A reader, Mr W, asked: I had credit cards and got myself in a mess when getting balance transfers but keeping the old cards. Then I lost my job two years ago, but I am now working again. I have defaults ranging from 2021 to last month ago. All my debts add up to about £6,500. One has offered me a discount if I clear the outstanding balance. Is a 20% discount on a £3,500 debt a good deal? I … [Read more...]
Articles about Full and Final settlements
A Full and Final settlement (F&F) is an offer to a creditor of less than the amount you owe. If your lender accepts, the remaining debt is wiped out.
They are described in detail on Debt Camel's Full & Final page, together with their advantages and disadvantages, when they are most often useful, how to offer a Full & Final settlement; their effect on your credit ratings etc.
What to do if Full & Final settlement offer is rejected?
A reader asked what she should do as her reasonable Full & Final settlement offer had been rejected. It's going to seem obvious, but the creditor rejected the offer because it didn't seem reasonable to them. You may think "I paid off the amount I borrowed ages ago, their interest is too high" or "They probably bought this debt for pennies, so they should be happy to accept 20%" but … [Read more...]
“Will partial settlement make it hard to get a mortgage?”
Ms F asked: "I have been in debt management for five years after my marriage breakdown. After an inheritance, I want to pay off my DMP as it will carry on for years. I could pay in full but my house needs some urgent work and my car is on its last legs. I asked about my credit score if I offer a partial settlement and was told this would show as partially settled on credit score file. Will I … [Read more...]
Settling old debts – ask for the CCA agreement
A reader asked: I have a Debt Management Plan where I still owe 17k to 10 creditors. I have been paying for ten years at £150 a month, so it will end in about 8 years. Most of the debts have gone from my credit record but a few are marked as “on a DMP”. I want to pay off the debts and improve my credit rating. I have been offered about 7k by a relative, so I could offer all my DMP creditors … [Read more...]
Getting a clean start after gambling debts
A reader, let's call him Mr C, asked: I have been in bad mental health and have in periods of illness suffered big losses due to online gambling. I used to earn £32,000, I now only work part-time, getting c £700 a month, and have moved back to my parents. I have debts of £27,000 with £1,000 a month repayments. Some debts are very new eg a £8,000 loan three months ago. I am very unlikely to … [Read more...]
How F&F settlements affect credit ratings
A reader has asked how Full & Final settlements (F&Fs) would affect her credit rating which is currently looking good as her debts were all defaulted and have dropped off her credit record. A full and final settlement happens when a creditor agrees to accept an amount which is less than the total owed to settle a debt and agrees that the borrower will not be pursued for the remainder. … [Read more...]