Did your payday loans cost so much when you repaid one you had to keep on borrowing?
You can get a refund of the interest you paid on unaffordable loans.
It’s easy to ask for a payday loan refund using the free template letters here. The letters work if your payday loans were repaid or you still owe money.
The comments below this article have thousands of stories of the refunds people have got using these letters. It is a great place to ask questions!
What are “unaffordable” loans?
Was a loan affordable just because you repaid it?
No! If paying a loan left you so broke you had to borrow again – from the same lender or a different one – it was unaffordable!
The regulator says:
“the borrower should be able to make the required repayments without undue difficulty, whilst continuing to meet other debt repayment obligations and reasonable regular outgoings.”
That means a payday loan is only affordable if you repaid it on time and you could still manage to pay your other bills and debts.
Payday loans are meant to solve a short-term problem. If you kept repaying one then getting another loan soon after, the lender should have stopped lending to you.
If the loan was small and it was the first loan or second loan from a lender, the lender may not have realised the loan was unaffordable for you. But it was irresponsible lending to just carry on giving you more loans.
Many lenders ignore obvious signs of problems such as your loans increasing in size, or borrowing again soon after repayment.
How much compensation can you get?
You don’t have to calculate this. Just ask for a refund from the lender and see what you are offered. This is simple and it works well.
The Financial Ombudsman has seen tens of thousands of payday loan affordability complaints.
A typical decision by the Ombudsman is that the payday lender should refund all the interest you paid interest after the third, fourth or fifth loan.
But if your first loan was large, or was rolled over several times you could get a refund from just one loan.
Which lenders can you get refunds from?
You can complain to lenders that are still in business, even if they are no longer lending. These include:
Lending Stream, Cash Converters, CashASAP, Drafty, Dot Dot, Fast Loan Uk, Fernovo, Fund Ourselves, Kabayan, LoanPig, Mr Lender, Moneyboat, MyKredit, My Finance Club, QuidMarket, Savvy, The Money Platform, WageMe, Wizzcash,
See this email list for payday lenders for a longer list and all the contact details to use.
If the lender has gone into administration, including CashForUNow, Piggybank, Ferratum, Oakam:
- make a claim to the administrators – there is normally a simple form for you to complete, see the lender’s website for details – but there will be a time limit for doing this.
- you may not get much cash back but this is very easy to do. A balance may be reduced or cleared even if there is no cash to distribute. And if you win the complaint any negative marks on your credit record will be removed.
It is probably too late to make claims to other lenders who gave up years ago, see this list.
For longer-term loans there are better template letters to use on other pages:
- doorstep lenders and guarantor lenders,
- Loans2Go – the worst loans in Britain!
- 118 Money, Everyday lonas, Likely Loans/Finio, Reevo, Bamboo, car finance, bank loans and other long-term loans.
Do this before, before you send in a complaint
Doing these things now will make your life easier later.
Get a copy of your TransUnion statutory credit report and keep it. After complaints are started, sometimes loans are deleted and you may want the full report if you later have to go to the Ombudsman.
If you still owe money to the lender, read Will an affordability claim hurt my credit record, and other questions. These looks at your options for stopping paying, the effect on your credit record etc.
If the rest of your finances are difficult, look into a Debt Management Plan (DMP) where you make one affordable payment a month to StepChange. This gets you into a safe financial position as these affordability complaints can take a long time to go through at the Ombudsman. Winning a complaint then speeds up the DMP.
Unless you can afford to make this month’s payment without borrowing again, cancel the CPA to the lender at your bank. Otherwise the lender may take the money and you will be in a mess.
If your loan was sold to a debt collector you complain to the original lender. But also tell the debt collector that you are disputing the debt. It is a good idea to carry on making payments to the debt collector if they are affordable.
Start your complaint & get loan details
Find the lender’s email address for complaints from this list.
Put “AFFORDABILITY COMPLAINT” as the subject of your email:
You should never have given me these unaffordable loans. Paying you each month left me with too little money so I had to keep borrowing to get through the next month.
You should have realised from the number of times I borrowed that my debt problems were getting worse. It was not responsible to continue to lend to me. [Add more details eg how often you borrowed or rolled loans if you know them, how the amount borrowed generally went up etc]
[Include/change this if your credit record would have shown big problems:] My credit reports would have shown all my other debts and problems including late payments/defaults /CCJs/debt management.]
I am asking you to refund the interest and any charges I paid, plus statutory interest, and to delete any negative information from my credit record.
[delete this sentence if you know what all your loans were.] I know the difficulties your loans have caused me but I no longer have all the loan details. Please send me a list, showing for each loan when it was taken out, how much interest and charges you added, and what I repaid. This will enable me to assess any refund you offer me.
[delete this sentence if none of your loans were sold.]If a loan was later sold to a debt collector, please inform me of the date of sale and the name of the debt collector.
Some ways to improve this
Add any other points that help you describe what happened to you. You don’t need to list the loans – the lenders knows them.
Some examples:
- “I took out another loan with xxxx to pay you.”
- “Sometimes I borrowed to pay the rent and then had to top-up to get money for food.”
- if you weren’t treated fairly while you were borrowing or when you could not make a payment, add a bit about this.
You can attach bank statements if you like, This is a good idea as these show how unaffordable the loans were for you. If you have gambling showing, this helps your complaint, it doesn’t harm it.
I don’t know if many lenders actually read what you send them. I
it’s easy to make these complaints – you don’t need to calculate what refund you should get or quote laws.
Only one loan?
The template refers to multiple loans because that is what normally happens with payday lenders.
When you only had one loan and it was large, read Refunds from large loans and use the template there.
If you only had one loan and it was small, this is going to be a very difficult complaint to win. If you have borrowed once or twice from 5 leaders, that is much more difficult to win an affordability complaint than having 4 or 5 loans from two lenders.
Waiting for a reply from the lender
This email starts your affordability complaint.
They may send the list of loans first and later respond to your complaint. So don’t be surprised if you get sent info on the loans but nothing about your request for a refund.
When you get your loan information, you can send in more details about your complaint if you want. You don’t have to do this, your complaint has already begun and the lender has to reply.
The lender should reply to your complaint within 8 weeks from when you send the email, not when they acknowledge it. Make a note in your diary for 8 weeks time and chase the lender up if you don’t get a reply.
Don’t be surprised if you have to wait until the end of the 8 weeks to get response – this is common.
Send your bank statements or other information?
Some lenders ask you to send them a copy of your credit record, payslips or bank statements.
Credit record – the lender can check your credit record themselves if they want. But you should download a copy of your credit record asap as the Ombudsman will ask for it. Don’t put this off, the sooner you get a report downloaded, the further back it goes which is good.
Don’t send payslips.
It is a good idea to send bank statements. But think twice about the cost of copying and postage if there are a lot. Some lenders seem to ignore them if you do send them.
Again this is a good point to get those bank statements even if you do not want to send them as they will help an Ombudsman claim a lot. You can get them going back at least 6 years even if the account has been closed.
Lender says No or makes a poor offer
If the lender rejects your complaint or offers you a small amount, don’t be depressed. You may still have a very good case!
It is easy and free to send your case to the Financial Ombudsman where many thousands of people have won their payday loan complaints, despite being rejected by the lender.
Give up?
Some lenders try to make your case sound bad when it isn’t. People have had large amounts refunded after a complete rejection!
Just ignore any of the following comments, they do not mean you have a weak case:
- they relied on your loan applications and you didn’t give accurate facts – see Lender says I lied for more about this;
- you repaid some loans early – this doesn’t prove the loans were affordable, just that you were trying to save interest;
- your borrowing didn’t go up every time – irrelevant, what matters is that you kept borrowing;
- you had a good enough credit score or they didn’t legally have to check your credit record – if you only had one or two small loans that is true. But if the loans were large or you kept borrowing, they should have looked more closely;
- some loans are over 6 years old – the Ombudsman will look at these even if the lender says they won’t!
A good enough case to go to the Ombudsman?
If you don’t know what to do, ask in the comments below this article. Accepting an offer settles your whole complaint – you can’t change your mind later.
Don’t worry that you will lose a small offer by going to the Ombudsman – this doesn’t happen.
Some points to think about:
- if you are offered a refund on only a few loans, don’t accept it if you think the lender should have realised a lot of the other loans were unaffordable;
- an offer to write off your current balance may sound convenient … but it may be very poor if you should get a refund as well;
- if getting defaults or late payments removed from your credit record is important to you, are you happy with what the lender is proposing to do? Don’t assume your credit record will be cleared if the lender didn’t mention this.
One or two loan cases are hard to win at the Ombudsman. It’s probably best to give up on one or two loan cases unless:
- the loan was large. Here is one single loan case that was won even though it was an instalment loan and the borrower had a good income. And another single loan case for a loan of £1,000. You can win cases for smaller amounts if the repayment would have been a large amount of your income; or
- you still owe money.
Don’t delay too long – there is a 6-month time limit after a lender rejects your complaint to send the case to the ombudsman. When you aren’t sure, send the complaint to FOS. This is free and easy to do – let FOS make the decision.
How to send a complaint to FOS
Put in a separate complaint about each lender.
Don’t wait until all your lenders have replied before sending the first one to the Ombudsman!
FOS’s “complain online” option is easy and takes you through your complaint step by step.
You can just copy what you said in your complaint to the lender. You can add more details, for example, if you disagree with what the lender replied to you.
If some of your loans were over 6 years ago, tell the Ombudsman when and how you found out about these complaints. For example:
“I knew the loans were causing me difficulty in 2018, but I thought this was my fault for being bad with money. I didn’t find out that the lender should have checked the loans were affordable until June 2024 when my brother told me about these claims/I saw an advert from a claims company on Facebook/I read an article about these claims” – change this so it is right for your case!
Things to attach:
- the reply you have had from the lender.
- bank statements if you have them. Ideally from 3 months before your first loan until the last loan was repaid or you defaulted on it. This strengthens your case, showing how unaffordable the loans were. You can still get bank statements even if your account is closed – if you don’t have them, start the process of getting them now, don’t wait until FOS asks for them.
- a copy of your TransUnion Statutory credit report
- if you dont have the credit agreements, FOS will get them from the lender.
What happens after you have sent a case to FOS
You will normally be contacted within a couple of weeks and asked for a copy of your credit record and your bank statements if you haven’t sent these. If you have sent these on one complaint, then when you complain about a different lender FOS will use the ones they already have.
After this initial contact, your case will wait for the lender to send FOS your case file and then wait to be picked up by an adjudicator who will make a decision on it.
If you are still making payments to the lender, tell the lender you want to reduce these to an affordable amount. This will make waiting for an Ombudsman decision much less stressful for you.
The Financial Ombudsman has a two-stage process. Most cases are settled by the first “adjudicator” stage but about 10% go to the second “Ombudsman” stage.
A few problem cases
Don’t ask for a refund:
- if you are bankrupt now or have been bankrupt in the past – any refund would go to the Official Receiver.
- if you are in an IVA, as refunds will go to your IVA firm not to you. If your IVA has finished the refund may still be sent to your old IVA firm.
- if you are in a DRO now, getting a refund may mean your DRO is cancelled!
More help
You can ask a question in the comments below – you may get a reply from someone who has been in your exact situation.
Don’t use a claims management company. They are expensive and often incompetent. It’s easy to do this yourself and you can ask questions below and get replies from other readers who have done this.
Marie says
Hi Sara
I’m just wondering how long the ombudsman usually take to review cases?
I submitted three relatively simple complaints yesterday and noticed that their website said that there are delays in reviewing complaints.
Just wondering how long I should expect to wait before a final decision is made by them?
Dan says
I submitted my complaint in October 2018 and didn’t get contacted by the FOS until the end of June this year. It’s going to be a while.
Paul Wakeman says
Advice please. I submitted a complaint against Safety Net Credit in March 2019 and this got rejected so I referred it to Ombudsman who picked it up in May and asked the business for their file. I have rung for an update today and have been told that the business have still not sent the file and they were chased up on 06 September. I am currently in a payment plan with them which is reducing my balance but just thought, should I ring them and state I won’t pay any more until they send the file or just continue waiting and continue paying? Thanks
Dale says
Lending Stream
Complained 5th May 2019
Rejected 29th June 2019
Sent to FOS 29th June
Picked up by adjudicator 23rd August
Adjudicator ruled in my favour 5-14 of 18 loans 1st September, lending stream agreed 10th September.
Lending stream acknowledged my acceptance after numerous phone calls and having to get my adjudicator to call and chase them on 12th. Now on day 5/28 and no money yet but hoping for a swift payout as a few are reporting payment around the 14 day mark.
To some this may seem speedy and quick, this is due to me being rather proactive, get a copy of your full credit file ready and all your bank statements from the time of lending and your final response letters. I gave this to my adjudicator on the day of his intro email and within a week he is ruling in my favour.
JA says
Hello, Congrats on your LS win.
I’m also waiting on my redress , LS Accepted acknowledgement on the 12th Sept. Hoping aswell for a quick payout but time will tell as LS seem to be very eractic
Dale says
Have you had conifirmation from LS and your adjudicator they’ve received your acceptance? When I called LS to confirm details they claimed to have not received it, so I had to get my adjudicator to call them and then confirm to me they’ve confirmed receipt. They play so many dirty tricks and tactics, just hoping I don’t suffer the fate of others and end up going into 30-40 days.
JA says
I first called LS on the 13th to confirm they’ve received my acceptance from the FOS which at that point they didn’t. My adjudicator advised me they might have a little back log so I called LS yesterday and they told me they have received the acceptance dated 12th Sept.
I’ve read some people are getting an email about the refund before it lands in there account on the same day?
It’s painful but patients is all that we can have here.
Kerry Chandler says
Hi there I’m looking some help with regards to a payday loan claim. Obviously when your applying for these loans you can write whatever expenses in you want because they don’t actually check. I had 6 loans in 10’months with lending stream but they have come back with the info I provided and the “disposable income” I should of had which isn’t accurate is there a way round this can I go back and say they should have made more checks?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Were the loan sizes going up? Did the loans overlap or were there any breaks between them?
KC says
Update on my Sunny complaint, which was submitted in April 2019.
FOS adjudicator has partially upheld my complaint. They have written to Sunny asking them to pay back the interest and fees paid on loans 6 – 29 and has requested that they be removed from my credit file. So I am really happy with that. I have no idea how long now it will take for Sunny to actually action these requests but I’m setting my expectations low. Fingers crossed I’ll get the money back by the end of the year.
Matt C says
My LS redress has just been paid into my bank account, day 19 of 28 :)
Adam says
Im on day 17, but the debt that was sold on to the CRS debt collection has still not been bought back! Seems im gunna be waiting alot longer.
Caroline says
I’m also dealing with Sunny – I’ve had an offer after the adjudicator stage which was for a tiny amount, I have rejected it and am now going into the long queue for the Ombudsman. By contrast, I applied at the same time for a refund with Lending Stream, I got a payout from them about 5 months ago for £2.2k! The number of loans I had with Sunny was less, but similar circumstances as I was in a DMP, so I am hopeful the Ombudsman can help.
I’m less concerned about the money and more keen to have the loans removed from my credit file. I’m finally in a better financial position after a tough few years to try and get a mortgage but my payday loan mistakes from a few years ago are tainting my credit score!
ClaireR says
Update on my QQ/P2P complaint.
Sent to FOS in August 2018.
Loans were fro 2011-2013, so was held up while QQ and FOS were looking at 6 year rule.
Picked up by adjudicator end of July 2019.
Had a call from adjudicator today, partially upholding from loans 3-6.
Given QQ until 1st October to get back to them.
I am happy with this, and just hope that QQ agree to findings.
Will be a refund of around £1900.00
Hang in there everyone.
James says
This could still take another 3-6 months yet, but you’re getting there though!
Dave H says
Similarly had a knock back from QQ last year, 6 year rule. Sent off to FoS and the adjudicator has ruled that 4 of the 7 loans I took out could be considered irresponsible lending. QQ came back with an offer of £2342 which I have accepted. I am now waiting the 28 days it takes them to pay back into my account.
Kelly says
That’s great news Dave. I am in a similar situation in that the adjudicator has ruled in my favour and given QQ 2 weeks to respond. Can i ask if QQ responded within the given time frame for you, or was it longer?
Dave H says
It was into the 3rd week when the adjudicator replied as she was on holiday but I take it QQ replies within the 2 weeks. The FoS sent me an acceptance form which I completed on 2nd Sept and then told me that QQ would be in touch direct within 4 weeks. They emailed within the week just to acknowledge my acceptance and to confirm bank details. They said they pay out in order of claim within 28 days.
kelly says
Thanks for the info, I really hope mine is a similar story.
Stephen says
Uncle buck calling me to discuss my complaint and want me to call them. I emailed them back to ask what they wanted. I shouldn’t call back should I and do in writing?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Well you can talk to them if you want. But they have a reputation for being rather unpleasant, accusing people of lying on applications.
Stephen says
Thanks. I think I’ll stick to written record only.
oracle1985 says
QQ finally agreed with my adjudicator on 5th Sept. I was not on the spreadsheet and QQ had replied a few days after the original deadline given by the adjudicator. Acceptance sent over straight back to the FOS who sent it to QQ on Fri 6th Sept. Never actually received any email from QQ but rang them anyways and updated back details. Have sent numerous emails to QQ asking when my redress will be paid and basically had no response and given a phone number that does not work. I am in the same position as others as starting to feel something may not be quite right. I haven’t received an amended email like many people on here so as far as aware expecting the amount I agreed to nearly 2 weeks ago.
Sarah says
It’ll be 2 weeks tomorrow since I confirmed my bank details with QQ. Has anyone been paid out by these yet? They have said up to 28 days and I have a legal team who sorted this all out for me so I suppose they will apply the pressure if they don’t.
GM says
I’m having problems too as they are terrible at responding by emails.
The case handlers are usually based in the US, so they’re 6 hours behind judging by the timestamp on their emails.
They also have offices in London with people who can see the correspondence from you to the case handler, but don’t have access to the files. The FOS case handlers do not take calls, only the people at the London office speak to them while they put you on hold.
call 02038592760 or 02038592731. sometimes the number is busy, so keep trying.
The issues I’m having is related to my bank details as their system has some pre-setup parameters which don’t allow sort codes outside a range of numbers, so I’ve been waiting for 2 weeks until they have their IT sorted out. They’ve emailed me today saying they’re trying to solve the IT issue that’s preventing them from accepting certain bank numbers. Anyone banking with Santander?
Sasha paton says
Hi I am with Santander I sent my bank details over almost 2 weeks ago and received a reply from my case handler saying they have reviewed and verified my bank details and I should receive refund within 28 days
Emma says
Evening All
Just to let everyone know I’ve had my LS pay out just and I’m on day 14. Good luck with everyone else’s payout
Ste says
Hi Emma
That’s great! Could I ask what date did you confirm? My adjudicator sent over acceptance on the 3rd to confirm with Lending Stream. Lending Stream emailed me on the 13th September to say the will initiate from the day of acceptance. I hope it still counts from the 3rd as I’m now on day 14 myself if that’s the case! Here’s hoping I get the payment soon!
Emma says
FOS sent it over on 28th August but LS said they didn’t get it until 3rd. So they counted the 28 days start from the 3rd. Best to call them and ask them to confirm when they start their count from
Adam says
What time do they send redress around do ya know? and did you get an email with the payment?
Emma says
I received it between 6.30-7pm and no I didn’t get an email about it. I did call them yesterday and they said the money was with the accounts team to pay but still couldn’t promise when it would be paid
Mike_p says
Mine went into my account at about 11:30 in the morning and I got confirmation email about 10 minutes after I noticed it was there
claire says
Hi, please can i check what they are looking for when they ask for bank statements, most of our household bills go out of my husbands bank account anf i transfer my share into that account so my bank statements would not be very clear on what i was spending on bills etc
Em says
I’ve never provided bank statements. I told all lenders they could look at my complaints without these and if FOS needed them I would provide. When FOS sent pack in post asking for all this I didn’t send the paperwork back as I’d just had a baby and was packing to move house. I assumed this meant my cases had been closed however a year later I received email from FOS upholding my complaints. So don’t worry too much about bank statements – they have all the necessary information.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
I will say that I have seen people lose cases or get poorer results (“refund from loan 8” when “refund from loan 3” may have been more appropriate) from the Ombudsman if they do not provide bank statements. Bank statements are the easy way to show that the loans you had were unaffordable.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Obviously provide your bank statements and then ask your adjudicator if they would like you to explain what the household bills are that your lump sum each month is helping to clear. You could say provide on of your husband’s bank statements to show a typical lever of council tax, rent, utilities?
Sam says
When people have esculated to the FOS, how long have they taken to come back with a response?
Mike_p says
With me it was about three months to get an adjudicator and then 4-6 weeks for them to issue a response. After that it was 2-4 weeks for the lenders to accept and make an offer and then 2-23 days to actually get the money.
E says
With me it was a year to the date I heard from the adjudicator – which was a shock as although I’d complained on the Fos website I hardly have any info and when they sent the paperwork through I’d just had a baby and was packing to move house so I threw it away and isn’t think about it. So was nice to hear the adjudicator uphold my complaint. Quickquid have 4 days left to respond although not getting hopes up. Good luck with yours
Terry nicholls says
Just had an email off lending stream, 8 weeks to the day that the acknowledge my complaint, i only had 2 loans off them back in 2011, they have accepted the second loan was partly unaffordable, so are refunding, interest, charges + 8% interest. The total just short of £300 the total loans were £210 so im counting it as a win, i have how sent them new bank details, so just need to wait for the money into my account
Deb says
Well Done ! You are the first person I’ve seen on here that haven’t had to take LS to the FOS. I hope I’m as lucky as you with my complaint against them.
Mike_p says
I believe the FOS charge around £500 for each complaint, so perhaps LS figured that just offering a refund was cheaper.
sam says
nope, I took out 35 loans about £8k withing 2 years and they rejected them all today!!
FOS its gone
Terry nicholls says
Not 100% if they would of looked at them, as they are 8 years old,
Reen says
Hi Sara hope you can advise on this one please! I currently have a case for LS with the adjudicator still waitng for more information from LS who are not being very co-operative as they did not reply to the adjudicator back in August, I have a CCJ with them but have now received an email from the debt collector saying they have transferred the case to another collecting agancy, are they allowed to do this? I did inform TM Legal about my case being with the FOS/LS and they have still transferred it. Is this just another of LS delaying tactics or is it down to TM Legal. Any advise please. I assume I let my adjudicator be aware as this is what they are requesting more info about from LS.
Reen says
Just re read the notice of assignment and it still says TMLS are still collecting but it has been assigned to Perch Capital who has instructed to still collect from them, will this have an impact on my complaint? Thank you
Sara (Debt Camel) says
yes they are allowed to sell the debt – that is what “assigning” it means. I suggest you tell TMSL again that you are disputing the debt and the case is with the Financial Ombudsman.
John M says
MyJar contacted me out of the blue yesterday saying they did not investigate my complaint properly the first time.
I had, naively as I didn’t know better at the time, agreed a refund with them for just the last loan as was within 6 years and was the biggest so took their offer. All other loans were over 6 years old and they said they wouldn’t investigate. As I said I was new to the process at this time so didn’t know better.
They came back to me yesterday saying they were not clear with their first letter and have recalculated and I am due an additional £921. A very pleasant surprise as I had agreed with their offer previously. I have handed over my bank details and will wait for the money to hit my account which can take up to 15 working days apparently
Chris b says
Hi all just after some advice I have been going back an forth with Sunny they say they have 8 weeks to investigate what usually happens after the 8 weeks ?an who supply’s the adjudicator I keep reading about as I sent the email myself thanks .
Nigel says
Once the 8 weeks have passed, if you haven’t received a final response, or if in that time you are issued one that you are not happy with you can refer it to the financial ombudsman service who will investigate the complaint free of charge and offer an impartial opinion on what should happen. It sounds quite daunting as it did to myself the first time however the process, despite being lengthy is quite smooth. You will first be appointed a reference number and this will be picked up by a “mass claims consultant” basically admin staff who gather all necessary documentation and data on the case, this is then passed to an adjudicator who will rule on the case. At this stage most lenders tend to agree with their rulings however the odd case can be declined at this stage of which it then goes to an ombudsman who has the final say, this I beleive cannot be appealed? But hopefully it doesn’t get that far and you get a fair offer beforehand.
Wow sorry for the length of this but I hope this helps and good luck on your journey. My only advice will be be patient, they will take time however seek advice from this wonderful website at any point and many will be able to guide you from experience.
Anita says
Sara, once again big thank you for this site and your advice. I wonder whether you can tell me what happens if the Company does not provide complimant with full FOS contact details?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Did the lender say you had the right to go to FOS?
Gary says
Hi I have complained to sunny and they have acknowledged the complaint and I am awaiting s response within the 8 week period they are allowed. I have told them that I wish to make an arrangement to pay as I am struggling to pay the monthly amount, its says this will go down on my credit file as an arrangement to pay, will I be able to get this deleted from my credit history if my complaint is successful?
Ele says
Had an email today from adjudicator saying they now have everything they need to start investigating my sunny complaint. Any idea how long I’ll be waiting now? Seems sunny sent the information to them in a timely manner as they only requested it around 2 weeks ago.
Kelly says
Mine was 5 days from when I had the email confirming they had the business files. Total of 5 weeks from adjudicator emailing to say they’d picked up the case.
Terry says
The part that seems to be taking a long time now is for Sunny to reply. I am 2 weeks over the initial 2 week deadline after the adjudicator ruled in my favour. Seems quite common from posts on here. And, from reading comments, I am expecting them to disagree and come back with a random number of loans to refund, so another few months wait for an ombudsmen coming up!
Dean says
I am hearing the wait for final desicion is now 12 months. Have anyone had to wait for final desicion. Was offered poor deal and rejected but have baby on way in december and even though i dont want to take the poor offer i dont know if i can afford to wait 12 months.
Elizabeth says
Hi Dean,
After finding out my loans over 6 years old could be considered for refund, it took 6 months before I got my final decision from the Ombudsman.
The Ombudsman usually insures if you have had a bad redress they would check and make sure you are not short changed, so if you can wait you should. However there is no telling if these companies might go into administration and you may get only a fraction you are owed with a long wait to get it, or who knows you may get nothing all.
Right now it is a huge gamble which path to take where these companies are concerned.
If your offer is not too shocking, perhaps you should consider it.
Dean says
Hi elizabeth.
Was the final decsion your recieved recent. My is currently 2 months in cue. Offered me loan 25-46 when adjudicator says 6-46 so big difference.
Elizabeth says
Yes, got it 1st August 2019.
That is a huge difference.
Will you wait or accept offer?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
“I am hearing the wait for final decision is now 12 months.” is this for a payday loan case? who is the lender? who told you this?
Dean says
Yes Sunny payday loan case awaiting final decision. I read it on review on trustpilot and when my adjudicator was on holiday i spoke to someone else from service and she said could be 12 months now. So not set in stone.
Dean says
Not sure. Dont want to. Got baby due in decemember and 6 months will be january. Guessing if it takes 6 months for desicion may take another few weeks for payment so may be too long. If it took 5 months would wait no doubt but 6 may be too long.
Daviyboy says
Just had a (non spreadsheet) reply from an adjudicator saying that QQ have given in at last!
Original complaint was July 2017, redress is approx £3800.
The offer sounds about right but I have a question…
The outstanding balances have been taken off the amount of compensation.
These were sold over three years ago to PRA so am I right in thinking I effectively owe QQ nothing at this moment?
Everything I’m seeing online suggests that when a debt is sold you owe the original creditor nothing.
Should I push this issue to the Ombudsman or just accept the offer?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
“These were sold over three years ago to PRA so am I right in thinking I effectively owe QQ nothing at this moment?” no, the assumption will be that QQ will buy back the debt from the debt collector and settle it.
Have you paid PRA anything?
Daviyboy says
No. Thinking I’ll just accept the offer to be fair but thought I’d better weigh my options.
On an unrelated note, what happens after you accept the offer…change of bank details, address etc?
NJG says
Can I ask what happens when you have been paying the debt after it was sold? QQ have my o/s balance at date sold but Ive paid around £450 that they have no record of, how does that get factored in cos QQ are still using the higher figure?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
You will get back 450 more than QQ are currently calculating.
Jean says
Hi sara
I put in a complaint to the FOS against H&T payday loans last year August the adjudicator has ruled in my favour and gave H&T 2 weeks to reply with how they will put things right ….the 2 weeks has passed when l called FOS they stated that the lady dealing with the case is on holiday and will return on the10th September and that they would give them another 2 weeks 🤦🏽♀️ Still have not heard anything…. have you heard of any similar cases regarding H&T l am at my wits end this has been going on for over a year
Anita says
Yes, they said that and provided me with email address to FOS only.
Dale says
Has anyone ever had success with1st stop? I had 2 huge payday loans with them years ago but they now trade under a different name… snakes!! So refused me on that basis. It’s currently with the FOS at mass claims consultant stage.
April says
Hi Dale,
I complained to complaints@1ststop.co.uk in 2017, it was complaints@clear-recoveries.co.uk who responded and gave me my final response (rejected unfortunately)
But they had all the details of my loans so hopefully they’d still have your information to investigate.
I hope that helps?
Dale says
This is the thing. 1st stop rejected my complaint saying they no longer trade under their previous name and now trade under a different name. But out of the exact same address with the same website same logo etc. I have taken to the ombudsman as I find it disgusting. Just wondered if anyone had ever had a FOS rule over their case with these cowboys.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Going to the Ombudsman is the right approach.
Adam says
Day 19 and lendingstream have sent me an annual statement to a 100 pound loan, even though my overall balance was sold on to debt collection, still no money in the bank and really confused with this company now
Adam says
just looked and i think balance has been bought back by lendingstream, hopefully some refund action soonish
kelly says
QQ have accepted the adjudicators decision after just 6 days. Total of £9652.45 to be paid to me. I am delighted! All my loans were over 6 years old and first submitted in June 2018. Last step to receive the money in my bank.
ClaireR says
Hi Kelly,
This is great news, I am waiting for QQ to respond to Adjudicator,
they have until 1st October but hoping they respond sooner.
Adjudicators findings were sent to QQ on 17th sept.
Will keep you posted.
Congrats on your redress that is brilliant.
kelly says
Thank you Claire, I’m so pleased. It was sooner than I thought. The adjudicator only sent their findings on the 13th Sept. Finger crossed yours will be the same. QQ do seem to be accepting a fair few at the moment.
Jo R says
I have just had a response from the Ombudsman, Sunny have just responded (FOS gave a deadline of 27 August) and I am not shocked to read that they disagree. FOS requested loans 4-13, Sunny has offered 10 onwards. This is exactly the same offer as when this was first sent to the Ombudsman so I don’t even believe they do any investigation and there is no reasoning in their letter of why it’s 10 onwards but in the first offer it was because 10 onwards was past a year. Offer was £729 but it should be more over the £2k mark. I am in no rush for the money so told FOS I am not agreeing so in it goes to another queue :-)
Just out of interest does anybody have any experience of timelines with the next stage?
Richard white says
Hi,i did not see the web until now, i have [a claims company] on the case of 8 lenders which ive had thousands from since 2014,i have done all the leg work on all of the lenders since june 2019 recovering my loan historys with a lot of tactics used to stop me especially qq and p2p,is it worth binning them off because only 1 complaint has been sent after 3 months and i have all the info on all my others! Has anyone had any dealings?? Thanks guys
Joseph says
Do yourself a favour and tell that claims management company you don’t want them to act on your behalf. Making a claim and then submitting it to the FOS is so easy, just use the template letters on this website. If in fact you are due thousands they will take 25% of it, which for simply sending template letters and sending a few emails is out of order. Do it yourself!! If they become obstructive in any way (your claims management company) you can complain to FOS about them as well, so tell them you will do this. Good luck !
Richard white says
I will do this!! Thanks for the advice
Anthony says
Lending Stream just paid out! £4793.88. Accepted offer was sent to them on 4/9 so paid out on day 15.
So relieved this one is finally over with just one more to go.
michael lawrence says
What is the Quick Quids spreadsheet i read people on about as i have a claim with them
Carly says
Just had QQ accept the adjudicator decision. What happens now?
GM says
They’ll eventually ask for your bank details and once confirmed all is ok, you’ll get payment within 28 days.
Carly says
Thank you, hopefully not much longer then. Keep reading about QQ spreadsheet. Not sure what this is??
GM says
Apparently it’s a list of all adjudicator decisions made in favour of the customer but rejected by QQ, but still hasn’t reached ombudsman decision. This list is where QQ changed their mind and will start to process payments soon. Before, when QQ was defeated by the final ombudsman decision, they used to be very quick to pay up. Since they started to accept more straight forward cases and adjudicators decision, their payment time increase massively as their pay runs got considerably larger.
Carly says
Thank you for taking the time to explain, I hope people start to get their payments. I don’t mind the wait, as long as I know it’s coming.
Adam says
Can redress be paid out on a saturday/sunday?
Steven says
Lending stream told me it was my fault. Sent complaint via financial Ombudsman. Was given£170 plus debts written off from them. Just hold tight people it does take a while but the old saying “good things come to those who wait” is perfect in this situation 👍
DM says
So I had posted previously saying that MyJar had refused to look at my complaint as they’d already look at my final loan that I had previously complained about so I asked for my loan information and told them I would be sending it to the financial ombudsman. They replied a few days later saying they would send it within 12 days, which they did. I hadn’t started my ombudsman loan as I was waiting for the information from MyJar. Now they replied with all my loans from them, but not from txtloan like I asked.
So I figured I’d just get started on the ombudsman loan after this weekend as it’s my birthday and I’m going away but I’ve just received another reply from MyJar stating they have reconsidered and are offering me £4173.87!!
This is a LOT more than I had previously (and clearly incorrectly) worked out myself! I don’t even have to make my complaint to the ombudsman! I’m so happy, thank you for this website, I would never have known to do it otherwise!
Si says
my adjudicator has upheld my complaint about Uncle B they will have to pay interest back on loans 4-10 plus any costs added plus court costs added and get the CCJ removed from my credit file and the information on the loans from my credit file , so just waiting now to see how they sort all of it and the amounts they repay are correct as the debt was sold to Debt agency who have since stopped trading and who I paid however they said that will be Uncle B problem to sort.
J says
Has anyone had any luck with 247Moneybox? The 8 weeks is up in two days and not heard anything…
PH says
They’re useless at responding, never mind responding in time. As soon as your 8 weeks is up, send it to the FOS. It might be a while till it is dealt with, but they might not want the hassle of another case at FOS.
Andy says
I’m still waiting I’m on my 4 th week they sent me all the loans I’ve had off them the first week heard nothing since
Henriette says
I had a reply in 7th week with offer to wipe balance owed which I accepted.
Norman Andrews says
Hi all has anyone been told Brexit will slow down any possible redress? Lending stream advisor told me that payments could go well past the date due because of this. I really don’t get how it effects it unless their just fobbing me off
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Ask them to put that in writing … it’s just guff to try to fob you off!
GM says
I’m not a brexit supporter and even I think thats a load of rubbish.
John Doe says
Hahaha that is brilliant. Blame brexit for everything!!
Nic says
QQ deleted all my loan history off of my account, however I have managed to find via email confirmation 25 loans interest paid totalling to 2429, and I followed the steps on this website (thank you) to propose a refund for all interest on the loans.
QQ replied about 6 weeks later and have offered me 1269 which is inclusive of 8% statutory interest. There are a lot of small loans that have been rejected but also some big ones which were took out within a couple of days of paying the other loan off. Is it worth me asking for them to negotiate? Or if I do ask them to add a few loans extra on but they reject, can I accept their first offer, or by me going back does it automatically reject their offer and it no longer stands?
Thank you.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
You can ask them to to reassess or to include extra loans but this never seems to work with QQ.
It’s sounds as though you have all the data, so add up the interest on the other big ones. Then loo at how long ago they were in years to get a rough idea of the 8% extra on those loans. Then you know how much more you would be likely t get by going to the Ombudsman.
Nic says
Thanks Sara. How does the 8% work?! Not sure how exactly this works to work out amount on years.
Also if I choose to go back to QQ to ask them to negotiate at first and they reject, would my first offer no longer stand? Thanks.
Mandy says
I have 3 cases waiting to be appointed to an ombudsman since May of this year any idea how long I will need to wait ?
Also submitted a complaint in August regarding safety net to ombudsman they acknowledged it 5th sept mass claim consultant I sent them same day all information they wanted heard nothing since any idea how long to be given to an adjudicator?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Who are the lenders?
Mandy says
Lenders are peachy and fund ourselves still waiting on them to be sent to ombudsman since May.
I contacted ombudsman today regarding safety net I put my complaint in August 12th email to ask me for information from financial ombudsman sept 5th they asked for the business file from safety net and they have ignored the fos not sent the business file and therefore case can’t be passed to adjudicator! What happens now can they do that deliberately stall and ignore the fos? What if they don’t provide the business file it’s been a month ? What now any advice please ? Thanks
Paul Wakeman says
Looks like I’m having the same problem with Safety Net Credit at the moment. Submitted my complaint in June and FOS wrote to them end of July requesting the business file. Reminder was sent to them on 6 September so I rang them today to find out why it hasn’t been sent. Got told it’s currently being processed! Think I’ll just stop paying the arrangement I have with them and when they contact me I’ll just tell them I’ll resume payments once they send the file. Am giving them until Friday to send it.
Mandy says
That’s terrible Paul. I honestly don’t know how FOS let them get away with it they should be fined or something for stalling ridiculous! That’s actually a good idea I owe them money too and have only been making minimum payment each month. Might do the same too wonder! They seem to think they are above legalities
Luke says
Anybody have any experience with Sunny? I had a really good case with them and they rejected all my loans so sent to the ombudsman. Now they seem to be taking forever to respond to the ombudsman
Sara (Debt Camel) says
How long has it been since you sent FOS the complaint? Are FOS saying Sunny hasn’t yet sent the case file?
Nichola bristow says
Hi, I’ve just come across this page while helping a friend of mine. Sunny have loaned to him 18 times in the past 12 months. So I am thinking he could complain, the total they have loaned him is 3100, dread to think what the interest is. However he suffers severe anxiety and I’m worried they will try to call him about it. What would you suggest
Sara (Debt Camel) says
18 loans in 12 months is definitely worth a complaint, it’s good of you to help him with this.
The bad news is that Sunny are likely to reject the complaint or just offer a refund on the last loan. But the good news is that the Ombudsman is likely to award a refund on a lot more of the loans… so warn your friend about this and don’t let him give up when he gets the response from Sunny.
I suggest he puts a line in his complaint saying that he suffers from anxiety and does not want any phone calls, but that he is happy to respond to emails. he then shouldn’t be called, but if he is, tell him to say just that and put the phone down.
Does he still owe money for the last loan? Does he also hav eproblem credit cards or other debts?
Robert says
Got a letter from Mr Lender saying how do I know my loans were unaffordable saying I didn’t know how
many loans I had with them.
Has there been any problems from them when submitting irresponsible lending claim?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Yeah they always pull this stunt. Just reply you know they were unaffordable because you remember the problems they caused you, but you want the exact loan details. Add that have sent them an affordability complaint on dd/mm and if you don’t get a satisfactory offer to settle the complaint within 8 weeks from that date you will be sending it to the Ombudsman.
If they make an offer but it’s not good, Mr Lender are actually one of the better lenders to try to negotiate with, so come back here and ask.
Lew says
I have a complaint with avant credit, submitted in March picked up in September. However now I’ve been told it’s come through to the wrong department and it’s basicly going back in the que so looking like 2020 now. You would of thought it would of been picked up by this other department since it’s been in line for 6 months. They have the case file too!
Annabelle says
I have just been on the phone with lending stream
After waiting 28 days exactly for my redress ( still hasn’t gone in ) and they reckon Brexit is the reason this is going so slow? Been reading a few other comments on here saying they’ve done the same thing too I’ve told the adjudicator and they’ve said it’s impossible for that to be the case! Really amazing how their lying blind to me now
Jacky says
I have recently started claims against QQ and LS and would like some advice on what to do regarding LS loans that were sold on to a company called Asset Collections. 2 loans were sold on totalling £1939 of which there is an outstanding balance of £886 the rest has been paid off at £30 per month over several years.
My question is will these amounts be taken into account should I escalate the claims to the FO ? Or are they seen as separate ?
Also I had 3 smaller log book loans from a company called Auto Money (total £1300) . Would I use the same template letters to claim from them ?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
The loans that were sold will be taken into account. If the Ombudsman says they should be refunded – and it is the later loans that is most likely to apply to! – then LS will normally have to buy back the loans from the debt collector and remove the interest. This often means that you will be refunded back the amount you have paid the the debt collector.
Jacky says
Thank you, would you recommend that I continue to pay Asset Collections or stop ?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
if the amounts are affordable, I suggest you carry on paying. It’s less stressful and you will get a larger refund in the end.
Jacky says
Great advice Sara, thank you
Sara (Debt Camel) says
For logbook loans, I suggest you use a slightly different template letter on this page: https://debtcamel.co.uk/refunds-large-high-cost-loans/
Adam says
Hi guys,
Do i have any chances for a refund for loans taken last year and early tho year from Myjar, sunny and safety net? Not sure if works for only past years or recent years too… thanks for advice.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
it definitely works for current lending! Send in your complaints now.
Do you have current loans from them that you cannot afford to repay without borrowing more?
Adam says
I did pay them out, however had to borrow again to keep up with bills etc… I sent complain to Satsuma for loans 2015-2016 when in same time had Wonga and money shop. Last two are in administration now so no chance to get any refund but wondered if have a chance with loans taken in 2018.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
yes, You can make a complaint about loans you have repaid AND loans where you still owe money.
if you still owe money, it’s important that you don’t borrow any more! So ask for you payments to be reduced to an amount you can really afford as part of your complaint. And canel the CPA with your bank so that the lenders can’t take too much, leaving you short again.
ClaireR says
I had an offer from Sunny on 19th July, offering to uphold from loans
14-28, the refund being £1292.00
The adjudicator went back to them recommending they refund from loans 2-28.
Sunny had until 28th August to respond, which they failed to do, so it was being sent
to the ombudsman for final decision.
I have had an email this morning from FOS to say Sunny had now replied 3 weeks late, and
were offering to uphold from loan 12-28, so 2 extra loans, yet their refund figure was half the amount they originally offered!
I have replied to FOS showing them the initial offer and asking Sunny to look again!
What a joke!
Sara (Debt Camel) says
That’s bad, even by Sunny’s low standards!
The only good thing about this is that it shows how much faster a lot of complaints are moving through the adjudicator stage at FOS.
Even if Sunny rework their calculation, that is still not likely to be a good offer.
Leave them a bad review on Trustpilot https://uk.trustpilot.com/review/sunny.co.uk.
And why not tell the FCA, Sunny’s regulator, what a mess they are making of handling your complaint? This won’t help your case specifically, but it’s very easy to do. And at some point the FCA has to get involved and make an authorised firm adopt the approach to deciding these claims that FOS does. That is what the FCAs DISP rules say they should do, so the FCA needs to start enforcing the rules.
If you want to do this, email consumer.queries@fca.org.uk and copy this to rmallinder@elevatecredit.co.uk who is the contact given for Elevate (who own the Sunny brand) on the FCA website.
Subject: Elevate Credit (673771) trading as Sunny.
Give your Sunny reference number, your name and address.
Then give a couple of sentences summarising your borrowing, just what years and how many, how large the loans were. Say what Sunny offered you originally when you complained and what the FOS adjudicator has offered. Then say how Sunny have replied 3 weeks late with an offer that was much lower than the adjudicators. Say you don’t understand how a firm is allowed to disregard FOS’s policies about long chains of lending because many vulnerable customers may have felt they had to accept Sunny’s original poor offer.
And then say that Sunny has even managed to completely calculate the refund incorrectly as well.
End by saying you know that the FCA will not investigate your complaint, but you think as the regulator they should be aware of a lender’s very poor complaint handling, ignoring the DISP rules.
ClaireR says
Thank you Sara, great advice as always,
I have already left another bad review on Trust Pilot this morning.
I will definitely email the FCA too.
It really is a joke, no idea how they have got it so wrong!!
Just shows they don’t look into it properly!
ClaireR says
I emailed FOS back yesterday explaining difference in Suunys offer from original, just had this back…
Following on from my previous email, the adjudicator has said that it’s up to the business if they want to change their partial offer as they’ve disagreed with the recommendation. And as it’s not in line with our guidance we can’t say if what they’ve done is correct or not.
If you wish you can still pass the case to an ombudsman who’ll issue a decision.
Any advice?
Many thanks
ClaireR says
Update on this.
I had an email this afternoon fro FOS with a response from Sunny,
We’ve had an opportunity to review Mrs. R’s complaint and we’d like to make a new offer of settlement.
When we sent you our email dated 18 September 2019 making an offer of £738.40, it appears previous correspondence about this matter had not been noted. Please accept our sincerest apologies for this oversight.
In light of this, and having also reviewed your initial assessment, we’re prepared to accept your adjudication and settle the complaint with Mrs. R for the sum of £1,627.32
My only gripe is that loan 1 was a rolling draw down account, with 10 amounts borrowed over 12 months, amounting to over £1100.00
It appears that this is all being considered as Loan 1.
I have asked for clarification on this before I accept the offer.
Thanks Sara again for advice yesterday.
Nicholas Craddock says
Can anyone advise I have had a a claim for cash euro net QQ PP upheld by adjudicator in August with him giving them until 20th of August to reply. But still not heard I have phoned adjudicator each week but only getting told the have a back log of emails to deal with so can not give me an update.
Is there anything I can do?
Getting worried I won’t get paid out
GM says
Just keep pestering the adjudicator once a week. harsh, but its the only way to get info. or even call them. QQ has started to accept a huge amount of cases and correspondence is mounting up
C says
hello everyone, wonder if anyone can provide some advice on how to push sunny along, I accepted their offer last Tuesday regarding my complaint via my adjudicator but have heard nothing from sunny at all. I have called and done live chat but both said that I need to communicate via email.
I emailed them on Thursday and again on Friday and again today to say I would like the redress ASAP as I’m experiencing some financial difficulties (just to try and push them) but to no avail.
….. anyone had a similar experience?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
You could leave them a bad review on trust pilot: https://uk.trustpilot.com/review/sunny.co.uk. Say the adjudicator at the ombudsman has decided in your favour and you have explained to Sunny that you are in real financial difficulty but they are ignoring you.
Out of curiosity, how many loans did you have with them? how many did they offer a refund on? and what was the adjudicator decision?
C says
I think I’m going to do that.
So I had initially a £1000 limit and did 29 drawdowns over a 12 month period. Then I had 29 instalment loans.
My adjudicator told them they should refund me after 12 drawdowns but they have said 6 months later.
I accepted just to get it resolved… but I’m still waiting
What will they do if i post on trust pilot?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Sometimes it kicks them into action. Not always…
Holly says
Didn’t for me hehe
James says
Hi Satsuma update
For everyone waiting on satsuma to get back to your adjudicator on accepting or rejecting their decision, I have currently been waiting 6 weeks, I phoned up this morning & complained about the length of time, I was told the following:
They are working through complaints in ‘date order’, but they couldn’t tell me what date they were up to … bit of a joke
They have also added more people to their ‘FOS’ team this week so they should get through the complaints quicker
I will update when they finally reply to mine but tomorrow will be 6 weeks
Stuart says
Satsuma finally replied to my adjudicator after 7/8 weeks and disagreed with the assessment. I am now in the que for an ombudsman.
James says
Hi Stuart
Thanks for the info I know someone else who waited 7.5 weeks & they also rejected their adjudicator’s decision… seems to be stalling tactics by satsuma, definitely the worst ones to deal with, atleast when the ombudsmen makes a decision that’s final!.. good luck hopefully hear back from mine in a week or so
Stuart says
Yeah hopefully u hear back soon. I was half expecting them to disagree and for it to have to go to an ombudsman. I have another complaint that is waiting on an ombudsman and it has been 3 months. Best of luck though.
David Brunell says
My situation with Satsuma is pretty similar the adjudicator upheld my claim in June a month passed but Satsuma failed to respond so it has been passed on to an ombudsman.
Havent heard anything since.
Spoke to Satsuma today asking why they dont respond to the adjudicator as they are still chasing me for payment, their response was that they only deal with the ombudsmen and their decision and dont really listen to the adjudicator. So it looks like they just want to stall things for as long as possible.
Joseph says
I just sent the FCA an email about Lending Steam – their obstructiveness, delay tactics and now blaming Brexit for their long pay out time scales – I encourage everyone to do the same, I think a lot of us feel this is the worst company to deal with!! Email: consumer.queries@fca.org.uk & my subject line was “Gain Credit (Your Reference: 689378): Trading as Lending Stream.” – Only takes a few minutes
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Did you get fed the line about Brexit too?
Joseph says
Yeah, albeit this wasn’t actual for my redress, it was for an additional £100 ‘compensation’ as advised by my adjudicator for not updating my credit file within 45 days like this FOS had told them to do
Mike_p says
I emailed the FCA after all the delay tactics Lending Stream tried with me and they were quite helpful. They couldn’t look into it directly but said they had made the information available to them team responsible for monitoring their conduct. Hopefully if enough people contact them they will start to look into them.
Joseph says
It’s crazy you hear of your local shops and good company’s going bust and these are a roaring success – I won’t be malicious or spend time in doing it, but if I get the opportunity to put them down or do something to impact them I will – They deserve it
Mario says
Hey guys,
Recently accepted a refund from MyJar, has anyone had dealings with them recently as I have been over a week and still nothing in my account.
Thank you!
Amber says
I had a refund from My Jar, the agreement was made on 16th August and I received the funds in my account on 27th August.
Shay says
Are you aware mr lender are mentioning your site in a reply after i sent the template. They questioned the sense within the template asking for loan details whilst saying they were unafforable. Quite a cheeky reply from them to be honest. They then go on to say we believe this template is off debt camel website. Just thought id put it on here im thinking u might know already
Sara (Debt Camel) says
yes, that’s what they always say…
just reply you know the loans were unaffordable as you remember how difficult it was at that time and say the complaint goes to the ombudsman if they don’t make a reasonable offer by dd/mm which is 8 weeks after your original complaint.
Shay says
Will do. Thank you
Mike_p says
Uncle Buck were moaning about my complaint looking like a template in their reply, despite the fact that there response was quite clearly a template with threats that were word for word identical to what others have posted om here.
L says
Hi what’s everyone’s experience with how long Quickquid/casheuronet are taking to get back to an adjudicator at the moment? Thanks
Emma says
It seems to be quite random – some say they hear back within a couple days and others say qq keep extending the 2 weeks and take 6 weeks. They had until today to respond to my adjudicator and I’m not shocked to say I haven’t heard a thing.
L says
They were due to get back to my adjudicator last week and I havent heard anything, have emailed adjudicator but not reply as yet, fingers crossed we hear soon. I’ve no patience!
Christian says
Mine were very quick, they came back within days and repaid within days too
Carly says
Mine was pretty quick and they replied in 6 days.
Natasha says
QQ Were given until 9th Sept to respond to FOS upholding my complaint. After hearing nothing from them they gave them an extension until Sept 26th. Apparently on this date they gave their word that they would respond to FOS by the end of the day but still didn’t. When I queried whether this would now go to ombudsman I was told that they would be given longer as it’s best to try and resolve the complaint this way as the ombudsman is a long wait. I’m annoyed that they are allowed to get away with this. I don’t mind waiting for the payout but I just want a final decision! I’m also aware that after all of this they could still decide to send it to Ombudsman and make my wait even longer!
JA says
Any one had any refunds from Lending Stream recently and if so how many days into the 28days?
ste says
I’m on day 21 of 28 now. I did phone them yesterday as they did not reply to my email. The lady was actually very polite and did confirm I would receive my redress anytime within the next 7 days. some people are getting theirs quick others sometimes on the 28 days and the odd ones go over. here’s hoping they stick to their word! good luck!
Holly says
I’m on day 14 now still nothing
Gemma says
Just had my redress today on day 18, must of went in this afternoon because it wasn’t there this morning .. finally the wait is over!
ste says
Hi Gemma! Congratulations on the redress! could I ask when they acknowledged uour acceptance etc? I’m on day 21 now after sending acceptance…I did phone them up yesterday and was told it’s anytime from now until the 1st October which would be 28 days. I’m so frustrated with the company I really am!
Gemma says
My acceptance day was the 6th October, I’ve not had to phone them once I’ve sent a few emails asking them to confirm the date was correct had a couple of responses the final email I sent I didn’t get a reply but checked my bank and was surprised to see it in today.. I did think it would go over the 28 day mark to be honest especially after reading everyone’s comments. I’m sure you’ll see your refund shortly! :)
Christian says
Anyone had experience with cash4unow and adjudicator decisions?
Adjudicator found in my favour just awaiting their response.
Stuart says
Cash4unow disagreed with the adjudicators decision and I am 3 months in waiting for an ombudsman. Hope this helps.
Christian says
Thanks that helps, guessing they will do the same tends to be their tactic.
Shaz says
I’ve had a reply from Elevate Credit and Quick Quid, but not Pounds to Pocket. Do Elevate Credit represent Pounds to Pocket as well as Sunny?
Sunny have provided a link I can download my data from and I have replied asking whether I should expect another email or if that is their final response. Quick Quid asked for more information and I sent some context, no bank statements or payslips though. I take it I’m now waiting for an offer and then on to step 3?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Pounds to Pocket are part of QQ, not Sunny.
Terry nicholls says
Any body had any luck with swift sterling (Malta), was thinking of not bothering as it was outside the UK but, with the positive outcomes I have had so far, thought why not.
henriette says
I put in a complaint and had a response in week 7. They did not agree my loan was unaffordable but made a good will interest refund offer on loan 6-12 plus offered to remove those loan from my credit file . I responded that I accepted but that my complaint was not solved yet as I wanted a redress on loan 3-6 as well. They replied within 3 working days and agreed. I had a total refund of £918 which was in my account the day after I accepted. They were very pleasant to deal with. I even got an email after they paid me to inform me that they made the payment and that it would take some time before I would see the changes on my credit file.
Terry Nicholls says
Thats great, well done, im glad i done it now, i had an automated response from them, say they will get back asap, it was more or less a screen shot of what i sent, but at the same time, had an email in my spam folder, saying my email had not been recived, think there might be a few scammers going around
Sara (Debt Camel) says
see https://debtcamel.co.uk/swift-sterling-pounds-till-payday/ and the comments below that article for Swift Streling loans before 2016.