Was your car finance unaffordable?
The FCA, who regulates car finance lenders. and the Financial Ombudsman (FOS) say:
a loan is only affordable if you can make the repayments on time, without hardship and still meeting your other commitments.
That means you need to be able to pay all your other debts, your normal household bills and expenses as well as the new car loan payments.
You may have made your car finance a top priority as you don’t want the car to be repossessed. As a result you may have had increasing credit card balances, more loans or got behind with bills. That means even though you kept making the payments, the finance was not “affordable”.
Affordability checks
A lender should have checked you could afford the car finance. This may mean checking not just your credit record, but also your income and expenses as well.
These checks have to be “proportionate”. If you have got a great credit record and a good income and are only borrowing a small amount, the lender isn’t going to have to look in great detail to be confident you can afford it.
But with a poor credit record, or where the repayments will be a large proportion of your income, better checks are needed. The FCA rules don’t say exactly what has to be done, but a lender often can’t rely on what the customer says their income and expenses are. Other ways to check include:
- your credit record shows what you are paying to other debts each month;
- there are national average figures for some expenses, so your estimate that you spend £60 a month on food or nothing on clothes isn’t realistic;
- the lender could look at payslips or bank statements to be sure.
These checks are often inadequate
The regulator thinks some car finance lenders are not checking properly for affordability. In 2019, the FCA said:
Here is an extreme case ‘Car payments are ruining our lives’ where a 23 year old student with a part-time job was sold a 21k Audi on finance, with apparently no affordability checks at all.
But it’s probably more common that a quick and inadequate check was done.
A car finance expert makes a lot of excellent points in this article: The car industry need to be more honest when selling car finance. He says:
It’s time for the car industry to do better, even if it’s to save customers from themselves.
“Affordability” is a test of your situation when you took the finance
The car finance company may have done a good assessment of affordability. At the start, you may have been able to manage the loan repayments.
Then something went wrong – perhaps you had your hours cut, or you split up with your partner. Or rising bills in 2022 mean what was manageable before isn’t any more. Here it’s not the lender’s fault that the car finance is now unaffordable and you won’t win an affordability complaint. Read Can you afford your car finance payments? which looks at your options in this situation.
But should the lender have seen that the loan was too expensive at the start if they had looked properly when you applied for the credit?
In this case, you can make an affordability complaint to the lender.
How to make a car finance affordability complaint
The affordability rules for car finance are the same as for other loans. So you can follow the approach and use the template letter for an affordability complaint in this article: How to ask for a refund from large, bad credit loans.
The template letter in that article asks for:
- a refund of the interest on the finance;
- for the remaining balance to be repaid at an affordable rate; and
- for any negative marks to be removed from your credit record.
If you have other serious complaints about the car, such as poor quality, you can add those into the standard affordability complaint letter.
A lot of lenders reject even good complaints. So don’t be depressed if this happens – just send it to the Financial Ombudsman – the process is all described in the above link.
What happens if you win the complaint?
If you win an affordability complaint for a normal loan, you get the interest refunded and if the loan is still running, your balance is reduced. It’s more complicated with car finance complaints.
You may wonder what happens if your car was repossessed and you had paid little or no interest?
If you still have the car finance, will you be able to keep the car?
See Car finance affordability – what you get if you win a complaint which looks at the different situations and what the ombudsman usually decides. It has some links to Ombudsman decisions – including one for a brand-new BMW!
Still have the car? You must keep paying the car finance
These complaints may take many months. You will have to keep up the loan repayments during this time, or your car may be repossessed.
Read Can you manage to pay your car finance? which looks at your options when you don’t think you can keep on paying while the complaint goes through.
Other sorts of car finance claims
€ar finance commission – cases won at the Ombudsman
In January 2024, 2 major cases were won at the Financial Ombudsman were people had been charged to high an interest rate on car finance in order to increase the commission the car dealer got.
See Car finance commission scandal – can you get a refund? for details and how to start a claim.
But if you think you may have a good affordability complaint it’s probably worth trying that first, as in an affordability complaint you get all the interest refunded, but in a commission complaint you would only get some of the interest back.
“Dieselgate” – a totally different sort of claim
You may have seen ads saying you may be able to get £,000s back as diesel cars were mis-sold because they produced more harmful emissions than advertised.
MSE has written a good article on these claims, with a list of the law firms you can use and what they charge. This is not a complaint you can sensibly try to do yourself. I have no idea how likely a payout is and it may take a long while.
Rachael says
Hi Sara
Can I still make a complaint even if my final payment of car finance got included into a DRO.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
has your DRO finished? Did you make that final payment and keep the car?
steve says
Hi, I need some advice with regards to car finance i got from Billing finance. A month after i got the car i went a couple of days late due to a job change and i received a letter from the finance company what i thought was aggressive demanding payment in which i had already made payment online before receiving letter.
The letter insinuated that i would do something to car and its not my property and it made me feel like i was doing something illegal to the vehicle in which i wasn’t. I have now received another letter stating they have terminated my agreement before a complaint i had with them was completed, Yet again another aggressive letter
” Your agreement has now been terminated and the full outstanding balance on your agreement
is now due.
We would like to speak to you to discuss how your balance can be reduced.
You are now in possession of the vehicle without our consent, and we
require its return.”
I feel they are now saying the car doesn’t belong to me and i have now stolen it as i dont have the permission of Billing finance.
I have sent a complaint to FOS for irresponsible lending and unaffordable as no checks whatso ever was done they didn’t ask for a breakdown of incoming or out goings, bank statements etc all they wanted was my wage slips and driving licence. I received final response this morning with regards to checks made
steve says
As part of our investigation, we carefully reviewed the results and data obtained, as part
of this assessment and from the program. These checks included:
Verifying your declared income and assessing effective disposable income using
12 months of Current Account Turnover (CATO) data.
The verification recognised your declared income as an under estimation of your
Using CATO data to check for recent income shocks, or changes in account
There was no income shock or decrease in account turnover.
Applying a boundary to the effective disposable income when assessing the
affordability of the potential contractual monthly installment.
Factoring in the potential contractual monthly installment (subject to approval).
Confirming your living situation.
basically all online from my credit file but i feel this is totally inaccurate. Any help and advice would be greatly appreciated as i have no idea what to do going forward.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
So you were in arrears for 2 days and since then you have not been?
The “reply” – was that from the lender or from FOS?
When was the car finance started and will you manage to carry on with it or have you no chance of doing this?
J says
Hi I’m not sure if I have a claim against oodle or not. I took a loan out for £18k with them they have charged £17k ish in interest. I still have £24k to pay off and my car is only worth £10/11k. I had bad credit from being in a financially, and emotionally abusive relationship where my partner used me and left me having to sell my home and in debt
Sara (Debt Camel) says
It’s outrageous interest but that isn’t quite the same as being unaffordable.
When you took The finance out, could you mange To make the repayments and also be able to pay your other debts, bills and living expenses without being left short or borrowing more?
Do you still have this finance?
J says
Hi still have the finance.
Yes I had a number of debts unpaid debts.
I have made a complaint and they are asking for copies of police reports and medical records
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Do you need to keep the car? Because it doesn’t sound as though you have repaid the amount you borrowed so far, in which case the car may be repossessed if you win the complaint.
J says
No, I don’t need to keep it. Although I do need a car.
All I’m really after is for the interest to be lowered to a more reasonable amount. The car is only worth half of what paid for it so with interest I’m -14k in neg eq!
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Well see how this goes. But reducing the rate of interest to a more reasonable level is not one of the approaches the Ombudsman normally adopts.
J says
I’d be happy to let the car go in that case. Do you think it is worth a complaint and failing any co-op from Oodle, the FO? Thanks
Sara (Debt Camel) says
What other option do you have? This seems like your best way forward from what you have said. but I would expect this to have to go to the ombudsman.
R says
Hi Sara.
I put an un affordability claim in with blue motor finance and they have responded via email asking me for bank statements prior to the sale of the finance which was 2019 so they can conclude the complaint. Does this sound promising or is this a generic type thing they have to do. Shouldn’t they have asked for bank statements at the time of my application rather than now putting a complaint in? My bank statements show exactly what i wrote in the original complaint ie several creditors and gambling. Are they asking for the bank statements to agree with me or for what reason are they doing this at this stage?
Many thanks in advance.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
I suggest you send Them – they prove how unaffordable the finance was also. Also they will be needed if you go to the Ombudsman. You can get statements even from closed accounts
R says
I have sent them and ive also called them for an update to which they said they are reviewing the evidence. Does it sound likely i will win this case directly with them giving my bank statements show it was unaffordable (i was living in an overdraft for many years)
Sara (Debt Camel) says
They mY just ask everyone.
HX says
Hi Sara – my husband took out PCP finance for a car in Dec 2018. He put down (or rather on a credit card) £2k deposit and the capital amount was £12.9k (total repayable £16.9k). The monthly repayment was £204/month. By July 2020, he p/x the car for another car (which we also put in an affordability complaint with that lender).
The FOS has upheld the complaint and has said:
As I don’t think CA Auto ought to have approved the lending, I don’t think it’s fair for it to be able to charge any interest or charges under the agreement. Mr X should therefore only have to pay the original cash price of the car, being £14,9K (which includes the warranty sold). Anything Mr X has paid in excess of that amount should be refunded as an overpayment.
To settle the complaint CA Auto should do the following:
• Refund any payments Mr X has made in excess of £14,K, representing the original cash price of the car. It should add 8% simple interest per year* from the date of each overpayment to the date of settlement.
• Remove any adverse information recorded on his credit file regarding the agreement.
Do you know how the refund will be calculated what is it likely to be?
Thanks Sara!
Sara (Debt Camel) says
How many monthly repayments did he make?
What was the p/x amount paid to settle the PCP?
HX says
Hi Sara – I think it could be 17 payments made (+/- 1 or 2 months). The p/x settlement figure was £8641. Looking at it now, I’m not sure it wasn’t HP vs PCP.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
You should be able to tell from your bank statements how many payments you made.
Assuming it was 17, then you paid in total 2000 (the deposit) + 3468 (17 lots of 204) + 8641 (px) = 14109. That is only 109 more than 14k. And its less than 14.9k I suggest you double check the numbers as on that you will get little or nothing back.
HX says
Thanks Sara.
I read off the adjudicators comments, she has the start date wrong. It was 28 months paid in total so by my calcs: (£5712 + 2000 + 8641) – 14900 (plus 8%, however that is calculated)
Sara (Debt Camel) says
ok that makes more sense. the refund will 8% per year from July 2020 so about 32% extra
J says
Thank you- do you think I would have a good chance with the ombudsman? I know we can’t say for sure I’m just wondering if it is worth it
Sara (Debt Camel) says
At the point you took the finance you had bad credit and unpaid debts. Oodle should have checked closely to make sure it would be affordable for you. This complaint is well worth sending to the Ombudsman if Oodle reject it.
Steve says
I also currently have a complaint in with the ombudsman against Oodle and my experience so far is the investigator is absolutely useless. They have ignored alot of my essential credit commitments despite being given the proof multiple times. I gave clear calculations of my income and outgoings to make it easier for them and it still wasn’t looked at properly
In my opinion they are too busy to look at cases properly before making decisions and seem to decide in favour of Oodle by default
If you look at all the previous decisions made by the ombudsman for complaints against Oodle, for some reason they seem massively biased and are not acting impartial when it comes to Oodle at all…..Very strange
Sara (Debt Camel) says
looking at published ombudsman decisions gives an odd view as you don’t see the majority that settle at the investigator level.
Jan says
My other half is having similar issues with regards to Oodle, the adjudicator originally sided with Oodle and asked if he wanted it to go to an ombudsman for final decision, he said yes and she asked one question about them having agreed the finance the day before they conducted the credit check, he provided more clarity on this along with evidence, a few weeks later she came back and said her decision was the same, he pointed out this was just one of many points of his complaint and that he thought she was sending to the ombudsman, a few weeks passed again and she’s confirmed she’s passed it on.
Steve says
If the ombudsman shows as little effort as the investigator has in my case I’ll be very unhappy
She originally made her decision or ‘view’ based on incorrect calculations she made and even now is missing out huge amounts of monthly credit commitments for no reason and no explanation
I also stated multiple times that my ‘application details’ which Oodle have tried to say is my original application has my correct date of birth on it but has my current age, when the application would have had my age at the time of application 5 years ago not my current age. The investigator felt it okay to bypass this comment despite me mentioning it 4-5 times
Definitely biased in my opinion so far but will update when I hear from the ombudsman themselves
J says
First fill me with much confidence!
I’ve had final response from Oodle and they too have ignored my concerns. They seem to think that £17k in interest is the norm!
Zoey brooks says
I have just had my complaint not upheld by the adjucator and I have requested to be take. Forward to ombudsman. I quote what was written in conclusion.
“ Whilst I don’t disagree that the lending may not have been completely affordable to you, I have to consider the information available to Black Horse, rather than the information they didn’t see, or didn’t find out. “
I have two issues one being this HP was more than 8 years old. The FOS refused to look into at first the. Did a complete U Turn and stated I do have ground to look in to a complaint more than 6 years old
In the conclusion the FOS keep mentioning the fact that Blackhorse did enough checks even though it didn’t verify income or check I had a job. What do you think Sara? Do I have a good case? I thought I did but was knocked down after decision. Not to upheld. Blackhorse magically appeared with a credit check and apparently a bank check which showed what was coming in but not where it was coming from.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
I don’t see why the decision to look at an over 6 year case is relevant to the decision to reject?
What information do you have about your situation 8 years ago? Bank statements? Anything else? Was Lloyds your bank? What was the interest rate?
How old were you? Was this your first car? Did you have a job?
Zoey says
Lloyds is not my bank, which is why I am confused on how a “bank check” was carried out. As I didn’t even know this was possible.
I was approved HP finance through a dealership. I never directly spoke with them, they never asked for proof or went through my income and expenditures with me. I was a 20 year student I did have bills to pay and I was using payday loans and missing payments nearly throughout the 48 month term. I was prioritising this debt and I was racking up about £4000 in overdraft and loans over those years. I provided all the proof but the case handler stuck by because “Blackhorse didn’t see this they didn’t do nothing wrong”. I have now forwarded over to ombudsman I ended up with a default but I did settled the finance by selling the car. Do you think I have any leg to stand on in regards to the ombudsman finding in my favour?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
This sounds like a lot of credit to give someone with a low income to me. If you have provided bank statements, that should help.
Zoey says
Hello Sara,
I provided bank statements and a lot of evidence. However in the end the ombudsman did not uphold my complaint stating that I can’t show financial hardship before taking out the vehicle. When I was a student, I have declined the decision and I have read that you can request a judicial review from a high court. The FOS don’t disagree that I couldn’t afford it but they state Blackhorse carried out correct checks. I have also been written to by Blackhorse stating a hidden commission arrangement was used. I know complaints are on hold till September but what is the resolution for those claims? I might just have to go that route.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
you don’t “request” a judicial review – you can sue FOS in a judicial review, but that would cost you a very large amount of money – you need professional representation in the High Court. This is not sensible for any consumer – it is the route a lender can use, where it is worth it as they care about the next thousand FOS decisions they will get, but even then it is EXTREMELY rare.
Your option if you want to go to court is to sue Black Horse in the county court. Honestly I don’t recommend that either. These cases are not simple (you would be suing for an unfair relationship under s140 of the Consumer Credit Act) and if you loose there is a danger you may have to pay Black Horses fees. If you want to do this I strongly suggest talking to a solicitor.
The timescale for discretionary commission claims is likely to be extended, you are now unlikely to get anything back this year and it may be end of next year.
Have you looked at affordability complaints against the overdraft and other loans? because they should have seen first that you had this car finance and second that you had missed payments on it. the car finance may have been the start of your problems but it is often easier to win complaints about other later types of credit.
J says
May I ask what everyone was paying in interest with Oodle?
Mine was just short of the amount borrowed and now my car is worth half of what I paid for it and still have a huge amount left to pay!
I used Flamingo finance and they told me my only choice would be Oodle.
Oodle have said the Apr was normal
Sara (Debt Camel) says
This isn’t really directly relevant to whether you have an unaffordable loan. A loan t 8% interest can be unaffordable. A loan at 28% interest by be OK.
You may well have been ripped off. But you won’t win an affordability complaint unless you can show that your monthly repayments have left you with too little money to pay your other debts, household bills and everyday expenses, without being left to short that you use more credit such as a credit card or an overdraft or Klarna to get by.
Rebecca Jones says
Hello Sara,
I purchased a car on pcp in March 2023. At the time, I was new to a job, 6 months, and wasn’t particularly in a good place. We had debt/ overdraft but it was being paid with minimal payments. Since the car, it has just got worse. The payments for the car are £405 each month, but each month since, I’ve had to use my credit card and /or overdraft to help with other bills. I’ve continued to pay the car, as I did not want to negatively impact my credit file or have it repossessed or what not.
I don’t particularly think, I was properly assessed prior to the deal, as well as the deal being completely affordable with an incredibly high apr %. The car to buy with cash was around 26k. My total amount of borrowing is £34,368, over 48 months with a balloon payment of £13500 on month 49.
Is there anything I can do? I’ve contacted the company, whom said there is simply nothing to do, the car is worth only £16.5k with a settlement figure as of today of £22300. Leaving me in a minus equity. If I wanted to hand the car back today, I would be required to pay £9370.
Regardless of the solution, I am not able to afford any and worried how this will continually impact me monthly. The car payments are nearly half of my monthly wage, along with the car insurance.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Regardless of the solution, I am not able to afford any and worried…
not able to afford any what?
is a car essential for you?
R says
Sorry, I mean afford any solution, I can’t afford to pay the 9k to hand the car back, or pay the difference with the minus equity if I find a better car,
Sadly, the car is essential. Not necessarily that car, but a car. We have no other car in our home.
HX says
Hi Sara / do you know of anyone putting an irresponsible lending complaint for a PCH (lease car)? How does it work for a complaint like this whereby there isn’t interest as such?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Leases are not consumer debt, you are renting the car not taking a loan. So an affordability complaint isnt possible.
HX says
Thanks, just thought I’d check since on the FOS website it says
The rules and regulations apply to all forms of finance and this includes finance taken out at the ‘point of sale’, i.e. in the store through a retailer or perhaps car dealership. This includes credit for large household purchases like sofas, kitchens, bathrooms and car finance.
There are various ways to fund the cost of a car these days and this includes hire purchase, conditional sale agreements, personal contract purchase (PCP) and personal contract hire (PCH). While the specifics of each of these types of finance might be different, the finance company needs to carry out a proportionate affordability assessment in each case.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Well give it a try. I would be interested to know how it goes.
HX says
I’m not sure what to ask for, as there’s no interest. Would I ask for part of the payments back and the deposit?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
There is no history here. Try asking for a refund of the monthly payment over what is “a fair usage charge” for the car.
HX says
Hi Sara – for info, I spoke with FOS and they can investigate PCH unaffordable lending. As you say, there isn’t any history here, nothing in the decisions section of the FOS website but likely if found unaffordable, then the car would re returned, deposit would be refunded and partial refund of the monthly payments (unknown how much).
I think there will be a lot of people who took out PCH whereby it was unaffordable. I don’t recall my income was checked or my outgoings….
Sara (Debt Camel) says
“partial refund of the monthly payments” that is what happens in similar HP/PCP cases – you get back the difference between what you pais an what FOS sets as a “fail usage charge”, which is why I mentioned that phrase in my previous reply.
Let me know how this goes!
S says
Car finance complaint declined by company sent to FOS. Adjudicator not upheld complaint. They are taking into consideration payments made by my partner into my account as being towards household outgoings so including this as ‘income’ however the vast majority of outgoings are from her account ie rent, council tax, energy bills and they are not including these as outgoings from my account. In their calculations they have not included child maintenance payments or food costs either along with some other credit commitments.
They state
As reasonable and proportionate checks weren’t carried out for this agreement, I need to decide what a reasonable and proportionate check would likely have shown.
You also explained that some household costs were paid from your wife’s account and your wife deposited credits into your account. When looking at affordability when people are in a partnership or marriage, it is reasonable to assume that household costs are shared, and cars can be purchased for family use. As you’ve confirmed what payments have come from your wife, I’ve considered these credits into the account as it is more likely than not, they are a contribution to family household costs, and I think this would have been disclosed had they conducted proportionate checks.
Have you heard anything like this before?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
ok so why was your partner paying most of the bills and transferring you money – was this because you were struggling because of your other debt payments?
S says
She transferred money to my account to cover outgoings as well as us both borrowing money from family as I could not afford to make all the payments I had a complaint upheld for August 2022 a few weeks ago by an adjudicator for a catalogue account of £3700 yet this car finance was approved in October for £47,000 and it has not been upheld. I’m so confused 😕
Sara (Debt Camel) says
ok so go back to the adjudicator and say you wife already paid the majority of the household bills from her account – list them Say she transferred money to you and you also borrowed money from other family because you were struggling to manage with all the payments going out of the account.
Ask for this to go to an Ombudsman if the adjudicator doesn’t change their mind.
janie says
Hi Sara
Just to let you know my OH asked for his complaint against Oodle to be passed to an ombudsman for final decision. The adjudicator had previously said that Oodle had not done anything wrong when they had completed their checks, the ombudsman said he didn’t agree and believed that they didn’t carry out sufficient checks.
He went on to say that despite this he wouldn’t be upholding my OH’s complaint.
In a nutshell he accepts the real reason for my OH inability to make his payments under the agreement wasn’t due to living expenses or credit commitments and this is apparent to him when looking at bank statements. It’s also possible but not certain that Oodle may have taken a different decision had they seen the bank statements at the time. The ombudsman didn’t think Oodle could reasonably be expected to have known about the nature and extent of the gambling at the time.
Obviously this is a very disappointing result for my OH but it’s now at the end of the process.
We would like to thank you for all your help/support you have provided, it really is much appreciated.
Oliver says
So I took out a PCP finance agreement from Alphera for £38999 for a used car.
I paid a £1000 deposit and was due to have a job start this was withdrawn.
During the application process I had to share open banking access with Alphera so they could see that my income at the time came from a lodger (rent) and Job seekers allowance.
I was given the finance by them, as I am just within the 14 days cancellation what are my options. I do not wish to have the PCP finance and would like to either find another way to finance the car or to stop finance agreement and allow car to be collected (I don’t mind if there’s a small shortfall that I could manage).
Also if I raise a complaint with Alphera is there anyway the 14 day cooling off period would be paused. If the result is not positive then I would want to exercise my rights to end the agreement and possibly sell privately and settle what’s owed.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
I suggest you talk to National Debtline on 0808 808 4000 about your rights to end this PCP finance and, if you do, your other options regarding the purchase of the car.
Lisa says
I had car finance in 2016 and it was over 4 years with motonovo so it finished in in 2020.. I struggled paying and ending up defaulting on my other debts just to make sure the car was paid and ending up going into a dmp with stepchange.. I’ve put in an affordability complaint with them which went over the 8 weeks so I contacted the financial ombudsman which I’m.waiting for someone to be assigned to the case.. Today motonovo have been intouch to say that it was time barred and they didn’t have to look at the complaint. Is this correct? Because the ombudsman have said they can look at the complaint..
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Many lenders automatically reject complaints about loans that started more than 6 years ago, but the Ombudsman can choose to go back further.
Do you have your bank statements from 2016?
Lisa says
Yes I’ve got bank statements that dated back to the 2016 which I did provide to motonovo, but they’ve just point blank said because it’s time barred they don’t have to investigate it and i knew the interest rates etc and knew how much it was going to cost . Thanks
Sara (Debt Camel) says
ok then tell FOS you want them to look at the case as you have only just found out you can complain. Explain you have your bank statements.
Lisa says
Thankyou I’ve sent it to the Financial Ombudsman I’m just waiting for it ti be assigned to someone
Mike says
Hi, I have just logged a complaint with billing finance but was wondering if I had much of a case so could do with some advice… I bought a car with them in December of 2020. The car cost be around £10,000 rising to £18,000 after interest is taken into account. Once I’d got the finance I started to struggle to make other credit payments which eventually led to me defaulting on a number of accounts and even falling behind on my car payments to the tune of around £900. I managed to get back up to date with the car payments but obviously the damage was already done with the other accounts. Would this fall into billing finance not doing adequate affordability checks? I have around £5000 left to pay on the account but the original price of the car plus around £3000 interest has already been repaid. Could I still have my car repossessed whilst the complaint is being looked into? I’m still making the payments on the car but I have fallen into areas again which I’m struggling to repay again. Any advice would really be appreciated.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
This sounds like they didn’t do enough affordability checks.
How large are the arrears?
What other debts do you have that you are paying? Have you looked at affordability complaints against them too?
Mike says
The finance I took out with them were store cards mainly. I did have a credit card that I complained about being unaffordable when they increased my credit limit and managed to get the default sum down from £1400 to £600 and that account is now settled.
The other accounts were in place before I took out the car finance and I would argue I was in a position to be able to afford all the repayments before I took the car finance out. The total defaults (5) total comes to about £1300 which I’m trying to set up repayment plans with them to get my credit file out of the toilet.
I am just worried that with my billing finance account being in arrears even though I’m making the regular payments of £310.99 a month they still may take the car given the account is in arrears. They did put me on a repayment plan but after I missed a payment they refused to let me set another plan up unless I provide them access to my bank which is a joint account and I’m not comfortable allowing that.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Setting up a repayment plan will not improve your credit record if defaults have already happened – I suggest any spare money should be going to the arrears on the cr finance.
What sort of “access” do they require to you bank account?
Mike says
I’m not 100% sure they just stated I needed to click a link they sent and give them permission to access my bank records in order to set up a repayment plan. What would be your advice on the accounts that are already in default? Should I just try to get the arrears of the car finance in order and then look to make payments and just hope I don’t get a ccj in the mean time?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Were you happy with the amount they were proposing?
Mike says
They didn’t offer me an amount, they refused to offer a new payment plan unless I provided them access to my bank.