Do not use the templates on this page for the following lenders, instead see the specific page:
- Amigo has set up a Scheme of Arrangement. The deadline for making a claim has now passed, see Amigo’s Scheme for details.
- Buddy Loans went into administration in September 2021, see Buddy Loans goes into administration.
- George Banco & Trust Two set up Scheme of Arrangement, the deadline to make a claim to this has passed, see Everyday Loan Scheme for details
- TFS Loans went into administration in February 2022, see TFS Loans goes into administration.
Guarantor loans are very expensive. Often the lender didn’t check properly that you will be able to manage the loan repayments without having to borrow more.
If proper checks would have shown that you couldn’t afford the repayments, complain! There is a template letter in this article to help you.
You can get an existing loan reduced so you only repay the amount you borrowed, or get a refund if your loans have been repaid. If your complaint is rejected you can send the case to the Financial Ombudsman (FOS) who is upholding a lot (90%!) of guarantor loan complaints.
If you are the guarantor not the borrower, read Complaining if you are a guarantor which has a different template letter to use.
What is an affordability complaint?
A loan is not affordable if paying it left you so short of money you had to top up the loan, or borrow more from another lender or get behind with bills.
Does this sound like you? Then make an affordability complaint.
Just making the payments doesn’t prove the loan was affordable! You may have been repaying with difficulty, taking out other loans, because you didn’t want your guarantor to be affected.
You can complain if you are still paying the loan or if you have repaid it all.
If you win your complaint:
- interest is removed from a loan you still owe, so you only repay what you borrowed;
- your guarantor is released from the loan; and
- you can arrange to pay the remaining balance at a reduced rate.
When your loans have been settled, you get a refund of the interest you paid.
What should the lender have checked?
Guarantor lenders should have checked the loan was affordable for you before giving you the money.
The lender should have made sure you were likely to be able to make the repayments for the whole length of the loan.
Guarantor loans are large financial commitments. So I would expect a lender to have asked for evidence of your income, to have checked your credit record, and to have verified your expenses.
Some things a lender may have got wrong:
- It doesn’t matter if your guarantor is well off, the loan has to be affordable for you!
- You may have given said your expenditure was lower than it was, because you were guessing or desperate. The lender should have checked your figures.
- If you were self-employed or had wages that varied, the lender should have looked at how your income went up and down.
- The lender should have checked your credit record to see all your debts. If you had recently taken more loans or missed payments/defaulted, the lender should have been careful as your position was getting worse.
- When you top up a loan, the lender should check the new larger loan is affordable. If the current loan was causing you problems or your finances had got worse you shouldn’t have been given a larger loan.
If you feel there was something else unfair about your case, add that into your complaint as well!
What would a “fair solution” be?
If the lender or the Ombudsman decides the loan wasn’t affordable, this is what happens:
- The loan has been repaid, then any interest you paid should be refunded to you.
- The loan is still outstanding, then interest should be removed from the balance that is owing, so you only repay what you borrowed. Your guarantor should be released from the loan. The lender should accept an affordable monthly payment from you to repay the rest.
- Any payments made by the guarantor are refunded to the guarantor, not to you.
Will a complaint affect your guarantor?
Complaining won’t affect your guarantor if you carry on making the payments. The guarantor shouldn’t be told you have complained unless your complaint is being upheld.
If you stop paying the loan when you make a complaint, the lender may decide to get your guarantor to pay it. If you don’t want this to happen, you have to somehow carry on making the payments even though it’s hard.
If you can’t afford to carry on paying and you don’t want to hurt your guarantor talk to a debt adviser about your options in this difficult situation.
Making an affordability complaint won’t make things worse, and it may help in a few months time, but it isn’t an immediate escape from your problem.
Think about whether your guarantor also had a good reason to complain – see Complaining if you are a guarantor for details. If they win a complaint, they will be removed as a guarantor, which would take a lot of pressure off you.
How to complain to the lender
A template complaint to use
Don’t use this for Amigo of Buddy – see the update at the top of the page.
For all other guarantor lenders, including ones that have stopped lending, send your complaint by email – here is a list of lender’s email addresses.
Use SAR AND COMPLAINT BY BORROWER as the email title.
Here is a template. Change it to describe what happened to you and delete what doesn’t apply.
Only put this in if it applies to you: I took a top up of [£2,500] in [March 2018]
Add a reference number for the loan or give some other details such as your date of birth and your address when you took the loan out.
Please send me a copy of all the personal information that you have about me, including but not limited to all credit record checks, a copy of my loan application(s) and recordings of all phone calls from me. You have 30 days to reply to this Subject Access Request (SAR).
I am making an affordability complaint. This loan was/These loans were unaffordable for me and you would have realised this if you had checked properly before giving me the loan(s).
Delete or change any of the following so they are right for you:
[You would have seen from my credit record that I had recently missed payments/had defaults/was in a DMP/IVA.]
[I was on a low income/My only income was my pension/benefits.]
[You did not ask me for proof of my income or expenses and you did not ask about my expenses in detail.]
[I get ESA/PIP/DLA but you did not ask me if I had any extra expenses because of this.]
[I had a gambling problem which you could have seen from my bank statements.]
If you topped up the original loan: When I topped up the loan you should have seen from my credit record that my financial situation had got worse. [delete if not relevant: You ignored the fact that I had made several payments late to you.]
If you still owe money:[I am asking you to remove the interest from the balance so I only have to repay what I borrowed, release my guarantor and allow me to make lower monthly payments.]
If the loan has been repaid change that to [refund me the interest that I have paid plus 8% statutory interest.]
If you don’t want your guarantor to be told: [I want to carry on making the normal monthly payments because I do not want my guarantor to be affected. Please note I do not want my guarantor to be informed about my complaint unless my complaint is upheld.]
You have 8 weeks to respond to my complaint before I send it to the Financial Ombudsman.
If you would like some help with this, then go to your local Citizens Advice.
Definitely send bank statements!
It’s good if you can attach bank statements to your complaint. Send three months of statements before each loan or top-up and two months afterwards. So if you had a loan in August 2017, send statements for May-September 2017.
These statements will show how unaffordable your loans were. Don’t worry if there is gambling showing on the statements – that helps your case!
Don’t delay starting a complaint if you are trying to get your bank statements – just add them later. But now is a good time to get the statements as they can help your case.
Also get a copy of your credit record if this will show defaults, that your debts were increasing, that you had a large overdraft etc. Download this and keep it.
What to do with your personal information (SAR)
Copies of personal information (SARs) are often sent out by post, so if you have moved, make sure the lender has your new address. You should get the information within 30 days. It is often sent on a CD with a password.
This information is not the lender’s response to your complaint. Most lenders will send that separate from the SAR, usually a few weeks later.
You don’t need to do anything with the SAR, just keep it safe. You have asked for it now so that you have the details in case the lender rejects your complaint or makes a poor offer so your complaint has to go to the Ombudsman.
Taking a complaint to the Ombudsman
If the lender rejects your complaint, go to the Ombudsman
Don’t delay in sending a case to FOS – it has to go within 6 months. And while you have an “open” complaint at FOS, the lender cannot take you to court.
Lenders seem to reject many complaints and hope you give up! So don’t be surprised if a lender says No, the loan was affordable or We based our decision to lend on your application which was inaccurate.
If the lender says No, or you haven’t had a reply 8 weeks after sending your complaint, send your case to the Financial Ombudsman (FOS) the best way to do this is by using the FOS online form.
This is free to do and easy – you don’t have to quote laws or regulations. You can just send FOS the complaint you sent the lender. And if they have replied and said something that’s wrong, mention that as well.
You don’t need to go into details – a short FOS complaint is fine.
If only some loans are refunded, is this fair?
Sometimes a lender will say that just a few loans are unaffordable and remove the interest. Which is good, but should it be better?
If the rejected loans caused you difficulties and led to you needing a top-up, send your complaint to FOS and say you think the earlier loans too should be refunded.
Are you likely to win your Ombudsman complaint?
The Financial Ombudsman is agreeing with the customer on 90% of cases!
It is much simpler to win a case at FOS than a court case. If a lender has already started a court case against you, Citizens Advice can help you get the court case “stayed” (that’s legal jargon for put on hold) while you take an affordability complaint to the Ombudsman.
Complicated cases & help with guarantor loan complaints
If you want help with these complaints, Citizens Advice can help. Every Citizens Advice has access to the national Specialist Debt Advice Service if this isn’t something an adviser has come across before.
Leave a comment below this article to discuss what to do or talk to Citizens Advice if:
- your guarantor has made a lot of payments.
- you have been bankrupt, in an IVA or a DRO – read guarantor loans & insolvency .
- you have a CCJ from the guarantor lender – read guarantor loans & CCJs.
- if your debt has been sold to a debt collector.
Do not use a Claims Firm or a solicitor that is acting as a claims firm. There are two good reasons why you should avoid them:
- they will probably do a very poor job. They are not experts. They won’t put time into looking at your personal case.
- if you win a case but still owe a balance, this is usually just reduced. But the claims firm may expect you to pay their high percentage fee immediately even though you have not received any cash refund and still have the rest of the loan to pay.
anne says
UK credit will not release me from been guarantor after upholding an affordability claim for the borrower
I made numerous payments on the account before I couldn’t any more and a C/O was placed on my house
I made over 5k worth of payments and the borrower paid over 3k for a 6k loan
UK credit have said I could either agree to use payments made on account for borrowers affordability claim or not i chose to decline they have also set aside C/O and CCJ .
But due to there still been an outstanding balance from the principle if they refund my payments then if the borrower who is in an IVA (and any remaining debt of this loan will go into it) doesn’t pay im still responsible and if I don’t pay court proceedings will follow.
How does that even work . If the lender has admitted irresponsible lending how am I liable for their mistakes .
Any advice would be great
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Send them a complaint now, use the template here https://debtcamel.co.uk/amigo-complaints-by-guarantor/ and change it to say that they have accepted that the loan was unaffordable for the borrower in [May 2020] so the loan should never have been given and you want to be released from it AND have a refund of the payments you made.
Send it to FOS after 8 weeks.
it is annoying to have to do this but just get moving with it!
Terry says
Hi Sara,
I’m about to send in my affordability complaint to Amigo. My first loan with them was in Jan 2014 for £5,000 which i also topped up. My 2nd loan with them was in Aug 2016 for £7,500 and my 3rd loan with them was in Mar 2018 for £2,000. Now on loan 1 i made substantial payments of £2,000 (a loan from 118 money) , £800 (credit card), and £600 (credit card) to clear the loan early. Loan 2 i only had open for 1 year as i paid the remainder of the balance (£5k-£6k can’t remember the exact sum) which i was able to do with my Wonga refund. Loan 3 was the only loan which i kept out for the 2 year duration. With the 1st loan being over 6 years old will this still be looked at? Also i may struggle to get my old bank statements to support loans 1 and 2 as they were taken out over 5 years ago and i think the banks only keep them for 5 years? Very much like all the payday loans that i had in the past i needed loans to fund my gambling addiction, Amigo definitely didn’t do enough affordability checks on me.
Terry says
Sorry i meant to ask you will i mention that i have had affordability complaints upheld with many payday loan companies and that was how i was able to pay off loan 2 to so quickly? My worry is that they’ll say that we gave you loan 2 which at the time £7.5k was the maximum you could get, due to you making big payments to clear loan 1 off, almost showing on their side that i wasn’t a risk to lend to? But as i say i have proof that i got a £2k loan from 118 money and paid all of that to Amigo on the exact same day, and the other 2 big payments came in the form of credit cards that had their limits increased. Loan 3 was only for £2k which i paid nearly £1k back in interest, i just hope they don’t look at me and say that because i had £5k and £7.5k loans with them that they didn’t see me as a risk to lend to because i had a history of borrowing larger amounts with them and paid them both back early. I hated having Amigo loans due to the pressure of the high interest but mainly due to the fact that my brother was my guarantor so i knew i couldn’t afford to miss any payments, by having Amigo loans it made my financial situation worse due to me getting credit elsewhere during their loans to pay off Amigo quicker.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Amigo may say that but FOS won’t see that as a reason to think the next loan was affordable.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
With the 1st loan being over 6 years old will this still be looked at?
yes probably.
Also i may struggle to get my old bank statements to support loans 1 and 2 as they were taken out over 5 years ago and i think the banks only keep them for 5 years?
most banks keep them for at least 6 years. Put your complaint in without them but then get going on asking for the statements now, don’t wait to be asked for them in a few months time.
Terry says
Hi Sara,
Okay great thanks for that. I will definitely be asking my bank for my statements. 3 months before each loan and 2 months after each loan yes? Also will i mention that i was able to make a substantial payment of between £5k-£6k from money i was awarded from other affordability complaints?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
3 months before each loan and 2 months after each loan yes?
that should be enough.
Also will i mention that i was able to make a substantial payment of between £5k-£6k from money i was awarded from other affordability complaints?
You can mention this if you want.
Julie says
Buddy Loans.
Has anyone had luck with the Ombudsman after company refused investigator findings..
Claim sent to FOS in December – In May the injestigator said they agreed with irresponsible lending that buddy should have done more checks and also that by viewing my bank statements they would have seen 300/400 monthly gambling transactions (they never asked for bank statements) – however Buddy did not agree with them (I expected this) so it is now at Ombudsman
Expecting to hear something in the next few weeks was just wondering if anyone else’s claims went to Ombudsman and what the outcome was.. Did they change the findings of the investigator / or did they agree with the investigator ?
Is it common for company’s to send to Ombundsman after investigator findings?
Colin says
Does anyone know how long it takes for Amigo to pay out any agreed redress once youve accepted their offer ?
Emma says
I’d like to know the same thing – I accepted last week, not heard a peep
A Parker says
My comment seems to have disappeared so attempting to repost …
Hi Sara, you worked out my refund for me as Amigo have contacted me to say they have changed their mind. I think I gave you some of the figures wrong.
I am still waiting on the figures to be send to me. But wondered how they work the 8% interest and if you could help me work out what it should/could be.
The figures I have are:
Loan 1 – Borrowed 3000 – 2 payments of 185.45 1 payment of 2860.26 to settle loan
Loan 2 – Borrowed 2000 – 6 payments of 123.63 (24 month term)
Loan 3 – (TOP UP) 4250 settlement of 1722.43 , Payout 2527.57 – 8 payments of 167.98
Loan 5 – (TOP UP) 5000 (60 month term) – Settlement of 4258.72, payout 841.28 – 23 payments of 197.62 and 1 payment of 4316.99 to settle loan in November 2019.
Many thanks
Sara (Debt Camel) says
I make that a total interest of about £6800. I can’t guess what the 8% will be.
A Parker says
Thank you, trying to work out my calculations I can’t get it above £6000. Not sure what I am doing wrong. Hopefully they have your numbers rather than mine :-)
Sara (Debt Camel) says
I may be wrong!
John C says
Would like to thank everyone at Debtcamel for helping me out. Was 2 years into a loan with amigo loans with another 3 left paying £98 a week! They admitted liability and the case was closed after only 7 weeks. They also owed me £19. Thank you again.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
that was fast! Good news for you.
carole says
Hi Sara,
At last i received Amigo’s final response yesterday – Upheld all loans. They have given me an offer but i am just going round in circles confusing myself, Please could you help me work this out so i can check if they are correct before accepting-
Loan 1 – £2250 – Made 3 X £139.09 payments
Loan 2 – £4000 – Paid out to me £1924.85 – Made 1 X £171.10 Payments ( £2075.15 settled previous loan)
Loan 3 – £6000 – Paid out to me £2058.57 – Made 1 X £237.15 Payments ( £3941.43 settled previous loan)
Loan 4 – £7250 – Paid out to me £1297.77 – Made 4 X £286.56 Payments ( £5952.23 settled previous loan)
Loan 5 – £8250 – Paid out to me £886.86 – Made 7 X £326.08 Payments ( £7363.14 settled previous loan)
Loan 6 – £9250 – Paid out to me £1016.72 -Made 5 X £365.61 payments (£8233.28 settled previous loan)
Current Balance today – £10,006.97p
I am currently on a covid-19 payment break due to start repaying again July.
Thank you
Sara (Debt Camel) says
What is the offer?
carole says
They first of all sent me £5843.27 cash refund due to me but i called up and asked them to explain the workings and a woman said it was a typing error i still have a balance on the current loan to pay.
Aiyesha says
Hey Carole!…Yey!
I make it, after redress you will have a bal of 3352.40 left to pay, still a far cry from 10,0006! :-)
See what figure Sara comes back with but I think above won’t be far off if not accurate, worked it out as you’ve received a total of £9,434.77 cash and you’ve paid a total of £6,082.37, minus this from total received = 3352.40 bal to pay
I’m still keeping up with the thread, helping someone else I know get theirs…Lol
carole says
Hi Aiyesha,
Yeah its great news, however i did get excited when the email stated it was a cash refund i was due of that amount until they double checked lol. I wish!
I am delighted to have that large amount reduced for sure. The figures they have given is Total redress £5843.28 and amount still to pay to loan is £4163.70. I thought there figures were out a few hundred and you have confirmed that now too.
Should i call them tomorrow and ask them to re-calculate? They told me i only had 14 days to accept.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
I agree with Aiuyesha’s figure.
you will be able to make a payment arrangement to repay it at an affordable rate when the cornovirus break ends .
If you have other debts, you could put them all into a debt management plan including this one. Or now go for insolevncy such as a debt relief order, as they will have released your guarantor.
Carole says
Tha is so much for your help guys. I’ll call them tomorrow and ask them to look over the figures as it’s seems a few hundred out.
Nicole says
What is everyone’s situations that have had their complaint upheld? Did you have other loans at the time/ gambling etc??
Sara (Debt Camel) says
pretty much everyone who took an Amigo loan would have had other loans at the same time.
James says
I had gambling and lots of it.
Sara will be able to advise better but i am sure this actually helps your case
Will says
Hi can any help got an email yesterday that amigo was upholding my complaint was hoping I would have enough redress to pay off my outstanding loan can any help with the maths
Loan 1 2500 made 8 payments of 121.97 topped up loan 2500 to 5000 made 46 payments of 197.62 topped up loan 5162 to 8000 made 26 payments of 316
Hope this makes sense any help would be great and thank you for this page without it I would of been stuck in this debt for years
Terry says
Hi Will,
Haven’t they stated what the redress amount would be for? I’ve only ever had money back from Wonga, QuickQuid and other payday lenders but on every occasion I was told what I would be getting back. Your payments to them total £18,282.28. The amount you have actually borrowed from them over the years will surely just be £8,000 because you were only topping up the loans? If they are giving you all of the interest from the loan and subsequent top ups then I work out you should get back over £10,000 after clearing the £8,000 you owe them? Not even taking into consideration the 8% statutory interest which they should also refund you. Hopefully Sara can clarify though.
Will says
No they have said my redress letter will follow within 21 days was just trying to get an idea of amount.
Terry says
Okay well can you let me know how much your redress is for when you find out? Did Amigo take the full 8 weeks to uphold your complaint? Good luck and hopefully your redress is close to the amount that I calculated!
Will says
Terry will do, I made my complaint end of January got an email off them after 8 weeks telling me they needed more time I sent it fos at that point,fos haven’t picked it up yet but amigo emailed yesterday saying they will repay all interest after finding in my favour. I have no idea how the redress is worked out I will be happy with not paying 316 a month.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
the top up loans, can you say how much cash you received?
Will says
Yes 1st top up £2350 and 2nd top up was £5162 and I still have 7800 owing thanks for your help
Sara (Debt Camel) says
On those figures (and you may have got them wrong or I may have typed themwrong) I make the interest paid so far as:
L1 -1126
L2 – 6900
L3 – 216
total – 8242
plus over £600 in 8% interest.
David says
My guarantor has been contacted by amigo and it looks like there releasing him from his role of guarantor. Where does that leave me (I’m got a excellent chance of my complaint being upheld) my guarantor was accepted irresponsibly. So apart from having a loan I should not have got I’ve no guarantor. Any thoughts???
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Yoru guarantor had also made a complaint?
David says
Yes he made a complaint. Sending in his bank statements at time of loan put in his account. Also when I checked my statement when I got amigo loan 2 weeks earlier I had a wageday loan on my statement
Sara (Debt Camel) says
if you guarantor has made any payments, those will be refunded to him and will therefore increase the balance on your account.
If your guarantor hasn’t, then this is simply good news for you:
– This is now an ordinary loan.
– Your affordability complaint continues, unaffected.
– if you can’t afford the repayments, you can offer a lower affordable monthly payment, or include the debt in a debt management plan or even go for one of the forms of insolvency such as bankruptcy or a debt relief order.
Lisa hardy says
Hi I had my complaint email yesterday to say they are upholding my complaint 😁
Does anyone know how long the redress payment takes I don’t owe them any money my loans were all cleared off
Clairey says
I was contacted last Friday 5th June via email accepting responsibility after previously telling me I had no claim back in February. I accepted the offer via phone the same day. I received full payment back into my bank account 5 days later this Friday 12th June. I had no outstanding balance on my loan so everything owed was credited to me
Johnny says
Hi Clairey,
When you got the email did it have the offer in the email or did they tell you over the phone the offer? Thanks in advance…
Clairey says
The total of the refund was at the bottom of the email sent telling me the complaint had been upheld. It was also confirmed over the phone when i called to accept the offer.
I hope your refund arrives soon.
It’s such a relief to eventually have this all out of the way.
Carla says
How long did it take for dession did u get all intrest back I don’t have a balance
Steve says
After initially having my claim rejected, I’ve forwarded my complaint to the ombudsmen but yesterday I got an email from amigo saying they had relooked at my case and are now upholding my complaint and including the loans I had in 2012 and 2013, my guarantor has already been made an offer for the payments he made for me and been removed off the loan and now I’m just waiting for my redress offer, should be between 8 and 10k, everyone on these pages has got into financial problems but never give up complaining against these companies, persistence does pay off in the end
Victoria says
Haven’t posted in a while.
I am still waiting to hear my outcome. I have a previous loan from over 6 years ago and a current loan, however it was deemed unaffordable from Feb and they were no longer asking me for payment.
I thought my complaint would be fairly quickly because of this, but it hasn’t , currently approaching week 15 and I have phoned numerous times and been advised that someone has looked at it but no outcome as yet – this doesn’t sounds very good to me.
Fingers crossed I will hear by the 26th.
Seems like mostly that everyone has had some positive news.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Amigo are trying to settle a lot of loans quickly. I hope yours will be one. If not, FOS will have a lot fewer cases so hopefully can make a decision on yours quickly.
Liam says
Quick question for people as I’m a bit confused. All in all I have borrowed £10,215 from Amigo with all my top up loans over the years I have paid back over £15,000 but have a balance of around £8,500 left from my last top up. How does it work if my complaint is upheld? What the remaining £8,500 been taken of and a refund of roughly £5,000 be paid to me or would the £5000 come off by he remaining balance?
Any help would be much appreciated.
Thank you.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
You need to give the details of each loan – what you borrowed, how much you received in cash if this was a top up and how much you paid to each loan eg 14 lots of £121.
Helen says
I just want to say an enormous thanks to Sara and this site. Following instructions on here I submitted a complaint to amigo in January. This concerned 6 loans dating back to 2012. This morning I have had an email to say all upheld. My balance of £9k is settled plus a cash refund of historical interest at £12.7K. I am in tears of relief. Thanks from the bottom of my heart
Claire says
That is fantastic so pleased for you, I am hoping I get a decision soon currently on week 18:)
Terry says
Hi Helen, I was the same when I got all my payday loan refunds back in 2017/2028. I’ve just submitted my claim to Amigo yesterday. How comes you’ve only heard back now when you complained in January? I’m hoping they only take the 8 weeks for me! Did they ask you for bank statements etc? I will be asking my bank for them just incase but I might not be willing to share it with them as I didnt share them with any of my payday lenders, told them all I would only share such information with the Ombudsman. Well done on getting back what was rightfully yours!
Helen says
Hi. My complaint has taken over 5 months. I don’t know why. I sent them masses of hard copy bank statements in January as they requested. Then it went silent until today when I had the good news
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Amigo have been very slow dealing with complaints. At the moment they are trying to sort out a large backlog. Hopefully after that they will get back to responding within 8 weeks.
bebe says
hey helen,
what date in january did you complain?
Helen says
21st January
James says
Hi Sara,
I received a email from Amigo this morning saying
Due to what you’ve advised, I have raised a complaint on your behalf. Our Customer Relations Team will be in touch within 3 – 5 working days.
Is this normal practise? I have not heard anyone else who has received anything from them about their CRT team being in touch?
Anyone else had this?
James says
I am not even sure if i should speak to them, will this do my case any good or will this make it worse?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
This may well just a standard email from them.
If they phone you and you would prefer to deal with them by email, tell them this.
James says
Thanks Sara,
Obviously my complaint is they did not do the correct checks, my credit file showed i was in default with everything and if they had checked my bank statements they would have seen i was gambling a lot and as well as this my outgoing’s were more than what i was receiving.
I am just worried they start questioning me on my expenditure responses as obviously i might have said them incorrectly as like everyone we are desperate but my thinking is they should have checked this in full through bank statements etc.
This is why i am not sure wither to talk to them or not.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Have you sent them copies of your bank statements? They show what your real position was and are the best way of showing that the loan was unaffordable.
Kelly says
Hi, I received the very same email when I first sent in my complaint, it shouldn’t be too long until you receive an email from the complaints team!
James says
Hi Sara,
Yes i did recently, but at the time they never asked for these… I sent them when i sent the complaint.
Hi Kelly,
What is the process when the complaints team email? What do they ask for or what is the process if you have been through this?
Thanks Guys
Kelly says
Hi James. As yasin says that should be the next email. They also asked me to answer some questions but as with guidance from this site I just responded that they had my bank statements and all the info they needed was on there. I didn’t hear much more from them until last Monday when I received my acceptance email which was just over the 10 week mark. Good luck!
Yasin says
Hi James
Yes I had the sane email from them last friday then today got another email from their CRT Team saying they have opened an investigation and i will get a written response within 8 weeks.
Hope that helps
James says
Thanks Yasin,
Lets hope we get a satisfactory resolutions from this :)
Chris says
Hi Sara
Really hoping you may be able to help clear up something please?
I finally received an email from amigo upholding my redress claim! My gaurantor also has received an email with an offer attached, the email stated this was from payments they had made on my account. The offer is in the region of £9k, as they paid the remaining balance of £8k off for me.
The email to me from amigo states..
“Your guarantor, xxxxx, has made payments towards the loan agreements. We have now removed your guarantor’s liability for the loan and have contacted them to ask whether they would like a refund of the payments they made towards your loan agreements. If your guarantor accepts the refund, your balance will be updated accordingly, and you will be liable for this amount. If your guarantor does not respond within 14 days, we will assume that they do not wish to accept our refund offer and their payments will remain credited to the loan agreements
How I read the email is, if my guarantor excepts the offer, I’ll have to pay back the balance?
Surely this can’t be correct? All loans have been settled for some time now?
I’ve spent the entire morning kn hold with amigo customer service, any help would be greatly appreciated!
Thanks in advance
Sara (Debt Camel) says
did you have just the one loan from Amigo?
How large was the loan and how much did you pay to it?
John says
I received a similar email as Chris and so did my guarantor my initial loan was 2500 topped up to 5000 my guarantor has accepted 1900 redress where does this leave me in terms of my redress if anyone can help?
There is no outstanding balance on the loan.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Do you know the total of payments you (not your guarantor) made to loan 1? To loan 2? And how much cash did you receive when you topped up?
John says
I think maybe around 8 payments? She was offered her payments back totalling 1300 roughly plus 600 interest the cash amount on 2nd loan was 3142
John says
Sorry I read your reply wrong! I’m not entirely sure my guarantors refund of payments was 1300 plus 600 interest so I made the rest over a 60 month period ending in 2018. The second top up amount was 3142.61 in cash. Thanks again for any help!
Ben says
Complained in Feb, hoping to get one of these emails. Paying £425 a month to these guys 😭
RBJ says
Anyone else having a complete melt down because you haven’t had a decision on your complaint your not alone!!!
Never checked my emails so much in my life and constantly worrying I will be that complaint thats rejected
Thankfully this site continues to give us some hope
Chris says
Hi Sara
Loan 1 for £750 @12 x £77.29
Loan2 top up £1000 @ 36 x £48.79
Loan 3 top up £5000 @ 60 x £197.62
Loan 4 top up £5500 @ 60 x £217.39
Loan 5 top up £6250 @ 60 x £217.39
Loan 6 top up £8000 @ 60 x £316.20
Loan 7 top up £9000 @ 60 x £355.72
I had a total of 7 loans, all of which were topped up until the last one was cleared by my guarantor (cleared balance was approx £8000) Unfortunately I don’t have the breakdown of early top up statements, interest paid etc.
My guarantor has received an offer for approx £9k (few missed monthly payments and remaining balance) but amigo are saying I will be liable for the balance if they except?
Also they can’t give me any more info in my redress amount until the guarantor either excepts their offer or 14 days pass to cancel said offer.
I’ve borrowed over £35k, ok many were topped up and interest reduced or settled etc but after waiting since January for a response (and hopefully some compensation) looks like I’ve got another £9k of debt!
I understand this would be taken from my remaing redress claim balance but I have no idea what that will be and nobody can tell me until we make a decision wether to except their offer to the guarantor?
Sorry for the long post but this just seems absolutely crazy to me!
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Do you know what payments you made to the last loan?
If you were sent the SAR info by Amigo you should be able to see from that what cash payouts you had from the top up loans. Or from your bank statements.
What happens if your guarantor takes the payout is the last loan balance is that you owe is changed to 9000 (what you borrowed) minus the refunds on the previous loans minus what you paid to the last loan.
So you would end up owing less then9k, possibly a LOT less, I can’t tell.
Are you on good terms with the guarantor? Because the repayment to the guarantor will be larger than any repayment you could get because the guarantor os refunded all payments plus 8%, not just the interest.
Scott says
Did anyone receive an update on their SAR request being accepted and a link download before getting complaint update and if so how long after did it take the complaint update to arrive?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
I don’t think people’s timescales in the past are at all relevant to what is happening at the moment.
Mark says
I’ve got my SAR data request today. Still waiting for final response. Sent complaint 11 weeks ago. Anyone knows how roughly it will take to get final response?
andrew says
You took your first loan with us on 29 November 2013 for £5000 then on 28 October 2014 you topped up your loan to £6000.
On 11 July 2016 you topped up to £6500, on 14 December 2016 you topped up to £7000 and on 12 June 2017 you topped up to £9000
Can you help with what I possibly could get back ..
I currently owe 3.000 left from the 9.000
Gemma says
24 weeks in and I just got an email from my adjudicator to say amigo has upheld my complaint. But even though I’m happy to accept I never received my final response to my complaint from amigo which is weird as I don’t understand what figures I’m accepting? However I’m over the moon and am so bloody thankful to you Sara you are truly amazing 😁 x
Antony says
Today is a day that I will never forget and it’s all thanks to you Sara. Amigo has upheld my complaint and I have had my loan settled and £7900 sent to my bank. Well I’m up to 10 working days anyway. I am now £400 a month better off and the biggest weight lifted off my shoulders. I am so thankful I came across Sara and debt camel on the 26th January this year. Sent my compliant on the 27th and today feel like my life has been reborn. Keep the faith people
bebe says
when did you put your complaint in!? congrats! x
Antony says
27th January this year. And thanks 😊
Cath says
Just want to that Sara to start with because I never would of done this in the first place without her templates!! Definitely worth waiting since January for the response. My guarantor paid for 3 of my payments which he is having back to him so they haven’t told me what the amount will be yet and whether I will still owe anything or if I will have anything in redress. Just wondering if someone could help me figure it out roughly.
April 2018 loan amount £1500 – 3 payments of £154.59
July 2018 loan amount £4000 – 8 payments of £195.16
Feb 2019 loan amount £6750 – 13 payments of £266.79
The removal of all interest charges under the loan agreements;
A refund of any payments you may have made in excess of the capital amount of the loan agreements, along with 8% simple interest; and
The removal of any adverse information from your credit file in respect of the loan agreements.
Thank you!!
Cath says
My current balance on the loan is showing as £7246.35 on the app.
Stevo says
Had my redress email come through on Saturday. Accepted the 3.5k. Phoned up this morning to tell them this and also confirm my details. 10 day and waiting.
Thanks for the site Sara. I lot of people are better off with you help.
Skids says
I would take the 10 days with a pinch of salt! I’m on day 10 and my account is still showing the same neither have I received my money back, I rang to check with them a little while ago and they just said they are working through things and I can ring again to check tomorrow. Yet I have seen on here some people have accepted and had the money in the bank in like 4/5 days!!!
L says
Hi Sara
My mums case is at 11 weeks this week and we haven’t heard anything yet but we’re so hoping it’s positive outcome so I was wondering how it works with the guarantor if they’ve made payments?
Loan was top up to £10000 in September 2017 with payout of £1278
Mum has made 10 payments of £395
And I as her guarantor have made 22 payments of £395 and remaining balance is around £8000 to pay
Obviously we’re on good terms and we just want shot of amigo so if (fingers crossed) we get an offer are we better off for me to accept refund and then pay loan off? What sort of figures would we get?
Many thanks
It’s so nice reading about everyone’s good results, I’m really hoping it’s my mum next!
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Yes you should be better off if you, the guarantor, take the refund and then use that to repay what your mum owes.
I cant tell what the numbers would be unless you know what the payment to the previous loan(s) were.
L says
Ok thank you. I’m not sure what the payments for the other loans were,the first loan for £6500 there was 3 payments (I think for around £200?) and for top up to £8500 there was only 1 payment of I think £295 but I can’t view them when I go onto amigo, I would have to quiz my mum
Thanks again
Sara (Debt Camel) says
I suggest waiting until you get the decisions from Amigo. Until you know that, you can really work anything out, too complicated to go through all the options.
Morgan says
Some very helpful people on here and I’m glad we can all share what was once misery into joy.
I have been accepted with a redress and my mum who was the guarantor will receive £11k from what she paid for me when I couldn’t I just don’t know to work out if I will get anything as well which I’m sure I will not sure how much.
20 Aug 2010
£3,300.00 paying £151.19
Top up 11 Oct 2011
£5,500.00 paying £235.26 Payed off
05 Jul 2018
£4,000.00 paying £195.16 payed off in 4 months
25 Jan 2019
£5,000.00 paying £213.88
Top up 16 Sep 2019
£5,750.00 paying £280.54
5k still remains
If anyone can help to with that out be brilliant
Sara (Debt Camel) says
your guarantor must have made payments to several of the loans?
You need to say for each of the 5 loans loan:
what you borrowed – what you received in cash – what the total of payments you made are – what the total of payments she made are. – what settlement payments was made and by you or by her.
Morgan says
Thanks for the response all I know my mum was only guarantor for the first two loans and she got an offer of £8k plus £3k in interest of 8% from 5 years
20 Aug 2010
£3,300.00 paying £151.19
Until Top up 11 Oct 2011
£5,500.00 paying 48 x £235.26 Payed off
05 Jul 2018
£4,000.00 paying 36 x £195.16 payed off in 4 months
25 Jan 2019
£5,000.00 paying 48x £213.88 8 payments made
Top up 16 Sep 2019 of £967
£5,750.00 paying 36 x £280.54 8 payments made
5k still remains
Hope this helps to work out it’s all the info I could find as the first two loans go way back but my mum is happy to say the least. I’m wondering is she paid 8k of what would of been £11k paid back in total I must of paid the other £3k on the first loan as I did make payments till I fell behind.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
I’m sorry but unless you know what you paid AND what the settlement amounts were for the loans then all I can say is the generalisation…
Your payment will be reduced because the payments your mum made will be treated as not having been made. BUT that is 8k of she is being paid not the full 11k.
brad says
The first loan I made 41 payments and received £3059.25 and £1940.75 was used to settle the old loan ie £5000 .On the second loan I made 60 payments and fully settled the loan my self
Sara (Debt Camel) says
I think you are going to need to wait for the figures from Amigo. I can’t really guess what is going on from all the figures you have given.
(I deleted a lot of the comments as it was getting so confusing)
Kel says
I’m at 16 weeks with amigo and still no final response, I feel I’m going mad too keep checking my emails! I’ve rang them numerous times and get the ring back if not heard anything by end off June, keeping fingers crossed just want a good ending to all this, I’m so thankful for this site really helped me.
Morgan says
It took me 8 weeks to hear back from amigo who refused my complaint so I forwarded there final response onto FOS and last week they have overturned the decision.
It just takes time but what I can gather is pretty much most complaints are being given the result they want.
Expect 6 months from start to getting an email of redress for a refund or deduction in the remaining amount. Hope this helps
Sara (Debt Camel) says
I don’t think previous timescales are any clue as to what they may be going forward.
RBJ says
I’m 15 weeks and pulling my hair out 😭 emails are being checked 5000 times a day ….at least fingers crossed for a response asap
A Parker says
It took them 32 weeks to agree to mine and I am still waiting for the figures.
Hoping they are going to work through a lot quicker now that they’ve got rid of such a large chunk of cases.
Good luck to you all
M says
Hello Sara
I have received an email this morning upholding my complaint at 23 week mark. ( I email weekly, threatened watch dog, pleaded poverty the lot, all ignored. Waiting game is key) been flowing this feed and checked my emails every hour for weeks.
Was paying £709 a month to amigo, had 5 top up loans. History of payday loans and credit cards.
-Redress of £13,616 pound which reduces my balance to £796 let to pay.
– adverse information cleared from my credit file.
Just in time for my first baby due in September.
Sara you’re an amazing person . Thank you very much for all what you do to help us all in these situations, you’ve made so many people feel like a weight is lifted.
Paul says
I have received an email today from amigo saying we know it’s been 8 weeks but we’re to busy basically they have also not sent me my sar request to help with my complaint should I just go straight to the fos now
ASk says
Yes, get it in now and if you need it then it is already done.
Andy says
Can some one help me work this out .
I took my first loan for £5000 ×9 payments £252
Topped up to 6k ×19 payments £292.74
Topped up again 6500 =5 payments £408
Topped again 7k =12 payment £432
Topped up again to 9k 29 payments £439.
Outstanding is 3k
Am I right I worked it out around £19.000
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Hi Andy, do you know how much you received in cash for each of the loan top-ups? did your guarantor make any of the payments?
Andy says
Hi Sara the last top up was 2780 cash one before it was 1700 not exactly sure on the rest would have been around a thousand as they would only let me top up once I’d have paid the intrest ..and yeah my guarantor paid about 10 installments what I had to pay her back .
Sara (Debt Camel) says
I need to know the amounts you received in cash (or the amount of the top up used to settle the previous loan if that is easier). You can see these from your bank statements, the Amigo loan accounts or from the Amigo SAR information if you have been sent that.
The payments made by your guarantor – Amigo will ask the guarantor if they want those payments refunded to them… I hope you are on good terms with the guarantor?
Andy says
Thanks Sara yes on good terms with guarantor it’s my mother in law 😂
I’ve only just this minute after 9 weeks recived my SAR .is this any sign there looking in to mine ..???
Megan says
I just wanted to come on an say a massive thank you to who ever advises on this website. I took a £5000 loan out in April 2015. At the time i was receiving a student loan, bursary and a 16 hour per week employment contract. Payments from my student loan and bursary stopped in June 2015 and there after i was never able to pay my loan repayment on time, my DD bounced every month bar 1. I complained back in February 2020 using all of the steps provided on this forum and am happy, ecstatic, relieved… to say that after countless emails to them waiting on their final response being over 12 weeks late i received my final response today.
1. The removal of all interest charges under the loan agreement
2. A refund of any payments you have made in excess of the capital amount of the loan agreement, along with 8% simple interest
3. The removal of any adverse information from your credit file in respect of the loan agreement
In addition, my guarantors liability has been removed from the loan agreement.
I have a payable balance of £589.23 which was on hold due to covid so my final cash refund i will receive is £6674.40!!
Colin says
Thanks for all the information provided on here – received a redress figure last Friday (12th June) and accepted – original claim submitted on the 28th January 2020 !!!! Long, long wait but good outcome. They tell me it will be 10 days before the payout is received. I explained that we had a family bereavement last Friday and that I’ll now need to pay for a funeral – and that I haven’t worked for three months due to Covid (as I’m self employed) – absolutely broke – this payment is a life saver – BUT if it takes 10 days I’ll have to borrow more money to pay for the funeral.
Does anyone know if it will take 10 days or can I hope for sooner ?
Andrew says
I accepted my offer on the 3rs of June. I called them today and they said is 14 Days. Today is 12th so they have time until Wednesday. My account is still open with the same balance. Not sure why is taking so long in my case
Aiyesha says
Mine was in after 4 days of accepting Colin…there’s always hope :-)
K says
Hi Aiyesha, did you get a further email after accepting the offer and provide bank details to say your funds had been returned? Or was it just a waiting game after you initially rang and accepted the offer and gave them your bank details for them to refund you? Thanks
Rebecca says
I’m on day 8 and nothing yet. Account still showing as open and have a payment due tomorrow.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
if you are expecting a refund CANCEL THAT PAYMENT. Every payment made now means Amigo have to rework the calculation.
If you know there will still be a balance and you want to pay at a lower rate it is also a good idea to cancel that payment so you can then agree a more affordable amount.
Rebecca says
I’ve cancelled it, I just don’t want to be hounded tomorrow because I haven’t made a payment.
Sophie says
Exciting! I’ve just had an email from the FOS (8.30pm) saying Amigo have reversed the decision and upheld my complaint. I complained in Jan 2020, they refused it pretty immediately saying as it was over 6 years old they would not look at it and I sent it straight to FOS not really thinking I would get anywhere as it was 1 loan of £3000, in 2010! The FOS have said they will get amigo to contact me with figures – does anyone know how long this usually takes? I am over the moon! Thank you!
Becqui Lewis says
If it was a family member that made the payment to clear the balance is this refunded to me still? as I’m still paying them back
Sara (Debt Camel) says
was the family member the guarantor or were they making the payments of behalf of the guarantor?
If your guarantor hadn’t been asked to make any payments, then Amigo will just treat this payment as though it is coming from you.
Becqui Lewis says
The payment was made from my husband’s bank who has the same name as the guarantor which is his dad lol but the guarantor has not been asked to make any payments on my behalf. I was always so scared for him to be contacted for payments I made sure I paid it as a priority
Sara (Debt Camel) says
so amigo should not think these are from the guarantor and they will be treated as though you made them.
Becqui Lewis says
Sorry 3rd loan 4,200
Last loan was settled October 2019
Sara (Debt Camel) says
on those figures you have paid the following in Interest:
L1 – 3495
L2 – 2549
L3 – 9253
total £15297
plus well over £1000 in 8% added interest.
Becqui Lewis says
Well I’m quite suprised I worked it out pretty well lol just couldnt imagine being paid that much fingers crossed. I made the silly mistake of relying to the messages saying that I lied about me expenditure 😒😒
Don says
Just after a second opinion, I contacted Amigo last week asking for an update they told me because my complaint had been passed to an ombudsman they can’t do anything with my complaint. I contacted my adjudicator to make sure it was still in a queue for the ombudsman be told me they’d been told to hold off doing work on complaints such as mine due to on going work with Amigo. Contacted Amigo again who again provided the same response. So from those responses my understanding is nobody is actually doing anything with my complaint? Has anyone else been told similar or do you think I’m misunderstanding what has been said? Just for info my complaint was sent to an ombudsman as my loans were over 6 years old and Amigo failed to reply to my adjudicator about his recommendations about looking at the loans.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
what we know:
– Amigo has told the FCA and FOS that it is trying to sort the backlog of complaints out by the end of the month.
– Amigo is upholding most of the complaints at the moment, including loans over 6years.
I don’t think anything is deliberately excluded from this “sort out the backlog” approach. On that basis I hope you will hear soon!
It is possible that some cases may fall through the cracks and not get considered. It is possible that some cases may be rejected by amigo so a FOS decision will be needed for those.
But with the majority of cases out of the way, I hope FOS will be able to get through the remaining cases very fast.
Emma says
The only response I have had from FOS is that amigo are currently reviewing cases, I don’t know if that means that his work on mine has to wait or that he hopes mine will be reviewed? I complained originally in early October rejected end of December and sent to FOS. I was assigned to an adjudicator in April and that’s all I know 🤷🏼♀️
Sara (Debt Camel) says
I would be surprised if FOS are actually working on any Amigo cases at the moment.
PM says
I spoke to Amigo yesterday and they again, committed to providing a final response by 26th June, despite my claim being logged with FOS 8 weeks ago. I was told that all claims logged before 1st May were being classed as their “backlog” and would thus be responded to by the end of this month. If yours was logged pre May, you “should” get a response by next weekend.
Emma says
Logged with Amigo and rejected or logged with FOS pre May?
PM says
If it was logged with Amigo pre May, they are trying to respond to you by the end of this month, that’s their commitment to FCA/FOS.
Emma says
Bugger… mine was with Amigo in October but then rejected and now with the FOS so guess mines not included in that… drat!
Sara (Debt Camel) says
no it is included! only new claims since May 1st are excluded.
Annemarie says
Good to know. Thanks PM
Becqui Lewis says
Could you possibly do a calculation for me I’ve tried and not sure if I worked it our myself correctly
Loan 1 : 5000 paid 3,754.78 in payments
Loan 2 top up to 5,750
Recieved 1000
Paid 2,499.97
Loan 3 topped up to 10,000
Paid 9,300 in payments
And then settled with 9,953
Account all now closed.
Thankyou Sara
Sara (Debt Camel) says
the third loan – how much cash did you receive?
when was the last loan settled?
Simon says
I made my complaint back in December and didnt get a final response until March. I sent this to the FO and they are about to chase this up on affordability grounds.
I had 16 loans/ top ups from 2009 onwards and a gambling addiction that almost cost me my life.
I also had other guarantor loans of which one was resolved and the other from Everyday lending has just been upheld. I wouldnt have known about complaining with this page. Hopefully good news is just around the corner.
Dan M says
Hi Sara
Just wanted to thank you for your help and the site, Amigo emailed me this morning and I have called to accept, £5100 balance cleared and refund of £1280
Sent complaint 26th January 2020
Thank you
David says
I have a complaint with irresponsible lending against Provident and Satsuma. Now been forwarded to FOS. There is over £20,000 of loans dating back to 2008. Constantly year on year with sometimes 2 loans side by side. I don’t know if anyone has had success against Provident?.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
A lot of people have had refunds from provident, some of them very large refunds. See https://debtcamel.co.uk/refund-doorstep-loans/.
If provident makes you a poor offer, send it straight to the Ombudsman.
Bob says
Honestly, I raised a complaint against Satsuma/Provident yesterday morning.
Refunded and closed by end of business the same day.
I think they know they’re ‘next’…. They didn’t bat an eyelid and wiped everything including capital after a single paragraph email.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Bob says
Yes, I was astonished too.
No argument; didn’t accept liability either, just a simple “we’re going to refund all interest and waive the capital in full and final, we’ll arrange deletion from your credit file in 60 days.
I wonder if they can hear the scythe of the FCA slashing its way through Amigo’s corridors and they’re looking over the fence in fear?
S says
Hey I have I just had one loan taking out July 2019 for £800/. Paid back around £400 but struggled and didn’t pay from November – April. Anyway the balance was £1100 because of interest and stuff. I complained using the template on here in April. Beginning of June (within the 8 weeks timeframe ) they emailed me to say they were upholding my complaint and literally wiped my balance. I found them quite reasonable to communicate with it . Hope this helps
Amber says
I received a response from Amigo last week after sending my complaint in January, they accepted my complaint – £6,126.13 redress and just under £3.5k left to pay instead of almost £10k, they also removed my guarantor. I am so happy and would never have tried it without this site, thank you.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
good, you know you can now make ana arrangement to pay at a more affordable rate?
Jo says
Got mine upheld this morning! Rang up and accepted All 3 even though I only complained about 2 initially as I forgot about 1, £5000 balance paid off and just over £6000 to me within 10 days! Thanks for all your help! Single mum can breath again! 15 wks in total!
Craig says
Hey, just looking a bit of help I logged my affordability claim to amigo 19 weeks and counting and after 8 weeks sent it to the ombudsman and haven’t heard anything so I have contact the ombudsman and they have confirmed today that they have not received and complaint on my part I have checked emails and it was sent but they have no record of this and now I’m wondering will this start from the beginning again as it will be new timescales as amigo haven’t replied to me since March so worried this will take another 19 weeks unsure what to do any help would be great.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
“they have confirmed today that they have not received and complaint on my part I have checked emails and it was sent but they have no record of this”
sorry, who is saying this, Amigo or FOS?
Craig says
FOS confirmed they have no record of my complaint I have forwarded them my claim again today but I’m worried it will start the clock again and may take another 19 weeks, and amigo have not sent me any response since March
Sara (Debt Camel) says
As Amigo have had your complaint I hope that it will be included in the backlog they are currently resolving
Lisa says
Hi all! Has anyone had much experience with TrustTwo? I put a complaint in 6 weeks ago but apart from a generic email back to say they’ve received the email I haven’t heard anything.
Just wondering if I should give them a call and ask if they have actually received the complaint or wait 2 weeks then send it straight to OMB?
Thank you!
staci says
hi – into week 21 no update from them at all , ignoring my emails , also not had any further emails at the moment asking for more payments or threatening court action so not sure what is going on.
check my emails currently 7000 times day
tried to call get no where with them
Rebecca says
Staci I’m exactly the same it’s a massive distraction. I’m not sure if the good news stories are making me more confident or more anxious. Any update would be great!! I’m a little behind you on week 15. I was wondering if it was because I had 6 top ups but I see others getting decisions with more loans.
No news is good news as they say ( hopefully!)
staci says
I had 2 different top up loans i havent made any payments for a while so been threatening with court etc but havent heard anything apart from when i have rang trying to get me to make a payment or payment offer which i had already done and they declined the offer.
i know the fair thing would be to do date order as it would give those a sigh of relief who have been waiting long but its just a waiting game hopefully they will have answers for all by end of june either way.
Rebecca says
100%. We will keep everything crossed and try not to go mad until then. This site defo helps to give you hope things will work out 😊
Jason says
Yeh i am the same as you had like 6-7 top ups and havent heard anything from amigo since week 8.
staci says
hopefully hear soon jason,….. fingers crossed then i can stop looking at my emails 24/7
you get no where via phone calls though i know that much
rebecca says
They emailed me and advised that I hadnt complained and then advised on May 15th that my complaint was logged on 9th of March…..sounds a bit messy but theres hoping something comes through soon. 26th June seems so far away at the minute lol
Brandon C says
Hi Sara ,
Just had an update on my complaint through my guarantor they have been told their complaint was put down to an interest complaint and not to go alongside my complaint of irresponsible lending , I spoken to someone at amigo they said it was worked out fairly for net interest paid by my guarantor I told them my loan was found out to be unaffordable ans any payments made by my guarantor would be refunded they told me this was not the case in my circumstances as I would of still had a balance of owing £89 towards the original loan amount of £7500
Frustration levels are through the roof as they have handled my guarantor complaint incorrectly they have asked for a refund of their payments and have been told no they will not be getting anything leaving it with FOS now been picked up after sending to them in February fingers croased.
Surely with my loan been found unaffordable they will cross reference it and say the guarantor payments should be refunded to her
£7500 borrowed
Guarantor payments 12 x 296.44- £3557.28
My payments 25 x 296.44 – £7411
Cassandra says
Hi Everyone
Has anyone put an affordability complaint in to George Banco recently?
I’m in the process now and just wondered what the approximate wait time was? Was it upheld? Did you have to take it to the FOS?
Thanking you all in advance.
Paul says
Still nothing from Amigo – They starting to get a bit more abrupt on the phone now – They now stating end of month to wait – I send my complaint in mid january – i think im on week 24 now – was told over 3 weeks ago has been picked up by an agent – still nothing – im not even gonna bother phoning now – they state ive had 7 loans ( 6 being top ups) – Im checking my inbox all the time – Great to see all the people who have had a positive outcome – I dont think that mine will be positive as they have taken so long so there must be an issue – Great site though Sara – good to update like minded people etc
Lk says
Same situation for me Paul, however I put mine in 06 Feb, I’m seeing people who have put theirs in after us getting refunds which is great for them but a bit of a kick to us… I’ve been told mine hasn’t even been picked up and they have 10 days.
Jo says
Not sure if it’s a coincidence or they just get so many emails asking for updates but I did email friday having a little tantrum about them not replying within the 4 wks after the last extension they had after the initial 8 wk deadline but I got my redress decision and response quoting it this morning so if you really are struggling mentally and financially it’s not going to harm you by having a little meltdown down lol they did mention that my financial situation at the point of all 3 loans didn’t match what I had told them! I can’t even remember but as they didn’t check it’s their fault so I get full amount due! So happy to be rid and I’m paying off other debts and sorting my life out from now
Lk says
When did you put your complaint in?
Jo says
March! Would be 15 wks this Friday! I’ve actually had a couple of correspondence from them and not bugged them at all until last wk so very surprised! They defo read it cause the person quoted something I said
Lk says
That’s great Jo congrats!! I’m still waiting for a response been waiting since 6th Feb
Jo says
I know! I was fuming Friday for the same reason so I sent an email having a melt down! It’s life changing money for me so I imagine it’s the same for a lot of us! All I can think is after I received my offer email they quoted me in ot so they had read my email! Also said that on all 3 loans (I forgot one and only initially put it for 2) i had not told them about my negative credit file, ie getting into more debt to clear other debts which obvs doesn’t work so here we are! Anyways at the time of all 3 loans I had defaults on my file they were not aware of so admitting they gave me the money without checking it! If it’s more complicated and they are trying to get out of it which they will cause they are a business is it making it diff for everyone? Other than that I just don’t know! I doubt an email sped it up, I bet they get thousands per day!
Hope you get sorted soon
Let me know
Chloe says
Hi Sara,
Iv looked at my payments etc and it doesn’t show my first loan, just the top up, I was wondering if you’d still be able to have a look at it for me, I’m on week 21 nearly, put my complaint in on 24th jan off my own back and found this forum the other week and it’s giving me hope.
Iv also just asked for a payment breather because from reading through this they should have sorted complaints put in before May in the next 10 days so I thought I’d ask for a payment break so that I don’t have to pay any more until the complaints dealt with!!
So going off my statement online my top up was to £6750.
Settlement of old loan £1773.16
Payout of £4976.84
So far Iv made:
8 payments of £288.73
A payment of £50
5 payments of £292
9 payments of £200
A payment of £288.57
Chloe says
I should add Iv added up all of the ‘interest accrued between’ that show on my account and it adds up to £5267.56 would that be what I’d get back? Plus the 8% and the Interest and 8% from my first loan which I can’t see figures for.
Jo says
Hi, this might be a stupid question but I’m asking anyways! With the 8% being tax deductible and tax man knowing, will this affect universal credit? Obvs I have money coming into my bank but I’m not sure on the rules! I’m a single mum and I do work but have just switched over and due my first payment next wk after my tax credits stopped 4 wks ago! Just want to know if I will be in for hit because of this win! Il have £6500 going into my bank, £1200 of that was taxable if that helps! I literally have no clue and want to pay other debts And bills but il need to save some if I’m stung
Sara (Debt Camel) says
This isn’t treated as income by UC but the money you get is treated as capital. Over 6k in the bank would reduce the UC you get a small amount (on a sliding scale, down to nothing if you get 16k) but if you are paying bills and debts with it almost straight away this isn’t going to be an issue.
(If this feels worrying, just think about all the PPI refunds – you would have heard of it if they had affected people’s UC or other benefits.)
You can also reclaim some or all of the tax deducted back, see https://debtcamel.co.uk/ppi-payday-refund-get-back-tax/
Jo says
That’s great! I’ve never had that amount of money in my bank other than from credit, so wasn’t sure at all! It won’t be sitting there long! Il be using it to sort everything out very quickly! Opportunity to tie up loose ends is an amazing feeling
Thank you
Chapers says
I’m wondering if anyone can advise I’ve had a complaint with Amigo loans since early this year. I got a response to say they declined my claim time barred, I was paid out in 2012 and paid the loan off in 2017. This loan was unaffordable, I told them during paying the loan off this was the case more so when my youngest son was born in 2014 and they outright refused to go through another income and expenditure with me. Due to amigo’s lack of response with the FOS ( Fos advised amigo that they could look at my case – not time-barred – Amigo still refusing) I am now in a prioritized queue for an investigator to now look at, my case. Amigo refused me however I see peoples post on here for loans in the same timeline they have accepted and I’m very confused. Wonder how long it will now be for my case to be even picked up at this next stage, advice welcome :)
Jamie says
Been reading the comments and i have also submitted a complaint to Amigo. I sent it in May so im expecting mine to be near the bottom of the pile and no response anytime soon. I made the complaint on affordability grounds, so im hoping its successful as the loan has been a struggle since day 1. Out of the 19 payments i think the first 5 were on time the others have been two weeks late or longer and if they had checked my credit file they would have realised i couldn’t afford the loan. So im hoping they offer me something.
Can you help with what i should roughly be looking to accept from Amigo If they accept my claim as i don’t want to settle for less and if they reject i will forward to FO.
Loan 1 – £3500 i made 4 payments of £170.76
Loan 2 – £8000 which game me £4443 cash. I have made 19 payments of £390.32
Outstanding balance currently – £6503
Any help of knowing what i could possibly get would be greatly appreciated, as i have a bit of cash saved up so if my balance was significantly reduced i would pay it off to end it all. If not i will use to pay off a credit card debt i have outstanding.
Thanks in advance
Sara (Debt Camel) says
On those fgures (and you may have typed them in wrong or I may have, so this is a guess)…
you have paid £737 interest on the first loan.
on the current loan you have only paid £7410 so far, once interest is removed you would still owe £590.
So if both loans are refunded the refund from loan one will clear the balance on loans 2 and you would get a small refund, about £150.
Jamie says
Thanks, I will need to check my figures but it’s roughly that I believe.
Thanks for your help and what a great job you are doing for everyone.
Jason T says
The ombudsman investigator sent them there views on 1st of May and they haven’t responded anyone else in this situation,
Betty Wong says
I am also in this situation. It will be sent to the ombudsman tomorrow as Amigo didn’t respond to the adjudicator twice. I’m starting to think anyone who complained before January 2020 is not priority.
Jason T says
I spoke to the investigator yesterday they were hoping that they would respond by the end of this month, even tho it is in the que for the ombudsman they may still respond before the ombudsman looks at it
KPS says
Hi everyone,
I sent my complaint in to amigo on Sunday, and I’ve just had an email from the complaints department saying
“ Thank you for your email, I’m sorry to hear you’re unhappy with your loan.
Due to what you’ve advised, I have raised a complaint on your behalf. Our Customer Relations Team will be in touch within 3 – 5 working days.”
Just wondering how long I should expect for a proper outcome? I wasn’t expecting to hear anything so quickly
Sara (Debt Camel) says
see https://debtcamel.co.uk/how-to-complain-guarantor-loan/comment-page-36/#comment-369576 where some other people have commented on what happens after getting this email. It doesn’t mean you are going to get a fast answer to your complaint.
David says
With provident they lay out the loan and interest in columns when they reply. My £20,000 plus is the interest in total I paid on the loans they have £40000 plus from me. So if the FOS does uphold my complaint £20,000 plus 8% interest is a significant sum so I expect there fight very hard. To give the full story one of the loans which was £100 they agreed unaffordable and come to the sum of £240 to be returned lol….
Stevan says
So are people starting to see this money appear in their banks then?
Ive seen one person post it was paid within 4 days then a fair few saying nothing an its been over 10 days?
Rebecca says
Nothing yet, day 7
VH says
Only been since Friday gave bank details.
They say 10 working days, was hoping sooner but it seems there is no pattern when it is paid into bank.
Can’t help feel it’s going to taking a away again just need closure on this. Won’t settle until see in my account.
Sam says
Nothing yet for me day 9 today, day 7 if is just working days…
I’ll update on here it I get anything
Shelby says
Just spoke to
Amigos complaint team someone actually transferred me to them !! She said look your only at 6 weeks and we are saying 8-12 weeks + !!!
Really assy on the phone , I’m not holding to much hope but I think they should give better attitude considering how much money we pay them and struggle ,
CP says
Hi, I submitted my claim to Amigo latter part of last year. A couple of months ago I received a disc with SAR info. That was the only correspondence I got until last Friday when an offer of redress email came through. I have telephoned to accept and am just awaiting the redress funds. Thank you so much for all your info on Debt Camel Sara!