Two readers have reported getting letters from Intrum/Resolvecall about an old Lloyds debt.
They are asking if they have to pay these old debts:
I had a credit card debt with Lloyds about 10 years ago. I was struggling to pay it at the time… NowI have had a letter from a company called Intrum saying my account will now be managed by a company called Resolvecall who are asking for over £5,000. Do I have to pay this back to these people after all this time? Who I haven’t even corresponded with in over 10 years?
I had a debt with Lloyds bank for an unsecured loan back in 2005 which defaulted until coming off my credit report in 2013 with no CCJ’s ever reported.
Today I have received a letter from Resolvecall acting on behalf of Intrum UK stating they have taken over the debt… with no communication since the 11 years in which this was removed from my report, am I still liable to be taken to court for this debt?
So it sounds as though Intrum has bought a bunch of very old debts from Lloyds.
When is a debt statute barred?
National Debtline says in its factsheet on Statute barred debts
If a debt is barred under statute, it means that by law (the Limitation Act), the lender has run out of time to use certain types of action to try and make you pay the debt.
For debts such as credit cards and a loan from Lloyds, the time that matters is 6 years.
During those 6 years, you can’t have made any payment to the debt or acknowledged it in writing. Making a claim for PPI would often have acknowledged a debt in writing.
Other complicating factors can stop a debt becoming statute barred – see the National Debtline factsheet for details.
So is one of these old Lloyds debts statute barred?
This matters because if a debt is statute barred, a debt collector such as Intrum cannot take you to court for a CCJ.
And if you tell Intrum you will not be paying the debt because it is statute barred, then Intrum should not continue to ask you to pay. So letters should stop and no visit from ResolveCall!
It is likely it is if:
- you haven’t made any payment to it for more than 6 years; and
- you haven’t written to Lloyds about it for more than 6 years; and
- the debt no longer appears on your credit record.
If you are confident that it is well over 6 years, then you can send Intrum an email to, (also copy this email to saying the debt is statute barred. Here is the National Debtline template to use. Add the account reference number from the Intrum letter.
If you don’t feel confident, phone National Debtline on 0808 808 4000. Don’t send the letter unless you are sure.
Other questions
Do you have to talk to ResolveCall?
No. And if someone does come to your house, you don’t have to let them in. They have no right of entry.
But copying them on the email you are sending Intrum is sensible.
Will the debt reappear on your credit record?
No. A debt drops off 6 years after a default date. And it should not reappear.
Jane D says
Intrum are not the easiest company even when I’d gone bankrupt they wouldn’t give up. However had a letter from a company recently that related to a debt over 6yrs when challenged the company finally conceded it was statue barred and closed the case
What bothers me most is that they know the law yet still chase without thought?
Lloyds need to be taken to task they never give up on a debt ever when my mother died they chased and instructed the debt company no negotiation on a £6k debt and persisted with harassment until we had probate. The issue here also is they will not negotiate on debt at all with a credit card? Surely on death if they get at least 50% that’s better than zip.
I’d guess Lloyds instigated the interim
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Well Lloyds will have sold a bunch of debts – possibly all old, to Intrum.
The FCA says in CONC 7.15.9 “A firm must identify for prospective purchasers of debts arising under credit agreements or consumer hire agreements or P2P agreements those debts which it knows or ought reasonably to know are statute barred, so as to avoid a firm taking inappropriate action against customers in relation to such debts.”
Jane says
I some went to Hoist and that was picked up by PCA I’ve just gone back over the emails.
I don’t mind them selling debts but they will not negotiate prior to the debt….its almost like they let the debts happen then clear the decks.
I agree on the handover of debt but boy they didn’t want to send it to me in hard copy and six months of back n forth they finally produced the letter of handover of debt 🙄
Warwick65 says
I had something similar for a HBOS account. What’s worse Robinson way had previously told me it was statute barred. I’ve lodged a complaint which I will escalate
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Who was the debt collector?
Warwick65 says
It was Iqor then 1st Credit then intrum. In 2018 they wrote asking for payment but said ‘we are aware that the time for using the courts has now passed ‘ ( a little paraphrased) . I still have that letter. Nothing since. So I have told them I will not be paying as it is time barred (England). I will wait the 56 days then escalate to the FOS because I think debt purchasing is immoral and an abuse of the system. – if you borrowed and can repay yes but s**t happens as it did to me – marital breakdown, mental health challenges and job loss
Dave says
Does or doesn’t the debt dissolve if a partner passes away. ?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Can I check, the letter is addressed to your partner who has died?
Nina J says
This explains why my late partner recently received a letter from Resolvecall saying he owed nearly £10,000 to Lloyds. He died over 10 years ago and I went into the branch, as executor of his estate, at the time to close everything down. I was assured everything was sorted out and I have had no correspondence about any sort of debt since. Resolvecall did close the case when I rang but I have made a formal complaint to Lloyds about it, Not holding my breath though. Ironically this was the week Lloyds told their staff they shouldn’t use the word “widow” as it may be upsetting….
Nina J says
I complained to Lloyds and they have investigated. They can find no record of this debt ever existing, they went back at least to the 90’s. They then challenged resolvecall/intrum who were unable to answer any questions on where their info came from and denied all knowledge of it. Something shady is definitely going on.
Chancers says
I have received a letter from Resolvecall a few days ago relating to a debit which is over 10 years old! Nothing on my credit file as this passed over 6 years ago. I have not contacted anyone about this debt for 10 years or made any payments etc.
I contacted Debtline and they said to send the ‘Time has run out Template’, which I am going to send now. I was going to just ignore them but Debtline said its better to respond. Has anyone sent this letter and did this stop them chasing?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
They either have to stop chasing or produce a reason why they say it isn’t statute barred. Let us know what happens!
National Debtline are quite right that it is better to send this letter
Chancers says
Thank you. I will keep you all updated
Bec says
Have you got an update please? As I’ve also just sent this same letter for the exact same reason. Lloyd’s debt from 10+ years ago, no contact nor payment made so have now emailed this template across.
Caroline says
Hi Sara so i have a very old mbna debt of £4’000 due from having a bad divorce, this is roughly 17 years old I think i can recall mbna got a ccj which would of been 16 years ago this was then passed onto link financial who send yearly statement but i have not paid anything in all these years or acknowledged the debt in any way they have now sent me a letter to say resolvecall will call to try and get me back in touch with link im really unsure where i stand on this and any help is appreciated thanks
Sara (Debt Camel) says
I suggest you talk to National Debtline on 0808 808 4000 as link may have difficulty in enforcing such an old debt.
You can simply tell Resolvecall that you have no interest in talking to them and will not let them into your house. They have no more right to enter your house than the postman has.
Chancers says
If you go onto the National Debt line website you can download the letter ‘Time has run out template ‘ it’s so easy to complete. I was advised not to call them and just send this letter. Your case sounds the same as mine.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Did you have a CCJ? Because if you didn’t your situation is quite different to Caroline’s.
Legally time never runs out where there is a CCJ… but it does get much harder to enforce. Which is why I suggest speaking to National Debtline.
Chancers says
I never had a ccj just a default which was on my credit file but dropped off years ago. Does that mean my case is ‘statue barred’? Or am I at risk of court action.
I meant not to call Resolve.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Who advised you not to call National Debtline? That is poor advice. Why would you not want to talk to an expert?
Chancers says
I spoke to National Debtline. I meant I was told not to call the debt collectors and just send the letter. I did reply to this last night but it’s not been added yet!
Sara (Debt Camel) says
I misunderstood. Yes just send the letter.
(I combined your two posts last night)
Caroline says
Thankyou very much for a quick response I shall do as you suggest as I did think it rather strange as Link have never asked me for payment just send statements
Caroline says
Hi Sara
After taking your advice i spoke to National debtline and in a word they say the ccj is still enforceable even after all these years
what I really don’t understand after talking to the debt line if after 17 years the cc’j is still enforceable why they are not enforcing it but just sending Resolvecall out to try and get me to re connect with them when I will not engage with them one would of thought they would of just pursued the ccj
Regards Caroline
Sara (Debt Camel) says
The National debtline fact sheet says
“If your CCJ is more than six years old, and the creditor wants to use enforcement action, they must first get permission of the court. Special rules apply if they apply for a third party debt order or you already have a charging order. Contact us for advice.”
In your case this CCJ is VERY old. Go back to National Debtline and ask what you should say to Link about this.
Caroline says
Thankyou very much I did wonder as they have never mentioned a ccj in any correspondence to me
Caroline says
Hi Sara have respoken to the debt line and they have said to send the statue barred letter and take it from there which i have now done will have to wait and see what the outcome is, Also resolvecall left a calling card, i will let you no the outcome of this,
Jo says
I had the same a letter from Inrum/Resolvecall out the blue. First time I’ve heard of a Lloyds debt.I banked with them over 20yrs ago and yes probably had a debt.
Its not on my credit file and like I say the letter suddenly appeared.Ive sent an email to Intrum requesting a SAR and sent Resolvecall call a template letter denying the debt. Resolvecall have now handed the debt back to intrum..I’m awaiting their next step ..
Sara (Debt Camel) says
ok, unless they give up, the next step is to send them a statute barred lette.
Petrina Brennan says
Hi Jo-May I ask what the outcome was as I am in exactly the same boat?
Jo says
After receiving my information (sar) I had proof of my last payment which was with a debt company collecting at the door in 2008 ( I remember well as it was rather awkward i knew him) only paid a couple of payments and he stopped coming didn’t hear anymore.
After I had this in writing I used the statue barred template.sent it to intrum and they replied they agreed and no further contact.
I was so mad at them I sent a further letter telling them the impact they have on people chasing ancient debts.They are now investigating..not sure what but they are 😂
Steven says
Hmm, I find myself in an unexpected situation whereby, after many years of stress and illness I find that I am now being further chased for an alleged debt which is well over 10 years old. Resolvecall have left 2 letters on my doorstep in the last day or two. They have asked me to contact them and it is clear that they have purchased my alleged debt, probably one of several. I have no CCJ and have not acknowledged this alleged debt to any organisation.
I am very grateful to all the contributors to this website who are willing to assist others through their own, probably extremely stressful experiences but would be grateful for any further advice. Thanks to all.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Resolvecall don’t own your debt – they are collecting on behalf of the debt purchaser. Do you know who that is?
Abbie says
Hi I received a letter through the post from Resolve and I contacted national debtline and they advised me to send the stat letter. They have not been to my house and I am still waiting for a reply…the letter stated Intrum were originally dealing with this. Never heard from them before. The debt is over 10 years old. When they reply I will then speak to National debtline again and take action against them. As far as I am aware they cannot take this any further if no ccj and no payment or acknowledgment in 6 years. Just praying on people panicking and contacting them. Legally they cannot do anything.
Chancers says
Hi Just to let you know, after I sent the letter‘ Time has run out Template’, from ‘National Debt line I received a letter from Resolve call cancelling the case! It did state another debt company may contact me in due course about this debt. If they do I will send them the same letter.
IAN R says
Question Sara – had a letter from Cabot finance saying my debt is unenforceable-what does this actually mean for me-will it become recoverable-its a credit card de bt around £2300- thank
Sara (Debt Camel) says
can you copy in exactly what Cabot said please
also I assume the debt is either no longer on your credit record or is is defaulted with a default date showing?
IAN R says
Further after the unenforceable it says the balance is still outstanding and they need to talk to me-ps its a debt on vanquis credit card
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Why do they say it is unenforceable? What were the exact words? Had you asked for the CCA agreement or sent them a letter saying it is statute barred?
Louisa knowles says
Last week I had a letter out the blue from a debt company stating I owed 9500 to Lloyds Bank 15 years ago from intrum debt company? I’ve never communicated with Lloyds after citizens advise 15 years ago gave me some advice on my debt. Just 30 minutes ago I have received a call card through my door from resolve saying contact us with a reference number? I can’t believe they are sending people to my door I never answered what do I do next to stop this situation please.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
See the section “So is one of these old Lloyds debts statute barred?” in the article above.
Chris says
So glad I found this, just had the SMS from Resolvecall saying I owe a Lloyds debt from nearly 10 years ago to the tune of about £10,000k. I checked my credit file, nothing showing, no defaults at all so figured they’re just chancers. I saw the name Intrum mentioned at the top of the letter I downloaded so I’ve sent the statute barred email to the 2 emails mentioned above. Hopefully this sorts it, terrible that these companies are allowed to take advantage of people’s debit anxieties knowing that most of these debts are statute barred.
Will keep you updated.
Chris says
Just had confirmation letter by post from Resolvecall that they confirm the account is closed and no further payment or correspondence should be sent to them regarding the account.
They have said I may be contacted by another debt collection agency or by Interum in due course. Of which they will be met with the same statute barred letter.
Just to clarify for others who may be going through the same, I sent the statute barred email template found on this blog to the email addresses listed. It took them a full 5 days to respond by letter (not as I was expecting an email back). I did get an automated email asking for my DOB and to confirm my address which I replied to and AGAIN copied in the statue barred template for good measure.
If your debt is statute barred, do as this blog suggests and try not to worry too much, I was so pissed off at the threat of them sending the ‘heavies’ around to my house but don’t let them win, and don’t call them, just statute barred template and forget about it :)
Adam S says
I received a letter from Intrum including a resolvecall debt recovery letter. I did not recognise the debt, although I did have a Lloyds TSB current account which converted to TSB. I thought it may have been a mistracement as I have a common name. Rather than waste time, I sent both companies the statute barred latter and received a confirmation letter back that the debt is statute barred.
Chris says
How long did they take to get back to you? I sent the statute barred email 30/05 nearly 4 days ago now?
Adam S says
I sent a letter by recorded post and received a reply by post 12 days later. I was reluctant to give these “pests” any further contact details. In my opinion, they are “chancers” on a “fishing expedition”. Preying on the vulnerable to extract money from them.
No detail was provided in their letter other than an amount and a reference to Lloyds TSB. I am surprised their actions are deemed legal under the law.
Nina says
I agree that they are chancers. I had a letter about an alleged debt my late partner had with Lloyds. He died over 10 years ago. Resolvecall cancelled the case but I also made a formal complaint to Lloyds. They investigated and could find absolutely no evidence of an outstanding debt ever existing. Something shady about the whole thing. Feels like a total scam to me.
Caroline says
Hi Sara
I have now had a reply from Link which makes not a lot of sense to me and am unsure how to proceed it says if a debt is statue barred it simply means that they are unable to enforce the debt in a county court but it’s still collectible . however our policy is to cease contact with customers if no acknowledgment of the debt and no payments have been made in the limitation period.
After reviewing the account they confirm that the account is not statue barred as legal action was taken against Mr Acott in June 2011 so can never be statue barred so to contact them to sort a reasonable payment plan
However I have absolutely no idea who mr Acott is and definitely has nothing to do with the account any help will be greatly appreciated
Regards Caroline
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Reply saying they seem to have sent you the reply meant for someone else as you have no idea who Mr Alcott is
Caroline says
Hi Sara replied to them saying they had incorrect data to which they replied it was human error and sent the wrong copy I asked for them to send what information they held on me and it also says they sent a letter back in 2019 offering 70%discount which I never received is this because do you think they have nowhere to go with this in enforcement action . Not sure what steps to take next
Regards Caroline
Sara (Debt Camel) says
I suggest you wait and see what information they do have.
Caroline says
Hi Sara it says a ccj in 2011 and just the letters they have sent and phone calls made time would of run out on the ccj in 2017 then in 2019 the letter which I didn’t receive offering 70% discount
Regards Caroline
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Were you aware of a CCJ?
Jo says
Ask for a subject access request in paper form. This is everything they hold on you.
Will also show last payment/ default
I’ve now had my Sar ( subject access request) found my last payment was in 2012.Then I sent statute barred letter,to which they have now written to agree and no enforceable
Caroline says
No I wasn’t as this was sent to my old address I have the Sar in email form and no payment has been made since 2007 But link financial took it over in 2008 and got the Ccj in 2011 but I wasn’t aware as went to old address
Regards Caroline
Sara (Debt Camel) says
have you been sent any proof of the CCJ? Did you ever see it on your credit record in 2011-7? Or have you just been told that there was one?
Caroline says
Hi Sara no it’s with the paperwork from the sar but as for my credit record I wouldn’t have checked it unfortunately the only thing I could say but probably again an error was they said in the letter in June but on the paperwork it’s May according to the sar they have sent 2 letters saying make offer then in 2019 70% discount but never got these letters only ones asking me to contact about setting up a payment
nigel couldwell says
At the date of this posting, I have had a letter from Resolve Call telling me they are acting for INterum on behalf of a client Halifa cetelem for a debt of £981.
Now I have no recall what this was for. I also left the UK in 2006 until 2014. I have checked and can see the above ceased trading some years ago.
I have asked them to supply more details regarding this debt. Although I can see that as it is past 6 years it is statute barred,BUT, it is still enforceable….BUT AGAIN, as there has never been any contact by me to the owner in all this time it should be written off and no longer able to be collected. I assume i am correct…. R01/04/2014
Notwithstanding that a debt may be recoverable, a firm must not attempt to recover a statute barred debt in England, Wales or Northern Ireland if the lender or owner has not been in contact with the customer during the limitation period
and ………. firm must not continue to demand payment from a customer after the customer has stated that he will not be paying the debt because it is statute barred.
So I shall see what comes back from resolve.
Please do correct me if I have read things wrongly.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
In this sort of situation where you have never heard of the alleged lender it is is good to state that. If they produce any form of evidence that suggests this was your debt, th3 say that it must be statute barred
nigel couldwell says
So I used the contact us section on the web site of resolvecall 2 days ago.
Today I had the following reply to my question of who,what,and when.
”We are in contact with you on behalf of our client Intrum UK Limited for a Halifax loan with an outstanding balance of £981.77.
The account started on 29/08/2003 and defaulted on 02/08/2005.”
Now, I remember nothing of this BUT in 2006 we moved to and lived in Canada for 10 years. We have been back here since 2014 and there has been no contact about this at all.
So I assume now I can send them a little letter.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
To be clear, you do not recall owing Halifax a debt when you moved To Canada?
nigel couldwell says
Hi Sarah,
Honestly..No. never. I would need to see papers to be sure as I really do not have any idea of what this was for.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
I suggest you send them the National Debtline statute barred template as the article above says. Add a sentence at the start saying that you dispute that this debt is yours as you do not recall ever taking a loan from the Halifax.
nigel couldwell says
Will do tnx.
nigel couldwell says
So last night I sent the standard letter from the NDH and added the few words advised by Sara.
This morning I had an email from Resolvecall saying this… I sent email to intrum as well as resolve call. I am thinking they may now see it has been some 19 going on 20 years and no contact………..
Our Reference: 60308916
Creditor: INTRUM – 2024
Balance: £ 981.77
Date: 12/06/2024
MR NIGEL ******
We refer to the above account which was passed to us for collection.
Our client has requested that we return this account to them.
As we are no longer dealing with the account we request that no payment is made to ourselves. If you have been making payments please ensure these are cancelled.
If you do have any queries you can contact us on 0141 212 8500.
Petrina Brennan says
Hi Nigel -same thing just happened to me . Have you heard anything else?
nigel couldwell says
Hi Petrina,
No I have not had any reply at all.
ano says
Just a heads up, I’ve had an email from intrum stating they no longer use intrum(dot)com but intrum(dot)co(dot)uk
robert harrington says
Hi got a hand delivered letter this morning from resolve call,requesting that I contact them regarding an account I had with Halifax Cetelem,dosent say how much, but I did have debts some 20 years ago that I paid off monthly collected by an agent, all my debts were cleared. I have a top credit reference, never a problem with credit, this has come out of the blue, and is a worry as I am now retired and money is tight. My dealings with Cetelem was more than 20 years ago, and I’m pretty sure was cleared. Should I get in touch with Resolvecall, or ignore it. Regards Rob.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Contact Resolvecall, say you dispute you owe any money as your Cetelem debt was cleared 20 years ago and if it wasn’t cleared it must be statute barred by now.
James says
I’ve just received a letter from Intrum, informing me they’re pursuing a debt in my name from Abbey National, and that they have passed it to Resolvecall for settlement. The debt (of which I have no recollection) has to be statute barred – I’ve been at the same address for 20+ years and have never heard about this before now.
If I use the National Debt Helpline’s template to say the debt is statute barred, do I address it to Intrum or Resolvecall?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
I would send it to Intrum and tell Resolvecall you are disputing the debt with Intrum as it is statute barred. Add that you will not be answering the door to them if they do call.
Caroline Aldridge says
Hi Sara i havs now had a response to my complaint about having im correct data ( MR ALCOTT) And they have said tbey don’t believe ots a data breach nut would offer me £30 for the inconvenience, i don’t want to accept this as i don’t think it will help, the ccj is 14 years old do i now offer a small percentage to get rid of them, im so unsure as to what to do regards
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Talk to National Debtline about your options. You can’t usually have a CCJ set aside because it was sent to the old address, but if it also had the wrong name on it, it would not have been forwarded to you.