Vanquis is repaying £168,000,000 to over a million customers who had its ROP (Repayment Option Plan) on a Vanquis credit card since 2003.
UPDATE In summer 2018 the first refunds were credited to people’s accounts … but they looked surprisingly low. See ROP – the refunds are too small.
In February 2018, the FCA (Vanquis’s regulator) decided this meant that the ROP had been missold to every customer because the true cost of the extra interest they could be paying was not explained to them. It is this extra interest that customers will get back, not the ROP fees themselves. Full details of the refund are given in this FCA notice.
This refund is automatic, if you are affected you will get a letter or an email. But is there anything you need to do? Yes!
If you are still paying the ROP you should cancel it. Also you need to tell Vanquis if you have moved and you may want to complain if you think you should get a refund of the ROP itself.
How the ROP was mis-sold
The ROP product was supposed to be explained to customers in a sales call by Vanquis. But this call made ROP sound quite cheap – “only” £1.29 per £100 balance.
But it wasn’t explained that this ROP charge was added to a customer’s account as a purchase, so if the customer didn’t repay the balance in full, the next month they were then charged interest on top at the interest rate on their card, which could be 40, 50, 60% or more.
This wasn’t a mistake made in a few sales calls. The FCA says:
In 100 per cent of calls reviewed by the FCA, sales agents did not explain the full cost of the product to customers.
The FCA concludes:
Vanquis failed to make sure customers were informed about the full cost of the ROP when it was offered to customers… Customers are entitled to be told all relevant information when being offered financial products… The FCA found that the firm breached Principle 6 (Customers’ interests) & 7 (Communications with clients) of the FCA Principles for Businesses.
The refunds that Vanquis will be paying
Vanquis has agreed to repay the interest it has added on to the ROP charges since 2003. This is not a refund of the ROP charges themselves, but, for many customers, the interest added was a large amount.
These refunds will stop at the date 30 days after Vanquis wrote to customers with ROP in 2017 saying how much they had been charged and asking if they wanted to continue with the product. So if you got this letter in September 2017, your refund will be for the interest added up to the date of the refund on the ROP which was charged up to October 2017.
Vanquis issued other branded cards (Argos, Aquis, Black Diamond, Chrome, Granite, NEO, Origin, Progress, Vanquis and Xylo) – any of these may have had ROP, in which case it will be refunded by Vanquis in the same way a “normal” Vanquis card will be. Check your statement or phone up and ask if you have a card and you are not sure if you were paying ROP.
How much will you get?
The total refunds will be c £168 million. It is said that there will be 1.2 million people affected so the average payment will be about £140.
The calculation is complicated and it will be pretty difficult for you to try to estimate this unless you have all your old statements. But some guidelines:
- people who often cleared their card balance may get very small amounts;
- older accounts where there was normally a large balance may get very large refunds as the compound interest will have added up over time;
- you will get a larger refund if you were paying a higher rate of interest on your card.
Two examples of refunds people have received in the last six months show how the “interest paid” can be very different – larger or smaller – than the amount of ROP paid:
- ROP 547, interest paid 237
- ROP 216, interest paid 1184.
Vanquis say “Vanquis has agreed to refund any interest relating to ROP together with 8% statutory interest to cover any period your account would otherwise have been in credit.” I think this means that for any periods where you weren’t paying interest to Vanquis – including after your account was closed – you will get 8% simple interest added to the refund. If you have 8% added, this will be taxable, but the rest of the refund isn’t.
You won’t get less if you have used any of the ROP features
If you are one of the few people that used the interest freeze, or the larger number that used the “lifeline” facility, this shouldn’t matter. The point is you weren’t told what the full cost of the ROP was, so you will still be getting back the interest you paid on the ROP charges.
How will it be paid?
You need to work out which of the following groups you belong to as the refund process is different for each:
- you have an open account with Vanquis The refund will first be used to pay off your current balance and any additional amount will be sent to you by cheque. You will get an email or a letter from Vanquis explaining this after the refund has been credited to your account. There will be a line on your next monthly statement.
- you have closed the Vanquis account The refund will be sent to you by cheque from Vanquis with a letter explaining it. If you were in arrears and agreed on a partial settlement with Vanquis (or with a debt collector managing the account for Vanquis) then your refund will be reduced by the amount that was written off.
- your Vanquis account is being managed by a debt collector This will be refunded in much the same way as (1) except the email or letter you get may come from the debt collector rather than Vanquis.
- your Vanquis account has been sold to a debt purchaser Here the refunds will be calculated in the same way, using the balance that is owing to the debt purchaser. This will apply if the debt purchaser has got a CCJ. The email or letter you get explaining this will come from the debt purchaser not Vanquis.
When will it be paid?
In June Vanquis admitted that it can’t make its original 90 and 180 day targets. It is now hoping to have paid “most” of the refunds “by the end of the summer”. In September it gave up hoping to do that and is now saying February 2019.
The first of the refunds started being paid in mid-June. But some of them look very low! See Vanquis ROP refunds are wrong – it’s time to complain which explains why the refunds being sent aren’t correct and what you should do.
What should you do?
Cancel your ROP today!
If you are still paying ROP – I suggest you cancel it immediately so call them on 0330 099 3000 today! It is extremely expensive – it makes PPI look cheap and useful.
When people get into financial trouble, Vanquis has to consider freezing interest on their accounts even if they don’t have ROP – so you may get what most people think was the main benefit of the ROP for free.
You will get the refund automatically
You don’t need to put in a complaint, everyone who paid ROP will get a refund of any extra interest they were charged because of the ROP. Vanquis will calculate the amount and contact you.If you have moved or changed your name, you can give Vanquis your new details.
Should you complain and ask for a refund of the ROP itself?
If you want a “full refund”, not just the extra interest added, complain to Vanquis and say why you think you were mis-sold the ROP. Good reasons for this include:
- you didn’t know it was optional – you thought it was automatically included with your card so you couldn’t cancel it;
- you felt under pressure to accept it or you would not have been given any credit limit increases;
- you feel the sales call did not properly describe it to you because when you tried to claim (eg if your hours were cut) it was rejected.
NB you should not complain if the only reason is that you don’t think the extra interest was properly explained – you are already getting that extra interest refunded.
You can send this complaint to . Put a title such as COMPLAINT re ROP PAYMENTS and make it clear you want a refund of the ROP payments themselves in addition to a refund of the extra interest you have been charged.
Comments are now closed on this article.
james says
Hi, i opened an vanquis account in december 2014 and have been paying ROP with interest since. Does that make me eligible, or is it before that date that you can make a claim?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
You will automatically get a refund not of the ROP itself but of the extra interest you have paid because of it. You don’t need to claim anything. BUT you should seriously consider cancelling the ROP – it is VERY expensive. Cancelling it will mean much more of your monthly payment goes to reducing your balance, so cutting the interest you pay next month.
james says
Thanks for your reply Sara. Yeah i can see i am still paying £30 odd a month on ROP which isnt ideal. Will get it cancelled ASAP. I have contacted about the refund as wasnt sure if was only people who had opened an account pre May 2014. But they werent able to tell me anything. Hopefully i am due a refund and will be conacted in next couple of months
Sonya says
I’ve just called vanquis to see if they had an update on my compIaint. It’s only day 27 but I thought I’d see. I was told they’re not refunding any customers for the product only the interest! That’s rubbish isn’t it?
Kk says
Sonya that is what they said already in their statement and also what Sara has been advising.
African Queen says
Hello All,
I wanted to give you my update.
My 56 days was up yesterday and as expected, I got a letter saying they are unable to uphold my complaint as my account is over 6 years old and the complaint relates to ROP payments. My account was open in 2004 and closed in 2013 with zero balance.
I have just spoken to them and they say I should receive a letter before the end of August with an offer of the ROP interest i paid and then the payment afterwards. He was unable to commit to anything more. He said they are still working things out. I guess we will just have to sit tight and wait. As soon as I have another update, I will post. Good luck to everyone.
Alice says
I would go to the Ombudsman if I were you. I had a complaint relating to ROP payments which was from 2007 -2012 and I got back 2274 in January. After being turned down by Vanquis, I went to the Ombudsman and almost immediately Vanquis made an offer in full via them which the Ombudsman said was what they would expect.
Thomas Prosser says
Hi Sara
Just a bit o a quick one. Complained to Vanquis and have had a response today. Basically they say i had ROP between 2007 – 2010, but cannot uphold my complaint as it happened more than 6 years ago. also that this was added during a phone call that also happened 6 years ago. Says i can complain to FO and have 6 months to do so. Are you saying that i should get a refund of the interest for this time period and that should come automatically, and that if i want to claim the ROP back, best to go to FO? Do i need to reply and ask about interest?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Yes you should get a refund of the extra interest you were charged as a result of the ROP automatically. If you want to be sure, you could reply to them checking this.
If you think you should also get a refund of the ROP itself, you will need to take your complaint to the FOS.
Paul Miller says
Hello All
Just some information that maybe useful to others.
Vanquis Bank have just written to me to say they are unable to uphold my complaint.
I had ROP between February 2006 and January 2014 and they rightly quote the FCA complaint handling rules, that what I complained about happened more than 6 years ago and it is more than 3 years after I realised I’d been miss-sold the ROP. When I realised and opted out of their ROP in January 2014, they wrote to me to say “if you opted-out of the plan within 30 days after receiving the information on the Plan (which I did) any Plan Charges that you have paid in so far will be refunded” It never was and now that it is over 3 years ago they feel they have no obligation on their part to pay what they promised. I cancelled my account paying all monies owed in full at the end of 2017 and the account is now closed.
They have told me I’m scheduled to receive a refund on the total amount of interest paid but as already recorded here will take until the end of August, I therefore paid ROP for 8 years on an account that was almost always racked up to max of between £1500 – £2000 all that time. Does anyone have any idea what we can hope to receive and has anyone received this refund yet?
So don’t delay taking the advice of this site, good luck to all those who have a complaint with Vanquis Bank.
Thanks Sara for all your advice.
Gregory White says
I filled in the contact form and have received a text to state I may be due ROP refund it states 180 days, has anyone received there refund yet using this method?
I closed my account over a year ago but had it running for 5 or so years beforehand always paying off the minimum ranging from £500 (year) to £2500 (4 years) I was wondering what the refund could be?
Gail says
Hi. I also got the Text today …. think it’s a case of waiting. There are many compound interest calculators around so if you have your statements you should be able to get some idea of what will be due
Gary says
Just got letter back stating they listened to the recording of the sales call and accept it wasn’t sold to me correctly and now paid me back £1700. Paying it since 2013
Good work ????
Rachael Galloway says
Thats great news
I have a complaint about them mis-selling it to me – which i think stands even more in light of whats been proven
I know ill get the interest back but I want it all back – the product was not explained properly to me, therefore was mis sold.
laura says
Exactly, this is why they are paying out from 2003 they know that they have got away with it ,I think that the ROP payments are worse than PPI. and if the fca are saying that it’s been miss sold then surely the whole thing has been.
David says
I’ve just had a letter from Vanquis in relation to my complaint which I sent on 6th February.
They have upheld my complaint in full and have agreed to refund all ROP charges, associated interest and fees. Well over £4K in total, which clears my balance and a cheque for the remainder in 28 days!
Details: The fees were £1100, the associated interest was a whopping £2700….. took the card out in 2012, starting with a £500 limit, £1000 a couple of years later, £1500 in 2016 and moving up £3000 last year….
Goes to show that they will still consider a complaint, and refund all charges when appropriate…
Absolutely over the moon!!
Dee says
Great news to see they still considered your complaint submitted before the news of auto refunds. I was wondering if they would avoid refunding the actual ROP payments, congratulations!
Debbie says
Just received a letter today upholding my complaint and £2907.14 refund which will almost clear my balance. Chuffed to bits
Kara says
I’ll be interested to see how much my refund amounts to. I paid £880 from 2011-2016 and my repayments totalled £11k+ but I don’t have the statements to see how much of this was for purchases vs interest/ROP interest.
I had an Egg/Barclaycard PPI refund dating back to 2003 where I only paid about £200 but received a refund of £4500. I’ve had a Mint/RBOS offer this week of £1611 relating to premiums paid from 2005-8 totalling £125.
I’m hoping that my awful APR of 49.94% with Vanquis means that I get a nice surprise.
angela moffat says
My husband and I both have a Vanquis card and around the beginning of December he received a letter detailing how much ROP he paid last year ( £297.25) and what he could expect to pay this year (£418.99) . We were both totally gobsmacked that he was actually paying this as he cannot remember agreeing to taking anything like this out ( probably done so quickly and unknowingly when he phoned up to activate card ) anyway our intention was to call Vanquis asap to get it removed but unfortunately my dad’s health deteriorated very quickly over the following weeks and he passed away just before Christmas . It was only this week we started to look into it again that I happened to stumble on everything that’s going on . I called Vanquis expecting to be told that he must have agreed blah blah but was taken aback by how nice the person that I spoke to was . He cancelled ROP straight away and said a letter would be getting sent out . I am going to fight to get not just the interest but all the payments too . Will use the refund to get the balance down. This is a Fab site , glad I found it . Thank you !!
laura says
Looking at some of these payouts I think vanquis have got big problems don’t think 168 million will be enough.
Gail says
My thoughts also !!
Gail says
Hi Sara. I have just spoken to a member of the Vanquis team and they have said that they will NOT be paying the 8% if the account eg was closed as this would purely be for compensation and and what they are doing is just paying back the compound interest on the ROP. Does this sound correct?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
No it doesn’t. Say you have paid £400 in interest charged on the ROP until an account was closed on 2014. That is £400 that you have paid that you shouldn’t have. The Ombudsman ads on 8% simple interest per year from that 2014 point.
I suggest you go back and ask them to reconsider.
Gail says
So are you saying that when they refund th interest in Aug approx they will automatically apply the 8% from when the account was closed
Sara (Debt Camel) says
No, I’m saying that is what I think they should do… but it would be good to get this clarified!
Gail says
I have spoken to another member of their customer services team who had referred this question to a senior manager and said that they are only refunding interest on the rop payment compound and nothing else
Julie says
It states on FCA website the refund will be of interest paid on ROP and notional interest which I think is 8%
Sara (Debt Camel) says
that is what I think it should be.
Gail says
Thanks Sara. It’s a worry that the the team from Vanquis have not been made aware of this!!
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Indeed – that’s why it would be good if you could go back to them about this.
AH says
Hi Sara
I had a debt client in on 15 March who had spoken to Vanquis about her debt sometime in February. Vanquis had then activated her ROP! She knew nothing about being entitled to a refund until I told her. I noted you took down the complaint letter. I have a feeling it may still be needed if call centre staff are still activating the plan.
AH says
Hi Sara,
Also my client will have a DRO. I’m a bit miffed at the idea that her refund will potentially go to clear a balance on her card that will be written off anyway. If we do the DRO quickly will Vanquis have to send her a cheque or will they offset the refund against her balance due to the moratorium. I have not known anyone get anything yet so not sure how they are refunding it. I don’t think the refund will be over the asset limit.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
EDITED – anyone in a DRO will not be getting a refund. The FCA note says this.
Not a plus for the client I am afraid, but in these situations I always tell people your DRO/IVA/bankruptcy gives you the clean start you need and is your best revenge against creditors who have treated you poorly.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
yes I know it could still sometimes be needed. I took it down because until the automatic refunds start being paid, I didn’t want to have to explain ten times a day that no, you don’t have to send in this complaint letter.
FWIW, she should certainly complain she didn’t want the ROP activated!
luka says
If vanquis have not upheld ROP because of the 6 years & 3 year lapse, is it worth going to the Ombudsman? They said to me yesterday that they have no record of the phone call, but because of the 6 years and 3 years that
Sara (Debt Camel) says
TRhis is one of the problems about over 6 year cases – not just that you have to get the Ombudsman to agree to look at the case, but that there may be little or no evidence about what happened when you took the ROP. I can’t really say whether it’s worth trying, you know the problems it’s up to you to make the decision.
luka says
They said that because they believe that made all reasonable effort to warm me about the product when I had taken out the card and when I closed the account, and because of this they applied the 6 and 3 year ruling to further their decision on not to uphold the case. I said to them it was only until recently that I found out I could make a complaint about the ROP, and that they had no record into how the item was sold.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
You will definitely be getting an automatic refund of the extra interest you have paid as a result of the ROP – there is no time limit to this. So the question is whether it’s worth taking the complaint to the Ombudsman to try to get a refund of the ROP payments as well.
guy argent says
Ive had vanquis card since 2008 and R.O.P. on it. paying minimum payment on a full credit of 3,000. i have not heard from Vanquis about refund. should i contact them?
Rachael says
the ROP interest refund will be automatically applied to your account, I dont think anyone has heard from them. I believe if your a customer with a open account, they had 90 days, so payments should be applied by the 28th May 2018
Tony Wood says
I am confused. I have had a Vanquis card since 2012. This was my first credit card after my business failed. I was told this would help build my credit again. ROP was part of the application and I thought it was mandatory, so I took it out. I have never used it and never gone over my limit, but have been paying approx. £30 per month. Now I hear this news, I got the letter in September with a book explaining how it worked and I still have the original paperwork.
I am reading two different stories here. Do nothing and receive interest on payments plus 8%
Complain and get ALL payments back IN FULL.
Can you please explain the criteria for a full refund and what to do. This has been a very useful topic and could change my life.
CLINT says
you are at that CRUCIAL 6 year point that vanquis are using to reject a claim for a full refund of rop payments
my advice would be make a claim with vanquis for a full refund then wait for your “interest” refund”
if they do not uphold your complaint for a full refund you will have six months from the date of that letter to refer it to the FOS
Tony Wood says
Thanks Clint.
I notice that nowhere on their letters is an address for communication other than the small print at the bottom giving Godwin St Bradford as Registered office ……… is that the address I use ?
CLINT says
I used the customer service email address and they responded by post
Rachael says
I used the email address to. Got a text two days later then a letter few days later in post
Sara (Debt Camel) says
First, whatever you decide to do, phone Vanquis up and cancel the ROP asap! It is very expensive!
Your options are (1) to do nothing, then you will automatically get a refund of the extra interest you have been charged on the ROP. Since 2012 that’s going to be quite a lot probably. (You won’t get 8% on top if you have always run a high balance – you will have been paying interest at a much higher rate than that, the 8% is just compensation if you closed the card so no more card interest was paid.)
(2) to put in a complaint to Vanquis and say you thought the ROP was mandatory, if it had been properly explained, you would never have taken it so you want the ROP itself refunded as well as the extra interest. Vanquis will listen to the sales call with you in 2012 – they may then agree and give you a full refund, if they say no, it was quite clear you didn’t have to take it, you can ask them to send you a copy of the call and send the complaint to the Ombudsman
Tony Wood says
Did not take the CLAIM COMPANIES long to get in on the act .
[one company – name deleted] advertising on Facebook and targeting Vanquis Card Holders.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
They are one of the worst of the parasites. People using a claims firm will get exactly the same amount less the very high claims fees. They should be illegal in this situation.
If you can get a screen shot of the advert I would love to see it.
Paul Dolan says
Would they try to have people sign an agreement that the claim company gets paid even if the customer only gets the interest refund same as everyone? Would they dare?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
You bet claims companies will – blood-sucking leeches. And if the account is still open, the refund reduces the balance and claims companies still expect to be paid and are quick to go to court for a CCJ if you can’t afford it.
Richard says
Hi Guys,
I’ve been speaking off and on to a FOS lady there who is pretty all over this, and she advised they have 100s (but not 1000s) of complaints with them, where customers have received a rejected complain by vanquish.
Vanquis are saying existing customers with active accounts will be refunded within 90 days and dormant/closed accounts within 180 days.
However, she told me today that Vanquis have asked for a deadline extension until after easter of the solution that they should offer for the 100s of cases which are backed up at the FOS.
it just seems to me like Vanquis are sticking to their guns on the 90 / 180 day refunds, which they see as an improvement because the FCA document gives “up to” a year from ruling date.
It also seems like the FOS are just giving them the soft touch about the 100s of cases they have backed up.
The whole thing seems to revolve around the “script” from the call when you got the card. If the call handler deviated in anyway, then it seems that they refund everything – ROP + Purchase Interest + Notional Interest + Fees etc.
However, if they didn’t deviate from the script, then they will only refund the Purchase interest on the ROP as ruled in the FCA ruling.
Either way, I’m still pretty amazed by how quickly some people are getting massive refunds and others are being rejected etc. seems very hit and miss.
james says
Good man richard, thanks for sending that in.
I have a current account and been paying ROP since 2014 and still am. Will cancel ASAP. Do you think its worth sending a complaint about it or just sit back and see what happens?
Rachael says
Ive put a complaint in. Nothing to lose by doing so
Richard says
Hi James,
I think it depends what you want out of it.
Automatically, you’ll get the purchase interest on the ROP after the FCA ruling.
however, Some people have been getting huge refunds of not just the interest but also the ROP fee itself as they’ve listened to the call and decided they mis-sold or deviated from script.
It’s personal preference whether you complain to try and get the ROP as well. It has worked for a lot of folks, but also not for a lot of folks too.
my card was £250 for 4 years and always maxed, but the ROP was “only” £3 per month. some people have massive card limits and huge monthly ROP of £30-50 per month.
Jamie says
Hello Everyone.
I complained to vanquis directly before the news of the auto refunds. I complained on the 12th Feb and just got a letter back (22nd Mar) saying that my complaint is being upheld for a refund of ROP Fees, associated interest and charges.
Getting £566.56 back. Did not expect that as i only have a small credit limit and only had the ROP for 36 months.
Just want to say thank you very much Sara for posting this topic because i complained and got everything else other than just the interet refund.
Thank you so much, this money will help out so much.
P.S I felt this complaint was handled quickly maybe due to the fact i still have an account and a small credit limit.
Nathan says
Hi all,
Sent the standard template complaint letter to Vanquis at the start of February, before the FCA ruling. Had a maxed out balance of £2250 on the card. Had a letter through today to say they have refunded me £2024.11
ROP fees £785.94
Interest £1064.92
Charges £156
Interest @ 8% £21.56
Withheld tax £4.31
Thanks for the advice, would’ve taken me an age to pay off and was causing real financial difficulty.
angela says
That is a fantastic result ! when did you take card out ? and did they not dispute you agreeing to take ROP out ? my husband cannot remember conversation as he had just phoned up to activate card ! he is self employed also and doubt if insurance would ever have covered him anyway . I have told him to ask for everything back .
Nathan says
Card was taken out on 11/2/14.
Essentially they have said that all the below points were NOT addressed during the telephone call;
– Understanding of the plan
– Following of the script
– Additional info related to plan was correct and not misleading
-Pricing was clear and given correctly
-Acceptance of the plan as a feature of the account
-No pressure on you to accept the plan
So on the basis that one or more of the above issues were not addressed they have upheld the complaint and provided the refund.
Rachael says
Well the I think i should qualify based on the pricing and plan not being explained properly
Think i could be look at a similar payout to you with any luck! think it was 2013 i took my card out
Sarah Sonnenstein says
Hi Everyone,
I had a credit card with Vanquis for quite a few years and I paid the balance off in full last year and cancelled my account. My brother informed me of this and I am very interested in complaining about this. I read amongst this report that Vanquis should refund me within 180 days? Has anyone received anything since this became public knowledge with complaining and going through the process?
I only had a limit of £500 and was always at my limit! I see that some of you have said you complained by email, I can’t seem to find an email address. I’m also not sure if I changed my name after I got married, what would be the process for that?
What is the best thing to say when I complain, is it best to do this over the phone or by email?
Thanks in advance
Rachael says
I don’t think you will need to make a claim unless you want to try to get the ROP costs back
Give them a call and just explain what you have here to make sure they have the correct contact information for you
Ethan says
Hi all,
I recently paid my balance in full and requested the account be closed. The lady I spoke with tried in vain to get me to stay as I had been a customer for 9 years – I never realised I’d had the card so long…. I never also realised how much the ROP was costing me as I very rarely logged into my account online or via the app. I would have a text message monthly stating my balance and the monthly min payment was DD so never kind of needed to log in.
I luckily found this thread before I closed the account and asked about the interest refund which said said would be completed within 90 days. My question is – can I request a refund of the ROP due to it possibly being mid-sold if the card was taken out more than 6 years ago?
E x
Sara (Debt Camel) says
well you should be getting a nice cheque as a memento of your 9 years as a customer. Photograph it before you cash it :)
If you think the ROP was mis-sold for reasons apart from the extra interest (which you will already be getting back) then you can complain and ask for a refund of the ROP itself. But as the account Is so old, this may be refused as it’s over 6 years and even if the Ombudsman says they should look at it (unclear at the moment) it may well be that Vanquis don’t have the phone recording anymore.
Claire says
Hi Sara
What do I say in the email to vanquis do I give my account number to claim for my refund of the rop itself I haven’t heard anything about the interest yet.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
A general one could say “I don’t thing ROP was properly explained to me during the sales call. I understand you are refunding the additional interest I have been charged but I think I was mis-sold this and want to ask for a refund of the ROP itself.” Give your account number, name, date of birth, address – whatever they need to identify you.
If there are any other specific points, mention those: if you had no idea you had the ROP, if you thought you had to have it because it was compulsory, if you had good sickness and redundancy cover through your job so you had no need of it, if you later told Vanquis you were in trouble but they never suggested you could use the ROP cover etc. But just the general mis-selling complaint will be fine for most people.
Claire says
Hi sara
Thanks for getting back I was not working at the time but was it still applied to my account they knew this and still was charging me for it so really it was no use to me anyway so it was obviously missing sold.
Thanks again
Gail says
Has anyone heard from Vanquis yet
Sarah Sonnenstein says
I contacted them on friday after my brother told me about this ROP. I had a card from 2011 or 2012 and I paid the balance in full last March/April and closed the account. I was told when I contacted them that I don’t need to do anything as they will be getting to everyone’s accounts. Because I don’t have a credit card with them anymore it can take anything up to 6 months for me to get my refund. Now I’m pretty sure that the person I spoke to said it would just be the interest I’ll get a refund of, is this correct? If it is illegal of them to have sold this should it not be the ROP + interest?
I do have to provide them with my married name as the account was in my maiden name!
My limit was only £500 and I was always at the limit, I was in a situation at that time when I could really only afford a little more than minimum payments.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
“If it is illegal of them to have sold this should it not be the ROP + interest?” The FCA has not said it is illegal to have sold it to you. They said you weren’t properly informed about the extra interest that would be charged when it was sold to you, so that is what is being refunded automatically.
If you want a refund of the ROP as well, you have to complain, see my reply to Claire yesterday.
Mrs Jaime roper says
I always get a text message about the next payment t due on my credit card.
Today I got one and the balance was wrong.
I logged online to my account…
And they have finally credited my account!
I cancelled the rop begin January. They acknowledged I had put a complaint in about the rop.
They have paid what they owe me via my credit card. Which is great! I’ve had the card for 5-6 years.
Thankyou so very much for the template!!
Everyone keep on at them…..I emailed them a lot to annoy them.
Sonia Read says
I complained to Vanquis on the 19th of Jan I received a rejection letter on the 21st of this month. I asked for a refund of ROP plus interest and both were rejected. I took the card out in 2011. I feel it was mis sold to me as when I lost my job due to illness. I wasn’t offered the ROP I had taken out. I completely forgot about it.. wasn’t well mentally. I also felt the products wasn’t fully explained. It seems Vanquis are just sending out generic letters. As none of my points were addressed in the complaint I sent via email. Do I have a case for the ombudsman?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
You should still get a refund of the interest automatically, but if you want a refund of the ROP as well, it costs nothing to send the complaint to the Ombudsman and it’s easy!
I suggest people use the Ombudsman’s online form because that prompts you for all the details the FOS needs.
Alfie says
Today I have recieved a call from vanquis to confirm that my details are correct for the repayment of interest. They said that it can take up to 180 days
Kara says
When did you take your card out? Will be interesting to see if they’re working chronologically or by other means.
Alfie says
2009 I started the card and ended in 2015
Tony Wood says
I have had a reply from them AND a ref Number.
angela says
I have had a text and a letter too . Waiting to see what they come back and say now . I want all the ROP payments back plus interest ! so glad I stumbled on this site as I was just going to phone Vanquis to cancel the payments unaware of everything that has been happening .
James says
what did the letter say ? was this in response to an email complaint recently?
Tony Wood says
I used their e.mail to send complaint for full refund.
They said they were sorry I was not happy with the service they provided. They confirmed it as a raised complaint and they provided a reference number.
Sean says
Hi all,
I submitted my ROP complaint to Vanquis but it has been rejected on the grounds that :
-What I’m complaining about happened more than 6 years ago
-More than 3 years after I should have realised.
The ROP was applied to my account in October 2010 and my account was closed in March 2013 as I had financial difficulties and couldn’t keep up with the payments which was later sold to a DCA
They’ve advised that in a conversation that I can’t recall the information was sent to me and it was itemised on my statement giving me the right to cancel and they can’t uphold my complaint.
Is it worth me complaining to FCA?
MAny thanks
Stewart Miller says
Hi Everyone, have just had a letter detailing my refund following my complaint of miss selling ROP back in January (Having discovered the previous thread). My account was setup up in 2010, so I was expecting the “6 year rule” to be quoted. However there is record of me calling a year or so ago asking for proof that I opted in to the plan. No proof or follow up was done and for this reason I have been refunded ROP + Interest + Fees etc. £3.2k! Needless to say I’m very happy with that result!
My reason for posting though is to give you an idea of the interest you may receive from the auto refunds. My breakdown: ROP £1k, Interest £1.3k, Notional interest £0.9k. So over 2 thirds of my refund is interest and not the fee itself. Therefore people with similar balances / histories can expect similar amounts automatically. My card was at its £3k limit for many years maybe 5, until I paid the full balance off 3 years ago. I have kept the card open since but with no balance. According to my letter I will therefore receive a cheque in 28 days.
Sara thank you so much for your website, your knowledge and your responses to questions. Having read these I didn’t feel I needed to ask anything. Good luck everyone! Any questions let me know, Best regards Stewart.
Gareth davey says
Thank you so much for your help on this spoke vanquis today after putting complaint in 16th Feb the guy on the line told me that my claim has been upheld and that they are refunding all I have paid plus interest total of 2200 which will clear my current balance and cheap holiday I can now cut up there card and close the account. thank you again
Mark says
I have had my complaint for a full ROP refund refused on the 6+3 ruling as I had my card from 2007. In their letter vanquis doesn’t mention anything about the interest repayments after the fca ruling and stated that the ombudsmen would only look at complaints if there is exceptional circumstances.
I have e-mail back with my complaint ref asking why none of the questions I put forward in my initial e mail were answered and expressing my disappointment that there is no mention of the ruling against them or the refunds on interest they have agreed for all customers dating back to 2003. I stated that in the fca’s report that Rop was mis-sold in 100% of the cases that they looked at and this should constitute exceptional circumstances. Will keep you posted if they reply or just ignore me and force the ombudsmen route. Great work on this. Brilliant website.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
“I stated that in the fca’s report that Rop was mis-sold in 100% of the cases that they looked at” yes, but that was because the potential cost of the extra interest was not adequately described, which is remedied by a refund of the extra interest.
Kevin says
Having just spoken to them to cancel my ROP I was informed that interest will only be refunded up until 2016 as they then starting writing to customers explaining the interest. So if you still had it after that the interest will not be refunded for the last 2 years.
I got a letter in late 2016. I paid off my balance earlier in the same year so I’m assuming that I will just get a shorter period of the 8% interest as part of my refund than initially thought?
I checked my files (wife files everything) only have 2 copies of the original agreement from 2014. I mentioned that I had had nothing so the log it as a complaint.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
I think (and this is me guessing) that you should get the 8% through to the settlement date. Suppose someone who got the true-cost-of-ROP letter had read and thought “OMG that’s dreadful, I will cancel the ROP straight away”… they should still get a refund for the extra interest being charged on the previous ROP payments. And if your account is cleared, that would be 8% simple interest from that point onwards. The letter only means you can’t get redress for the subsequent ROP payments, it can’t reduce the amount you get for the previous ones.
Stuart says
I have been paying ROP since 2012 until this morning when I cancelled it because my balance wasn’t going down on my card. After I cancelled it, I then looked into ROP and discovered that they were refunding after the FCA ruling. I never had any post or emails prior to this about interest being charged on ROP. I tried to make a claim to freeze my interest in March 2016 after losing my job but they refused the claim. No interest was mentioned then either! I’m glad that I will be getting some money back! Fingers crossed it clears my balance.
Cathryn says
I had ROP with vanquis which I cancelled years ago when I noticed the charge on my account, therefore I haven’t had any let from them about refunds. Should I be due one?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Yes you will be getting a refund. But they haven’t started sending out the letters yet. If your account is still open you should get one by the end of May. If it is closed they have a further 3 months.
Grant says
Hi there
After reading all the posts on this fantastic site I updated my details and was sent the following
Thanks for updating your details. I can confirm that you may be eligible for a refund of the interest from ROP which we will usually provide to you within 180 days.
Is the a good sign. I had a card for about 5 years from 2010 which was always maxed and went over due to the ROP, I actually called them asking why my balance wasn’t coming down and although they told me I had ROP they did not explain what exactly it was
I have paid if the card in full so wait with anticipation
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Everyone should get a refund, from what you have said you may be getting a big one! If you have paid the card in full, have you closed it? If not, do remember to cancel the ROP in case you use the card again.
Rory says
Hi Sara, and other forum users,
Found this site late last year. Used the template to claim ROP back. Denied due to the 6 year rule. So wrote to FSA, and listed a long complaint which ill add. FSA just emailed me saying Vanquis have agreed to refund me all ROP fees, plus interest and any charges that ive been charged. FSA also told them to add 8% too. I need to accept this offer, and Vanquis will calculate it up and refund me.
So my point is, dont just accept the interest on ROP, even after 6 year rule.
Gaynor says
I d like to see this please as my claim was rejected on the 6 Yr basis and I still want to claim the ROP back as well as the interest
Dawn Cumming says
Yeah same here, I had mines from 2010 -2016, closed the account, they used the 6+3 yr rules with me, it will be helpful to see the list
Rory says
17th Jan, i sent off my complaint.
Part 1 of letter I sent:
Dear Sir/Madam,
I’d like to complain about Vanquis Bank. The product Vanquis sold me was Repayment Option Plan (ROP)
I was sold the ROP product in June 2005. I believe it was mis-sold to me, for a number of reasons. I recently complained to Vanquis about being mis-sold ROP. Vanquis rejected the complaint, as the ROP was sold to me more than 6 years ago. And I should have realised at the time there was a reason to complain.
I replied to Vanquis telling them that I’ve only just found out that the FCA are investigating them for mis-selling, but I’ve had no answer back from them:
Please can you look at my case.
Vanquis Ref ****************
Rory says
Part 2:
I’m confused as to why my compliant about the ROP was upheld.
I’m complained about this product many years back, but I may have mistakenly called it PPI. I will search my old emails for the original complaint.
The call about ROP, was vague. ROP was not clearly discussed with me. I’m not sure that I agreed to it properly. I think I may have only taken out ROP, as I felt without it, I would not have been offered the credit card.
I was not asked about my employment terms and conditions (my contract).
I did not need the product, as I get full sick pay, and have insurance. The product was not fit for my purpose.
As I noted earlier, I did complain years ago, with no reply to my knowledge. I need to investigate this more.
I was not told about the huge amounts of commission Vanquis would make from me purchasing the ROP. This should have been described to me at the time of purchase.I know there is now a Plevin ruling.
I paid the product, up until February 2012. I cancelled the ROP as it was getting me into dept paying the huge amount back. The interest on the product was not explained to me.
Rory says
Part 3:
I understand there is an investigation into Vanquis from the FCA. This is why I am complaining, it has just been made aware to me. If I’d known 6 years within the product being boight, I’d have complained then.
Had I needed to use ROP, it was never offered to me when I missed payments or went over my limit.
I’ve asked Vanquis for a recording or transcript of the conversation when it was sold to me, but my request has been ignored.
I’ve asked Vanquis a copy of the statemenst every time I was charged by Vanquis when I missed a payment, with full list of charges .I should have not been charged if I had ROP. This has been ignored. Can these charges also be complained about?
I’ve asked for an explanation of why I was charged if I had the ROP, and not offered help with the ROP. This has been ignored.
I’ve asked for a copy of data, when Vanquis would have sent texts or letters when I was: Needing a ‘Lifeline’ when i forgot to pay my monthly payment. When I was close to my limit. Payment reminders.
I believe I was mis-sold right from the start, and I’d like my concern to be looked at, refunded my payments plus interest.
Rory *********
Rory says
Hi All,
Sorry I had to post the letter I sent in x3 parts, its the only way I can post the full letter I sent.
I do hope it can help a few more people win back what they have paid out in ROP.
I’ll post up a reply to this when I get the offer.
Big thank you to Sara, for this great website, Its helped me win my case.
Good luck,
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Some general points for other people making a complaint and asking for a refund of the ROP fees as well as the extra interest:
– tell your own story. it’s interesting to read other people’s but don’t assume Rory used some special words that meant he won his case so copy out his text!
– do not mention PPI or Plevin. They are irrelevant and won’t help at all – the simpler your case is the better.
– it is worth saying if your employment had good sick pay, redundancy pay etc
– it is worth saying if you were told (or were left with the impression) that you would only get the card or would only later get your limit raised if you took the ROP
– it is worth saying if you later got into trouble but didn’t claim on the ROP – this suggests it was not properly explained to you at the start. It is also worth pointing out that Vanquis never suggested you could claim on the ROP which was not treating you fairly.
– you won’t be able to claim back the ROP and also and extra interest you were charged during a period you didn’t claim on the ROP.
Eve says
That’s fantastic that you got a happy result with your case Rory. Really pleased for you. Most of the points you highlighted to the FOS were the same points that I gave in my complaint back in January as that is how I was treated by Vanquis . I too questioned the ROP over 2 years ago (I didn’t complain back then as I didn’t know I could, or I certainly would have). I also never received overlimit alerts hence why I had approx. £108 overlimit charges each year despite paying the minimum payment. My case has been with the FOS for 3 months now. Hopefully I will hear soon as to what the result is. Well done on your successful outcome.
Melita Astle says
Hi all
I have had a Vanquis card for a number of years .
Can’t remember when I took it out . How do I find out how long I’ve had it for .
And will I be entitled to a refund
Sara (Debt Camel) says
You will be entitled to a refund – and indeed you will get it automatically – if you had the ROP product on your card, it doesn’t matter when you took the card out.
guy argent says
I made a complaint against Vanquis for the full refund of payments made on R.O.P. on the 23rd March, due to miss selling. Yesterday I had an email back stating that the complaint is being addressed and there is a timescale of 56 days to reach resolution. Which would be 18th May, just after the ddline day to resolve my “interest back” on my R.O.P.
Sarah Sonnenstein says
I sent an email with a complaint letter attached to the email provided by someone off these threads around the same time and haven’t heard anything yet! Fingers crossed I will get a reply soon. Did you send this by email to them?
guy argent says
I contacted them via the email. I have emailed them twice asking for a recognition they had received my complaint. i have been given a 0345 telephone no to contact them on.
Sarah Sonnenstein says
I received a letter through the post with a reference number for the complaint this morning. Advising me they have 8 weeks to investigate the complaint. Fingers crossed
Martin says
Do you think making a claim now for refund of R.O.P will slow down the process of them making a refund on the interest fees.
Is it worth seeing what is offered to me before making a claim?
I cancelled this late last year, because I started to notice that the charge per month versus my repayment wasn’t worth having it and that my balance wasn’t really reducing despite me not using the card.
I have never had a letter from them explaining how the interest was calculated and offering me to cancel it.
I tried to cancel this years before because I wasn’t getting any use from it, but they just try and persuade you to keep it, is this right?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
“Do you think making a claim now for refund of R.O.P will slow down the process of them making a refund on the interest fees.” I don’t think it will, but I am making a guess here.
“Is it worth seeing what is offered to me before making a claim?” It sounds as though your Vanquis account is still open, so you should hear before the end of May. If you think you will always want to complain then I’m not sure there is any point in waiting, but it’s not that long.
“I tried to cancel this years before because I wasn’t getting any use from it, but they just try and persuade you to keep it, is this right?” That would depend on what they said and how accurate it was!
Deanna Reeves says
I complained to Vanquis in March 2017 after reading the information on this site. They upheld my complaint and refunded the ROP I paid between July 2006 and January 2009 when I stopped paying ROP. In April 2017 I received a cheque for £359.36 made up as follows:
ROP fees £171.11
Associated interest. £144.08
Charges. £12.00
National interest £32.17
Would I be entitled to any further pay out under the new ruling?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
A payout in April 17 – you must be one of the first! When was your Vanquis account closed? Did yiu usually run a balance on it?
Dave G says
April 2017 , so last year , so this wouldn’t be the interest repayment scheme of this year ???
Deanna Reeves says
I ran into trouble and the debt was passed to a collection agency but I have cleared that debt a few years back now. The last official statement I have was January 2009 I was always up to the limit though it wasn’t a very high one.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
It’s hard to be sure, but I think the interest figures on your payout look low – but you won’t get another refund automatically. i think you should write to them and ask for a breakdown of how the figures were calculated.
Deanna Reeves says
Do you think they’ll acknowledge the request after 12 months?
Nancy says
I sent a complaint email to vanquis complaining about ROP … this is now with the ombudsman etc , yesterday I received a letter from vanquis to say I had opted in to ROP and opted out on 1/2/2018
While I was opted in it appeared on my statement each month as a purchase transaction , in the last 12 months or since I opted in to the plan I was charged £126.74 plus any interest at my purchase rate of 39.94%
Since I opted out I have not incurred and ROP charges to my account and if I have any queries to contact them on 03717704137 …
since complaining they seem to be calling me regularly regarding paying my debt which they are responsible for putting me in in the first place … if I had known about ROP this account would have been cleared and well and truly gone … it’s also the only negative on my credit score …. has anyone else had this letter ?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
It seems standard for them to take a complaint about ROP as also being a request to cancel it and I think this is the letter confirming that.
Dee says
Update on ROP complaint submitted on 13th Feb. It was day 56 yesterday and I have logged into my account this morning to find my entire balance has been cleared by an ex-gratia payment, so my complaint has been upheld. Extremely pleased with this : ) I’m thinking there may be a little cheque coming too as unlikely the refund exactly matched the balance.
I had the card from April 2013 with balance usually at 1k limit. ROP fees around £12 per month. Current balance was £858.04 which is now zero.
I had benefitted from cancelling ROP when I complained as even just my 2 payments since then had started to make a dent in the balance instead of it constantly hovering at the limit.
I will share the actual refund breakdown when I receive their letter so you can see how much of the refund is interest.
I had called them a week ago for an update and was told hadn’t been investigated at that time but they did say there was a large team dealing with the auto refunds now and a smaller one still working through complaints. Hopefully those waiting for the auto ones will start to hear back soon!
Very grateful to have found this site with Sara’s advice or I would have only cancelled the ROP not realising you could complain.
Ross says
Does anyone have any information on whether Vanquis will re-open old complaints, which have been rejected and, more to the point, would they then look to uphold these, based on what’s happened with the FCA ruling? I complained, and Vanquis rejected it, as it was more than 6 years and they claimed they no longer had access to the recording of the sales call. I sent it to the FOS, and they said they couldn’t look in to it, as Vanquis wouldn’t let them. I know I will be eligible for a refund of the additional interest, as is everyone, but I was looking at a refund of the ROP fees themselves. I haven’t bothered to contact them, as I can’t see the point. They’re probably swamped with what they’re having to do, so I’ll just wait for the letter and see what they say/offer.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
No no one has any concrete information on this.
There aren’t many people in your situation – complained to Vanquis, turned down, complained to the Ombudsman and told they couldn’t look at it because of the 6 year rule.
I don’t see why the FCA ruling will mean Vanquis will look again at your whole case, I guess you will just get the standard refund of the interest. But I am guessing.
Ross says
Thanks Sara,
On another point, my refund of ROP interest would be from an account that was closed down, many years ago. Stupidly, I opened another account with them. My question is, would they have the right to apply any refund amount to the new account, or would they be obliged to refund the amount via cheque, as it’s nothing to do with the existing account. I updated my address details with them, for the old account, as the address they would’ve held, for that account, would be an old one. I had a letter, on Friday, stating that they have identified I may be entitled to a refund on the old account. I know I will be, as I paid a fair whack of ROP on the old one (the limit was £3000 on that one). Thankfully, the limit on the existing one is nowhere near that!
Sara (Debt Camel) says
They would have the right to use the refund to reduce your other account balance. Whether they will do or send you a cheque, I have no idea, we haven’t seen one of these two accounts situations yet.
Do you have ROP on the new account?
Ross says
Thankfully, no. Once bitten, twice shy and all that!
Kirsty says
I sent a ROP complaint to Vanquis beginning of February, just recieved a letter today stating that the refund I am eligible for is the interest charged relating to ROP from June 2011 until March 2016, with the 8% simple interest.
They have said they are unable to uphold my complaint due to it being applied over 6 years ago and complaining more than 3 years after I realised.
I have found this really confusing and not sure whether to take it further or what kind or refund I will receive. My card was always near limit and I still have an account owing £2500.
Any advice?
Catherine says
I received my response from Vanquis saying my complaint isn’t being upheld due to the 6 year 3year rule. I called them and advised I was un happy with this as I made numerous calls over the years about financial struggles with the account. The lady who made that decision agreed to relook at my complaint. She hadn’t listened to any of my phone calls over the years. I today called for an update to be told they are going to part refund ROP charges ???? she advised she listened to one call where I was given incorrect advise regarding ROP so they made the decision to refund from that point. I’m getting just shy of £500 back. This is ROP only as interest refund being dealt with separately. I’m so pleased a pushed for my calls to be listened to and happy I got the fair outcome. Cat
Catherine says
Part 2:
So I was focusing on the initial call from selling ROP which they no longer had. But it turned out the a call a couple of years ago and the information I was provided helped me win a part refund. This refund of £500 was for just over a year. I’m shocked at how much and I had the account since 2011 at 3k limit.
Good luck ????????????
Sara (Debt Camel) says
That is an odd story – well done for pushing!
Tom says
Hi all,
Advice needed!
I complained prior (just) to the FCA rulling and have had my complaint partially upheld. On the one hand, they have agreed to refund all interest plus 8% (they’re still calculating).
On the other hand, they have rejected my claim saying that I was mis-sold as account freezing was always an option, stating:
I have reviewed the call in which you were offered the Repayment Option Plan to ensure to
following points were met:
You understood the Plan
The script was followed
All additional information relating to the Plan was correct and not misleading
You accepted the Plan as a feature of your account
There was no pressure on you to accept the Plan
Having now listened to the call, I am satisfied that the Repayment Option Plan information was
given correctly and that you understood the Plan. You expressly agreed to have the Plan as a
feature of your account.
Do I have any options available?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
So they have just given you the standard offer everyone will be getting. When did you get the Vanquis card? Are there any reasons apart from the extra interest being added that you feel it wasn’t explained to you properly? Did you ever have financial difficulty and Vanquis didn’t suggest using the ROP to help?
Tom says
Hi Sara,
I opened the account in May2014. They have agreed to repay the interest from this date but only until Dec 2016. Despite my paying for ROP last year?
My card has always been at it’s limit, every month. On a number of occassions, the ROP and interest took me over limit, hitting me with additional fees.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Did you ask them why December 2016? That may be the date they sent you a letter saying how much ROP had cost you in the previous year.
I think you should also ask for a refund of any additional fees that you were charged. And they should add 8% extra interest on the interest from december 2016.
Catherine says
They also told me December 2016 as this is when they first sent me the annual email of how much ROP is for the following year. I have trawled through my emails from 2011 to date, and the first Email I received of Vanquis regarding ROP fees etc. was sent 08/11/2017. According to their records they sent one the previous year, and this is when the interest will be paid up too. Can I challenge this as I don’t have sight of this email.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Yes, you can. Say you keep all your emails and list others you have received from them.
Rory says
Just received a letter, just under £10k, to be paid within 28 days! Thanks Sara!
£1364.44 Rop fees
£6125.32 interest
£144.00 charges
£2942.42 Notional interest @ 8%
£588.48 withheld tax
Had ROP from 2005 until 2012 when i cancelled it. Limit slowly built up to £2500, but not always at limit, maybe for 3-4 years. I did pay it off twice in full.
As you can see, it is the interest that has built up.
Hope this helps.
Catherine says
That’s amazing well done
Hayley Anderson says
Wow £9000 interest fees that’s crazy, hoping to get a decent amount back. Had card since feb 14 but cancelled rop last year and my limit was £3500 when I did
Sara (Debt Camel) says
wow, that’s a record and it may hold for a while!
If this is the first refund you have had in this tax year (started 6 April), including PPI refunds, and you are a basic rate taxpayer, you can claim back £200 of the tax deducted from HMRC. See
Rory says
Thanks Sara, once cheque has arrived and cleared. I’ll Claim the £200 back.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
For everyone else wondering what they may get… this is from a complaint, so the ROP fees themselves were included.
But as you can see, it is the interest added that is huge because it has been being added for 13 years. since 2005, not the ROP fees themselves – I think Rory would have got the same:
£6125.32 interest
£144.00 charges
£2942.42 Notional interest @ 8%
from an automatic refund.
Dave G says
So looking forwards to hopefully getting a similar amount then as I paid £1210 ROP fees from 2005-2011 with a 69% Apr and has a balance of nearly £2800 for the last 3 years of ROP so getting quite excited, so u r saying from the end of my ROP 2011 the interest I would maybe get back would be 69 % per annum or am I incorrect , I still have the card with just a small balance now of £200 ,
kevin says
hi Rory, i wonder if you could help. i had my letter back from vanquis on the 11th, i wrote to them complaining just before the FCA ruling, in my response letter i’m told i will get a partial refund. (interest as per the ruling) i was informed that the rop itself was not to be refunded due to a call made in may of 2010, they quote the 6and 3 rule. i was on the phone to vanquis this morning to request a copy of the call and some other information so that i can send this off to the financial ombudsman. the girl on the phone told me that because its been more than 6 years they dont have a recored of the call anymore. as you had your account since 2005, did you complain and did they refund you after listing to the call ?, i ask because if they had your call from 2005 theni see no reason that they would not have mine.
on the call this morning the lady from vanquis has told me that all the refunds of the interest will be up to 180 days regardless if you are a current account holder or if you have closed your account, i mentioned to her about the 90 days and she told me that they have been informed by there management that this is now the case. but that customers may get there refunds quicker. its due to the number of cases they have to go through.
Rory says
Hi Kevin,
I was refused at first by Vanquis. They said they listened to the call, and it was sold correctly. They also refused due to the 6 year rule. Took my complaint to the FOS as I suspected Vanquis did not listen to the call, as they would have no record of it. Think they did not contest it, as they would be proven to have lied about the call. (thats my theory anyway). I’d complain through the FOS, and list as many problems with being mis-sold as you can. Good luck.
Sonya Kirwan says
Hi all. I got my refund today. I complained 7 weeks ago. £610.97
Chelsea says
Hello everyone.
I complained to Vanquis via a quick phone call to update my address a few days after the FOS ruling. I had just started to get my finances in order and realised I was paying ROP which I didn’t even know what it was for. In looking online to find out what this was, I came across this site and the very recent ruling to refund the interest but as I was so sure I’d not been sold the ROP itself properly, I mentioned it on the phone. As soon as I asked to cancel it and commented that I had no recollection of even being sold it, the lady on the phone immediately logged it as a complaint.
Today I received a letter informing me that all the points were not met when selling me this plan and so I was due £2,577.22. The breakdown is:
ROP fees: £1,244.31
Associated interest: £1,166.51
Charges: £108
Notional Interest: £73
Withheld tax amount: £14.60
I have had the card since late 2013. Initially, I had quite a low balance. I was at my limit once and cleared it and then I’ve been quite close to my limit for a while now.
Just wanted to say if you think you even might have been missold the ROP, it’s worth asking.
What a good end to the week. Sorry for the above novel but I was so grateful to have found this site and was interested in everyone’s experiences when waiting for my own decision so thought I’d share.
Tony says
Good afternoon,
I would be grateful of some advice.
I complained to Vanquis regarding ROP just before the ruling, they responded not upholding my complaint as they deemed it sold fairly.
I then escalated this to FOS.
Since then Vanquis responded to me regarding an affordability complaint which I made, which they refused stating over 6 years, this will also be escalated to FOS. Though within the response they confirmed that the original call and application were not avaliable for review.
I had the card from 2009 – 2013, credit limit increased from 500 to 2250.
My query is should I just wait for FOS to explore the ROP complaint, or should I go back to Vanquis?
Seeing refunds beginning to be issued, some rather promptly has got me worried.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
If the complaint is with the FOS, I am not sure what the point of going back to Vanquis is? you will be getting the automatic refund everyone will get, it’s just a question of whether the ROP itself is also refunded.
Rachael says
Ive had a payment of 503 on my credit card but not sure if its a interest payment refund or if its the ROP charges complaint. Been on holiday all week so dont know if theyve written to me
Gail says
I enquired how my case for Rop refund with the fos was going and received this reply from them this morning
We had a very productive phone call with Vanquis last week. The results of that call now have to be worked through. But once the particulars have been agreed, we hope to start progressing cases like yours in May.
At this stage I can’t say what it means for your case specifically. But please bear with us and we will contact you when your case gets to the top of the list.
Kk says
I have just received the exact same format email from my adjudicator from fos. Sounds promising :)
Richard C says
Hi Gail,
I had that response this morning as well, almost verbatim. As if the one invesgiator (likely) is working on it
Richard C says
Also, regarding working what you may/may not be owed on ROP. I went to a site called the calculator site and looked for a “compound interest calculator”. I changed it to GBP and went on the “standard calculator” tab, which lets you put in an amount (ROP for that month) plus a card APR, 39.9% in my case and you can select months (not years). the amounts seem to be quite correct. my card was £250 and maxed for nearly all of 54 months. the first ROP of £3.00 made in May 2013 equates to £17.55 now (not including notional/statutory 8% interest).
The problem is, you have to do this for every month in isolation counting down from the oldest to the youngest – 54, 53, 52, 51 etc. It may help give you some idea of the ROP you may be due back, if not other amounts.
Hayley Anderson says
I spoke to Vanquis today after they phoned me to update my details, my account is open and he 100% said to me that the refund would 90 days so upto the end of may, he said all people with refunds will receive a letter that is broken down to show their calculations and that they will also have the calculations on their computer systems.
Kara says
Did your details need updating or do you think they are calling everyone? I have an open account that has had a zero balance for a couple of years so I assumed they’d just send a cheque without first checking.
Hayley Anderson says
They said to me they first try phoning if that fails then they send emails and letter out, I’d phone them anyway to get everything up to date
Susie says
I received a letter today stating that would pay me 8% interest but have upheld the case for full payment back. Is this worth challenging with the ombudsman? The difference in payout would be huge I’m guessing.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
“a letter today stating that would pay me 8% interest but have upheld the case for full payment back” that is a bit confusing, is there a typo? have they broken down what they are offering? Also can you say when the account was opened and if you always ran a large balance on it?
Susie says
Sorry… I wrote a letter of complaint and asked for full ROP payment returned plus interest. I have received a letter stating that they will pay me interest only as it wasn’t clearly explained how much the ROP would cost and they never explained that they would consider freezing my account should I have payment difficulties.
They will be refunding me interest only charged from June 2014 – December 2016. They cannot confirm how much this will be but will write again and payment will be made within the next 180 days.
They have partially upheld my complaint because..
I understood the plan
The script was followed
Additional info wasn’t misleading
I accepted the plan
There was no pressure to accept.
I agreed to the plan as a feature on my account.
I’m guessing that means that they are not paying me back in full, just the 8% interest?
My account was opened in 2014 with £500 credit. I now have £4000 and I’ve always been at the top end of my credit.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Ok so they have rejected your request for a full refund and yiu will be getting the automatic one. The interest yiu will be getting back is whatever interest rate you are paying on the card … which will be a lot more than 8%.
If you disagree, that you still think the ROP was not properly explained for reasons other than the extra interest it has cost you* then you can send your complaint to the Financial Ombudsman, here is their online complaint form Doing this will not affect the automatic refund you will be getting.
* don’t go to the Ombudsman if you are only complaining because of the extra interest added, sbecause yiu are already going to be compensated for that.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
As an addition, increasing your credit limit from 500 to 4000 in three years is a lot. If yiu were only making the minimum payments during this time AND there were also recent problems showing on your credit record, read and think about whether you can make an affordability complaint to Vanquis that they should not have increased your limit so high.
If you decide to do this, put at the top of your complaint that this is a separate complaint from the one you sent them on dd/mm/yy, that it is about irresponsible lending, nit about ROP.
David Clarke says
I have been a vanquis customer since march 2008 and I have been paying for the cover since the beginning up until last month when I received an email breaking down the charges and I was gobsmacked at how much I was actually paying! I honestly had no idea whatsoever, and I don’t ever recall choosing to have the cover on my account, I actually thought it was just a benefit that came with the account.
My credit limit is £4000 and has been over £3000 for as long as I remember having the account and for most of the time my balance has never been far off from full.
I have rang and cancelled the cover last month and told them I would like to complain but after reading through this website I’m confused as to what the 6 year rule is or 6 + 3 year rule?
Could someone please explain it to me, and am I wasting my time and hope of getting a refund?
I’m so frustrated with it all and I literally felt sick when I saw the figures because over the years I have paid thousands for a service which I thought was actually free!
I’m obviously not very good at managing my finances, everything gets paid on time always, and more when I have it but I never really read the statements or opened the emails because I knew what I owed and what I had to pay.
Any advice is greatly appreciated.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Well done for cancelling the ROP – the essential first step.
You are automatically going to get a refund and it sounds as though it may be a big one from what you have said. The automatic refund will just be for the extra interest you have been charged, but for old complaints such as yours, the “extra interest” will normally be a LOT more than the ROP fees themselves.
Look back up these comments to the one from Rory on 12/13th April. He got a refund of just under 10k and of that only £1,300 was the ROP fees. So most of it was for extra interest and charges. You won’t get as much as that as he had his card from 2005, but you should still get a lot.
if you want a refund of the ROP fees as well as the extra interest, you will have to make a complaint to Vanquis, saying that you had not idea this was optional and so it was mis-sold. The “6year rule” is a limit over how far the Ombudsman will normally go back, but because your account is still open you can try arguing that it is irrelevant. The phrase “6+3” I dislike as it suggests that 9 years has some significance, which it hasn’t.
You could complain now – I don’t think it will slow down your automatic refund – or you could wait to see what refund you do get and then complain if you don’t think it is adequate?
David Clarke says
Hi Sara and thanks so much for the prompt response.
I did put in a complaint when I remove the rop from my account, and I received a letter on the 9th of April saying my complaint was still being investigated and if it wasn’t resolved in the next 8 weeks from receiving my complaint on the 13th March then they will write to let me know the next steps.
I read Rorys case and it’s unbelievable what you can end up paying without realising over time! I actually feel a bit stupid for bit realising but I genuinely had no idea I was being charged for it.
Thanks again and I will keep you updated on my progress.
Rachael says
I had my card from 2014
Majority of that time i had a limit of 1500
I complained on 15th march
Got full refund of rop and interest
Came to 503 was paid straight on to my account
Louise says
I am pleased to let you know you are eligible for a refund.
After an investigation by the Financial Conduct Authority, we agree that we weren’t clear, during the opt-in call, in explaining that charges for the Plan were purchase transactions on your credit card that were subject to interest at your normal contractual rate. We did send you that information in writing, but could have done more for which we apologise. We will be refunding you the interest charged relating to the Repayment Option Plan from 20 October 2004 until 10 July 2006. The refund will include 8% simple interest for any period your account would otherwise have been in credit.
I cannot confirm at this point exactly how much this refund will be, but don’t worry, as you don’t need to do anything further to receive this refund.
I do not understand any of this – can any one oblige? Sorry if I am being stupid it just blows my mind. Is it 8% up to the refund date also or just that timescale?
Village Idiot says
Is this the first piece of individual correspondence anyone has had about the ROP interest refund?
If so, Louise, a lot of peple will be interested to hear when you get your refund, in case you are one of the first!
Louise says
yes – This account is closed and I don’t understand what they mean no figures at all. Surely they had them? Don’t even know the ROP paid?
Village Idiot says
Say you get a refund of £500 for the ROP interest. Then say from 2006 until now you had a zero balance or closed the account. That means that for 12 years they have had £500 of your money. You could have had that in the bank earning interest. Instead, they did (or made money on it by lending it to someone else). So they repay you that interest that you could have earned. Now 8% is very generous compared to the real savings interest rates for the last 10 years but hey ho that’s the rate that seems to have been agreed.
8% interest for 12 years means they will owe you double (at least) what they took from you in ROP interest.
Hope that’s some help?
Louise says
Thank you – that’s brilliant. I have no idea how much I paid in interest for ROP – It was from the November 2004 they said until July 2016 I presume that was my first payment date. So it was 18 months approximately, I don’t even know if I had ROP Charges – do they not refund those also? They said that they had not sold it correctly listening to a call?
Many thanks for your guidance – they said 180 days?? why does it take so long?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
I am going to assume that you opened the account in 2010, always ran a balance on your account (never paid it down to zero) and closed it in 2015, just so I can explain where the 8% comes in.
From 2010-15, you were charged ROP. This was added to your Vanquis statements as though you had bought something costing that amount. So every month you would be charged another lot of ROP plus also interest at Vanquis’s very high rate on the previous months ROP. So from 2010-15 you will get a refund of the very high interest that was being added. Say that comes to £1000
When you closed your account, this extra interest stopped being added. So from 2015 to now, you will get an extra 8% per year added, £80 a year for about 3 years, adding up to another £240.
Louise says
Thank you Sara – that it great. I guess It is a wait and see game – they mentioned the 6year ruling so I cant take to the Ombudsman? It will take 180 days they said?
Why cant they calculate it now – thy don’t have the amount they said?
CLINT says
you can still go to the FOS if you believe the ROP was sold wrongly
the reason for the time delay I think is two fold
1 there are many accounts to deal with
2 they want to hang onto as much money as they can for as long as they can
Sara (Debt Camel) says
The longer the delay the more they pay out in interest.
Louise says
Even though I am under this 6 year 3 year ruling as they said I cant? I don’t understand it TBH they couldn’t tell me how much but sent me a letter? surely they know how much ROP and interest I paid it was via a complaint?
Gail says
I believe you will receive compound interest based upon your purchase interest % for each payment for rop you made whilst you had a balance on your account then if eg your account was closed or no balance you will receive 8% simple interest ie not compound on the amount owed. In other words they had that money for all the time and now have to pay interest on it
Louise says
great thanks Gail – all mind blowing to me. I had an active balance of 1k at least during the 18 months I had the account and ROP – so I just don’t know what the figure will be 180 days they said and will notify me the breakdown prior to the payment.