It is normally a good idea to tell your creditors if you are in financial difficulties, not ignore them. So should you tell people you are planning on going bankrupt? And who do you have to tell afterwards? Before bankruptcy - you won’t gain from telling your creditors Few creditors will feel sorry for you and stop pestering you if you tell them you are going bankrupt. So you aren’t … [Read more...]
Articles about Bankruptcy
This page lists all Debt Camel's articles about Bankruptcy in date order.
If you are thinking about going bankrupt, or are already bankrupt and have a problem, start by reading Debt Camel's Guide to Bankruptcy. That looks at how to decide if bankruptcy is right for you by providing you with the information you need. It also looks at the process of going bankrupt and what can happen when you are bankrupt. From "will I lose my house" to "how can I repair my credit record after bankruptcy" it covers all the common questions people have.
Is your pension safe if you go bankrupt?
If you expect to go bankrupt soon you may be worried about whether your pension will be safe. The Insolvency Service published a summary of its new guidance on pensions and bankruptcy in England and Wales in 2015 after the "Pension Freedom" changes that year made it possible for many people to take money out of their pension from age 55, even if they are still working. There was some legal … [Read more...]
“What if I forgot to put a debt on my bankruptcy application?”
A reader asked: I am thinking of filing for bankruptcy. Some of my debts go back quite few years. I tried a DMP and an IVA that failed. I’m behind on my household Bills too. I’m single mum and find hard to cope with all this stress. I finally plucked the courage to do the form. I have at least 13 creditors, some of these details I took off my IVA creditors list but some have passed the debts … [Read more...]
Going bankrupt in England and Wales – a checklist
Most people find going bankrupt is stressful. Although afterwards it is usually much easier than you have expected, at the time there seems to be so much to get right. Here is a checklist, covering everything you need to do before submit your bankruptcy application. The good news is that this is now all much simpler than it used to be. A few years ago you had to go to court with three copies … [Read more...]
You both have debts – but may need different debt solutions
You both have debts, you both know it's time to tackle them and you want to do this together. But if one of you has a lot more debt, or a much larger income, or you own different assets, you don't have to have the same debt solution. A good debt adviser will help you look at what option each of you needs to get the best result for your family going forward. This article looks at some of … [Read more...]
Making bankruptcy look more scary than it is
It's natural to feel worried about bankruptcy, but some websites set out to make it sound a lot worse than it is. Some of what they say is simply wrong. Other bits may be right but they leave out important facts, so the issue sounds more difficult than it is in practice. And it's common for problems associated with bankruptcy to be listed in detail, but very similar points … [Read more...]
Too broke to go bankrupt – why bankruptcy fees should be cut
This article looks at the public policy implications of the current high bankruptcy fees in England, Wales and Northern Ireland: £680 (£659 in Northern Ireland) is a big obstacle to fairness at the moment, causing people stress and sometimes leading them to make poor choices between debt solutions. If you want to go bankrupt and can't afford the fees, this is not the right article for you. … [Read more...]
Tax debts – Will HMRC approve an IVA or should I go bankrupt?
A reader asked: I'm thinking about an IVA. I've got 8k of credit card debt and overdrafts but I owe a lot of income tax and VAT. Probably a lot over 20k but I haven't filled out any tax returns for years. Do I have to get the exact tax owed when applying for an IVA? I don't think I can cope with all that. I was self employed but I now have a job, not well paid. I'm now living with my parents … [Read more...]
Inheriting money when in a DMP, DRO, IVA or bankruptcy
What happens if you inherit money when you are in a debt management plan or one of the three forms of insolvency: Debt Relief Order (DRO), bankruptcy or IVA? The answers are surprisingly different... Inheriting in a DMP This is the easiest case. Any money you inherit comes to you, not to your creditors or your DMP firm. It doesn't matter if the person dies before your DMP started or during … [Read more...]
Can I spend backdated benefits money before going bankrupt?
A reader asked: I’ve just received a backdated Severe Disability Premium (ESA top up as on PIP too) and I am aiming to go bankrupt in May or June. I’ve been advised by a money advisor to use this money for essentials as I have just been given permanent accommodation having been homeless. No furniture came with the flat. I’ve been paying £1 a month to my creditors since last year. Should I … [Read more...]