A reader asked:
I went bankrupt in 2021 and was discharged a year later. I am not paying an IPA. My question is about savings. Can I save now without any risk of my savings being taken from me?
Also my grandmother wants to give me a large sum of money but I’m not sure if it would be safe so the last thing I want is for her to lose money, so I’ve been reluctant to do it.
This article looks in detail at what happens when you are discharged from bankruptcy: the practicalities, the implications for savings and gifts and the restrictions that end after discharge.
Discharge is almost always after 12 months
Almost everyone is discharged from bankruptcy automatically 12 months after the date they went bankrupt.
During these 12 months when you are bankrupt, you have to co-operate with the Official Receiver (OR) and give information when asked to do so.
If you don’t co-operate, the OR may ask the court to suspend your discharge – so you won’t be discharged at the end of the 12 months.
This is very rare and you will know if this happens.It isn’t done in secret.
Don’t worry about the remote possibility that you won’t be discharged The OR doesn’t expect you to have a perfect memory or receipts for everything bought over the last five years. “Not co-operating” means refusing to answer questions or not telling the OR the truth.
In the unusual case where your discharge from bankruptcy is suspended, you will be told by the court whether you have to do anything in order to get your discharge. If you don’t understand what is happening or you can’t do what you have been asked, talk to your local Citizens Advice about what your options are. Do not ignore this problem as it won’t go away.
Discharge day – nothing happens!
You may have had the day ringed in your diary for months, but nothing visibly happens when you are discharged!
You don’t get a certificate or even an email from the OR.
If you haven’t heard anything from the OR about your discharge being suspended you can safely assume that you have been discharged.
Getting confirmation that you have been discharged
You can ask for a confirmation letter that you have been discharged from the Insolvency Service by emailing them at discharge.queries@insolvency.gov.uk – this is free.
Some lenders, especially mortgage lenders, may ask for a Certificate of Discharge.
How you get this depends on how you went bankrupt:
- if you applied for bankruptcy online email the Insolvency Service at discharge.queries@insolvency.gov.uk and ask for a Certificate of Discharge. This is free.
- if you were made bankrupt by a creditor – complete form LOC013 and send it with a cheque payable to ‘HM Courts and Tribunals Service’ to the court that made you bankrupt. It costs £70 for three copies of your Certificate of Discharge and £10 for additional extra copies.
What happens when you are discharged
Release from your debts
When you are discharged you are released from the debts that were included in your bankruptcy. These includes any debts you forgot to put on your bankruptcy application form. It doesn’t apply to debts such as student loans which couldn’t form part of your bankruptcy.
Your bankruptcy ends, you are no longer bankrupt!
Things you no longer have to tell the OR about
After discharge, you don’t have to tell the OR about assets or money that you receive, unless you were already entitled to these before your discharge.
The events you no longer have to tell the OR about include:
- receiving redundancy money (see Redundancy and bankruptcy);
- getting an inheritance (unless the person died before you were discharged, see Inheriting money when bankrupt); and
- a pension lump sum or money you withdraw from a pension (see Bankruptcy and Pensions).
There is a small exception here if you are paying an IPA/IPO, see below.
So the reader can safely be given money by her grandmother – it won’t be at risk at all.
And she can save as much as wants. She could have saved a small emergency fund before discharge, but few people can afford to save much at that point.
Bankruptcy restrictions that end
The restrictions of bankruptcy also end when you are discharged, unless you have a BRO/BRU, see below, so you will be able to:
- borrow more than £500 without telling the lender you are bankrupt (but if a lender asks if you have ever been bankrupt or insolvent, you still have to reply Yes);
- be a company director;
- change the name of your business if you’re self-employed; and
- buy a council house using the ‘right to buy’ scheme.
BRO/BRUs – restrictions still apply
The government says “Any dishonest or blameworthy behaviour could lead to a BRO”.
That may sound alarming because most people who go bankrupt think they have been blameworthy to some extent…
But in practice very few people get BRO/BRUs. See Will you get a Bankruptcy Restriction Order (BRO)? Does it matter? for details.
If the OR has imposed a Bankruptcy Restriction Order (BRO), or you have agreed to a Bankruptcy Restriction Undertaking (BRU) you will still be discharged after twelve months and released from your debts.
But a BRO/BRU means you will continue to have a series of restrictions on what you can do for the period of your BRO/BRU.
Your possessions and assets
Personal possessions – normally safe!
Most people do not lose any personal possessions when they go bankrupt, see Will I lose my lawnmower? and other questions for details.
Most assets apart from your home that have to be sold are dealt with within the twelve month bankruptcy period.
In the unusual situation that you have assets that the OR has told you within the 12 months that may have to be sold, this still applies after discharge.
If you have not heard anything from the OR by the time you are discharged, that is the end. You will not be asked anything afterwards and nothing can be taken.
Family home
There’s a 3-year time limit for the OR to start legal action to sell the family home. If your share of the equity (or your “beneficial interest”) is less than £1,000 three years after you went bankrupt, no action will be taken, the interest will return to you and the restriction at Land Registry will be removed.
“The right to claim something” – an asset that still belongs to the OR
Sometimes you have a legal right to do something, for example make an insurance claim, ask for a refund, sue someone.
If you had this legal right before you went bankrupt, this right is an asset that transferred to the OR when you went bankrupt. It does not transfer back to you when you are discharged,
This may include any ongoing complaints and court cases, and also ones which have not yet been started.
That last point may be a disappointment. There is no point in you asking for a refund eg by making an affordability complaint for loans taken prior to your bankruptcy because if you win the complaint the money will go to the OR, not to you.
It doesn’t matter if these loans were included in your bankruptcy or had already been repaid, you will not get these refunds.
But you can make an affordability complaint about credit given after your discharge – then the money will come to you, not the OR. Any refunds for the loans before your bankruptcy will go to the OR.
IPA/IPOs – must be set up before discharge
If you don’t have an IPA/IPO
More than 80% of people who go bankrupt do not have an Income Payments Agreement (IPA) or an Income Payments Order (IPOs) set.
If you don’t have an IPA when you are discharged one can’t be set up later and you don’t have to tell the OR about any changes to your income or expenses.
(There is a very rare exception. When the OR has applied to court for an IPO before your discharge, then it can be set up afterwards. If this affects you, you will know about it.)
IPAs/IPOs carry on after discharge
Here you have to make monthly payments to the Official Receiver for three years from the point it was set up. During these three years, you have to tell the OR about changes to your income and expenses and the IPA may be adjusted.
Being discharged doesn’t change this.
You should also tell the OR about any windfalls that you receive after your discharge while your IPA is continuing.
This does not mean that the OR can claim your redundancy money or an inheritance where the death happens after you were discharged – this won’t happen, see the links above.
But some windfalls are actually a form of income, for example a refund from the tax man, and you may need to pay a lump sum to the OR for these.
Your credit record after discharge
The details of your bankruptcy are kept on the Individual Insolvency Register for three months after discharge. If you check the register after this, your name should no longer appear, unless you have a BRO/BRU.
Your credit rating won’t improve immediately after you are discharged.
It will take some weeks or even a month or two for creditors to mark your debts as settled/partially settled with a zero balance owing and the bankruptcy marker itself will remain on your file for another five years.
After a few months, you can start the credit repair process, including getting creditors to correct any records which are wrong. See How to repair your credit record after bankruptcy for details.
“What about… ?”
The Insolvency Service helpline can answer general questions, but if you have questions about your specific case, the best thing to do is to contact your OR’s office.
Rachel says
Hi, my husband declared bankruptcy last June 2019 and was discharged this year , we had no IPA. He went to the 0 tax code until March this year and we had to save his tax money as a payment towards his bankruptcy, however it’s now two months after discharge and the solicitor who should have taken the tax money payment haven’t been in touch with us. We have contacted them on several occasions , just before coronavirus lockdown they were going to send us an invoice to pay, since lockdown they have only been contactable by email, so we’ve emailed and they requested last two payslips which we sent back in May and we’ve still not heard anything from them. My question is, do we still have to pay this money now my husband is discharged?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Yes you do. Can you stick it in a separate account somewhere and forget about it until they ask for it?
Rachel says
It’s tucked away safely in a savings account. Any ideas why it’s taking so long for them to collect it?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
incompetence? lockdown? systems problem?
I don’t see why you should have to spend time chasing them. In 5 years time you may decide they aren’t going to remember it… (NB there is nothing legal about the number 5 there. I just meant a very long while…)
Rachel says
We are still holding on to this money. We rang the new company who took over the payments and they have no record of my husband. Will continue to keep money in savings just incase they decide to contact in a few years time!
The other issue we have found was trying to get a rental property, most agents are asking for 6 months rent up front because of the bankruptcy. Luckily we have found a private rental with someone we know but just a warning to others who may be looking to rent in future.
Mark says
Hi, i was made bankrupt last September and have accepted a BRU for a few years due to how the debt came about. I have had no IPA, so after my year does this mean if I do have a change in financial position that they cannot set one up even though I’m still in an BRU? Thank you
Sara (Debt Camel) says
that is correct. After you are discharged, an IPA cannot be set up. The fact you have a BRU doesn’t change this.
Mark says
Thank you for the reply.
I have also had a letter as they have looked into my jointly owned property which has no equity and it says “Notice to bankruptcy to re-vest your interest in property” from my understanding this means the property is no longer something they can touch even at the 3 year point since being made bankrupt? However it isn’t that clear and can’t find anything online to clarify this? Thank you again
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Your interest in the family home will have “vested” in the Offical Receiver when you went bankrupt. You can think of this as being a legal way of saying “became the property of”.
“Re-vesting” is when your interest is transferred back to you.
This happens for the family home automatically at three years. But it can happen earlier.
You may have received a Notice saying this has happened. The title you quoted “Notice to bankruptcy to re-vest your interest in property” seems slightly odd. Might it have said “Notice to bankrupt”?
If the property has re-vested in you, the OR will not change their mind about this. But you do need to be sure about this – if you phone your OR’s office they will confirm what has happened.
Dean says
Hi, I was declared bankrupt in April 2018 and I started paying an IPA in June of the same year. Unfortunately I have missed some payments due to fluctuating pay. What happens after the 3 years if there is still amounts outstanding on an IPA? Thanks.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
You need to talk to the firm that is collecting your IPA payments about this. If you can supply you payslips, there may well not be a problem and you may not need to make any catch-up payments but it is better addressed, not ignored.
If your pay has generally dropped, you should ask for the IPA to be reduced accordingly.
Beth says
Hi ☺️ I am owed money which was awarded to me at a tribunal in 2018 and still hasn’t been paid. I have just found out that the debtor went bankrupt in2019 and was discharged in May this year but I was never contacted regarding the money owed to me. Does this mean there is now no chance of me getting my money back? I have only found this out as I was filling in a form for an enforcement officer to collect the money for me and happened to stumble across the bankruptcy online.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
You need to talk to his Official Receiver’s office. The fact he was discharged says nothing about whether there is going to be any distribution to his creditors.
Lee Wright says
Hi I was made Bankrupt in 2019 and it ran until May 2020 I have just received a letter from a debt collection company regarding a debt I had forgotten about relating to 2015. Obviously if I had remembered it would have been included in the Bankruptcy. As it is a debt for 10K can they still chase this or can I ask for it to be included retrospectively in the bankruptcy
Sara (Debt Camel) says
This isn’t a problem, it will have been included in your bankruptcy even though you didn’t list it on your bankruptcy application. See https://debtcamel.co.uk/forgot-debt-bankruptcy/.
I went bankrupt last year and was discharged last week.
on my credit score the credit cards are still showing as money owed and ex amount of missed payments.
Will these eventually right themselves to zero?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Yes they should. I suggest you look again in 6 months time.
Danielle says
Hi, I am just wondering how long after being discharged from my bankruptcy in Scotland will the accounts be marked as closed on my credit file. I still have 32 payments to make to my trustee.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
I will ask a Scottish expert to reply.
Scottish Adviser says
Although you are discharged after one year, you do need to make your 48 month payments if you can afford to.
You are no longer personally liable to your creditors for your debt after your discharge, just to your Trustee in Bankruptcy.
However, the debts do still exist and continue to exist even after your discharge.
The debts will not come off your Credit File for 6 years from when they were defaulted on, or from your date of bankruptcy, whichever is the earliest date.
Danielle says
Thank you for this, I understand they will remain on my credit file however they are all showing as open accounts with outstanding balances. I was wondering if this is correct or if the accounts should be marked as closed (showing settled or part settled) and the balances removed.
Stephanie Allen says
I am interested in hearing if you had had a response on this as was wondering the same
Andy Jones says
A bank that was part of my bankruptcy in 2004 (discharged 2005) claimed money of my IVA in 2016 before selling my accounts
to a finance company who then claimed against my IVA .
I have proven all this
THE wording is ..claiming money by false representation .
Can you advise how much compensation is due .
I have suffered ill health because of this which again i have proven
My IVA is finished
Sara (Debt Camel) says
The IVA completed successfully? Did you repay the debts in full or did your creditors accept a settlement? (These questions are relevant!)
Andy says
The legal creditor wrote the debt off
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Is this creditor connected to the bankruptcy discharge issue? What about your other debts? Sorry unless you can give a fuller explanation of what happened in your IVA – the debts that went into it, how it ended – I can’t say anything useful.
I can give you the name of a good insolvency solicitor if you want, but I have no idea if you have any basis for a claim for compensation.
Andy says
Two seperate organisations not linked .
bankruptcy discharged in 2005 with bank who claimed on the back of my IVA 11 years later
IVA I have letter of debt written off by creditor legittimately involved
no other debts
The bank who claimed illegally infact fraudulently under the making false representation to claim money
have been told by the insolvency service they acted against the rules and my debt to them had been written off upon
discharge in 2005
Sara (Debt Camel) says
A few debts are not released when you are discharged from bankruptcy. I can’t comment on whether this debt was one of those that is written off or not.
It is not clear to me what you have actually lost by whatever has gone on with the debt being added to your IVA.
I do think you need some legal advice and I will email you details of a solicitor.
Drew says
Hello, i’m 6 months away from being discharged from bankruptcy, but have been told that I will most likely be getting a BRO/BRU, which I agree with. I am currently unemployed so am not having to pay towards my debts … but what if I get a job after the 6 months? (My BRO could last 5 years ), will I then be forced to pay towards an IPA?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
As the article above says:
If you don’t have an IPA when you are discharged one can’t be set up later and you don’t have to tell the OR about any changes to your income or expenses.
This doesn’t change if you get a BRO.
Nigel Smalley says
I went Bankrupt in 1984 and was discharged in 1986. Do I need to declare this to an Insurance company in 2020 when insuring my house.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
yes if you are asked if you have ever been bankrupt.
Nigel Smalley says
Thanks. Thought after 36 years it was no longer important. Can not see how that can affect an Insurance policy but there we go . Thanks for reply. Nigel
Sara (Debt Camel) says
I doubt any insurance company will care!
James says
I’ve recently been discharged from my bankruptcy order after 1 year. However, I have been expecting a BRO to come through as some blame to bankruptcy was due to gambling. Will a BRO still be served and how will I be notified?
Thank you
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Did the OR write to you and tell you they planned to apply for a BRO? Or are you just worried and think they might?
The OR has to apply to the court before your discharge UNLESS they get permission from the court to apply afterwards, for example if something about your behaviour has only just come to light.
James says
I’ve not received any letter or email communications. I’m just worried and believed they will apply a BRO for me.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
I suggest you ask your OR’s office, they should confirm that one isn’t being considered.
A LOT more people are worried about BROs than actually get one.
Ras says
Hi, I am only few weeks away to get discharge from my bankruptcy. I had few shares on limited companies which I have included at my bankruptcy though these limited companies are not doing well & on loss but what happens to those shares after my discharge? Will I get back those shares if I want, should I ask OR for this?
Second question,
I m also with IPA for another 2 years. if I get any help from my family, can I clear my rest payment in one go after my discharge so I don’t have to worry about any other payments including to pay any creditors even if I get any other income or will I have to pay the creditors through OR even after my discharge till another 2 years if I get any other income including from my Selfemploment income or after discharge I don’t have to pay anything anymore even if my income grows significantly.
Thank you
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Those shares now belong to the OR and will not be transferred back to you.
Your IPA carries on after discharge and may go up if your income goes up, although it can also go down if your income goes down or your expenses go up. A relation can offer to make a payment now of the full amount, I don’t know if it will be accepted
Sara (Debt Camel) says
I’m sorry I don’t know. I don’t think this often happens. Could you let me know what the OR says?
HS says
Hi Sarah, I have greatly benefitted from your advice previously and have shared your site with several other people who are in difficult circumstances – so, first of all: thank you, hugely.
I was declared bankrupt in Sept 2019, discharged in Sept 2020. However, my application for BR was made several months in advance of this date and took a long time to resolve due to an ongoing solicitor payment relating to my divorce. The OR decided that as my case had taken so long, they would accept the BR but re-initiate the 3 year IPA from June 2020 which I signed to accept. Since that time, I have been made redundant (post-discharge). However, I found a new job very quickly which I informed the OR about by email, suggesting I send them a new budget. I haven’t received their response and am very overloaded by my new job and highly anxious about how I should follow up.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Are you getting paid less or more in the new job? HAve any of your other expenses gone up or down?
HS says
I am earning slightly more due to increased hours with outgoings that have risen since the last approved budget. Concerned that there has been no reply to my email to the OR and what are my responsibilities thus. I’m also stuck with a very old and unreliable car which is the second cheap car I’ve purchased since BR – the first one lasted 5 months, my mother – not at all wealthy – bought the second one and the OR didn’t allow a repayment to her in my budget for that necessary purchase. I utterly rely on having a car to get to work and to get my eldest to the school bus (he goes to school 25 miles away) and cannot see that this will be a very reliable solution for the next 2.5 years. Any thoughts very much appreciated.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
I would send them another email saying as your income has risen a bit but so have your expenses (if that is accurate), say you asked them on dd/mm/yy if they wanted a new budget but you haven’t had a reply so you assume it is ok to carry on with the current IPA payments.
re the car payments, I suggest you talk to your local Citizens Advice about this and ask if they can write a letter to the OR asking for these to be reconsidered as you need the car to get to work.
Adam says
Hi . . . I was discharged 11/4/20
I had a NT IPA that should have ended 5/4/20 However due to losing my Job in the Febuary before I made them aware of my change of circumstances.
IPA replied telling my account was on hold and this will effect my discharge. This email was sent 3 days after my discharge ( I have cert)
They have asked for proof of universal credit in July 2020 which I have sent and heard nothing since.
The email said they will be reviewing my IPA. As far as I was aware my IPA ended with the tax year as it was only my tax money they were collecting.
Maybe I’m worrying for nothing but being left in the dark hasn’t helped. Any advice is greatly appreciated. Thanks
Sara (Debt Camel) says
As you say, you may be worrying for nothing, but this has been so long I suggest you ask them for an update. If you aren’t happy with what you are told, ask your local Citizens Advice for help in talking to the Trustee.
Adam says
Thanks for getting back to me. Yes I will call tomorrow. Was wondering if anyone had experienced this before?
What could possibly be happening etc
Sara (Debt Camel) says
I think Covid-19 may have led to some cases falling through the cracks. This doesn’t mean that there is anything wrong, just yours never got tidied up properly.
Daniel says
Hello, thanks for all this great information!
Am i correct in believing that if I declare bankruptcy and subsequently receive a BRO/BRU, i will still ordinarily be discharged of the bankruptcy after 12 months, despite the BRO/BRU? Also, if i received a windfall after my bankruptcy was discharged BUT before the end date of a BRO/BRU, is that windfall liable to be taken to repay creditors? Thank you
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Am i correct in believing that if I declare bankruptcy and subsequently receive a BRO/BRU, i will still ordinarily be discharged of the bankruptcy after 12 months, despite the BRO/BRU?
if i received a windfall after my bankruptcy was discharged BUT before the end date of a BRO/BRU, is that windfall liable to be taken to repay creditors?
The BRO/BRU isn’t relevant here. But see the section on IPAs/IPOs carry on after discharge in the article above these comments.
Also see https://debtcamel.co.uk/bankruptcy-restriction-order-bro/ for more about BRO/BRUs
James says
Thanks for the great article.
I’m discharged on March 18th this year and the company I work for wants me as a director and shareholder. They will be also be wanting to pay me via dividends monthly from profits with the first dividend made at the end of March.
Having read this article it states after bankruptcy what I earn or then create as assets can no longer be touched as they are mine.
I have no IPO’s or further restrictions, so my question is, is this fine?
Las thing I want is to file my accounts for the year 20/21 and it showing a dividend in March and for it to be taken away.
Weatherman says
Hi James
You can check this with the Official Receiver – but provided that the payment of the dividend wasn’t artificially delayed until after your discharge, you should indeed be fine. Make sure you’ve got documentation showing the date of the payment, as it might get queried if your accounts just say ‘March’.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Were you a director or shareholder of this company before your bankruptcy?
James says
Yes, I was. I resigned because I had to and haven’t taken dividends only a salary. The dividend wouldn’t be artificially delayed it would just start and be certificated dated 31st March and then each month after that.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
The Insolvency Service has rules about people not acting as shadow directors while they are bankrupt – I am not suggesting you have done this but I think you need some advice.
This is a pretty specialist area. I suggest you should talk to Business Debtline https://www.businessdebtline.org/ about this or consult a solicitor.
Stephanie says
I was declared bankrupt on 23rd Jan 2018 and discharged the year after.
The debts included are still showing as defaults, not settled.
Is this something I should look into? I am keen to get my credit improved as soon as possible.
The OR also had a 20% beneficiary in a shared ownership property but as yet not made a claim on it.
Am I right in thinking that after 3 years, all rights are returned to me?
Thanks in advance
Weatherman says
Hi Stephanie
The defaults will stay on your file for six years after they were entered. Going bankrupt doesn’t affect that. But they will be ‘overshadowed’ by your bankruptcy marker on your credit report in any case. Your credit rating will be quite badly affected by your bankruptcy until six years after you went bankrupt.
The OR has two years and three months from the date of your bankruptcy to decide what to do with any equity in your home. They then have another nine months (so 3 years after your bankruptcy) to actually deal with that equity. At that point, it’s returned to you.
They’ll only do this if your interest in the property is likely to be more than £1,000, after any sale fees etc.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
See https://debtcamel.co.uk/credit-file-after-bankruptcy/ for how to get the debts included in your bankruptcy marked as settled or partially settled. This won’t improve your credit score – as Weatherman says that isn’t going to impove much until the bankruptcy goes, which would be 2024 – but may make some lenders more prepared to lend to you.
Iain says
Hi Sara. I was discharged from bankruptcy in April 2020. I have a SIPP from transferring my UK pensions when I worked overseas.
The SIPP I had was fraudulently mismanaged by the finance company who managed the SIPP and I lost a substantial sum as a result.
Am I entitled to claim for these losses through the FCA or will any of this pension compensation just go straight to the OR? Thanks.
Tom says
My bankruptcy came to an end 3 months ago but when I search my name it still appears on the search engine under the Gazette. Will this remain for 6 years like our credit record. I’m conscious as I’m applying for new job roles and worried this may be found.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
See https://www.thegazette.co.uk/insolvency/content/100262 which explains the Gazette’s process for removing entries from search engines.
Emma says
I was discharged from bankruptcy in Dec 2016 and have been subject to debtor contribution order for 48 months. During this time I have missed a few payments and after moving home to my parents and agreed to pay them the same as when I was renting for letting me stay. Unfortuantky in the last two years of my debtors order I started to have a serious gambling problem that got worse and I was gambling the money I should have been paying my parents and this is evident on my bank statements which the trustee has asked to see as I’ve missed a few payments. Will the trustee now impose a BRO even though my 48 months debtor contribution was due to end in Dec 20. I would happily pay the arrears I owe. I have registered with gamstop closed all gambling accounts and sought help with my mental health.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
“debtor contribution order” I guess you live in Scotland.
Can I suggest you ask this question on the following Scottish debt blog https://www.advicescotland.com/home/sequestration/ where it will be answered by a Scottish expert.
Shelley says
Hello. I was discharged from bankruptcy in Nov 2014. It is now cleared from my credit file. I had a secured loan at the time of bankruptcy and it wasn’t explained that I would need to keep up these payments as well as my mortgage. I was advised to only pay my mortgage and nothing more. This I did. The house was in negative equity and the equity returned to me in 2016. I still receive statements from the secured loan (then welcome finance, changed to coast finance soluations. What would be my best option moving forward? I’ve separated from my husband who although liable for half the mortgage doesn’t pay anything. I need to look at the option of selling which would mean loosing what little equity there is to coastal. Or would there be another way forward so I could get a mortgage in my own right and have the charge removed. This is not a get out of debt free question either. I know I took the money in the first place. Just looking for advice moving forward
Sara (Debt Camel) says
who advised you to only pay the mortgage?
(I am asking as I need to suggest who you should talk to – and I don’t want to send you back to someone that gave you duff advice – or good advice in a way you did not understand – before.)
Shelley says
It was a long time ago. It was a free financial advice service local to me. He helped me complete the bankruptcy form and I submitted it. The service / man won’t even be running anymore. It will have been in 2012
Sara (Debt Camel) says
I am not aware that the charge can be removed, in which case it & the mortgage would be paid by your solicitor when you sell the house. I don’t think your bankruptcy changes this, but I suggest you talk to National Debtline on 0808 808 4000 about this. Not just to know about the charge but to look at what your options are. It seems odd that you have only received statements from the secured creditor.
Shelley says
Thank you for replying. They send me statements all the time but never actually get in touch.
I will give that number a call thank you
Jul says
Hi. I was discharged from Bankruptcy in August and I’m trying to get back to my normal life but I’ve noticed a few things which I’m unsure if are related to bankruptcy. I’ve recently been thinking of buying a cheap second hand car but the insurance quotes after I put my details online are really high. Like the cheapest quote I seem to get is over 3.5k a year or £250per month. I even tried different compare websites and cheaper cars and it’s still super high. Im 33 it’s my first time getting my own insurance as before I was a named driver on my dad’s insurance. My license is clean apart from a speeding ticket 4 years ago which I got 3 points but it says they’re expired already. So therefore I’m assuming the really expensive quotes are because Im an ex bankrupt is that correct? I thought it would affect getting finance/credit and things like but not a car insurance as I don’t see how my credit history can affect an insurance company I’m I wrong? Anything I can do ? I wanted to work as a delivery driver but I’m really considering if buying a car is possible because of the insurance quotes I’m getting. Thank you
Weatherman says
Hi Jul
Unfortunately this is very likely to do with you being bankrupt. An insurance company will use your credit report as one piece of information to generate your premium – and your bankruptcy stays on your credit report for six years after the order is made (as you probably know).
There are specialist insurers that say they specialise in insurance for people with bad credit reports (and that might not show up on comparison websites as they’re specialist) – so you could look for some of those and see if they’re more affordable. But the prices will still be higher than you might have paid previously.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
If you don’t have any no claims bonus and you are trying to insure a car for business, then I think your insurance will always be highish. I suggest you try talking to a broker who may be able to pinpoint the cause of the high quote and say if there is anything you can do to get a cheaper one.
Jul says
Thanks. I’ll try but so far they are actually refusing to insure me or offering over 4k annual fees. I didn’t know car insurance would be affected this bad. I haven’t told them yet about planning to work as a driver at the moment I said I use the car for social reasons.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
well you have to ask for business insurance. Or you won’t get covered if there is an accident.
Annon says
I’m in abit of a pickle. I lost my business. I was left with 400k PG debt to deal with. I went on an Iva but then due to covid, I had to declare myself bankrupt. Everything fell apart even more.
Im now desperately trying to save my home.
But, my IVA practitioner put a charging order on my home so the trustee has now passed the dealing of the home back to the IVA practitioner who is now threatening a vesting order. We have made an offer for the equity 5k under her minimum of what she wanted.
However – Me and my partner have a declaration of trust document but it wasn’t mentioned on the Iva proposal (I forgot about it as it was signed 5 years ago) and I think it’s annoyed the IP who is now not replying to my emails.
Can the IP really press forward with a vesting order and if they do, can we protest it? Surely the court will see we have made a reasonable offer of it gets to this stage. I’m not sleeping at night at the moment in fear of losing the home..
Weatherman says
Hi Annon
I’m really sorry you’re having such a difficult time.
The IP can press forward with the vesting order – there would be a hearing regarding this, and the court can make the vesting order on terms ‘it sees fit’. They might take into account the fact you made an offer relatively close to what the IP wanted, but there’s absolutely no guarantee of that – if there’s any way you can offer the minimum she wanted, that would be the safest thing to do.
This is a complicated area, so I’d really suggest you contact Business Debtline: https://www.businessdebtline.org/ Best of luck
Sara (Debt Camel) says
I agree talking to Business Debtline would be a good thing.
I don’t know if they would be prepared to give an opinion about the declaration of trust. You may need to talk to a solicitor. If there is a Law Centre near you, that would be free, see https://www.lawcentres.org.uk/i-am-looking-for-advice. If there is a lot of money involved then your wife way want to pay for legal advice – I can recommend a solictor who specialises in insolvency if you want.
Peter says
Hi I was made Bankrupt in march 6th 2020 it’s now over a year I just have 3 questions.
1 can I officially buy shares now?
2 on my credit report I cannot see any bankrupcy at all which I’ve always found strange I know covid hit last march
3 I’m I officially discharged now?
Many thanks
Weatherman says
Hi Peter
Check the insolvency register to see if you’ve definitely been discharged – you will usually have been after a year, but in some circumstances this can be delayed (you should have been informed if that’s happened).
If you’ve been discharged, then yes you can buy shares without needing to declare them to the Official Receiver.
I’m surprised your bankruptcy isn’t showing on your credit report. However, lenders will often check the insolvency reigster anyway, or ask you to declare if you’ve ever been bankrupt.
Cynthia says
I went bankrupt on May 11 2020 and I was told NT tax code would be applied on my PAYE. Nearly a month to the end of my bankruptcy the NT tax code was not applied by my employer. I am supposed to be paying £200 towards my tax and £150 for IPA. So far I have been paying £150 for IPA as my employer is still taxing me on my old tax code. I wrote to my OR twice and she replied they are aware of it. I email Advantis my payslip every month to prove I am still not on NT tax code. I pay more than £400 on PAYE. What is going to happen at the end of this tax year? Is the HMRC going to pay the excess to the Insolvency Service?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
I don’t think this is your problem. Unless You have been paying the tax twice, once through your PAYE and once to Advanatis, have you?
So however the OR/Advantis and HMRC sort this out, it should be between themselves and not affect you.
Can I ask how the IPA has been going? A lot of people will be facing higher bills from this month – council tax, TV licence, prescriptions, some TV, broadband and mobile charges… You can ask for your IPA to be reduced if your income hasn’t gone up in line with the extra costs.
Cynthia says
Thanks for your response Sara.
I was supposed to be paying £350 to Advantis for both my tax and IPA, but because my tax code didn’t change to NT, I am paying £150 to Advantis while I am being taxed over £400 on PAYE. That shows I have payed excess tax against my bankruptcy agreed tax of £200.
The IPA payment is going on smoothly. I have encountered any problem so far.
Thank you.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
So that is a potential problem. You shouldn’t have been paying too.much tax in total (my original reply was badly worded – I have clarified it)
It is possible I suppose that this will all even itself out if it has just resulted in you paying less on your IPA as your after tax income looks lower than it should have been.
But I suggest you send Adventist a complaint and ask them why you appear to be paying the tax twice and how this will be refunded,
Cynthia says
Thank you Sara. I’ll email Advantis right away because I believe that having been taxed more than I should based on the bankruptcy agreement, my IPA needs to be adjusted or the excess used to offset the IPA.
Gemma says
Hi there,
I’ve got 4 months left of my bankruptcy before discharge ( I hope). If I am not working at the time of discharge but plan to go back to work, can they set up an IVA knowing that I am going back after discharge?
Also in regards to the deed of trust on a house which they have asked for which shows I did not put deposits down or pay mortgage payments or the bills but I’m on the mortgage, can they do the split 50/50?. They want proof of all of this which I have but partner thinks it’s very unfair if they me as having 50% of equity and wants to fight it but I’m scared if it comes to it that they will make us sell the house.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
You wrote IVA – I think that was probably a typo for IPA.
An IPA can only be set up before you are discharged. And it can’t be set up on the basis that you might go back to work in future – only on your current income.
In case you are worried, the Official Receiver will not try to delay your discharge until you go back to work. this doesn’t happen.
Is there a deed of trust? Is there evidence about where the deposit of the house came from (ie not you)?
Kelsy says
I am now discharged after 12 months and have fully co operated with the OR all the way through the process and no IPA was put in place. I have now been passed to a IP because I had a property we have now left and returned the keys to the mortgage provider and are now renting. My IP is now asking questions about my bank statements before bankrupcy and feels like I’m going through the process all over again when I thought after discharge I could finally move on with my life again. Is it normal for the IP to be going over everything again from scratch after discharge I was completly upfront and honest with my OR and sent everything they requested so I don’t understand why the IP wants it all again after discharge its really affecting my mental health please help
Sara (Debt Camel) says
It’s unusual.
You could ask them why you are being asked these questions now.
But realistically it may be simpler to send them what you have been asked for now, and only question it if you are then asked for more stuff.
CH says
Hi there,
Thank you for this website, it is really useful. I have a question which I wonder if you can help me with. I am currently undischarged BR and will auto discharge in Dec 21. I am in the process of setting up an IPA to run for 36 months, the amounts have been agreed. My landlord has announced that she will be selling my home in 18 months time and would I be interested in buying. As the mortgage would be cheaper than the rent, I will try and see if I can purchase, but would need a loan from my family for the deposit. My question concerns the IPA, it says in the article that you have to tell the OR of any windfalls received throughout the 3 years paying the IPA, even after discharge. Would someone loaning me a deposit be classed as a windfall? (Obviously this is all providing I can find someone who will offer a mortgage with my tardy credit history). If this is a non starter, I will forget the idea now, but its nice to have hope! Thank you in advance.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Would someone loaning me a deposit be classed as a windfall?
No – it is a loan not a gift to you.
But I think you have about zero chance of getting a mortgage when you have been discharged from bankruptcy for less than a year.
And most mortgage companies will not accept as a deposit an amount that you have borrowed.
Baba Carr says
Was declared bankrupt by the court in 2015 and since then, I have not heard from the institutions. About a week ago, I received a letter from Northern Rock demanding payment of funds which formed the main bulk of the bankruptcy application. What should I do.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Tell them when you went bankrupt, give your bankrupt number if you still have it, and say that you no Longer owe that money.
Joe says
Once you have been discharged from a bankruptcy – can the OR apply to have this revoked for any reason in the future? I suppose the question is, once you’re discharged with no BRO or IPA are you home and free?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
If this is a general worry, then you shouldn’t have a problem.
If you didn’t declare your holiday home in Spain or some investments in your bankruptcy application, or you failed to tell the OR that your mum had died before you were discharged and you will inherit a lot … then that is completely different.
S Smith says
I went bankrupt and have been discharged from my bankruptcy – I have received a letter from my old credit card provider to say they owe me money. They said that this will be sent to the OR… this refund is £2,000+ and I believe that they should be sending this to me. Can I ask them to send it to me directly or get the money off of the OR?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
When were you discharged? does the refund relate to a date before your discharge or afterwards?
S Smith says
I was discharged at the end of December 2020. The credit card was included in my bankruptcy.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
In that case it is correct that any refund has to go to the Official Receiver I am afraid :(
Natalie says
Thank you for sharing all the above questions and answers I have found them really insightful.
Would you be able to answer the following question for me. I was declared bankrupt January 2019, discharged January 2020. IPA was sent up for years ending january 2022 beginning of this year the company dealing with the payments went into receivership.. so my payments were transferred to another company, but February 2020 the first company reassessed by in goings and out goings and due to cost of living pay rise they upped my payments. Now the new company dealing with my payments have said they end July 2021 due to over payments. I am confused, when I was told I had to pay more I assumed that meant until January 2022. Should I mention this or say nothing?? After August 2022 would I be able to have my name added onto a shared title deeds with my partner. Thank you
Sara (Debt Camel) says
It is hard to guess what has happened, normally a cost of living pay rise doesn’t increase your IPA much as your expenses have also gone up.
Does the new company have all your information about income and expenses?
re getting you name on the deeds – is the property mortgaged?
Natalie says
Thank you for your answering so quickly, the first company made me complete all the paperwork again showing all my incomings and out goings etc once the first 12 months was up, at this stage I told them i was due a pay rise, they told me to hold off completing the paper work until my pay rise had been given.. then they reassessed and put my payments up, the new company had all my details, they said due to overpayments my last payment would be july 2021..
the home will have no mortgage on it after august 2022.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
It sounds as thought the second company has all the details, so I suggest you assume they are correct.
re the house – as it will be mortgage free, then your partner can put your name on the deeds. It is after your discharge so unless there is something important you haven’t mentioned, you should be fine.
Annie says
My partner was declared bankrupt 10 years ago discharged 9 years. I have no concerns about his financial commitments . upfront about his bankrupt status from the very beginning of our friendship and romance of 3 years.
We have just become engaged and and are planning to move in together in the future ( into a rented home). He has a basic bank account and I am financially secure and have a current account.
I understand that we will never be able to have a joint current account because of his bankruptcy.
What other challenges might we face when looking for a rental property, securing utilities etc.
My current landlord is happy to add him to my tenancy, and the utilities are already in my name.
When we marry next year we plan to move . What challenges might we experience once married ? We want to be aware of our options in order to navigate our life together going forwards. What guidance can you offer- other than excluding him from bills and property rentals? He is disabled and needs to prove his tenancy and utility bills to make benefit claims.
I believe with the right advice we can negotiate around some of the challenges and accept those ( like the joint bank account) and find another way to achieve our goals together.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Congrats on the engagement & well done that you are talking about money.
I understand that we will never be able to have a joint current account because of his bankruptcy.
That isn’t true. It depends on his credit record and which bank – he should avoid banks where he owed money to them in his bankruptcy.
Has he looked at his credit record with all three credit reference agencies to see if any of the debts in his bankruptcy still show? The bankruptcy marker itself should have dropped off?
What other challenges might we face when looking for a rental property, securing utilities etc.
Possibly none at all if his credit record is clean!
He is disabled and needs to prove his tenancy and utility bills to make benefit claims.
What benefits is this for? PIP is assessed just on his health and care needs – tenancy and bills are not relevant. The most likely other benefit is Universal Credit which would be a joint claim between the two of you and it will not matter in whose names the tenancy and bills are.
Alison Shaw says
Hi, my husband was made bankrupt in 2009 and discharged in 2010. He has buy-to-let properties and they all had restrictions entered on Land Registry at the time in favour of the trustee. He has been told by a solicitor that he cannot sell his properties as the trustee/OR still has interest in them…. Is this correct?! We would be very grateful of any info.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
It probably is. But didn’t your husband follow up what was happening? He needs to talk to the OR/Trustee.
Adam G says
Me and my wife both applied for Bankruptcy in March this year. Now we are both in the middle of it and discharge date is March 2022. I am unemployed but she is working. We receive universal credit at present. The bankruptcy was straight forward and we have no assets. Her salary went up a month after the bankruptcy with a promotion and increased hours by a few hundred but that offset the universal credit by a few hundred as well so not much overall change in budget, which we reported to the OR. We have no IPA setup etc.
Now I am applying for jobs and might get one for a Sept start. If that happens I will inform the OR of increase in income which is expected that there will be some surplus income by a few hundred every month from our budget. Will the OR now setup an IPA for us because of that? And if so that would mean being tied into payments for (three more years from then?). Debating if it’s worth taking up a new job from Sept or wait another six months till after the discharge in March and start work after that as being tied for that extra three years into a new IVA just defies the whole logic of going bankrupt in the first place? It just seems stupid to me to have to wait another six months till March 2022 instead of Sept 2021 to take up job as otherwise nothing is really wiped clean in bankruptcy and a new payment to a new IPA tied for another three years? Would appreciate if you can clarify how any increase in income before discharge effect?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Will the OR now setup an IPA for us because of that?
Yes, if your “net income” (after the reduction in your UC is taken into account) is going up by that much before you are discharged, then an IPA will be set.
Have you looked at what the change to your UC will be? Use a PAYE calculator (eg https://www.moneysavingexpert.com/tax-calculator/) and a benefits calculator (https://benefits-calculator-2.turn2us.org.uk/) to work this out.
It just seems stupid to me to have to wait another six months till March 2022 instead of Sept 2021 to take up job as otherwise nothing is really wiped clean in bankruptcy and a new payment to a new IPA tied for another three years?
It’s nuts. A bonkers system the Insolvency service introduced. You used to be able to keep a percentage of increased income, then that was changed so you lose the lot in an IPA. The idea was to maximise returns to creditors, but actually it just means people work less, because what is the point? Bad for the economy, bad for the people, stupid policy move.
But them’s the rules so you have to do your best within them. In your case you just need to get through to when you are discharged and after that you can earn as much as you can with no danger of an IPA.
Hadyn says
Hello and thank you for this great resource.
I was declared bankrupt in March 2020 and was expecting to be cleared in March this year but to date haven’t heard anything, I have emailed the OR but didn’t get a response. Should I be concerned?
Also I note that the debts stay showing on my account for the six years after bankruptcy ends, but I’m also receiving mail from some of these companies informing me the debt is this still owing. Is this supposed to be happening? Many thanks in advance.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
You aren’t informed that you are discharged as the article above explains.
Your discharge should have been more than 3 months ago – if you check the Insolvency Register https://www.insolvencydirect.bis.gov.uk/eiir/ now, you should find your name is no longer on it.
You can ask for a confirmation latter from the OR saying you have been discharged as the article says.
Tell your creditors contacting you the date you went bankrupt and your bankruptcy number.
Farrokh says
Hi Sara,
I was discharged from Bankruptcy in 2019 which included a joint £11000 Tax Credit overpayment. I recently had my hours reduced so I signed up to Universal Credit. However I have had tax credit recovery payments taken off me. I have contacted HMRC and Debt Management and they said they would sort it out, but it’s been months now and I have still heard nothing. I am sure my tax credit overpayments were included in my bankruptcy. Is there anyone else I can chase up to get these payments stopped because £100 a month is a big deal to me at the minute.
thank you
Sara (Debt Camel) says
It doesn’t matter if the tax credit were listed on your bankruptcy application or not, if they arose before your bankruptcy they will have be written off, I suggest you talk to your local Citizens Advice and ask them to help you get these deductions stopped.
Farrokh says
Thank you Sara.
Farrokh says
Hi Sara,
I sent my proof of discharge to DWP as they requested. But they still can’t remove the Tax Credit Overpayment as they say there is no mention of a DWP on the discharge letter. They want a breakdown of everything included in the insolvency. Is that correct? Can that even be provided by anyone? I feel like I’m going round in circles :(
many thanks
Sara (Debt Camel) says
that is silly.
Talk to your local Citizens Advice and ask for their help to complain to the DWP.
Farrokh says
Thank you Sara, I thought it sounded wrong.
Shelley says
Hi, I was a sole property landlord, went Bankrupt 2018, left my home prior to BR and moved into one of my small rental properties, which was officially listed with the OR as my family home.
However the previous family home has not been repossessed, & I’m being chased for utility bills that accrued since BR as they say I’m the legal owner as the land registry shows me as the proprietor but with the bankruptcy restriction still in place.
Isn’t OR is the legal owner of all assets/property from the date of bankruptcy? (I even had a letter from them for another tenanted house stating they were the legal owner now!)
Also I’m concerned the OR may just remove the bankruptcy restriction due to the 3 years to deal with things time limit as it was previously the family home, leaving me with 100k debt again!
I’m extremely worried about this, can you please confirm that –
a) the OR is the legal owner despite the land registry showing me as proprietor with a bankruptcy restriction, and
b) the previous family home which was not listed as a family home at the time of bankruptcy (as I’d moved) will not be returned to me after the 3 years (it’s in 100k negative equity!)
Thank you so much for your site, it has been so helpful to me.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Have you told the OR? I would send the OR the bills saying you assume you are not liable and see what they say. Did you hand back the keys to the mortgage lender?
Your mortgage debt on this property was included in your bankruptcy so you won’t end up liable for all this negative equity.
Adam says
Hi my house got repossessed in 2017, it was a interest only and I unsuccessfully tried to present a miss sold claim. I did the paper work my self so I then tried with a no win no fee company which seems to have stalled. Since then I just noticed a note on my credit file that said a court judgment note was against my file for bankruptcy or insolvency. But I had no word from the mortgage company no calls or emails. And it’s been 18 month since the note went on my file which I only just noticed yesterday. Can you help explain what is happening and what is the best way forward. It said this will be on my file until 2026. Why has no one been in touch, what is likely to happen next. Am I classed as bankrupt if a year has passed have I came out the other side already?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
How large was the amount owing after the repossession?
What are the rest of your finances like?
Immi says
My bankruptcy ended on 3rd Aug2021 (only I went bankrupt not my husband). Now I have got a letter from the OR asking to get a valuation done on our property and send them the details.
I just had two valuations done on the property now, one agent says +28k above the actual value of the property and the other says just under 12k if he really pushes hard.
In either case my husband won’t be able to buy back the property with his 50/50 share
1- how the OR will look at the two different valuations or should I send only one out of the two
2- will we be selling the property going through the whole regular selling procedure and once sold then give the money to the OR or the OR takes over
3- my husband is not here he is away for a few weeks so I won’t be able to apply for any rental property or anything for that matter being bankrupt so can I buy some time or should I tell him straight about him not being here?
4- my husband paying for my holidays in April for 3/4weeks can I tell this to the OR or will it be classed as an offence will I be in trouble?
The OR obviously want to payoff the creditors as soon as possible but can I buy some time just for a couple of months to sort all these and move to a rental place or something. I can’t do all that on my own. Will the OR make him come back or stop me from going on holidays?
I will be much obliged if you answer by Monday, the OR wants me to contact with all the information before 14the March
Thank you very much
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Do you live in this property? With your husband?
There is no trouble at all with your husband paying for a holiday for you.
Immi says
Yes, we both live in this property
Thanks for the very quick reply
Sara (Debt Camel) says
I think you need a debt adviser to talk you through the options here. Who did you talk to before you want bankrupt? You could go back to them. Or to your local Citizens Advice, or phone National Debtline on 0808 808 4000 if you would rather talk on the phone about this.
Immi says
Hi Sara
When I send the valuation figures of the property to the Or and show the willingness to sell the property then can I ask them to delay the whole sale business until my husband comes back the Ist week of May. What do you suggest, how I should do that. Thanks
Sara (Debt Camel) says
I’m sorry but you need someone to help you with this – you can’t rely on what someone on the internet says who has just had a few comments from you… that is why I have suggested you talk to National Debtline now about your options – it may be that you can ask for more time, I am not saying this to panic you, but you need to kick off the advice process as soon as possible.
Immi says
Hi Sara
Quick question when we sell a property it involves estate agent fee and other costs etc. so if we let OR to sell the property then they are paying for all that costs ( although OR asked us to pay the solicitor fee of the transaction £225)
Thanks you have been a great help
Sara (Debt Camel) says
You need to check this with the OR. Often the costs are just taken off the sale price, so your OH will get less for his half. And if you sell it, that is also what may happen.
Many people prefer to sell the house themself as they are more in control and they reckon they can get a better price than the OR – the price really matters to you as it will determine how much your husband gets for his half.
Dave says
I received a letter saying I was owed a refund for incorrect fees on an old account that was involved in bankruptcy. I was discharged 7 years ago. Am I able to claim this refund or not seeing as it was involved?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
who was the letter from?
Dave says
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Then the amount is probably pretty small. I mean nice to have obviously, but not a very large sum that would more than clear all your bankruptcy debts and pay the ORs fees.
It is VERY likely Barclaycard will realise you were bankrupt and send the refund to the official Receiver. If it is paid to you, you should infomr the OR about it and it will probably be claimed by the OR.
Immi says
Hi Sara
The OR is going to put a charge on the property as we are unable to put an offer to buy it back. We are going to sell the property to pay that charge value to the OR or the creditors.
1- will all this court charge business reduces the market value of the property ( will it be sold for less because of the court charge)
2- the buyers won’t be put off because of this, it won’t cause any problem to them
3- do we inform the estate agent about it or they will find out any way as the court will be involved
Please help me understand all this thanks
Sara (Debt Camel) says
so there is no immediate deadline for you to see the property? the oR is happy for you to market it?
Immi says
No deadline given by the OR as he said it takes some times anyway and also because we are not going to be available until May, he is going to delay it for that period.
I told him about our decision of selling the property and he seem to have no objection on that. But now me and my husband are concerned about the points I asked you in the earlier post. Plz answer me so we are clear what is coming. Thanks Sara
Sara (Debt Camel) says
I think you need to talk to an estate agent and a solicitor who will handle the sale for you. Unless you are under time pressure to sell in a few months, I can’t see why the sale price would be reduced, and I can’t see why the buyer would care about the charge as that will be removed on the completion of the house sale. But you need advice here from the estate agent and a solicitor who are experts in the housing market.
Immi says
Hi Sara
As we are going to be away until May, I have asked for a bit more time from the OR so he is aware that no body will be in this property for that time period and no body will be there to receive any correspondence. So he put a note on my case to delay the process until May. In the mean time, I m in touch with the estate agent who did the valuation of the property that I needed as requested by the OR. The estate agent now need to visit again and take some measurements etc.
so Sara you reckon I should explain the estate agent the whole situation openly, about charge that would be put on in a couple of months time.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Yes, tell the estate agent what is going on. A buyer will find out anyway when their solictor looks at the land registry and sees the charge on your house.
Jason Craig says
Hi I was made bankrupt in 2017 and as I had no funds I was cleared but half the debts haven’t cleared any help would be appreciated
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Are you being chased for these debts? Or just saying they still show as owing on your credit record?
Shelley says
I was made bankrupt in Nov 14. I am now fully discharged from this. The property I own with my ex partner was released back by the OR in 18.
At the time of bankruptcy I was given bad advice and told not to pay any debts as this would be seen as favouriting one company over another. I should continue my mortgage payments. What they did not mention was that a secured loan had should also still be paid. So I stopped paying everything other than the mortgage. It has been some years now and I am ready to file for divorce from my then abusive husband. There is still interest on the property for this secure loan. I have had no dealings with this company since before the bankruptcy. I need to deal with the property now as part of the divorce but I have no idea what I need to do because of this. The rate is variable and keeps rising and I am paying it on my own (the other owner does not contribute even though legally should). I understand the secured loan reverted to unsecured when I was discharged but the interest still remains. I need to move forward and remove all financial connections with the other owner. Any help would really be appreciated.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
I understand the secured loan reverted to unsecured when I was discharged
No, it didn’t.
I suggest you talk to National Debtline on 0808 808 4000 about your options.
CJ says
I am in a similar situation to Craig above. Debts that were included in the BR are still showing on credit file as active even though I am now discharged. Other debts included in BR are closed. It’s not consistent. I’ve written to TransUnion as think it needs correcting and am trying to rebuild my credit history. I am paying into an IPA for another 22 months and so wondered if they are showing active because of this?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
The IPA is irrelevant, these debts should show as settled or partially settled.
But you need to ask the creditors to correct the records, not TransUnion. A credit reference agency just reports what it is told. See https://debtcamel.co.uk/credit-file-after-bankruptcy/ for what to say to the creditors.
CJ says
Thank you so much. I had no idea. I’ll do that
Danni says
I declared myself bankrupt in June 2019 and was discharged in August 2020, the delay was due to COVID.
I own my own house however there was no equity in the property due to my outstanding mortgage and a secured loan and there still isn’t any equity. I was looking to check when my property is usually released back to me by my trustee. I live in Scotland so not sure if the rules are different to other parts of the UK. I recall being told I would need to make a payment of a few hundred pounds to have it released back to me but can’t recall the length of time it was after that I could do this.
The reason I am asking is I have received a letter today to say that they have renewed the inhibition order from 3rd May 2022 for a period of a further 3 years and it will only be released once they have the agreed amount of equity.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
It is best to ask a Scottish specialist about this as the rules are different. I suggest you post your comment on this page https://www.advicescotland.com/home/sequestration/ run by a good adviser.
Danni says
Thank you for this and the prompt reply
Immi says
Hi Sara
A quick question, when the OR getting a charging order from the court in coming months, with the value of a certain amount that we are liable to pay to the court+8% interest etc and then in the mean time if we sell the property for more than the value what we expected when we gave the estimate from the estate agent to the OR. Do we still pay the amount that court has put the charge for or the amount increases as we have sold it for more than the value we told the OR at the time
Thanks Sara
Sara (Debt Camel) says
So far as I know, the amount will go up as the price goes up. I suggest you check with the OR (or Trustee if one has been appointed) as it’s good for you to know exactly how this works.
Unless you have both gone bankrupt, then obviously its only half the increase that matters.
Immi says
Hi Sara
I have a court charging order date on the 6th July 2022 on my property, as the OR send an application to the court for the charging order
My question is can I pay that amount before the court puts a charging order on that date.
I have arranged that amount to pay . I m discharged from the bankruptcy on the 5th August 2021.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
You need to talk to the OR about this as soon as possible.
Jonathan says
Hi, I was discharged over a year ago and still have an IPO to run for another 18 months. My question is, can the accountants on behalf of the OR still ask questions? they have asked that after looking into the bank statements I sent them do I still own two vehicles. I’m guessing they have seen car tax payments.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
yes they can.
Matthew says
I was declared a bankrupt 1st August 2022 and have been contacted about IPA.
My mental health is completely ruined and I cannot deny it any more. I am a mess and can’t concentrate.. can’t articulate how I am feeling. I do have emotional issues and autism and have doubled down on my worst instincts recently. I have coasted from job to job last 4 years and my debt ballooned. The last year I turned 30 and think I’ve become depressed and somewhat suicidal.
I don’t know if me mentioning my mental health issues would ‘wash’ with OR or the person handling the potential application for IPA. I just cannot handle this situation and I’m way out of my depth with this.. I don’t want to have an IPA hanging over me for another 3 years after August 2023.
Now I’m not working will they still try to enforce an IPA? At this point for first time I think, I just feel I should hold my hand up and say enough and not pursue further employment until my actual health gets better. I’d rather look further along line at volunteering instead for a while. And that’s another question.. how would OR et al respond to my volunteering?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
The OR can’t make you take a job.
Are you getting benefits at the moment?
Jon says
Hi, I asked for a creditor to set my accounts with them to zero, as I’ve been discharged. although I’ve an IPA, is there reply below correct?
‘The accounts do not close at this stage as they will remain with TDX Group, which Lowell have appointed to deal with our Insolvent accounts.
The accounts could stay open with TDX Group for a period up to 3 years (From the start date of the bankruptcy)
This is due to the fact that although you are discharged from your Bankruptcy after 12 months, a Trustee could still be appointed.
Under the terms of your Bankruptcy if there were any funds to be realised under your Bankruptcy, Lowell would still require dividends to be paid to reduce the amount of Lowell debt that is included in your Bankruptcy prior or after your Bankruptcy discharge date.’
Sara (Debt Camel) says
No it’s not right. The fact that the creditor may receive some income from the OR/Trustee has nothing to do with your credit records – you no longer owe the debts on your credit records so they should show as satisfied or partially satisfied. I suggest you send Lowell a complaint and ask them to correct your records or you will be taking this to the Ombudsman.
Martin says
Hi, I was declared bankrupt on first September 2021. I am now officially discharged on the Insolvency Register and have a certificate of discharge.
Although my discharge has been updated on my credit report, there are still two CCJ’s showing on my file which have start dates dated AFTER my bankruptcy order started. They are debts that were included in my bankruptcy order but added as CCJ’S during my bankruptcy.
Should I contact the court direct or will this automatically be updated?? Or should I contact the credit reference agency and raise a notice of correction??
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Were you unaware of these CCJs at the time?
Martin says
I was not aware the 2 debts had not progressed that far. The debt details were all passed on to the official receiver.
My bankruptcy order was made on the 1st September, the 1st CCJ has a date of 8th Sept and 2nd CCJ is dated the 15th Sept
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Nothing is going to automatically happen to these CCJs.
Your two options are:
1) to apply to the court for two set asides as these judgments should never have been made as you were already banrupt at the time. A set aside will remove the CCJs from your credit record.
See this fact sheet https://www.nationaldebtline.org/fact-sheet-library/setting-aside-a-ccj-ew/ and talk to National Debtline if you have any questions about this. There is a fee (£275) to make an applications but it may be waived if you are on a very low income
2) to decide you don’t care and live with them on your credit record because they will drop off very soon after your bankruptcy goes. Obviously if you are ever contacted by the creditor you can explain the debts were included in your bankruptcy.
You could add a notice of correction if you want, but I’m not convinced they make a lot of difference.
Liz says
Hi I am in process of applying for bankruptcy half of my debt was built up over a period of time where my mental health was at rock bottom and some of this time I just cannot remember.
The process of going bankrupt is making me extreme anxious and I’m scared that the OR is going to ask me questions about my spending at the time and what if I cannot remember what the transactions were or my logic at the time. I have some hospital letters relating to my Mental health at the time so I can share these with the OR if that will help the situation but I’m just so worried that me not remembering is going to be a big problem. My debt is approx 50k.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
how long ago is this period?
Claire says
If you are in a situation that has this debt hanging over you, sleepless nights, causing severe stress and so on then declaring bankruptcy is the best decision for you. I declared in 2019 and I’ve never looked back. My debt situation was so bad and credit score was rock bottom so nothing changed for me. I already had a screwed up credit score. I live debt free now, it really was the best decision I’ve ever made. There is so much shame and worry and I came on here at the time and felt soo overwhelmed and more panic. But its not as bad as you may think. My debt was built over years, and I don’t remember being asked about spending.
Liz says
Thank you both for your replies. It has massively impacted my mental health, it has just taken me such a long time to be strong enough to tackle it head on. My mental health issues started just before covid, I left my job as I couldn’t cope with work at the time, and focus on my mental health but in the meantime I lost a close family member, got divorced, was homeless and living in temp accommodation with my 2 children. I did try to arrange an extremely lengthy DMP around 18months ago but this was against stepchange advice, as I did not have the funds to support it so was relying on family support and it became overwhelming trying to manage it as the company info was wrong changing to debt agencies etc- I couldn’t keep up and my circumstances felt like they were forever changing, so it failed and I just buried my head in the sand after that. Since 2022 I have been trying to get life back on track, I work part time self employed sole trader albeit limited hours as I am still receiving ESA (permitted work) my mental health still not great but I feel this is a massive part of it that needs addressing. I have no money to repay via IVA or DMP anyway, no assets, no credit so although I am scared and ashamed at the prospect of going bankrupt I do feel it is the best option for me.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
So the big overspending wasn’t recent. You may get fewer questions than you expect and if you can’t remember much just say so and offer the evidence about your mental health.
I assume that StepChange have suggested bankruptcy?
When people worry about their spending and what the OR will say, it’s good to remember what the worst that can happen is. You can’t be refused bankruptcy because of this. And if you have no spare money then they can’t set monthly payments. From what you have did (and obviously StepChange know much more about your full situation) the worst that could happen sounds like getting a Bankruptcy Restriction Order. Read https://debtcamel.co.uk/bankruptcy-restriction-order-bro/ for more about BROs – for many people a BRO makes little or no different to their lives.
Nb i am not saying you will get a BRO or even that it is likely, just that is the worst thing that could happen . And it’s not that bad.
Chris R says
Hi there,
I have recently found out after 4 years following discharge that Barclay card and Argos still have my account with each of them set as in default and not satisfied. I have been recently told that this will affect my credit rating and searches done on my file.
Since my bankruptcy I have been up to date with everything, however, due to a change in circumstances i required a loan. None of the top lenders would even look at me and with the recent info above i was told that this could be partially due to the 2 creditors mentioned not completing the records as satisfied.
Now i am aware that the bankruptcy and default will still appear, but am i right in saying that due to the default not set to satisfied this would affect my eligibility further? And who’s responsibility is it to ensure the creditor knows i have been discharged?
many thanks
Sara (Debt Camel) says
This article tells you how to ask Barclaycard & Aqua to correct your credit record: https://debtcamel.co.uk/credit-file-after-bankruptcy/
it is however unlikely that you will be able to get a loan at anything but a very poor rate even once this has been corrected.
Chris says
Hi Sara,
Thank you for coming back so soon.
Do you know if the creditor should have updated their records as this has been ongoing for some time and although I note you say my chances of getting a better rate loan were all but slim, I had a debt expert state that this may have not helped regardless of the bankruptcy being there as the amount I required and rate would have been affected due to the amount showing.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
yes they should have, but if you are hoping to be able to get compensation for this it is very unlikely. Ask them to correct the entries now.
Neelam M says
I was given a loan of £25K by a limited company in October 2018 although I had a CCJ at that time and very little income and bad credit score. The loan was raised to help my husband clear his debts with HMRC. He was a partner in a GP surgery with the director of the company which provided the loan. The loan period was for 2yrs and my husband made the monthly payments of around £1.2k till March 2018 when he defaulted as the partnership ran into trouble and was dissolved. Now they have been chasing me for the money although they acknowledge that the loan was for my husband to clear his debts. I have now entered into a monthly payment agreement since around June 2022 but my husband is planning for bankruptcy very soon. I have very limited income as I only work part time and have no hope of settling this loan in the near future. My question is 1. Can this loan can be included in my husband’s BR (when it happens) 2. Even if it is, will the lender still chase me as I signed the loan agreement 3. Will I be able to challenge the lender (Limited company) on the grounds of lending money to someone with a poor credit history- they were fully aware of my financial situation at that time.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Can I ask if you and your husband are buying or renting?
The lender – this is not a commercial lender? What was the interest rate? Why was the loan given to you and not to your husband?
Neelam says
Hi Sara,
Thanks for coming back to me.
We have a joint mortgage with some equity in the property
Not a commercial lender but a limited company- The Lender promises to loan £25,000.00 GBP to the Borrower and the Borrower promises to repay this principal amount to the Lender, with interest payable on the unpaid principal at the rate of 7.1 percent per annum, calculated yearly, beginning on 31 August 2017. Arrangement fee of 1.5% added to the loan amount.
Perhaps they did not want to tie it up with the business in which my husband was a partner with the director of the limited company.
Many thanks,
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Your husband needs to take debt device before going bankrupt, especially as he owns a house with some equity. I suggest he talks to National Debtline on 0808 808 4000 next week as soon as possible.
Answering your questions:
1) can this loan can be included in my husband’s BR (when it happens)
No, it is your loan, not his.
2) not relevant, your loan cannot be included in his bankruptcy
3) Will I be able to challenge the lender (Limited company) on the grounds of lending money to someone with a poor credit history- they were fully aware of my financial situation at that time.
No. Affordability rules only apply to commercial lenders.
As a result you too need debt advice. I think you also should talk to National Debtline.