The repayments on many loans and car finance are too high to be manageable so people get deeper into debt trying to repay them.
When you applied, a lender should have checked a loan would be affordable for you – often they did not check properly and you should never have been given this loan.
This article describes how to complain, with a template to use.
Many people have won complaints using this. If you win, you get the interest refunded in cash. When you still owe a balance, the interest is removed so you only repay what you borrowed.
These complaints do not hurt your credit record if you carry on making the loan repayments while the complaint goes through.
A quick overview
What types of loans?
- any personal loans, including high-cost lenders, bank loans, and credit union loans;
- you can complain if you are still paying the loans, it has already been repaid, it has defaulted, or you have a payment arrangement/DMP;
- a consolidation loan may have been cheaper than the credit cards it cleared – but it may still have been unaffordable!
- you can also complain about car finance. But if you are still paying car finance, be careful – read Car finance affordability – what you get if you win a complaint
- the complaints here do not apply to mortgages or business loans.
What is “unaffordable”?
The regulator says “affordable” means:
you can make the repayments without hardship or having to borrow elsewhere.
For large loans, a lender should have made adequate checks at the start. The larger your loan, the worse your credit score and the more other debt you had, the closer a lender should look.
If your loan was fine at the beginning and only caused problems later when you lost your job or your mortgage repayments went up, you are unlikely to win an affordability complaint as this could not have been predicted at the start.
How does this work?
You first make a complaint to the lender saying the loan was unaffordable and ask for a refund of the interest.
There is a template here you can adapt to say what happened to you. Send it by email.
The lender has up to 8 weeks to reply. Lenders reject many good complaints, so you can send a rejection to the Financial Ombudsman.
Complain to the lender
Email addresses for lenders
If your loan has been sold to a debt collector, send your complaint to the original lender not the debt collector.
It’s easiest if all communications are by email – free, instant and you have a copy with a date stamp to show the ombudsman.
For banks, see this list here: email complaint addresses for banks.
For car finance and logbook loans, see this list: email address for car finance lenders
Here are the email addresses for some non-bank lenders. There are a lot of other smaller lenders, including many Credit Unions. If your lender is not listed, ask in the comment below for an email address.
Abound (used to be Fintern)
Avant Credit
Bamboo Loans
Better Borrow
Everyday Loans – for loans after 31 March 2021 complain to using the template in this article. It is no longer possible to make complaints about their loans before that date
Fair Finance
Finio Loans (rebrand of Likely Loans)
Fluro (used to be Lending Works)
Koyo loans
Lifestyle Loans
Likely Loans – see Finio
Loans by Mal (Monthly Advance Loans)
Loans 2 Go read Loans2Go – how to complain
My Community Bank
Novuna (used to be called Hitachi)
Progressive Money
Quick Loans
Salary Finance (Neyber) (for loans, not “pay advance”)
Snap Finance
TM Advances
118 118 Money
Use this template
Email the lender to begin your complaint. Put AFFORDABILITY COMPLAINT as the subject of your email.
Template for you to adapt:
Please confirm the date this loan started, the amount, the interest rate and the monthly repayments. [don’t include this if you already know the information]
I am asking for a refund of the interest and any charges I paid, plus statutory interest, and to delete any negative information from my credit record. [the refunds for car finance can be a lot more complicated than this, see but this is all you need to put in your complaint]
I also want the CCJ that I have for this debt set aside. [delete this sentence if you don’t have a CCJ!]
I attach copies of my bank statements and credit report from the time I applied for this loan/these loans. [delete if you don’t yet have them yet, but they help your case if you do. Even if they show gambling, that supports your argument the loan was unaffordable.]
I didn’t know that the lender was supposed to check that I could repay the loan without having to borrow more. I only found out in [2024] when I saw a newspaper article in the Sun/an advert on Facebook for refunds/a friend said they had made a complaint/whatever. So I am complaining within 3 years of having found out that I have cause to complain. [only put this paragraph if some of your loans are more than 6 years old. It explains why you haven’t complained before. It’s only an example so change it so it really covers what happened to you!]
Add extra information if you want – see below for some ideas – you don’t have to do this.
Do you need a payment arrangement now?
If you want an affordable payment arrangement now, add a sentence to the complaint saying this. These complaints may take months to sort out – a payment arrangement can get your finances into a safe place:
- a payment arrangement shows on your credit record, but if you win the complaint all negative marks will be deleted
- talk to a debt adviser such as National Debtline if you want to know more about payment arrangements
- but don’t risk a payment arrangement for car finance or a logbook loan – one would put your car at risk.
Other details to add if you want
The template above is fine, you don’t have to add a lot more details.
But you can add extra points if they apply in your case, for example
- my bank statements and credit record (attached) show that I was unable to afford the loan repayments.
- this was a large loan, you knew I had poor credit and may have been in a difficult position so you should have tried to verify my income and expenses. If you had done this, you would have rejected my application.
- during a telephone call, your agent suggested some figures should be lower to get my application accepted.
- if the lender was your bank – you should have seen from my bank account that I was in financial difficulty, I was using my overdraft a lot, I was only making minimum payments to my credit card from you.
And some examples of points about top-ups:
- a credit check would have shown that my finances had got worse since the first loan
- I had said the first loan was to consolidate debt, but you should have seen that this hadn’t happened.
While you are waiting for a reply
Try to get copies of your bank statements from 3 months before a loan to three months afterwards. You can get statements from closed bank accounts, normally going back 6 years.
Also get a statutory credit report now and download it. You can get one from TransUnion. Do this as soon as possible as sometimes the details change, so you want a full one saved to show the Ombudsman later if necessary.
Do not wait until the Ombudsman asks you for credit records or bank statements – you want them ready to hand. They really help your case as they prove your financial situation when you took the loan out.
You should get a response from the lender within 8 weeks. If you don’t, phone them up and ask when you will get it – a couple of days is worth waiting for but many responses are rejections, so don’t wait weeks for one, go to the Ombudsman straight away.
Go to the Ombudsman if you don’t get a good offer
Don’t be put off by a rejection! Or if the lender said it was your fault because your loan application wasn’t accurate – the lender should have made checks.
Sometimes a lender will send a long, complicated reply designed to make you look as though you should give up. If they say the loan was over 6 years ago, see below for “time limits”.
I suggest you rely on your instinct – if the loan caused you a lot of problems, send it to be looked at by the Ombudsman.
If you aren’t sure, ask in the Comments below this article. You only have 6 months to send the complaint to FOS, so it’s best to do this as soon as possible.
It isn’t usually worth trying to negotiate with these lenders, you are just wasting your time.
Send to Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS)
It’s easy! Use the “do it online” option to send a complaint to the Ombudsman. It asks you for all the details they need.
The main part of your complaint can be a version of what you sent the lender in your complaint. Add any more details you want, including pointing out mistakes in the lender’s reply. Also attach:
- the reply from the lender
- Trans Union statutory credit record
- bank statements starting 3 months before first loan
- do not worry if you don’t have A copy of your credit or finance agreement – lots of people don’t. The lender will supply a copy if FOS asks for it. Don’t delay sending a complaint to FOS while you try to get this from the lender.
Other information that may help your case
Don’t delay sending a case to the Ombudsman while waiting for this information.
If you don’t have the bank statements from the time of the loan application, get them now. You can get these going back at least 6 years even from closed accounts. And you can often go back a lot further with an account that you are still using.
This is a good point to ask the lender for a Subject Access Request (SAR) if you are missing information that may come in useful at the Ombudsman. This could be your loan applications, all credit and other affordability checks and assessments, and a statement of account for the loans, and – if you think this will help – a record of all phone calls.
Your lender will have details of how to ask for this information on their website – it’s often included in their Privacy Policy, with a link at the bottom of web pages.
“Is there a time limit?”
You can’t complain about a loan that started before April 2007 – that is when the law changed to allow these complaints.
Lenders will often reject a complaint if the loan started more than 6 years ago.
But if your loan was still being repaid within the last 6 years, the Ombudsman may well decide they can look at it. So if your loan started in 2017 and finished in 2021, send this to the Ombudsman if the lender says it’s too old, because it isn’t.
The ombudsman may also look at older loans if you had a continuous stream of borrowing which carried on into the last 6 years. So if you had 2 loans, the first from 2014-17, when it was refinanced into a loan from 2017-2021, the Ombudsman may decide they can look at the earlier loan as well. And if you had two overlapping loans, eg from 2014-2019 and 2017-2022, the Ombudsman may look at both.
But if your loans from this lender ended more than 6 years ago, then it is very unlikely you will win a case at the Ombudsman.
Need some help?
Don’t use a claims management company. They are expensive, often incompetent and use a similar template to the one in this article.
Instead ask a question in the comments below.
Ciaran says
Has anyone had any joy with five lamps/conduit?
Timka says
Please may I ask perhaps a silly question – some people say they received a reply from adjudicator and some talk about Ombudsman. I thought I need to take it further with Ombudsman if I am not happy with 118118 final response email. Am I right to use this link for my complaint as a next stage after 118118 reply? Sorry if this is a silly question.
I guess I wanted to say, I do not understand who adjudicator is and should I complain to them first?
JA says
Once the company has responded to your complaint and if you are not happy you can take it to the Financial Ombudsman Service ( FOS ) There you will send in your complaint and after a wait (quite long with high cost loans ) you will be assigned an adjudicator. They will review your complaint and decide what the best method would be to solve the complaint going forward. You and the lender have rights to disagree with the adjudicator and then an Ombudsman can make the final decision ( Again can take a long time before you get an ombudsman decision )
Hope this helps
JA says
In response to Timka ^
Timka says
Thank you so much! Now I understand :)
Timka says
Received a reply from Bamboo today as well (after around 1 month waiting time so not long). Out of 3 loans they only upheld my complaint about the third one for which they are removing interest. These were all continuous loans. I will take this one further. They say they did not uphold for the first two as I had good income and all payments were on time. They do ignore the fact that I g=had to juggle between them and payday loans and other high interest loans to pay them and jumped over hoops to do that. Off to Ombudsman we go with this one too.
Kasia says
I just received email from 118 118, that they won’t uphold my complain, so I’m going to complain to the financial Ombudsman, but in the email, they said that they don’t allow customers to have more than one open loan at the time, I have borrowed £1500 form them and a year later they offered me a top up loan, which was a new loan really, on a very high interest. This is the loan I want to dispute as I feel, they prayed on my bard financial situation. Original loan was on 99% interest and to up on £249%!! Do you think I stand a chance?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Offering a top-up loan does not break their own rule that you can only have one loan at a time.
I think you should be complaining about both loans. It may well be that you were in such a bad financial situation when you took the top up because the first loan was unaffordable! So send them both to the ombudsman and ask them to look into this for you.
Kasia says
Thank you, I did already.
I had a lot of pay day loans on the top of this one and credit cards as well, all started with one pay day loan when I was young…
Timka says
Wow wow wow!!! UPDATE! I replied to Bamboo just one sentence saying I do not agree to their resolution and will complain to Ombudsman. One sentence! Another person has now come back to me saying that “having now reviewed the response, I can see that there was evidence to suggest that you may have been experiencing some financial difficulty when you first applied for a loan with us. In view of this I have decided to overturn our original decision and uphold your complaint in respect of all three loans and will agree to remove all interest and charges from the three loans you have had with Bamboo….
In cases where lenders uphold a complaint, the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS) state the following guidelines on their website:
‘Our starting point is that the borrower has had the benefit of the money they borrowed and it’s fair that they should pay it back. So if a borrower has a complaint upheld, and there’s still an outstanding balance on the credit we’ll usually tell the lender to remove all the interest and charges applied from the start’
In total you have received advances of £2,095.36 from Bamboo and we have received payments of £2,196.36 from you. This means that a refund of £101.00 is now due to you. We feel that this is a fair and reasonable resolution on the basis that you have had the benefit of the money that we lent you.”
Timka says
My last loan is still open previously they said they would uphold only the last loan. They said, I’d only have to repay £280.68. This amount plus £101 they are offering to repay me now would mean I only paid £381.68 in interest for all three loans, seems little. I guess I need to do some math. But it is a good success I guess :) Woohooo!!!!
Sarah, you do realise, you change peoples’ lives with this webpage! Thank you so so much!
Don Meredith says
Hi all just hoping for a bit of advice With avant credit
Someone on here complained in May 2019 to the ombudsman and has had it picked up a week ago, yet I complained to them in November 2018 and it still hasn’t been picked up?
It’s not a special case, it’s two loans a year apart I believe were unaffordable due to circumstances.
Craig Wallace says
My complaint to Barclaycard ‘re limit being raised 4 times from £1000 to £6600 with no communication each time, various pay day loans at same time and only ever paying the monthly payment. They have replied stating they carried out checks each time they increased the limit and that pay day loans were factored into their overall decisions…. they have reimbursed my account with £500 as a goodwill gesture! Ombudsman seems like a good idea
Craig Wallace says
My concern is the they revoke the £500 goodwill gesture
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Over how long a period was this and how long ago?
Craig Wallace says
From 2010 till present
Tammy says
Anybody taken Oakam Ltd to FOS? If yes, what was the outcome?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Yes, they are small so rarely mentioned but the FOS decisions are the same for all other payday lenders.
Andrew says
Hi has anyone had any dealing with a refund with car cash point or any other log book loan I have had it with FOS for just shy of a year just been picked up wondered what others experience was
chris says
Yes I have a complaint against them with the FOS. Been with them for 7 months and no movement so I think long waits all round.
KH says
I have just had an adjudicator response and they have upheld loans 2-8 with Satsuma .. I’ve not read great things about Satsumas responses so am expecting them to either not reply or to reject .. does anyone know timescales from adjudicator to ombudsman?
Catherine says
I had one loan upheld (only had the one)by adjudicator with Satsuma last week they have until the 10th of March to respond,but I’m thinking the same as you as not heard good things about their communication with the FOS.
Good luck
KH says
Will you come back on here and update if you hear anything? So frustrating feel so close but know it could be ages!
Has anyone had a complaint upheld by the adjudicator against Satsuma that they actually agreed with and paid?
Dan says
My adjudicator upheld loans 2 to 5 and satsuma went way over the deadline to reply but did agree with him. Recieved cheque in post yesterday
Catherine says
Hi Dan
By ‘way over’ how long do you mean?
Wonder why they send a cheque and don’t just transfer it.
Dan says
7 or 8 weeks past deadline. I thought it was going to ombudsman but got the cheque in the post
JA says
I sent off two cases for an ombudsman final decision in sept and both have not been looked at yet. The lenders are newday (Aqua credit card) & Moneyboat.
SJP says
I have also just had an Adjudicator response and they have upheld loans 5 to 9. Its taken 8 months to get to this stage as Satsuma never respond to Emails etc they have been given till the 17th March to respond but unlikely they will respond by then its been a constant frustrating battle and one of the worse companies i have dealt with regarding complaints.
Guppy says
I am still repaying a likely loan can i still make a complaint?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Yes you can. If the repayments are unmanageably high, ask LL for lower payments at the same time as complaining.
Glen says
Just reporting great success with Bamboo loans,
They handled the complaint very well, never thought I’d get anything sorted from all this but they have upheld 3 of my 4 loans I’ve taken out with them, 3 were top ups.Outcome after using the template I’ve got £4300 worth of interest knocked off leaving my current loan with just £2100 to pay instead of £6400. Great result from nothing.
On top of my jar and Wonga it’s now got me £4900 roughly worth of money and savings back .
Thanks to this site and advice from Sara
Claire says
Hi Glen how long did it take for Bamboo to finalise your complaint?
glen says
from start to finish around 5-6 weeks from sending first letter to decision.cant fault them
Lisa G says
118 118 UPDATE: My case at the FOS for 118 was picked up by an adjudicator on 18/02/20 (first submitted to FOS in Jan 2019). Today I’ve received their recommendation; interest on all 3 of my loans is to be refunded and negative marks removed from my credit file.
I took out 3 loans in pretty quick succession and paid them off quickly so the interest on all 3 amounts to about £1350 (without the 8% or 20% tax). I’m overjoyed though. I thought I’d win on the last one but to win on all 3 is great news for me.
My adjudicator has given them until 16/03 to respond. Does anyone know if 118 respond to the adjudicator within the time they allocate? Or does the case normally end up in the ombudsman queue?
I’ve only got EDL to go now with the FOS. This was picked up on 22/01/20 but as yet nothing from the adjudicator.
I’ve also logged a complaint with Progressive Money but it’s still within the 8 weeks they have to respond so very early days yet.
John C says
I’ve had a similar result at the FOS through an adjudicator but a couple of days ahead. 118 have until the 13th to agree or to an ombudsman. I’ve not seen too many people comment after adjudicator decisions with what 118 did. Fingers crossed
Catherine says
I’ve had my 118 complaint upheld but a adjudicator today they have until the 19th of March to respond.
Seems the FOS have started to pick up cases a lot quicker in recent weeks.
I’ve been told today 3 of my other cases have now been allocated.
Anyone know what 118 are like at responding and if they tend to agree at adjudicator stage??
Lisa G says
The adjudicator gave 118 money until the 16/03 to respond. To my surprise, I heard back from her yesterday (06/03) and 118 money have agreed to her findings. They are going to refund me the interest on all 3 loans (total amount with 8% is about £1800 minus 20% tax) and update my credit file. I’ve accepted and now I’m just waiting for 118 to contact me for bank details etc. I’ll chase this during the week.
Having dealt with Satsuma and Provident and waited months and months for them to respond I was floored that 118 got back so quickly. Other than the initial long wait for the case to be allocated, I’ve been really impressed with the speed this has been dealt with.
I still haven’t heard anything about my EDL complaint though 🤷♀️.
Catherine says
Hi Lisa,
So when did the adjudicator first uphold and send you findings?
Crossing my fingers they agree with the adjudicator on mine.
Lisa G says
Hi Catherine,
The adjudicator upheld my complaint on 02/03, she emailed both me and 118 money her findings that afternoon.
On the afternoon of 06/03 118 money came back and accepted..
Now just waiting for 118 to contact me.
I’ll keep my fingers crossed for you 🤞
John C says
Hi Lisa, that’s fantastic news, and although I don’t know your circumstances for complaint, or that of Catherine’s, hopefully 118 are agreeing with the majority of adjudicator decisions. I’ve not heard anything back from adjudicator on my case and seemed to be a couple of days ahead of you, so fingers crossed something comes back in the next couple of days
Catherine says
Hi Lisa have you heard from 118 yet about sending refund?
Lisa G says
Hi Catherine.
I called the 118 complaints number yesterday and gave over my bank details. He said they update a spreadsheet with the details of people due refunds and it goes to a manager to sign off and issue.
He said I’d get 6 payments. I had 3 loans, 3 payments would be the interest on each loan and 3 payments would be the 8% for each interest. It’s just how they audit it.
He said I’d get the payment within 5 days.
Last night I got the 3 payments of 8%. I’d expect to get the next 3 by Friday at the latest.
I hope that helps.
John C says
I’ve rang 118 money today as Lisa did, rather than the adjudicator, and it turns out 118 money have agreed not to challenge the adjudicator decision. The person on the phone took my bank account details, so it was on the system for when needed. I was told payment should be within 10 days, so hopefully see that soon. Absolutely over the moon, should hopefully help nail that mortgage now and I can finally move on completely from the last 13 years of payday and high cost loans and constant debt
Catherine says
Hi John,
Great news
What did you say when you rang118?What date were they suppose to respond to Adjudicator?
John C says
Hi Catherine, just explained I had a complaint in with the FOS and wondered if they had an update. He asked if I’d heard from adjudicator and I said I hadn’t. He confirmed response had gone back on Monday (same as Lisa’s) and what although reply was inc how much refund I would get. Surprisingly easy considering how bad 118 money had previously been
John C says
Hi Lisa, just checking to see if you had the rest of your refund yet?
I spoke to the adjudicator and have been told that 118 didn’t make it clear if they had deducted the 20% from the interest refund so had asked for them to clarify, but hadn’t had anything back. Not sure if this will delay my refund or not
Joe says
Have you herd anything back from Progressive money as I also have logged a complain to them last month.
Lisa Germany says
Hi Joe. No nothing. I got an acknowledgement letter but they have until the 9th April, then the 8 weeks is up and I’ll log the complaint with the FOS.
Joe says
Hi Lisa
I’ve received a response from progressive and they are not upholding my complaint. I will now be proceeding with the FOS. What has been your outcome ?
Lisa G says
Hi Joe, I received my decision from them about a week ago and they didn’t uphold. They basically said they went through my application and everything was in order. I’ll send it to the FOS too. Let me know how you get on!
Rosie says
Sent a complaint to FOS in January about MYJAR and within a month adjudicator has upheld my complaint. First 2 loans were deemed affordable but 3rd loan for £2k wasn’t. Anyone dealt with MYJAR ? Are they likely to drag this out further ?
R says
Hi Rosie,
From personal experience (and others on here) they tend to agree with the adjudicator. They made me a paltry offer, which I rejected, and the adjudicator ruled that all loans, from loan 3 onward, shouldn’t have been granted. I’m not guaranteeing that this will still be the case, but fingers crossed.
Paul says
My complaint about Avant credit was picked up by an adjudicator on 19/02/2020 but I’ve not heard anything should it take this long.
Gemma says
Hi, mine was picked up at the same time and the adjudicator has agreed with me and responded to Avant. They’ve given them until the 17th March to respond? Any idea how long they take to pay once agreed?
Thanks in advance 😁
Jo says
I had an email from Avant on 25th February saying they were upholding my complaint, today received an email from them with the amount I will be getting refunded. The email said payment will be made into my bank account within 30 days
Gemma says
Great well done Jo, let us know when you get paid into your account. Did you have to go through the FOS or was it Avant direct confirming it was upheld?
Jo says
Sorry only just seen this, it was Avant that upheld my complaint then took a week to reply with amount of redress and then the email said you will receive payment within 30 days… still waiting but it was a breath of fresh air for me and my children. I hope you all do well and win your case, Avant were great with with me but Bamboo refused and I appealed their decision direct and today had confirmation that as a goodwill gesture they will write the rest of the loan off… TBH I’m happy with that as another one less thing thing to worry about.
I hope you get what you’re owed and have a great outcome. I will post when the money hits my account x
Pete says
How long did you wait from submitting it to the fos to hear anything back from them
Pete says
In regards to Avant
Lisa says
Finally had my mobile money complaint picked up by an adjudicator, it’s been a long wait but will keep you updated, I had 8 loans over a period of 20 months with little checks, constant missed/late payments and they let me continuously top up my loan until payments were so high I had to hand my car over !! They refused to look at it due to the age of the loans they were between 2012-2014 so be curious what happens.
Jo says
Hi Sara
I had a response from Avant Credit last week upholding my complaint… great news… this loan was for £5000 and taken out in January 2016 and I’m just waiting on their calculations etc t either pay the remaining balance and refund. I had a complaint in with Bamboo for a loan I took out in July 2016 for £3000 which they came back and said was affordable. my credit file shows different… I’ve checked my SAR and they have no record of phone calls after 23rd October 2018… I had been put under their specialist team for vulnerability due to domestic and financial abuse of myself and children. They then sold my loan in June/July 2019 to TBI financial debt management who have had my account on hold due to vulnerability since they took it over.
I have gone back and asked Bamboo to reconsider as they had been informed of the situation and questioned why they said my mortgage had bene paid off when actually it was under repossession at the time… they said hey will treat it as urgent and the complaints team will reconsider and get back to me in 7 days. What do you think the chances are of them now upholding the compliant?
Thanks for your site…. it’s helped me loads.. Jo
JOJO says
Hi sarah
Just wanted a word of advice please. This is more relative to complaint I have with the FOS at the moment. There are certain things I am not understanding.
I had SNC complaint upheld from May 2017 to October 2018 ( which was when I put myself into °DMP). I had a 118118 loan complaint upheld. I had a likely loans complaint not upheld. How can 2 adjudicators see the financial mess I was in but the 3rd didn’t?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Hard to say. The adjudicator is looking for 2 things (1) were you in a mess (2) should the lender have known this?
How large were t=your 118 Money loans? how large was the Likely Loan?
DM84 says
Hi JO,
I have just had one of my 118118 loans upheld whilst my likely was not upheld too. It frustrates me because the likely loans one I felt the adjudicator let me down then the ombudsman just went with it. It just seems luck of draw to me as to how they interpret things.
The 118118 loan as well seemed to be backed up with evidence where the likely loans decision used assumptions and not facts.
I asked for a review for my likely loans but they refused as 3 months had passed.
JOJO says
Hi sarah. 118118 was £2k single loan. And likely was 2 loans 2016 and 2017 for £1250 and then £2k. There was loads of PDL, maxed credit cards, lived in overdraft. SnC upheld from May 17 to Oct 18. So especially the Sept 17 likely loan I cant understand how the adjudicator has not seen what the snc and 118 Audjucicators seen. Sunny upheld. Provident upheld. Uncle buck didn’t but this was a small single loan but the last loan before DMP. Theres loads EDL waiting feedback. Drafty awaiting feedback.lending stream awaiting feedback. Theres a couple more I forget who they are now theres that many. How would you approach the subject with the LL adjudicator as I obviously don’t agree.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
I would say that you have read and you think these Likely Loans were large in relation to your income so LL should have looked at your credit record where they would have seen all your other debts. And wanting to borrow more in 2017 should have warned then that the first loan was probably not affordable.
Ask for the case to go to an Ombudsman if the adjudicator doesn’t change their mind.
Linds says
Are guarantor loans and logbook loans a lot harder to deal with at the FOS level or are they just busy. The longest complaint I have with the FOS is 9 months and my payday loans were dealt with a lot quicker than that?
Thank you
Sara (Debt Camel) says
I think you got lucky with your payday loans :)
Logbook loans do seem to be taking a while. For guarantor lons there was a backlog in first half on 2019 but that has largely gone and i think they will bei going through faster.
Andrew says
Hi my log book loan was sent to FOS Apr last year it has just in last week or so been picked up by adjudicator I don’t know whether its harder to win these or not the adj said there had been a delay while they work out how to deal with high cost loans
Sara I can’t seem to find any successes or not for log book loans do you know much about success rates?
Kat says
Can I ask please, people that have accepted a refund, (particularly Bamboo) whether direct from the lender or via FOS, how much, percentage wise they got? Just wondering if I should be looking at getting an amount back for 10% or 100% of the interest/late payment fees really. Thank you
Sara (Debt Camel) says
how many loans did you have from Bamboo?
Kat says
I had a £3500 loan, then a few months later topped up to £5000. I finally finished paying it Dec 2019 after a couple of ‘holiday payments’ but I can see I had sent about 10 requests for holiday payments too which got declined, I really struggled.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
OK, so it depends if the offer is for the second loan only or the first and second loan. You should be refunded all of the interest you paid on a loan that is being refunded, not a percentage of it.
Kat says
Thank you so much Sara, fingers crossed I can push for both loans.
Anon says
Thank you Sara for this site, I had racked up 18k worth of debt in my 20’s through a mix of both sheer naive greed and trying to support my family on a low wage. Fast forward to now, im in my mid 30’s, my daughter is in high school, im in a higher paid job and things are getting easier but its taken me a long time to finally climb out of the debt pit. 2 yrs ago i finally entered into a DMP and made considerable inroads into that debt from 18k to 10k, but 10k is of course still a considerable chunk to pay back, anyway… in Dec 2019 i used your irresponsible lending template against Everyday Loans, yesterday i received notice that they have upheld my complaint, and stated that although the loan was deemed affordable, it was unsustainable, to date I’ve paid them back £7.5k, but they agreed i should only have pay the principal amount borrowed, so they are writing off the rest of the interest and will be refunding me £2.5k of interest soon. I realise i could have gone to FO who may have clawed back more £, but i just want it over and closed. Off the back of their decision my overall debt has now just dropped from 10k to 4k, and i will finally be debt free this year, so thank you for the work you do on this website, it has helped me so much – finally see the light – never again.
Meld says
Hey, just read you’re comments and wanted to say well done on becoming closer to debt free. I have a complaint with Everyday loans since March 2019 and it was taken on by an adjudicator today, he’s asked for more information as I was 7 and a half months pregnant at the time of taking the loan so went onto maternity wages 2 months after receiving loan so it put me into debt very quickly. Hoping I get some good news like you as it was 5 years of paying a £2000 loan on a massive interest rate. Scary. Good luck for the future.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
You took the loan in-store? They must have spotted you were 7 and a half months gone! Point that out to the adjudicator if you haven’t specifically mentioned it.
Meld says
Thanks for reply. Yes I filled it out in store. Il send you what the adjudicator have asked me;
“You’ve mentioned in your complaint that you were around seven and a half months pregnant at the time of applying for the loan from Everyday Loans. What questions (if any) were you asked regarding your pregnancy and ability to sustainably repay the loan? Did you inform the business that you were pregnant or that your income was likely to decrease? If so, how did you do this? (verbally or in writing)
How long had you been employed by xxxx at the time of applying for your loan and what level of maternity pay were you entitled to? (e.g. 6 months full pay followed by 6 months half pay, statutory maternity pay, a percentage of your full pay for a set period of time)”
I have been honest With my answers, I didn’t tell every day loans my wages were going to go decrease as I was desperate for the loan. However it was to eye very clear I was heavily pregnant and they didn’t mention it in my application either or take it into consideration. Also I have told him that I tried to repay early as a family member was willing to help me out but they told me It would not make a difference to my loan balance, which I found outrageous as surely it would be minus some of the high interest. Really hoping they agree with me on this case.
Thanks Sara
Glen says
Well another final bit of great news, 118 money came back with an answer to my complaint and upheld it, saving me £1800 in interest of my current loan.
This will end them all for me now, Satsuma I’m not holding up much hope but I will end my journey on here by saying a massive thank you for all advice and for just giving me a simple tool to do this,
I’ve saved and got back nearly £7000 , all the l8kes of Sunny, 118, Bamboo, My jar, Wonga were easy to deal with in truth, I can’t fault them .Only Natwest rejected me and I’m considering sending it to FOS , how long do I get to make that decision?
Thank you all once again, what a difference this makes now
Sara (Debt Camel) says
That’s a good haul!
You have six months from a final response by a lender to take the case to FOS.
Michelle says
Hi Glen that’s great can I ask how long 118 took to reply was it in first 8 weeks? Thank you
Sonya Hawley says
This is SO helpful. I am pursuing Sunny, My Jar, Satsuma, Natwest and also Barclaycard. Only started the journey last week so it’s lovely to see these words which have encouraged me!
PH says
Sara – quick question…
I put an SAR in with EDL, and they have sent it to me today. However, with regards to the credit check they completed ,they have sent me someone else’s details, including their DOB, Bank account number, sort code and address. I take it I should highlight this to them?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
I suggest you reply that you have been sent someone else details and you want to ask for compensation for this breach of GDPR. the going rate is about £75.
Emma says
I have also received my EDL documents today, they must be on a roll! Half of it means nothing to me at the moment, there are errors with some things I said or that are in their notes. But what I would like to know is what the ‘remaining income’ figure that is referred to a few times is. Does anyone know if this would be the income they consider is available to make payments to them? And also, are they meant to leave you with some of this after calculating payments?
Thanks for any insight that can be given.
Catherine says
Hi Sara,
How is the 8% worked out please.
Had 118 loan upheld so interest to be refunded is £688 this was taken 25/6/2018 over 18months so was repaid in January this year.Payments were £97 a month.
Had satsuma loan upheld interest to be refunded £448 this was taken in July 2018 over 6months at £158 a month but due to reducing payments to only £50 a month after only one payment this extended the loan term and I finished paying this in February this year.
Any ideas on what the 8% should be,I know it won’t be much but I’m not sure how to work it out.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
The 8% will be very little for the 118 as it has only just been repaid perhaps £40-45. And even less for the Satsuma.
Kasia says
Do you know how long it could take for the case to be allocated to the adjudicator and how long is it take then to be finalised? I know every case is different, but I am looking at the rough idea?
mark says
Hi, I took a £2000 loan over 24 months from 118118 money last august, I was stupid and had big gambling problems. I took this out while I had multiple payday loans at the time also. I paid 2 months worth of repayments but then all the debt got on top of me and a family member had to pay all my debts off for me, including this one, I think I paid about 500 interest in total. Is there any chance for a refund do you think?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
People are winning one loan cases against 118 money. So if you think anyone looking at your credit record would have realised you couldn’t afford the loan, this is worth a try!
Linds says
Is it worth calling the FOS to ask for an update as my complaint has been with them for 9 months? No one has responded to an email I have sent. I do appreciate they are extremely busy but an update would be greatly received.
Linds says
I did call and it is waiting to be picked up by an investigator, they said they will be in touch in a few months.
Pete says
Good evening
Finally managed to have a bit of success with Satsuma (provident) they point blank refused to listen to any points in my complaint and said I had complained previously so cannot take it any further however I then tagged a ceo into the emails and 24hrs later they’ve come back with a different response
£377 odd remaining balance written off
£283.46 refund as a cheque not sure if this is the norm with their refund method
Once again thanks to Sara for all the advice on these pages
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Well done! Yes Satsuma normally refund by cheque, weird…
Pete says
Cheque came through yesterday 😊
Once again thanks for the help on the site
S123 says
What email did you use for the ceo?
Pete says
S123 says
Thank you Pete
Soph says
Hi Sara,
A long shot but is it possible to make a second complaint after the first was rejected a year ago?
Thank you
Sara (Debt Camel) says
No. You should have gone to the Financial Ombudsman then.
Fee says
Hi there
I want to put in an Affordability complaint for Lendable/Lendy. I can’t see this company listed, is it realistic to put this in? Anyone know why it’s not listed along with Bamboo/Everyday Loans/118 etc as I think similar interest rates and similar target market. Was a 6k loan that was definitely unaffordable.
Many thanks, Fee
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Lendable and Lendy are two different lenders I think? And Lendy is in administration. Which did you use?
Fee says
Hi Sara sorry for confusion. Lendable. This is the email address we use.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Ok, they have only been mentioned by a few people. A complaint would go to
Fee says
My question concerns 1st Stop Loans. Our Loan with 1st Stop is secured as a 3rd charge on our house (yes 3rd). We’re 6 months into facing our debt head on, I’m negotiating informal arrangements with creditors (unsecured), myself. I also intend to put in several affordability complaints. I’ve been told by several sources that we should never have been given this 1st Stop loan as our outgoings were already massive when we got it. We’ve had it for less than a year and are presently paying less than the full monthly payment, 1st Stop are being very understanding. But we’re racking up arrears (approved but still arrears) No one really wants to comment on a secured loan, I can see clear steps to take with unsecured loans, log book loans etc. Can I treat this loan the same in terms of an Affordability complaint, ask them to refund interest etc. Thanks for the site, it’s brilliant and apologies if I’ve broken the rules by posting 2 comments in a day, I’m new to the site. I thought it would be OK as it is 2 different questions I’m asking.
Many thanks
Sara (Debt Camel) says
What is the second charge? How much equity is there in the house and how large are your unsecured debts? Has anything changed in your situation since you took this 1st stop loan?
DM84 says
Another success story to report against 118.
I had 3 loans, Loan No.2 was deemed unaffordable my adjudicator. They sent their decision to me and 118. I agreed with loan 1 and 2 outcome but not 3. I have not received any further communication since from either FOS & 118 although I have noticed that 118 have returned all interest from Loan 2 plus 8% interest and deducted it from my remaining loan balance.
For anyone with a remaining loan and a recent upheld decision it is worth checking their 118 balance to see if they have done the same.
Upheld decision sent to 118 & myself on 3rd March 2020 and refunded today (9th March 2020).
Thank you Sara.
John C says
Another good result there DM84, seems strange that 118 money have actioned their refund before you have agreed or disagreed with adjudicator. Maybe hoping you’ll accept? I would be pushing the FOS now
Slightly frustrating that both yourself and Lisa had upheld decision from adjudicator a couple of days after myself and I’ve had nothing back at all yet. Maybe pointing to 118 not upholding mine, hopefully that’s not the case
Nate says
Has anyone had any experience with moneybarn? I filed my complaint at the end of January and received my subject access report, then a further letter stating they need longer to investigate. Just wondering if anyone has had any success with moneybarn?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
they seem to reject all claims so expect the case to have to go to FOS. There are a few there at the moment, here is one
Nate says
Thank you Sara. I’ll be in touch once I hear back from them. Wish they’d pull their finger out and not give me false hope if they seem to reject all claims.
PF says
Hi Sara,
I’m getting quite concerned that the FOS are dragging their heels with Moneybarn complaints. An investigator from the FOS has had my complaint for around 6 weeks but still hasn’t given his assessment stating that Moneybarn complaints are quite complicated. So far I have had a number of complaints assessed a lot quicker than this, even a 10-year-old Amigo complaint was assessed within a couple of weeks.
If the chances are that Moneybarn is rejecting all Adjudicator assessments can I request that it goes straight in the queue for the Ombudsman?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
car finance complaints are more complicated…
If the chances are that Moneybarn is rejecting all Adjudicator assessments can I request that it goes straight in the queue for the Ombudsman?
are you asking if you can skip the adjudicator stage? No! That is not possible.
Wendy says
Has anyone had any luck with 118118 without it going passed the 8 weeks ?
Glen says
Yes , they were really easy to deal with and was sorted in 6 weeks, saved me £1700 on a current loan
Wendy says
Thanks glen I was at week 6 yesterday so fingers crossed 🤞 it won’t be to much longer
peter says
money barn any successful refunds I borrowed 5000 and played back 11200 back i was in 1200 inarears lots of default fees is it worth try to claim back interest
frogman says
Hi All,
Safetynet upheld my complaint yesterday. Any idea when I can expect refund in my account? I must confess that I have been impressed with their service. They have been quite quick with their response.
Nate says
They are quick. Refunds are usually paid on Friday the same week.
Glen says
Had some more great news this morning, a one I forgot about and didn’t think I would even get a penny back, Avant emailed me offering me £535 back on loans from ages ago, I’m not gonna fight it, it was an offer, I just want them all done with and this was a massive surprise.
I’ve had well over £8000 in recovered money and interest, it’s been an amazing execercise, again Avant, no quibble just results.
frogman says
Did you have any dealings with Safetynet?
Fee says
I have a question about Every Day Loans. When I applied for the loan, they told me my affordability was in a minus, but they could lend to me if they took my partners income into account.
It’s not a joint loan & it’s not a guarantee loan and my partner signed nothing. They had a verbal phone conversation with him to confirm he was happy that his income was getting taken into their calculations.
Has this happened to anyone else? This was based on my partners commission which he is no longer getting.
Many thanks
Keith says
I have received a final response to my complaint to Avant Credit and they have not upheld my complaint but offered me a £50 goodwill gesture. Not sure if I should accept or not. Only had 2 loans with them with the total interest around £450. Is this worth passing to the FO or should I just accept? Any advise would be much appreciated
Sara (Debt Camel) says
How large were the loans? Do you think making the repayments caused you a lot of problems and made you have to borrow more elsewhere?
Keith says
Thanks for your response. 2 £1,000 loans one after the other. I did take out loans during the duration of them with other payday loan companies but obviously £450 interest isn’t very high
Sara (Debt Camel) says
I think those loans are large so you may get a refund, possibly only for the second one. If you know making the repayments caused you to have to borrow elsewhere, that is a reason to go to the Ombudsman.
But it’s your choice if you would rather pocket the £50 now than wait for an uncertain outcome.
Kasia says
I just got an email from FOS:
Your complaint about Madison CF UK Limited trading as 118 118 Money
Thank you for the information you sent us.
We’re helping a lot of customers at the moment – so I’m sorry that we won’t be able to reply straight away.
We’ll be in touch as soon as we can. In the meantime, our contact details are below in case you need to speak to us.
Kind regards
And there is a name of adjustor, does that mean my complain was already picked up?
I only sent it 2 weeks ago.
JA says
Unfortunately not , This seems to be a template email they send recently after sending in your complaint.
Timeframe for you roughly, I sent my complaint to the FOS last june for my likelyloans complaint and it has yet to be picked up.
They have a much smaller team for high cost loans compared to payday loans.
Pete says
Having problems with avant complained and sent evidence however they refuse to accept evidence and say they only deal with the information available to them at the point of application so will be sending to fos surprised after seeing many people saying they’d been easy to deal with
Sara (Debt Camel) says
good to send case to FOS. There seems a random element in how many lenders handle complaints.
Pete says
OK thanks Sara any idea how long people have been waiting for it to be picked up by fos I see some other cases take over a year
Fred says
I had same situation. it does seem random on how they deal with complaints.
I have sent it to the FOS in december but haven’t heard anything yet.
Phil says
Hi, can I gauge peoples experiences with 118 Money, Likely Loans and Bamboo Loans? There seems to be quite a lot of success with these organisations but I’m curious as to whether this has been found through direct contact with the lender or after an escalation with FOS?
Glen says
I sent one template to bamboo and 118 , nothing else and had the interest wiped off my current loans saving me over £5k all in around 6 weeks, loans updated so they kept to their word.
Can’t fault them
Phil says
That’s really reassuring to hear. I’ve used the templates having had some success with payday loans, so hoping 118 and Likely follow suit. Fingers crossed!
Linds says
I had a loan with Bamboo for £1000, put in a complaint, they agreed and removed all interest from my outstanding balance. My outstanding balance went from £970 to £140. I accepted the offer. No need for FOS.
118 did not accept my complaint after 8 weeks, is with the FOS and has been with them since July 19, but not picked up yet.
Phil says
That’s a great result. I’m hoping for similar success but I’ve only recently registered my complaint. Fingers crossed
Anon says
I’ve tried with 118 and Likely Loans a few weeks ago and had flat out refusal (just a slightly tweaked generic response from them) forwarded to the Ombudsman, but i know there is a long wait to even have these reviewed, not had a loan with Bamboo, but i did with Everyday Loans and had huge success with them within 10 weeks of me sending the complaint they have upheld my complaint and written off my remainder of my loan approx 5.2k and today they refunded me 2.5k in interest. My advice dont take first refusal as gospel, im not with 118 or LL, always forward to FOS, nothing to lose!
Timka says
My experience with Bamboo was great – first they came back to me saying they would remove interest of my current loan, I replied and said I do not agree and will complain further. They then replied to me saying all interest on all loans (3) will be refunded and they did so the same day. No statutory interest was added though but I am happy.
118118 I had 4 loans, last one still ongoing. They agreed to remove interest from the last one. I replied I disagree, thy did not reply further. I escalated to FOS after few days.
Likely loans submitted complaint end of Jan 2020, still awaiting reply, deadline for them is Monday so let’s see what happens. I am fully prepared to escalate if needed.
B says
Has anybody had any dealings with 118.
I first sent a letter of complaint on 28-01-20, to which they never replied. I then messaged again last week, they replied saying they never once received my initial complaint, and therefore wouldnt log my original complaint date until 05-03-20. I have since emailed again, no response. Until i started leaving trustpilot reviews, to which i have just received a large email of them rather malicious saying they will ‘no longer respond to my threats’ and that the ‘evidence i provided is not sufficient’ although i have clearly sent screenshots showing my original sent dates. To which i have said no problem, i can see the evidence very clearly as can you, and in 13 days the case will be taken to the FOS.. VERY KIND REGARDS.
Abi says
I have, They took the full 8 weeks and they didn’t uphold my complaint and sent a rather threatening email saying that I have lied on my application form if I am saying now it was unnafordable which they will take very seriously.
Now I’m stuck still paying the loan off. and dearnt take it any further.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Hi Abi,
I suggest you read
Several lenders make threats about people having lied on application forms. In practice if the complaint is taken to the Ombudsman the lender never does anything about these allegations.
If your loan repayments are unaffordable, can I suggest you look at a debt management plan for all your debts as well?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
quite right – to FOS when it gets to 8 weeks.
Pjn says
Anyone made a complaint with ratesetter and had it upheld?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Only mentioned a couple of times, not for over a year.
m taylor says
Hi all, Does anyone have any dealings with a Shawbrook bank loan refund? also an email address to do the same please?
many thanks in advance
Mel says
Finally my complaint against car cash point has been picked up by an adjudicator after it was submitted in April 2019. I had 5 loans in total between 2012 and 2014. Has anyone had any success with this company or other logbook loan company’s?
chris says
Yes – me too. Got an email from the FOS on Monday saying they were now looking at my complaint against CCP. Fingers crossed.
Andrew says
Chris / Mel
Glad there’s been some movement with ccp I put mine to FOS Apr 2019 picked up a month ago I had a email from adj saying I should have a decision within two weeks that was 12 days ago please let me know how it goes not sure how strong complaints are with these log book loans don’t seem to be too much on here about it
Matt says
Yeah. I think these companies are fully aware that we have to keep paying or we’ll lose the car. They can drag their heels for ages until they get told otherwise by the Ombudsman.
Melissa Kitching says
Quick update – FOS requested further information from CCP 2 weeks ago on 2 of the loans that are over 6 years old. They have refused to send the info and my case has now been referred to the jurisdiction team before my adjudicator can make his decision.
turtle says
So my complaint about Likely Loans (Oakbrook) from July last year has now been responded to by an adjudicator and it’s good news. They have recommended they refund the interest paid + 8% on the 1 large loan I had.
Has anyone had experience with Likely loans? Are they accepting adjudicators findings or making it go to ombudsman?
Miss B says
Hi Sara I wonder if you could give me advice. I made a complaint against Avant credit in January and they have just sent me this email.
We are writing regarding your recent complaint with us at Avant Credit.
After completing our investigation we will be upholding your complaint. As a result we will be refunding all interest and charges on your loan plus statutory interest. Any negative information relating to our loan will also be removed from your credit file.
If your payments received to date on your loan are less than the principal amount borrowed, your interest rate will be set to 0% and we will credit your account for 8% statutory interest of any overpayment (amount originally applied to interest).
If your account has been sold to a third party collections company, we will amend the balance of your loan at the time of sale and provide this to the company. This means you will need to contact them directly to query if an overpayment has occurred after the sale of your loan.
I paid off approx £1400 of A £2000 loan it was then sold to a debt collector who served court papers so I felt pressured to pay the £1200 they demanded to avoid court. So the whole thing is paid off. My question is who repays me for my claim? Surely the debt collector will refuse to to have anything to do with it as they didn’t mis sell me anything. I’m confused by what happens next?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
So that sounds as though they are amending the debt to be £600 and the debt collector will then owe you £600.
Who is the debt collector?
Miss B says
Asset collections and investigations
Sara (Debt Camel) says
I suggest you ask Asset collections now if they will refund you. If they say No, then tell Avant it is their job to sort out your full refund and if they refuse you will take the case to the ombudsman.
Mal Waddell says
I’m waiting on Everyday loans. I had gambling debts, a range of payday loans (which they advised me not to mention on my application). I was in store and was initially rejected, so they then got me to tweak some of my details and I was then accepted. I sent the application off 7 weeks ago. I have got a standard letter back a day or two later saying they’d come back within 8 weeks. From reading on other experience, they often seem to reject, but I would think I have a good case. Do Everyday Loans tend to go to the limit in peoples experience in terms of the 8 weeks?
Shelly says
I was 8 weeks at the beginning of this week. I called and they said they were behind and I would get a response by the end of next week.
Mal says
Thanks I’ll leave it a week until the 8 weeks are up. Still paying it off after 6 years, but on a DMP now and although they reduced the interest a bit, they were the only one that didn’t take the interest off after going on DMP. All other debts about 75% paid off now, but it’s only about 40% paid off due to the interest.
Jen says
I got a reply of upheld at week 9, payment made to me 3 days later. Hope this helps with time frames
Glen says
Final result came through today….thanks to who put the boss of Satsumas email address on here , I sent him a message to try and hurry my complaint up and boom £620 coming my way, that’s everyone I sent apart from Natwest that have paid me back nearly £9k in money or knocked off my loan, what a result and makes a huge difference to my life.
All because I stumbled across this site….fantastic.
Pete says
Nice one Glen that was the only way I got any result from them glad it worked for you 😊
S123 says
Hello, i have done the same and sent over bank statements too. They are now looking over my complaint again.
What was the time scale in then getting back in contact with your outcome of redress payout
Glen says
That day I think if not the next day
Pete says
As soo as I added the ceo email I got a reply the following day with a offer
Dean says
Hi Sara,
My 118 118 loan complaint got rejected 2 days ago I now have my old bank statements from a previous bank account and there is gambling and lots of payday loans.
Please could you help what to do next regarding email address to the FOS and what info I need to send.
Btw your amazing for helping all these people on this site.
Thank you dean
Sara (Debt Camel) says
See the “Stage 4 – send to Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS)” section in the page above.
Dean says
Thanks so much Sara I have just sent my bank statements to amigo also thanks a lot for all the info on this website
Stephanie says
I complained to AvantCredit about my loan and today received a response that they weren’t going to uphold my complaint because:
1) I have repaid it in full and on time (to be able to do that, I used payday lenders and got myself in a whole heap of financial mess)
2) they say their records indicate that I ask for the loan for Debt Consolidation (which I didn’t, and this does not appear in the DSAR they have sent me
Should I go back to them pointing this out, or should I gather further evidence and send to the FOS?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
I would go back to them on “they say their records indicate that I ask for the loan for Debt Consolidation (which I didn’t, and this does not appear in the DSAR they have sent me”.
I would go back to them. In particular, ask them if the DSAR information they sent you was complete? If not can they supply the rest of it?
Say your case goes to FOS in a week if they do not revise your offer.
Stephanie says
Thanks for your advice Sarah, I will do that!
Timka says
Likely loans is dragging their feet so much :) On Monday it is deadline for them to reply. I called yesterday just to gently enquire if they will reply by the deadline and they replied, yes, we will :) so if not today then Monday. They sure have used all 8 weeks to consider my case :)
Matt S says
I’m in same boat with Likely Loans, 8 weeks will be up on 30th March and have been told I will have a final response by then. Have sent them bank statements, credit reports etc from time of taking first loan which shows £4000 overdraft which I had been living with for years, debt management payments, notice on report of debt management, defaults, multiple payday loans coming in and going out and numerous gambling transactions.
Tried looking back through comments but not seen any so far that were accepted without going to the FOS so fully prepared to take it further.
Timka says
I received my reply today, see below. Hope you have a better response. xx
Glen says
Just wanted a gauge on when Sunny pay out if anyone has experience, I’m waiting on £1250 awarded 4/3 and yep I know it’s only been 9 days and they of course have said up to 30 days…..just wondered how quick they are paying out.
Gets frustrating once you get this far and then wait again for the money, I know we need to be patient,I just never believe these good results till the money is in my bank
PM says
I chased them today after waiting 20 days and got the generic response “we have 30 days to process your refund”. Ive also left them a bad review on trust pilot as others have suggested but this hasn’t made any difference as yet.
Glen says
Seems they aren’t in a hurry to pay out.
Sara if these go past the 30 days what’s my options? Just ring them?
What do I do if they just ignore me, ive a bad feeling about it and it would be a body blow.
Shelly says
Mine was paid first thing in dat 30! I think they put it in their diary!!
Try to put it to the back of your mind now… the end is in sight!
Jen says
I complained to Mr Lender and got final response in July 2019 not upheld. I sent to FOS. Adjudicator picked it up in October and upheld my complaint in December. Mr Lender disagreed and offered part payment, so has gone to Ombudsman. I have still heard nothing from this point and adjudicator has not responded to my emails asking for an update.
Has anyone else had this experience and knows any time frames? I am owed nearly £4k from them, so just hope they don’t go in to administration. They offered £2200, is it too late to accept or should I wait?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
So far as I know they aren’t in any particular difficulty.
Jen says
Thanks Sara, will keep updating any time frames so others know too.
Glen says
Morning all, one lender when checking my credit file I had around 6 loans , decent amounts £300-£1000 in reasonable quick succession was Mr Lender, totally forgot about them till I checked.
Anyone had dealings with them ? How do they seem to respond?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
best ask on the main payday loan refund page for Mr Lender