There are three large UK databases aimed at alerting lenders to possible fraudulent applications for borrowing: National Hunter, Cifas and Sira.
If your name is on one of these connected with fraud you may find it difficult or impossible to take out credit and your bank account may be closed.
But sometimes the information on the databases may be wrong and you need to get it corrected.
In 2020, Cifas recorded over 185,000 cases of identity theft. The numbers in the first half of 2021 went up by 11% – this is a growing problem.
When should you check the fraud databases?
Many people will go their whole lives without ever needing to know anything about these fraud databases, but there are three situations where you may want to find out more.
1) You are being asked to supply more information
If you try to take out a new mobile contract or sign up in a shop for a 0% deal on a new carpet you are buying, then you are contacted later and asked to send proof of identity/proof of address, this may be a sign that your credit application has been flagged as needing more checks. The creditor could have been alerted to possible fraud concerns by running your applications through one of the fraud databases.
(NB I’m talking about something unusual here – if you apply to open a bank account or a savings account, you normally have to provide proof of identity/address. This isn’t fraud prevention – although it does help with that – it is part of the standard money-laundering checks banks have to make.)
If this happens once it’s probably no big deal – after all you do want lenders to make checks otherwise there will be a lot more identity theft than there is at the moment. But if you find it’s happening a lot, you might decide to find what is on the fraud databases that could be causing this – see below for how to do this.
2) You can’t imagine why you have been rejected for credit
If you are turned down when you apply for a loan, credit card or anything that requires a credit check, you need to think why. There are many possibilities and although having a problem entry on a fraud database is one, it is pretty unlikely.
Check out all these more common reasons first:
- debt problems such as CCJs, defaults, late payments on your records with the three Credit Reference Agencies (CRAs). You have to check all three of them, here’s how;
- check the personal information on your CRA records is correct: names, address, old addresses, on the electoral roll;
- credit score problems with anyone you are linked to financially? Try to de-link from anyone you no longer live with or who has a poor record;
- borrowing too much for your income. This is a common reason for being refused a large consolidation loan even if your credit scores are good;
- have you got too much spare credit?
- too many recent credit applications? Don’t make any more for a few months!
- little or no credit history? It can be hard to get anyone to accept you at first. Try a low-vaue monthly mobile contract. If they don’t accept you, consider a “bad credit” credit card – but these can be traps for the unwary.
- previous history with the lender. If you had debt problems a long while ago, that lender may still have the records even if they are no longer on your credit file.
But if your credit record appears fine and there don’t appear to be any other reasons why you should be turned down then it is a good idea to check the fraud databases, see below.
3) You have been the victim of identity theft
Look out for anything unusual:
- debts on your CRA reports that you don’t recognise;
- getting letters/emails/phone calls from lenders or debt collectors about credit you didn’t ask for / accounts you don’t know you have / goods you didn’t order. Even if these say that you have been refused credit, follow up on this as the fraudster may try again and succeed;
- payments from your bank account or credit cards that you don’t recognise;
- regular monthly bank account or credit card statements do not arrive;
- a debit or credit card expires and you haven’t been sent a replacement.
If you spot one identity theft problem, there may be others. You need to check all three CRA files for entries that you don’t recognise and it’s a good idea to check the fraud databases.
See Loans taken out in your name for details of one reader’s problem and my suggestions for tackling it.
How to check the fraud databases
National Hunter
National Hunter keeps records of credit applications to the 50 lenders who use its system.
Lenders check this when they receive a new application, looking for inconsistencies. The idea is that someone who is applying for credit in your name may not know your date of birth, middle name, marital status, income etc, so if a National Hunter check throws up something which doesn’t match, the application can be looked at in more detail.
Obviously this could generate flags where there isn’t a real problem – using a nickname, not a full name or if you have just received a large pay-rise. The aim is for the lender to make further enquiries, not automatically reject an application.
To check what information National Hunter has about you, make a Subject Access Request, which they will reply to within 40 days. Use the National Hunter SAR form and enclose the proof of identity required – this needs to be sent to National Hunter.
This information may show nothing interesting – all the applications look correct to you. Just because your application is on the database doesn’t mean that it is suspected of fraud.
But if there are applications that you didn’t make, this could be identity theft and you need to look into it further.
National Hunter retains information depending on how the lender flagged the information:
- for 6 months – applications marked with an overall status of ‘Clear’, i.e. the lender has no concerns on the data provided within the application;
- for 3 years – applications marked with an overall status of ‘Inconsistency’, i.e. the lender has identified a discrepancy;
- for 6 years – application marked with an overall status of ‘Refer’, i.e. a National Hunter member checking this record can contact the member who added the info for more details. The reason for the refer status is usually included.
When a Cifas member identifies a fraud, a warning is placed on the Cifas database. This shows the name used in the fraudulent application.
Cifas says:
The National Fraud Database is simple and effective. All Cifas members record instances of actual and attempted fraud against their organisation to the National Fraud Database, enabling other members to search against their data.
When members match against data on the National Fraud Database and confirm an actual or attempted fraud, they file their own case.
If this is your name, it does NOT necessarily mean that you are suspected of fraud, it may be that someone else has used your name. So if you apply to another Cifas member, they will get a message saying Cifas – Do Not Reject – Validation Required. This could be why you are being asked to supply additional information when you apply for credit. By requiring extra proof of who you are, it is protecting you against further fraud.
To check if Cifas is holding any information with your name on it, you should make a Subject Access Request, using the Cifas SAR form and enclose your proof of identity. Send this to Cifas – they have to reply within a month but aim to reply within a week. There is no charge for this.
Cifas retains information relating to fraud for six years.
Victim of Impersonation data is retained for 13 months.
The National Sira Fraud Prevention database holds c 1,500,000 records. If you want to see if any information is held about you, complete the SIRA SAR form. and supply the relevant id information.
Preventing identity theft in future – Cifas “Protective Registration”
If you have had identity theft problems, or perhaps you are just worried that you could have if you know some personal information has been stolen, then to try to prevent them from happening in the future you can ask Cifas for Protective Registration:
When you request Protective Registration, we place a warning flag against your name and other personal details in our National Fraud Database. This tells any organisation that uses Cifas data to pay special attention when your details are used to apply for their products or services. Knowing you’re at risk, they’ll carry out extra checks to make sure it’s really you applying, and not a fraudster using your details.
This will make it harder for anyone to take out credit in your name. You won’t be refused credit because you have asked for Protective Registration, but the process will be longer. You may have to provide additional information.
Protective Registration lasts for two years.
Correcting wrong information on the databases
Fraud databases record the information they are given by lenders and insurers. If you think the information is wrong. you first need to complain and ask the lender to correct it, not National Hunter or Cifas.
An example of this could be that a mortgage lender recorded “hidden buy to let” against your mortgage application on the National Hunter database. This could result in you being rejected for other mortgages.
If the lender refuses to correct information, you can complain to the ICO or take your complaint to the Financial Ombudsman. If the problem is with the Cifas database, you can also ask Cifas to look at the issue.
The Financial Ombudsman gave some examples of cases involving a Cifas in this newsletter.
I think people often feel sceptical that the ombudsman will help them or “just side with the bank”. Whether your complaint is upheld will depend on the details of the case, but here is one example where the Ombudsman made it clear that:
I also need to consider whether the report to CIFAS was made fairly. On this point, [the bank] needs to have more than a suspicion or concern. It has to show it had reasonable grounds to believe that a fraud or financial crime had been committed or attempted and that the evidence would support this being reported to the authorities.
Banking when you have a fraud marker against your name
This can be very difficult.
If you know the entry on the database is a mistake, don’t panic and apply for a bank account to every bank you have ever heard of. That will probably just get you a pile of rejections.
You may need to find a way to live with the marker while the complaint goes through – and afterwards if your complaint is not upheld.
One option is to get help from a relative or your partner. Could your salary be paid into your mum’s bank account? Then she could pay the important bills from it by standing order and transfer the rest into a pre-paid debit card in your name.
You need to check out the costs for the different options here. If you think you have found a good one, I would love to hear about it – pop the details in the comments below.
A “Victim of Impersonation” marker is not a problem
Cifas says:
The warning is there to make it clear you are the genuine, innocent party, and that you have been (or suspect you may be) the victim of an identity theft.
Any organisation that subsequently receives that warning will see the phrase ‘Cifas – Do Not Reject – Validation Required’. It reminds them that extra precautions must be taken to ensure that the application or facility is genuine, protecting you from further fraud.
This does not harm your credit record or cause any problems with your banking.
The marker remains on your record for 13 months. You shouldn’t try to get this marker removed – it is there to protect you.
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Chris Greathead says
Hi there.
I have recently found out I had a default on my credit file only when I applied for a mortgage for a new home in which I knew nothing about. I contacted the company who defaulted me with a brutal letter and told them I was targeted by fraud in which they looked into and confirmed it was and told me my default would be removed after 72 hours. When this is removed how well will my score improve? Points wise?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
I would guess it should go back to what it was before. If this fraud was recent, you may want to consider applying for CIFAS personal protection, see
Muhammad says
Today i came to know when visit my bank for credit card and Point of sale, they inform me that my name is flagged, now i don’t know to whome should i contact, i never had a fraud or even i am not owing any amount from any bank. Will you please advise what to do?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Check your records with all three credit reference agencies, looking for anything you don’t recognise as this could be identity theft. If nothing unusual shows up there, check the National Hunter and CIFAS databases as the article above says.
steve says
hi is it possible my details will be with cifas as I was convicted off failing to declare particulars to a insurance company I was also convicted off dangerous driving and imprisoned in 2011 for 2years 8 months I’ve been struggling to get a mortgage
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Why not check? It’s not the most likely reason for someone being refused a mortgage but if your credit record looks great, you haven’t made a lot of recent credit applications, you don’t have a lot of unsecured debt and you don’t have affordability problems then it’s worth looking into. You should also ask lenders who have declined you for the reason.
Peter says
Hi, upon a recent credit check after applying for a service with my bank, I have found a relative has used my name and address to get credit and subsequently defaulted for upto 3 or 4 months at a time with the credit! The account was settled in 2013 all without any knowledge from myself and has obviously made my credit score a lot worse off than I thought it was! Through discussions and a putting together a timeline I have discovered it was a close relative using my name for credit, and they have since admitted it was them to me after confronting them. Is there a way to get this off of my credit report and onto theirs? I don’t know what to do as otherwise it will be at least 2/3 years before it potentially leaves my score!
Sara (Debt Camel) says
It wouldn’t be easy. You would have to report them to the police for fraud and then inform the lender.
Tony Matthews says
Hi Virgin Money reported me to CIFAS five years ago for an error on my behalf on a mortgage application despite approving the application and me making all the required payments they are now refusing to allow me to re-mortgage with them and I have been refused by another lender for my personal data not matching the required criteria
I have written to Virgin about this but it appears to be taking ages to solve the issue , How long can CiFAS hold information about me on file after a reported Fraud
Sara (Debt Camel) says
If you have put in a complaint to Virgin Money and they haven’t resolved it in 8 weeks, you can take your complaint to the Financial Ombudsman.
C113456 says
Hi my child had an under 18 year old bank account. He received a letter one day saying that a fraudulent transaction had taken place and the account will be closed. They did close the account approx a year ago. My child is now 18 and he applied for a saving account with another bank. They refused him the account. There must obviously be a marker. What steps should we now take to clean this up. Plus how long would the marker be in the credit file.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
I suggest he checks the fraud databases and if something is incorrect, follows the steps in the article above.
If he wants to dispute that there was any fraud, he may want to take the case to the Financial Ombudsman – see the link to a FO newsletter in the article above.
Cesar says
Any progress about your child? We have a similar situation.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
someone who posted here in 2017 probably will not see your query.
Michael says
I have found out that someone used my ID to buy car insurance illegally two months ago. The insurer wrote to me and I advised them that I had not taken out a policy. That has now put a flag on my CIFAS records and I have been refused 5 new basic bank accounts and had two new accounts closed. I have contacted CIFAS and they will not discuss anything until I have proven my ID through the post and all this just before I am evicted from my home of 27 years in a weeks time. Now I cant rent another house or operate any bank accounts and that in turn means that my online ecommerce business is over so I have no income. Anyone know of a faster way to deal with CIFAS?
Sa says
Hi there, did you managed to sort out your situation? I have the same problem but as this can take 6 years for the marker to be removed. I am strongly thinking to change my name and than apply for a bank account.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Don’t do this. Your old name and your new name will be linked by the credit reference agencies and then you may find a new marker is put on your new name because what you have done looks suspicious so that will take even longer to go.
Michael says
To be honest I gave up. I ended up loosing my marriage, business, house and car and am now just living day to day with cash in my pocket, not easy! Good luck sorting yours, but don’t do the name change as it won’t work. I am thinking of moving abroad and starting again.
Peter says
Hi, I misread a question on a co-op job application form and answered incorrectly. This was to do with my credit history. I was reported to Cifas for application fraud. I checked cifas literature and it states confirmed cases, evidence based and no judgement or suspicion. I asked the co-op which part of the fraud act they are accussing me, I also asked them to structure the questions in a simpler format to stop this happening to others. I gave them an example. They said they are not familiar with the fraud act so don’t know which part. Apparently cifas told them to pass details on of applications that has miss-information. They also rejected the idea of a simpler question structure to reduce mistakes.
They referred me to Cifas stating they would no longer answer questions.
On to Cifas, who tried to state which part of the fraud act I was in breach of. When challenged stated it’s up to the company to provide evidence. Cifas also refused to answer any more questions and referred me to the ICO.
The ICO states that the co-op and Cifas BELIEVE that I have committed fraud. No evidence of fraud has been seen by anyone. There is no confirmed case of fraud. As I understand it, it is upto the data controller (co-op and Cifas) to ensure that before passing details that they are correct and lawful. When I quoted the data protection act, the ICO refused to answer any more question.
So as I see it the DPA has been broken, cifas are knowingly selling my details as confirmed and evidence case of fraud without either. Which is actually in the fraud act.
Is there anything I can do?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
You could try complaining to the Financial Ombudsman.
Daniel says
Are there any mortgage companies that would lend to you if your name was on there list with a large deposit
Sara (Debt Camel) says
No idea, you need to talk to mortgage broker who specialises in people with poor credit.
Suzette Leprevost says
Hi. I’ve just owned up to 250 of catalogue fraud in my sons name. The balanct is 0 as I’ve paid it off. They are putting a cifas identity theft marker on his credit record and a fraud marker on mine. How long will it stay on my credit report. Will the bank close my account also will my phone ,sky and car insurance be cancelled. So worried
Sara (Debt Camel) says
It will stay on for 6 years. You should assume that you won’t be able to get any credit during this time.
I don’t know what will happen to existing accounts. I am making some guesses here.
It may be a good idea to do everything you can to “stay beneath the radar” of your bank. Make sure you never go over your overdraft limit, even better try to get your overdraft reducing as fast as possible, as banks may be going to look at people with overdrafts more closely.
I don’t think your existing car insurance can be affected. If you pay monthly, I suggest you need to save up so you can pay next years insurance as a lump sum, as this won’t need a credit check which you may fail.
If you just carry on paying Sky, I can’t see why they would credit check you. On the other hand it may be better to cancel this and use the money to solve some of your other problems!
For your phone, again I wouldn’t expect a current contract to change but you should assume you will find it difficult to get a new one. Look for sim only deals when your current contract ends.
Suzette says
Thankyou I’m also scared to death that I will be evicted from my housing association house. Can they evict me for a fraud flag. I know they report our rent account to experian. Will experian tell them I have a flag
Sara (Debt Camel) says
I very much doubt that you have broken the terms of your tenancy. Most Housing Associations have more urgent things to do than be looking closely at a tenant who is up to date with their rent and not causing any problems for the neighbours.
Suzette Leprevost says
Does criminal activity not count as a breach or would the police have to inform them. I haven’t been charged with anything but I did admit what I had done to the catalogue company who said they would put a comment on file to reflect this
Sara (Debt Camel) says
You would have to check the terms of your tenancy. The police have better things to do with their time than report this sort of thing to your housing association. I understand this must feel so precarious and unsafe, but worrying won’t help. All you can do is be squeaky clean in everything for a long while. Pay your rent early. Get your overdraft going down as fast as possible. Plan to be able to pay for your car insurance in one go. Do everything you can to avoid making any applications for credit as they are very likely to be refused.
Julie tolfrey says
Hi, I have just been refused for car finance. Have checked my credit rating on Experian and it is showing at 996 out of 999 (excellent). My daughter has a CIFAS Cat 6 marker against her name will this have an affect on my credit and been being accepted for credit as we live at the same address? If so can I dispute it as I have no involvement?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Well it shouldn’t. HAve you asked why you were refused the car finance? Have you checked to see if there is anything on your CIFAS account?
Julie tolfrey says
I have asked for more information on why I have been rejected but they can’t disclose it due to data protection. I have had finance with them for the last 4 years and never missed a payment. On my credit report it isn’t showing any CIFAS, is there somewhere else I should look? I’m worried that the marker is linked to our address and not my daughters name. Thanks for replying so quickly!
Sara (Debt Camel) says
yes, you can send CIFAS and National Hunter requests as the article above explains.
Mo saidy says
hi, I’m a university student and recently Barclays put my bank account under review and decided to close my bank account with no explanation which they are allowed to do according to their terms and conditions. i had another account with NatWest and they have also closed my account. I have never done anything fraudulent to my knowledge neither have i had an overdraft with either bank. this has left me without a bank account and I have a feeling maybe my name has a cifas marker. can i open a new bank acccount even if its a basic account or is this not likely ? thanks
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Making new applications before you know what is going on isn’t a good idea. I think you should check the National Hunter and CIFAS databases. You could go to your local Citizens Advice and ask for their help.
Jay says
I just found 3 defaults on my credit record , it was a close friend that took a few credit cards under my name . he is paying the debt and I have contradictory feelings as I don’t want to press charges against him but I need to get this defafaulds removed
Sara (Debt Camel) says
You are going to have to decide what to do. Unless you are prepared to report him for fraud, it’s highly unlikely you can get the defaults removed.
Jay says
I probably need to report him , but I am concern about him fancing prison or something like that , he was in a very bad place but getting better now ,and feel responsible somehow of what happens to him
kay says
How does the CIFAS Internal Fraud Database ( work. will this information show up on a Subject Access Request or will it just be information held on the CIFAS National Fraud Database mean.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
I don’t know – I suggest you ask them.
Kay says
Well I’m sure any of these questions could have been referred to the relevant agency I.e CRA but I’m sure people are asking you for a reason. You seemed to be quite knowledgable given all your above responses to the various queries and scenarios posed. Maybe this is not the case as that response was disappointingly unhelpful.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
It’s a question I haven’t been asked before. I don’t see any point in guessing…
Barry says
i’ve been scouring the internet to try to find an answer to my situation and I wondered if you might have any ideas. I was recently called into a meeting with HR at work and told my name had been flagged for being on the CIFAS database – we handle public funs, so these checks are routine. I was threatened with suspension, but given some time to try to get to the bottom of it.
SDAR form to CIFAS shows one entry, the TSB accusing me of application fraud in 2015. I did apply via the bank account switching service in 2015, and was rejected, but thought nothing of it as I know I have a low credit score as I have no credit cards, no overdraft, no mortgage or debts of any kind – and that’s how I like it.
I wrote to TSB asking for the marker to be explained or removed and they said they would do neither having reviewed the information. I made a SDAR request to TSB and they returned it, saying as I had no account with them they have no information on me. I have complained to them again and been told they will do nothing.
I’ve written to CIFAS and am waiting for their response. It looks as though what’s happened is that when I provided my address history I entered the wrong number of months, which they say is me committing fraud. Obviously providing false information IS fraud, but I did not do so intentionally, and the response seems wildly disproportionate as I am in danger now of losing my job…
Any advice?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
If you think this was some simple error you could put in a formal complaint to TSB and send it to the Ombudsman if it is rejected.
Ola says
My bank card was used to carry out fraudulent activities, now I have fraud against my name, what do I do and how do I get the fraud against my name removed
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Have you told the bank it is fraud? And reported it to the police? I suggest you go to your local Citizens Advice for help in what to do next.
Sam says
It is in 2012 when I got to know about a transaction happening on my credit card with Natwest, whose limit was only £500, and I contacted the card services in regards to that fraud and they instead held me responsible, despite me informing them myself, and closed my card account. Until now when I tried to apply for a banking role I didn’t know that I had any CIFAS bad marker on my file. Today I got to know through the employer’s vetting team that I have failed through the vetting process as there is a bad marker on my CIFAS report. I, some days ago, had registered myself on equifax and had seen no such marker on my file. After hearing about the marker, I rang up the equifax team today, who said that there is no such marker on my file and has never been. I don’t know who to trust and who should I blame here. If the fraud took place in 2012, then how long does it stay on the file, although I am not myself responsible for it. Being not culpable for any such fraudulent thing , if I will take the case further to the court, can it elongate the process and time for it to stay on the file? So, will it stay on the file for longer than its supposed time to be on the file, which is 6 years perhaps? Moreover, I would like to ask if the employers are meant to check the CIFAS and reject on the basis of it getting flagged up for any candidates?
Hoping to get some good response soon.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
It sounds like the first thing to do is to check the CIFAS database as the article above says. And also check National Hunter at the same time. Then you know what is actually there and don’t have to decide who to trust / guess.
Sam says
Thanks for your reply. I will check it with CIFAS. Can I also please ask you if I will take the matter further, are there the chances of 6 years time getting extended. Nothwithstanding the fact that I am not responsible for any such thing, but I still feel a bit scared of this 6 years time getting extended more if I play with this, since this 6 years timescale anyway is going to come to an end after a years time.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
I don’t think there is any way the 6 year period could be extended if you investigate/complain about it.
Sam says
Hi Sara
I got the CIFAS SAR a few days ago. It states that the RBS has put the bad marker on my file. I started working with RBS through a recruitment agency and in 2013.
& when my probation period was over I was supposed to get permanent, they did the credit check on my name again which possibly had gone down during the time of starting working with them till the time I was going to get permanent. Without being informed of anything I was asked to release the job and, meanwhile, they have left this CIFAS marker also on my file for not disclosing to them that my credit scoring had gone down. I didn’t know anything about this CIFAS till recently one of the employers told me that I have failed through their vetting process due to some CIFAS marker and advised me to write to CIFAS for the report.
It is very strange that the RBS at that time for making me permanent asked me to sign on some papers, which I did, and expected me to be acquainted with all the ups and downs of my credit scoring within the 6 months time of working with them, while they already must have done the credit check in the first place when they gave me the job. I surely wan’t aware at that time about what went wrong with my credit scoring etc. Leaving the CIFAS marker under my details has now affected me in too many detrimental ways.
Please advise me something about which step should I take forward to get it resolved.
Thanking you
Sara (Debt Camel) says
I think you should write to RBS and ask them why they have added this marker to your CIFAS record.
Sam says
I spoke to their HR team and they said that it was my duty to divulge to them that my credit scoring was down at the time they did the credit check on my name to make me permanent and they are so stubborn to remove this marker from my name, though I myself didn’t know that my credit scoring was affected during the term of employment with them.
I really don’t know how I should deal with such perplexing situation hereon.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
I think you should put in a complaint in writing, saying that this is unreasonable and unfair because you had not been clearly informed that you had to do this.
It may help to consider why your credit score had dropped – was there a CCJ for an old parking ticket say that you were actually unaware of?
If your complaint to RBS is rejected, you should take your case to the Financial Ombudsman.
Sam says
If you go back to my query dated 29/12/17, where I had asked you the question about the fraud on my Natwest CC, which had the limit of only £500 but the default has been put on my credit history for the amount of almost £9000. That fraud has happened at the same time and due to this fraud action my credit scoring has gone down. I couldn’t fight for the case since then as I was involved too many worst things in my life since then. Now, when I got rid of all the rest of the problems and this thing popped up.
I am like between the devil and the deep blue sea here now. I don’t understand that should I resolve that false fraud marker on my credit file first or if I should deal with CIFAS marker. Although, the default will end after 8-9 months time from my file, but the question is that why should I accept it and let it be while it was not because of me and when it affected my life too many bad way.
Hope you understand here what I am going through and will advise me something best.
Thanking you
Sara (Debt Camel) says
If the CIFAS marker is there b cause of what you say is fraud because your credit card should not have been defaulted, then you probably need to challenge the credit card default first. Then if that is removed, the CIFAS marker. But after all this time it may be difficult.
Sam says
I know it is too difficult now as that was the worst time of my life in 2013. However, thanks for your advise.
Daniel says
i notified my bank that there was money in my account when i did not place it in there, they told me it would go under review and not to touch it and now they have closed my account. i can’t get a bank account anywhere and no information.
can anyone assist me on what to do?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Have you put in a complaint to your bank? And checked the 2 fraud databases as the article above suggests?
Daniel says
i have put a complaint in to Barclays but i got some generic letter response telling me they can close an account when they want.
i have done an SAR request but and i’m waiting on the info but i’m not sure how to handle it if i am on the database.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
How long ago was your complaint to Barclays?
Mith69 says
I have been given a 60 Day letter to close all my accounts and leave NATWEST. I have no idea what I have done wrong and I am worried I might be reported to the CIFAS ! I have closed all my accounts and written to NATWEST to ask what the problem is. I am waiting for a reply. I do not know what to do next and I am worried other banks will not let me open an account now. Please help I do not know what to do next ..
Sara (Debt Camel) says
I suggest you check the fraud databases as the article above suggests and apply for a new bank account. If your credit record is poor, go for a basic bank account with no overdraft.
Jen says
Hello how do I check my file as banks keeps closing my account and told to check my report on cifas how do I see my file
Sara (Debt Camel) says
The article above explains how to see what is on CIFAS.
Branford says
I have been a victim to money mule and now no bank will accept me even though I provided proof of my innocence not knowing the money transferred to my account was fraud now i cant work without a debit card what can I do ?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Have you looked at whether you can get a prepaid credit card? See If you can’t get one of those, could you have your wages paid into a relatives account and they could then load up a prepaid credit card for you?
Hi, I had a bank account in Barclays and after a while they closed it as they said they found a fraud payment done in my account and told me to open a bank account in another bank. After a while a opened a bank account in llyods and then within a week they closed my account and told me that they have found fraud in my database. I submitted access form in CIFAS, will i be able to remove that mark in my name which is in the database so that I can open a bank account. I am an international student and I dont have any idea regarding this.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Until you know what is in the CIFAS database there isn’t much point in speculating I am afraid.
Mark85 says
Hi, thanks for this informative piece. It is also worth mentioning that there is another fraud prevention agency called National Sira by Synectics solution. Most people are not aware of it but it is also a fraud database where financial institutions and insurance companies add name. So if name is not on Cifas or NH and applications being rejected on account of fraud checks, it might be worth filing a Sira SAR. This is from my personal experience.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Thanks – see the article above for how to check that database.
Craig Taylor says
Hello I have just successfully removed a cifas marker placed on my name in 2013 for receiving fraudulent funds now this has been removed i have been told theirs one more would the bank i received the money from also have a marker against me?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
I don’t know, I suggest you need to send CIFAS a SAR request as the article above suggests. This is free.
Syed Rizvi says
Recently I have call from my bank they told me we are going to close your accounts because your name on Fraude mark which helifex bank did then I call them helifex bank told me 2012 open acc on my name and missuss the acc which I totally don’t know they told me decion alredy taken we can’t do anything so how long they ll take time to remove my name on fraude marker and what shuould I do ? Do I need to contect with courte ? I reporte to national action fraude alredy but I want to remove my name and how can I do this please help me thanks
Sara (Debt Camel) says
I suggest you go to your local Citizens Advice and they can help you with this.
Aaron Williams says
My first bank account was with barclays and because i did’nt like it i applied for another bank and since i applied for another bank ive lost my barclays card a few times which led to the bank closing down my account i think , and even my other cards as well for the other banks and for maybe one of those cards that i’ve lost i think someone must have found any of those cards and started using it to put money on and for some reason when i applied for another bank they will send me back a letter saying that they are unable to give me that account because of fraud and that’s where i was confused because i only use my card to buy food and clothes for college and because i don’t like doing these dodgy stuff and i just want to be able to sort out whats going on and get a new card to use because it would save me more time than me going to collect money from my father every week and i need a new card for when i get a job in 2 months time so i just dont know what to do and right now im just feeling agitated because i just keep think that i cant get a card for the rest of my life.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
I think you need to find out exactly what Barclays have done. And also what is showing on the National Hunter and Cifas databases. It is free to check these.
Jo says
Hi I was wondering can anyone tell me can I open a bank account if I have a criminal record. I basically took some money at work which comes under fraud.
I am worried please help me
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Hi Jo, have you checked the Cifas and National Hunter databases to see if you are on them?
Jo says
Hi no I haven’t checked the database. It cost money and at the moment I don’t have that money in hand. Is there any way I can check ?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
You can check for free after May 25th.
Sorry but you do need to know the answer. there is no point in you (or me) guessing.
Connor says
Hi, I got caught by my bank doing card fraud through a coin exchange, I never used any of the money that was in there and they closed my bank accounts. Tried to open a new bank account and won’t let me, do you know how long this will last and when il be able to get a bank account as I have a kid on the way?? Thankyou
Sara (Debt Camel) says
You need to check whether you are on the National Hunter and Cifas databases – this is now free. If you are, the article above gives the timescales for how long your name will stay on those databases. Until your name comes off you are unlikely to be able to open a bank account.
Karen says
Hi, around last year March I stupidly gave my card details to a girl I called a ‘close friend’ who ended up doing fraud. I was going through a very dark time battling with my depression at the time and I didn’t think through what I was really getting myself into. Now one year later, I’ve been rejected by 2 different banks. One for a savings account and the other a current account. I have requested for my SAR from CIFAS which I should get in a few days, but I am so depressed about this situation. I recognise what I did was so wrong and I don’t know what to do. Please help me. Do you think CIFAS will remove the marker?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
If you want the marker removed (and it sounds as if there is one) you have to complain to the bank, not Cifas. the article above gives a link to a Financial Ombudsman page with some cases where markers have been removed and some where they haven’t.
I don’t know if medical evidence about your depression would help your case.
Kelvin says
Hi, around two years ago fraudulent activity was said to be shown in my account my bank account was closed also leaving me with mark on the fraud data base I am 16 now and I have tried reasoning bank and ombudsman but both have not seemed to work I believe that at the time my bank believed to had call me a debt mule which was completely wrong even though I had explained the situation to them clearly after all the complaints me and my my mother had sent to the bank and ombudsman the marker was never removed and so I wanted to know if it would be taken off by CIFAS by the time I turn 18 or if it’s never going to be taken off.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
So far as I know, the marker will come off after 6 years.
Paul says
Hi Sara. I went bankrupt in 2010. I moved my wages from account where I was in overdraft to a relatives account along with DD’s. After BO, a DD (which I forget about) came out and I made a few cash transactions from the OD, hoping I would use the account again in the future and pay back the OD. I received in the mail documentation from the OR a few weeks after BO and it stated by to use any account – henceforth I didn’t. Last year a DCA were pursuing me for the overdraft debt. I contacted original bank and they told me this debt shouldn’t have been sold to them. The bank also told me they were unaware of the BO. The bank made me aware of some transactions on the account post BO, but made no fuss over this. I contacted DCA and got this resolved. After 6 years of bankruptcy, I’ve finally managed to get my life on track again, I’ve a mortgage, family home, credit cards and all was going brilliant. Recently I applied for credit and was rejected – I got a call to say there was a CIFAS marker on my file. I’m gutted. Could be looking at another 6 years of stress. I sent a SAR to CIFAS and the market is from the bank who have stated I mis-used their facility in 2010. It been put on from 2017. Could you advice what I do? I am quite happy to pay the bank back any post BO debt – I’m in the dumps and really stressed out and would appreciate any advice. Thank you.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Well you have made life very difficult for yourself. You should never have taken cash out of the account after bankruptcy. And why didn’t you offer to pay the amounts when the bank told you about them? Did the bank ask you to?
When you were discharged, how did this overdraft show on your credit record – defaulted? In arrears, or just normal with a balance owing? Did the bank carry on sending you bank statements for the account?
But a CIFAS marker from 2017 seems unreasonable for something that happened a longtime ago.
Paul says
Thank you for your reply. I know now in reflection I shouldn’t have. To be fair, I administered my own bankruptcy and at the time, I was dealing with loosing my home and marriage and pretty clueless regarding financial matters.
When I spoke with the bank, they didn’t say much. They didn’t ask for repayment. I would have happily paid it. It’s approx £100-£150. The bank didn’t know i was even Bankrupt and didn’t seem all that interested. The bank may have sent statements but after I went BR I choose to ignore mail from creditors.
Would it be worthwhile if I contacted the bank, offering to repay in the hope they would agree to remove CIFAS marker? I could explain my lack of understanding and non intention to do anything wrong. My fear is with this CIFAS marker, I will loose my home etc again and face another 5 or so years blacklisted.
I didn’t check my CR from the day I went bankrupt until 6 years later and they were clear. The overdraft didn’t show.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
“I didn’t check my CR from the day I went bankrupt until 6 years later and they were clear. The overdraft didn’t show.”
And it still doesn’t show I assume? this is a useful point for you. It suggests that the bank DID know you were bankrupt and added a default date of the date of your bankruptcy (which is what they should have done) so it dropped off after 6 years. It also explains why you thought it had all been sorted years ago.
“My fear is with this CIFAS marker, I will loose my home etc again” I don’t think that could happen. There is no reason for your mortgage to be affected, and you should be able to remortgage with your current lender.
Offering to pay in order to get your credit record markers changed doesn’t usually work and I doubt it will with a CIFAS marker.
But I think you should put in a complaint to the bank saying that:
– you were unaware that you had done anything wrong back in 2010, you had stopped using the account after the OR wrote to you saying you shouldn’t, it was very stressful and you lost your house and got divorced but there was no intent to deceive the bank.
– when you checked your credit record after 6 years from the bankruptcy, before applying for a mortgage, the overdraft didn’t show. You never thought about it as you assumed it had been cleared as part of the bankruptcy
– when you spoke to the bank about this in 2017 after the debt had been sold to a DCA, they mentioned some payments after bankruptcy but didn’t make it clear whether you still owed this money or it has been written off and you have never been asked to pay it
– you think the bank must have been informed about the bankruptcy as they must have added a default to your overdraft account in 2010, otherwise why did the overdraft disappear from your credit record
– in these circumstances it seems unfair to add a CIFAS marker at all, for what was a mistake in an unclear situation more than 7 years before
– ask them to confirm the status of the overdraft account – do you still owe any money on it, if you do you are happy to pay it, or has it been written off?
Paul says
Hi Sara. Thanks for your reply and advice.
No the overdraft did not show. First I knew about the OD was when a DCA contacted me about it in 2017 (7 years post bankruptcy) and I rang the bank to ascertain why the debt was sold on. They did admit it shouldn’t have been sold on due to BO but it seems later they’ve added a CIFAS marker. What’s strange though is that I’d a loan with the same bank that was written off as part of the BO.
I will contact them tomorrow and fingers crossed they will work with me in relation to the CIFAS marker.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
“I’d a loan with the same bank that was written off as part of the BO.” mention this – they can’t say they didn’t know about your bankruptcy.
“fingers crossed they will work with me” you are making a complaint that you haven’t been treated fairly. And you are happy to pay any debts that you owe, but they have never said that you should. You are NOT offering to pay a debt to get the CIFAS marker removed.
Paul says
Good afternoon Sara. I am looking some help, please. Recently I applied for credit and was accepted. I received a call a few hours later and was told that a CIFAS mark was on my file to contact CIFAS. I contacted them asking for a SAR and recently received the infomration. It was from a car hire purchase where I tried to buy a car in 2016 and was declined. It states that the CIFAS marker was because I did not disclose an address due to adverse credit – application fraud. At the time of application I had been living at my address for 5 years and 2 months (Feb 2011) I told the car sales man this but he has instead put it down as Feb 2008 (I didn’t know this at the time – this is what the SAR tells me). My surname has also been spelt wrong by the car sales man when the data was inputed into the application. I am absolutely livid about this. I am wondering would you be able to advise on what I should do? Thanks.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
It sounds as though you should complain to the car finance firm that added the cifas marker. Say you did not make any fraudulent application and you want them to remove the cifas marker. And take your complaint to the Financial Ombudsman if they refuse.
Tracy says
My mum recently applied for a very account … got a phone call asking to verify identity the woman said she didn’t believe she was spking to a 69 year old woman even after she answered all the questions asked … I had applied a few months ago but got refused the woman said to my mum she belives she was spking to me and closed the application what will happen now?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
That is an unusual story. Are you more concerned about your mum not being able to open an account, or whether you are being accused of fraud?
Tracy says
Fraud as we both live at the same address
Sara (Debt Camel) says
OK, then I suggest you both first check your Cifas records to see if there is anything recorded there – as the article above suggests. If there is, then you need to complain to the creditor and ask for the fraud markers to be removed, as they could have a BIG impact on any other credit applications you make.
Anthony says
Hello Sara. Recently I applied for credit through Very and was declined because, unbeknownst to me, a CIFAS marker was issued against me. I SAR’ed CIFAS and received details back. The CIFAS marker was over 4 years old. I spoke with the creditor who put the marker on and it’s transpired that when I applied for credit 4 years ago, the banks (creditors) employee who took my details for a credit application entered them inaccurately (misspelt some details etc) therefore prompting the CIFAS marker. The bank have taken full responsibility for the mistake, admitted their employee was at fault and are in the process of having it removed. I’m furious that their mistake had resulted in me being unfairly and unduly punished. I’ve spent past few months stressed over this and adamant I had done nothing wrong. At one stage the creditor was fobbing me off to the financial Ombusdam only for my insistence and persistence that they investigate my complaint m, which they eventually did. I’ve received no apology just a letter saying I was not at fault and the banks employee was. Can you suggest if I should go further with this or is if worthwhile taking legal action against the bank? Or should I just leave it?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
I think you should ask the bank for compensation. Not for the original error, but for their poor complaint handling and the time it has taken to out this right. I wouldn’t suggest legal action if they refuse, but you could send the complaint to the Financial Ombudsman.
Ramesh says
Lloyds bank has given me 60 days account closing notice and and I am planning to buy business where I will need personal licence and I have no idea I have marker on my name or not but it get personal licence I will need dbs check will it affect me ?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Why are Lloyd’s closing your account?
Ramesh says
They not giving any explanation
Chris Lerouy says
My credit applications have been refused recently, prompting to apply for my CIFAS record. To my disappointment my name is there- supplied by my bank. I have contacted them and asked to book appointment with an advisor in branch
My major concern right now has to do with my application to DVSA, I am applying to become an Approved Driver Instructor (ADI). Will my name listed on CIFAS database negatively affect my application? I have submitted application for ‘STANDARD DISCLOSURE’ already. Will CIFAS entry come up on Standard/Enhanced Disclosure? I have never been charged on any offence.
Message from DVSA read:
Your application is unlikely to be accepted if you’ve been: convicted of a sexual, violent, financial or drug-related crime.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
A Cifas marker doesn’t sound that serious to me but I am sorry but you will need to ask the DVSA this – it is a policy decision for them.
Nicole says
Last year september I was a victim of identity theft after having my mail stolen. Various bank accounts were opened and loans taken for over 10k.
Two males were arrested with my identification on them. It is still being investigated with another female recently being arrested.
I went into currys to buy a fridge on credit and got refused. I am unable to log into experian to check my credit as although i have an account with them it wont let me in it comes up with a message saying there has been a problem. I called them and they couldnt help me told me to contact CIFAS.
I am aware I have a CIFAS marker but should this prevent me from obtaining credit?
I am concerned as I need to renew my mortgage with a different lender in two months and I also want to get a new car on finance and worried I wont be able to. My credit rating should be good so I cant see why I was refused.
Please help?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
A Cifas marker will very often mean you are refused credit – you are likely to have problems remortgaging with a new lender or getting car finance at a reasonable rate.
I think you should complain to the bank that put the Cifas marker on your records and ask them to remove it. If you don’t know which bank did this, send Cifas a Subject Access Request for your personal information, as the article above suggests,
Andy says
I have been scammed in a money mule the bank this happened through have closed my account and I’ve had Burton tell me they’re cancelling my card with them even though I’ve never used it. I’m now worried I’m going to have my main account closed with Nationwide this is where I have my savings and my children’s bank account I’m so worried as I didn’t know what I was doing and now I feel I’m going to lose everything.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
It sounds as though there is now a Cifas marker on your name. You can check this by asking Cifas as the above article explains.
In a few cases it may be possible to get this removed by going to the Ombudsman. There are some cases discussed in this newsletter so it may be worth complaining to the Ombudsman.
I can’t say what Nationwide will choose to do. There isn’t much you can do except wait and see – applying for more bank accounts at the moment isn’t a good idea as they will probably be rejected. Do you have a partner?
Andrew Spry says
Me and my partner are separated I can’t believe one stupid mistake on something I didn’t know I was doing Is going to ruin my life.
If Nationwide did decide to close my account can I still get my money out that I have in there?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Yes, this must feel like a very harsh situation. I hope that Nationwide will not choose to close your accounts. If it does, They can’t confiscate your money – not unless you owe them money on a credit card or something?
Come back if they do and we’ll explore your options.
Andrew Spry says
Ok thanks I can’t believe there is no way to prove my innocence I have all emails, messaged etc to prove what the scam was but there doesn’t seem to be anywhere to prove this. Action fraud have said it’s not really a police matter & ombudsmen have said find out from the bank what has happened. So I’ve written them a letter however they don’t have to disclose anything. So basically I have nothing to go on & just accept all consequences?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Have you checked and a Cifas marker was added by that bank? Have you put in a complaint to the bank saying it is unfair?
Andrew Spry says
I haven’t checked that yet as there is a long queue and I’m at work but I would imagine there has been hence the closure of a separate credit operator & all I have done is written to the bank to ask why my account has been closed. Should I write & put any evidence I have in it too?
Smith says
There is another much bigger database than National Hunter called National SIRA – Synthetic Solutions.
James says
I recently applied for a credit card and made a mistake of exaggerating my salary (I can’t believe why I did this, and I totally regret it). The application was refused and potentially they can report to CIFAS. Is there anything I can do about it? An apology may be? My current accounts and other credit cards are still active, do you know if they will close them and how long that could take?
Also I would like to know if this a criminal record which I will have to declare whatever I apply for e.g. visa applications etc?
I am totally gutted about the mistake I did in a split second and don’t know what can I do about it. I have my UK visa renewal due next year and have risk of rejection.
Any suggestions would be welcomed.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
First I want to check that you did, for whatever misguided reason, exaggerate your salary. If you are told you put 37,000 when actually your salary is 27,000 then this could just be a typo and if you have no memory of doing this, you should point this out to them.
I don’t know if an apology will make any difference – I haven’t seen anyone try this, it doesn’t sound very likely to make a difference to me but that is not based on any experience.
It is possible some of your existing accounts may be closed but often this doesn’t happen. Could you come back and say what does happen to you?
A Cifas marker is NOT a criminal record. The lender could decide to report you to the police or prosecute you – but that is incredibly rare and not something you should worry about (I am assuming you didn’t produce fake payslips or other concocted evidence in support of the figure).
If a Cifas marker is added, you need to assume you will find it very difficult or impossible to get more credit. I don’t know why you wanted this extra card but you have to manage without it and it would be wise to start a determined program of paying down your current debts as fast as possible.
James says
Hi Sara
Thanks for coming back quickly. I have requested CIFAS for subject access request, therefore will come to know if I have go the name marked or not.
Do think there can be instances when banks don’t report to CIFAS? Could there be a possibility I haven’t been reported and my application was simply rejected?
I know you are not immigration expert but do you think Home Office can look at it as a criminal offence? As long as I can renew my visa next month, I am ok without any credit application for few years (possibly 6 years in this case).
Sara (Debt Camel) says
“Do think there can be instances when banks don’t report to CIFAS? Could there be a possibility I haven’t been reported and my application was simply rejected?” yes I think it is possible – I can’t say how likely.
You have to complete your visa application form honestly. If you are asked to disclose criminal convictions then this is not one.
Mr Anonymous says
Hi Sara! Brexit is coming and I would like to apply for citizenship by neutralisation
However, in 2015 I did something stupid. I was still young, 17, and surrounded by hoolingans disguised as friends. In the end I helped them commit fraud through fake bank checks. I gave them my bank card and went into bank to call in saying I was expecting my salary, as instructed. In the end they scammed me and Barclays closed my accounts and I put a CIFAS mark on me. I send a SAR to CIFAS which returned with entry filled by Barclays; reason for filling & and role withing case: False instrument paid in, cifas category: first party Fraud, case type: misuse of facility. They opened 3 saving accounts from my main account and transferred about £3000 to themseles.
I didn’t know what to do so I left it as it was, thinking it would dissapear soon.
I thought of going into Citizens Adice Bureau to ask for help, I’m scared as I’ve done the wrong thing. How much of this story should I tell the Citizens Advice Bureau if I walk in for advice?
Do you think I still need to speak to Barclays ? It’s been 3 years and a half and all I have is somewhat poor pictures of the papers that Barclays send me, so mostly account numbers only left.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Leaving it was a mistake, it is much easier to challenge a Cifas marker at the time. It sounds as though you did help your “friends” commit fraud so it’s not clear it can be challenged anyway. Citizen’s Advice will be able to advise on this – you have to tell them the FULL story or they will not be able to say anything useful.
Re Brexit, I assume you are an EU citizen at the moment, CAB can also talk about the options of pre-settled status, settled status and permanent residence and whether any of these involve a “good character” test which is required for UK citizenship.
Scott Nicol says
Hi, I have been trying to get a mortgage for 9 months, I have made sure everything is ok with my application. I found out through a mortgage broker two lenders have said they see fraudulent activity, I work for my family business, there is no fraudulent activity at all and I have a letter from HMRC confirming all my income and to speak to them if any lender isn’t happy with my application. I don’t know where to go or who to speak to, to help get this rectified as the banks won’t speak to HMRC.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
I suggest you check the fraud databases that are listed in the article above to see if there is a record with your name on it.
Dave says
Hi Sara my partner who has a very good credit history lots of credit cards and loans etc has just had a CIFAS marker 3 placed on her by the lovely people at HSBC bank. She applied for a new bank account with the switching offer which was accepted and opened etc to then receive a letter stating they had now changed their mind and closed the account.
She has since obtained her SAR request details from CIFAS and to her amazement HSBC bank have listed a Category 3 fraud marker adverse credit data held at another address
She’s obviously complained to HSBC bank how replied they have done everything correctly CIFAS was then contacted and again they agreed HSBC followed the correct guidelines
Her case is now being assessed with the financial Ombudsman Service and she is fully disputing everything. It’s completely ruined her financial life she won’t be able to get anything for 6 years it’s disgusting. She only recently as June took out a £20k loan with NatWest why didn’t they pick up on something if she’s supposedly committed fraud ? The amount of checks NatWest would have completed before issuing that money would have been a lot more detailed than what HSBC used for a bank account with no credit facilities.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Category 3 –is for an “Application Fraud, Facility Granted” showing material falsehoods in the personal information provided in the application/proposal.
What can I say? If HSBC say this relates to another address, can she prove she never lived there?
I hope she wins her FOS case! Can you come back and say what happens?
David says
Hi Sara thanks for your reply with regards to proof of not living there yes she can certainly supply them with her tenancy agreements from our current home which we have been in since June 2014 and the previous where we lived from 2007 up to June 2014.
They also only asked for the last 3 years address history on the application form which she obviously only supplied her current address, on the complaint response HSBC have stated this so called address which she hasn’t been told about has had adverse history in her name within the last 3 years so it’s all very confusing.
It’s extremely unfair for these companies to have the power to report fraud on genuine people without evidence and no option to contest before entry it shouldn’t be allowed
I will definitely update the thread when the financial Ombudsman Service have made a decision fingers crossed it all gets resolved
David Lewis says
Just to update the thread The financial Ombudsman Service have today found the case in my favour and told HSBC to remove the CIFAS marker ASAP. They stated a massive mistake was made and it should never have been applied. They have also issued my partner £200 compensation for the stress caused. Such a big relief and so disappointing that CIFAS also refused to remove at the time and agreed with HSBC that they issued the marker correctly.
Thank you
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Good that FOS found this a simple case!
Marrissa says
I’ve had a cifas marker cat 6 put against my name, I’m going to try to clear it, but has anyone managed to get car insurance if all paid upfront with such a marker against them? I am so worried of not being able to drive for 6 years as it’s a very important part of my daily life, both professionally and personally.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
I haven’t heard of anyone having problems with car insurance paid up front – a cat 6 marker does not relate to insurance fraud. I am not sure why that would need a credit check? But of course the simple answer (though not necessarily the cheapest) is to renew with your current insurer.
M says
Did you get car Insurance in the end?
Jabir Ali says
Hi Sara,
In 2015 i went to a broker to apply for a mortgage, however i believe this broker inflated my income, i was declined the mortgage by Santander and then i was further declined by other lenders including Natwest and Skipton, i don’t know why my credit score is good, i heard about the national hunter database and sent and SAR it came back with some Banks coming with a status clear, however Santander put a refer status on my name and the reaspm was False Income, 3 years later i tried to apply to apply for a remortgage of a property i had bought outright but this was also refused, im not sure if it was because of the joint mortgage where my wife was not on the electoral roll and without any credit history i just don’t know, but i have sent a SAR to Cifas to see if there is a Marker on my name. However the other Day i applied for a Capital one Card for my wife and this was accepted it included and extra card for me aswell. I am just wondering if i had a marker on my name would my wife or myself got the credit card, by the way i currently hold a Barclaycard aswell and i Bank with Santander. Im not sure why i am being refused but i fear it is because of the Santander refer status.
i would love to know what you think?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Being on someone else’s credit card does not involve ANY checks on you.
I think you need the facts, not much point in me speculating when Cifas will soon tell you if you have a marker. But why didn’t you challenge the National Hunter market back when you found it if you think it was wrong?
Paddy says
Hi. Can credit reference agencies add CIFAS markers against you (clearscore, Experian, Equifax etc)? Or is it just banks, insurers etc? Thanks.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
I haven’t heard of a CRA being able to add a Cifas marker – why are you concerned about this?
Paddy says
I got a credit report recently and the CRA asked past 3 years address history as per identity check. I gave my past 2 years as I’ve been at the same address but I was living between addresses for 5 years prior to that (student rental and living at my parents) – I only gave one of the addresses – my parents (I did live majority of time at my parents). There’s no issue as the address I gave was where I was getting credit too and I’ve no history of adverse credit etc. Just didn’t want it being an issue.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
I can’t see that as a being a problem.
Jason says
I’d previously had my bank accounts closed (2014) but didn’t know anything about CIFAS etc recently. Have now SAR’d CIFAS, SIRA and National Hunter and all have come back clear. Is there anywhere else I should check? Or am I now safe to apply for a bank account? If so any advice as to which bank to approach? Halifax were the bank which closed my accounts.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Did you ask Halifax why your account was closed? Have you SAR’d them?
Obviously you need to avoid any bank in the Lloyds-Halifax group.
What is your credit score like?
Jason says
No I didn’t ask Halifax why. I’d had a criminal prosecution going on at the time. I had to request my bank accounts as part of that and then shortly after they closed them. So presumed it was due to this. Do you suggest I SAR Halifax? My credit score is fine and no defaults. I have a mortgage and loan with Halifax which is still being paid off. I’m coping with a prepaid card at the moment but obviously would prefer an actual account.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
If you have a good credit score and you couldn’t find any fraud markers on any of those databases, I suggest you just apply for a proper current account with a different banking group. If that gets declined, you need to ask them why.
Jason says
Thank you for your advice. I applied for a basic account with Barclays online. It looks hopeful as I’ve got a sort code/account number. Do you think if there was an issue the application would have been declined at the identity check stage or do you think they would set it up and decline at a later stage? I’m going to give it a few months before I start transferring over my direct debits but will transfer some money in once I’ve got my card and see how it goes.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
My guess is it would have not got this far if there was a problem … good luck!
Jason says
Hi Sara
Just a follow up to the previous queries. I’ve had my Barclays account a while now and was looking to remortgage. In the interest of honesty I explained my previous CIFAS marker and that although I’m now clear that I’d like to avoid Halifax group. The broker has now informed me they can’t act because of the previous marker and nobody will lend to me because they have to disclose it. This seems very unfair. Is this something I need to disclose to a mortgage broker? Can a mortgage company see my previous Cifas marker once it’s removed?
Lewis says
If I put in an application that a lender suspects is fraudulent, and subsequently declines it, is it likely that any other lenders that I have then applied to with the exact same application afterwards will have also added a marker?
I’ve recently applied for a job and they tell me the marker on my file is something I “should have known about”- and advised I contact CIFAS (which I have).
I’ve read the comments re not guessing but I just can’t help it.
Do you know what kind of CIFAS marker is the type that I “should know about”?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
It sounds like you suspect a lender has added a marker about a fraudulent application. I don’t know if an existing Cifas marker means another lender is more likely to add another one, I haven’t come across people with lots of different markers from the same period, but it’s possible.
Why don’t you wait and find out what is on your file and then come back and talk about whether you think they are all fair or what you can do?
Alex Earl says
I have a category 6 marker from allowing someone to get money from selling something and it turned put to be fraud, anyway i just need to know if i can get car insurance if i pay outright
Sara (Debt Camel) says
It may depend on the individual firm. Some may not look as you don’t need credit. Others may automatically check as part of KYC (Know Your Customer). If you currently have insurance, staying with the same firm may be simple?
Alex Earl says
I am looking for first time insurance, I will definitely pay outright but have read online of people’s insurance being cancelled after a few months
Lewis says
I’ve just had my CIFAS report back stating that my employment and bank statements were altered during a mortgage application.
I’m actually self employed and bad accountant advice (and stupidity) lead to this.
I’m not trying to get a mortgage anymore is there any way I can remove this marker before the 6years?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
So you did “alter” those statements during a mortgage application? If you did, I very much doubt there is anything you can do.
Lewis says
Yes. Am I better off denying involvement?
Shall I leave it a year or so and ask them if they can remove it?
I read somewhere that of the fraud is no longer happening, they can remove the entry. Is this true?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
I am not sure how you can deny involvement if they have a doctored document. I don’t see any reason why they would remove it in a year.
“if the fraud is no longer happening, they can remove the entry” – that sounds very unlikely. The purpose of Cifas is as record of people who committed fraud in the past few years, not one who are currently engaged in it.
If you think the marker is unfair, you can complain to the lender who added it and take your case to the Financial Ombudsman. But nothing you have said here makes it sound like the marker is unfair.
Vaithy Mani says
In 2019, I interviewed for a contract role with a bank and was informed that I will be offered the role provided my Security screening is successful. I was informed that I have failed screening since I have been listed on CIFAS for “Impersonation- Previous occupier fraud” .
When I got my CIFAS report, I found that a bank has informed CIFAS in Nov 2014 that I applied(online) & obtained a credit card on March 2014 on my then Spouse’s name who moved out in Sep 2014 after which I filed the divorce, she had accused me with several allegations to the police, who then file a criminal case on me with 3 charges, to which the Court found me Not-Guilty.
But the bank has informed CIFAS on Nov 2014 that I committed the fraud (“Impersonation- Previous occupier fraud”) in Mar2014. The bank neither heared my side of the issue on their investigation or informed me of such investigation or that they have listed me as fraud on CIFAS. When I called the bank in Apr 2019 (after getting my CIFAS report), they mentioned that they have evidence against which they will not disclose and refused to remove my name off the CIFAS in-spite of the Courts providing a not-guilty verdict in 2015.
1. Please can you help me to know if a bank can list me as a Fraud without listening to my side of the story ?
2. Should I approach the court to get an order against the bank to remove my name off the database?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
You haven’t said what the allegations to the police and the criminal charges were. If they accused you of trying to obtain credit in her name, the fact you won is good evidence. But even if they were about other matters, they support the idea that she was deliberately trying to make your life as difficult as possible.
A bank doesn’t have to tell you they are adding a Cifas marker before they do this. But they should listen to your side of the story when you get in touch and try to explain what happened.
Have you put in a complaint to the bank? If you have and they have rejected it, send your complaint to the Financial Ombudsman.
If you haven’t, send them a written complaint now.
Jack Lingard says
Hi, I am in a financially regulated role that gives financial advice. I recently applied for a mortgage but was told it was declined due to the following reasons.
1 – Inconstancy across other application with lenders
2- searches show that I am on the fraud prevention database
It was just two weeks ago that I obtained a new finance agreement through VWFS so I am shocked that this has now come to light. I have requested the information from the three sites discussed and have been told that this will take up to 30 days to get the report back!!!
A few questions please, are they normally quicker than this in getting the report back as I have NO idea what this could be?
Also, due to my regulated role I have to have something called ” Fitness and propriety” test that I believes get carried out yearly, this is also known as a “fit and proper test” and it is linked with the FCA for regulated roles. When it comes to my turn to be “scanned” again, will a CIFAS marker be picked up? I will be trying to get this removed but don’t want this to happen in the mean time.
Last of all, I am due to complete on a house purchase very soon, the mortgage offer has been sent out and the funds have been requested from the solicitors. Can this be stopped if the lender finds out about the new “marker” ?
Thank you in advance.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
“are they normally quicker than this in getting the report back as I have NO idea what this could be?” sorry I don’t know – could you come back and say how quickly you get responses?
The FCA’s rules around “fit & proper” are in the FIT part of its handbook: But they aren’t prescriptive about detailed checks. I would be pretty surprised if you are not given a chance to explain anything untoward for example by saying you are disputing the marker.
IF you do want to dispute whatever turns up, it’s usually best to go to the firm (lender/insurance company) that added it rather than Cifas itself.
Pete says
Hi. I had an old credit credit that I haven’t used in a few years and there was 0 balance on the account. Just recently I got an email to say that my new credit card statement was ready. I hadn’t used the card so I panicked. I tried logging into my account and it said it would send a code to my mobile number. I recently changed my mobile number and didn’t update it with the credit card company just as it went out of my head and I didn’t use the card. I rang up and explained that I wanted to close the account as I no longer used it. They went through security questions no problem and the lady said written correspondence of the account closure would be with me in 7 days and the letter would go to my old address – which was my parents address. I stated that I moved a few years back and she updated the address to my current home. She then put me on hold for a bit and came back and asked me to confirm my occupation – Which was fine. I got a bad feeling for some strange reason, I don’t know why – could they add a CIFAS marker because I didn’t update my address and phone number? Thankfully the card hadn’t been used.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
This doesn’t sound like there will be a problem to me.
Hari Gotham says
I worked for a bank for 20 years and made a silly mistake with a client money transfer. The bank threw the book at me and I was dismissed in March. They mentioned that they would report my dismissal to CIFAS which may prevent me from getting further jobs. I have checked with CIFAS via SAR and nothing has been entered to date. Do you know how long they have to report this to CIFAS, I am appealing my dismissal too so would that delay them in entering information to them?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
I doubt there is any short time limit.
Mia says
Student finance England emailed me that they will record my details on CIFAS, due to childcare issues. My childminder did not disclose to me that she has resigned and was nolonger registered. she continued caring for my kids and collecting money until Student Finance asked for receipts. once i got to know that she was nolonger registered, she refused to give me more documents that were being requested. I have now been left with a huge over payment and a CIFAS mark against my name. I am currently in my last year at uni doing nursing, will this affect my career or stop me from graduating?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
That sounds unfair. I think you should put in a formal written complaint to Student Finance, see Take the complaint to the final “independent assessor” stage.
I would be surprised if it affects you graduating. You could check with a professional body for nurses to see about your career. But the marker should be challenged even if it won’t affect graduating or your career.
Mia says
Thanks Sara,
I am definitely going to fight it
So I had applied for finance for a vehicle through a car dealership for a vehicle. As i am young, I was told to provide a lot of extra information such as bank statements and payslips. Once this was done, I had been advised of application fraud due to as they state in the DSAR ‘material falsehoods in the information provided…forged document(s)’.
What do I do in this situation, my banks are closing my accounts.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Assuming you didn’t supply any forged document, you need to put in a written complaint to the car finance company asap saying you do not understand why you are being accused of application fraud as all the documents you provided were genuine. Ask them to delete the Cifas and any other fraud markers. Take your complaint to the Finanical Ombudsman if they refuse to do this and say you have been treated unfairly.
So basically, I had actually been contacted by a company on Instagram saying they could help me get approved for finance. On the DSAR is says that the forged documents have been approved by my Bank.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
so were these documents forged? If they were, then sorry you are going to have a very difficult 6 years.