15,000 people are being asked by Creditfix to agree to a variation that will increase the fees Creditfix gets from 15% to 23%. These are the Knightsbridge customers whose IVAs have recently been sold to Creditfix, If you have had one of these emails, do you have to agree? What are the pros and cons? IVA fees do matter Creditfix has said in the email about the proposed variation: The … [Read more...]
Debt news and policy
Debt Camel articles on what's changing - and what ought to change - in the world of personal debt in Britain.
If you are interested in a specific area, look at: High cost credit news & policy and Insolvency news & policy.
Open Banking has started – should you care?
Open Banking – never heard of it? Or seen the headlines but your eyes glazed over? It started on 13th January 2018. Over the following months and years, it’s going to change banking and payments in Britain forever. It is going to take a while - months or even years - before we know the full implications but find out what it might affect so you know what to look for. It may be brilliant, it … [Read more...]
Lending Stream – poor and slow complaints handling
Lending Stream, a mid-sized payday lender in Britain, is noticeably bad at handling payday loan affordability complaints. This article looks at what often happens in a Lending Stream affordability complaint so you are prepared. By taking your complaint to the Ombudsman you may get a much better award. In the first half of 2018, the Financial Ombudsman was agreeing with the customer in more than … [Read more...]
It’s time to stop sending people to prison for council tax debt
A new report called "I can't believe we still do that" produced by Payplan and the Institute of Money Advisers (IMA) looks at the imprisonment of people for council tax arrears in England and Wales. Councils started court action to send 4,881 to prison in 2016-17. Their average debt was only £2,213. UPDATE: In April 2019 the Welsh government ended imprisonment for council tax debt. This … [Read more...]
Dear CEO… how to improve payday loan complaints handling
The FCA wrote a "Dear CEO" letter to all consumer credit firms on September 13th 2017. This said the FCA has reviewed complaints handling at a range of firms and found material non-compliance and other concerning practices. The letter details these problems and ends by saying that the FCA expects firms to: review how your firm identifies, records, and deals with complaints as well as how this … [Read more...]
Vanquis’s ROP – can you get a refund? (old article)
UPDATE: 27 February 2018 - Victory! Vanquis is made by the FCA, its regulator, to offer refunds of the additional interest charged to all cardholders who have had ROP. UPFATE: 2 August 2018 - Well only a partial victory :( The refunds Vanquis is actually paying out are a lot smaller than they should be. Read Why the ROP refunds are too small and how to complain. I am leaving this old … [Read more...]
Provident – home credit in crisis
On 22 August 2017, Provident Financial's share price dropped c 70% after a profits warning. For a FTSE 100 company such large price moves are extremely rare. The Daily Mail shrieked: Provident Financial goes into meltdown ... now 800,000 customers of its doorstep collection business are at risk. Provident's doorstep lending re-organisation Provident's doorstep loans used to be … [Read more...]
Why debt advisers should take the IMA’s Certificate of Money Advice Practice
The Institute of Money Adviser's Certificate of Money Advice Practice (CertMAP) is a qualification for people who are already working or volunteering as money advisers. You need to have a year's full-time experience or two years part-time. The course is provided by the IMA jointly with Staffordshire University. About 1,300 people have attained the CertMAP qualification, which is accredited by the … [Read more...]
PPI claims after your IVA has finished
In March 2017, the Court of Appeal decision in the Green v Wright case was published: Mr Wright's IVA firm was allowed to collect PPI after his IVA ended, even though he hadn't consented to this before his completion certificate was issued. As questions about this continue to arrive, I thought it would be useful to summarise the current situation: what is clear and what is less clear. The … [Read more...]
The biggest IVA firms in 2014, 2015 & 2016 – league tables
Here are three League Tables for IVA firms, showing all firms that registered more than 500 IVAs in 2014, 2015 and 2016. This article is a complication of three previous articles. The comments on each year's figures were the comments I made at the time. The data came from the Insolvency Service, it was supplied to Louise Yates. As some of the notes to the League Tables and the comments below … [Read more...]