UPDATE – on 25 October, CasheEuroNet which owns ate QuickQuid, Pounds To Pocket and On Stride brands went into administration.
See QuickQuid goes into administration – what will happen for details. That article will be updated with any more news.
This article will not be kept up to date.
QuickQuid (QQ) and its smaller brand Pounds To Pocket (P2P), which in February 2019 rebranded as On Stride, have been getting large numbers of affordability complaints from customers asking for refunds of interest.
You may be able to get a refund if you had loans from QQ, P2P or On Stride you couldn’t repay without borrowing again. You can get refunds for all type of loans, including instalment and flexi loans.
Summary – QuickQuid complaints
QuickQuid is now the most complained about banking and credit firm in Britain (ignoring PPI), according to Finanical Ombudsman statistics.
At the end of 2018, there were about 9,000 complaints against QQ and PTP with the Ombudsman. Many had been there for two years as QQ had been refusing to give refunds on loans over 6 years old or for loans given after 2015.
In 2019 the Ombudsman started upholding large numbers of these cases. QQ then rejected many of these decisions.
But in August 2019 QQ agreed to pay thousands of outstanding Ombudsman decisions within the next 6 weeks. These are being referred to as “the spreadsheet complaints” as many customers were told by FOS they “were on the spreadsheet“.
How to start a complaint (this no longer applies now QQ is in administration)
The main Payday loan refund article has the template letters to use for making these complaints.
If you had loans from both QuickQuid and Pounds to Pocket, you only need to make one complaint, covering both sets of loans.
If you rolled a loan repeatedly or repaid the loan and soon after took out another one, this suggests the loan was not affordable.
One loan complaints can be hard to win, but if your loan was large, as some of the loans from On Stride are, read Getting a refund for a large bad credit loan which has better template letters for your situation.
A list of your loans is usually enclosed with the response to your complaint.
Has your data been deleted?
This is a new problem. In mid-April 2019, QuickQuid seems to have deleted information about some loans over seven years old from their records. See Why is QuickQuid going to delete old customer data?
This won’t be a problem for you if you have the details of your loans, from your email records or from your bank statements. Here tell QuickQuid you can supply them with a list of your loans so they can consider your case. If they refuse to do this, send it straight to the Financial Ombudsman.
If you don’t have all your records, ask QuickQuid if that is their final response and then send the complaint to the Financial Ombudsman. You can complain not just that you were given unaffordable loans but that QuickQuid has not treated you fairly by deleting your loan data when it should have known from other customers complaints that you may have a good affordability complaint. Ask for compensation for this.
You may feel that without evidence your case is very weak. But you have an excellent case that QQ has treated you unfairly!
If you have closed your bank account, it can still be possible to get old statements but there may be a limit on how far back you can go. So try to do this as soon as possible – don’t wait for several months until the Financial Ombudsman asks you for them as that may mean there are another few months you can’t get.
QuickQuid’s standard response was designed to put you off
QQ uses a template letter to reply to you.
When you read what they have written, you may feel depressed and that you don’t have a good case. That is what QQ want you to believe! But in many cases the checks QQ did were far from adequate and the wording in their replies may mislead you.
Here are some bits from one recent QQ response (in italics) together with my comments on them.
We have assessed loans funded before FCA regulations were implemented using the “other credit commitment” (OCC) value taken from your credit report at the time of funding and used a reliable average for all remaining expenses.
From some published Ombudsman decisions, it seems that QQ hasn’t kept the details of many credit checks it did for loans before 2014, see this decision for example. You won’t win your case just because QQ can’t produce this information, but if you kept borrowing or rolling loans for months then you shouldn’t worry that QQ has some brilliant way of showing they did great checks.
In assessing loans funded after FCA regulations were implemented, we used validated expenses figures. We arrived at those figures by validating your declared expenses for various categories from your loan application against credit reference agency and Office of National Statistics data.
Here QQ usually has kept more records. But they were validating your expenses against some national averages. that may have been fine for the first few loans, but if you kept borrowing, QQ should have wondered if your real expenses were larger than their estimates. So they should have done extra checks on your later loans, not just kept repeating the same checks.
In assessing whether your loan(s) were affordable, we evaluated whether your total repayment across the loan term was sufficiently less than your total estimated disposable income across the loan term, after taking into account your expenses.
They were estimating your income and your expenses, without verifying them.
Also did you have had one of QQ’s “three month loans” where they only charged the interest for the first two months then the whole of the capital repayment plus another months interest in the third month? If you did, QQ assumed you would save up money in the first and second months. But the Ombudsman often doesn’t think this is fair, for example, here is one Ombudsman decision.
We further assessed affordability by viewing your account history for hardship. If we concluded that any of your prior loans were in hardship status, we evaluated whether any subsequent loans were issued without an adequate gap in time in between.
But QQ doesn’t seem to take account of whether you had to roll a loan, ask for a top-up or ask for extra time to repay a loan, even though that is also evidence that you were struggling.
we closely reviewed whether you took out multiple loans in short succession and whether there were negative changes in your individual circumstances such as a decrease in income and/or an increase in “other credit commitments” between said loans. We further analysed dependency by examining whether you had any loan(s) with numerous extensions or rollovers and if so, whether any subsequent loan was funded in close proximity thereafter.
QQ says they “closely review” these, but often they just seem to reject a case even if often you had to roll a loan or borrow again soon after repaying one.
You may feel this letter doesn’t actually reflect your situation at all – and you are probably right! QQ doesn’t explain why they have refused to refund some loans, or why they picked the ones they did.
For several years QQ didn’t add 8% statutory interest to goodwill refunds it offered. But inAugust 2018 sent an unexpected additional refund to some customers who had been affected by this.
QuickQuid cases at the Ombudsman (you can no longer send a QQ case to the ombudsman)
The Ombudsman service is easy to use but has been slow for QQ complaints, but in summer 2019 that seems to be improving as a large number of cases have been decided.
Three things not to worry about:
- you won’t “lose” an offer from QQ if you go to the Financial Ombudsman. So far as I am aware, in every case where someone was offered an amount by QQ the Ombudsman has increased the amount.
- the Ombudsman won’t reject your case because you had a large income or your partner kept bailing you out etc. Lots of people have won these cases. If you kept borrowing then QQ should have realised you were dependent on the loans and stopped lending.
- cases where there was a lot of repeat borrowing and gambling are getting good refunds.
How do they respond to the adjudicator’s decision?
The Adjudicator is the name for the first stage of an Ombudsman complaint. Only 10% of cases have to go to the second stage is when it is looked at by an Ombudsman.
QQ accept have been accepting some adjudicator decisions. But sometimes they offer a lower amount, in which case you have to decide if it’s worth taking that or asking for the case to go to the Ombudsman.
In June one person has just reported being offered c £8,000 by QuickQuid when the adjudicator’s decisions would have been about £9,500 – he decided that was a good enough offer to accept.
Rejecting too many adjudicator decisions
But QQ has been rejecting far too many adjudicator decisions.
The ombudsman could take all these adjudicator decisions through to the second “Ombudsman-level” where a decision is legally binding and QQ have to payout. But that would take a lot of Ombudsman resource to get thousands of cases through at that level. It shouldn’t be needed. the Ombudsman-level is intended for the few difficult cases, not for run-of-the-mill standard decisions.
Both the Ombudsman and QQ’s regulator, the FCA, have been pointing out that the FCA’s rules say a lender has to learn from ombudsman decisions and apply them.
This is why in August QuickQuid agreed to accept several thousand adjudicator decision it had previously rejected.
QQ started to send emails with the refund amounts and asking for people’s bank account details in September.
Good news that QQ is paying out on some FOS decisions but…
I’m very pleased QQ agreed to pay out on these decisions. Not just for those customers getting their refund at long last, but because by removing a large number of complaints from the queue for an ombudsman, I hope a lot of other FOS complaints will move forward faster.
QQ’s American parent, Enova, released its second-quarter earnings figures last month. Overall they were fine, but there were some comments in the Earnings Conference Call about Enova needing to reach a satisfactory resolution with the FCA and FOS about complaints. It’s not clear what they mean by this.
Enova’s third-quarter figures contained the announcement that they would be closing their UK business due to “regulatory uncertainty”.
Updated October 2019
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QuickQuid goes into administration – what will happen
Andrew S says
Advising of my complaint with QQ raised 18th March 2019.
I had 11 loans starting March 2013 to July 2014 – some of them being rolling loans. 24th April 2019 QQ partially uphold my complaint, as it is a final response letter, I do not accept there offer and am refering this to FOS which I have now done.
Loan 1 they did not uphold as – Outside time limit and as a 3 month rolling loan they will argue this anyway I’m sure. Loan 2 a 1 month loan they upheld. Loan 3 a 3 month rolling loan they did not uphold, Loan 4 a 1 month loan they upheld. Loan 5 a 3 month rolling loan they did not uphold. Loan 6, 7 each a 1 month loan they upheld. Loan 8, 9, 10 ,11 they did not uphold. These were loans taken back to back as paid the previous loan. In some instances it was even the same day I took another loan. At most a few days difference.
So from the information I hae seen on this site, QQ are not abiding by the decision by the FOS to properly consider loans older than 6 years old.
Also QQ are not including rolling loans although the monthly interest paid was the same as the other months and I believe the FOS think these should be included when included as part of the chain of loans, if I’m not mistaken.
Ross says
Hi all,
I today received my final decision at the ombudsman against QQ & PTP. The Ombudsman upheld the same loans as the adjudicator as well as the 8% interest (approx £11200). Im over the moon and this concludes all my complaints 13-14 companies with only bamboo the only one partially upheld. The total refunds totalled £37,108 which is astonishing. I have calculated how much I borrowed over the years which is eye-watering. I cant thank this site and Sara enough and without it i would be nowhere. I was first prompted to look following a call form a claims company who would have taken a large cut. Anyone starting out or frustrated with the QQ/PTP delays hang in there. My case included loans over 6 years. I am now going to make partial settlement offers to my remaining credit cards and then my DMP will be complete (3 years early as most of the companies were in the DMP)
Thank you again Sara and DebtCamel
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Well done!
And good to hear a QQ over 6 year loan case get to the Final Decision. QQ are usually very good about paying out quickly.
M says
I submitted QQuid complaint for ten loans due to irresponsible lending in June 2018. Got rejected: prior 6yrs & not valid.
So I ref to FOS in AUG 2018.
FOS assigned adju on APRIL 2019 & ruled in my favour to uphold my complaint.
QQ requested more time! Then today I get response claiming this:
“FOS state that ms X haven’t seen anything to suggest Ms X knew she had reason to complaint. However, upon review of her account, I can see that on 09 July 2012 we were advised that she would be working with a debt management company (DMC) in order to repay her loan in full. At that point, she would have been advised that she had cause to complain. Ms X did not complain to our company until 15 April 2014, almost two years after she should have known she can complain as well as known she had a reason to complain. For this reason, I cannot agree that this is a complaint that can be looked into”…
However I strongly disagree as I had no knowledge to complain about *irresponsible lending.😖
Anyone knw wat nxt best step would be from FOS now, as QQ rejected Adjudicator?
Also time may take ?? :(
Sara (Debt Camel) says
This is a ridiculous suggestion from QQ. they know perfectly well that there almost no affordability complaints before mid 2015 and no DMP firm would have suggested that a client should make on in 2012.
I suggest you reply to the adjudicator saying your DMP company never mentioned that you could make an affordability complaint in 2012 and that if they had, you would have made a complaint at that point – you complained as soon as you found out in 2018.
M says
Sara Thank you for reply & confirmation that QQ are being completely “irresponsible & difficult”.
Correct: no DMC will suggest complaints!
My Adju said she will get bk to me…fingers crossed sooner than later:
However this QQ has really :( me bcz of the time & emotional strain it is taken. I’m jus anxious now that this QQ response will only delay process further…does this mean it now goes to FOS Ombudsman? Any idea of chances positive o/come?? I’m so tired :(
Anyone hv similar response/outcome?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Yes your case has to go to an ombudsman. But these QQ rejections seem to be going pretty fast! See Ross’s comment here today. He has just got the Final Decision from an Ombudsman after QQ rejected his adjudicator’s decision (for different reasons) on 19 March.
Yours could be slower or faster, but that is all the evidence about timescales here that we have.
Sarah p says
Hi all,
I just found out today that QQ have rejected the adjudicators decision on 2 counts, one being the loans are over 6 years old and two they said they were affordable. I spoke to my adjudicator today and he told me that this will now get referred to another team (they have set up a new team to deal with all of QQ’s rejections!) he said the likelihood is that team will agree with his view and go back to QQ to tell them so. If they still dig their heels in he said it would then go to an ombudsman to make a final decision. I asked how long it would take for the new team to take a look and he said he couldn’t say.
So it looks like another wait but hopefully it won’t be too long….there must come a point when QQ realise they are fighting a losing battle with all of these cases.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
See Ross’s comment today who has finally won his case.
Mel says
My adjudicator ruled in my favour. QQ ignored the deadline set by the FOS, which was two weeks ago. I have therefore contacted the FCA. The information I provided has been logged and recorded internally against QQ with the FCA. I have also contacted the CEO of QQ. Hopefully this should put some pressure on QQ.
Claire says
Hi all
I originally complained about qq back in nov 17- they rejected all but last two loans and offered approx £700 (I paid £4600 in interest) so I sent to fos – as loans were from 2009 to 2012 it’s understandably taken a long time and in fairness I’d given up hope.
Adjudicator emailed on 4th April this year to say he upheld my complaint on all loans and advised to pay all interest +8%. He gave them until 18th to respond.
Rang fos today and have been told QQ have just responded to ask the adjudicator to explain in more detail as they offered last two , and do not agree with his decision.
They however have not at this stage asked for an ombudsman to look at it , so now I’m just waiting for adjudicator to respond to them and again for their response before inevitably referring to ombudsman.
Seems like delaying tactics and I do feel disappointed but nothing I can do now but wait.
Thanks to this site as I’d never have known I could complain or how to. I successfully claimed against payday uk , payday express , uncle buck and safety net credit , didn’t win against another few but I’m very grateful to this site :)
Kellie says
So after accepting the ombudsmen final decision on Tuesday, I have received several emails today from QQ regarding deposits and another to say that they have instructed call credit to remove the entries of the loans still on there. I have checked my bank and just over £2800 has been deposited today in various instalments. I can’t express what a relief this is and want to thank sara again. It’s a bit short of what I thought ( i calculated £3200 comprising of interest, 8%sinple and then 20% of the 8% removed for tax. ) so I am going to recalculate and then ask them for an exact breakdown. It’s not clear from the emails
Keep going everyone, good luck!
Andrew S says
Hi Kellie,
It maybe if they are paying via various installaments that there are still a few to come through. You may still be getting nearerer the amount you thought but some payments to come through which with the weekend may not show till Monday.
You may ask why there paying in separate installments and not in one figure, seems a little odd, I’ve generally heard of compensation being via 1 payment.
Getting the info from QQ probably a good idea to match what the FOS said you should get.
If there shortchanging on agreed compensation that would be a new trick there trying and worth letting FOS know if there paying less than FOS said they should.
Well done on the result. I’ve only just refered to FOS yesterday so a long road for me.
M says
Hi Kellie
Wow! That’s a gd result- so pleased for u & defo worth recalculations.
If poss can u kindly inform me of time it took for your case to go from QQ’s FOS rejection, to Ombudsman…?? Talking months??
As I am in this situ… *waiting game!!! Grr. :((
Chloe says
Hi All,
I made a complaint against QQ in July/very early August 2018.
This was quickly rejected and I pushed forward to the Financial Ombudsman just before the end of August.
By Sept I had an email from an adjudicator saying they would be taking on the case.
I chased several times and was told it was being investigated but no time frame could be given.
Today I received a response from an adductor advising 6 out of 10 loans were unaffordable and they will give QQ until 10th May to respond. I imagine I could be for about 2k refund.
Its been a long process but i’m hopeful. thanks to site and Sarah, I would have been clueless!
Fingers crossed!
Joe says
Just a warning they are rejecting on 6 years again, just spent an hour on phone to ombudsman and seems they are fighting back again. I’ve been told I may have to wait another 6 months for my money!
Andrew S says
I advised of that yesterday following on from a final response letter I received 24th April.
In my case the only loan it excludes is the first one which probably wouldn’t have been included anyway.
But in addtion to QQ not accepting the 6year ruling, I don’t think they switched back to that rather they haven’t budged from that position in the first place. Arguements with FOS happening at the highlest levels but so long as they ultimately acept the ombudsman final decision best we can do is wait. On a bright side it does mean a bit more on the 8% interest.
The reason I forwarded to FOS is QQ did not consider 2 rolling loans which were slap bang in the middle of ones they did uphold. This has also been another ruling by FOS that rolling loans can be considered. They also didn’t consider the last four loans I had, presumable because I was borrowing less from then, I had switched to using Sunny for some lower rates. But ultimately both were sucking me dry each month.
At the moment the QQ complaints department are clearly abiding by QQ directives on responding to these complaints, that and trying to scare you the compensation will disappear althogether if not accepted and with a condition if accepted could not go to FOS afterward. Until the QQ working joes are given different instructions from there powers that be, then those of us with loans older than 6 years, and rolling loans are going to have to continue to refer to FOS.
Andrew S says
Thought it might be helpful to paste some of the nitty gritty details from QQ, which was in between there waffle and the offer they made.
You have the right to refer your complaint to the Financial Ombudsman Service, free of charge.
The Ombudsman might not be able to consider your complaint if:
• what you’re complaining about happened more than six years ago, and
• you’re complaining more than three years after you realised (or should have realised) that there was a problem.
We think that some of your complaint was made outside of these time limits but this is a matter for the Ombudsman to decide. If the Ombudsman agrees with us, they will not have our permission to consider your complaint and so will only be able to do so in very limited circumstances, such as in the case of exceptional circumstances.
If you do decide to refer your complaint to the Ombudsman you must do so within six months of the date of this letter.
So the fact is there telling people it is not certain the FOS will consider loans older than 6 years – blatantly untrue.
I forwarded the entire email chain to the complaints inbox and waiting for a response, so be interesting to see what FOS do with QQ making misleading statements. If I’ve understood the status around loans older than 6 years.
Lucia says
At last!
Dear Lucia
We have indeed been in contact with FOS. We cannot make any determinations as to why you may have been informed differently. We spoke by phone with FOS associates on Tuesday of this week and today. CashEuroNet has decided to move forward with FOS’ recommendation for the resolution of your case. We emailed FOS today at 2:33PM BST with the details. They should be in contact with you soon.
Thank you for providing your banking information. Once your acceptance is confirmed, we will proceed.
C says
Great news
Had the letter today from the ombudsman, and they have agreed with the adjudicators decision and I’m to be repaid back all loans (forewent those over 6years) and history to be removed from CRA’s.
This is the last claim I have, so I’m really pleased to be drawing a close to this era of my life.
However, I have thoroughly enjoyed the money coming back that I never ever ever expected to see again. I’m debt free and about to move in to a new home next week.
Thank you so much Sara for all you do and have done. Keep supporting each other and all the best
Kellie says
Excellent news C, really pleased for you.
When my QQ money hit Friday, first thing I did was make a large payment off one of my remaining high interest cards. Been a long road but I’m getting there!
I accepted the ombudsmen decision on the Tuesday morning and the money was paid in Friday lunchtime same week.
Darren says
My 2 weeks waiting for quick quid to respond to the adjudicator has now passed
I have a question however .
When calculating 8% interest on a loan taken out in 2010 .
Would the interest be calculated every year up to present day ?
Or just when the loan was settled from being taken out ?
David D says
All depends on if its paid back yet or not, or if you owe them for another loan which is still being paid back.
Assuming you are clear of the debt(s) with them and that this is referring to an irresponsible lending complaint it will be calculated from the original date of approval up to the date of any refund pay-out. This is to put you back into the position you would have been had you not borrowed from them, with an added Interest bonus for your troubles!
T says
I’m also past the deadline and had to contact the adjudicator for an update.
I have had a very brief email from the adjudicator saying that quick quid have disagreed with his assessment and he is reviewing how best to proceed.
Disappointing that I have had to chase the adjudicator and then in his response he hasn’t detailed any reason why they have disagreed with his assessment.
My complaint has been with the FOS since December 2017. I appreciate that they are busy with the number of cases put forwards but unless Quick Quid come back with a ‘smoking gun’ I don’t understand why they are allowing them to continue using the over six year loan as a defence.
This is starting to get me really down. I have been struggling with my mental health recently and finally getting an adjudicator decision gave me a very short lived boost. Unfortunately this set back has me really struggling, I’m not sure there is any fight left in me to continue.
RY07 says
Feel your pain, mine has been outstanding for a ridiculous amount of time, adjudicator decision was a massive boost, but feel like it’s going to months and months again.
Also, the adjudicators are very poor are communicating. Take forever to respond to emails, if they do at all.. Need chased and chased. I called up yesterday for an update and was told quickquid had actually responded last week but still hadn’t heard from my adjudicator
Darren says
Has anyone at all had a quick quid decision to accept the adjudicators ruling ?
Or are they rejecting every single one out of spite ?
I can’t understand their logic as it’s costing them more money
Surely at least a percentage of people here have received an upheld adjudicator decision ?
Or am I living with false hope as my deadline passed last week 🤔
RY07 says
I’d call them with your reference number if I was you, get a quicker answer that way
0800 023 4567
Kieran says
Casheuronet came back with an offer to my adjudicator decision but I have rejected this and taken to ombudsman. They only agreed on half of the complaints and offered around £750 which is a lot less than I expected so I have rejected this. Any idea how long it normally takes for an ombudsman to make final decision?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
did they explain why they were only accepting some of them?
Kieran says
Yes and I spoke to the adjudicator about this and she didn’t agree with what they had said still so I decided to take it to ombudsman
Myles says
Just got a response back from the adjudicator who has upheld loans 6-20. Just waiting on Quick Quid to respond to confirm if they agree with the adjudicator’s decision. None of the loans were over 6 years so hopefully it’ll all go ok. Fingers crossed.
Nancy says
I’ve received an email from QuickQuid today to say that they are waiving the balance of my account the email is below
Customer ID: XXXX
We write to you regarding loan XXX which had an outstanding balance at the time that you referred an irresponsible lending complaint to the Financial Ombudsman Service. As was our policy at the time, once your complaint was referred, we suspended any collection activities whilst we awaited the outcome of the case as we believed this to be in your best interest. As a result, your loan went into arrears and was reported to the credit reference agencies.
We take customer outcomes seriously and would like to apologise for any negative impact that may have resulted from our suspension of collections activities. As a courtesy, we will waive the remaining balance on your loan, which will take up to 48 hours to process. As a result, you owe £0.00 towards this loan. Additionally, we will correct any adverse credit markings reported on your credit report during this time.
Please contact us if you have any additional questions.
Really chuffed with this as my balance was £718. Just checking that I’ve read it the correct way and that they don’t consider this a full and final offer, my complaint has been with the FOS since the 18th of December so I’m hoping it gets picked up by an adjudicator soon.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
That is very good news. FOS has for some time been concerned about some people with complaints against QQ who were prevented from making any payments towards an outstanding balance at the same time that they were sent emails about a default being registered – which clearly is a very unfair situation. Your news makes it look as though QQ may be taking some steps towards solving this problem.
There is no sign in what they have written that this is “offered” as a final settlement – they have not asked you to agree to it at all.
When your case is picked up, you should view this write off as “the first part of your refund” – it will reduce what you later get. But this should take some of the pressure off you.
Anthony Nanson says
I have today recieved the same, to the tune of £1000.
I estimate the interest I paid to be circa 6.5k, with loans over 6 years included.
Case submitted Sept 2017, fos adjudicator upheld 9 of 11 loans April 2019, still waiting for QQ comment and FOS feedback.
Will keep you posted.
Matt says
Had a response from the FCA as I contacted them to make them aware of QQ and their complaint handling.
What I have done with the information received
You’ve said that you have contacted the FCA to bring our attention to your experience with Casheuronet UK LLC and their complaints handling process. You’ve said that you know the FCA won’t investigate this but you wanted us to be aware of the slow and obstructive complaint handling.
As the regulator, we can’t intervene or investigate individual cases, however, we are interested in the conduct of the firms we authorise. I want to let you know that I have made the information you’ve provided to us about this situation available to the team who are responsible for the supervision of Casheuronet UK LLC. They can use this information to understand how they are treating their customers and how they are acting within the industry.
Matt says
I do want to let you know though, I won’t be able to let you know what we do with the information or provide you with any feedback, as this forms part of our supervisory work, which is confidential but I would like to thank you for taking the time to contact us about this.
Hopefully if they get enough of us pointing it out, something maybe done
annom says
I have a complaint in with the financial ombudsmen. Regarding pounds to pocket which has just been assigned an adjudicator due to pounds to pocket point blank refusing my complaint I’m still awaiting the adjudicators decision however today I have received an email from stride
We write to you regarding loan # which had an outstanding balance at the time that you referred an irresponsible lending complaint to the Financial Ombudsman Service. As was our policy at the time, once your complaint was referred, we suspended any collection activities whilst we awaited the outcome of the case as we believed this to be in your best interest. As a result, your loan went into arrears and was reported to the credit reference agencies.
We take customer outcomes seriously and would like to apologise for any negative impact that may have resulted from our suspension of collections activities. As a courtesy, we will waive the remaining balance on your loan, which will take up to 48 hours to process. As a result, you owe £0.00 towards this loan. Additionally, we will correct any adverse credit markings reported on your credit report during this time.
Has anyone else had anything like this I just find it strange how all of a sudden they are wiping off an outstanding balance or does this mean they’ll wipe off this which then gets them out of refunding me any interest charged? I’ve had previous loans over many years which were paid off only this one was in arrears
Sara (Debt Camel) says
A couple of other people have just had this – see Nancy’s comment above. Your FOS complaint will continue, think of this as being given the part of the refund now .
DavyD says
Had a response from adjudicator 2 weeks ago after waiting 2 years. they instructed QQ to refund loans 5-9 (totalling around 3k). the deadline was last Thursday. I called the FO yesterday and they said QQ had responded last Friday still rejecting my claim being time barred (all loans taken out 2010-2011)
The FO told me that it will now go to a specialist team which will take months before they go back to QQ with more evidence. Then if they refuse again (which I was told was likely through his experience) it will then go to the ombudsmen (again another delay). So for me personally I’m looking at 3 years
absolute joke
Sara (Debt Camel) says
“The FO told me that it will now go to a specialist team which will take months before they go back to QQ with more evidence.” I suspect you may have been told the “worst case” here.
However, I agree that this is taking an absurd length of time. One thing you could to is email the FCA and copy QQ’s CEO on it saying how QuickQuid are dragging out your case unreasonably and talk about any effect this is having on you – see https://debtcamel.co.uk/quickquid-payday-loan-refunds/comment-page-9/#comment-297776. This won’t help your case directly.
James rounce says
I have just been informed by my adjucdicator that QQ point blank refused his ruling on 8 of my 11 loans which are over 6 years old. I have been told this is the norm again from QQ and before anymore cases get referred to an ombudsmen for a final ruling they are going to have more talks with QQ to try and sort the “over 6 year issue out” time scale wise Fos would not commit but it’s going to be months and months I suspect.
Point to add my adjudicator only told me this after I chased him, the communications between Fos and there customers is disgraceful.
John M says
Hi All I sent the following email to FCA regarding CashEuroNet and copied in CEO of CashEuroNet. I tried to keep it generic but if anyone wants an idea of what to write maybe it will help:
I am emailing as I have had a complaint with the FOS regarding the unaffordability of loans issued by CashEuroNet UK LLC trading under the name QuickQuid.
I was given numerous loans by this lender as well as numerous other lenders from 2009-2011. I have dealt with other lenders who have realised that, under current regulations I only realised I could complain about the unaffordability of these loans in January 2018 which is when I sent my complaint to CashEuroNet and other Payday loan companies.
The other companies have agreed to review my case and have offered reasonable settlements however CashEuroNet continue to drag their heels stating that, because my loans were over 6 years ago, I am not entitled to complain. The FOS clearly agrees with myself and has sent a letter to CashEuroNet advising they should refund for issuing loans that were clearly unaffordable however I understand CashEuroNet has rejected this.
I am very disappointed that CashEuroNet continue to be allowed to refuse these genuine complaints regarding the unaffordability of loans and urge you to step in and address these concerns.
Darren says
Thank you for contacting our offices regarding your QuickQuid account. As a result of the hold we placed on your account, your QuickQuid account was negatively impacted. As a courtesy, we waived the remaining balance of your loan and we will be updating any adverse credit markings reported on your credit report during this time.
This update to your account does not impact your complaint with the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS). We are currently awaiting your adjudicator’s assessment of your complaint before we take any further action regarding your complaint.
Apologies for any confusion in this matter. Please do not hesitate to ask if you have further queries.
Kind regards,
Enova Internationa
Seems I’ve just received one too
Kieran says
When a complaint goes to the ombudsman for final decision how long does this normally take to be picked up?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
I think it is fair to say that QQ complaints at FOS at the moment are in a state of flux. The times that apply to other lenders don’t apply to QQ. Theer are various different cases (over six years, post 2015 loans, long chains) and they may be handled differently. I think FOS wants to get as many settled as fast as possible.
It is having some effect – in the last few days people with balances owing to QQ have received emails saying they are being written off.
matt says
Mine went to the Ombudsman from adjudicator 12/12/18 and still not picked up.
Andrew S says
Hi Matt
I believe you should get a response and action within 6 months, as about a month to go in your instance I’d contact them again for an update and a copy of how to complain about FOS, advising you will make a complaint if you do not receive a further response by 12th June? on your case. Maybe try calling them.
Depending on the outcome you could raise a complaint as per the complaint handling process this could see it escalated for ombudsman to start processing the complaint.
I would advise before FOS get a raft of complaints if you’ve had a response – even if sorry but more delays because of QQ that isn’t really an option as FOS are trying to deal with a difficult situation as best as they can and that would be classed as as an action and response. Request a copy of the FOS complaints handling process if you feel you may have grounds.
There are a few instances the FOS have not done what they should have, there’s one with a similar story got onto FOS and was confirmed FOS where at fault and apologised and started doing something that I read in the last month or so.
Perhaps this is something Sara can advise on, FOS have got thousands of these complaints and not surprising a few get overlooked. Not that its right, and very aggravating for the affected individuals, but bear in mind the wider context.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Sorry, I don’t think there is anything unusual here. There are thousands of QQ complaints at FOS. No reason to complain about FOS, they are doing their best – complaining will just mean more of their time goes into answering your complaint.
Andrew S says
Hi all,
Obviously a lot of the issues with QQ is the 6 year limit on loans they will consider that there setting. Further news pending.
However, in the instance of rolling loans which QQ aren’t considering either in the first instance. Are QQ accepting the instances when the adjudicator rules they should be refunded (assuming there within the 6 year limit at least), or do these also need to goto an Ombudsman are QQ rejection. Anybody had any experience with those?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
It’s hard to disentangle all the different sorts of cases that QQ has problems with.
The over 6 year and post 2015 loan cases are simple.
But even they may overlap with:
– what FOS calls “long chain” cases – an issue with a lot of rollowvers may come under this group
– balloon payment loans, where the third payments in a three month loan is MUCH bigger than the previous 2 and QQ expects people to “save up” to make this payment. FOS is clear that this is normally unreasonable for a customer in difficuties.
So it can be hard to identify exactly what QQ is likely to do in your case.
Wayne says
Just had an email from my adjudicator stating that QQ disagree with his decision to uphold my complaint and for them to pay back 4 loans etc.
I guess it’s going to drag on for another few months.
RY07 says
Strange stuff from the FCA regarding my complaint. Adjudicator found in my favour, and wrote to QQ, giving them 2 weeks to reply, they took those 2 weeks then asked for a further 3 weeks… that deadline was Mon (29th).
I emailed the FCA on Monday (29th) to get an update, but being impatient I called as well… they said on the phone QQ had got in touch on the Fri and rejected the findings. Fair enough, I had expected that. But, now I’ve just had a reply to my email saying QQ haven’t replied and they will get in touch with me once they do… Not exactly very reassuring
Tracy says
I spoke to an adjudicator today, quick quid have rejected my case due to loans over six years and it’s their companies interpretation of the three year rule that is the issue.
The adjudicator made the point that as a company quick quid have the right to challenge this based on their interpretation. As most have already commented the senior team are in talks with quick quid to try to resolve this. However this was the same thing I was told back in December. It sounds like the adjudicators where under the impression they could try to push these complaints through and are now awaiting more guidance. The aim is to avoid the Ombudsman having to review each individual case and speed up the process- it doesn’t look like anything is imminent.
I did pose the question that if the three year rule is open to interpretation why is no ruling body putting a more clear interpretation in place. I understand that could go either way, however it seems like a flaw in the system if the ruling body procedures are not iron clad. She did empathise but said her hands were tied.
Just disappointing that this seems to be dragging on for so long!!
I have sent a complaint to the FCA today as I feel so annoyed about the whole process. In my opinion Quick Quid are being purposely obtuse in the hope to wear down complaints. I would urge others in the same boat to do the same.
Chazzy says
QuidQuid disagreed with my adjudicator as well (after 5 weeks of asking for extension!) they came back with the same reasons re: the 3 year rule, plus that I was a paralegal at the time so I should have known the law hahahahaha so funny, I was 22 and I was a paralegal in IP law but to them I should have known every law – it’s laughable really.
Annom says
Can anyone advise how long does it usually take for the adjudicator to come back to you? my case was picked up them on the 18th April, does anyone know if pounds to pocket are refusing complaints for loans NOT over 6 years old or are they just refusing everything until dealt with by the ombudsman
Sara (Debt Camel) says
They do sometimes make offers. Often these aren’t very good – so they have to go to FOS anyway. Come back if you get an offer and you aren’t sure.
Darren says
Just ring QuickQuid direct as they are past the cut off date to reply to the adjudicator.
Was told the lady investigating it was based in Chicago 😳😳
Is that the norm with these people ?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
QQ has a US parent.
Where a firm wants to base its complaints handling is its decision – but it’s not helpful if it in a different timezone and means people can’t get answers quickly to simple questions.
S says
Hi Sara,
After receiving numerous automated emails from QQ which didn’t answer any of the questions I raised; I received this reply last week:-
Thank you for contacting QuickQuid. We think that your complaint was made outside time limits due to the funding dates of 2009-2010 but this is a matter for the Ombudsman to decide. If the Ombudsman agrees with us, they will not have our permission to consider your complaint and so will only be able to do so in very limited circumstances, such as in the case of exceptional circumstances.
Please make note, a right to access your QuickQuid account has been submitted on your behalf. You will receive a separate email with instructions.
You won’t be surprised to hear I’m still waiting for the instructions!
Ive already forwarded my complaint to the FOS but just to clarify please Sara the comment “we think that your complaint was made outside time limits” is that referring to the six year “barrier” that everyone seems to be having problems with???
Many thanks again for your help
Sara (Debt Camel) says
yes, that’s the 6 year time limit.
S says
Thanks Sara – think I’ll have a pipe and slippers by the time this one is resolved Lol!
Sue says
Hi, I made a complaint to QQ 4 weeks ago and received the standard response asking for bank statements and pay slips which I returned within the hour. Today I’ve seen on my QQ online account that one of my loan accounts has gone. I had 3 loans with them all of which are paid. 2 are still there. Do you think this means they are refunding one of the accounts? I haven’t heard from them but have emailed asking for an update?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Don’t know. I hope you have taken a copy of your credit record already – if not, do this now.
Sue says
I also had a response to my complaint with Quickquid. Their response is minimal and they basically did not agree with the complaint. In the letter they are claiming i had taken out only 2 loans but i took out 12 loans over a period of 1 year and paid over £800 in interest. I assume the next step would be FOS? Is that correct? I feel like they didnt even bother looking into it as there is hardly any explanation in their letter. Is it worth ringing them for explanation?
Thank you
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Have they sent you a statement of account showing all your borrowing? It may be you thought the loans were separate but they treated them as all part of the same credit agreement.
If you have the statement of account and it is missing some of your borrowing, go back to QQ and point this out.
but if it is all shown, I suggest you send the case straight to FOS.
Sue says
Hi it is really only 2 loans and im not really bothered about the first one as the interest was only £25 but the other one was a flexi loan so in fact just 1 loan but taken to the max each month for a period of 12 month and repaid each month with interest. There are usually only few days gaps between repaying and borrowing and i used to take out £50 or £100 at the time to the point i took out £500 each month. They sent me statement of account before as i requested it under GDPR so i have dates and amounts. I wasnt sure if i should ring them first and point out that they didnt send an explanation and only mention one amount like i only borrowed once or if i should go straight to FOS. I actually feel i should have a good chance of winning this but who knows.
In their final response QQ just pointed out the loan and put down one amount and said not upheld like they didnt check all the time i took the loans out. I did send them a list off all loans and dates they were taken and what was repaid and asked for the interest back which is around £800.
Will it even make any difference ringing them?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
No point in ringing – send it staright to FOS. People are winning flexi loan complaints
Myles says
Do QuickQuid usually accept adjudicator decisions if the loans aren’t outside 6 years?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
No – they often reject others as well :(
Myles says
Just had a response from the adjudicator to say that QQ disagreed with his findings and that it it would now be passed onto the Ombudsman. In for another long wait by the sounds of things. At least it’s at the final stage now and none of my loans are over 6 years so I’m hoping it will be easier to process than some of the other complaints.
Annie says
Hi Sara, do you have any updates on what is happening with QQ claims for loans after 2015. I’ve been phoning the FOS every other week and nothing seems to be moving. It’s now been 10 months awaiting an ombudsman review after QQ refused adjudicators decision. How much longer is this going to go on.
I’ve already emailed FCA.
Jonnym says
I had a QQ complaint on hold since Feb last year… each time I chased up I was advised it cannot be touched until the 6 year issue has been settled. Anyways I had an email around 5 weeks ago from adjudicator saying he had picked up my case and found in my favour to return all interest. Gave QQ 15 days even though he said they would not make deadline as so many complaints… chased up today to be told Adjudicator “The business has now replied to the adjudication, and unfortunately is still raising an objection to us considering the earlier loans. As I explained, the business has done this on numerous cases, and our service is currently formulating a response to this issue. Once we have further information we’ll be in touch.”
Why adjudicate it if they cannot do anything with it? Where do I stand?
Kara says
Jonnym, I’m in pretty much the same position as you. QQ doesn’t agree with adjudicator and FOS have told me that there will be a delay and to try calling in a few weeks if I haven’t heard anything. Very frustrating but I’m quietly hopeful that we’ll get there in the end.
Kara says
I called the FOS today and they advised me slightly differently than I was last led to believe in relation to my case – I thought they were going to try to persuade QQ (after they initially disagreed) to refund loans 4-13 in line with the adjudicator’s appraisal, and that if they wouldn’t agree it would automatically be escalated to an ombudsman. However, it sounds as though the jurisdiction issue is ongoing and that it may remain at this stage for some time. I thought that the adjudicator reviewing the case meant that QQ would have to comply with the ombudsman, if not the adjudicator, but it sounds as though it’s still up
in the air?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
On what grounds have QQ objected to the jurisdiction decision?
Kara says
They said they’d challenged the jurisdiction, and that they don’t agree with the FOS in that I complained within 3 years of knowing that I had the grounds to. FOS said there will be a delay on getting a response.
Colin Mcgregor says
I have had an ongoing case against quick quid from loans from 2009 which I would not have pursued.
However they chased me for every penny and I had to sign up to a debt management program, also took my wages numerous times , contacted my employer and sent a debt collector after me.
After nearly two years the ombudsman ruled in my favour saying four of the loans should never have been issued and they where to refund all interest and fees which they charged a lot of on them 4.
They then asked for a deadline of 3 weeks which the ombudsman granted, one day over the deadline they then came back with we are not prepared to review this or co operate even though the ombudsman said I am owed money.
The ombudsman say it will be reviewed independently and a decision will be made.
Quick quid do not respond to any correspondence but obviously asking for the extension was blatant disregard when they knew what they where going to say all along.
I am furious I just hope the ombudsman rule in my favour I am getting nowhere fast
Ross says
I have finally received the redress from my QQ/P2P complaint that was settled following a Final Decision. I recieved an e-mail advising the total that would be transferred to my account which was £9064.90 (I am still checking the figure as I calculate it to £10,577 after interests and withholding tax). The funds are paid into an account I don’t use often and as mentioned before they pay lots of smaller transactions (mostly £986 but some £920, £791, £720) They don’t correspond to anything. Adding up what I have received it only totals £8144.90) Im sure I saw someone mention something similar before that their transactions didn’t add up. Are they chancing their arm trying to send smaller payments in the hope i won’t realise… Has anyone else had this experience and did a random final payment turn up a few days latter. The difference between the amount the advised they had transferred and what i received is £920. Did you find out why they make these random small payments?
Darren says
You actually got a pay out from these people ?
I thought they rejected every single one without reasoning.
Over the moon for you mate ..I think this is the only positive outcome I’ve seen on this page(apart from the missing amount).
It gives me hope from this 18 month ongoing saga
Ross says
Yes they have rejected at every stage . I have seen a few come through at ombudsman stage like mine recently . Hold in there I had the over 6 year loans too. It’s just a waiting game but it comes through in the end . Good luck .
Milly says
Your pay out news is fantastic to hear. I received notification yesterday that they had rejected my adjudicators decision. I was told it would now be reviewed by a further adjudicator.
Hopefully I will get news like you soon!
Myles says
My adjudicator’s decision was also rejected yesterday so I’m in the same boat. At least we’re in the final stages now and hopefully things will be positive with the Ombudsman.
matt says
Hi Ross
So did your Ombudsman uphold the over 6 year loans too or did you drop these?
Ross says
No I held out for them and the ombudsman allowed them.
Ciaran says
QQ have rejected the adjudicators decision on my loans >6yrs as well. Very annoying but surely they’re only delaying the inevitable. Just a waiting game now.
M says
I think so appalling how QQUID are treat us customers that are not following standard guidelines of FOS & deliberately delaying everything! :((
I am in bad situation.
I have TWEET’d on their page jus to highlight this poor cust service. So upsetting. Hopefully Tweets might cause some attn!!🤷🏽♀️Worth a ‘vent’/shot!
Jennifer Bloomfield says
I had many loans from QQ a few years ago, along with extensions/top-ups. I repaid in full. I would like to make an claim for Unaffordable loans however I have no paperwork, or have access to the online account I had with them. I have since married and moved house. How do I proceed with making the claim? Do I have to claim directly to them and will I need details of the loans I had?
Elena F says
You can get a template off debtcamel and keep it really simple. I didn’t know all the details but knew which years I had a loan so put that. They have everything on there system. They asked me to send payslips and bank statements etc but I just said they had all the relevant information. Just send an email to them with the letter attached saying you are making a complaint. They got back to me within the 8 weeks but the offer was really low and they didn’t include loans from 6 years before…I did send to Ombudsman but after reading all the accounts that they are dealing with over 8000 requests from people, it would take a long while so I have just accepted the offer with QQ rather than wait.
Myles says
Does the waiting period for an ombudsman to pick up your case make a final decision generally take longer than waiting for an adjudicator?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Sorry but all QQ ombudsman decisions are now in an odd situation and “what generally happens” isn’t going to help at all.
SARAH says
I spoke to FOS yesterday to get an update on my complaint….
QQ responded on the 18th April to say they did not agree with Adjudicators view – mainly on the point of the over 6 year issue.
The person I spoke to yesterday said that my case has now been transferred to another team along with many other similar cases and they are now all on hold while the FOS decide the best way to move forward. He said that it is very time consuming to go back to QQ on every individual case to argue the same point again only for it to be referred to an Ombudsman and the Ombudsman to rule in the adjudicators favour.
He said that the FOS had thought they had reached an understanding with QQ but obviously not.
He confirmed that they are working now to try and resolve this issue in the main as opposed to individual cases.
He couldn’t give me a timescale however he said that they want this resolving just as much as we do.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Thanks, that is a helpful update. I know it feels very frustrating, but FOS are very keen to get this resolved.
You could think about sending a cross email to the FCA – it won’t help your case directly, but it’s very easy. See https://debtcamel.co.uk/quickquid-payday-loan-refunds/comment-page-9/#comment-297776 where I suggested this to someone else.
matt says
Hi Sara
I had a reply from ENOVA int’l after I sent to FCA
Dear Mr Horscroft,
Thank you for your email. The Financial Ombudsman Service is dealing with an unprecedented volume of complaints from many different product sectors and is currently working through its backlog of cases. We’ve been working with FOS to assist them in resolving cases more rapidly, however this does not prevent FOS from adjudicating on specific cases now – should they need to.
We are hopeful the FOS backlogs will be resolved soon for the benefit of the customers who have submitted complaints.
Kind regards,
Love the way they are blaming the FOS!!
RY07 says
Copy and paste job, I got exactly the same reply
Darren says
Spoke to my adjudicator again today .
They have objected because the last loan i took out in 2012 was passed to a debt collection company and now I’m on a debt management plan
Surely that should make it a stronger case then ??
Bizarre to say the least
I give up
Sara (Debt Camel) says
QQ’s argument seems to be that as you were in a DMP you knew you were in difficulty so why didn’t you complaint earlier… FOS don’t seem to think this is a very good argument…
louise says
Hi does anyone know how long it takes Quick Quid to make payment after accepted settlement figure? QQ agreed to an adjudicator decision after about 3 weeks.Thanks.
Vikki says
Hi all, wanted to update on my Quick Quid claim as after it going all the way through to ombudsman I got a result!
Initial complaint to QQ 18/9/2017
Rejected by QQ 1/11/2017
Complaint sent to ombudsman 2/11/2017
I supplied all bank statements – took a long time to sort through, but so worth it!
picked up by adjudicator 31/01/2018
Adjudicator decision 30/11/2018
Rejected by QQ 14/1/2019
ombudsman decision 9/5/2019
This is loans going back to 2012 so well over the 6 years and way before 2015 – it’s a long process but worth it – i’m expecting around £4000 back when QQ process the payment, called them yesterday and they send up to 4 weeks from decision, but will update you guys when it arrives :)
Graham says
OMG after reading all these comments, it looks like I’ve got a long wait ahead of me. I submitted my complaint to the FOS exactly 1 year ago. I’ve not even had a response from the adjudicator!
Sara (Debt Camel) says
There has been a big backlog but things are starting to move! If QQ agree to look again at a lot of loans then things could move a lot faster.
J says
I called today for an update on my QQ case and was told that conversations were being had at a senior level and they were hoping for a resolution in the very short term. So perhaps some are more optimistic than others!
Thanks for the advice Sara. I have submitted a complaint to the FCA and copied in both N Drew and C Murray. My case was submitted to the FOS in April 2018, adjudicator decision issued on 30th August 2018, to which CashEuroNet raised the post-2015 objection almost immediately. Ironically, I had dropped the complaint against my loans over 6 years old in order to speed the process along. So it has been stuck in this pool for 9 months and counting.
J says
Update on the above:
The FCA were very quick to respond and very helpful with my complaint, asking questions so they could gain further information on my concerns about the case. I made it very clear that I had no concerns with the way my adjudicator had handled the case, and was happy with how they had take me through the process.
However I have today, less than a week after complaining to the FCA, received an email from the FOS to say that my case against QQ/P2P has been moved in the to the Ombudsman queue for review. I am happy it is at this stage so there is a chance it will be reviewed more quickly, but a little concerned that complaints to the FCA are now potentially putting pressure back on the FOS to progress some of these outstanding cases, rather than QQ/P2P. Just wanted your thoughts on this Sara.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
As I said before, I think you were previously quoted a “worst case”. I suspect your case is progressing normally and the email to the FCA has not speeded it up.
simon says
Hi Graham,
I submitted my complaint to the FOS in Feb 2017 and just had the adjudicator rule on Friday, they have until 28th to reject it as I expect they will.
Jo says
How long did it take from your claims being assigned to an adjudicator to getting a reply from them
Myles says
Mine was assigned in March and received a decision in April which QQ rejected. It’s now in the queue for the ombudsman so it could be a long wait from the sounds of things.
Steph says
Didn’t know mine had been assigned to an adjudicator. Just received their decision. Good luck
louise says
Hi how long do Quick Quid take to.make.payment and ask for bank details?.Thanks.
Declan says
I received my ‘provisional decision’ in the post today from the FOS. This is the Ombudsman decision as QQ didn’t agree with the adjudicator. They’ve asked both myself and QQ if there is anything else we would like to add, if nothing else is added by 31/05 then this will be the final decision.
I was just wondering if anyone else has had this scenario and had QQ come back with information to change the Ombudsman’s decision? What is the process in this case?
Darren says
Hi Declan
When did qq reject your adjudicators decision if you don’t mind me asking ?
Declan says
Hi Darren,
A timeline of events so far..
18/06/18 – first contact with Quickquid
09/07/18 – QQ offer (I rejected this)
09/07/18 – passed complaint to FOS
31/10/18 – picked up by adjudicator
30/11/18 – adjudicator decision
17/12/18 – Objected to by QQ (passed to ombudsman on the same day)
17/05/19 – provisional final decision from Ombudsman (I believe this is provisional as they have offered to refund more than the adjudicator had originally offered)
Hope this helps
Christian white says
I have also had a long wait but unfortunately have used a CMC. I signed these guys up in March 2018 but have got no further than an adjudicator. There is still the issue of whether the loans over 6 years old will be dealt with so the time line has a way to go yet. Looking at the timeline produced by my CMC, it took until February 2019 to be picked up at adjudicator level so long periods of waiting seem to be on the cards. Not happy with the CMC so, having complained to them and having received their final response rejecting my complaint, I’m about to start an FOS complaint about them!
Sara (Debt Camel) says
interesting – what will you be complaining about?
Christian white says
They sent the complaint to QQ on May 3rd 2018 which was rejected. But the adjudicator didn’t make any contact until Feb 2019 when I was asked if I wanted to pursue the case for all the loans (24 of which are over 6 years old). That seems like a long wait. The CMC say that this is out of their control. I can accept that some bits of the process are outside their control but now feel I would have been checking in with the FOS on a regular basis to see what was happening. If fhe QQ complaint is upheld – and this feels like a longshot right now – the CMC will get a substantial payout which I feel is poor value for money
Another case I left with them was a loan with 247 Moneybox. 247 Moneybox agreed to bring the outstanding balance to £0 (I’d already paid £808 of the £875 back) letting me off £315 in interest and charges. The loan was in a DMP but the CMC still charged a 25% fee of the £315. In effect, therefore, I had to find this money even though I had none because it was all going into the DMP. If I had known that this might happen, I would never have used the CMC. I just wasn’t in a position to incur more debt. Their final response letter states that this is all in the terms and conditions. I feel, though, that they should have checked my financial position first and warned me in big red letters that I might end up paying them on a ‘win’.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
It seems unlikely that you will win a complaint about the QQ delays – they are not the fault of the CMC and you checking with FOS is very unlikely to have made any difference.
“poor value for money” well definitely! But not really something you are likely to win a complaint about unless you feel you were misled in any way about what the CMCs fees were. In which case you should be complaining about that, not the high level of the fees.
The 247 Moneybox complaint is stronger. A CMC should be aware that many of its customers may still owe a balance, so you can say it was unfair of them not to specifically ask you about this and draw to your attention that you may have to pay their fees if all of the refund came in the form of a write off. You can could argue that it’s not good enough to bury something important in the T&Cs and that you are now worse off because of this.
Had you had previous loans with 247? If you had, there is the question of whether 247’s offer was a good one. Did the CMC suggest you should accept it? Did they tell you at that point that you would still owe them money for fees, or did you only find out when they sent you a bill?
Have you put in a complaint to FOS about the CMC already or are you just thinking about it?
Lee says
On the 4th April I opened the case against QuickQuid
I took 14 loans with these across a rolling 14 month period – starting in March 2011.
Total interest paid approx £2,500.
Today they made an offer of £346.
Am I to send my case to the ombudsman?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
It sounds like a very poor offer, QQ don’t negotiate so yes, you are left with the option of sending it to the Ombudsman.