So if you are having problems paying your council tax, you are not alone.
This problem has been increasing for many years. Council Tax is the most common priority debt that National Debtline see – 28% of its clients in 2022 had council tax arrears
But what can you do if you have arrears?
Can you get any council tax discounts or an exemption?
Take a few minutes to check you are being billed for the right amount.
Council Tax Support
If you are on benefits or a low income you may be entitled to Council Tax reduction, sometimes call Council Tax Support.
This is one of the most underclaimed benefits in the UK. It is estimated that 2.7 million households are eligible for this but not claiming it.
Check your council’s website for how to apply – most councils have a form there you can use. You have to apply separately to your local council for Council Tax Support if you are on Universal Credit, it isn’t done as part of your UC application,
Pensioners who get Pension Credit don’t have to pay any Council Tax. So if you are a pensioner with an income below £177.10 a week (or £270.30 for a couple), check this Pension Credit calculator.
Exemptions and discounts
If you and any other adults in the house are all students, you should be exempt from council tax.
Single people should get a 25% discount. You can also get this 25% discount if the other adults in your house are exempt from council tax, eg they are students or have a severe mental disability such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, or mental problems after a stroke.
If the only person living in the house has a Severe Mental Impairment, they should be exempt. This may include dementia, Parkinson’s, severe learning difficulties or having had a stroke. A doctor must certify they are severely mentally impaired and they usually have to be in receipt of a disability benefit such as PPI or Attendance Allowance. Contact your local Citizens Advice for help to get this exemption.
Check your council website for other possible exemptions
Is the council tax band right?
Check to see if your neighbours are in a lower band, and if they are, read MoneySavingExpert’s guide on how to challenge your banding. The Valuation Office Agency’s statistics show nearly 30% of band challenges in England and Wales in 2019-20 resulted in a decrease in the band.
If someone in your household is disabled and requires additional space or facilities, your council tax may be reduced.
It’s a “priority debt”
Council tax arrears increase dramatically if you ignore them. Local authorities are faster to go to court and send in bailiffs than commercial creditors such as payday lenders, credit cards and mobile phones. This adds a lot of extra costs.
This is also a priority debt because you can be sent to prison for not paying it if you live in England. This is very rare but it does happen.
So what should you do if you can’t afford it?
Priority debts have to be paid first!
When I said council tax arrears are a priority, you may just have thought I just meant they were important…
But they literally have to be paid first.
If you don’t have enough money to pay your Council Tax and all your other debts, you have to make arrangements to pay the council tax and any other priority debts.
Then what is left has to be divided between your credit cards, catalogues and loans.
A Debt Management Plan can help with this. If necessary, you can make token payments of £1 a month to non-priority debts. Your other creditors will accept that you have to pay priority debts such as council tax first.
There may be insolvency options such as a Debt Relief Order (DRO) or bankruptcy that would give you a clean start. These can wipe council tax arrears for previous years and this year, as well most other sorts of debts and CCJs.
If you can’t afford to make any payments to your non priority debts or to the council tax, then insolvency may be a good option for you, but if there is some reason why no form of insolvency is suitable there is a “last resort” option of asking your council to write off your council tax debt with a Section 13A application for discretionary relief.
If this seems confusing or impossible, talk to a debt adviser. The best places to go for help are local services such as your local Citizens Advice or a Law Centre.
If you have council tax arrears
If you get behind on the monthly payments, phone your council and try to make an arrangement to pay.
The letter from the council may say you have to pay the whole years tax immediately. Don’t let that put you off – phone the council and offer monthly payments.
It can help to get these accepted if you say you will set up a direct debit.
If you ignore the problem most local authorities are quick to go to court for a Liability Order which can add £100 or more to your debt straight away.
Councils are then quick to pass on Liability Orders to the bailiffs – every year more than a million council tax debts are sent to bailiffs for collection. Bailiffs fees then make your debt even larger very quickly, as the following example shows:
council tax arrears £95
cost of summons & liability order £120
First letter from bailiff £75
First visit from bailiff £235
Total £525
If you can’t afford as much as the council is asking, talk to a local debt adviser.
Liability orders and bailiffs
Don’t ignore a letter saying that a Liability Order has been granted – if you do the debt will be passed to bailiffs and gets a lot larger. Instead, phone the council straight away even if you can’t pay it in full.
Make an arrangement to pay
If you get an arrangement to pay set up, the council won’t send the debt to the bailiffs.
When you make an arrangement to pay, pay the exact amount by the exact date agreed. A standing order or direct debit is the best way.
If you pay a bit more, the council may think this is a payment to some other arrears for a different year and your payment arrangement may fail.
Deductions from benefits
You may be able to pay it by deductions from your benefits:
- if you are on JSA ESA or Income Support, ask for your council tax debt to be repaid by deduction from your benefits of £3.75 a week;
- if you are on Universal Credit, 5% of your “Standard Allowance” can be deducted. The money you get for your housing costs will not be affected.
It’s already been sent to a bailiff
If the debt is sent to the bailiffs, read Bailiffs – what you need to know. That looks at whether you have to let them in (for council tax arrears the answer is NO!) and what to do to stop your car being taken.
You may need help to deal with bailiffs – go to your local Citizens Advice or Law Centre.
Do not google for help with bailiffs and end up talking to a firm that says they can get 80% of your debt written off. These are NOT bailiff specialists. They will not talk to the bailiffs or your council. They are unscrupulous firms that are trying to get you to sign up to an IVA.
IVAs are only right for a small number of people, but they have large fees so they are often mis-sold.
Tip – check previous tax years
Councils work in tax years which run from April to March. A letter may say you owe £230 for the tax year 2020-21. But you may also have other arrears for previous years as well.
This can be very confusing. You may think you have made a payment arrangement and everything is OK. Then bailiffs send you a letter for a different tax year debt.
So whenever you talk to the council, don’t just ask about the letter you have just had. Always ask if you have any debts from previous tax years as well.
Don’t borrow more!
Taking out another loan is not a good solution for a council tax problem. Getting deeper into debt makes your situation worse, especially if the interest rates are high.
It’s better to get debt advice now. If you try to borrow your way out, you will just have a larger problem in a few months.
Can’t pay your bills & debts? What help can you get? looks at the range of help you can get and where to go for the best debt advice for your situation.
Kevin says
I owe nearly £3000 in council tax from previous addresses and I just wanted to no how much would it cost and who to contact to go bankrupt for this debt.. I am only on low income wage and I cannot afford the amount the council want back each month….. Thank you…
Sara (Debt Camel) says
hi Kevin, bankruptcy would rarely be a good option for you unless you have other larger debts as well and the bankruptcy fees are high (£655) – read more about bankruptcy here One better option would be to get someone to help you make a monthly offer you can afford to the council, another might be a Debt Relief Order if you owe less than £20,000 and are renting. Read more about DROs here Good places to talk through your options include your local Citizens Advice (find it here or phone National Debtline on 0800 808 4000.
Joan says
Im on 73.10 pounds a week and have to pay 5 pounds a week council tax is this right ? Also pay 2.50 a week management charge on the property i live in so only have 65.60 how do i mange to pay bills 62 year old
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Hi Joan, I am afraid it may well be right :( Local councils can now set their own rules for how much people on low incomes have to pay. If you want to check it is right, you can put your details into this calculator If you go to your local Citizens Advice, they may be able to help with suggestions – some councils have extra sources of help available and if you are worried about utility bills there may be extra help you can get, sometimes special tariffs or
Ricky says
I have been sent a bill 18 months after moving out from my address. I was a full time student at the time, not working, and lived in the flat on my own. I had twice provided proof of my student status. Despite this I have been sent two liability orders for council tax! Any ideas?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Have you put in a complaint to the council?
ricky says
only got the letters today, so will do monday. is it likely they will just write it off?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
If you have problems I suggest going to your local Citizens Advice.
Hydar says
Hi I have had a refund from the council for council tax i paid when a bailiff turned up. It was found that the I wasn’t liable for the council tax. Do the bailiffs have to refund the enforcement fees charged as it was the councils mistake in appointing them?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
It sounds to me as though the council should refund this – I suggest you ask them.
Hazel Day says
Can you advise me, I was bankrupt up until March 2016 – I am in receipt of housing and council tax benefit, all fine with no issues until Tax Credits screwed everything up which has landed me with an £8,000 overpayment bill!!! This is not my fault and have provided all evidence to prove I was in receipt of the childcare element of tax credits but they are not relenting, today I received a letter telling me I’ve got to go to be interviewed under caution for benefit fraud!!! I have done nothing wrong!!! At worst if they continue to stick that bill on me does being bankrupt up until March have any effect? Is council tax a priority debt therefore unable to be written off? Can’t believe I’m in this situation as I have not done anything wrong in my eyes!!
Any advice would be welcome.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
An interview under caution is serious – I suggest you go to your local Citizens Advice asap and ask them for help in getting a solicitor to attend with you.
Hazel says
Thank you, I’ve had a meeting yesterday and I don’t think they will proceed with charging me but they still say they’ve overpaid me shed loads, I disagree completely as it’s them that have put the figures into their system not me, they’ve got so much wrong and even with all the correct info they still send out the wrong stuff, it’s doing my head in!!
Sara (Debt Camel) says
I’m not sure if you have been to your local Citizens Advice? Ff you haven’t, this is the best thing you can do now.
Kath says
I have a council tax debt. Set up arrangement to pay £200 a month. Was late paying this month as couldn’t get the money together in time. I have made payment this month of £220 but the bailiffs have cancelled payment plan even though I have explained that I won’t be late paying again. They came to my home & said if I don’t pay in full within 24hrs they are removing goods. I am worried sick. Only in a minimum wage job & trying so hard to pay rent etc each month. What can I do
Sara (Debt Camel) says
You need detailed advice on your specific situation asap. You could call National Debtline on 0808 808 4000. Or if you can get to your local Citizens Advice today they can be very helpful with “local” issues such as council tax.
Ti says
I’ve got a court date for missing 3 payments in 1 year. Here are the facts:
3rd Jan Council Contacted Courts and got court date 31st Jan.
I emailed the council on the 4th Jan explaining my financial problems and making an offer to settle everything I owe in 3 payments (I knew nothing about court).
12 Jan, I emailed the council again asking for reply to my offer.
13 Jan I receive notice of court date from the council – letter was not dated.
13 Jan I make formal complaint to council because they are ignoring me.
23 Jan I chase up reply to complaint.
Todate I’ve still not received any reply from the council.
I’ll be making the payment I said I would on the 31 Jan and attending the court to speak to the judge.
But am I wasting my time? Should I just make the payment and not bother with the court? Is there a point in me telling the judge all this, would it make any difference?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
I suspect you will still get a Liability Order. But There may be someone at the court from the council, which may be one way to get this resolved. I guess it depends how difficult it is for you to attend court. Other things to try to get this sorted, contact your local councillor and tell them how your offer and your complaint is being ignored. See
Patrick Crowley says
Hia, I recieved a bayliffs magistrates liability order removal notice 2 days ago, for a property which I rented out in St Helens (St Helens BC) a while ago.
I live in Warrington (Warrington BC) where I recieved the Rundles Enforcement letter for the first time.
I never knew anything about unpaid council tax (for the St Helens property) as i have never recieved any previous correspondence from either Rundles or St Helens Council, Council for that area.
When I spoke to St Helens Council they said they sent numerous letters to a previous address (not the one i rented out) to a previous address (Runcorm property) where I lived at 4 to 5 years ago, to which I sold the house back then (Runcorn BC).
So all in all I never ever recieved any correspondence from anyone, St Helens BC passed it onto Rundles Enforcement Agents which increased the price from £250 to £596.
I never recieved any reminders. I’ve never been in any sort of trouble with my finances before. St Helens Council (Council Tax Dept) excuse was I should have told them my current address as I own the rental property in St Helens. I’ve set up an arrangment to pay in 3 installments to Rundles. I’ve paid the first installment but am still angry/upset suffering stress. I’m paying an extra £250 to someone I knew nothing about. Is there anything I can do. Please advise. Regards Pat
Sara (Debt Camel) says
If the council sent the letters to the last known address for you, I’m don’t think you can complain about this. But do you agree that council tax was owed? If you don’t, that should be challenged.
Vanda says
No. I am renting, not a homeowner.
sharon says
hi my daughter was living in private rented property for 3 yrs and was on full benefits and has moved over a year ago and has a had a balliff at her property chasing for council tax from the previous property when she was in receipt of full benefits can you advise me on this pls
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Most people “on full benefits” still have to pay some council tax. If doesn’t think she owes this money I suggest she goes to her local Citizens Advice for help.
Dan says
Hi, bailiffs turned up at my sister house 7:30 Monday 13th march . Unfortunately she invited them in (silly girl). It was lucky I was walking past her house on the way to work and noticed two big burly men in her kitchen and went to investigate. I was met with the sight of her crying on the kitchen floor and her 3 children in tears in the living room, very unpleasant sight. I asked what they were doing in her house and they told me they needed £587 within 10 minutes or they would start removing her possessions and add another £200 to the bill. My sister gave them permission to see the paper work and they told me it was for unpaid council tax for a Victoria. My sister is called Vikki and has never been known as Victoria and all her dealings with the council are in the name Vikki. I pointed this out and they said as she confirmed she was resident at the time the bill was hers and they will not be leaving until payment is received. I paid on my debit card just to get them out and told my sister to ring the council ASAP. She did and as it turns out for some reason a second account had somehow been setup in the name Victoria, it was an error on their part and Vikki actually didn’t owe anything. Totally disgusting. I called but they wouldn’t give me time of day so my sister went to the council office and asked for the money to be paid back into my account. They had the cheek to tell her they would only refund the initial bill and not the charges the bailiffs added. After having a breakdown in the office and threatening legal action they told her they would pay the full amount to me by BACS transfer. I lodged a complaint with the Council about what happened but for Data protection reasons they couldn’t discuss with me the account so I asked my sister to talk to them. She was reassured off two separate people one of whom was the collections team leader that the transfer would be done immediately that was Wednesday 22nd I still have no sign that the payment has gone through. I rang today to ask for confirmation yet again they wouldn’t give me the time of day, my sister rang the collections team leader who was dealing with my complaint and she said the transfer would be done today and I’d have the money in my account by next Friday at the latest. I am now having to pay my own bills on my credit card as the bailiffs cleaned me out. If it was my sisters bill I would take the hit but the council has put me in this situation not my sister. The whole event had been totally disgusting and is entirely the councils fault. Should I take legal action against them? Both for the stress they have put us through and for my financial situation now. I’m not sure who to ask and how to go about it. My sister just wants to move on from it but I don’t think I can let it go, I’m totally appalled that this could even happen and am not certain I’m going to get my money back.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
1. Yes you should get your money back. (NB Obviously I only know what you have written, that the council have agreed it is their error.)
2. The way to get round the problem that the council can’t talk to you because of data protection is for your sister to write to the council giving them full authority to discuss all matters in connection with her council tax, including bailiff action, with you. This needs to be signed by her and dated and she needs to keep a copy. She should post it recorded delivery or take it to a local council office which deals with council tax and hand it in, in which case she should get a receipt. You also need a copy. This is known as a Letter of Aithority.
3. You should put in a written complaint, there will probably be a way you can do this by email and you should say they have a letter of authority and also attach a copy.
4. It sounds as though you are very local. If you are in the same council, get your local councillors involved – they can often resolve this sort of thing speedily. Find them here:
5. You could go to your local Citizens Advice. In this case your sister is going to have to write a second Letter of authority to the council also giving CAB authority to discuss her Council case case with them. Take this Letter of authority with you to CAB so they can attach it to any letters / emails they send.
In this sort of situation where you want it resolved fast, doing as many things as possible is usually a good idea as you don’t know which one will work first!
You could also think about adding this story to a site which is campaigning for reforms, see It’s not the bailiffs fault the council wrongly instructed them, but if you feel they were being intimidating or not listening to what she said, that isn’t right.
Tracey says
Hi, I got behind on my CT payments and the council cancelled my payment plan and charged me for the entire year eventhough I am on benefits. I have missed the bailiffs calling at my home on two occasions but spoke to someone on the phone who said he was referring back to the council and I would receive a letter within 7 to 10 days. Two weeks on I have received no letter and yesterday a bailiff called to my home but I was in the bathroom, he put a letter through my door and then five minutes later he knocked on my back door and opened it, calling out. I have never allowed a bailiff into my home and he says he is entitled to open my door as he is an enforcement officer. He did not step over the door step, but is he right?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Yes if the door is unlocked, see Can you leave doors locked or on a chain until this matter is resolved?
You could call National Debtline for advice 0808 808 4000. Or going to your local Citizens Advice is often helpful as they will have had a lot of dealings with the local council.
Adam says
I am about to submit my bankrupt form today. However, I have a liability order against me regarding missed council tax. I’ve read online that because this has come from the court it will not be wiped out in the bankruptcy order. Is this true? I have no assets, no savings over £50 and no house. I am almost homeless. Another debt that size (£1,400) would finish me off. I am currently claiming ESA for severe depression and agrophobia.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
The liability order and any other council tax arrears will be included in your bankruptcy. Even if you forget to include them in your bankruptcy application they will still be wiped out.
Can I just check your total debts (including this council tax one) are over 20k? And you have taken some advice about bankruptcy? It may be your best option but it’s always good to make sure!
Charlie Griffiths says
Hi Sara,
Thank you for the responses you have typed to people?
I am being chased for £237 by Croydon Council that I do not owe. I explained to them when my move out date was and they wish to charge me another month. I moved address and once again a year later. I have been sent a letter to my new address of a previous summons from croydon council some 5 months after leaving and now Newlyns wants £305 now. I have written to the council previously ,went into the building, sent my evidence to them via their submission in the building and on phone they told me back in May 2017 I did not owe that. Possibly only £30 or so.
What can i do as i am so frustrated, negged out and kind of feel defeated because no matter what I do, they don’t go away and now have resorted to using debt collection as a bullying tactic to make me pay and threaten me. It is such a small amount in the grand scheme but I refuse to pay it and bow down to them as I don’t owe it.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
I think you need to put in a written complaint, use their online form here If that doesn’t get anywhere, I suggest you go to your local Citizens Advice and they will help you.
ben says
Hi my council tax for this year is with baliffs at the moment and total is 1071 pounds. i had a bad do with anxiety and crippling debts (all of which i’m getting under control and help for) so i applied for cts, got it but couldn’t get to the offices with proof due to my anxiety. so here we are i was rudely forced into paying a ridiculous amount a month but i guess it holds off that nearly 300 pound charge. if i call the council and reapply for the council tax support tomorrow, will they reduce the baliff amount as that would be wrong.. i’m aware i probably can only go back 1 month but still i estimate a lot should be shed off. any advice would be appreciated. Thanks in advance
Sara (Debt Camel) says
I am sorry to hear this. Do you mind if I ask a few questions?
Your other debts – how much do they add up to and how are you managing to repay them?
Are you in work at the moment, or managing on benefits?
What “proof” did the council want that you couldn’t take in?
Chris Richardson says
Gloucester city council reduced my housing benefit, due to being overpayed over the previous 3 years. They recovered at such a high rate so quickly it wiped out my housing benefit, and gave me no chance of getting a DRO. They have reduced the rate of recovery since, but it is still too high and now I am 2 months behind with council tax. At the point when I get the letter asking for the full amount and saying I am not entitled to payment by installments, can I take out a DRO and get a years council tax written off?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
I think you should go to your local Citizens Advice now and ask for their help with getting this sorted.
Mazzy says
I have an odd problem, Camden Council say I have arrears for the current tax year, but I dont. My payments may not be on time (they want it on the 1st) but its paid in that month. I have just received a summons for unpaid council tax. I dont have any money at the moment to pay the monthly amount, even if I did I cant online. So, where exactly do I stand? A little advice would be helpful.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
It is unusual to get a summons if you are never more than a month behind. HAve you talked to the council to make sure they have all your payments recorded?
Mazzy says
I took a look online at my account, and its paid up till last month so they must be up to date. It says I have paid till October. So no idea what they are doing.
Jenny says
I have a few liability orders for c tax and I had a payment arrangement with the company I fell back when I was between jobs and I have had 2 visits from a bailiff , the first time I was out and I found a note when I got home . The second time I was at home and I found a note shoved in my letterbox, nobody knocked it said he was arranging a van and coming in to take items despite not having been in before
. I made a complaint to the council about the attitude of the bailiff and got my previous arrangement reinstated but I then got evicted and am sofa surfing
so the arrangement lapsed again. I’m now wondering what happens when I have a new home? What will the bailiff do?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Hi Jenny, first to answer your questions.
If it takes a while to get your housing sorted (which is your priority, not the council tax arrears) the bailiff will probably have returned the debt to the council as being uncollectable so you can make an arrangement with the council. But if the bailiff calls at your new home, they have no right of entry.
When you are sorted, it would probably a good time to get some debt advice on your whole financial position.
The “note” you received was either lying or it may have been legally correct but worded in a very misleading fashion. If you feel cross about this, then there is something you can do to try to get the law changed – the Ministry of Justice has issued a Call for Evidence about bailiff behaviour and one of the questions they are asking directly relates to this sort of note:
Q13 Within the last 12 months do you have any evidence of aggressive or misleading letters being left for debtors by enforcement agents [their name for bailiffs]? If yes, what did the letters say?
You could reply to this Call For Evidence and just answer that question. You only have to write a few sentences describing what happened, give the month/year and name the bailiff. See for how to do this.
Keith says
Leeds City council won’t offer me a payment plan and instead insist I pay £83 a month even though I’m on only £188 a month PIP!
I have substantial debts to the DWP, Gas,electricity ,and thousands in credit card debt.
They are aware of this but are totally inflexible and unreasonable and are threatening legal action. I’ve offered to pay £60,which they won’t accept
I replied to them saying I couldn’t accept this payment plan because I simply CANNOT pay it .I also said in my email that any magistrate would surely think they’re unreasonable and accept my payment plan.
Can you advise as they’re being total twats to be honest !-every other priority creditor has accepted a reasonable payment plan but not leeds city council!
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Can I ask:
– are you buying or renting?
– what are your total debts?
– how much are you paying to the credit cards each month?
– is this council tax debt from last year? do you have other years in arrears with them as well?
Keith says
I rent a council flat
-my total debts are about £14,000 but these include primary and secondary debts (£7000 in credit card debts)
-CAP (Christians Against Poverty) are making nominal payments of £1 a month towards my credit card,water and utilities debts
-there us £284 council tax debt from last year
-no other arrears
Sara (Debt Camel) says
I think you should talk to CAP about whether you can have a Debt Relief Order. See Council tax arrears can be included in that.
steve says
Hi I have unfortunately been self employed because of my health for over 20 years now and have been really struggling to maintain my business over the last 10 years because of of it. I got some help from benefits but only towards my council tax and only for a short period of time before they claimed it all back as i was to ill to fill out forms for them or work or anything , they then took me to court and got a liability order still whilst i was ill. They have now done this to me a few times and i have narrowly avoided it several times by being well enough to complete the paperwork they require. I set up a payment plan witch i stuck to the best i can but was late sometimes as not able to work so no money. Anyhow I have had to take this into my own hands and give up my home and go and live of grid with a friend in a different area for a bit of respite. I currently feel a bit of relief to get away from this council but i am talking to them via email regarding this sum. I have offered them a monthly payment until i was well enough to get legal advice as to whether anything could be done regarding getting these debt written of as i was just not and am not able to do literally anything when i fall ill and this could last for days weeks even months. Just wondered what i should do ?. Tia
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Can I ask how much all the council tax debts add up to? and if you have other debts as well?
steve says
Council total sum is £2150 and I have no other recorded debts on my credit file .
Sara (Debt Camel) says
ok, so no water or utility debts from where you were living? or rent arrears?
steve says
yes there is only about 500 in total but i have them paid by dd every month now
Sara (Debt Camel) says
OK, I suggest you go to your local Citizens Advice and talk about your situation. There is a little known option called a section 13A write-off, but if you are able to make payments to other debts, this may not work for you. If it doesn’t, a Debt Relief Order (DRO) may be your best option. Citizens Advice will be able to talk you through the different options and their implications so you can make a choice.
steve says
thank you for your suggestions and advice Sara. Unfortunately I had to edit my original post heavily as it was deemed to long for a comment . Council has had over several years nearly 12k in liability orders against me when i have been to ill to jump through they hoops that they put in front of me due to illness i have now sold everything i own and have gone to live of grid away from every council for now because it will just keep on happening therefore i have a bit of a sad nest egg which means i could pay this but am firmly dead set against it to be fair . I have not been able to access benefits, doctors or any other service due to my health as I can not attend 9 out of 10 appointments. What would be the councils actions be if i just left it until maybe they accept my payment offer . I understand that the sum is under the amount that they can make me bankrupt for and i believe all they can do is summon/arrest me for a committal hearing. Do they tend to send so called debt out to debt collectors ?.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
“What would be the councils actions be if i just left it until maybe they accept my payment offer… I believe all they can do is summon/arrest me for a committal hearing. Do they tend to send so called debt out to debt collectors ?”
This is one of the reasons I have suggested you go to your local citizens Advice – they are more likely to know what the council’s policies are.
Sorry, I can’t recommend staying off grid as a course of action.
Katie says
Hi looking for some advice.
I have council tax arrears for year 2018 to 2019. Basically other half was of work sick for 4 months applied to universal credit and council tax benefit gave us full benefit to then turn around and say it was in error.
If that’s the case that is fine and I am happy to pay it.
However we have now moved to a different county , this debt is now closed with council.
Can we be taken to court as this is no longer live account and no loner living in that county ? If I make payment arrangement how long will they permit this for ? Usually only have till end of the tax year but as old account can we have longer just council tax in our new area is double almost !
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Yes they can take you to court for a liability order. And instruct bailiffs. And be unreasonable about wanting to collect it before the end of this tax year.
BUT they may not be unreasonable if you contact them and make an offer to pay.
Stephen Metcalfe says
Hello! Is there anybody who can give advice on my legal position, as follows:
Just recently the VOA have made a mess of deleting a property i had from the list, which no longer exists. They have admitted to this and apologized – they said: “They’re only human and make mistakes”, which is surprising considering whenever i make mistakes there are no allowances especially taxation. Because of this mistake, the account for that property is still active and the council are chasing me for council tax with a court summons, which i have to deal with because of the VOA’s mistake – i can’t afford to pay this tax for a property that doesn’t exist and i don’t see why i should when its not my fault. Apparently the VOA cannot contact the council o help solve this problem. Can someone advise me what my legal position is and what can be done? Thank you.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Can the VoA put this in writing to you so you can send it to the council?
If not, I suggest you go to your local Citizens Advice who can explain how to appeal and how to go to the Valuation Tribunal if necessary (
Connor says
I moved out of my rented flat in November of last year, to a different county. I’m only just now getting a phone call from the previous council about paying council tax, am I actually liable for an address I haven’t lived in for nearly a whole year?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Did you inform the council you had left the property? Your local Citizens Advice cannhelp with these problems, some councils can be easier to deal with than others.
Constantin Ghita says
Hello just a quick one please. I missed to go to the court yesterday for an unpaid concil tax . I just arive back in the country today. What is gonna happen next if I didn’t face the court? Thanck you
Sara (Debt Camel) says
You need to talk to the council to make a payment arrangement. They will probably say this has to be paid over the rest of the financial year, so August-March is 8 payments. If you can’t pay that much, talk to your local Citizens Advice asap about your options, whether you can get any extra benefits, the rest of your financial situation etc
If you don’t do anything, they are likely to send the case to the bailiffs which will add extra fees on.
ellie says
Hi there, i got a letter dated 1st May saying i owed 11.83 to the council –
I didnt get this letter untill two days ago with another saying i have a date in court now to pay £1700 pounds! I have been away on holiday so missed the court date!
I have been completely up to date with all my payments untill this 11.83!
Im going to ring up the council tomorrow morning but im just wondering which is the best angle to take with them over the phone!
Sara (Debt Camel) says
This is because they now say you owe all the council tax for the rest of the year. It is a very unfair system! They will probably ask you to make an arrangement to pay what is owed by the end of this tax year in March 2020, so 8 months. If you can’t afford that, talk to a debt adviser, eg your local Citizens Advice or phone National debtline on 0808 808 4000.
Cheryl says
I was on a DRO back in 2017, but at the moment having problems paying my council tax bill, i work 20 hours a week and get working tax credits and child tax credit for my daughter age 11. I have informed the council that i cannot pay but as off yet still no reply, a DRO is 6 years so i dont no what to do next or if i can any help, my credit file is so low so cannot get any help. What do i do.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Are you getting Housing Benefit or Council Tax Support?
Do you have any other bills or debts you are struggling with?
Daniel says
This tax year hasnt even finished and i have been taken to court no council tax, they want 4 payments of 300 pm which i cant offord and will not even entertain anything lower. I have no clue what to do. Please help
Sara (Debt Camel) says
trying to find out your options so I can suggest who can help you with this…
Why haven’t you been able to pay your Council Tax?
Do you have other debts? Are you behind with those?
Katie says
Hi I recently moved to a different county. I have received a letter today from my previous county for council tax owing from last tax year so ending April 2019.
This has arose due to claiming universal credit at the time and council tax benefit saying I had full council tax benefit for four months and then saying it was miscalculated.
Anyway happy to pay it and sort it out. But a few questions before I contact them.
Is it a priority debt if it’s from a previous year I no longer live in that county and pay my current council tax on time no arrears?
Second can I make a payment arrangement on this ? Can they still take to court as it’s not current year debt ?
Lastly how long can I make an arrangement over I am currently at university we get 25 discount due to hubby working minimum wage full time
Not entitled to any universal credits and so on due to to student loan. So money is tight.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Yes it is still a priority debt.
The council may well accept a repayment plan but it may depend what you can afford to offer.
Yes they can Still go to court which would add court costs so if this can be avoided by making a payment arrangement that is good.
BUT are you sure the amount is now correct? And there may be a case to ask the council to write it off as it was their error and you now have little or no spare income. I suggest you go to your local Citizens Advice and ask for their help on this.
Lesley says
Hello.. I’m hoping you can help… Ive been on the mental health for 6 years and can’t cope with handling bills and shopping so I’ve had a carer.. the council have taken me to court a few times.. they have been intouch with my doctor and have heard nothing for a few good months so was just wondering if I could claim it all bk as it’s been taken out of my esa… ty.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
I think you should talk to your local Citizens Advice about your benefits situation and what options you have.
Jane says
Hi, I owe £2100 council tax arrears. Just received reminder notice saying legal proceedings will commence in 11 days time. I can afford to pay £50 maximum per month, will this be acceptable?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Hi Jane,
can I ask if you have other debts and problem bills as well as this one?
Also what is your current financial position like?
Jane says
Hi, no all our other bills are up to date. We fell behind on the council tax because we moved into a new build and didn’t receive a bill for first two years & in that time I was on maternity leave, then became seriously ill & had nearly a year sick leave & then furloughed due to covid 19. We’re up to date on this years council tax but it’s the £2100 arrears we can only afford to pay back £50 per month.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
OK< so you have a set of good reasons why you got into arrears and you are up to date with the current bill. I suggest you write (email is fine) to the council with your offer and explaining the reasons. It may help if you include an income & expenditure statement showing that you can't afford any more than £50, your local Citizens Advice can help you draw one up or you could use this online one from National Debtline:
Get this offer in as soon as possible. IF the council doesnt accept your offer, talk to your local Citizens Advice about what to do next.
Jane says
Thank you I will call council first thing tomorrow. I have previously offered £30 per month to the arrears & they would not accept, the woman I spoke to wanted minimum £150 which we can’t afford so she said to let it go to court & we’d get a payment arrangement after that. But I only realise now that was terrible advice as I didn’t realise there would be escalating fees.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
This is why it may help if you supply and income & expenditure statement proving it is all you can afford.
Jane says
Hi Sara, I spoke with the council Monday. They wouldn’t accept our offer of £50 per month & again advised to let it go to the debt recovery team as they have the ability to accept repayment over a longer term. I spoke with the citizens advice who have arranged an appointment with a debt specialist for us but not until after the deadline. I have two questions if you don’t mind as the citizens advice couldn’t answer & we can’t wait for the appointment, will this debt in anyway effect our credit ratings? Are the debt recovery team likely to accept £50 per month?
Thank you in advance.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
it definitely won’t affect your credit rating.
I’m not sure there is any point in me guessing what the debt recovery team will accept. If you have shown them a budget proving £50 a month is all you can pay, then I would hope they will take this especially as originally you weren’t even billed for this which caused the arrears to build up.
Lisa-anne Campbell says
I’m currently behind on my council tax payments—over £1k for the 23/24 bill & £220 for 24/25 bill. I can’t work anymore due to my disability, I receive the highest level of (PIP) for both sections, not entitled to much support because my husband works. He makes around £30k a year before tax
Our council house is in terrible condition. It has serious subsidence, we can’t close the windows, which means all of our heating escapes. We are behind on our gas central heating bill, which is £1,500. The heating is on before nightime for our children going to bed. I would like to know if we can request help from the council with our heating bill, as our current accommodation is not suitable for my disability. Adult services have informed the council we need a four-bed house, yet we get ignored despite the deteriorating condition of our home. The council had proposed relocating us to a hotel, but it’ll be impossible for me to get my children to school, I am unable to drive due to my disability. The council refused to assist, so I had to decline the hotel option.
We are also dealing with multiple issues in the house, including rising damp, subsidence, windows don’t close, flooring coming up in the kitchen, significant cracks in the walls, and asbestos in 4 rooms.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
I am very sorry to hear this. Have you talked to your local Citizens Advice about the housing and the council tax arrears?
Do either you or your husband have any other debts – loans, cards, catalogues, overdraft?