cash loans was put into my account on 27th May, same day as my wages so I haven’t noticed it. I will look out letters when I go home but I am sure I would remember receiving this as this is around the time I first asked for my borrowing history.
Peter says
lots of ppl including me got compensation from them around that time, and they have sent a post letter about that.. i got around £370 but after telling them its not enough they gave me another ~£400
EJ says
Update on where I am at with my complaints:
Lending stream – £985 balance written off
QQ – Accepted offer of £350 + £150 balance written off (Wish I had not now as paid over £2k in interest) Agreed 18/07/16, still waiting for QQ to make contact despite chasing.
Wonga – Failed to respond to adjudicator despite them chasing for the last 3 weeks. Adjudicator proceeded without them and ruled 28/30 loans unaffordable and all interest + 8% to be repaid + £150 compensation. Wonga have until 09/08/16 to reply. Totals approx. £1400
118 Money – Rejected complaint to remove interest from loan, referred to FOS who suggested the £3097 interest be removed. 118 agreed. (This was due to my mental health status at the time of taking out the loan)
Sunny – Response due 06/08/16
Uncle Buck – Response due 06/08/16
Satsuma – Referred to FOS, waiting on a response
PDUK – Referred to FOS, waiting on a response
TM Advances – Refused to remove £9000 interest added to loan, referred to FOS (this again was due to mental health status at the time of taking out the loan)
Will keep you updated.
Nigel says
Updates of success as of 26/07 All these were agreed within 8 weeks and without having to go to the FOS with the original offers and where stated the ones I battled to get with out going on to the FOS and decided they were acceptable.
Wonga £3512
Safeloans £800 – Original offer £400
Lending Stream £1314 – Original offer £361
Next Credit £295
Response Funding / FancyAPayday £418 Original offer £0
Piggybank £463
MyJar £4271
Mr Lender £1729
Great success I am happy with these results.
Now the ones still waiting on final response. Uncle Buck, Payday UK, Payday Express, Moneybox 24/7, Moneyshop, H&T, CFO lending, EPDL, Safetynet
Then these two are at the FOS no surprise with QuickQuid. Peachy. QQ offered me £1100, I think you would agree that’s a high offer for the likes of them but its based around £12000 of interest and I know I would be expecting at least 50% of that. So after they would not Budge I have taken that one on to the FOS
Not upheld – Monkeydosh, Different Money, Wageday Advance. I will take the WDA one to the FOS not sure about the other two.
No Joy with Ambermarle& Bond, Minicredit, Toothfairy, Mistercheque, Pounds Till payday. All look like lost ones.
Then out of the Blue today I had an email from the redress email from CashGenie saying they are now investigating and will be in touch. So one I though was a lost cause may have a bit of light at the end of the tunnel.
Overall I am extremely pleased with the outcomes I have had. I fully expect some further refunds and a massive thanks for the info and help on email address and letters. But I have been very hard in my bargaining and I think that has helped get some better results.
£12802 back in just 5 weeks is amazing!
fusionx212 says
So Wonga annoyingly have decided their original offer of 8 loans at £2470 was fair offer even though I defaulted my first loan with them, they still continued to lend to me 25 more times, as well as tell them I was struggling financially
they want it to go the ombudsman on the basis that salary to loan was low £1000 a month is considered low apparently – ignoring the responsible lending criteria.
now have to wait another 4-12 weeks potentially annoying Could really use those funds around now as well but I can’t let this drop.has anyone had any reasonably quick turn around once adjudicator has handed to an Ombudsman?
ross says
hi i sent email to quick quid on 13/05/2016
i have had no reply so sent to ombudsman they have asked for proof of my original email to quick quid which i sent but when i checked the email address i put a ‘s’ on end of complaint@quickquid.co.uk. I had no failed delivery email and just checked i had no acknowledgement email
im going to have to start the 8 weeks again aren’t i?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
I think you have to ask the Ombudsman about this.
Nath says
Ross, I’m dealing with Quick Quid as well and I’ve received an email from the email you put above including the ‘s’ in complaints so they do have access to that email address they are just ignoring you.
The 8 weeks is up for them with me today and no final response. Shocking customer service
Anita says
Hi Sara, I have sent my unaffordable complaints off to my previous and current pay day lenders. Lending stream have responded with a final response letter of rejection so I have now contacted the financial ombudsman. I am just wondering what will I do if I can’t get my old bank statements as I changed change banks a few years ago.
My second query is regarding wonga over 12 months ago emailed me to say that they lent to me knowing it was as unaffordable. I had no offer of compensation, just advised that the remaining balance was cleared and wiped from my credit file and NFA. I then recieved a further email done months later offering me £6. I did not respond as I deleted the e-mail in error, so I never claimed the £6 back which was a strange figure anyway?? Will this affect my claim with them, also will there admittance of unaffordable lending reinforce my claims with my other lenders
Thank you
Sara (Debt Camel) says
this £6 refund won’t affect your current claim, see https://debtcamel.co.uk/wonga-small-refunds/. These small refunds were often for minor “technical” problems that Wonga had with its systems, they weren’t related to whether the loans were unaffordable.
Getting a refund from any payday lender won’t help with your claims against other lenders – except that it does encourage you to pursue them!
John cook says
Can anybody answer this question?
I am trying to get back interest and fees from cheque center for irresponsible lending I asked for a statement of my account details there is one thing I am not sure about it said on my statement I had one loan for £150 for loan paid back £187.50 no interest paid because I top up the loan for another £100 bringing the new loan amount to £250 paid back £312.50 again no interest paid is this right?
fusionx212 says
you would of paid 37.50.. interest, interest would of applied every time you topped up.
they apply the interest on top of the amounts borrowed each amount borrowed would of had interest applied on top.
you have a right to question them on this.
Jack says
Another question – when showing an adjudicator your bank statements, have they looked into what you were spending your money on throughout the month? I have entries on my statement where I’ve bought clothing and food/drinks at bars etc – will they look badly at this in terms of my complaint?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Buying clothes and food and drink in bars sounds perfectly normal – but it could be wildly extravagant, it’s going to depend on how much you spent and how often. But this isn’t something that people have reported having problems with so most normal spending appears to just be accepted by the Ombudsman.
Matt says
Hi all, looking for some advise with regards to my complaint against Safety Net.
They loaned me £7731.53 and I repaid £9345.90 over around 15 months. I also have an outstanding loan of £840 with them (with interest the balance was just over £1100). They steadily increased my credit limit over the months from £250 to £840. They were taking their repayments within hours of me getting paid and then I was re-borrowing almost straight away. When they first accepted me I was £4000 overdrawn with multiple defaults / late payments on my credit report.
Safetynet can see into your bank account so would know about the overdraft, most months my expenditure was higher than my income and for the last 6 months I have been on reduced wages which they would have known but have never reduced my credit limit.
Anyway, made my complaint and after 4 weeks they responded offering as a gesture of goodwill to write off my existing balance of £1100 and it would be shown as partially settled on my credit report. It was a very short and to the point response. No mention of what deliberations they came to or whether they believed it to be affordable or unaffordable just a quick email offering their ‘gesture of goodwill’.
Although its tempting to just accept and get this weight off my back I thought I’d try my luck and ask if there was any negotiation in their offer but they have come back yesterday stating that their offer is final.
Is it worth my while taking this to the FOS now? Does their offer seem fair?
Sharron says
Hi Matt,
I paid Safety Net over £3000 in interest over 3 years, I had an outstanding balance of £643 and like you, as a gesture of goodwill, they wrote off the remaining balance.
I took this to the FOS, who agreed in their favour, that they had acted responsibily, so have refered it to the Ombudsman and that was on 15th July, so just waiting now.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
On those figures it sound as though you have paid 9346-7731=£1615 in interest, all pretty recent so the “8% interest” would be unlikely to come to more than £60 I guess. So after writing off the current balance the maximum refund would be £1675, of which 840 would be used to clear your balance.
From what you have said it is probably a good case but it’s pretty rare for someone to get all interest refunded.
It’s not the best offer but it’s not dreadful. You could might hope to get 3-500 back if you go to the FOS (complete guess on my part not having seen the details of your case and even if I had, it’s hard to predict what an adjudicator would say!)? Could be more, could be less, could be nothing more if the adjudicator says you should take their current offer of a write off.
Franky says
Had a result from Wage Day Advance exactly on the 8 week deadline (had 6 loans with them).
First three loans were deemed affordable so no refund on these three, but last three all upheld by WDA and total redress of the last three loans awarded is £1,633.79. They admitted to never having carried out any credit checks at the time of the loan.
They also wrote off the last outstanding balance of £947 as i had made 5 deferral payments of £147. I decided to accept as i was hoping to avoid FOS (due to time scales involved) and also suspected that FOS might disregard the first three loans as per previous reports from others.
Wonga have asked for more time.
QQ dismissed my complaint and only offered to reduce the outstanding debt by half (sent to FOS)
MoneyShop unable to investigate inside the 8 weeks so sent of to FOS
Payday UK & PayDay Express also unable to investigate inside the 8 weeks so sent of to FOS
Matt S says
Well done on your result from Wageday Advance.
Wageday Advance I think are the ones that have frustrated me the most. They seem so inconsistent with the outcomes of complaints against them.
I had 5 loans with them which were deferred a total of 6 times over 11 months. 2nd and 3rd loan rolled over once, 4th loan four times. All over a time period where I had 45 loans and 54 rollovers from various lenders. Yet they denied my complaint stating that they were unable to find they did anything wrong by lending me money.
I sometimes wonder if it depends on the person who is actually dealing with your complaint.
Anyway my complaint is with an adjudicator who is waiting for my bank to send statements so hoping for a positive outcome in the end.
Paul says
Hi all,
Just a final update on my claim against PDUK
Not sure if anyone remembers but my case was the one where the adjudicator originally ruled against me saying PDUK had done nothing wrong, even though she agreed I had been in financial difficulty when PDUK had continued to lend money to me she advised that it was my responsibility not theirs!
Anyway, I insisted that my complaint went to the ombudsman. The ombudsman found in my favour and in his findings said that my remaining debt was to be written off, all charges and interest to be refunded as well as 8% on top.
I received in total just over £3,200 back from PDUK, it just shows that even if the adjudicator doesn’t find in yur favour, make sure you insist that your case goes to the ombudsman!
Just finally, thank you to everyone on here for all your help
Louise says
Have accepted payday uk offer. They took off outstanding balance from what was still owed and refunded me the balance. It wasn’t a great deal – under £200 in my pocket, but I’m so over it. My adjudicator felt payday uk weren’t responsible, so lucky to get an offer from paydayuk. I’ve made my point. I still have 2 claims with the ombudsman, waiting for their final response, they’ve been with FOS since beginning May, maybe even late April. I’ve got wonga waiting to be allocated an adjudicator and wage day advance that I need to refer. Such a long drawn out process!!
Steve says
Just a quick update again where I am in the process with my first success.
QuickQuid – They didn’t get respond in time to the adjudicator so it was then referred to Ombudsman. However they have since responded almost 2 weeks later and have accepted the adjudicators findings that 5 of my 8 loans were unaffordable so getting back £2173 (includes 8% interest and after £650 was paying off balance of last loan) so just waiting for the money to be transferred now.
I must say the adjudicator has been fantastic and he dealt with the case very quickly and fairly and only requested credit file and a couple of bank statements from 2011.
MyJar – been allocated a different adjudicator to the case above. Had 54 loans and MyJar have increased their initial offer of £1,261 to £1,620 whereas I’m looking more towards £3-3.5k before 8% is added (which is from loan 11 onwards). However this adjudicator has requested credit file and this time all bank statements over a 4 year period so now waiting for them to get them from my closed bank accounts before they can look into it.
Wonga still not been allocated yet at FOS, I submitted complaint on 10th June
PDUK still not been allocated yet at FOS, I submitted complaint on 30th June
rachel says
Hi steve, good news with QQ, can i ask when these loans were from?, i had 30 loans/rollovers from 2011 to 2014 (also before 2011) but the adjudicator agreed with QQ and a refund on only 3 from 2014 even though they stated they should have been more responsible from 2011 or earlier, i dont understand why the fos isn’t consistent, guess its just luck who you get on your case, i have sent further evidence and waiting for next response. Hopefully they will pay you quickly
Steve says
Hi Rachel,
I had 8 loans basic loans, which was 16 overall including the rollovers. My first loan was December 2010 and last loan was took out in September 2012 which I ended up defaulting on. The adjudicator stated that loans 1,2 were most likely affordable based upon the income I had provided so could be defended by QQ. This is despite rolling over twice and also occurring 2 lots of late fees on loan 1 (£400 borrowed) and also rolling over Loan 2 (£500) 4 times and occurring 3 late fees!
Loan 7 (£1200) whilst not really affordable, was deemed to be defendable by QuickQuid as there had been a 3 month gap since I paid back loan 6. Overall on loans 1,2 & 7 I paid back just over £1200 in interest and charges so was a bit gutted they weren’t included in the settlement but I was happy to accept the adjudicators decision for a quick resolution rather than escalating it to the Ombudsman.
Danielle says
Hi Steve, when did QuickQuid accept the Adjudicators findings? Was it recently? Just QuickQuid were supposed to reply to my adjudicator by the 25th of July but didn’t so he sent it to the Ombudsman. Hoping QuickQuid respond and accept like they did with you so I dont have to wait for an Ombudsman etc.
Steve says
Hi Danielle,
My adjudicator introduced himself on 4th July, sent off his findings on 7th July. QQ were given until 19th July to respond but since they failed to do so, the adjudicator said it would be referred to Ombudsman. However QQ finally responded and accepted the adjudicators findings on 29th July before Ombudsman got involved.
The adjudicator has passed on my bank account details, so now just waiting confirmation for payment which I was told would be done within 4 weeks.
Libby247 says
I originally posted on 13th June –
16th June adjudicator upheld both my complaints with QuickQuid and Lending Stream – both rejected adjudicator decision and it went to Obudsman.
Lending Stream is still with Ombudsman.
QuickQuid was upheld by the Ombudsman on 8th July – refund of interest and charges +8% and removal from credit file on all but the 1st loan – result ? Or so you would think?? ….
I was advised by the Ombudsman to update my banking details in order for the refund to be paid…which I did and explained to the advisor that my complaint had been upheld and for the purpose of the refund my bank details were to be updated.
1150pm that evening I received an email from QuickQuid thanking me for updating my direct debit details!! Followed by a payment plan where it stated the 1st payment of £130 was overdue and would be taken by direct debit!!
0030am I checked my bank and direct debit was showing set up by QuickQuid. I cancelled the direct debit and emailed QuickQuid cc’ing the adjudicator at the FOS. Called QuickQuid first thing and advised at no time was direct debit mentioned and at no time did I give authorisation for direct debit….duly noted and updated…so I was told ?? they have set up and I have cancelled the direct debit a further twice now and they are harassing me with collections emails and calls daily!! I have explained everything to them in calls and emails. The adjudicator has also contacted them twice now and it has made absolutely no difference. They appear to be ignoring everything and just doing what they like, it is so wrong! I still do not have a figure they were supposed to have submitted calculations 2 weeks ago these have never materialised!
Adjudicator has yesterday asked for the Ombudsman to intervene. This FOS are probably sick of me now as I am forwarding emails to them daily that I am receiving from collections and also emails regarding calls I am receiving.
The account was paid through Stepchange since 2013!! £180 is still outstanding however this will be taken from the refund as per the Ombudsman final ruling – £474 was paid in interest and charges on this final loan and is due to be refunded along with the 9 other loans! Once this saga is over I will be raising a HUGE complaint with the FCA. QuickQuid advisors are rude, obnoxious and extremely obstructive.
Has anyone actually had a stress free refund from QuickQuid where they still had a loan outstanding? I am beginning to think this is never going to be resolved despite the Ombudsman’s ruling!!
Apologies for the long rant xx
David says
I’m quite astounded by your post. Simply shocking. I hope your nightmare is quickly addressed and that Quick Quid offer you compensation for putting you through something so unnecessary.
Zoey says
Hi this has happened to me today! I checked with them that they had my correct bank details today after the ombudsman ruled in my favour last week and just received an email thanking me for setting up a direct debit for an outstanding amount of £332, first installment of £100 to be debited. I do not owe this, they sent it to a debt collection agency and it was paid off last year!
liketobedebtfree says
Why do you think all the quick quid loan histories are being deleted? Any ideas? The adjudicator upheld both my husband and i’s complaints – we should hear by 4th august (hopefully). I went on last week and all of my loan history was there, went on today and nothing – same for my husband. Are they trying to hide it or is it the first step in them removing the loans as per the adjudicators ruling? TIA
Kim says
I have a complaint on going with p2p and quick quid and mine was there two weeks ago and checked yesterday and it had all disappeared. I should be hearing back from them by the 5th August, however I have emailed them to ask why it has been deleted of my history but no response as yet.
liketibedebtfree says
It’s strange so many of us! Maybe we are looking too far into it and they are just clearing out their system but it seems suspicious to me. I wonder how many times QQ actually agree with adjudicators rather than send it to an ombudsman
Lynnette says
Mine have disappeared too just glad now that I printed off copies at work when I started my complaint or is have nothing to prove it except there statement of account. Definitely think something dodgy going on with them doing this.
Libby247 says
Mine have also been removed. I don’t trust QuickQuid at all maybe all history has been removed to discourage anyone who hasn’t yet started a claim….no idea I would probably guess it is more for QuickQuids benefit tho!!
One thing that puzzled me on the loan details that I received was ‘interest credit’?? The interest payments show as received in full then below on some of my loans it shows ‘interest credit’ and a minus figure? This obviously wasn’t adjusted on payment as the full interest payment shows as received and I can’t find any evidence or even recall ever receiving this and my account was never in credit at any time.
I do remember paying one loan of very early and phoning QuickQuid who said there was no adjustment for early repayment and basically it was tough I had agreed to the interest and it had to be paid.
Can anyone confirm that they received this ‘credit’ or where it actually went?? I queried it with the FOS but QuickQuid conveniently failed to answer anything about this.
Peter says
Qq removing entries happened last week. All was fine on wednesday, thirsday all gone. I phoned qq about it and was put through to collections even though i have current complaimt and they cant chase for debt while in complaimt. They sent email with statement of accounts though which is pointless to me. Fos already have my statements so ok for me. It would seem from what i rrad on here that qq days are numbered! Can ombudsman force a company to refund?
Mr L says
Hi everyone
This website is like a dream! I’ve been trapped in a spiral of debt since around 2014.
Since March 2012 I have had 58 wonga loans, and 48 loans/top ups every month since March 2014. These started at £200, but now I typically pay about £780 a month back. I’ll often pay back the sun and then the same day take out another one, topping up as the month goes on.
I’ve also got accounts with Sunny and Quick quid, sunny for the last 8 months or so, increasing in size and quick quid more sporadically, maybe one every two months over the last two years.
Sunny started out at £200 but is now up to £600. Quick quid is at £300.
For some reason, I am down on wongas site as earning £2100 after tax. I earn about £1700, so I do not know why this is the case. I’ve also got my old employers on there, I never update it as I worry they’ll refuse me credit for some reason. I’m £2,000 overdrawn but never saw it as debt, I only realised this when I checked my credit report that it is. I owe £5,000 on credit cards but have never declared this kn affordability assessments as worried I would get refused and would then need to declare bankrupt, which would ruin my life. I’ve had help from my parents a lot but they can’t help me anymore. I’ve had to move in with my girlfriends parents to try and get on my feet, although the debt has actually increased in this time! I went to the doctor over 2 years ago and he prescribed me with antidepressants although I never took them. I’m 28 and live in a city a 100 miles away from my family.
My question is, will the ombudsman declare that they were affordable and not irresponsible given my details are incorrect? On sunny I am down as earning £1850 which I think is about right before tax.
If the lenders were doing credit checks (I have 60 footprints on my file) they surely they must know that my borrowing is going up, I owe money out on credit cards and that I am borrowing off others lenders (although I didn’t declare it). All I want is it removed from my record. I haven’t told anyone other than parents about it as I feel so ashamed. My girlfriend wants to try for a mortgage application soon and I know I haven’t got a chance.
Thank you for any replies.
Mr L
Sara (Debt Camel) says
The first thing you have to do is stop borrowing. Completely. Now. If you can make this months repayments and not borrow again this month, that is best. Otherwise you need to talk to StepChange https://www.stepchange.org/Howwecanhelpyou/DMPDebtmanagementplan.aspx about a debt management plan. You have a good income and sounds as though you will be able to repay a reasonable amount every month so as soon as the interest stops being added (and payday lenders can’t carry on adding interest any more, the old days of a £100 debt turning into a £1000 are gone!) your situation is going to start getting back under control.
Payday loan affordability complaints may get some of your current balances wiped / reduced or even get some refunds to repay other debts. But you can’t rely on this happening fast, and you can’t carry on borrowing after making an affordability complaint so your first step has to be stopping borrowing.
1 phone StepChange
2 cancel any CPAs with your bank
3 start payday loan complaints.
You also really should tell your girlfriend about the true state of your finances and what you are doing yo get yourself out of this mess. Especially if you have mental health issues its going to really help if you have emotional support. She is also going to find out at some point anyway, so it’s better to be completely honest now.
Mr L says
Thanks a real help
I’m going to hopefully have them paid off this month and next, I should have a little left over to live off.
Ironically sunny are declining me credit as quick quid have said I’ve missed a payment, I can’t find it on site that I owe them anything and they’ve said on the phone that I don’t. I’ve emailed them to tell them to get it removed but they haven’t. This is kind of the straw that broke the camels back as I can’t get adequate credit now to find my expenses and paying off the other loans.
I say it’s ironic because sunny were conducting credit checks and presumably could see that wonga and quick quid are conducting checks too? Therefore my application must be wrong as its shows all credit and loans?
Because I’ve moved in with my girlfriends parents will they likely say it was affordable?
I’m worried in case anyone asks for bank accounts, I have gambling in there along with payments for presents for Christmas presents.
Mr L
Sara (Debt Camel) says
“sunny are declining me credit as quick quid have said I’ve missed a payment” this doesn’t really make sense – sunny and QQ aren’t part of the same group, so the only way one would know about a late payment to the other is by looking at your credit records. Although sunny could see any late payments markers on your credit file, what they see doesn’t name who the other lender is, so they couldn’t know it’s quick quid.
“sunny were conducting credit checks and presumably could see that wonga and quick quid are conducting checks too? Therefore my application must be wrong as its shows all credit and loans?” too much borrowing showing would suggest a loan wasn’t affordable. But it’s just one factor going into the lender’s decision making.
“Because I’ve moved in with my girlfriends parents will they likely say it was affordable?” the loans are more likely to be affordable now – that is after all how you are managing to repay them!. However it sounds as though there was a period before when you were paying rent & bills and then the loans may not have been affordable? So you may be able to get a refund for some of the earlier loans but not the later ones?
“I’m worried in case anyone asks for bank accounts, I have gambling in there along with payments for presents for Christmas presents.” people are winning cases with the Ombudsman with gambling showing. Christmas presents – well that depends a bit what you spent!
Mark says
Hi guys, after phoning the accountants responsible for the cash genie cheques, mine was sent to me in the post on Friday just gone (with a wave of other cheques)
Hopefully a few of you guys who are waiting should receive yours today / tomorrow
As a gauge for you – this was within 2 weeks of Cash Genie agreeing the refund
Jimmy says
Hi Mark,
Thanks for the update. My refund was agreed about 2 weeks ago so hopefully i should receive it soon. I was informed it would take 4-6 weeks to receive so hopefully this will be soon.
mark says
Cheque received and in bank – £520 plus the interest is total £710
Meryl says
Got my cheque this morning £1,143.19 & £408.24 interest. Never thought I’d get it.
Danielle says
Well some good news for me :)
QuickQuid have replied today agreeing with the adjudicator, no ombudsman involved which I am thrilled about.
They had until the 25th July to respond and didn’t bother so my adjudicator sent it to the ombudsman, however they responded today agreeing.
Thank you Sara and everyone on here.
Good luck.
Jack says
Well done, Danielle! :)
Do you mind me asking what your borrowing was like? Like how much per month and how often? Did they give you it all back?
Danielle says
UPDATE* QuickQuid has just emailed me and told me they will be issuing payment within 24 hours, apologised and thanked me for my patience??? Hmmm, maybe they are changing their ways?
Hi Jack, Thank you. I borrowed from from Oct 2011 – March 2013. My loans started at £50 jumping up to £750 (On a £1100 wage at the time) Pretty much a loan per month, the odd months I didn’t get a loan was because I rolled over my previous loan, most had countless top ups and late fees, eventually defaulting, still owe £400 which will be deducted from my refund.
I am getting back all interest and fees from Feb 2012, plus 8% and loans removed from my credit file.
Sent complaint to QuickQuid on April 4th and sent to the Fos on May 30th, Assigned an adjudicator on July 8th.
James says
Got a reply from myjar within 4 weeks final offer was reduce the amount I owe from£554 to £300 emailed them back to say no clear the lot and will leave it at that just want it done with and cleared will wait for a response
laura says
hi James , don’t accept the first offer with them , they told me I was intitled to nothing but offered a £150 good will gesture , went through to the fso and got £1500 back including interest , I found my jar very quick at dealing with the FSO and my claim was fully dealt with in 2 weeks from first contact with fso
Natalie says
Just had my first refund. Myjar have offered me just under £600 back for the 5 loans I had and removed credit file enteries. My credit file is more important then the money at the money as I really need to get a mortgage. Happy with that 1 done. 8 week deadline is due very soon for all ?
Andrew says
Hi Sarah
I’ve had a final response from QQ advising that they did all affordable checks in compliance with the regulator and declined to admit fault. They also state that my loan was flexi credit- meaning that it was just like a credit card, which I used every month for 2 years and paid back in full. Do you think it is worth me pursuing further? Thanks
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Hi Andrew, the fact they made the checks they were legally obliged too doesn’t matter – your complaint is that they should have realised from your borrowing history over 2 years that you were dependent on their loans and couldn’t afford the monthly repayments.
People have reported here winning “affordability” cases for QQ’s flexi loans. You have to be able to show that you couldn’t afford the monthly repayments, not the total amount you had borrowed. So in a complaint to the Financial Ombudsman don’t say “they loaned me £1200 and my income was only £1500” instead say “my monthly repayments over this 2 year period were often £300 or more which was unaffordable on my income of £1500”. (Obviously I just made those figures up!)
Mark says
Just wanted to share how important it is to get a copy of your credit file. I spoke to my adjudicator today who has underlined I have a very strong case with QQ.
I have been able to prove that QQ registered a default against me and then reloaned to me a month later, not only reloaned but increased the principal amount borrowed. With this information, there only really is one winner.
Fees and charges from that point is £4,000 so fingers crossed.
Sarah says
Hi Everyone
I’ve currently got 3 complaints on the go with QQ, Payday UK and Wonga.
QQ – no response to any of my letters and I’m awaiting the final cut off date (Friday) for their 8 week response. Already filled in the paper work for the FOS and it hasn’t been allocated so I’ll attached the final response on Friday. I don’t hold up much hope of receiving a favourable response after the comments on here. I had 37 loans with them in total but only 20 are under the 6 year period. Just checked my account on QQ and all of my loan history has been deleted – good job i took screen prints for the FOS prior to this. Request a refund of £5000 for the interest and charges. Will update once I have a response from them or the FOS.
Payday UK – wrote to them in January and in May but they did not issue a final letter to my complaint only acknowledge it. Wrote to the FOS in June and they have been investigating it for me. Email received from adjudicator to say they had found in my favour but they couldn’t count any loans prior to 2010 (Payday UK asked the FOS not to look at the loans before May 2010), the outstanding default on account should be removed and the £500 still owing taken out of my refund. They had until today to object to the findings but so far no updates from them – did just speak to the adjudicator and he is chasing that up with them today. Looks like after the current amount i still owe is removed I’ll get about £1500.
Wonga – 4 loans with them and the remaining outstanding balance was cancelled in 2015. Checked credit report and had received a CCJ for this in 2012. Had to go to court to have CCJ removed (successfully) but trying to claim back the £255 court costs is a very slow process. Wonga denied any knowledge of the loans and the CCJ – but sent a letter to the court saying they did not object to the removal of the CCJ. Wrote to Wonga in June and requested an update in July – still dealing with the refund and the complaint and i have to wait until 8 weeks (only wanted to know it was being looked at).
Hopefully Payday UK agree with the adjudicator’s decision and refund me the money this month. QQ will be harder to deal with I think, as they seem to be very slow at any response or acting fairly.
Mark says
HI Sarah, in my experience of these three, I wouldn’t hold out much hope of reply in the near future, best to prepare yourself for a 14 week wait at least. I know some have heard sooner but this is just my experience, plus I know how annoying the wait is so just wanted to let you know. I am 12 weeks in and no response, just delays after 8 weeks saying they need more time.
Mark says
Adjudicator has contacted me to say my bank details have been passed to QQ and that I am due just over £5300.
Happy days :)
Hopefully it’l be paid quite quickly into my account
melly says
I have heard back from my adjudicator regarding my QQ complaint,he is upholding their decision of the offer to clear my outstanding balance with no refund,Due to the fact he found their affordability checks carried out properly. Can i ask if anyone else has been in a similar situation and taken it further and had a different decision or should i just accept QQ and the adjudicators decision on this?
I had a total of 2 loans one was repaid the other rolled repeadtedly and then placed in a DMP for the past 5 years where it is still open with a balance of £598
If i don’t accept this and ask it to go to the Ombusdman is there a chance i will get this offer removed completely?
Any help would be appreciated thanks
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Hi Melly, it’s going to depend a lot of how much you repaid to the second loan whether this is an OK offer or it really should be better. But if you go to the Ombudsman the offer isn’t going to disappear.
James says
Hi guys,
A further update and advice needed.
So far.
Payday express = 1k refunded
Quikqud= 8k refunded
Now only unclebuck. This has been with the fos since January. Got a proviosnal decision which I’m dissapointed with. Saying my complaint will not be upheld.
The key points.
The amount and frequency of the loans don’t suggest ub should have done further checks. (From start of 2012 to end of 2015 there were only 3 months I did not receive a loan so don’t understand this as every month I had a loan including 20 rollovers during this period)
The amount didn’t progressively increase. ( from the start £200 – £850 by 2015. 4 loans between then we’re for less than before however I applied for the maximum I could)
Ub didn’t receive entirely accurate income & expenditure (on my first loan I provided accurate information and wasn’t asked to update this until 2014 when I changed address)
In any event if ub had done further checks what would it have seen and he wasn’t habitually missing payments or going into unauthorised overdraft (My bank statements showed more income but at the same time it showed missed direct debits £760 worth in 2014. It also showed massive loans and repayments to other payday loan firms. My credit file would also have shown further defaults. )
The letter goes on to say no proper basis to ask ub for the refund I ask. (Which is a full amount of interest. ) and I should think again about the offer they have made (which is for 1/3 what I feel I shold get.
I don’t really know how to react to the letter as it seems the ombudsman has just made a decision purely on my bank statements. How can they say the borrowing wasn’t frequent when it was every month? Once again feel truly shafted by UB.
fusionx212 says
you need to make sure the ombudsman understand 200 -850 a month was irresponsible lending and companies even in 2012 still had a responsibility to identify the patterns of their lending but they did not do this.
you can also state the FCA guidelines make this clear as well.
Uncle buck did not act with your interest in mind but that of profits, as such all loans from say the second should of been a clear indicator of poor lending,
back up said information with late payments and defaults show on your credit file if you have that
Natalie says
Further update, cash genie have agreed I am due a refund due to inadequate pre-loan checks. They are saying I am due interest paid plus interest on this amount to be repaid for two of my loans and I will receive a cheque. However I had recieved a letter aprox 6-8 months back saying due to redress my outstanding balance has been written off. MMF are still chasing me for this £200 and I asked cash genie for a copy of this letter to be forwarded to them (this is when they checked further into my account and decided I was due a refund). They sent me a statement of my account and it does say on this statement (the Loan ID matching MMF) ‘redress – write off’ ‘ on 04/08/15. I am awaiting a further reply from cash genie about this but surely I shouldn’t need to pay MMF if they have written this off?
Douglas says
So I’ve had wonga decline my request for a refund but I have now received the statements I requested weeks ago.
The last statement shows the loan being written off February 2015. On the 2nd of October 2014 it was announced that Wonga was writing off thousand of loans as they were unaffordable. Customers should receive an email. I closed that email address soon after my financial difficulties.
I seems the last loan may be part of this write off. However they refused my complaint stating all loans were affordable.
The complaint is with the adjudicator at the moment but early on. If I could prove the final loan was written off as unaffordable do you thing this would help my complaint and how would I prove this?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Wonga wrote off a lot of balances. they didn’t do a detailed investigation deciding which was and was not affordable. I think trying to get the reasons why they wrote this off is pretty much a red herring, you need to be looking at why your previous loans were unaffordable and making this case to to the adjudicator.
Jimmy says
Hi all.
I’ve been chasing Wonga today as its their last day following their request for an additional 6 weeks. I’ve just had a response saying “there’s a backlog of complaints and we dealing with the oldest”.
No apology. Nothing close to resolving.
Any one else in the same position?
The FOS have had this complaint for 6 weeks and still not been assigned an adjudicator.
Morag says
Can’t believe it, actually got an email after I called and said 14 weeks was long enough, no more!!!!!, and they have upheld my complaint! Getting £1600 but I noticed there is a couple of loans missed out so I will get the FOS to check this.
Great start to the day, another 15 or so to go
Thanks Sara,
Ros says
Not quite a success yet but a big step forward. My adjudicator has told paydayUK to refund everything after the fifth loan. Seems fair as the first loan was a lot earlier. No doubt they will drag it out to ombudsman but I’m happy today.
Also adjudicator says she can probably take my Uncle Buck case which is at 8 weeks soon.
Kim says
I have had a response from Sunny today well within the 8 weeks. Upholding my complaint.
They have agreed to refund all interest plus 8% and agreed to write off existing balance and remove from credit file.
I am very happy with this result. Thank you so much to this site.
Rachel says
Final offer from QQ approx £1300 for 30 loans!! Adjudicator agreed with them so off to ombudsman he agreed they were in the wrong and refund from 2011 so I have no idea how they come up with that figure when I paid £200 interest on each loan, another month wait at least I guess
Stephen says
I just wanted to say thank you so much to this site. I have just received £2645.00 from Wage Day Advance and waiting to hear back from others.
If anyone is reading this and wondering if it is worth a try, go for it
Thomas says
Logged in to my bank account yesterday to find that Wage Day Advance have refunded me the interest on my previous loans. I complained to them at the beginning of March, they rejected my complaint in May so I took it straight to the Ombudsman, and my adjudicator told them to refund me in June. So the process has taken 5 months from beginning to end.
What’s surprising is that they didn’t give me any advance notice that they were about to refund me – the funds just appeared!
Many thanks to Sara and the site.
Danielle says
I am looking for some advice on complaints to the PDL. I have sent off the initial email to Wonga for myself, Wonga for my husband, Sunny and Quick Quid. So far I have heard from Sunny. This was my smallest loan but I took it out just before we went into a DMP so obviously could not afford it. I am currently filling out the next stage to the complaint but don’t really know how to go about the expenditure. Unfortunately we had the other three payday loans at the same time we requested this one. Do I include these in the debt repayments section or not? If I didn’t it looks like we could have possibly just break even but as they are nearly 2500 :S we clearly didn’t
I hope this make sense, I just want to make sure that I am sending it off correctly to avoid complications later on.
Jimmy says
Hi all,
quick update.
Cash Genie: received my cheque for £2300. It took a while to chase but once i got through to someone, it was 2 weeks to receive the cheque.
Peachy: had 3 loans. Adjudicator found in my favour for loan 3 only. Peachy rejected and now waiting to go to the ombudsman. (timescale: the rejected my complaint on 25/4/16. I sent to the FOS the same day. Adjudicator found in my favour on 7/7/16. Peachy disagreed on 15/7)
Wonga, PDUK, Uncle Buck & QQ all with FOS for approximately 6 weeks. My adjudicator who dealt with Peachy, has contacted me to say she will be looking at these and gave me a detailed email of where each complaint is at. Wonga & PDUK haven’t replied to her request for information. Uncle Buck have provided information, so have QQ (although she has asked for more information).
I have had success with WDA, Sunny, 247 Moneybox, Cash Genie, Ferratum and Mr Lender. Receiving a total of just over 5k back.
Lending Stream was rejected and rejected by the FOS. But they did reduce my outstanding amount by £150.
David says
Hi All,
Update on my cases, Wonga, QQ, MoneyBoat, with FO at moment, Myjar responded today and upheld my complaint, 7 loans with them and a refund of £498.
That is the 3rd complaint i have had upheld out of 4, this site is helping me get back on my feet!
Mark says
Well that’s QQ fully recompensed me,albeit in instalments throughout the day.
Just over £5300 for numerous loans and flex credit account
Ombudsman ruled pretty quickly on mine,agreed with my adjudicator who was fantastic throughout the whole process.
big thanks to everyone here for their help
Zoey says
Hi mark Well done, great news! Ombudsman upheld my complaint last week after qq disagreed
Robert says
Got my first turndowns from this exercise. Cheque Centre Edinburgh and Trusted Quid. Went all the way to Ombudsman but has agreed with the adjudicator. Still got all of the rest of my complaints settled without going to FOS. Thank you Sara for this invaluable website resource.
Cat.H. says
Hi I’ve recived a letter from wonga saying I’m due a refund I had 3 loans with them but had several provident loans still paying them off. How do I see if I’m due a refund with provident? All loans where taken out between 2011-2014 and still paying off debts. Im new to all this. Many thanks
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Hi Cat, Wonga and PaydayUK are contacting some customers with automatic refunds, this isn’t being done more widely by other lenders so it is unlikely that you are “due” a refund you can simply claim.
BUT you may have been given loans by provident that were more than you could afford – you were’t able to repay them without borrowing more money again. If this is the case then you could make an “affordability complaint” using a version of the template letters given in this article. If you are still struggling with the debt repayments read this https://debtcamel.co.uk/help-payday-loan/. Although provident technically aren’t “payday lenders”, that article also applies if you are struggling with Provident loans.
Morag says
I had a refund with them also, they told me they were looking at cases from start of 2013 to middle of 2014 for this automatic refund!!!
J says
Hi folks just a little update in respect of my complaints. My adjudicator has upheld my first complaint against Quickquid and he is dealing with all of my other payday complaints, I’m still waiting on his desision for the other 4 but he advised his findings all had a similar conclusion.
Craig says
Hi all,
I’ll try and keep this a little brief, but thought I’d throw in my current progress with some of the payday lenders.
In my younger years I was silly, I overspent, and as a result took out payday loans to cover things. I would often take loans to cover other loans and so forth. Eventually I financially stabled (and stopped spending money that wasn’t mine!) and was recently brought to the bad practice being done by the lenders.
I decided to put together an email to all the lenders I borrowed from, stating they shouldn’t have issued me the loans based on my financial stability, and my borrowing patterns with numerous lenders should have flagged up and not allowed me to plunge further into debt, etc etc.
Here is a list of the lenders I contacted (3 weeks ago):
My Jar
Mr Lender
My progress so far:
If you’re looking for speedy resolution, look no further than Mr Lender. They acknowledged my complaint a day after submission, and made me an offer 1 day later. 2-day turnaround! I was offered £210, calculated from 2 rollovers (I took 5 rollovers on a loan with them, 3 is now the maximum since government changes). Interestingly they offered the gesture but didn’t acknowledge this as them being at fault for unaffordable lending. They offered the money as kind for not adhering to the current 3 rollover (but this was BEFORE the new legislation) – it’s an interesting one, but I decided to accept the offer. I had not borrowed anymore than a few hundred pounds from Mr Lender so I felt the offer was actually quite fair, and opted against escalation to FOS.
The £210 was paid directly into my account 2 days later. So complaint to payout was only 4 days, I was quite impressed.
Wonga, Pounds2Pocket & Quickquid – I had the expected acknowledgement email; exactly 1 week after I submitted the initial complaint. This is quite obviously an automated response, stalling time no doubt. When I rung Wonga 3 days after my complaint they acknowledged my complaint was with them (proving they had it, but wait the full 7 days to tell you they have 8 weeks to investigate). Personally I think that’s a little cheeky, buying an extra week. No doubt, I’m glad I had response either way.
For those who are unaware, Pounds2Pocket & QuickQuid are sister companies, and my email acknowledgement from both of them came at the exact same time and the same sender – amusing again at the obvious auto response email. Emails were exactly the same, but with a different signature, one QQ and one P2P.
I was given the questionnaire people are familiar with, questions were:
I answered only what I needed to, denying them access to bank statements and payslips because I have no obligation to provide them (I’ll save them for the FOS if I need to escalate).
I do wonder if the one week acknowledgement is strictly fair to the consumer, I do not see why the lenders are not sending their auto response within the day stating the 8 week wait. Essentially they are having an extra week for free, I may bring this to the attention of the FOS if needs be.
MyJar were very naughty and completely ignored my complaint until I sent a follow up email one week later asking if they’d got it. They replied within the hour saying they’d responded but I must have not got it (I checked spam etc, nothing).
They have a final response a few days later, refusing to uphold my complaint. Some of their reasoning didn’t resonate well with me – “checks for a small, short term loan would have likely been not as extensive as ones for a larger, longer term commitment.”. I don’t see how different rules apply, no matter the lending I do not see the reasoning in less checks because of a smaller sum. I’m going to escalate to FOS.
Acknowledgement email from what seems like an outsourced company called Elevate Credit International, stating the usual 8 week investigation time.
So that is how far I’ve got with my complaints so far, hopefully some of the above might be useful to any of those waiting on responses of curious about how difference lenders are dealing with claims.
I will update with any further info when I get some.
fusionx212 says
Hi Craig, the loans for smaller sums, would not likely be over scrutinised not to say they should be, but if you were borrowing 50-100 a month and repaying that is not a high amount the point here is the frequency in which you took loans and how your credit file appeared before you took the loans,
I for example had defaults and late payments which only enforces the fact the products they are offering were not suitable to you.
they will say and the fos have said this to me first 1-2 loans would likely not be over checked, but as a lender they should of been able to see when you took loans with them frequently and reviewed your accounts to match.
PDL’S Are a short term product, anyone using them repeatedly one after the other is being irresponsibly lent.
Cat says
My Jar have ignored me also
Have decided to send a letter had loans for over 3 years with them everymonth as well as Wonga who have paid out !!