If you have too much debt, you may not want to do anything that will harm your credit score. But do you have any better alternatives? That depends on three factors: what is your credit record like at the moment? If it isn't good, then it isn't worth trying to protect! Check your credit score now, so you have accurate information. can you make the monthly payments to your debts? The … [Read more...]
Getting out of debt
Practical articles about the different debt options, which might work for you and different ways of dealing with creditors
How the borrower of a guarantor loan can complain
UPDATES: Do not use the templates on this page for the following lenders, instead see the specific page: Amigo has set up a Scheme of Arrangement. The deadline for making a claim has now passed, see Amigo's Scheme for details. Buddy Loans went into administration in September 2021, see Buddy Loans goes into administration. George Banco & Trust Two set up Scheme of Arrangement, the … [Read more...]
How to get a paid CCJ marked as Satisfied
A reader asked: In August 2019 a CCJ was registered against me for £211. I paid off the balance, but not within the month. I have bank statements to prove its been paid. On my credit report it shows the status as “active” even though I have paid it. I’ve contacted the debt collector multiple times but they say as it’s an old case it’s no longer on their system and they can’t help me. I don’t … [Read more...]
Debts keeping you awake? Find a good way forward
In the small hours of the morning, worries about bills and debts can go round and round in your head: complicated ideas about how to juggle all the payments when there isn't enough money; worries about your partner who doesn't know how bad it is and how to stop your children being affected by your money shortage; panics about what "they" (debt collectors, a judge in court, bailiffs etc) … [Read more...]
When can you get a default removed from your credit record?
"This default is destroying my credit score - how do I get rid of it?" This is a very common question! It's sometimes asked when people's finances have improved and they are trying to clean up old problems on their credit history as fast as possible. Or sometimes the default feels unfair for some reason. I will look at various cases to see what - if anything - can be done for each of … [Read more...]
Court papers for a CCJ – FAQs about the N9A form & how much to offer to pay?
Mrs E asked: I have a catalogue debt of about £2000 from 2014. I was paying through a debt management company until March 2016 when I stopped. They are going to court for a CCJ. I don't know how to fill in the form with my expenses or which debts I should include. Mrs E's questions are about completing the N9A Admission form that was included with the Claim Form she has received. This is the … [Read more...]
If a lender took tax off a refund, reclaim some using the R40 form
If you have received a refund from a lender, you may see that there is an "8%" element included. This applies in many situations, including PPI, affordability refunds and NOSIA refunds. Often the lender will have deducted basic rate tax from this 8% part. Since April 2016 non taxpayers and basic rate taxpayers can probably get some or all of this back from the HMRC. This article looks at … [Read more...]
Should I keep paying an old debt?
Do you have to keep making payments to old debts? It can be easy to get stuck in a long-term Debt Management Plan (DMP) or payment arrangements. If you are paying little each month, your debts will take a very long while to be gone. This article looks at the questions people often ask about old debts where they have been making monthly payments to the debts. If you haven't been making … [Read more...]
Help with bankruptcy fees
A reader asked: I can't afford to go bankrupt! Is there anyone that can help with the fees? The bankruptcy fees in England and Wales are £680. This is made up of the £550 Official Receiver's fee and the £130 application fee. £680 is just stupidly high - most people go bankrupt because they are broke and they don't have hundreds of pounds in their bank account. The fees used to be reduced if … [Read more...]
“Why I had to go bankrupt & how it went”
Everyone’s bankruptcy case is different. Here is L’s story. Few people will have the combination of a high income and high health costs that she had. But many will recognise the problem of consolidation loans not resolving their debt difficulties and have L's worries about bankruptcy. After years of struggling with debts and a chronic health condition, I applied for bankruptcy early in … [Read more...]
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