Vanquis is repaying £168,000,000 to over a million customers who had its ROP (Repayment Option Plan) on a Vanquis credit card since 2003.
UPDATE In summer 2018 the first refunds were credited to people’s accounts … but they looked surprisingly low. See ROP – the refunds are too small.
In February 2018, the FCA (Vanquis’s regulator) decided this meant that the ROP had been missold to every customer because the true cost of the extra interest they could be paying was not explained to them. It is this extra interest that customers will get back, not the ROP fees themselves. Full details of the refund are given in this FCA notice.
This refund is automatic, if you are affected you will get a letter or an email. But is there anything you need to do? Yes!
If you are still paying the ROP you should cancel it. Also you need to tell Vanquis if you have moved and you may want to complain if you think you should get a refund of the ROP itself.
How the ROP was mis-sold
The ROP product was supposed to be explained to customers in a sales call by Vanquis. But this call made ROP sound quite cheap – “only” £1.29 per £100 balance.
But it wasn’t explained that this ROP charge was added to a customer’s account as a purchase, so if the customer didn’t repay the balance in full, the next month they were then charged interest on top at the interest rate on their card, which could be 40, 50, 60% or more.
This wasn’t a mistake made in a few sales calls. The FCA says:
In 100 per cent of calls reviewed by the FCA, sales agents did not explain the full cost of the product to customers.
The FCA concludes:
Vanquis failed to make sure customers were informed about the full cost of the ROP when it was offered to customers… Customers are entitled to be told all relevant information when being offered financial products… The FCA found that the firm breached Principle 6 (Customers’ interests) & 7 (Communications with clients) of the FCA Principles for Businesses.
The refunds that Vanquis will be paying
Vanquis has agreed to repay the interest it has added on to the ROP charges since 2003. This is not a refund of the ROP charges themselves, but, for many customers, the interest added was a large amount.
These refunds will stop at the date 30 days after Vanquis wrote to customers with ROP in 2017 saying how much they had been charged and asking if they wanted to continue with the product. So if you got this letter in September 2017, your refund will be for the interest added up to the date of the refund on the ROP which was charged up to October 2017.
Vanquis issued other branded cards (Argos, Aquis, Black Diamond, Chrome, Granite, NEO, Origin, Progress, Vanquis and Xylo) – any of these may have had ROP, in which case it will be refunded by Vanquis in the same way a “normal” Vanquis card will be. Check your statement or phone up and ask if you have a card and you are not sure if you were paying ROP.
How much will you get?
The total refunds will be c £168 million. It is said that there will be 1.2 million people affected so the average payment will be about £140.
The calculation is complicated and it will be pretty difficult for you to try to estimate this unless you have all your old statements. But some guidelines:
- people who often cleared their card balance may get very small amounts;
- older accounts where there was normally a large balance may get very large refunds as the compound interest will have added up over time;
- you will get a larger refund if you were paying a higher rate of interest on your card.
Two examples of refunds people have received in the last six months show how the “interest paid” can be very different – larger or smaller – than the amount of ROP paid:
- ROP 547, interest paid 237
- ROP 216, interest paid 1184.
Vanquis say “Vanquis has agreed to refund any interest relating to ROP together with 8% statutory interest to cover any period your account would otherwise have been in credit.” I think this means that for any periods where you weren’t paying interest to Vanquis – including after your account was closed – you will get 8% simple interest added to the refund. If you have 8% added, this will be taxable, but the rest of the refund isn’t.
You won’t get less if you have used any of the ROP features
If you are one of the few people that used the interest freeze, or the larger number that used the “lifeline” facility, this shouldn’t matter. The point is you weren’t told what the full cost of the ROP was, so you will still be getting back the interest you paid on the ROP charges.
How will it be paid?
You need to work out which of the following groups you belong to as the refund process is different for each:
- you have an open account with Vanquis The refund will first be used to pay off your current balance and any additional amount will be sent to you by cheque. You will get an email or a letter from Vanquis explaining this after the refund has been credited to your account. There will be a line on your next monthly statement.
- you have closed the Vanquis account The refund will be sent to you by cheque from Vanquis with a letter explaining it. If you were in arrears and agreed on a partial settlement with Vanquis (or with a debt collector managing the account for Vanquis) then your refund will be reduced by the amount that was written off.
- your Vanquis account is being managed by a debt collector This will be refunded in much the same way as (1) except the email or letter you get may come from the debt collector rather than Vanquis.
- your Vanquis account has been sold to a debt purchaser Here the refunds will be calculated in the same way, using the balance that is owing to the debt purchaser. This will apply if the debt purchaser has got a CCJ. The email or letter you get explaining this will come from the debt purchaser not Vanquis.
When will it be paid?
In June Vanquis admitted that it can’t make its original 90 and 180 day targets. It is now hoping to have paid “most” of the refunds “by the end of the summer”. In September it gave up hoping to do that and is now saying February 2019.
The first of the refunds started being paid in mid-June. But some of them look very low! See Vanquis ROP refunds are wrong – it’s time to complain which explains why the refunds being sent aren’t correct and what you should do.
What should you do?
Cancel your ROP today!
If you are still paying ROP – I suggest you cancel it immediately so call them on 0330 099 3000 today! It is extremely expensive – it makes PPI look cheap and useful.
When people get into financial trouble, Vanquis has to consider freezing interest on their accounts even if they don’t have ROP – so you may get what most people think was the main benefit of the ROP for free.
You will get the refund automatically
You don’t need to put in a complaint, everyone who paid ROP will get a refund of any extra interest they were charged because of the ROP. Vanquis will calculate the amount and contact you.If you have moved or changed your name, you can give Vanquis your new details.
Should you complain and ask for a refund of the ROP itself?
If you want a “full refund”, not just the extra interest added, complain to Vanquis and say why you think you were mis-sold the ROP. Good reasons for this include:
- you didn’t know it was optional – you thought it was automatically included with your card so you couldn’t cancel it;
- you felt under pressure to accept it or you would not have been given any credit limit increases;
- you feel the sales call did not properly describe it to you because when you tried to claim (eg if your hours were cut) it was rejected.
NB you should not complain if the only reason is that you don’t think the extra interest was properly explained – you are already getting that extra interest refunded.
You can send this complaint to . Put a title such as COMPLAINT re ROP PAYMENTS and make it clear you want a refund of the ROP payments themselves in addition to a refund of the extra interest you have been charged.
Comments are now closed on this article.
Malka says
Hi I would appreciate some advice. I held a Vanquis card from 2008 until March 2016 when I closed the account.
From 2012 until I paid off the balance I had a £3k limit which went over every month. The minimum payments varied each month between £138-£142 per month but as many people have stated the balance never seemed to decrease.
I contacted Vanquis directly when news broke as I have moved address since clearing my account and a lady took my details stated I had ROP and they would be in touch. This was 010318. I have not heard anything since.
Should I contact them again or wait? I was wondering if there would be some form of acknowledgement of my call but I have received nothing.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
No one has yet got the automatic refunds, so there is no need to worry.
CLINT says
I updated my details even though my account is still open (zero balance) and got a text stating the 90 days
I had also emailed them and received a telephone call today in response to that explaining that any refund due would be refunded within the 90 days but the lady did say that it might take a bit longer
I have no complaint about the person who called—polite well mannered and helpful—just doing their job
I have spoken to a friend who is a financial journalist and he has said that vanquis are at serious risk of further penalties if they cannot prove that they have made substantial efforts to rectify this situation—-making texts and calls stating 90 days and not following up enough will not satisfy the FCA ruling—–he expects that a percentage will get refunds by the end of may but many others
will have to wait a bit longer—-for some it may well be 12 months from the ruling date
Hayley Anderson says
Had exactly the same conversation with Vanquis aswell today Clint this is the third time they have stated the same facts about the 90 days, I emailed them and they emailed me back and phoned me back, the man I spoke to was also very pleasant and helpful
CLINT says
I totally understand the MASSIVE task they have trying to refund so many customers
but as my friend (who has many contacts in the financial industry–including contacts in FCA and FOS ) has said to continually quote 90 days is a dangerous thing to do as if many people complain they have not been refunded will not go down well with the FCA despite what sara here might say here
anyone who has read the full judgment knows that vanquis has 12 months from the ruling to refund everyone but vanquis are expected to have shown some action by the three month period—and if at least 25% of refunds have not been met by the end of may then the FCA are going to be asking serious questions of vanquis——that is not me that is from a very well respected and well known financial journalist
FourMenHadADream says
Glad to report back that I’ve also had a letter from FOS today advising Vanquis have agreed to refund all ROP fees, charges and interest, and that Vanquis will be in touch in 4 weeks with details of payment.
Kara says
Glad to hear that some people are getting full refunds through the FOS. Out of interest, have any of the success stories involved ROP that was taken out more than 6 years ago?
Gail says
Yes mine was take out 2007 and I have also had a letter from the fos to say that Vanquis have agreed to refund rop charges and interest. They originally refused on 6 3 ruling
Kara says
Oh that’s good. I’m starting to wish I hadn’t complained when I did! Mine was rejected by an ombudsman (the week before the FCA ruling) based on the 6- and 3-year time bars. I wonder if it might have stood a better chance in the light of the ruling…nevermind, I’m happy to be getting the interest.
Eve says
Hi Kara, my case was today rejected by the FOS as Vanquis have refused to let them consider it any further. The FOS received my files from Vanquis in Feb. It has been refused on the timebar ruling and I have now requested for it to be passed to the main Ombudsman. I have been told not to expect it to be overruled. There were many contradictions to what Vanquis have informed the FOS to the confirmation of details, copy calls and paperwork that I gave them but it hasn’t made any difference to my case as Vanquis are refusing to let them consider it any further and saying I should have complained more than 3 years ago. If I had know then that I could complain, then I would have! I was also informed by the FOS that if I was due an interest payout then it would be in August 2018. Just thought I’d let you know I had the same ruling as yourself.
Kara says
Hi Eve. Thanks for this. Sorry to hear you’ve had a rejection too. Is your
account now closed, hence the August timeframe? I’m hoping that the interest payment will be pleasant enough for me to cease worrying about the £880 ROP payments that I made! It’s impossible to know what I’m due but hopefully I’ll find out within 2 weeks.
Eve says
Hi Kara, no, my Vanquis account is still open with a balance Kara, so the August timeframe confused me. I’m hoping that this information is wrong and that it will be May/June but I’m not getting my hopes up. I was very similar to yourself as I had worked out from bank statements & vanquish statements that I paid in excess of £900 in ROP and roughly £500 in charges over the 5 years because of going overlimit. I’ll keep everything crossed you get a decent payout when it comes (hopefully very soon). I’ll keep you updated if I hear anymore.
PhilH says
Had a response from the ombudsman today after 8 months regarding my complaint and I’ve got to say it’s not what I was expecting. Very disappointing.
There was no timebar with my complaint. Vanquis have agreed with the ombudsman that they will repay ALL the ROP fees as well as the interest. The ombudsman has given me 2 weeks to contact them if I wish to decline the offer but states I will be contacted in 4 weeks by Vanquis with the breakdown???
Village Idiot says
Hi Phil, so can we ask what is disappointing then, or am I being dense?
PhilH says
Sure village idiot. I’ll start with the wrong transcript being sent, the no replies to my emails after the decision, the credit increases, the amount of times they tried to sell the ROP to me (they started the day I activated the card) and when I agreed to having it they used my comment “oh go on then” as me understanding the ROP t&cs so they rejected my complaint. That’s to name a few. Sure you’ll agree it’s a card that puts you more and more in debt than build your credit rating.
Village Idiot says
Thanks Phil, and yes completely agree. What I/we need is a long spell away from credit completely and then hopefully back to prime lenders at normal interest rates, but we are trying to have a nice life for us and our 12yo son, so don’t feel able to put on the hair shirt at this point in our lives…..
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Hi Phil,
First I have changed your name to PhilH as there is another Phil commenting and it was getting confusing. I hope you don’t mind.
If you are getting a refund of the ROP and the extra interest, what’s not to like? Were you hoping for a lot of extra money as compensation?
PhilH says
The initial complaint was about the ROP and interest charges sara but due to there inadequate responses or non responses to my complaint it’s gone a little further. I probably over reacted. Can I make a donation to your site once this is all over because I would never had of known this without your help.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Understandable – it is easy to get very emotionally involved with making these sort of complaints.
A small donation to your local Citizens Advice would be lovely. They are all individual charities, many having their funding cut by local councils.
But the best way to say thanks is to like my facebook page and occasionally share some of my articles. If you don’t like to share difficult debt stuff on your timeline, there are often more general posts on credit ratings or mortgages.
As I don’t have an income from the site, I rely on social sharing to get Debt Camel noticed, so every little helps!
Village Idiot says
Well I am 8 days away from the 56 for Vanquis themselves to respond, so unlike some recent ones I haven’t had an early response at 4 weeks or so. I can’t see a pattern as to who got an early response and whether that made it more or less likely that it was good news.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
I can’t see any pattern either.
StephM says
Today I received a letter from GOD (I wrote to them in Feb once Vanquis rejected my 1st complaint) I am being refunded ALL ROP charges and interest (inc over charges if they see I was charged) no amount given yet. I am shocked as I have heard nothing from FOS so I assumed they hadn’t got my letter back in Feb! I was just away to submit a new one! Vanquis have 4 weeks to come back to me with a refund. V pleased. Thank you for all the help on this site. Will keep you all posted once I get a figure.
StephM says
*FOS not GOD lol sorry autocorrect
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Denise Lawrence-Jones says
Oh! I don’t know….lol Freudian slip me thinks????
Alice says
Hi, so my partner has an outstanding balance on his card which was passed to Cabot, they have sent a letter offering a very reduced payment ‘to close the account’ so my question is if this amount is paid to cobalt now when the refund for the rop interest comes through will the entire amount come to him or because a reduced amount was paid to close it will they still give the rest of the amount to Cabot? Many thanks!
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Do you know when it was sold? It will be interesting if it is recently, after the FCA ruling.
There are no specific provisions in the FCA refund rules that cover this situation. So my opinion is that the refund will be paid in full to him if he has partially settled this debt.
Whether I am right or not, there don’t seem to be any downsides to him accepting this low settlement offer if he can afford it. If I am right he will get the refund. If I am wrong, he won’t get the refund (or it will be reduced by the write off) but then he wouldn’t have got any more of the refund if he didn’t accept the settlement offer, so he is no worse off.
Alice says
I agree he would be no worse off which is a good thing, the debt is £2095 and they have offered a settlement of £836 and the wording is to close the account. He had the card 2008-2015 (when it defaulted and cobalt have had it for over a year) and it was constantly maxed and top limit was £2k. So hoping for a decent refund possibly. The issue is finding the £836 would be hard…but could be extremely worth finding it if the full refund would then come to him instead of it paying the extra £1200 off, does that make sense? But I cannot find any clear clarification if this would happen, if vanquis would still take the extra money that was not paid out of the refund then it’s not worth the trouble of paying it in one go and we would just pay it monthly at an affordable amount until the refund cleared or reduced it.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
He would be very ill-advised to borrow money or not pay bills in order to scrape together the £836. The paper setting out the refunds does not specifically mention this case and that could later be clarified so that his refund would be reduced by the written off part of the debt.
Alice says
Fair enough, it wouldn’t be taking a loan or not paying bills if it were to be done, but if he’s not entitled to a refund anyway then it’s worth just making an arrangement to pay it comfortably. I didn’t know that there were some who would not get the refunds even if they had paid loads of rop interest so bit of a downer. Thanks for your help and time
Alice says
Just read that population 4 exclusions are people whose debt was sold over a year ago and paid nothing towards the debt are excluded from the scheme? Does that mean he is not entitled to the refund ? It’s hard to understand but that’s how it seems which wouldn’t be good news :-/
Sara (Debt Camel) says
are you reading 4.3.5? That says “and (D) The Refund is less than 2% of the sold debt.”
As I read that (and I have to point out that I am not a lawyer):
– it is a “de minimis” clause trying to reduce the amount of time and effort spent trying to contact people for small refunds.
– if it has said “or” rather than “and”, it would exclude your husband. But as it is, I think all bits of A,B,C and D have to apply to exclude someone.
Alice says
Oh…ok the ‘and’ could be rather important then, one small word could make a huge difference. Thanks again, I think we will look to trying to pay the £836, it would make sense in the long run if we could.
Julie says
Well yesterday I received a letter from Vanquis, ‘an application form for their credit card’ , not quite what I was expecting considering I’m waiting almost 7 months on a decision and my complaint is with fos who have asked for my file.
Nicola says
Complained to vanquis in December said I agreed to the rob no refund of the rob so took it to the ombusman and won got letter this morning to say will get refund of all r o b and interest so don’t give up take it to the ombusman good look everybody Nicola
gary says
how did you word it with the ombudsman? they didn’t uphold my complaint.
gary says
I got a response from the FOS, stating that they arent upholding my complaint because Vanquis sent me a email when took out the product, which they have screen shot of, and that because of 3 plus 6 rule they arent upholding this complaint unless there is exceptional circumstances that caused delay.
Any idea where i go from here?
I wasnt aware of the ROP as i never looked at the bill break down, it was paid off within two years of having it, because of the financial difficulty i was in and at no point was interest frozen.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
So you took it out when?
gary says
It was taken out in 2011, paid off in 2013, basically accrued a heap of nonpayments interest along with ROP interest etc on the principle. i wrote to the FOS in March disputing the Vanquis decision. Outlining why i felt they mis sold the product to me, and also why i didnt know/do anything about, it until after a few years of finally being debt free and, seeing something about payday loans that i started to look into all aspects of my finances back then. I wrote a hefty covering letter detailing everything. But the FOS came back to basically say that they would only consider my case if i had exceptional circumstances. Because of the 6 plus 3 ruling and that Vanquis had sent them a screen shot of a supposed email that they stated they had sent me.
Im in the process of writing something back to the adjudicator at the moment.
Kara says
FWIW I just put a call into Vanquis and the guy – who wasn’t part of the ROP investigation team – said the message on his screen regarding refunds is still saying 90 days for current customers. He said they’re aiming to meet this timeframe although they may go a little over, but the message is still 90 days.
David London says
Was refused by Vanquis on the basis of the 6/3 rule, 2 weeks before the ruling came out. Had a message on the 12/4 saying they have raised the complaint with Vanquis but will take 12 weeks. Interested to see whether the ruling changes Vanquis mind on the matter. Should at least expect the interest back so that’s something!
Ian R says
Sara still puzzled about when customers where informed about full cost of rop- Vanquis on there sites say April 2016-but you state Sept 2017 on here i’ve looked through all my van paperwork can’ t find any letter- and i keep all it all for 2 years-I value your opinion please
Sara (Debt Camel) says
September 2017 was when I first became aware of these letters being sent out.
Nicola says
Told the ombudsman I didn’t no that I would be paying interest on the ROP and it would come on my card as a purchase transaction Also told him when I phoned up to register my card that asked me and I thought if I didn’t say yes they wouldn’t let me have the card only had the card from 2014 to 2016 so I still don’t no what I am getting that said. Vanquis will pay all interest and ROP fees and that will let me know in 28 days
Nicola says
Gary tell them that you have not had your same number and you have had a new number so you didn’t get the Message also why would you look for the message when you didn’t know you had ROP it’s worth a go.
John says
Received letter from Vanquis today .. after listening to call although I accepted ROP not all points covered so upholding complaint so balance of outstanding balance (payment plan) cleared and £606 cheque on its way within 28 days.. any idea if Vanquis are quick on sending out cheques ????.. not a massive amount but we’ll happy with outcome , donation will be following Sara so thank you
guy says
my cheque took 4 days, from once judgement made, to arrive.
Kim says
Hi Guy, did they still send you a statement and did you make a payment while waiting on their decision? I was sent a statement today requesting usual payment as well as an email saying ‘resolution to my complaint was sent in the post today’. Hoping it’s good news.
guy argent says
Hello Kim
I received a normal statement, requesting payment. Then the next day I received a notification that my account would be cleared of all existing debt. The next day I had an amended statement stating 0 balance, and the next day I received a cheque to counter the balance the owed me. Naturally I did not pay the first statement
Kim says
Thanks for your reply Guy, it’s not looking good for me then as I haven’t received any notifications of the kind ????
Angie says
I have had a vanquis card since 2008. Paid ROP until about 2015. Only noticed I had it was when I looked at statement a year or so later in 2009. Did it all online so never spoke to anybody so I just assumed that you had to have it. So even though I cancelled the ROP. Will I still get a refund? Have never rung them about the ROP only to cancel it. But I have never had any correspondence from them to say about the refund.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
You will get a refund not of the ROP itself but of the extra interest they you have been charged. They haven’t yet started sending out the letters/emails about the refunds, there is no need to worry.
Chris D says
Quite rich really… You owe them money you have to pay 40 odd percent plus. They owe you money it’s only 8%
Sara (Debt Camel) says
if you were not clearing your balance every month, then you would have been charged interest on the ROP at 40% plus and that is what will be refunded.
Chris D says
yes agreed, was thinking more of the interest on the refund, just a flippant comment really. My account was only open about 2 years before luckily I was able to access more mainstream lending and balance transferred it to a more favorably rated card.
Nancy says
How long does the ombudsman normally take ? I got confirmation email on 16th march to say they were contacting vanquis for information …. and now vanquis are contacting me regularly by phone to ask when I will pay off the debt they caused , I pay minimum payment every month and never since 2009 missed a payment .. balance was getting higher and higher till I found this site , email with complaint sent to vanquis in January .
Sara (Debt Camel) says
what is your current balance?
Nancy says
In total £940 on £500 limit card , I’m paying minimum payment and have been for years , debt was growing due to ROP , vanquis never contacted me to say you are paying for this service , it can help you etc , but since complaint they are calling me all the time to ask when I’m paying debt of , or I’m now getting a txt to tell me how much I’m over my limit , to call and make payment , I haven’t even had a card for years as they would not renew due to being over credit limit , so my thinking is with the amount I pay each month for years I have paid this debt 5 times over …..I have paid them in excess of £5000 pounds and that’s with minimum payment .
Sara (Debt Camel) says
In that case I would think there is a good chance of a lot of your current balance being cleared by the refund. you could either ignore them or reply saying that you are waiting for the refund.
Nancy says
Thanks Sarah and Eve for replying , Sarah every time they phone I tell them this is with the ombudsman , I then get put on hold till they check , and eve I agree , I have 2 other cards although no financial problems with them , but vanquis never once called to offer the help this ROP was supposed to offer …. I just fail to get why I company would see you getting deeper into debt and do nothing and give no explanation as to why , and I’m really angry that this is the only negative I Jane on my credit score , good luck everyone with your claims .
Eve says
Nancy, I had the same kind of problem with Vanquis and the ROP. My balance was going up every month despite not using the card and always paying the minimum payment they requested. It caused me a lot of financial stress. I’ve had credit cards with 5 different lenders over the years and also 2 catalogue companies. Any time I had difficulty with payments the other companies would contact me to sort out a payment plan (with no ROP or similar products being on my account) and yet Vanquis never once offered me any assistance. It wasn’t until 5 years into having the card that I questioned if I needed to have the ROP on my account. It was only then I discovered it was optional and when they asked if I knew what the benefits were, I said “no”. I had never been informed previous to that what the ROP charge was for as it had been on my account from day 1 and I just assumed it was because the card was advertised to help your credit rating and that was a charge to entitle you to this card. For naïve people like myself it proves to be a very expensive financial lesson. Since cancelling the ROP over 2 years ago I’ve had no problem keeping under my limit. I wish you luck with your case. Mine is still currently with the FOS.
Gary says
Hi has anyone had any contact from Vanquis regarding the rpo interest payout I’m having no luck just blank responses cancelled my rpo years ago but still feeling the effect on my account with them I’m over my limit this month and struggling to pay but when I keep asking when the redress will be payed out I just keep getting fobbed off they are quick to take your money and let you run up a balance but not keen to payout
laura says
After reading what provident financial have said regarding vanquis rop off, sorry rip off. Looks like they will be giving us OUR money back early June 18, but your correct if we are late with payments we get charges on the charges on the charges, they really are the worst financial institution ever . Just hope I receive enough to clear my balance and will gladly cut the card up.
Andy says
Good Evening Sara,
Just a little update for you, my initial complaint about ROP was submitted on 23/04/2018 , I emailed on 14/05/2018 to ask for an update on my complaint. Today I have received a letter dated the 9th May ( but post marked 15th) rejecting my complaint on the grounds of 6+3 years and I had reasonable awareness of the plan since I was charged monthly and following the conversation I was sent a summary of the product. Well that is total fabrication as I never received a call ( and I know this as we always use our 2nd line number on applications that doesn’t even have a phone connected! I plan on taking complaint to FOS as soon as possible . They have mentioned that following investigation I will receive the interest back from 14/02/2008 until 11 December 2016 within 180 days and do not have to do anything to receive that, so that should be a healthy sum in itself as for most of that period my balance has been around £2000. Interestingly the letter states that they think my complaint was made outside of the 6+3 years limit and if ombudsman agrees they will not have permission to consider my complaint!!
Eve says
Well it’s not good news on my case unfortunately. After 4 1/2 months the FOS have just called to say Vanquis will still not refund me the ROP and charges due to the timebar. My account was opened in June 2010 and cancelled in November 2015. Despite me getting a copy of a phone call in May 2015 where I questioned if I had to have the ROP and saying that I did not know what the benefits were. I was being 100% honest when I said this as back then I didn’t even know I could complain. Their argument is still that it was on my statements so I should have asked what it was for before then. The adjudicator said that Vanquis have informed them that the interest only refund will not be paid out until August 2018. That means I have to pay approximately another £600 in minimum payments before I get the interest refund and I have already paid £420 since the FCA ruling. This seems to unfair. I’ve honestly never felt so conned by a company and all because I was naive. My case is today being forwarded to the main Ombudsman but the adjudicator doesn’t think that it will make any difference. I could honestly cry as Vanquis caused me so much worry, stress and extra debt when this product was put on my account. I now know to question EVERYTHING ……. I just wish I had back then. I wish the rest of you good luck with your cases, I hope you get a happier result.
Dave G says
Same as eve , my wife today got a email stating the same from the Ombudsman about the time bar of over 6 years , and they agreed with Vanquis , also stating that she may be entitled to interest payments back from the ROP payments she made from 2011-2016, and it would be sometime in August , and she may hear from Vanquis IF SHE is entitled to a refund of interest
Moll says
Eve I got the same , also saying August 2018 . I’ve been just as naive with the ROP , had my account since 2011 and only cancelled this January . It’s so unfair we have been so unlucky with it . Vanquis are saying refunds will be by 28th may but I’m not holding my breath now
Eve says
Yes it really is very unfair Moll. Even some of the information from the adjudicator that Vanquis has told them is wrong and although I have the paperwork to confirm this, Vanquis are still not budging. I’ve already cut up my card and as soon as I can clear my balance I will be rid of them for good. I’ll keep everything crossed that you get your refund very soon also.
CLINT says
sorry you are so upset about it all
vanquis really don’t care
I hope the automatic refund when it comes helps you out and clears things
its a lesson to many of us DO NOT DEAL WITH SUCH COMPANIES
Eve says
Thanks very much CLINT, they are the worst company I have ever dealt with and I’ve had a lot of credit over the years. I see you are at the stage I was a few months ago. I wish you every success with the FOS and really hope that you get a more successful outcome.
One of the main reasons I was given was that I should have complained more than 3 years ago. How could I possibly do that as I didn’t know more than 3 years ago that the ROP was being charged as a purchase transaction! I wasn’t aware of this until late 2017. There were other discrepancies and I have copy calls and paperwork as proof, but the timebar has stopped my case being taken further. I’m not hopefully that the main Ombudsman will overrule this but it’s now with him. I’ll keep you updated as to the result.
John says
All good news for me concerning Vanquis letter confirmed on Monday I’m due payout and will be sent via cheque within 28 days ????.. all in all took 2 months between sending template letter and having it resolved hopefully payout will be just as smooth ????????
tracy hill says
I got a reply to my complaint dated 8th may which was a form acknowledgement and said they will get back to me but that I should keep making payments. I emailed them back asking them to confirm the ROP was cancelled and to give me an adjusted bill so I can make a payment but have had no reply. I have emailed them several times now getting more annoyed each time. It is not like I have cancelled the account all together but it is like they dont care.
Village Idiot says
I’ve just had a complaint rejection letter at the 8 week mark from Vanquis, saying I understood and accepted etc.
There’s nothing to lose by sending it on to the FO – are there examples of winning at the FO after rejection? – 6/3 is not an issue here.
Then there’s timing, would rather crack on with the FO but don’t want them putting the ROP interest refund on hold while they respond. I’ve got 6 months to go to the FO so am tempted to wait until the interest refund is in the account, then refer to the FO.
Any advice?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
I don’t think they will put the automatic refund on hold, but it’s up to you.
CLINT says
I am in the same position and my feelings are that I would rather wait until the interest refunds have been made
ok there is no evidence that they would put the automatic refund on hold but on the other hand there is no evidence that it will not be put on hold
my experience are they are not the easiest most sympathetic nor most ethical company to deal with
so unless we get close to the six month cut off point for FOS I will be holding fire for the automatic refund before escalating to the FOS
PhilH says
Just got my letter from Vanquis after going through the ombudsman. Details below:
Repayment Option Plan fees E345.27
Associated interest £165.75
Charges – £48.00
Notional Interest at 8%*-£38.60
Withheld Tax Amount £7.72
In total £589.90
I’ve had the card since 2014 with a very small balance up until the last 2 years. Had the ROP for 2 years when it was up to around 2k. The refund will come off my balance in the next 10 days.
Thank you very much Sara I will be making a contribution to the details you gave me
Peter says
Thanks for the info Phil , was just wondering as my wife had ROP from 2007 till 2015 ( when we cancelled the ROP) with a constant balance albeit it small (500ish) .
We are currently waiting for the result of our complaint and i was trying to work out what we might be due
laura says
Was just wondering re rop interest vanquis are saying they are refunding for 2003 until they sent out letters informing everyone. Which was 2017 I belive some say 2016 (I have never received nothing)let’s say it was 2016 did interest stop going on to our bills after 2016 , no it did not and interest that had accumulated from 2003 until 2016 is still going to be on this month’s statement so I can’t see where they are coming from very strange but then again they are a very strange company.
Village Idiot says
I think the idea is that for ROP payments made before Dec 2016, the interest repaid will be for right up until they repay it, in other words up to the present day, but if you continued with ROP after you had your letter, then you won’t get the interest back – because after that date you had the knowledge and if, despite knowing that, you kept up with the ROP, then that was your choice.
angela says
We were not aware of the ROP until letter came through in Dec 2017 . Due to unforseen family circumstances we only contacted Vanquis in March 2018 to cancel ROP who then opened a complaint for us. A letter has now been sent saying they have a record of conversation saying my husband agreed to ROP when he called to activate card and therefor they will only pay interest from 2014 ( when card was opened ) to dec 2016 when they say they sent initial letter . So from Dec 2016- March 2018 we have to pay the extortionate interest charges which have been mounting up unknowingly ?? No . I think not . so we have sent this to ombudsman. Not acceptable . still waiting on the copy of the call which they say they have sent out. We are are looking to get all ROP and all the interest added as a result of that refunded from start to finish .
Village Idiot says
I guess that’s part of the basis for your complaint then – that you were only informed in Dec 17, not Dec 16 as they claim.
angela says
exactly ! We would have questioned the letter back in Dec 2016 if we had received it just like we are doing now. Still waiting on the recording of the call .
John says
Anyone been paid out by Vanquis yet ?? Just wondering if they drag their heels after admitting fault and how long they take to send out cheque
PhilH says
I’ve been told the refund will be in my account in 10 days
FourMenHadADream says
How long was it between FOS letter advising of full ROP fee refund and the Vanquis letter with the breakdown arriving?
PhilH says
7 days. You have to inform the ombudsman that if you are willing to except the offer from Vanquis then the ombudsman contacts vanquis and they send you the details of the ROP you had with them. I spoke with the ombudsman and they advised me to except the offer which was ALL rop fees to be returned including the interest.
FourMenHadADream says
The letter I got stated that I do not have to anything, Vanquis will contact me within 4 weeks with full settlement figures, and then to contact FOS if I’m not happy with it
PhilH says
FourMenHadADream if your happy with the terms of the offer then I suggest you phone the ombudsman. The lady I spoke to emailed vanquis that I was happy to except the terms and I received the letter pretty quickly with the break down
tracy hill says
I got a letter saying I would be refunded the interest from April 2016 when I opened the account up till December 2016 which is 30 days after I got the breakdown letter. The charges at the time for 9 months came to about £30 so the interest is nothing. I won’t get any more as they listened to the call and it was properly handled.
Gail says
My letter from the fos also says I be contacted with full offer by Vanquis within 4 weeks. FOS says the offer of all rop charges and associated interest in her opinion is fair but if I don’t agree I should contact her within 2 weeks of her notification. I expect to receive a detailed letter with figures from Vanquis within 4 weeks. Don’t know what the process regarding payment is after that
Hayley says
So it’s definitely up until dec 16?
tracy hill says
that’s what they said – 30 days after i was sent the breakdown letter. After that date I obviously approved of the charges being added to the bill.
laura says
If you have been charged interest on rop payments it should not matter about any letter in 2016 , because you are still being charged on that at present, they have been told hey were wrong in doing so. If I payed 1p intrest let’s say back on 2003 I am still being charged on that present day regardless of any letter.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
We aren’t going to know for sure until the refunds start being paid, but my guess is that you will be refunded the interest up to date on all ROP before “the letter” but not on interest on ROP that was charged after the letter.
There is a separate problem about when – and if – you were actually sent one of these letters.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Anyone who is sure they were not sent a letter in December 16 May want to send Vanquis a Subject Access Request . It will be interesting to see if this “letter” is recorded there.
John says
So emailed Vanquis yesterday asking when my cheque would be sent out for a reply saying it as sent on 16th may so all being well should be here this week ????????
PhilH says
Received my refund into my account today. Overall it’s taken nearly 8 months from start to finish via ombudsman. Good luck everyone
Phild says
Had contact with Vanquis today who informed I am due a refund of approx £1300 which to be honest I am not happy with. I have had the card since November 2012, started with small limit of around £500 which is now £4000 and has been for around 2/3 years. I have been upto my limit regularly, I have cleared the card possibly 3 times. I spoke to Vanquis who said it was a case of take it or leave it. Told them I was not happy as the refund is supposed to be for all fees and interest etc and I would be speaking to the Ombudsman again, I was then told that the Ombudsman would tell me to take the offer as they wouldn’t do anything. Spoke to the Ombudsman who are requesting all my statements from Vanquis and will go through them and contact me within 2 weeks. The Ombudsman also informed me I was getting the “gold plated” refund which is for all associated fees, charges, interest etc which is why the figure seems on the low side to me.
Maybe the figure is correct who knows but seems very low to me. Not being greedy by any means but I don’t trust Vanquis one bit as they have been very awkward in all my dealings with them over the whole ROP saga since around last April before I found out about this website.
Eve says
Have they not given you a breakdown of the figure Phild? I had previously worked out how much I had paid on ROP due to having some statements and from my bank statements. I had the ROP for 5 years. £500 limit for 1 year, £1250 limit for 3 years and £2250 for 1 year. I was 95% of that time at my limit, or overlimit due to the ROP and charges. Even though I paid it off a couple of times, I ran it back up quickly and I had calculated I had paid over £900 in ROP. Your payment sounds low if it’s for a full refund unless your balance on your card wasn’t always as high as your limit. I’m glad the Ombudsman is requesting your statements and can hopefully get you the correct amount due. Good luck.
Phild says
No, I had my letter off the ombudsman a few weeks ago and phoned Vanquis just to check, they called me back with my offer which I queried straight away and she said she would send the breakdown out if I accepted the offer. I said I was not happy with the offer and that I would be phoning the ombudsman for advice. Your limits sound similar to mine which is now at £4000 and has been for around 2 years at least
guy says
Hello. Mine was almost the exact same circumstances as you. Had R.O.P. from April 2012. £500.00 credit limit to begin with up to £4000.00 at end and continually maxed out. I complained end of March stating that I wanted all repayments payed back as I was told I couldnt have an account without R.O.P.. Within the month it was decided that the repayment would be.
R.O.P. – £2,076.42
Associated interest-£2,465.72
Notional interest at 8%- £296.57
Withheld Tax amount-£59.31
I dont know why the disparity ? Surely the working out should be the same. ? The only thing I did not do was to pay it off at any point.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Clearing the balance can make a large difference. When ROP is added to your balance, it then incurs interest at your card rate – this is what is reported as associated interest. As soon as a balance is cleared, you no longer pay interest on the ROP before this, so that stops accruing. More ROP is charged and that then starts accruing interest every month until the balance is cleared again. So clearing the balance Can make a large difference to the associated interest total.
guy says
Ah I see now that makes sense…
Dave G says
Well today they called me up and said they can see I had ROP twice , once in 2005-2010 , which I tried to claim back and got turned down , and ROP in 2012-2014 which I got all ROP etc back in December 2017, they turned round and said if i am entitled to any interest back from those 5 years in 2010 then I will get it 180 days from today , I asked why and she said it was a different account and it had been closed, so while I was on phone I found a vanquish statement from 2006 , it has exactly the same acc number , card number etc as the one I have today, she said no its definitely a cancelled account , I have since spoke to my bank and they have stated that my direct debit for Vanquis has been ongoing since 2005 and not been changed,
Are they trying to get out of paying the interest from 2005 until 2017 the date my account was cleared at the rate of 59% of my card…..or what are they up to
Sara (Debt Camel) says
I suggest you send Vanquis a Subject Access Request . Ask for copies of all your statements and all other data they hold about you. That should clarify a lot of things.
Moll says
So I have just came off a call to Vanquis as I was told I’d be paid 22nd may . I have had no payment , they can see I was told 22nd may and said oh sorry we actually have 2 years to pay it but we aim to pay in 90 days , they don’t no anything on phone other than we are sorry . So don’t hold your breath for payment in 90 days .
Rachel Brough says
I got my vanquis card nov/dec 2010 when I was 19! I don’t even remember opting for the ROP and have actually only just realised I was charged it until mid 2017! I had a small limit to start with (£250) but by the time I closed it I had a £3000 limit which I was repaying the minimum balance for months! I also always had a limit on it for the 7 years I had it! I will be ringing them tomorrow to see what refund I’m due! Will I be in my right to demand the full ROP charges back as Well as the interest that was paid? I know it was a long time ago but I would remember being offered something like that when taking out the card….I was also being charged 60% interest a month!! :-o
Sara (Debt Camel) says
At 60% interest you are likely to get a large refund back automatically as the extra interest charged would have been a lot if you never cleared the account balance to zero.
So that’s the good news. If you want to ROP charges themselves back, then you will need to put in a complaint and ask for this – see the “Should you complain and ask for a refund of the ROP itself?” in the article above. As you took out the card over 6 years ago, Vanquis are likely to refuse so then you need to send the complaint to the ombudsman.
John says
So cheque has arrived £606 they say every little helps.. 9 weeks in total between sending template letter and cheque arriving ???? and with not having Vanquis card for last 3 years.. keep the faith everyone
African Queen says
Hello John,
So pleased for you that your cheque has arrived. I hope you don’t mind me asking a couple of questions.
Is your account with Vanquis closed?
Was this for the interest only or the ROP payments as well?
I had a Vanquis card from 2004 and closed it in 2013.
Thank you
John says
ROP and interest I closed my acount with money owing and was paying it off each month, so debt has been cleared and £606 left over .. my account was 2012-2014 hope this helps
Kim says
Hi all, received letter today in regards to my complaint which has been upheld.
ROP fees: £557.24
Associated interest: £658.56
Total: £1215.80
Complaint sent 1st of May. Money also already paid into account so now only owe £400.
Total seems a bit low considering I have been at max limit for 5 years but every little helps. Also noticed others had notional interest and witheld tax amounts added to their payments but not sure if this applies to me or not.
Thanks to everyone that helped.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Kim, what was your maximum limit? Can you have a look at some recent statements which say what ROP you have been charged in one month? Also what is your interest rate?
If you never cleared your balance, you won’t have had 8% interest added and the tax deducted only applied if 8% interest has been included.
Kim says
Hi Sara, thanks for the info. Will check statements when I’m home tonight and will let you know, although Vanquis only show me statements for last 6 months. Also how/where do I find out my interest rate? Will it be on my statement?
One more question; what is the purchase interest for? It’s like £65/70 a month so now feel like the balance will keep rising instead of me clearing the rest.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Yes your interest rate should be on your statement.
At the moment it’s just worth finding out what you were paying in ROP fees for a few months (NB I assume you have cancelled the ROP?). That should show if the refund you have been sent is probably right or not… if it doesn’t look right you can ask Vanquis to send you all your statements.
Eve says
Hi Sara and Kim, not sure if this helps for folk to work out what their ROP should be but I have statements from 2011-2013 that show the following :-
When my balance was £473.74 (credit limit £500) ……. I was charged £6.12 ROP
When my balance was £1337.95 (credit limit £1250) …… I was charged £17.07 ROP
When my balance was £1415.39 (credit limit £1250) …… I was charged £18.03 ROP
I don’t have any statements from when my balance was £2500 or higher but hopefully those figures can help folk see how much they would’ve been charged for the same kind of balances.
P.S. I wish I had been as knowledgeable about this product then as what I am now and I might have had a chance to get my ROP and overlimit charges back! An expensive lesson learned.
Peter says
with vanquis your interest rate is in a tab which says important information , then you have to scroll down to statement charges and fees.
It will then give you a monthly interest figure.
Kim, Purchase interest is the interest you pay on your balance, you should see this drop now because of the amount which has come off of your balance
Kim says
Thanks Peter and Eve. Very helpful, thank you.
brendan says
Got this response from the investigator at the FCA
Thank you for your email.
In your original complaint to this service was that you felt the Repayment Option Plan (ROP) was mis sold to you as you were forced to have it. You have also mentioned in your most recent email that you only realised last year that you had the product.
I appreciate you said that you only recently became aware of the ROP on your account after seeing it in the press. But the rules mean we have to look at when you’d ought to have been reasonably aware you had cause for complaint. Vanquis have provided us copies of your statements. The ROP itemised clearly on each of your statements since 2011 and the welcome pack with the ROP terms and conditions was sent to you explaining the benefits of the ROP and that you could cancel the policy at any time.
For this reason our service is unable to look into your complaint against Vanquis as the ROP was sold more than 6 years ago and the welcome letter and statements of your account should have reasonably made you aware that you had a reason to complain more than 3 years ago.
As mentioned in my letter, as long as you are eligible, Vanquis will be refunding to you all of the interest that was applied on your ROP charges. They will be in direct contact with you about this.
Where would one go now?
Eve says
Hi Brendan, this sounds word for word what my my reply from the investigator said. I requested for my case to be forwarded to main Ombudsman as I feel so strongly with the way this product was mis-sold to me and on how irresponsible Vanquis were the whole time the ROP was on my account.
The wording “the welcome letter and statements of your account should have reasonably made you aware that you had a reason to complain more than 3 years ago.” This puzzles me as I don’t understand how we could have complained about the mis-selling of this product more than 3 years ago as no-one was aware of the true cost of it before late 2016/2017. I personally wasn’t aware until late 2017 as I had cancelled my ROP in late 2015 so never got any letter about the ROP after that date.
Good luck with your case if you take it onto the Ombudsman. I have been told it could take a couple of months to hear anything.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Hi Brendan and Eve,
it is true you didn’t know the FULL cost of the ROP until recently – that is why you are being automatically refunded the extra interest cost that was not explained to you.
You are unlikely, in my opinion, to win a refund of the ROP costs themselves by saying that the full cost wasn’t explained to you. To get a refund of the ROP costs you have to provide some other reason why you thought it was mis-sold. eg you were told you had to have it or you thought it was automatically included with your card.
Eve says
Hi Sara, thanks very much for this advice and for the great help this site has been. I’ve went onto the final stage as I informed Vanquis and the FOS that the ROP that had been shown on my statements but it had never been explained to me that it was optional or what the benefits were previous to a call I made in 2015 which I got a copy of. From the start I actually assumed that the ROP was a charge for having the card to improve my credit rating. In the copy call from less than 3 years ago I ask the lady if I have to have the “Repayment Plan Thing” on my account. She then tells me no, that it is an optional product. I then ask to have it removed. When I’m asked if I know the benefits of the plan, I reply “no”. I feel this is verbal proof that I honestly had no idea what the ROP was and that was the first time I actually became aware what it was for. Vanquis also informed the FOS that the ROP had been “outlined as optional” on my statements. I have statements which show this was not the case and an annual statement where the ROP payments were not shown at all. I’m guessing now they are what the purchase transactions were. Vanquis are sticking to the fact that the 3 years starts from the day the ROP goes onto your account not when you were first reasonably aware what it was for. The only welcome letter I got was after this call as the next agent talked me into having it on my account. Within 6 months of knowing what it was for, I cancelled it for good.
CathB says
Hi, this is also word for word the same as my reply from them. However the welcome pack is not mentioned as Vanquis have admitted to the adjudicator that they have no evidence that it was ever sent to me. I honestly never received it which has been my argument all along as well as stating that they had me on the homeowners and student plan and I am employed and have been since I had the card. So I doubt the plan would have covered me anyway. I am highly doubtful I will receive the fees back however I am determined to pursue this to the end. Hopefully the more cases the Ombudsman has to deal with will continue to highlight how awful Vanquis have been and how they have not put the customer first. It may help them have tighter regulations and save some eejit like me in the future from a life time of debt.
Eve says
CathB, I’m the same as yourself and feel really strongly about pursuing it. I calculated that I paid more than £900 in ROP Fees and also more than £500 in overlimit fees which were all due to the ROP being charged. My interest refund won’t be high as I borrowed money to pay off my account 3 times while having it and still feel as cheated now as I did when I cancelled the ROP for good. As you say, if highlighting this helps stop others being conned (sorry for wording but this is how I feel) by this company then I really hope it does. Good luck with the Ombudsman.
ChrisD says
Just called Vanquis for an update on my complaint raised on 31st March as 8 weeks almost up
Was advised a letter was in the post yesterday, they’ve upheld my complaint as they feel the ROP product wasn’t explained properly from listening to the call.
Due a refund of about £420 (she did give me all the figures but I have a short term memory like Dory!) which will be paid within 28 days, this included a refund of overlimit charges which wouldn’t have been incurred without ROP payments taking me over my limit.
Had account for about 2 years from 2014 – 2016 with credit limit starting at £500 and rising to £2000 when I closed the account
Lady I spoke to was really polite and couldn’t have been more helpful!
Brian Hunter says
I received a letter from Vanquis today stating that the are working on my refund but it is very complicated and that they are working as quickly as they can ?????????
They said that they had agreed with the FCA that all refunds will have been made by February 2019. That’s a big advance on the 90 days that I was initially advised and is in fact another 9 months away.
So far I can find no note of this on FCA website, does anyone have any information on this.
I also received an email from them today stating that my minimum payment is going to be increased, seems they have no problem doing this but can’t get refunds sorted out.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Several people have had that letter this week. See where I have just written about this and the fact they are increasing the minimums.
stephm says
Hi Guys
Logged onto my app today and saw a £423 refund. Not a huge amount but every little helps. Spoke to Vanquis on the phone and they gave me the breakdown (its also being posted to me) but im happy with figure. I raised my complaint in Dec, its been to FOS, so 5 month turn around.
Chris says
Just spoke to vanquis and they advised me that no customer will receive their ROP interest refund until September. Letters have been sent out in the post today so looks like we have got a lot longer to wait for any refund!
Eve says
So they’ll still keep charging interest at 40% or higher and taking minimum payments on the current customers accounts for another 4 months? They can take 7 months to pay us monies due yet if we don’t pay our minimum payment for even 1 month they will put charges onto our account. I understand they have a lot of refunds to do but it seems really unfair that the interest charges haven’t been frozen on current customers accounts since the FCA ruling up until we get our refunds. I think that would only have been fair.
angela says
I totally agree with you Eve . They are still charging interest on the high interest caused by the ROP yet have told us that they are only going to be paying back the interest from when my husband opened his card in Nov 2014-Nov 2016 when they said original letter was sent . meantime the interest as you say is still snowballing ??? that cannot be right . It has to be backdated from date when they issue refund to start of the interest being added .
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Well we don’t know how they are going to calculate this yet. It is possible that they are saying that you will get back all the extra interest charged on the ROP between those dates up until now. So what is stopping at Dec 16 is not the extra interest on the previous ROP, but extra interest on new ROP after that date.
Eve says
Hi Sara, I don’t expect my interest refund to be large as I borrowed money to pay my account in full 3 times when the ROP was on it ……… and then ran my balance up again each time. The interest they are refunding is it for both the purchase and cash interest charged for each ROP charge or is it just the purchase interest and then the subsequent cash interest for that amount the following months? Sorry for the questions I’m just trying to understand it all more.
angela says
We did not receive letter until Dec 2017 and stopped ROP in March 2018 . Is it from today that you can request a SAR free Sarah ? as I am going to request this from Vanquis .
Kara says
Good luck requesting a SAR, when I spoke to them today the advisor told me they didn’t know what one was. She eventually went away and came back saying ‘oh did you say SAR? I thought you said FAR’, despite me having already outlined what it was and how the regulations have changed etc. She didn’t have a clue and she was in the dedicated ROP team.
They should have told people by now if they’re not going to make the deadline they previously advised. How many people will now be sick with worry as they thought the refund would clear/reduce their account etc?
angela says
Yip agree ! We had to contact Vanquis as they wanted over £200 min payment in April which was the result of a build up of interest payments and the ROP getting added on. We have set up a 3 month repayment plan as we said the money we are due back should clear a big part of balance and put the min payment back down to a much more affordable amount . If repayments are not being made until September and with interest still accumulating I am getting worried . Our credit is just starting to get better now after 6 years and now this through no fault of our own may add an adverse entry again .
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Yes SARSs are now free ????
BUT if a lot of people ask for them at this point, it may simply slow down the whole refund process and a SAR it will not shed any light on what the refund calculations will be.
I suggest people wait until they have a refund offer which will hopefully be clear about how it has been calculated and at that point they can decide if they want to dispute it and ask for a SAR to provide evidence.
Obviously if anyone has a case at the Ombudsman then asking for a SAR now is sensible. But not for everyone just waiting for a refund,
Just my opinion.
laura says
Vanquis are very fortunate that the fca have ordered them only to pay the rop interest. Because vanquis never explained it properly from day one surely means the whole package was miss sold, and if they want to drag it out that’s fine by me .
Robert says
I had two Vanquis cards. One which was closed around 2011. The other one 2014 to 2016. This recent one is subject to Ombudsmen letter stating I am to receive refund of all ROP and interest etc. The older one is not subject to this and I am told the 6+3 year ruling is the reason behind this. My FOS contact is to consider this ruling and let me know in due course. I am still to receive my letter of offer from Vanquis for the more newer account.
Any thoughts or advice? Thanks.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Have Vanquis accepted the adjudicator decision for the more recent account? Or is this waiting on a final decision on the older one?
Robert says
I have told by Vanquis that they will give me an offer by Wednesday for the recent one. The adjudicator is still to decide on the older account in regards to 6 + 3 ruling. Is there anything I should say at this stage?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
There is the point that Vanquis are refunding the extra interest all the way back to 2004 because they accept that has to be redressed, so you don’t see why your more general case of mis-selling should not also have redress.
Kk says
So just received my letter from vanquis. They say that it could be February 2019 before I receive refund. Crazy timescale
CLINT says
February 2019 is the date that the FCA have stated the case should be closed—–so in theory vanquis do have until then to make the refunds
Eve says
I phoned home to check and I haven’t received a letter today but I did receive a text telling me that I didn’t make my minimum payment yesterday! I know it’s all computerised for these texts but their system is quick enough to ask for more money within 12 hours of me not paying them. :(
Nancy says
I’ve just received a letter from the ombudsman , to say they cannot take my complaint any further , they are only considering complaints that were made within 6 years , they stated vanquis does not consent to them considering my complaint as it was made to late , ( had ROP since 2009 ) and as it was printed on statements I should have been aware and vanquis provided statements to show this was itemised and screen shot to show I was sent T&C in March 2009 and provided a copy of these , they think it clearly shows the benefits and how it works , what I will say about this , if they had sent these to me I would still have them as I do not throw anything away … and I should have complained more than 3 years before I did , I complained in January , they also said there maybe a refund I might be eligible for , that vanquis has agreed to pay the interest charged on ROP charges , they cannot provide me with any further details but as long as I’m eligible they will be refunding me all the interest that was applied on my ROP charges , vanquis has told them I don’t need to do anything further to receive refund as they will write to me when refund is made giving me all information I need and this should be before the end of August , however , if I don’t agree with this I have to let them know by 6th June … I’m absolutely livid to say the least and as far as I’m concerned this company seem to be getting off lightly .
Eve says
Hi Nancy, that’s exactly the same as my response from the FOS except the date where mine was June 2010. I have forwarded my case to the main Ombudsman but have been told it probably won’t be overruled. I was like yourself and never received any welcome letter or terms and conditions and I personally assumed the ROP charge was to improve my credit rating as that’s why I took the card out. I have a copy phone call from 2015 which proves I asked if I had to have the ROP on my account and when asked if I knew what the benefits were I replied no. I had never known previous to that that it was optional and Vanquis also told the FOS that it was outlined on the statements as optional. I have statements which prove it definitely was not yet it hasn’t helped my case. I’m just praying that the main Omdudsman will look into this further and consider the documentation and copy calls that I have. I wish you luck if you take your case forward to the Ombudsman.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
“I have forwarded my case to the main Ombudsman but have been told it probably won’t be overruled.”
That is a statement that all adjudicators make. Decisions are overturned at the Ombudsman level, you are quite right to ask for yours to be looked at again
Eve says
Thank you very much for that advice Sara, it is really appreciated. It has raised my hopes a little that the Ombudsman may request to look into it further. I just feel I have so much written documentation and 2 copy calls that contradict what Vanquis have told the FOS but confirm everything I had in my original complaint.
Nancy says
Thank you for your reply Eve , do you think I should reply to them and say I do not accept this decision , and see where it goes from there ? I have a balance of approx £900 and have paid them in minimum payments over the years , never missed in excess of £5000 , this balance could have been paid of years ago , instead of continually increasing , I blame them for my debt as a company they did nothing but to contine taking payments every month and putting me further into debt . Had they took the time to contact me and say your paying for this service here is how we can help , this is where they failed with their customers , they did nothing ! And now the whole country is complaining .
Eve says
I think you have nothing to lose by taking it to the final step Nancy. It sounds like you were affected the same way as most of us with the increasing debt but no help or advice from Vanquis. Just tell the Ombudsman in your own words exactly when (or if) this product’s benefits and cost was explained to you (when you were first aware) and everything you remember about this product. I did also explain to them the increasing debt and no help or advice from Vanquis despite the fact it must have highlighted on their system that every month I was over limit.
If you have any paperwork then keep a hold of it as Vanquis have said a few things about my case which I can prove are wrong. I’m not sure if this advice is right as Sara is the expert and the best to advise on here, I’m just explaining what I have done with mine. Good luck with your case, I really hope you have a successful outcome.
Peter says
My wife has just received a letter saying that Vanquis are denying her claim for the ROP fee’s as it was over 6 years ago (she’s had the card since early 2008) , which I must say is frustrating but based on the responses other people are getting we might not bother refering it to the ombudsman as the ROP is hopefully going to be small compared to the interest as her interest rate was initially 69.9% and even now is 59.9% .
However they have confirmed in the letter they will be refunding the interest relating to the ROP until the date the refund is processed, sadly they follow up that by saying the dont know how much the refund is yet and it will be usually processed within the next 180 days.
Ben clements says
I have received a letter today stating that they have agreed with the FCA that all refunds will be paid to customers by 27th feb 2019 as it is a lot of work and taking a long time to get refunds paid to everyone.
They said they are hoping to have everyone paid by the end of the summer. Does that mean I will probably have to wait nearly another year until I get my refund ???
Jane says
I’ve also had letter today stating it is more complex than what they thought to process the ROP interest refunds and will now not be completed until February 2019
CLINT says
it has always said in the final notice (on the very last page) that all refunds had to be completed by Feb 2019
I do not think that anyone knows how they will prioritise the issuing of refunds—-despite much speculation and vanquis making statements that they were unlikely to fulfil
there is a high possibility that many people are going to have to wait till much later this year and possibly into 2019 before getting the refund
I hope that vanquis are going to be open and honest about how they calculate and come to the refund totals otherwise it could lead to the situation of people disputing the amount
personally I would not trust them one inch!!!!!!
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Indeed. If it is going to take until late summer to refund the easy cases where accounts are open, I don’t think the closed cases are possibly going to come inside the 180 day limit given.
Cat says
Anyone else had an email from Vanquis advising from July minimum payments are increasing?!? Literally says that!! Just feeling some financial relief, now This!
Jane says
We’re writing to tell you that we’re making some changes to your Vanquis Bank credit card terms and conditions. These include:
1. Changes to your minimum payment – we are increasing the minimum amount that you need to repay each month. This means your balance should reduce quicker and you’ll pay less interest overall; and
2. We are reducing the interest rate we charge on cash transactions on your account so that the same interest rate will apply to both purchase and cash transactions.
These changes will come into effect from Tuesday 17th July (apart from the reduction in Repayment Option Plan (ROP) charges which was effective from 1st May 2018).
Some of these reflect changes we have had to make because of changes in law but we have also taken the opportunity to restructure your terms to make them easier to refer to. This means we have renumbered and renamed paragraphs in your agreement. We will send you a new copy of your agreement showing the changes when your existing credit card expires or if we send you a replacement credit card
Cat says
How much you have to pay each month At present, your minimum payment is the highest amount produced by three separate calculations.
We are changing this so your minimum payment is the higher of the value from two calculations. Your minimum payment will be the higher of:-
1. the interest we have charged since the date of your last statement; any default fees we have charged; and the following percentage of the remainder of the balance you owe on the statement date:
• 3% if the interest rates you pay are from tiers C to H (34.95% – 79.93%); or
• 2.5% if the interest rates you pay are from tiers A to B2 (19.94% – 29.95%).
2. £10
If your balance is less than £10 then your minimum payment will be the whole balance.
You should always aim to pay more than the minimum payment in each month, since this will clear your balance sooner and you will pay less interest.
We may now let you have a recommended payment as a guide to how much you should aim to pay, and, if we do this, we will tell you the amount we recommend.
We also describe how your minimum payment will be calculated if you have an Instalment Plan in force.
Please refer to section ‘A7’
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Thanks! so for most people I think that will be an increase of 1% or 1.5% of the balance each month.
In general, I think increasing minimum payments on credit cards is a good thing – people just starting out with a card won’t get trapped into permanent debt by the low monthly payments. But at the moment, where hundreds of thousands of people have balances which are too high because of ROP and Vanquis are delaying sorting this problem out, this seems a bad time to hike the minimums!
Susie says
I too had the letter about being paid ROP interest by Feb 2019. Does this mean the longer they leave it the more they owe?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Yes. This is what I expected to happen and one reader yesterday sent me a copy of a letter he had from Vanquis which said:
“We will be refunding you the interest charged relating to the ROP from [date account opened] until the date the refund is processed.”
laura says
If and it’s a big IF vanquis are willing to pay the interest up to the day they actually start paying us our money back then fine, but I wouldn’t hold my breath on that. But there has to be a better way to treat customers, I for instance have received no text no letter, I understand they have a lot on their plate but a small explanation of what is going on and a couple of lines on one of their bills which are so good at telling us how much we are owe them, just a thought.
Eve says
I’m the same Laura, no communication at all from Vanquis regarding the interest refund despite being a Population 1 customer so should be one of the easiest for them to contact. Only a text telling me how much to pay on 28th May and then a text before midday on 29th May to tell me I hadn’t made my payment. As you say, just even a small update or explanation would have shown they are making an effort but in all honestly t doesn’t really surprise me any more with Vanquis.
Village Idiot says
The only reference there has been to the interest refund with me, has been on the second page of their complaint rejection letter. No other texts, letters, nothing. I should also be in Population 1.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Hard to disagree with that!
Ian R says
Sara if they don’t do as they say in susies letter- will the fca do anything- now its in black and white ???
Sara (Debt Camel) says
You are talking about paying interest up to the refund date? It wasn’t Susie’s letter I was quoting from.
I have always expected that they will pay interest up to the refund date. Logically it doesn’t make sense to do anything else. I know people are suspicious – and it will be good when the first refunds start to come through – but I don’t think they will be problems with this aspect of the calculation.
Hayley says
So even if you didn’t have rop anymore they are still paying interest out right up until the date you receive the refund?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
That is what they have said and that is what I expected them to do. If you always ran a balance, then the interest refunded would be at your card rate. If the account was cleared, it would be paid at 8%.
Hayley says
Well I suppose that’s one good thing then if they are taking it right up until when we receive the refund and now I do think it is going to cost them more
Sadie says
I had heard nothing from Vanquis since I got my original letter in March. I have just called them and they said those of us who were waiting for refunds due by the end of May, now sit in the category of “aiming to refund by the end of the Summer”. This doesn’t mean it will be the end of the Summer, it could still be the next couple of days, but they are giving themselves some time!
Hang in there, folks! It is coming!
Eleanor says
Should I be worried I didn’t get a letter in March initially?
I fall in to “Population 1”
I have to made a complain as I understood we would be contacted automatically and didn’t want to add to the large volumes of complaints, but now worried about falling of their radar.
Rhys says
I wrote to Vanquis in Jan 2018 to complain about mis sold ROP. They replied in March 2018 rejecting my complaint as the call was handled in line with their opening process. Took it to FOS and got a letter dated 9 May 2018 saying Vanquis have agreed to refund all ROP fees and interest including 8% to settle the case. Have agreed to it and will await the sum, had 2k limit on the card for 3 years at 39.9% APR so will see what the figure will be. Keep you posted.
Dave G says
Hello Sara
I have tried so many ways to work out how much I may get but keep on getting silly amounts
I had ROP from 2005-2010 my card rate was 5.82% monthly 59.9% yearly
Year 2005 I paid £109 ROP
Year 2006 I paid £229 ROP
Year 2007 I paid £289 ROP
Year 2008 I paid £229 ROP
Year 2009’i paid £258 ROP
Year 2010 I paid £208 ROP
Total £1322 paid until 2010
Does anyone have a clue of what I may get or do anyone know how it may get worked out as i am leaving the country in Nov for pastures new
Sara (Debt Camel) says
From 2005-10 did you always run a high balance or did you often clear it down to zero?? what happened after 2010 – did you close the Vanquis account? or carry on with it without ROP?
Dave G says
Only cleared it in Dec 2017.
My account is still active with a small balance
Sara (Debt Camel) says
and what was your credit limit during 2005-2017? were you often at the maximum?
Dave G says
My limit was £3000 ,was at top part of the limit from 2007-2017
From 2005-2006 it was £800 then went up to £3000 from 2006
FourMenHadADream says
I spoke to Vanquis today and due a refund of £2k which will more than clear the balance on the card. As I was getting all ROP fees and interest back due to my FOS complaint, the reimbursement will be paid in the next few days.
I’ve had the card since 2014 with a balance up to £2k for the majority of time
FourMenHadADream says
The refund has been applied and balance cleared which is great.
Gary Armstrong says
Just received a letter from Vanquis saying that they have until February 2019 to pay the rpo or could be the end of the summer I find this frankly very disappointing and very unprofessional from Vanquis they are quicker enough to take our monthly payments and still add on the ridiculous interest fees but can’t pay us out what we are due well I can’t pay the minimum fees on my account for the foreseeable future so they can pass my asccount on to a debt collection agency at least when I pay them I won’t be just paying off the sky high interest fees Vanquis are a complete joke
Sara (Debt Camel) says
If you are having difficulty paying the minimum amount, phone up Vanquis and ask them for a freeze on interest until your ROP refund is settled as you are in financial trouble.
Gary Armstrong says
To compound my misery just received an email to say minimum payments are to increase to help clear the balance quicker if they were to repay the rpo the balance would reduce quicker they are just a complete joke of a company
Stella says
Has anyone had survey email from vanquis today ‘re repayment option plan , all about the plan and how beneficial it is and so on
Sara (Debt Camel) says
lol, I hope everyone fills it in accurately!
Eve says
No survey e-mail received here but it’s probably a good idea not to send me that as I really don’t think they’d value my answers! ha ha I also haven’t yet received any notice of the minimum payment increase yet either despite having a balance of over 2K on my card.
Stella says
Honestly Eve , you should have seen it , around 40 questions but some also had 5 parts to them , the email said I was being surveyed because I’m opted into repayment option plan but I’m definitely not !
Andy D says
Well I’ve just logged into my app and a payment of over £450 has appeared. Not bad for a small balance over a short period of time, once I get a breakdown I’ll post an update.
When I say a small balance £250 for 8 months which was paid off in full then a £500 balance for another 12 months where was virtually at the limit.
Thanks Sara for your advice.