Did your payday loans cost so much when you repaid one you had to keep on borrowing?
You can get a refund of the interest you paid on unaffordable loans.
It’s easy to ask for a payday loan refund using the free template letters here. The letters work if your payday loans were repaid or you still owe money.
The comments below this article have thousands of stories of the refunds people have got using these letters. It is a great place to ask questions!
What are “unaffordable” loans?
Was a loan affordable just because you repaid it?
No! If paying a loan left you so broke you had to borrow again – from the same lender or a different one – it was unaffordable!
The regulator says:
“the borrower should be able to make the required repayments without undue difficulty, whilst continuing to meet other debt repayment obligations and reasonable regular outgoings.”
That means a payday loan is only affordable if you repaid it on time and you could still manage to pay your other bills and debts.
Payday loans are meant to solve a short-term problem. If you kept repaying one then getting another loan soon after, the lender should have stopped lending to you.
If the loan was small and it was the first loan or second loan from a lender, the lender may not have realised the loan was unaffordable for you. But it was irresponsible lending to just carry on giving you more loans.
Many lenders ignore obvious signs of problems such as your loans increasing in size, or borrowing again soon after repayment.
How much compensation can you get?
You don’t have to calculate this. Just ask for a refund from the lender and see what you are offered. This is simple and it works well.
The Financial Ombudsman has seen tens of thousands of payday loan affordability complaints.
A typical decision by the Ombudsman is that the payday lender should refund all the interest you paid interest after the third, fourth or fifth loan.
But if your first loan was large, or was rolled over several times you could get a refund from just one loan.
Which lenders can you get refunds from?
You can complain to lenders that are still in business, even if they are no longer lending. These include:
Lending Stream, Cash Converters, CashASAP, Drafty, Dot Dot, Fast Loan Uk, Fernovo, Fund Ourselves, Kabayan, LoanPig, Mr Lender, Moneyboat, MyKredit, My Finance Club, QuidMarket, Savvy, The Money Platform, WageMe, Wizzcash,
See this email list for payday lenders for a longer list and all the contact details to use.
If the lender has gone into administration, including CashForUNow, Piggybank, Ferratum, Oakam:
- make a claim to the administrators – there is normally a simple form for you to complete, see the lender’s website for details – but there will be a time limit for doing this.
- you may not get much cash back but this is very easy to do. A balance may be reduced or cleared even if there is no cash to distribute. And if you win the complaint any negative marks on your credit record will be removed.
It is probably too late to make claims to other lenders who gave up years ago, see this list.
For longer-term loans there are better template letters to use on other pages:
- doorstep lenders and guarantor lenders,
- Loans2Go – the worst loans in Britain!
- 118 Money, Everyday lonas, Likely Loans/Finio, Reevo, Bamboo, car finance, bank loans and other long-term loans.
Do this before, before you send in a complaint
Doing these things now will make your life easier later.
Get a copy of your TransUnion statutory credit report and keep it. After complaints are started, sometimes loans are deleted and you may want the full report if you later have to go to the Ombudsman.
If you still owe money to the lender, read Will an affordability claim hurt my credit record, and other questions. These looks at your options for stopping paying, the effect on your credit record etc.
If the rest of your finances are difficult, look into a Debt Management Plan (DMP) where you make one affordable payment a month to StepChange. This gets you into a safe financial position as these affordability complaints can take a long time to go through at the Ombudsman. Winning a complaint then speeds up the DMP.
Unless you can afford to make this month’s payment without borrowing again, cancel the CPA to the lender at your bank. Otherwise the lender may take the money and you will be in a mess.
If your loan was sold to a debt collector you complain to the original lender. But also tell the debt collector that you are disputing the debt. It is a good idea to carry on making payments to the debt collector if they are affordable.
Start your complaint & get loan details
Find the lender’s email address for complaints from this list.
Put “AFFORDABILITY COMPLAINT” as the subject of your email:
You should never have given me these unaffordable loans. Paying you each month left me with too little money so I had to keep borrowing to get through the next month.
You should have realised from the number of times I borrowed that my debt problems were getting worse. It was not responsible to continue to lend to me. [Add more details eg how often you borrowed or rolled loans if you know them, how the amount borrowed generally went up etc]
[Include/change this if your credit record would have shown big problems:] My credit reports would have shown all my other debts and problems including late payments/defaults /CCJs/debt management.]
I am asking you to refund the interest and any charges I paid, plus statutory interest, and to delete any negative information from my credit record.
[delete this sentence if you know what all your loans were.] I know the difficulties your loans have caused me but I no longer have all the loan details. Please send me a list, showing for each loan when it was taken out, how much interest and charges you added, and what I repaid. This will enable me to assess any refund you offer me.
[delete this sentence if none of your loans were sold.]If a loan was later sold to a debt collector, please inform me of the date of sale and the name of the debt collector.
Some ways to improve this
Add any other points that help you describe what happened to you. You don’t need to list the loans – the lenders knows them.
Some examples:
- “I took out another loan with xxxx to pay you.”
- “Sometimes I borrowed to pay the rent and then had to top-up to get money for food.”
- if you weren’t treated fairly while you were borrowing or when you could not make a payment, add a bit about this.
You can attach bank statements if you like, This is a good idea as these show how unaffordable the loans were for you. If you have gambling showing, this helps your complaint, it doesn’t harm it.
I don’t know if many lenders actually read what you send them. I
it’s easy to make these complaints – you don’t need to calculate what refund you should get or quote laws.
Only one loan?
The template refers to multiple loans because that is what normally happens with payday lenders.
When you only had one loan and it was large, read Refunds from large loans and use the template there.
If you only had one loan and it was small, this is going to be a very difficult complaint to win. If you have borrowed once or twice from 5 leaders, that is much more difficult to win an affordability complaint than having 4 or 5 loans from two lenders.
Waiting for a reply from the lender
This email starts your affordability complaint.
They may send the list of loans first and later respond to your complaint. So don’t be surprised if you get sent info on the loans but nothing about your request for a refund.
When you get your loan information, you can send in more details about your complaint if you want. You don’t have to do this, your complaint has already begun and the lender has to reply.
The lender should reply to your complaint within 8 weeks from when you send the email, not when they acknowledge it. Make a note in your diary for 8 weeks time and chase the lender up if you don’t get a reply.
Don’t be surprised if you have to wait until the end of the 8 weeks to get response – this is common.
Send your bank statements or other information?
Some lenders ask you to send them a copy of your credit record, payslips or bank statements.
Credit record – the lender can check your credit record themselves if they want. But you should download a copy of your credit record asap as the Ombudsman will ask for it. Don’t put this off, the sooner you get a report downloaded, the further back it goes which is good.
Don’t send payslips.
It is a good idea to send bank statements. But think twice about the cost of copying and postage if there are a lot. Some lenders seem to ignore them if you do send them.
Again this is a good point to get those bank statements even if you do not want to send them as they will help an Ombudsman claim a lot. You can get them going back at least 6 years even if the account has been closed.
Lender says No or makes a poor offer
If the lender rejects your complaint or offers you a small amount, don’t be depressed. You may still have a very good case!
It is easy and free to send your case to the Financial Ombudsman where many thousands of people have won their payday loan complaints, despite being rejected by the lender.
Give up?
Some lenders try to make your case sound bad when it isn’t. People have had large amounts refunded after a complete rejection!
Just ignore any of the following comments, they do not mean you have a weak case:
- they relied on your loan applications and you didn’t give accurate facts – see Lender says I lied for more about this;
- you repaid some loans early – this doesn’t prove the loans were affordable, just that you were trying to save interest;
- your borrowing didn’t go up every time – irrelevant, what matters is that you kept borrowing;
- you had a good enough credit score or they didn’t legally have to check your credit record – if you only had one or two small loans that is true. But if the loans were large or you kept borrowing, they should have looked more closely;
- some loans are over 6 years old – the Ombudsman will look at these even if the lender says they won’t!
A good enough case to go to the Ombudsman?
If you don’t know what to do, ask in the comments below this article. Accepting an offer settles your whole complaint – you can’t change your mind later.
Don’t worry that you will lose a small offer by going to the Ombudsman – this doesn’t happen.
Some points to think about:
- if you are offered a refund on only a few loans, don’t accept it if you think the lender should have realised a lot of the other loans were unaffordable;
- an offer to write off your current balance may sound convenient … but it may be very poor if you should get a refund as well;
- if getting defaults or late payments removed from your credit record is important to you, are you happy with what the lender is proposing to do? Don’t assume your credit record will be cleared if the lender didn’t mention this.
One or two loan cases are hard to win at the Ombudsman. It’s probably best to give up on one or two loan cases unless:
- the loan was large. Here is one single loan case that was won even though it was an instalment loan and the borrower had a good income. And another single loan case for a loan of £1,000. You can win cases for smaller amounts if the repayment would have been a large amount of your income; or
- you still owe money.
Don’t delay too long – there is a 6-month time limit after a lender rejects your complaint to send the case to the ombudsman. When you aren’t sure, send the complaint to FOS. This is free and easy to do – let FOS make the decision.
How to send a complaint to FOS
Put in a separate complaint about each lender.
Don’t wait until all your lenders have replied before sending the first one to the Ombudsman!
FOS’s “complain online” option is easy and takes you through your complaint step by step.
You can just copy what you said in your complaint to the lender. You can add more details, for example, if you disagree with what the lender replied to you.
If some of your loans were over 6 years ago, tell the Ombudsman when and how you found out about these complaints. For example:
“I knew the loans were causing me difficulty in 2018, but I thought this was my fault for being bad with money. I didn’t find out that the lender should have checked the loans were affordable until June 2024 when my brother told me about these claims/I saw an advert from a claims company on Facebook/I read an article about these claims” – change this so it is right for your case!
Things to attach:
- the reply you have had from the lender.
- bank statements if you have them. Ideally from 3 months before your first loan until the last loan was repaid or you defaulted on it. This strengthens your case, showing how unaffordable the loans were. You can still get bank statements even if your account is closed – if you don’t have them, start the process of getting them now, don’t wait until FOS asks for them.
- a copy of your TransUnion Statutory credit report
- if you dont have the credit agreements, FOS will get them from the lender.
What happens after you have sent a case to FOS
You will normally be contacted within a couple of weeks and asked for a copy of your credit record and your bank statements if you haven’t sent these. If you have sent these on one complaint, then when you complain about a different lender FOS will use the ones they already have.
After this initial contact, your case will wait for the lender to send FOS your case file and then wait to be picked up by an adjudicator who will make a decision on it.
If you are still making payments to the lender, tell the lender you want to reduce these to an affordable amount. This will make waiting for an Ombudsman decision much less stressful for you.
The Financial Ombudsman has a two-stage process. Most cases are settled by the first “adjudicator” stage but about 10% go to the second “Ombudsman” stage.
A few problem cases
Don’t ask for a refund:
- if you are bankrupt now or have been bankrupt in the past – any refund would go to the Official Receiver.
- if you are in an IVA, as refunds will go to your IVA firm not to you. If your IVA has finished the refund may still be sent to your old IVA firm.
- if you are in a DRO now, getting a refund may mean your DRO is cancelled!
More help
You can ask a question in the comments below – you may get a reply from someone who has been in your exact situation.
Don’t use a claims management company. They are expensive and often incompetent. It’s easy to do this yourself and you can ask questions below and get replies from other readers who have done this.
Erika says
some updates for my cases.
Speedy cash, agreed to my and my husband complaint. Returned last loans fees (for my husband 1200, for me 700) . Fully agree with them, decision was made after 6 weeks, money in account after 2 days.
Money shop, for me and for husband ask for more time after 8 weeks, both go to FOS
Oakam. Oakam decided my loans was fair. I send it to FOS. Today adjudicator made decision, what Oakam right. I don’t agree, as Oakam state my income was 1550, but my income was just maternity allowance 540 per month and child benefit 52. so total 600. Another 1000 pound I think was add from my husband from his Work and child tax credit (but money goes not to my bank account, but to his bank account, so I don’t understand how was calculated income) I don’t agree with adjudicator and write him about situation with income. Now wait. Really don’t let Oakam left as nice and fluffy company!!!! O maybe I not so right?”
Now , I speak with adjudicator regarding my income for last loan with Oakam, and he decided to look into it one more time. He agree on this basic loan was “unaffordable” and told me, he come back to me on the end of the next week.
Good news from Money Shop. My husband have an offer of 270, which he accepted . Next week I must receive answer from Money shop.
Thanks very much to all, who help and support this page. Guys you are amazing!
p says
My final response from quick quid stated I had a flexicredit loan not a payday loan, so basically as I paid it off monthly, whatever was payed minus interest was made available to reloan, so I was doing this on a monthly basis, but they do not consider it new loans, more like a credit card. They also said I had no late payments on my credit report, which can’t be true as I know I missed credit card payments even if it was just me being late, should I proceed to ombudsman or am I wasting my time, is every thing they say in there response likely to be true or has anyone else experienced them trying it on, and if so should this be aloud.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Other people here have had refunds on flexi loans, you just have to explain why the monthly repayments weren’t affordable, not focus on the total credit balance, and then say they shouldn’t have given you such a high limit.
Get hold of a copy of your current credit report and look back at what would have showed at the time they gave you this flexi loan.
Rebecca says
Anyone had QQ not agree with the adjudicator? The adjudicator upheld my complaint and QQ disagreed but my adjudicator still stood by his initial view and gave them further time to respond which they haven’t. The adjudicator said it looks like my complaint will be going to an Ombudsman – anyone experienced this and if so what timescales am I looking at and had anyone had an ombudsman not agree with an adjudicator?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Yes, QQ don’t always reject but it’s not uncommon for them to. I have a list of several people with QQ cases at Ombudsman level at the moment.
In May, Lou wrote “An ombudsman has upheld the decision of the adjudicator in my case against QQ. It took 5 weeks.”
In June, James said the Ombudsman had increased the Adjudicator’s award from 4k to 6.5k!
Although the Ombudsman can overturn an adjudicator award and you can find records of decisions where this has happened, I haven’t seen this done for what I would consider a reasonable affordability case … You wrote earlier “I had 9 loans with QQ over a 15 month period of which 6 were rolled over at least once”, on that basis I don’t expect you will have a problem.
Mark says
Hi Rebecca,
As I have posted elsewhere here QQ disagreed with the adjudicator’s findings in my case and forwarded it on to the Ombudsman.He was confident of a decision being made within 4-8 weeks in my favour as he didn’t expect the Ombudsman to overturn his findings-am now in week 3 of this.
Afraid you’ll just have to be patient now.
My adjudicator has been excellent though,kept me updated throughout and has been extremely helpful,even going so far as to say that when I am on holiday next week if a final decision is made he will be in touch via e-mail as the Ombudsman’s decision will be via Royal Mail.
Hope you get it sorted soon.
Peter says
So LendingStream is being ridiculous … They offered me £1030 which I accepted, and it was 12 days ago… the money is still not on my bank account (note to self: They were soo quick when they have given the loan… it took them only 15 minutes)… So I called them on Thursday, Ive been told that they need some more approvals so it will only be on my account today.. still nothing… so I called them, and they told me the same bla bla and that they will reply me / recall me as soon as they have the approval so they can send the money. I asked them, why did they told me that it will be on my account on Monday…. they told me, that “we said Monday evening”… I asked them “so it will be on my account today evening the latest?” They said: I dont know, its in process…
So I told them, if it is not on my account today, I have to raise the issue for the FOS… because in this case they havent kept themself to the final resolution, since I did not get the money….
They are ridiculous…
QQ is the same: I accepted, they havent dont anything, then when I raised my concerns they asked my bank account number… LOL… and of course they havent paid either….
mark says
Lending stream albeit they are quicker in the long term compared to other lenders, make false promises on time schedules all the time. I have been promised a final response 5 times in the last two weeks. Every time I say to them, I was promised one last week and it didn’t happen and they always say, don’t worry its been escalated, the supervisor promises it will be today without fail. I think the staff that answer the phone don’t really effect the complaint, and they make promises on behalf of other more senior members of the team which are not kept.
It is hugely frustrating!
Craig says
Hi wrote the template letter to wonga, they offered me feeble compensation of 160. For a 1000 pay day loan ( baring in mind i only got paid 1600) so ive took it to ombudsman. I have statements from both wonga and quickquid which i have forwarded to the ombudsman, whilst doing so i noticed some quickquids and wongas were took out on same date for large chunks. Will this help me with my claim?? I feel as though they are doing what you state above, trying to palm me off with a small amount. They obviously know they are in the wrong but ive took about 16 loans. Ranging from 100-1000. Not getting my hopes up but hope your right. Quickquid still havent got back to me and july 13th is the 8 weeks up for pay day uk.
James says
I had one loan with Mr Lender contacted them with template letters from this web glad I did in less than a week they offered me £321.12p on a £400 loan just thinking do I accept or send to fos ?
Did not roll over they froze interest when I said I could not pay and set up payment plan I’m accepting as just had to one loan and they have been fair and quick to respond just got QQ , P2P, WONGA, payday uk and uncle buck and myjar to sort now. Wonga are dragging there feet saying very busy and will get my statement out ASAP others all replied and sent them second template letter so glad I found this web site
Sam says
Work out what you ended up paying in total (interest,charges) and if the £321 offer is 50% or more of that then I’d say take it. Obviously it’s up to you. But that’s what I would deem as fair. And if you haven’t paid that much interest then take the offer and run.
john says
I am trying to keep this as vague as possible as I want to keep myself right.
I made a complaint to a payday lender regarding unaffordable loans. They sent me a full and final response the other day advising that they weren’t upholding my complaint, however as a gesture of goodwill were offering me a refund, which is no where near what I believe I am due.
Anyway, thay have said in their letter: “Our offer is strictly confidential and conditional upon your agreeing not to disclose to any 3rd party details of our offer, the fact that an agreement has been reached and the terms of our agreement”.
What does this mean? Obviously I want to approach the FOS, and the company have invited me to do so If I’m not happy with their decision, but does this mean I can’t tell the FOS about their offer, and are this company allowed to do this?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
If you accept their offer, you have an agreement and shouldn’t tell anyone. (Though you may well wonder if PaydayUK – or whoever it was, so far they are the only firm I have seen using this sort of clause – would prosecute you for making a comment on here that you have settled your claim for £700. Doesn’t that sound unlikely?)
If you don’t accept their offer, you don’t have any agreement with them so there is no agreement for you to break – you can tell the FOS about the offer, or put it in the comments here or ask the Daily Mail to publish it.
John says
Hi Sara. It was The Moneyshop (who I think are owned by or own Payday UK), who made this offer and it was £500 they offered.
I will be going to the FOS anyway because I asked for a refund in the region of £1600 + plus 8%.
Thanks for your reply.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Well it’s not as stupidly low as some firm’s offers are… if you would be prepared to accept say £1,000 you could go back and say that? Otherwise good luck with the Ombudsman!
Gordon says
Money Shop did the same to me in my first offer, It was £500 ish, I believe im due around £2000.
I am not happy with them and there delaying tactics all the way throughout, It is with the Ombudsman now and i should have a good decision as the adjudicator agreed with me and Money Shop made no contact.
Mark says
I had 6 Pay Day Lenders, I wasn’t exactly sure on what I had paid in interest but I had a rough idea based on email history.
On 21st June 2016, I contacted 5 without giving a figure. this is the current status:
Cash Genie: Offer made and accepted as of 05/07/2016. They have gone into liquidation but the liquidator, Ariste Holding Ltd seems to pick up quickly.
The following have been contacted. All have responded within 4 days to confirm receipt of complaint and all refer to the 8 week time.
1 Month Loan
Wage Day Advance
Payday UK
Capital finance one
As for Wonga, I requested a statement as I borrowed much more from them. I had no response till today (05/07/2016) so I just put a generic complaint in.
My query is….does this work on credit cards. Just living off them and just getting them where ever I could find them. It will/may have been quite obvious that I was struggling with debt. This will have been between 2007 and 2010 for the credit cards. I started with the Payday loans in 2010. What do you think?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
The same affordability rules apply to credit cards, but it’s much harder to win a case as you have to show you were unable to afford the minimum monthly payment, which is a lot lower than payday loan repayments are. Also for pre 2010 you are likely to run into problems with the “6 year time bar” rule – there are arguments you can use to say this shouldn’t apply, but you may well decide it’s not worth bothering for claims which are going to be difficult anyway.
If you are unsure, you see how your payday loan complaints go and then decide? But because of the time problem, don’t wait too long.
Meryl says
I have just had my first offer, It’s off Cash Genie for a loan I took out in 2013. They offered £1137,45 & 8% from 6th January 2016. I’m more than happy as I didn’t expect that much but why 8% from 6th January 2016?? I complained 4wks ago.
Nick says
Hi Sara, what can I say for my payday loans prior to 2010 to be looked into? I took out loans from 2008 and I would hate to see the money shop get away without compensating the loans prior to 2010.
Fortunately I got my transaction history from when I started to use there services, it shows how much I borrowed and what I repaid, yet when I mentioned this to them on the phone, they said it’s not sufficient enough because it doesn’t have the questions or the forms I filled in at the time….sounds like they messed up in sending me all my transactions and now they’re trying to back pedal… What do you think?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
If the Money Shop is saying that it can’t consider your complaint because its own records are inadequate, you need to ask if that is their final response and if it is, take the complaint to the Ombudsman. There are then two problem.
1) whether the Ombudsman will say it can’t look at complaints pre 2010. At the moment people are getting inconsistent decisions from the Ombudsman. (For most people the older loans are only a small part of their complaint so they don’t care too much about this.)
2) the fact the Money Shop says it hasn’t kept the paperwork. I’m not sure that matters. If you were borrowing repeatedly that in itself should have been a warning flag that TMS should have noticed, whatever you had written on the forms – so the common Ombudsman award of “refund all loans after the third” or something similar would still be appropriate.
tim says
Hi All,
Has anyone had experience of Quick Quid raising new information to the adjudicator after she has made her decision?
This is has just happened to me. Im not sure what they could raise now and why they did not do it in the first place, I don’t feel there is anything that they could say that would change anything regarding affordability- I had defaults, missed payments, arrears and other Pay day borrowing on my credit file, rolled over every month, continuously increased what I borrowed. My bank statements show all the borrowing from other pay day lenders and payments to DCAs so im confident of the unaffordability claim i have.
Is this a stalling tactic, do they invent information? Sorry to rant a little, just a bit frustrated as it is being dragged out further.
Thanks All.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Both sides are allowed to go back to the adjudicator if they feel something significant has been missed. I understand you frustration – especially as Quick Quid are far from “quick” – but that’s the way the system works. Have you asked if you can see what QQ have now supplied?
tim says
Yeah I completely understand, I think the frustration is that they submit their ‘new’ findings a week after the deadline the adjudicator gave. I have asked to see what they submitted, at best it should hopefully save some time if I can give my side while the adjudicator is assessing.
Out of curiosity, do you know if quick quid have agreed to any adjudicator decisions of late or are they all going to the adjudicator?
Kevin says
QQ agreed with my adjudicator last week, cash received next day.
Sam says
Hi all,
So I contacted all 13 of my payday loan lenders for statements of accounts (SOA) on the 24th June. Wrote a stern request explaining that I am considering a complaint, and also mentioned it is not a Subject access request (SAR) therefore no fees required.
In the space of just over a week, all have provided except for WONGA and PaydayUK/PaydayExpress and CashGenie.
PaydayUK tried the £1 fee, wrote back refusing and then sent a final email stating I will be going ahead with an official complaint- funny thing is they sent me a refund automatically(which is how I came to know about this site) but they failed to include the bigger loan plus one.
Wonga have outright neglected to even respond. Probably busy with thousands of complaints. – sent an email with intent to file official complaint.
CashGenie just auto response on the redress email.
I’ve also got all my bank statements for the periods of the loans so cross checked with SOA’s for discrepancies. This is how I found out about PaydayExpress missing out the bigger loan.
I’ve made a spreadsheet with all loans deposited and paid and rolled. This is in preparation for FOS in case it goes there. Also helps you in deciding if the Payday Loan companies offer is fair to accept rather than accelerate to FOS.
Signed up to Noddle and had equifax- you’d be surprised by the difference of who reports what. Noddle is free and shows more PDL than equifax. Also a good tool for FOS to see your financial status at the time of loans which in turn helps you either strengthen your case or adapt your reasoning as to why you feel the loans were unaffordable or irresponsibly lent.
Official complaints will be written up this week requesting all interest charges and fees to be refunded plus 8% simple interest and MOST importantly the removal from all credit reference agencies.
The next step is waiting 8weeks for final offers and if not, immediately to the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS)
If anyone out there has any more tips for me I’d be greatful.
Loans with: Wizzcash, CashGenie, Wonga, Sunny(elevate), Paydayuk/Express(Memfinance), lending stream, quidmarket (stage mount ltd), piggybank(Djs ltd), quick quid, mr lender, peachy,Ferratum.
I borrowed, struggled, rolled, gambled, borrowed, paid, rolled, gambled etc so this is my hope to recover my life.
Many thanks all. And good luck
Peter says
Update on Lendingstream: 14 days after I agreed they have now paid to my bank account
QQ: still no news, they havent sent me the offered money
PaydayUK: Still processing my case
Wonga: Asked 6 weeks more, this is the 2nd week of that
MrLender: responded in 2 days, however they told me that they were always responsible and sent me a detailed answer about every single loan.. they have written off my outstanding balance (which was the last instalment of my loan) and gave me £130… together it was ok
My cases’ biggest issue that I paid always on time… maybe 1 or 2 missed payment but out of like 100 payday I missed 1 or 2… so they think it means that it was affordable… because they havent seen me on those nights when I was clueless how will I be able to pay the next installment … And I know that it was my fault as well… however if they would not have given me the 2nd loan….. But its now history…
Sara (Debt Camel) says
For what it’s worth, many of the largest payouts seen here have been to people that repaid every loan on time.
tim says
Hi Peter
From my experience, timely payments= more credit being available. A few companies I paid on time every time kept upping what I could borrow while a couple of companies I missed a payment here and there with never offered anymore despite my asking.
It shouldn’t impact your claim at all. The pressure to maintain the high credit limits forced me to prioritise payments to those lenders for fear of them reducing what I could borrow. The reason why i did this, I could not afford to.
Kevin says
I had over 90 payday loans, every single one paid back in time. I was petrified of ruining my credit so was borrowing from Peter to pay Paul constantly. I had 13 PDL’s at one point. It won’t harm your chances at all, I’ve had good results so far!
Andrew Allen says
Well today I had a bit of good news. Cheque centre increased their offer (after the FOS) to include the 8% interest. The FOS however won’t take any further action on the loans over six years old, citing the following.
“I’ve considered the point’s you’ve raised about why you think we should consider the loans you had before March 2010. However Unfortunately it doesn’t look like we can. While I appreciate the point’s you’ve raised, you should’ve reasonably been aware the loans were unaffordable to you much sooner than late 2015. You say you had to borrow on a continual basis each month . So we’d have expected you to complain a lot sooner. And the reasons you’ve given for coming to us now, aren’t compelling enough for us to look at those loans outside of the timescales.”
I’m unsure about this, I was in debt and struggling at the time, I also failed to acknowledge myself that I was having an issue, and it was only recently I discovered it was only possible to claim back. Especially as I am no longer in debt and have a clearer state of mind!.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Good to get the 8%s added on – from loans back that long it really adds up! If you have had mental problems over the last few years, you should mention those to the adjudicator.
alan says
Andrew, I’m at the FOS stage of my complaint with Cheque Centre.
very interested in what kind of offer they gave you, and their increased offer.
also timescale involved. any info would be appreciated.
John says
Hi Alan.
My wife had sent a complaint to Cheque Centre in November 15 and they offered her in the region of £1400 without 8% interest. She declined this as she was after approx £5k. CC wouldn’t offer anymore so she complained to FOS. She was asked by FOS to provide bank statements etc. Before FOS investigation was complete, CC revised their off we to £2.8k approx still with no interest of 8%. Again my wife declined. FOS decided in wife’s favour and said that all interest should be repaid from 2009. CC disagreed with adjudicators assessment and wanted an Ombudsman Review. CC then came back and offered the same £2.8k but with 8% interest this time before Ombudsman Review panel had make their decision. This is the strange part because the adjudicator advised her of CCs reviewed offer and said that she now thought that their offer was fair because she had re-reviewed my wife’s details and conceded that although she could see debts being paid to various PDLs, she couldn’t see much evidence of outgoing a like rent/council tax etc being paid out (that’s because they were paid from my bank account). Anyway my wife has finally accepted the £2.8k offer with 8% We were expecting approx £4K back with the 8% element but got Cheque through last week for just over £5k.
I feel as though I’ve been waffling here so hope the above makes sense!!
andrew says
It went from 969 to just over 1400. Im happy to accept, I just don’t think its fair that the FOS are the ones who make the rules about three years from the date you first knew you could make a claim, but then argue that you should have known earlier. Do they expect the PDL company to advise you of the fact that you could make a claim?
Mark says
Right guys I have a few updates:
Lending Stream: £516 refund, I went through my statements again after this refund, raised my concerns back to them and have just settled for £1500
TXTloan (My Jar): transferred £2000 a few weeks back, next day transfer
Mr Lender: Offered to write off current loan, I have rejected and gone to FOS
DFG – TMS, Payday Express, Payday UK – all with the FOS after no response. All the avoiding tricks in the book from these.
24 7 – offer to write off current loan, have rejected and they are coming back to me
Cash Converters: £700 refund from in shop loans in 2010
Wonga: With the FOS after non response
Quick Quid: FOS after non response, again experts at avoidance
So far over £4,000 back thanks to this website and Sara.
I have penned a target for the rest of them, including what I have already and I want £12,000 back, lets see how I go.
Ricky says
Hello Guys & Sarah
I came across Debt Camel and was quite shocked that refunds were given out to customers who took loans out between 2012-2015
I was a customer a QQ, Ladder Loans, Payday Express, Early Payday Loan, Wage Day Advance, Lending Stream and Zebit. I got myself in a right mess in those years, lending and lending to pay off existing loans etc, What I want to know is that with QQ I had around 15 loans which of most I paid back on time but 2 defaulted which are still outstanding, however my lending pattern with QQ since Feb 2012 showed I was lending off them near enough every month from then on wards. I also have an account with Ladder Loans where I took out £1,000 which is now a total of £2,400 owed. My question is that since 2012 or the past years my details have changed including my bank account details etc, do I still have a case?
Also can I claim on loans which I took out but are defaulted?
I would appreciate any advice at all given on here.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
It doesn’t matter that your details have changed – if you get a refund you can give them your new bank details :)
Yes you can claim for loans you defaulted on – if it’s decided these are unaffordable, the balance outstanding is paid off with some of your refund. There are a couple of examples here https://debtcamel.co.uk/payday-lender-write-off/ that may make this clearer.
Peter says
Update on Lendingstream: 14 days after I agreed they have now PAID
QQ: still no news, they havent sent me the offered money
Wonga: Asked 6 weeks more, this is the 2nd week of that
MrLender: responded in 2 days, however they told me that they were always responsible and sent me a detailed answer about every single loan.. they have written off my outstanding balance (which was the last instalment of my loan) and gave me £130… together it was ok
PaydayUK: 1 day after 8 weeks I got an email which says:
“I can conclude that I am unable to uphold your complaint on this occasion in terms of affordability or suitability and appreciate this is not the response you were hoping for.
However, PaydayUK voluntarily signed the ‘Customer Charter’ in November 2012 which contained guidance that a customer should not be allowed to rollover or defer their loan on more than three consecutive occasions. It has become apparent that in this instance, PaydayUK has not followed the guidance that was issued concerning your third loan which has meant that additional interest was paid of £476.79. Although the ‘Customer Charter’ was only guidance it is evident that loans were deferred on additional occasions at this time; as such I am upholding your complaint regarding this matter with regard to any deferrals completed outside of the Customer Charter. I am therefore pleased to offer you the sum of £476.79 and the removal from your credit file of the last ten deferrals relating to your first loan.”
Funny wording isnt it? They cant uphold BUT…. they pay… and they have already paid me £370 it is additional amount to that so it is the amount I was looking for… so I accept it…
Sara (Debt Camel) says
all going well then apart from Wonga which is going slow.
Mark says
Even stranger the exact figure of £476.79 is what they offered me, coincidence?
Bob says
Just a bit of an update on all my claims –
Sunny (Average loan £350 each time) – Settled in full + 8% interest on the day to the 8th week and in my account 2 days later (No FOS needed)
QuickQuid (Average loan £1,200 each time) – Took 9 weeks to respond and decline my complaint with no offer as they say my flexi loan which I had for 2 years nearly was just 1 loan and 1 loan I had after was a total of 2 loans and ignored most of my questions in my complaint as they sent me their standard response so went straight to FOS on the 18th May (8th week) a week before their reply which was maybe a mistake as FOS then took 2 – 3 weeks to ask for their final response from them and I’m now still waiting for my case to be allocated even though they have received all the info from QuickQuid.
Wonga – (average loan £1,000 each time) I’m now in the 5th week of the 6 extra weeks and I’m told I should have a response by the end of next week, I thought id wait it out as I’m sure ive seen people who escalate to the FO without a final response are then being told Wonga wont deal with them directly and only through the adjudicator which I think delays things if the outcome is good, however I appreciate I’m going to be 6 weeks behind going to the FO if they decline my complaint, but I know I have an outstanding balance with them and I’m sure i’ll get something which I might accept
Peachy (Average loan £250) – had a few small loans at the end of all my big borrowing and believe in giving this a go, they took my complaint and rejected it by the next day with a standard response that didn’t address all of my complaints concerns, so now waiting on the FO but this was about 5 weeks after my Quick Quid complaint was raised with the FO so could be a long wait…………
keep trying everyone and don’t give in to ridiculous offers, I believe an offer of 75% of total interest paid or more without the 8% added on is reasonable for a quick settlement, but if it goes to the Ombudsman I believe in going for all of it and the 8% for the extra hassle etc….
Ian says
Disagree on the Wonga part they will still deal directly, they are just terrible at responding. I referred to FOS at 8 weeks. Wonga made me an offer of refund on only a few of my loans at 14 weeks. I responded and copied FOS in. FOS has recommended Wonga refund all but first 5 loans. Anyone know how long before Wonga respond to FOS and I get the money on this?
Tim says
Hi All
Anyone had any joy with 1monthloan/elevate? Having gone back through my bank statements, ive just discovered that £1600 in payments to what i thought was a DCA was in fact to elevate! Bad times when you dont even realize you have paid someone over £800 in interest… My finances were that much of a mess.
Anyway ive submitted my complaint to them, just wondered what sort of experiences people have had?
Matt says
They were very straightforward to deal with for me – gave their response on the final day of the 8 week period and after accepting they paid the money within 2 days. From what I’ve seen a lot of people have had a similar experience and few have had to go to FO with them.
alan says
John, thanks for the details. You just don’t see cheque centre mentioned here very often. Its nice to see some-one having success. I was knocked back on the affordability front. But offered £385 as my p.d.l had become non short term. I’m at the adjudicator stage. And she is waiting in c.c sending details of the affordability check they apparently carried out. I’m hoping my bank statements show irresponsibility on there behalf. In my opinion its a no brainer. I was struggling with loans and credit cards. But they still let me have £750 month after month. Paying the more than £150 in interest every month. For about a year. With smaller loans before and after. Will post something as soon as i hear. Thanks again.
John says
I remember a stage when my wife was taking out loans for £800 from CC and having to pay them back £1k on her payday. This happened for about 1 year. (She only got paid £1.2 k a month so was clearly unaffordable) I know CC used to ask for bank statements every 3 months so surely on that basis alone someone at CC should’ve noticed the pay to loan repayment ratio and realised that it was totally unaffordable.
It’s actually quite funny because with the SAR request they made my wife pay £10 for, they also sent the notes on her file from them and there was even a note saying along the lines of…. ” phoned customer to advise £X amount stil available if they wanted to top up”.
I didn’t think that was very responsible either!!
Anyway, keep at it. If you can afford to knock back their offers and can wait for the FOS to do their investigations then do it, cos it’s definitely worth it in the end. The 8% interest if awarded it really does add up. Good luck!
alan says
I could do with the £385 but not the end of the world. I’m going to stick it out. See what comes of it. Cant miss what you ain’t got….yet!
DL says
Hi all,
This is my 1st post & it feels like counselling. As a lot of people I had no idea you can put in claims against these companies. I have lived with the sheer shame & guilt that I got myself into this situation. I am a full time working mum & have always worked and consider my self normally to have a lot of common sense. But I took my 1st payday loan out with payday express in 2010, and that then was my life, a sheer mess for the next few years. By 2012 & 13 I was drowning in debt & deep in the payday loan cycle. I had loans still with Express but now had payday uk, H&T, Wonga, QQ, Wage day advance, 1 month loan. Then in 2014 I added Mr Lender, Uncle Buck & Lending stream. In 2014 I decided to stop paying these as I was not sleeping, I was jumping & my heart would sink every time the phone rang I though enough is enough. I did what I could to pay them back in smaller amounts still under pressure but most eventually paid back I still had two small balances with wage day advance & lending stream.
I have looked back at my bank accounts & seen how many loans & roll overs I had &a I think I must have been living in a bubble how did I ever live like this. Its now obvious I borrowing from one to pay the other just to survive. I have been in areas with my mortgage, council tax &a utility bills all so I could prioritise these bills my credit file/score is awful I had become dependant on them just to pay each other just to try to avoid the constant calls on my mobile & at work.
I have struggled to keep this to myself & have managed over the past few years to feel like I am finally getting a little way there. Even though had a CCJ issued from Uncle Buck. Then on the 9th June I came across this website & I thought what I was reading can not be true, why did I not know anything about this, could I really get some of my hard earned wages back from these sharks as I was the one who applied?? it must have been my fault?? Then I read all the blogs & information on this site & I came to the conclusion I am one of those people that was being given unaffordable loans from these lenders.
So on the 10th June I used template & tweaked it to my situation to all the lenders I have listed, I got there standard replies back which I was expecting.
Lending stream have written off my outstanding debt of £580 as “good will”
I have had a “good will payment of £150” off Mr Lender who to be fair were one of the better ones when I was asking for help & did reduce my balance on my last loan to assist me so I accepted this offer to.
H&T gave me a final repose on the 13th June rejecting my complaint.
I am now in week three of waiting for the others. I have been sent statement of accounts by all except Wonga but the Payday Express one does not match my bank statements they only list loans from 2012 onwards but I did get the statement of accounts from everyone quite easy I just e mailed.
Fingers crossed if I get all interest alone back on what I am waiting for it will be over £10,000 but anything is a bonus & to try & repair my credit is so important.
Good Luck All & thanks for sharing you pushed me to give it a go. Sara thanks amazing site.
G says
Am I the only one not getting even a good will offer from mr lender, I had 1 loan, paid over £300 in interest, they said they would clear my outstanding balance of £30 as good will and that’s it
Danielle says
I only had one loan with them, they rejected and the FOS rejected.
Even though it took me 3 months to pay back and ended up paying £300 interest but tbh I wasn’t expecting anything so wasn’t to bothered. I think if you have only had 1-2 loans it is much harder to get anything back.
Ian says
FOS very unlikely to recommend a refund on only 1 loan. I would say take their offer.
Kelly says
Wonga grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!
I made my initial complaint to Wonga on 30th March and waited 8 weeks as standard to receive no response, a few days after the deadline I called for my response and was advised that the had not completed their investigation into my complaint so they needed a further 6 weeks (again standard). I was a bit annoyed as I had no correspondence from them explaining this and I had to chase them up – however agreed to wait, so today was the last day for them to respond. I rang them at lunchtime to be told that I would have a response by close of business today which was clarified as 5pm, again I have waited and nothing! So 5pm I rang again and was told they need yet another week to finalise their decision – I am absolutely furious – has anyone else had this with them? I don’t know whether this should be a good sign or a sign that they are just stringing things out to reject my complaint.
Danielle says
Wonga were the same with me, So i left a negative review on Trust Pilot, I got a reply (the same day) from them telling me to email customer service with the subject ‘Trust Pilot’. Got my final offer the next day, in my bank 3 working days later.
May not work with everyone but worth a try. I was at week 11, I’m sorry but in my opinion 8 weeks is more than enough time to resolve a complaint, no matter how busy they are. I even gave them a further 3 weeks. The fact it is going to take them 15 to give you a final response is ridiculous.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Nice bit of lateral thinking there! Not just for Wonga, but other lenders as well.
Duane says
Tried that tonight and I will do a review with a full biopsy of my Wonga and QQ life.
Another one wgich I just hate dealing with is Provident. Absolute joke. Not too bothered as I got enough on them and my door rep conversations on text messages as to how they did not carry out credit checks on repeat loans.
They are foolish though and I was reasonable as well by asking for 4 out the 6 loans to be reviewed.
Oh well, all 6 it is then. More fool them
Paula says
I have received an offer from Wonga today, however I made a request for 4 loans that needed to be rolled over to be considered. They have conveniently decided to disregard 2 of the loans, one of them having the largest roll over charges. Should I go directly back to Wonger and ask them to up the offer including the loans they have disregarded,or should I go directly to the Financial Ombudsman ?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
If you go back to Wonga, I suggest setting a deadline, that you will be going to the FOS within x days.
Peter says
PaydayUK gave me an offer which I accepted and the money was on my account afternoon… so they are a quick payers :) So is Mr Lender…. QuickQuid still hasnt paid… Wonga still thinking….
Kelly says
I’ve been reading various posts and I’m now really scared I won’t be able to get a mortgage next year. Ideally I’m looking to buy around next summer… however I got into a payday loans spiral last year and took out 11 between Dec 14 and Jan 16 – I didn’t realise these would affect a mortgage application so much. Is there anyway these can be removed from my credit history, all were paid on time and in full but it must look terrible. I lived stupidly and was too proud to say anything. I absolutely won’t use them any more. i owe £1,500 on car finance (originally £5500 taken in 2013 always paid on time), I’ve paid off £600 store credit (three previous 1 month late payments), I’ve paid off and closed one CC with £450 limit (all paid on time) and I’ve just moved my £1500 cc balance to a 0% card, and plan to have this and my car finance paid off by Feb 17. I also have a few late payments from around Christmas when my job changed and my wages decreased. I have written to the companies to have these removed and they have said no. I’ve been monitoring my experian credit report and thought I was doing really well since January as my score is now excellent and when i applied for a new 0% credit card I was accepted and they offered me a £5k limit. Also only 3 of my pay day loans show on this. However I’ve just checked Equifax and my rate is poor at 540 and Callcreedit is 1/5 and all my pay day loads show up. I believe the score is due to my high use of credit and late payments which by Feb next year should be almost cleared and a year of no late fees, but I’m so worried the late payments and pay day loans showing from 2015 will haunt me and I won’t be able to buy somewhere for years.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Anecdotally payday loans only harm a mortgage application if they are in the last year, so by March 17 when your car loan is gone this may be OK. It sounds as though you are cleaning up your credit record as fast as possible but these things take time.
Jane says
It seems strange to me how some complaints are upheld and some aren’t. I sent the standard template letter to all lenders and have just received a refund offer from H&T over £800 which is great as I’m sure I didn’t even have that many loans with them. I’m getting married and really need the money so have accepted. I really really don’t have the time to go through all my hundreds of loans and rollovers with maybe 15 different lenders (also due to gambling) so I just sent the standard letter off and a few have rejected but all loans are now paid off anyway. I just feel that reading this, some people are in a lot worse situation than me but the same lender has rejected them and vice versa. I’m sure it’s worth going all the way to FOS which I have threatened and may do but I’ve now had 2 big results and hopefully more to come so I’m very happy to have found this site. Thanks Sara and all x
Kevin says
Wonga have today upheld my complaint and offered to refund all interest etc….totalling approx £3700. I originally complained on 29th March and sent to FOS on 8 weeks. It had just been appointed an adjudicator when they made the offer, a day or two after 14 weeks
I had about 30 loans over 3 and a half years. Most of these were for 500-1100. I was making about 1200 at the time. A lot were took out as soon as previous was paid off. I also emailed then to ask for my account to be closed at one point, so that I didn’t lend again. I emailed all the loan companies at this point. Wonga were the only ones that wouldn’t do it. Lo and behold, I continued to borrow!
However, they are taking about £160 off it for tax….is this right?
Kayleigh says
Thank you for that – my situation sounds very similar. I complained 3rd May so am around 5 weeks behind you so won’t expect to hear anything before then! hoping for a similar figure to yourself.
EJ says
Just wanted to update on my complaint with QQ. Put in my complaint and it was rejected. In their final response they highlighted a late payment from January 2016, I have asked why I was charged £15 for late payment when my account was in hardship, they responded to say my account was not in hardship at the time which is why a late payment fee was charged. I have checked and have evidence they were notified of my financial difficulties and agreed to repayment arrangement on 21st Jan 16 (3 weeks after taking loan out) however the late fee was applied on 29th January 16! I will be adding this to my complaint with FOS.
Kieran says
Just an update with regards to Wonga:
I made my complaint to them about irresponsible lending on 23rd March. Weeks went by without any communication so I started chasing them up each week. Had the usual it’s not been investigated yet so they can not comment. Then the additional 6 weeks request came through and that’s when I sent it to FOS. On the last day of the additional 6 weeks Wonga made an offer for 10/21 of the loans which I thought was strange as they were randomly selected and didn’t include the larger loans I had. Adjudicator up held in my favour on all but the first 3 loans however Wonga said they would take upto 22 working days to investigate the adjudicators findings. The complaint is now with an ombudsman who has requested all my bank statements over the time of lending. Just waiting for him to come to his final decision. He did seem understanding of the gambling issues but I will give an update with the outcome of the case.
Ian says
Hi Kieran. I’m about a week behind you with Wonga but similar. They offered me refund on some of the loans 1 day after the extra 6 weeks had passed which I rejected. I had gone to FOS on 8 weeks. Adjudicator has found in my favour on all but first 5 loans which they informed me of on Monday. I’ve not heard anything since, how long was it before you found out Wonga were to do more investigatons?
Kieran says
Hi Ian
Iv been getting a lot of help from my adjudicator who’s let me know everything that’s going on and deadlines set throughout the process. Basically Wonga stated they never received my adjudicators findings and that it can only be dealt with by a special case handler and they allow upto 22 working days for that, they even recommended to adjudicator it goes straight to the ombudsman as it’s going to take an exceptionally long time and they could still disagree with the adjudicator after that time. Hence where I am now waiting for the ombudsman to produce his findings. Hopefully he said it may be by tomorrow so we will see!
rachel says
Quick update of my claims:
WDA – refund within 8 weeks £2700
PDUK – 60 loans – awaiting allocation with FOS since 12.06
P2P – offered to write off balance £700 + refund of £300 on current loan but declined – 7 loans over 7 years – awaiting allocation with FOS since 12.06
QQ – 70 loans – awaiting allocation with FOS since 12.06
Anyone put claims in around the same time and been allocated recently?
Currently in a better position financially due to the WDA refund and getting back on track paying credit cards etc on time.
Good luck everyone
rob says
Bit of an update with my claims.
So Wonga have paid me close to £3000 back went into my account this evening, went all the way to the ombudsman who ruled in my favour on loans 5-38 plus 8% and entries removed from my credit file. Don’t worry about gambling on bank statements, it didn’t affect my claim.
Also got 2 other claims going through with quickquid and lending stream, adjudicator ruled in my favour, they both denied so been in the queue for ombudsman for 2/3 weeks now.
All I can say is keep at it, my Wonga one has been ongoing since end of last year but worth it now, many thanks for this site.
Jack says
Cant get hold of Cash Genie? I have however received refunds from MyJar, Wageday & Safety Net.
Waiting for a final response from QQ, Wonga & Uncle Buck
Nigel says
Hi Jack
Tell me about Safetynet, how did that go? I currently have the £1000 level of borrowing with them. They just used to increase it every month.
Now I am stuck with it and cant pay it off, Just so annoying every time I am paid they just take it all then I have to borrow it straight away.
Peter says
I paid back to safetynet as quickly as I could because even if im a Mathematician I could not follow their repaying methods… they got money from my account without telling me that they will do so… and they told me that it was an automated system, and it is working properly. When I asked why did they get money from my account when I already paid the monthly minimum payment, they told me that thats the way how the system works.. so I have given up on them, and paid them back before they would drain my bank account without my permisson
Jack says
Hi Nigel,
I paid my safety Net loan off back in April and I had a borrowing level of £350
I came across this website so decided to send them an email explaining my reasons why I think im due a refund and they were fairly quick in offering me a amount of around £180, I thought this was fair enough as only had 2 loans with them so accepted.
Matt says
I am currently in the same boat as you, had an £840 limit with Safetynet which they were taking the repayment within an hour of my pay going into my bank account but then I was having to borrow again straight away or wouldn’t have had enough money to pay rent and bills etc. Couldn’t see any way out of the rut. Over a period of just over a year I had borrowed almost £8000 from them and repaid £9500 and still had an outstanding loan with them.
Was worried that if I put in a complaint, they would take their payment from my account as soon as I had money in it and then I’d have a shortfall of over £1000 in my bank account and would seriously struggle to get through the month.
However after getting advise from Sara, I contacted my bank and cancelled the CPA from Safetynet. Changed my login details on my bank account so they couldn’t see when I had money going in and then made my complaint, asking them to put any collection attempts on hold while they investigated. My complaint has now been with them for 3 weeks and they have told me I should have a response by next Friday. They have also frozen the interest on my balance while the investigation is ongoing.
Minimum I’m hoping for is that they will at least wipe out my outstanding balance, anything less than that and i’ll tell them I want them to keep collection attempts on hold and continue to freeze the interest while I put in a complaint to the FOS.
Feel I have a very good case as over the time I have been getting loans from them I have consistently been £4000 overdrawn, been on reduced wages for the past 6 months, had other loan payments coming off and on the pie charts on their website my income has pretty much always been lower than my expenditure. As they can see into my bank account they should have been able to see all of this.
Will let you all know how it goes when they send their final response.
Danielle says
Hi all,
I sent my complaint to QuickQuid on the 4th April. On the last day of the 8 weeks, they sent an offer to wipe my remaining balance of £400. I declined this and sent my complaint straight to the FOS.
Today I was finally assigned to an adjudicator, My first email from them already had an offer from QuickQuid… I dont think this is normal tho to receive an offer so quickly? I have worked out from what they are offering I would be getting back just over £500 + the 8%. I was expecting roughly £700 so I think this is fair.
I have a feeling though they are going to say we will be deducting the £400 default from the refund, if this is the case I will be declining as I said I was expecting £700 (thats after deducting the £400). I cant imagine it could possibly be this easy, especially from QuickQuid.
I have finally been assigned to an adjudicator today, QuickQuid have already made an offer… (Surprised)
“Since our involvement Quick Quid has decided to put forward an offer. It’s said it’s willing to do the following:
– Refund interest and charges paid on loans from 3rd October 2012 onwards,
– 8% interest added to this refund, and
– Removal of these loans from your credit file. ”
I had loans from October 2011-March 2013. I still owe £400 (default) I have said I am willing to accept this as long as they wipe the £400 and dont deduct it from the refund. Does this seem like a fair deal?
Danielle says
I have asked the adjudicator what the amount offered is…
“Although I can’t give you an exact figure, having reviewed the calculations, they appear in line with how we’d expect Casheuronet to calculate the refund.”
How can I accept an offer without knowing what it is? They have also stated
“However, any refund we’d expect It to make, will then have any outstanding balance deducted from it. Where a customer has taken out a loan, we’d always expect the principle to repaid whether or not the loan was lent irresponsibly. This is because they’ve had use of the funds.”
My QuickQuid account is frozen on default of £400… My last 3 loans with QuickQuid were –
£250, £150 and £350 = £750
However my payments to QuickQuid after that were –
£59, £91, £148.32, £43.29, £39.31, £10.69, £50, £50.
Total repaid = £491.61 Total left to pay = £258.39
Is that correct or would the full £400 be deducted? If thats the case I will only end up with about £200. I dont know what to do because they wont tell how much the offer is.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Can you split all your loans into 3 groups.
The ones before 3rd October 12 – how many of these were there?
The ones after 3rd October 2012 which you repaid in full – how much interest did you pay on these?
The final loan(s) that you defaulted on. How much did you borrow? How much have you repaid so far, before or after you defaulted on them?
Danielle says
Hi Sara,
Thanks for the reply. I have declined this offer having looked over my SOA.
I have asked for my complaint to be from the 3rd loan. From that loan I paid £1108 interest.
Minus the £400 = £708 + 8% I have said I am willing to waive the 8% I doubt QuickQuid will accept this tho.
The offer they made would have been just over £250, including the 8% which is rubbish.
I think I have a very strong case tbh, I had a loan per month from Oct 2011 – March 2013. Constant roll overs, top ups and late fees. Most loans taken out the same day as paying the previous one back. Eventually defaulting.
Daniel says
After 5 months of waiting I have had a final offer from wonga of £1788 which is 50% of all interest and charges I paid which I have accepted. Just P2P and QQ to go!
Jack says
Another update:
QuickQuid replied to my complaint today, which was already escalated to the FOS on Tuesday following 8 weeks.
They naturally do not uphold the complaint as I guess they don’t want to set any precedent for legal action. (I guess they could open themselves up to a class action by admitting liability?)
They did however offer £300 towards my current balance “in an attempt to resolve this issue and as a gesture of goodwill”.
Needless to say, I don’t quite agree with them and will be continuing with the FOS process which on a whole seems very fair, judging by the Ombudsman Decisions website.
Sam says
Success number 1 for me today – adjudicator ruled in my favour from loan 3 onwards and has asked Quick Quid to repay all interest and charges ( over 1,400) plus 8% and removal from credit file.
All my loans were standard payday loans not flex / installment loans
I expect that quick quid will disagree though and I will have to go onto the ombudsman.
Lilly says
My QQ complaint is with the FOS now, but not with an adjudicator yet, waiting for my complaint file to be sent across before I am allocated one, but a lot of my loans were in a Flex Credit account, so just interested to see any success people have with those?
Mark says
Lilly,my adjudicator ruled that as well as loans with QQ I should be recompensed with regards to the flex account too.
Nat says
Help! Just had a call off someone from the branch I used to get a loans from with cash converters to ask me what type of figure I was asking back? Not having anything to hand I said I would call him back was very uncomfortable and I would really prefare to speak via email. I had 13 loans with them totalling up to over £4000 what shall I go back and say. Do you think I am safe to say I am not comfortable with discussing this over the phone ? Thanks in advance.
Bob says
That’s probably because most stores are franchises (owned by someone local usually) and just trading using the name. This means it’s probably the local store that is going to refund you rather than a big head office. I might be wrong but that ls what I know about their setup in general.
aga says
Hi Nat , say You want all interest And 8 % back , they offered me 197 , i went FOS And last week they paid 2570 all plus 8% , they need to send u statements ,
Nat says
Thank you just as I was writing this he has just sent me an email regarding our call so I asked for what you ah e just said and also if we could keep it via email so I can keep track of conversations. Hope it’s gets sorted Asap.
What a great result for you ! Fingers crossed for me.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
I think it’s a good idea to add up the interest – otherwise if they come back and offer an amount, you have no idea how good it is.
If you can’t do this, ask them for a statement.
You may be able to “reconstruct” it yourself if you can see the repayments you made. The typical way this sort of lending worked is that you write them a cheque for £100 say and they gave you £82 or something like that? Do you remember what they were taking off? Here £18 would be int interest you are paying.
Mark says
I have just been offered just over £1k from wonga. That is interest on 5 loans that they say were unaffordable to me. I find that very strange when they are random months in between other months that that they haven’t offered on…I had 28 loans in a row so……should I waste my time speaking to them or just go straight to the FO??
mark says
Personally i would do both, ask them for a revised offer and lodge to the FOS, it will take the FOS at least 4 weeks to get an adjudicator. Wonga now in week 7 of 8 for me, in going to start with FOS at week 7, by the time they process it 8 weeks will have gone by.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
If these 5 loans were larger than your other loans, that could be the reason for this.
But if not, it’s one of Wonga’s new “let’s send an offer for a few random loans out ” offers. I guess they are a lot of people will grab the money offered – after all it isn’t a stupidly low. There will be people complaining who are in a difficult situation who are desperate for some money now, and others who are scared of going to the Ombudsman because they don’t realise what a good case they have.
So far people going back and asking “why these loans” haven’t got Wonga to change their mind. If you do try this, i would say you will be going to the Ombudsman unless they provide an explanation or increase the offer within a few days.
Meryl says
I just received my statements of Wonga 5 weeks into my complaint. They came in 2 separate emails off 2 different people. I had more loans than I mentioned in my complaint to them. Should I email them with an update or will they take all into consideration anyway?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Your original complaint may have sounded as though you were only complaining about certain loans. As you now know there are more, if you want to complain about more, I suggest emailing them to make this clear. Even if you think your original complaint said “all”, then there is no harm in letting them know that you actually had x loans over a period of y years.
J says
Just received an offer from Wonga yesterday. Two days before the end of the additional 6 weeks. They have upheld my complaint kind of but it just looks like they have picked a few loans at random and offered a fraction of the interest paid as a whole. I’ve politely asked them to reconsider but my complaint is already with the FO! Good luck everyone.
Duane says
QQ now at 8 weeks, no final decision so sending to FOS.
Wonga now at 11 weeks, no final decision and sent to FOS 3 weeks ago.
PTPD now at 5 weeks, currently with Northway.
Wageday advance, upheld (kind of) inside 2 weeks with loan balance paid off 350 plus 180 cash.
MyJar didn’t want to know, with FOS. I only had 4 X 100 with them so might not get anywhere anyway
Payday uk responded on week 7 saying my 5 loans and rollovers were outside 6 years and although they clearly have records, didn’t want to know, so with FOS.
Payday Express, at week 6 with no final response.
Provident just not interested so with FOS.
I had loans / rollovers ranging from 8 to 27 on all the above.
Smaller loan amounts and frequency from 10 other lenders who I havnt claimed against yet.
In people’s experience does QQ go over the 8 weeks? Thanks
Kim says
I currently have 3 complaints in one with sunny, wonga and wage dayadvance. If anybody could let me know if there experiences with any of these companies that would be great.
Also I was wondering if it’s worth email them for an update (Its a month since I sent in my complaints and I know they have 8 weeks) but I have seen on here wonga asking for an extra 6 and was wondering if this would help me at all?
Many thanks for all your help x
Lynnette says
Hi I had complaints with sunny and wage day advance and both emailed back on the last day of the 8 weeks both settled in full with 8% interest added no FO involvement. Hope it goes well for you too!
Paul says
My case with QQ is now with adjudicator she introduced herself on the phone to me yesterday 4 weeks after being allocated. What’s the timescale from here on? She hasn’t asked for any statements or credit checks and only has copies of my original complaint of 40 loans of 12k borrowed over 3 years and QQ’s response which was an initial £250 before I refused and went to FO.
tim says
Hi all
Quick update regarding 3 complaints with the adjudicator, all of which she found in my favour for.
Uncle buck- stated they saw no defaults on my credit searches, they are clearly on my credit report so these have been sent to them and the adjudicator requested references for their searches.
Lending stream- they haven’t really replied. They advised me they had but speaking to my adjudicator she has heard nothing.
Quick quid- they rejected her assessment and provided new documents about my credit score. The adjudicator didn’t change her decision so they have asked to now see copies of my credit reports which she has provided and given them 5 days to reply.
A lot of stalling it seems but I’m hoping now they will see sense rather than going to the ombudsman but I’m just hoping, fully expect they will.
Anyway keep going everyone.
Kevin says
Hi Sara,
Provident are ignoring my request for a statement, originally said they would post out within 5 days but that was 3 weeks ago and now they are ignoring my emails. What’s the best thing (or threat!) that I can email them to force them to send this out?
Duane says
Same as. I’ve just sent mine to the FOS and made them aware how difficult they are with everything. They have also shot themselves in the foot with their decision wording but of course they think the sun shines out of them and they are perfect and not done anything wrong. We’ll see about that.
Morag says
Finally an adjucticator has finally got in touch this afternoon, he has asked me when my first loan was and when the last loan was
First 2007 last 2016, says he may not be able to look into all loans but will get back to me , he mentioned the 6.3 rule
Sara (Debt Camel) says
If you have got a reasonable idea of the period you borrowed for, you could just proceed with a complaint, see https://debtcamel.co.uk/payday-lender-wont-send-loan-details/
Motag says
I had the same problem, I had to keep calling and asking them. Finally I asked the complaints department to look into my account and tell me over the fone what I borrowed and paid back!
Eventually they did sent it out on the 8 th week!
Lynne says
Hi there,
Has anyone had any dealing with peachy loans. Since Apr, 2015 to now, I had 6 loans, 3 rollovers. Peachy have said
they will pay of my outstanding loan of £129 but that the matter is now closed, I paid nearly £800 in interest in a year. I explained I was borrowing from 1 payday loan to pay another. No luck.
jimmy says
Hi Lynne,
My peachy complaint is with the FOS. I had only 3 loans, no rollovers and only my last 2 loans were close together. I wasn’t expecting anything and Peachy rejected, so i sent to the FOS. My adjudicator has upheld and requested interest on loan 3 to be repaid. They have until 21st July to respond.
Brian says
So, thought I’d update on my QQ case. They rejected my complaint. However, my adjudicator found that she recommended 4 loans be upheld from my 9. Roughly around 1500 in total with the interest, QQ replied to adjudicator today to offer 773 on only 2 loans. I rejected, looks like its going to ombudsman. I have asked the adjudicator to contact them, to propose a settlement I am happy with, however, I’m not holding my breath. Could be another 4-6 weeks. Already been 12 weeks in!
Danielle says
Well I must say I am very please with the FOS :)
I complained to QuickQuid on the 04/04/2016, received a reply at the end of the 8 weeks, rejecting my complaing but willing to wipe my remaining debt (£400, tho they claimed it was £585.40 which was wrong) I rejected and sent my complaint to the FOS on the 30/05/2016.
8/07/16 I am assigned to an adjudicator, they emailed me with an offer from QuickQuid on the first email they sent me. The offer for all interest and charges from my 9th loan loan + 8% and removal from my credit file. However they would be deducting the £400 owed. Leaving me with just over £250. I declined this.
Today 11/07/2016 My adjudicator emailed me his findings and what he has sent to QuickQuid. He wants QuickQuid to refund all interest and charges from the 4th loan + 8% and removal from my credit file. After they have deducted the £400 and with the 8% I am looking at around £1000.
I also complained to:
Mr Lender – 1 loan, rejected by Mr Lender and FOS (Didn’t expect anything tbh)
Wonga – 7 loans, 1 top up, sent to FOS on week 8, Wonga replied first on week 11, refunded on 5 loans £721 in my bank within 3days
I am over the moon, debt free and a nice little sum of spending money for my holiday next month.
Thank you Sara x
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Fingers crossed that QQ accept the adjudicator’s offer. Otherwise it could drag out for a while yet.
John says
Good afternoon sara,
This is the first time I have posted on here, I have had some success thanks to this site. I recived a email off Wonga offering me £3900 after the 10th week. However I sent my complaint to FO on the 8th week. Is it worth hanging on to see what The FO says or do you think I should accept as it is a lot of money?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
It’s obviously a lot of money, but you need some information to be able to say if it’s a reasonable offer or not. Have Wonga said which loans they are refunding? Have you added up how much interest you have paid on all your loans?
Shell says
So I have finally heard from Wonga, 13 weeks since they acknowledged my complaint.
I had 19 loans over a 2 year period, they have said they 6 of them were unaffordable, total settlement of just over 2k, and they will wipe these off my credit file. I could go back and argue that more of them were unaffordable but this offer is more than I was expecting and it’s already been a very long process! Happy with this outcome, especially as I’m just about to buy a house!
I’ve asked that they pay out by the end of the week. Let’s see what happens!
Phil says
Hi all. I had many payday loans with a range of different lenders. I emailed them all 1 year ago but apart from Wonga they all said they don’t uphold my complaint. I then left it as assumed that was it. I accepted the offer from Wonga. Is it worth reading emailing all companies a year on? Or go straight to the Fos? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
You have 6 months to take a complaint to the Ombudsman after a firm rejects it – it sounds as though you are outside this limit.
I don’t know what your complaints last time said. Unless you can argue that your previous complaints weren’t about affordability but something different, I think you will have difficulty going back to the lenders with new complaints, but I suppose you could try.
Phil says
Thanks for your response. I emailed QQ again today as i realised they said they would respond within 48 hours and here we are a year later without a response. They have emailed tonight basically saying they feel i wasnt in financial hardship even though i setup a payment plan as i couldnt afford the repayment, then once paid they immediately loaned to me again no questions asked. I then put this loan on a payment plan and again once paid they reloaned again and a 3rd payment plan was setup. They said however although they dont admit to any wrong doing they have offered £150 direct transfer to my bank to close the complaint. Do i push for more? do i accept? or do i go to the FOS? Im thinking if they dont believe there to blame then why offer anything?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
That sounds like inappropriate lending to me. Often where QQ have offered an amount people have gone on to win a lot more from the FOS, see https://debtcamel.co.uk/quickquid-payday-loan-refunds/
P says
Had negative response from wonga, p2p and quickquid, no offer made in each case, going to FOS now, has anyone had success against these companies after receiving no initial offer. Just worked out I had 19 Wonga loans in 22 months’ a 1 year p2p loan that lasted 2yrs and a 3 month quick quid loan that lasted 2yrs (flexicredit). The strange thing is both sunny and Mr lender compensated me straight away no questions asked, it just seems very hit and miss with there responses, p2p and qq blatantly lied in there response, so just makes me wonder if these bigger companies are trying to fob people off and if so why is this allowed?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
There does seem to be an odd random element in some of the offers. It doesn’t really help you to speculate about this though. Good luck with the FOS!
Mark says
Hi guys,
An update: I received an offer of £700 from Quick Quid today, this was in relation to my final loan which they admit they lent to me despite having a poor credit record at the time.
I had five loans with QQ, the first of which I paid interest only for 8 months, I was then immediately reloaned to / paid interest for the next 2 years to come on the remaining 4 loans.
On loan 1 I paid £1000 on a loan of £400 (8 months)
On loan 2 I paid £1600 on a loan of £1000 (4 months)
On loan 3 I paid £2800 on a loan of £1150 (10 months)
On loan 4 I paid £1700 on a loan of £1150 (5 months)
On loan 5 I paid £1950 on a loan of £1150 (9 months)
As I say no gaps on any of these.
First question; Do you think QQ should have noticed I was in trouble after loan 1 and maybe after loan 2 – after all loan 3 is my biggest claim of £1650
Second question: With their admission they lent to me with back credit, does that guarantee even after the FOS I will get that as that seems a basic error?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
1) after loan 1 is possible – not only did you roll the first loan a lot but you then wanted to borrow a lot more.
2) are you worrying that you will lose this £700 offer if you go to the FOS? I don’t think that’s likely, as you say QQ have admitted they were in the wrong.
Obviously I don’t know all the details about your case, but from what you have said it is a good one to take to the FOS.
Mark says
In their letter they have stated that because I only had 5 loans in 2 years it does not show dependency.
However in that 2 years I always paid an interest payment or the loan back each month.
As I have pointed out to them it is irrelevant to me that I did not reloan, a continuous interest payment to me shows dependency also
Thanks for your help Sara, I ll let you know how I go with the FOS
Rachel says
Hi mark I had an offer from QQ for £1000 interest from 1 loan but as I had 70 with them I declined, I think they should have recognised dependent lending after 3/4 in my case each time amounts were increased but each case is different, I am now waiting for the fos to resolve good luck
Kelly says
Ok so I thought I was mad last week after waiting 14 weeks for no response and being advised that they needed a further 7 days however they have excelled themselves today by sending me a response rejecting my complaint – I am fuming! I have already contacted the FOS but I do wish that I had done this at the week 8 point due to the backlog that they are no dealing with. Please do not give Wonga the benefit of the doubt if they have no response by week 8 please go straight to the FOS. Good luck guys :)
Kelly says
Wonga Update
So today they have revised my offer and are willing to offer me £50 as compensation for the amount of time that they have taken to respond to my complaint – I have told them thanks but no thanks (are they having a laugh).
They are just the worst company I have ever had to deal with.
Garry says
I have a balance outstanding with PDUK of 389 from Dec 2011.
I have not heard from them for a couple of years due to changing bank accounts etc.
Should i contact them to request refunds or will this prompt them to start contacting me to request payment.
Or do i let it run another 18 months or so and it will fall off my credit report?
Any thoughts?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
This is a tricky decision.
If you contact them now and your complaint isn’t upheld by the Ombudsman, then PDUK may well start asking you for repayments.
If you leave it, there is a chance you will be contacted later by PDUK or a debt collector before the 6 year point, see https://debtcamel.co.uk/no-calls-or-letters-about-debt/. I can’t say how likely this is. At that point it will be much harder to make an affordability complaint as most of your previous borrowings from them will be more than 6 years old. The Ombudsman has a 6 years time bar, with a possible 3 year extension, but at the moment there are inconsistent decisions about this with some people being told they can’t complain about loans older than 6 years. So at that point you may either have to pay or try a “unfair relationship” defence if you are taken to court for a CCJ – you would need some legal help with that defence.
If you are convinced you have an excellent case – repeat borrowing from PDUK over a lengthy period with very short gaps between the loans – that may tip your decision in favour of making a claim now?
Sam says
Anyone else getting emails bounced back from CashGenie?
Initially the customerredress@cashgenie.co.uk responded with an auto acknowledgment.
Now I get a failed to send postmaster email
Same with
I know they are liquidating. I’ve contacted the liquidators through their website so hopefully someone gets back to me.
David says
Cash Genie agreed my Adjudicator’ assessment and the Settlement form was sent to them on 2nd June. I’ve tried everything to contact them regarding payment, but zilch reply.
I went back to my Adjudicator who chased it up. Cash Genie replied today saying a cheque will be issued in w/c 18th July (next week). That’s almost 7 weeks from Settlement. I’m still not counting my money until I have the cheque and it then clears, but at least I have renewed hope that it might actually happen.
Andrew Allen says
I’ve also tried with cash genie. And nothing.
I had an email earlier in the year from motormile finance which made no sense. Apparently they were receiving redress direct to them. Including the 8% interest! I think at one point with charges added on by Carter Forbes. The amount owed was nearly £5000. This magically reduced to 1500 in the hands of the MMF emails. The figures quoted by MMF made no sense and I believe I’m still owed something, so giving it a go none the less.
James says
MMF are the worst people ever uncle buck set them on me they would call all hours and threatened to call to my house uninvited to collect the money in the end I sent them a letter email and phoned them telling them I revoked there right to step foot on my property and any one who represented there company. Wthe police would be called and they would be arrested.This was given as legal advice for me to send them then as if by magic no more threats to come visit me! Plus phone calls just about stopped just get a email now once every few months! With reduced offers but told them and uncle buck I will never deal with MMF
Jimmy says
Hi all,
I am the same. emailed all cash genie addresses over the past 10 weeks and nothing back. I called them and spoke to someone who assures me my complaint has been escalated and i’ll get a response by friday. The lady wasn’t able to tell me why i hadn’t had a response and didn’t know anything about my loan history.
I’ve already sent this to the FOS but I have no idea on no.of loans.
Give them a call.
Sean says
Hi guys,
Seeking some advice!!
I’ve just used Noddle to check the settled loans I had with Wonga. Turns out since August 2010, I’ve had 46 loans with Wonga on a repeat basis as month after month I had to reborrow to put back what I’d paid them back.
So I used the template for the e-mail to them I found on here and have now started the process. Does anyone think I may have a case here??
Any advice is much appreciated!
Danielle says
Hi Sean,
Sounds like a good case to me, 46 loans month after month.
I only had 7 loans and 1 top up with Wonga and I got a refund.
My advice would be as soon as it reaches the 8 weeks, if Wonga haven’t sent a fair offer send it straight to the FOS then juse see who replies first with an offer. Have Wonga sent you your statement of account yet? So you know how much interest and charges you have paid? Make sure you get that so you know what is a decent offer.
Good luck.
Leah Delve says
“I have requested a statement of account from payday lenders. Wage Day Advance issued the statement of account almost immediately and I am considering whether it’s worth taking it further now. BUT, 247moneybox emailed me back, without providing the statement of account saying that they are aware of refund requests and as far as they were concerned my account did not achieve the criteria for this, but they were willing to write the amount I still owe them off and remove all defaults from my credit file. No quibble, it’s in writing and I will press for it if it comes to it. Does this mean though, because they’ve been so quick to offer removal of the debt, that they know they are in the wrong and are hoping I don’t pursue it?
Many thanks x”
EDIT: 247moneybox have now sent me the statement of account and are still offering to write the debt off and remove defaults. I’ve worked it out at approx £300 interest, fees and the 8%, so not a huge amount, is it worth it or should I just accept the write off? x
Nicole says
Has anybody had any luck with safety net credit?
Andrew says
I’ve had issues with SNC. Apparently they checked my credit file, obviously failed to notice the 8 defaults and previous history of late payments. In their eyes they failed to see any reason why credit increases should have been offered, or the fact that there was an issue as I was paying the loan in full each month and then taking it straight back out within a few hours. They did offer to escalate it to a formal complaint if I provided further evidence, but couldn’t guarantee any change in outcome. I’m fairly confident I have enough to prove otherwise!
Jack D says
Hi Nicole,
Yes I received a refund from Safety Net, sent them the later from this website and they refunded me £181.85 which was all interest I had paid, only had two loans with them, I accepted as thought this was a fair offer.
Sent them the letter on 26th May and they replied with an offer on 3rd June
Jack says
Another quick update for the Debt Camels:
Wonga replied upholding my complaint for just ONE loan out of about 33, so I’ll be continuing through the FOS as I don’t believe it to be a fair offer. If they had offered on refunding 15 loans, then I would consider.
I feel this whole process may only complete by the end of the year, but at least I should be able to enjoy Christmas! haha.
Sam says
An update on my Wonga complaint, they offered to refund 14 out of 46 loans so I sent to the ombudsman at the start of June. This got allocated to the same adjudicator I have used on a previous case he called yesterday to advise he will be upholding my claim and will send me a letter later in the week with specifics. He said he would likely be advising at least all the loans from the date they chose (as they only picked loans over a certain value) and possibly earlier which will mean receiving a refund of between £2800-£3800 instead of around £1800, for an extra wait I don’t think this is a bad outcome. Just payday express, payday uk, quickquid and pounds to pocket to go. Think i may be in for a long wait with these but I’m not in any hurry this is something that in March I didn’t even know anything about and will help fix my credit file which is the main aim!
aga says
Hi Sam, I feel the same , I would wait as long as needed , I found out about this website in February And since then I got around 7k refund , still big like Money shop or PD UK waiting , good luck
Lisa says
I’m a bit confused on my Quick Quid account. I’d asked for a statement (which I had no response to) so thought went on to complain anyway. They’ve rejected my claim, offering me £150 as a goodwill gesture.
I’ve since logged on to my account – should have thought of that before!! – and my account shows 35 loans (35 unique loan ID numbers) starting April 2010 – July 2013.
Can anyone tell me if they are all individual loan applications? I seem to recall seeing somewhere that a new ID is given for re-loans/rollovers but I’m not sure if that was applicable to Quick Quid. If it was, how can I find out what the details of my loans were to pass my complaint to FOS?
Many thanks for any help you can give me
John C says
Lisa, each ID can be for a loan or a rollover. Just send details of them all to the FOS. The information is all there unless you also had a Flex account as that info is no longer on the website. The adjudicator will go to QQ who will confirm the information with them and they will know which are loans and which are rollovers
Tray says
Hi yes I’ve got the same query, i’ve also just had my quick quid complaint rejected and also offered £150 as a goodwill gesture. On my login account it says I had 8 unique loans numbers but when the rejection email came back it said I’d only had 2 loans with them , could it be that every time you extend or top up your loan it generates a number unique loan number ?? Very confusing !!
Bob says
Just an update
Everything has been happening In the last week –
QuickQuid – complaint now with Adjudicator and provided them over 2 years of bank statements and credit reports, waiting to hear back on this at some point – any idea how long it can take for them to review all the information ?
Peachy – Due to be with an Adjudicator soon, hopefully the same one
Wonga – 14 weeks on this Thursday (8+6) raised with Ombudsman a week ago just incase I don’t like their reply, had acknowledgement today that the complaint has been logged and usual 2 weeks to see if they can help me etc… Rang Wonga today who told me the draft is now with their legal team and will definitely get a response from them by tomorrow. lets hope I can cancel my Ombudsman claim
Kevin says
Accepted Wonga’s offer of £3587 on Friday, just after the 14 week mark. On the condition that it was in my bank by Wed. Landed in my bank today :) So success with Wonga, QQ and Myjar….just PDEX, PDUK, Lending Stream and Provident to go
Ricky Dewitt says
Hi guys
Update from 24/7 moneybox, it seems everyone is getting this reply, any one else had this?
We are aware that there are many forums and templated letters available on the internet to exploit any previous credit commitments under the wholly subjective banner of affordability. We have seen some legitimate claims upheld in the press such as with the lender Cash Genie. However, to compare our actions with their reported behaviour is inappropriate.
We are confident that the required assessments were carried out prior to the advance of all loans. We are able to substantiate fully the information on which lending decisions were based.
Our relationship was based on responsible lending in addition to responsible borrowing. We provided you with all the facts about our product and the charges and costs involved. We treated you as a rational individual able to make a credible decision as to whether to borrow or not. For our part of the relationship we acted on the information available to us at the time and the prevailing regulations and guidance at the time.
We are, however, happy as a gesture of goodwill to resolve by writing off your balance.
Nicole says
I received exactly the same today! Nicole x
Kenny says
I sent off a email to them as i had loads of loans. I currently have 2400 outstanding so hopefully they offer a write off. I would prob take it. Or would you advise trying to get some interest and fees back too?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Have you added up how much interest and charges you paid?
Kenny says
They just sent me the same email. Saying if i pay them £7.18 they will close the ballance. They didnt send the soa as i requested. So my guess is they would be liable for a lot more. Soild i ask for the ballance to be waived and a gesture of goodwill?