UPDATE March 2025 - final scheme payment announced Amigo has announced the last percentage payment will be 6.01%. Together with the first percentage payment, this takes the total up to 18.51%. The amount you will receive will be a bit less than half the previous percentage payment you received. (If you have received 2 payments, the one from Amigo Loans was an "in full" refund … [Read more...]
Articles about Amigo
These articles are about Amigo itself, the company and its finances.
In March 2023 it announced that it could not raise the money it needed from shareholders so it will be would down and liquidated.
Amigo's Scheme continues in the Fallback option, but there will be less money for refunds.
For articles about guarantor loan complaints, including the templates for how to complain if you are a borrower or if you are a guarantor, see Guarantor loans complaints.
Amigo to close & Scheme goes into Fallback – implications for customers
August 2023 - the first "UPHOLD" decisions are being received. Comments on this article are now closed. Please see the comments below the main Amigo Claims page to see what is happening. On 23 March 2023 Amigo announced that it has been unable to raise the equity it needed to continue in business. This means that the Scheme of Arrangement currently underway will change into the … [Read more...]
Amigo’s new Scheme – approved by the Court
UPDATE the Scheme is now live After the court approved the Amigo scheme in May 2022, the Scheme is now live. The deadline for making claims has now passed. See Amigo’s Scheme – waiting for claims to be decided for details. UPDATE on the result of the voting Amigo announced on 13 May that c. 89% of people voting had voted in favour of the new Business Scheme. the next stage in the … [Read more...]
Amigo proposes a second Scheme – but is it fairer?
UPDATE - in May 2022, the court approved the new Amigo Scheme. See Amigo's Scheme for details On 13 December 2021, Amigo proposed its new Scheme of Arrangement. The Practice Statement Letter (PSL) is a 21-page overview of the new Scheme. The numbers in the PSL have now changed Amigo says: We hope a successful new Scheme will also allow a changed Amigo, under a new management team, … [Read more...]
“Should I stop paying Amigo?” – the pros & cons
UPDATE In May 2022 the Amigo second Scheme was approved by the court. In November the deadline for making a claim to the Scheme passed. See Amigo's Scheme for details. With a current loan, you have three options once you have made a claim: you can carry on paying it if it is affordable. if you have paid more to this last loan than you borrowed, you can ask Amigo to let you pause paying … [Read more...]
Amigo now lets some people pause paying – the right of Equitable Set Off
UPDATES In November 2023, Amigo started deleting some loans from people's credit records. it says "In this situation, it is probable that the claim has been either fully or partially upheld" That may make you feel more comfortable choosing equitable set-off. The deadline for making a claim to the Amigo Scheme was in November 2022 - it is now too late to make a claim. If you have not made a … [Read more...]
Amigo – no second Scheme before April at the earliest
On 29 November 2021, Amigo published its results for the six months ended 30 September 2021. Amigo's first Scheme of Arrangement was rejected by the Court in May. Since then, Amigo has been trying to come up with a new Scheme that is fairer to the customers given unaffordable loans. Amigo says: "the proposed contribution to the new Scheme will be significantly increased from that of the … [Read more...]
Amigo’s Scheme rejected – now looking at a new Scheme
UPDATE In May 2022, the new Amigo Scheme was approved by the court and went live. See Amigo’s Scheme for details about this. This page on the old Scheme is now no longer relevant. Please leave any comments and questions on that new page. The approval process for the first Scheme (this ended in rejection) On 30 March, the First Court Hearing gave the go-ahead for Amigo to organise the … [Read more...]
Amigo – what is happening with “Scheme 2.0”?
In May Amigo's proposed Scheme of Arrangement was rejected by the court. The FCA told the court the Scheme was not fair to customers, a more fair Scheme could be proposed and it didn't think Amigo would go into administration immediately. The judge concluded by saying: The FCA expects the directors to continue to explore and promote a restructuring which fairly allocates the benefits and losses … [Read more...]
Court rejects Amigo Scheme of Arrangement
On 19 May 2021 the Sanction Hearing was held for Amigo's proposed Scheme of Arrangement. On 24 May, judgment was given and the Scheme was rejected. The Amigo Board says : The Board is reviewing all options including an Appeal. A further update will be given in due course. This article looks at the Scheme, the judgment and what may happen next. The proposed Scheme The Scheme was proposed by … [Read more...]