The administration of WDFC, the legal company who operated the Wonga brand, was completed in August 2020.
The company was finally dissolved in December 2020.
See Companies House records for details.
Background to the administration – rising complaint numbers
A payday loan is “unaffordable” if repaying meant you had to get into more debt, by borrowing again or getting behind on bills or other debts. So you may have repaid all your loans but still have a good claim for a refund of the interest you paid.
When Wonga went under there were over 200,000 people with current loans from Wonga – many of them had a good case for the interest to be removed from their balance so they only repay what they borrowed.
The Administrators proposals set out the reasons why Wonga went into administration. These were the increasing number of affordability complaints, especially from Claims Companies, and the decision by the Financial Ombudsman that FOS could look at loans over 6 years old, going back to 2007.
There were 24,000 affordability complaints awaiting a decision by Wonga and 9,500 complaints against Wonga with the Financial Ombudsman when Wonga ceased trading on 30 August 2018.
Details on the Administration
The Administrators have made various progress reports (available from Companies House) and statements during 2018-20:
- in October 2018, the Administrators published their Proposals, detailing how they planned to handle the administration. Creditors voted to approve these Proposals.
- progress report to end February 2019;
- Witness Statement in April 2019;
- progress report to end August 2019.
An online claim page was set up in April 2019 for Wonga customers to submit claims for refunds. The deadline for sending in a claim was 30 September 2019.
The Administrators assessed all claims using an automated tool. This took account of:
- all loans, including those over 6 years old
- how large a loan was compared to a customer’s income;
- how often someone borrowed without significant gaps;
- whether there were indications of hardship such as missed payments;
- if there is a balance outstanding for the right of set-off.
Where it decided one or more loans were unaffordable, it calculated how much interest should be refunded and added statutory interest at 8%.
In August 2019 the Administrators starting sending emails to people saying whether their claims have been successful or rejected.
In September, the Administrators sent an update on progress up to end August 2019. Key points include:
- at end August, 389,621 claims for unaffordable payday lending have been accepted by the administrators;
- the total value of these claims is c £460million – an average of c £1,200 a claim.
- £23m of outstanding loans have been collected. The Administrators say that outstanding loans are being taken into account and given the right of set-off where the customer has a claim for unaffordable loans.
- The remaining loan book will not be sold to a debt collector.
At this point the Administrators were saying that payments would be made by 30 January 2020.
29 January 2020 – administrators announce 4.3p in the pound
On 29 January 2020, the Wonga administrators announced that they will be paying 4.3p in the pound to unsecured creditors, including all the 400,000 people who are owed a refund for unaffordable lending.
The administrators have now given the final numbers:
- they assessed 401,202 claims as being valid;
- of these 358,129 are being paid 4.3% of their assessed compensation value;
- the remaining 43,073 also owed a balance on a loan to wonga, so their compensation has been used to clear or reduce that balance.
What happens next:
- the money should be paid within the next 4 weeks. This has come as a surprise as people had been told it would be paid by the end of January;
- the loans that are being refunded should be removed from your credit record in the next 6 weeks.
My comment – ripped off by Wonga and now let down by the regulators
The administrators told people they would get “significantly less” than that amount as there would not be enough money to pay the claims in full.
But many people will have been hoping for more than 4.3% and are very upset.
It is not the administrators’ fault there is so little money to be divided between so many people. It is the fault of the regulators – first the OFT and then the FCA – that they allowed Wonga to break the rules saying that affordability should be checked
And now the regulators have failed to ensure that these Wonga victims get the compensation they should have. When a PPI firm went under, the Financial Services Compensation Scheme stepped in and people with PPI claims got paid in full. But the FCA has not extended the FSCS to cover payday lenders.
This isn’t just a problem for the hundreds of thousands of Wonga victims. Borrowers from many payday lenders have been unable to get proper compensation after the lender has had to close. This will apply to QuickQuid, the money shop, Payday UK and Payday Express borrowers as well.
The FCA needs to rethink this and provide a safety net for people who were mis-sold unaffordable loans.
Readers comments – Shock and disappointment
This a brief overview of the hundreds of comments below this article.
Some people are happy to be getting anything:
- “I am only getting just shy of £25 but for the sake of completing a 30 second form it’s not too bad.”
- “I will be getting £79.93 of the £1854.17 I was owed. Better than nothing!”
- “£35 out of a possible £800. I wasn’t expecting much anyway. I’m more interested in having the 25 wonga loans removed from my credit file.”
The administrators had said people would get “significantly less” than the claim, but many people were hoping for at least 10%:
- “I got mine £88.67 – claim was £2057.05 – I was expecting at least a couple hundred.”
- “Claim was 3034, getting 130. By considerably less I didn’t think it would be over 95% of it. That is ridiculous.”
- “To receive £44.10 from a claim of £1023.00 is insulting to be honest.”
- “Owed £1499, getting £63…what an absolute joke!”
- “4.3% is an absolute disgrace. Although people are trying to be positive they shouldn’t have to. The people who made all the profit here would spend the biggest payout anyone has received on an evening out and not think twice about it.”
- “Gutted…. was hoping for at least the 10% speculated.”
This reader blamed not just Wonga but the regulators:
- “Over £11k accepted reduced down to £480 – my job, my marriage and 4 years of desperation followed by years of rebuilding my life – that’s what the regulators consider that to be worth! Shame on everyone involved in Wonga and the lack of regulation of lenders like them !”
Some are just are delighted that Wonga has gone under:
- “Heads up everyone…We have won in the end! They can no longer be a hindrance to any of us any more!”
- “Mines going to charity. Best thing to have happened is for them to have gone bust”
- ”Thank you Wonga you paid me to continue gambling, I lost everything. Good riddance.”
Many people are also disappointed and shocked that they aren’t being paid by the end of January. Some people getting these refunds are still in difficult financial circumstances and had planned to use the money to pay a bill or some debts.
February 2020 – some clarifications from the administrators
The remaining loans
The administrators have confirmed that no further payments are being accepted and the debts will not be sold to a debt collector. So you don’t have to worry about being taken to court or bailiffs.
But the debts are not technically being written off. They will remain on your credit record for 6 years from the default date on your credit record. If you don’t know what this date is, I suggest you check it now.
In practice, now the company in liquidation, if you contact a credit reference agency and say your Wonga debt is incorrect, you can ask the credit reference agency to “suppress” the record as Wonga can no longer say what the right entry should be. See How to correct credit records if the lender has gone under for details.
No deductions are being made for tax
The Administrators have said:
“the Joint Administrators have agreed with HMRC that the payment may be treated for tax purposes as set wholly against the interest and fees element first, and statutory interest second. As a result, where the distribution paid by the administrators to each customer does not exceed the interest and fees claimed by them, no withholding tax will be required to be deducted at source from payments made by the administrators in such cases.”
The simple version of this is:
- the administrators are not taking off any tax.
- there will, therefore, be no tax to have to reclaim.
- the vast majority of people will not have to pay any tax on any part of of the refund even if you are a higher rate taxpayer. The amounts don’t have to be declared if you complete an annual tax return eg if you are self-employed.
A small number of extra payments
A small number of customers were owed money by Wonga for a different reason, for example they may have overpaid on a loan. These extra amounts are also being paid out and you will get 4.3% of them too.
If you were not using a claims company, you should have received a single email at the end of January which mentions both amounts.
If you were using a claims company you should have received two emails, each about one of the amounts. If you have only received one email and it mentions a claim which is smaller than the amount you expected, you can contact the administrators, it may be this is the “extra” payment.
Bank account issues
I asked the Administrators why some people are still getting emails asking them to update their bank details. They say:
These emails will be in response to customers’ requests received by the Customer Care team prior to 29 January 2020 providing a secure method by which customers can update their bank account details. Customers should respond to these emails.
I asked the Administrators what will happen if they make a payment and it bounces back to them because the account is no longer open. They say:
Where updated information is available from customers we will attempt to reprocess bounced dividend payments via electronic transfer. Alternatively, we will issue a cheque to the address held on file.
A blogger contacted the Administrators on the 14th February to ask why she hadn’t been paid and was told:
“I can confirm that the joint administrators have commenced distribution of dividend payments to unsecured creditors, including those with redress claims. Given the volume of transactions that need to now take place, the administrators cannot guarantee an exact date when individuals will receive payment but are aiming to complete transactions within the next two weeks.”
February and March – payments started but with problems
I was told by the Administrators on Friday 28th February that 90%+ of payments have been made and they expect to make the rest of payments over the next two weeks by BACS. About 22,000 the following week, about 13,000 the week after. It looks as though the 22,000 group got their money. It’s not clear to me how many of the 13,000 group have.
Many people in the comments below this article were reporting probems. These included people whose bank accounts had never changes. Problems included:
- confusion over whether a claims company has been paid or they will be;
- Wongasaid payment was sent to a claims firm that hadn’t been used;
- Wonga said a cheque was sent to a house you no longer live it;
- Wonga said a payment has been made to your bank account but it hasn’t arrived ;
- Wonga has said a payment was sent to an old bank account despite new bank account details having been given and co0nfirmed as having been received.
On 2 March the Administrators said the payment process was taking longer than expected and payments would continue to about 40,000 people over the next 2 weeks:
The Joint Administrators have now attempted to make dividend payments to over 410,000 creditors… In addition to the payments that were not made we have had approximately 40,000 payments returned to us due to incorrect customer bank details recorded on file with Wonga. We will now begin contacting these customers whose payments were returned, by email, to obtain correct and up-to-date bank account details.
The dividend payment process is taking longer than anticipated and payments will continue to be paid during the next two weeks.
On 19 March the Admistrator’s announced:
The Joint Administrators have now attempted to make dividend payments to over 443,000 creditors representing 98% of the creditor population. This includes payments to creditors whose payments were briefly held back from the initial payment phase whilst additional validation checks were completed to new bank account and/or address details that were provided. The Joint Administrators now continue to focus on the remaining small population of unpaid dividends in order to complete the payment process.
From here on progress was very slow, impeded by lockdown.
End August 2020 – administration ends – do you still have a problem?
Have you not been paid?
The Administrators final report blames the payment problems of Wonga’s poor systems and on creditors who did not update their bank details when requested to. But as many comments below detail, people who had never changed their bank account or who had updated their bank details several times and had each confirmed also experienced prolonged delays.
At 28 Auguest when the administration ended, there were still c 49,000 payments with a total value of £632,000 that had not been made – an average about of £13 per payment. About 70% of these were for amounts owed before the administration, so not affordability complaints.
The Administrators have passed the £632,000 to the Insolvency Service. If any creditors want to claim an unpaid amount, they should email
A problem with your credit record
If there is a problem with your credit record then you now need to contact the Credit Reference Agency where the problem is showing – Experian, Equifax or TransUnion. Say you can no longer get an answer from the administrators as the firm has been dissolved so you would like the CRA to “suppress” the credit records (list them) as they are inaccurate.
This problem could have been an error by the administrators, who failed to delete the record. It could be an error by Wonga before the administration: the loan date or balance or default date is wrong – you want the default date to be as early as possible so it drops off sooner – or Wonga may have failed to add a default date.
If the CRA refuses, send the CRA a formal complaint and this can be sent to the Financial Ombudsman. In practice people are getting these sorted with the CRAs without having to go to the ombudsman.
Laurie says
Hi Sara ,
I got my Wonga response Friday. In total I had loans amounting £12’380 from Wonga. They said they’ve taken them all into account and sent the below. My question is do you think Wonga are sending out responses for each individual loan or grouping them as their calculation makes no sense. I did have a single loan with interest of £582 but I presume these figures should be exact but where they get the “write-off” is a mystery unless that’s the administrators claw back to ensure they don’t repay the full amount of interest? If their offering £29 on £12k that is obviously about 1p in every £4? I’ve sent in the pack I got when I asked Wonga for loan histories so aware still time to complain. It states they aim to pay by Jan 2020.
Appreicate any guidance
Total interest and fees on loans
Total compensatory interest
Less previous write off(s)
Accepted claim value
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Total interest and fees on loans £581.49
I think this is the total interest and fees they say should be refunded. If your loans totalled over £12,000, this sounds very low. When you get the loan histories, check they have all your loans listed!
Total compensatory interest £86.64
This is the 8% statutory interest they are adding. Don’t worry about this one. If you get the “Total interest and fees” being refunded right, the 8% will then be correct.
Less previous write off(s) £638.26
This is normally referring to loans that were written on=ff by Wonga in 2014/15. Do you remember this happening?
Nicolette says
After identifying that I am due to receive a refund re loans taken out several years ago, Wonga Administrators have requested that I forward my Bank account details (any refund would be paid by Bank transfer they say) and copy of my passport or drivers licence. Is it safe to provide these details on line? I need to respond within 21 days which is 7 Nov.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
They are doing some extra Id checks on some people. I am not clear why.
Laurie heuller says
Sara, Thankyou for your response.
I got the loan history and they’ve rejected nearly all as they are 2011-13. The ones they’ve chosen to accept are the lowest of the loans.
Loans written off. I had these loans in a DMP. Wonga added their interest for the planned 1 month then this was frozen but repaid at about £1600. No other loans outstanding and they certainly never gave money back that’s for sure
The figures really don’t add up at all. I’ve resubmitted first clarification. Thankyou.
Mark says
Is there many other people like me that haven’t had an offer from wonga yet? I have only had emails from grant Thornton about updates on the portal, thanks
Laura says
I’m the same Mark. Was your case allocated at FOS?
Becci says
I still haven’t heard about mine. I had an accepted claim amount a few days before they went into administration however a rung Wonga a couple of days ago and they explained that my claim was still being assessed.
Laura says
Exact same situation Becci.
Sara says
I’m in same boat, called them today to find out, they said they were given extra week or two, to send out emails, the lady said I should hear soon, I did make sure all my details were correct aswel
J says
Hi Mark
I’m the same. My claim had been with the FOS for months and only had emails about updates from Grant Thornton and nothing to say my claim has even been upheld. Very frustrating when I’ve seen others saying they’ve had claims upheld only having submitted them much more recently.
Mark says
Exact same as me I had an offer from wonga a few weeks before they went into administration and the only things iv
Heard since have been the grant Thornton updates
Ian says
Just phoned wonga said 2 weeks and should get my redress amount email. I received my settlement offer i owed £191 from a loan my offer was £4.90 i asked if i pay it will it have a negative effect on my forthcoming redress figure she said not to pay anything until i get my redress amount then decide from their
Ross says
Hi folks ,
Are we eligible for any of the interest back ? So for example if it says compensatory interests £2k? I k is it’s as little as 5p per pound but wasn’t sure of the interest part.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
There isn’t enough money – the p in the £ amount will be paid on the final figure, no difference between whether part of this this is a “refund” or “compensatory interest”.
Sarah says
I’ve just received the below email. Anyone else receive this?
Dear Mrs. Xxx
Case Number: xxxxxx
Third Party Reference:
We recently emailed you in relation to your successful claim in the Wonga administration.
When we are in a position to make a payment to customers, expected to be at the end of January 2020, we will make an electronic payment (bank transfer) to the last known bank details held on Wonga’s system. Please find included below the last 4 digits of your account number.
Please be aware, the payment you receive will be considerably smaller than your accepted claim value
Account Number: ****
If you need to change your bank details above please do this as soon as possible by logging on to your My Account page on the Wonga website. Please complete this within the next 21 days.
If your details are correct on your My Account page please disregard this email. We will be paying into the account displayed on your My Account page. This may be the case particularly if you have recently updated your details.
Louigee says
Yes, I also received this. I noticed that they originally used the word ‘significantly’ and now it’s ‘considerably’.
Neil says
which word would mean you get less or more in the pound? I personally don’t think it makes a difference, but it is strange how they have changed their wording.
Paul says
I was feeling excited until I read some of these comments. I have a claim of £5,600 so fingers and toes crossed but if it’s 5p in a pound that’s just liberties but anything is better than nothing I guess….
Steve M says
Hi. Wonder if someone can advise. I had a wonga loan back in 2014. Because of unexpected circumstances i couldnt pay. I beleive the debt will be wiped from my credit record anyway because of 6yr rule. Ive been offered a settlement but im worried that once i make a payment the 6 year timer will start again from day i make payment. Is this right or should i just settle. I dont have a claim in either.. Thanks in advance.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
If there is a default date on the debt on your credit record it is going to drop off 6 years later, whether you settle in full, with a partial settlement offer or not at all.
Lynne says
Hi I received notification back in early September that my claim was assessed and partially accepted with an accepted claim value of £12,800. I realise they’ve said the ‘actual amount will be significantly less than this’ and the last email I got from them was asking me to send a copy of my bank details, photo ID and passport, which I did. That was two months ago and I’ve heard nothing since. Anyone else in the same boat? Also I noticed the original email said all creditors will be paid out ‘by end of January 2020’ and now it seems to be saying ‘AT end of January’.
I realise no one seems to know what percentage we will receive but has anyone had ANY indication of the amount or when it will be made please? I seem to hear conflicting stories. Thanks.
Joseph says
So i had a meeting booked with my MP to dicuss Wonga not being covered by the government compensation claim and had a phone call today to say due to Brexit and the election they’ll have to cancel the meeting till after this – Can’t even bank on my MP!
Stephen says
I sent 2 E Mails to Nicky Morgan MP who was the MP who stated earlier this year that the government will have to step in to the Wonga administration as it was the most full vulnerable in society losing out.Has she replied ? NO.
What has she done about it ? Nothing
H says
Might be worth a read, at least the world is talking about it.
Glen says
The same newspaper were forecasting just under 10% pay out, I seriously doubt that would happen but I’d be over the moon with that
MyOfferToMPs says
If any politicians are reading this, please take initiave and do something to get our money back. If I got all my claim money back, it would change my and my child’s life. I would vote for your party for the rest of my life. I believe there are nearly 600k claims, so almost 600k lives that Wonga screwed over.
Some people think that it’s stupid and irresponsible to take payday loans. However, I would ask them how much does their pride cost? I was too embarrassed to ask for help from my family and wonga was too easy to access. When it got really bad, I had to swollow that pride and tell them about it.
For me, it was never easy to log in and apply/ extend the loan. I experienced anxiety and panic attacks every time I had to do it. I am a single, but full time working parent. Ironically, I work in financial services and not paying council tax or some other important bill, could result in me losing my job and that’s why I had to keep extending it until I managed to get help. I am pretty sure most of the people that took those loans were in similar vulnerable positions.
Anyway, this was a good life lesson. It is not fair and will never be. Life is not fair.
Mr and Mrs C says
Agreed, no one takes a payday loan when they could have borrowed for less from someone else, its pure desperation and that’s what they prey on. My family still doesn’t know I have done it, have lost out to Wonga and Quick Quid because both went into administration before they paid our redress out, we have lost out on approx. 12k in total, we always paid our paydays loans off as we thought we couldn’t borrow from them again if we hadn’t, and therefore got into the spiral and it took years to get out of that. We have paid tens of thousands in interest and probably wont get £100 from the administrators. I too work in Finance and would be in danger of losing my job if it was found out, even now I cant discuss it with anyone other than on here as I am so embarrassed that we got involved with payday loans.
Lamoose says
I have had the letter.
My Wonga loans trashed my credit rating its still trashed now. I rolled over for years. I doubt we will get anything back the amount they owe is going to fall into the 100s of millions bracket. The amount they charge for processing each claim will also come out of the same fund. I am 37 and messed up when I was naïve and had less responsibility. Wonga actually ruined the best years of my life. Very bitter that a scam company was allowed to get a way with such a devastating impact to 100s of thousands of people.
Peter says
It’s a bit gutting, having received the email saying that they’ve accepted the majority of the claim, which plus interest comes to to circa £15K, to know that I’ll probably be lucky to see a few hundred quid at most….
Matthew Horscroft says
Is anyone still waiting for the “email” from Wonga?
Charlie H says
Yup, me. When I ring them, they keep telling me, you’ll hear in 2 weeks but the 2 weeks pass and still nothing. My complaints been with them since 2017 and with FOS. Like many others, accepted offer the week prior to them going into Admin so never got paid. I wouldn’t mind per sa but they just don’t keep you informed. I have never had any of the administrators emails and no updates. Very poor.
Becci says
Me too. Offer accepted just before they went into administration. Heard almost noting throughout however rang on November 29th and they told me two weeks.
Mr and Mrs C says
I too have been told 2 weeks, then another two weeks, have just been told January to hear if I will get anything, I don’t think they know what they are doing!
Matt says
Finally an email £7,728.17 is my amount, sickening to think my claim was with an adjudicator when they went under.
Ah well something better than nothing even if it does feel like robbery.
Laura says
Had my email today, 49 of 50 loans accepted. The FOS had said 43 and Wonga had accepted that
. However I’m happy as that’s all the payday loans off my credit record. Can move on and put it all behind me!
Brad says
Had my email also, 10 out of 15 loans accepted!
James says
Had my email. Accepted Value: £3,559.69
Jon says
That’s exactly the situation I was in and a similar amount. Mines £7,775.00.
Given the amount of claimants. I’m amazed no enterprising law firm is trying to sue the government?
Ian says
So I had an amount to be paid by wonga in the amount of £633 which was going to be paid within 2 weeks, then the next day wonga go into administration so never saw the money, and just now I have had an email saying “The Joint Administrators have assessed your claim and none of your loan(s) have been accepted as eligible for redress. Your claim has therefore been rejected in full. A full breakdown of your loan history can be found at the end of this email.” So I have gone from having my case being paid out to having nothing paid out at all? So I am screwed out of any money I was owed, dont suppose there is much point appealing it?
Fazza says
This is exactly what I’ve got.. accepted claim of 600ish pounds ready to be transferred to me when they went bust now they rejected 47 loans saying none accepted.. something is seriously wrong
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Ian, Fazza, both of you put in appeals. This doesn’t sound right.
The Administrators say that anyone in this position – they have had a rejection or a lower calculated number than a previously agreed amount – should contact them as soon as possible on
Tracy says
Appeal it. I sent my original complaint email, bank statements and credit report in my appeal I’m hoping it doesn’t create a delay but I want these off my credit file good luck
Ian kirwan says
I have just emailed them and explained that my claim was originally accepted and also sent a copy of the original acceptance with amount etc so just have to wait and see!
Stephen D says
I embarrassingly now know I had over 140 loans with Wonga going back to 2012.
Redress was accept on 131 loans. Totalling more £7k.
The only good thing from this is that I owed a loan of £1050 from Aug 18 That morecroft were chasing me for for a while. I never paid them and they defaulted my Credit file in Aug 19.
In the figures the loan was reduce to £700 from £1050 after removing the interest.
They have promised to remover this from my Credit file but cannot say when die to the sheer weight of claims to process and credit files to redress.
Leaves compensation awarded at 6.5k.
But obviuisly Wonga folded down to the weight of claims before it went into administration after that the administrators contacted everybody who was on there books.
So really can’t see much at all coming back in the way of a percentage
Would be great if I got 10% back plus the £1050 loan wiped from my file.
But their are still people stuck in this High interest loans trap.
If you are one of them please look back over the interest you are paying and decide if you really do need them
I got stuck in the worry of not paying my Credit bills back on time but in the long term it had the adverse effect in the end as there was nothing left.
I actually managed to default on a very old debt that was being paid back at £1 a week.
With that default and Wongas I really struggled to get any credit after that this year
Stephen D says
Towards the end this cycle Wonga basically gave me a £1000 per month credit limit and allowed me to top up my loans to the total of £1000, I cant remember if that was included interest or not. I know the majority of people reading this got into a similar situation on a various scale but Once my major bills were paid there was no money for travel and petrol and the odd family day out and family emegengcy or a new set of brakes or tyres on the car and then of coarse a few birthdays and Christmas get in the way so was far too easy to take then when it came to repayment a new loan was need to repay the last one etc etc.
It was a great concept of being able to borrow £80 or £100 to top up your fridge or knowing you have the train fare get to work after a long month 5 days before pay day and have it straight into your account and taken again with a very simple process. You know 12 of these £100 a month 7 day loans is sustainable if limited and a lot of people will always need credit from time to time for large and smaller things , but they took the absoulte P/$$ in opening up 10 fold.
But then they absued their own system with having to satisfy greedy share holders and directors.
I feel they knew their days were numbered through regulation and went for everything they could get !
Laura says
Hit the nail on the head there Stephen. I think a lot of us were in the same boat. Struggled to pay credit bills and it absolutely snowballed from there. I myself paid over £21,000 in interest to these companies. Unbelievable really but you live and learn. Debt free now and will never ever go back down that road!
Stephen D says
Yes I paid 6kin interest to Wonga alone Laura and dealt with at least another 6 compaines in that time . Possily another £2.5K to £3k in total to those in around 7 years. So thats around £1200 a year I could of had at the end of each year. Thats without a regular loan and credit cards to deal with.
I keep looking over these figures in disbelief………. Please let it be a lesson to all of us!
I do know its partially my fault (and other will say totally) getting envolved with the crazy %%%%APR looking at you but it generally seems an easy option at the time when you are caught up in trying to rebuild a Credit file for one reason or another.
Its easy when theres a party or a birthday or time for a weekend break to get away …
Same as when people just use and use their credit cards at the time when every tom dick and Harry airline , supermarket or football club wanted to sell you a credit card earning a percentage from every month!!
But Please let it be a lesson to all of us and we need tolearn from our mistakes ! Once bitten!
Carl says
Wonga went into administration over a year ago and from what I’ve seen they’ve got £46m and £460m in claims. So what kind of interest is that making sitting in the bank for almost 18 months and who’s pocketing that.
Plus they still got assets to sell, so I can’t see how they say we will get paid by the end of January if they haven’t collected and sold everything. I’m like everyone else who thinking where has all the money gone that we’ve paid these RIP off merchants for the last 10-15 years. The interest charged on loans there should be plenty to give us a bigger percentage than were guessing we will get.
Hidden money before they went into administration is the only thing that makes sense. They we’re trading on the stock exchange for a billion and all that’s available is £46m yea right.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
They haven’t had £46m sitting in a bank for that period. And what there was will be getting the current low interest rate. But any interest earned is added to the amount, it doesn’t get “pocketed” by anyone.
They have been selling the assets for a while. They haven’t just started.
They were never listed on a Stock Exchange so far as I know.
Dec says
The majority of the shares were owned by venture capital firms. They never traded on the stock exchange, they had private investors
Sarah says
Any information when wonga is going to pay out? I have been told I am eligible for over 4.500 . I know I won’t get anywhere near that but wondered if anyone knew if there was any progress regarding payout? Thanks
JA says
I sent a claim on the day the portal opened and still haven’t received a response wether I’ve been accepted.. No replies to emails either..
Charlie H says
Well, another classic – I finally got my letter with the outcome of my claim today. It upheld as per the agreement I had with FOS and Wonga back in August last year for £716. Great I though, at least that’s confirmed (even though I know im more likely to get £7.16) But then behold, another email arrived telling me that the claim had been rejected in full!! I was straight on the phone to them and had to get a manager to review it who eventually agreed that as it had already been agreed with both Wonga and FOS then it had to be upheld. I’m now wondering, and this is where I need your advise again Sara, do I go along with the “upheld” part or put in an appeal reminding them about the agreement with FOS so that I get it official again. Don’t misunderstand me, its not about the value any more, but more about the principle and of course because of the amount of time I have used in pursuing it.
Any advise will be greatly appreciated
Sara (Debt Camel) says
I think you should phone again and ask them to send you an email or a letter confirming that they have accepted the Claim for £716 and that yiu can ignore the other email.
Ian says
Got a reply from my appeal and my claim is definitely upheld, they said
“Please ignore the previous assessment email we sent you. It was sent to you in error and we apologise for it.”
I wonder if they are doing this on purpose to see if they can get out of paying some people who dont want to appeal??
Sara (Debt Camel) says
No, it seems like an error.
The administrators don’t care who gets paid or how much. They won’t get any more or less money however much you got. They have no possible reason to do this on purpose.
Ian kirwan says
Well either way its sorted and my original claim is upheld, just glad its sorted, not that I’ll see any of that money 🤣
Peter says
Can somebody tell me what is going on with wonga please I’m at a loss with it
they gave my claim a value of less than £200 even though I had 37 loans in a row off them
Sara (Debt Camel) says
How many loans did they agree to refund? How much interest did you pay overall? Did you have a write off in 2014/5?
Peter says
Not really sure it’s been with a claims company
Peter says
They said I would receive next to nothing as they dont have enough money to share out I only receive emails from wonga and my claims company every 5 week or so they are so frustrating to get hold of they also ask if I wanted to take the matter to court as a next step any advise is much appreciated
Sara (Debt Camel) says
There is no information to go on here.
37 loans is a lot, but if they were small or repaid quickly there may not have been much interest paid. If you had a balance written off in 2014/15 then that is deducted from your compensation now. So I can’t say the £200 is definitely wrong.
And they will only ever pay out a small percentage. That’s a fact and it won’t change if you do go to court.
So if you get the 200 upped to 1000 (number invented, no indication it is plausible) then you won’t get 800 more you will get perhaps 40 more… even if that is as high as 80 more your claims company (who sound useless, they should really be explaining this to you, that’s what you are paying them for) will take £25-30 of it.
Unless you can show the court that you paid many thousands of pounds in interest this all sounds like it could be a waste of your time and energy.
Tracy says
I wonder as they are offering people who still have outstanding loans a reduced rate to pay and the loan being removed from the credit file, why they haven’t considered giving people the option of having all loans removed from credit file unaffordable or not in exchange for people giving up financial redress. I would definitely take that option, the money would be lovely but the “cost” of having these on a credit file when you’re trying to get a mortgage is higher value
Sara (Debt Camel) says
That may sound sensible to you but:
a) it breaks the rules about credit reporting
b) sorting this out invidually with the customers who want it would probably cost more in the administrators time than the cost of paying you the refund.
Tracy says
They’ve already broken the rules Sara, they are offering partial settlements of outstanding loans that clearly haven’t been assessed as unaffordable and along with that removing the loan from their credit files,
Jen says
I no longer have the bank account I had at the time. What will happen in this situation please?
Becci says
Just log on to your Wonga account, go to payment details and amend the bank details. Also make sure your contact information is up to date
Beth says
Surly everyone has recovered emails so they should be able to progress and start paying people . When did the first emails go out. Mine said to confirm in 21 days so possible people may get it after the 21 days. I’ve been told it’s 13% duno how try this is .
Sara (Debt Camel) says
People could appeal what their Claims assessments were. It may be necessary to resolve all those before the administrators know the final numbers and can work out the percentage payout.
John Q says
Has anyone’s credit been ‘fixed’ and defaults removed after paying the settlement figure? – just want to make sure it’s not another scam by Wonga, i’ve been told that the settlement offer expires on the 22nd
Sara (Debt Camel) says
It definitely isn’t a scam. But it usually takes a few weeks for credit records to be updated.
Dana says
I’m confused, I thought a third party company was dealing with the complaints after my case and all paperwork was sent by FOS to this company, the last I heard was earlier this year. I’ve checked my junk email and nothing, is there someone I should call as I’m getting concerned?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Ask your Claims company what they have done.
Ian says
I had my claim with a claims management company i phoned them in september for an update and they said 2 weeks ago wonga contacted them and they said they will be dealing with me direct and not them so they have washed their hands of it and had no contact since to be fair if i got 1000 back with what looks like 10% so thats a £100 they would get £25 dont think its in their interest to chase me about for that! Has wonga got all your details upto date
Paddy says
Still waiting on my amount. Been waiting almost 2 years!!! It went to the fos as well. A phone call last Friday he assured me my redress has been calculated and I will know this week. Not counting on anything though to be fair.
Paddy says
Not being paid my redress!!! Actually getting my figure on what I’m owed!!!
Mark says
I still have had no letter or email about how much I will be getting for my claim
Lynne says
I got mine over 2 months ago and since then the only contact was to confirm my ID and bank details
Fazza says
Hi Sara
So after receiving an email saying not entitled to redress even as it was agreed by wonga just before it went bust, I appealed as you recommended and they have sent another email saying I am.entitled to the original amount.
The issue is that amount was offered directly by Wonga without going to FOS and after receiving my calculations from administrators I think I should be entitled to a bigger figure as I had rolled over loans multiple times with the interest alone being in thousands whereas agreed amount is approx £600. I know the actual amount will be much lower but I would rather have 5% of x thousand then 5% of 600.
What do you think where I stand, am I able to appeal the figure again and that administrators should do a fresh calculation rather than just fob me off with the initial figure which Wonga failed to pay anyways.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
If the £600 was agreed by Wonga just before they went bust, was there really time after that for the adjudicator to reach a different decision?
Fazza says
I am not sure if I would view it like that as I took the decision based on the news that Wonga was about to collapse so wanted to get some kind of a figure rather than nothing. I will email again to see if they will reconsider their decision.
Sara what about credit records, because they did not specify which loans the refund was on, am I right in saying I will get all loans removed from the credit record
Jock thomas says
3 per cent omg…
Becci says
Where has 3% come from? Anyone know?
Lynne says
What’s the point of this place. Nobody replies or knows anything!
Sara (Debt Camel) says
So there isn’t any news, people are talking about rumours. At some point someone will know, then that news will be here.
Becci says
I for one feel this site is of great use and Sara does an outstanding job of trying to help people on here, as do others. We all know as much as each other (we guess the progress through people posting on here to create a timeline) so they are usually just educated guesses or estimations, so it’s correct, we don’t know anything, and we won’t until the Administrators release an update. It is speculation
Joseph says
Lynne, all comments and questions above have been answered? There are 399,999 people in your position waiting to hear what will happen. There is nothing else more to add other than to wait for the outcome
DB says
I have heard many of the US assets are being sold for a fraction of their value to get them off the books and that the existing loan book will not be sold. A prominent labour MP had been pushing the CoE to buy the book but they determined they were not well placed to run a loans business… Also know Grant Thornton rates and when dealing with an administration the blended rate is £175 per hour for their time. Based on the numbers available, I predict claimants will get a maximum 3.5p in the £1 but a more realistic 2.5p in the £1 would not surprise me.
Jock thomas says
175 a hour…
Sam Gloucestershire says
I had 46 loans with Wonga and it was agreed that 33 of them were accepted, putting the compensation to one side at the moment, I have three questions regarding removing entries from a credit record if anyone could help I would be very grateful.
1. Will the 33 loans accepted as being wrong be removed from my credit record automatically either before or when the compensation is paid?
2. Do they remove credit entries longer than 6 years ago regardless of that being the cutoff date for credit searches for lenders?
3. Finally, a couple of non-accepted loans are the last two I took out and they fall within the six years (2015) can I request that these are removed by Wonga? Has anyone had any success getting loans removed from the credit file that were rejected for compensation?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
1. I am not sure if they are deleting them or just removing any negative entries.
2. loans repaid or defaulted over 6 years ago should no longer be on your credit record
3. I doubt it. Were these defaulted?
MLR says
Just received my redress amount from Wonga over 6k. And with QQ also going into administration I have lost out on over 15k! I feel so sorry for everyone. The total number of people losing out and affected by these companies will be in the millions and no help is coming to the rescue. What a shambles.
Mark Perrie says
Very true, surely its no mps etc involved
MLR says
I haven’t seen anything to suggest that people will get any help for the compensation they are entitled to.
Nikk Will says
How come companies like wageday advance who are due to payout in May already have an idea of the % customers will receive, yet Wonga don’t? Wonga are supposedly paying out in around 10 weeks time and we still don’t know.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Wonga had foreign assets that were being sold, it was probably easier to make a good estimate of Wageday Advances likely finally position than Wonga’s.
Also the Wageday Advance administrators started with the advantage that WDA already had a system to calculate refunds – Wonga didn’t and it had to be developed.
Tracy says
Agree, I had one loan with wageday advance they contacted me, gave approximate redress, states the usual “you will only get a very small proportion of this” asked me to click if I accepted, I clicked to accept and instantaneously received an update from ClearScore that a payday loan was coming off my report. Surely if they have judged so many as unaffordable already why are they not automatically removing them, it’s not an overly arduous task, more button pushing I would of thought, it’s the assessments and judgements that take the time
Ian says
Is anybody monitoring whose buying these wonga assets if some are worth 20 mill and they sell for 5 mill that could be difference between us gettin 10% redress or say 5% so say one of the fat cat owners of wonga whose already took his millions out of wonga then wants to buy these assets for peanuts so screwing us over again wonga dont care how much they sell their assets for because all it affects in the end is the % of redress we get?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
It is the Administrators’ job to get the maximum value they can for the firm’s assets. They are personally liable for the conduct of the administration – not the firm that employs them but the Insolvency Practitioners themselves.
Paddy says
1 week on from them telling me my email will 100% be with me in a week I still have nothing. People i wouldn’t get excited on that January payout (if anything) if they’re still not sending out redress emails. I for one should 100% be getting one due to it went all the way with fos and collapsed at the last minute before it went into administration.
Kaz says
Everybody must of had there emails by now surely?
If you haven’t chances are it’s gone in to your junk folder & you’ve missed the deadline.
Hurry up and let us all know the %
Jock thomas says
Had emails but not told what we’re getting I’m afraid
Kate says
I have had the email stating how much I am entitled to but not how much I will actually get. I have emailed this week asking when I can expect to find out exactly what I will be getting
Sam says
Hi does anyone know how we will be paid the refund? Will it go in to our banks or get a cheque thru the post?
diane brookes says
they will send a message. before putting into your bank
Sam says
Great thanks I have moved house since then and can’t seem to change my address, so hoping it it out in to my bank and not sent thru the post
Trebor says
They have sent emails out asking if your bank details are as they were when you last had a loan with Wonga. If yes, they will pay in automatically. If not, there were contact details on the email to notify them of any different account details.
nikki says
Hi I have just asked Wonga Via Chat ,They said i will get update before payment is made and also that the end of January 2020 is the time frame they have been given ,fingers crossed.
Joanne says
Hi Sam, I had an email from the administration team saying my refund would go in to the bank (the last bank details held by them). It told me to log into my Wonga account and change the bank details if I had changed my bank, or to contact them. Hope this helps!
Lisa Berry says
Hi. Apparently it will be paid into the account that wonga had on file for you ….
Alison clark says
Hi i got text bout all this but I have changed email address I can’t get in to my old email so how will I find out if I am getting a refund
Natalie says
In regards to payments come January ( hopefully) , i was emailed to say please check my Bank details for the BACS payment were correct and if not log in and update.
I was able to do this via customer care as I finshed with Wonga in 2014 and have changed bank since.
Kelsey says
I emailed to query if they had a timeframe of when we will be finding out how much this was the response..
Please wait on the administrators final calculation of the amount that is due to you.
These funds will be paid into the bank account details you have updated online via your MY Account previously and will be paid at the end of January 2020.
So nothing we didn’t already know really… I’m hoping the longer it takes to get a figure potentially a higher % as negotiating for more money etc? Wishful thinking I know 😂🤞🏼
Mark says
Looks like Wonga have moved my default off my credit report. Happy days.
K says
Did you have to ask Wonga to do this? I would want the same
Sara (Debt Camel) says
They will be deleting those associated with loans they decided were unaffordable automatically.
Hazel says
I just received an email from Wageday Advance in regards to compensation, they will pay out next year and will be paying the following : we estimate that a dividend of between 4.5 and 5.2 pence in the pound will be payable to creditors, and we will confirm the precise amount that you will receive when the dividend is paid to you.
Dave says
Same from WDA, how come they are making payments in may 2020 and already know a rough estimate of pay out, yet Grant thornton, cant get there fingers out the arses and tell us a month before they are meant to pay! They whole thing from start to finish is a shambles from one company to another!
Sara (Debt Camel) says
GT are having to sell assets abroad. The Wageday Advance administrators don’t.
Jock thomas says
Agreed dave. Shambles
Nick says
I have just got my WDA email – I only had one small loan with them so my redress figure is £161 – so I will get about £7! My Wonga redress was much higher (£2363) so I’m hoping for as much as possible but resigned to getting about £116.
I was wondering (as I’ve got affordability/ irresponsible lending complaints in with 3 other lenders & one complaint already upheld by MyJar who have waived about £2000 interest), if the Wonga & WDA claims have been upheld, do I stand a good chance with the other complaints? I’m still waiting for decisions from two & the third was a rejection so just sent to the FOS.
Loui says
Wonga said they owe me £11,729. Any idea roughly what I will get back please? Thanks
Diddy says
Noone knows….would imagine it’s close to what WDA are quoting but may be less….
Laura Myers says
Can anyone help me-I received an email on the 8th november that told me they had uphelp my claim and agreed to refund me the original agreed amount of £604 (they agreed to the refund 2 days before they went into administration last year). I have just checked my emails and received another email 5 days later that then said my claim had been assessed and declined! When checking through this email all past loans had been rejected including the 3 I was originally told last year that they were refunding me for. Does this mean I am no longer getting a refund or has something gone wrong somewhere? And can they agree to a refund and then decline it?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
This is an error.
You must contact the administrators as soon as possible at and explain that you had an agreed refund of £604 and an email from them confirming this but then you had another email saying your claim was declined.
Laura Myers says
Contacted them today and they confirmed it was an error. Thank goodness for that!
Angry bird says
Why do I get the feeling the payments are going to be postponed…… I mean the payments are suppose to be made in the 2 months….. and they don’t even have a rough figure of the %.
That’s the biggest joke ever, if they are selling foreign assets they must know by now what there going to sell them for. I’m sure many of them in that company know the rough figures we can expect to receive, I do not believe within 60 days of payments being made they don’t even have an estimated figure we can receive.
Ross says
I received an email from the administrator accepting my claim for the loans I took out with Wonga. Do you know if this will result in the loans being removed from my credit file? Thank you
Sara (Debt Camel) says
They will probably be removed. In theory just the negative information may be deleted, but it’s probably easier to delete the lot/
Alex says
Just wondering if it would be better to postpone the January expected payout date to allow more time for the administrators to sell the remaining assets. In theory this would increase any percentage received, albeit means waiting longer.
Also, if payments are made in January, would these be final, shouldn’t we receive a top up down the line if further assets are successfully sold after this date, we are technically owed the stated amounts so additional funds made from asset sales etc should be passed on until Wonga’s debts are paid in full?
PS. Great site you have here Sara!!
Sara (Debt Camel) says
The process doesn’t go on forever. The Administration will end. There isn’t the slightest chance than a lot more assets will be sold over the years to come, no-one should hope for this.
The administrators will want to only make 1 payout because the cost of making the payments to so many people is itself enormous. They will probably ask creditors permission to donate small extra amounts raised after the payout to charity.
Lynne says
Can they keep changing the expected pay date too? The original message said everyone would be paid BEFORE the end of January now it says AT the end of January!
Sara (Debt Camel) says
If you are paid on the last day of January that is both “before the end” and “at the end”. So that isn’t a change, it’s only a clarification.
Ben says
I have been told I have a successful claim but I havent been told any claim amount of any kind… I don’t mean refund amount by the way. I have not had any figures at all?!?! Is this normal?
SK says
Most people on here have had a redress amount with their email, so I would guess yours is not normal, who notified you of the successful claim?
Becci says
Are you using a Claims Management Company?
Ben says
No… just did it myself.
Becci says
I’d ring them as soon as you can then and get clarification on the amount you are owed as something does not seem right.
I may be wrong but your email should state how much you are owed and a breakdown showing how they have reached this amount. Also should state which loans have been accepted/denied for compensation
GimmeMyMoney says
Why is it so difficult dealing with them. They are continuing sending emails to my old email address (that I have no access to).
Apparently two different advisors have sent an email to my current email address and they haven’t come through..
Highlight being “how many bars of signal have you got” this despite me using the phone on a strong fast broadband connection..
They are apparently sending another email that could take up to seven days.
Odds on that appearing?
Lu says
Rang Wonga today…
It states all assessments have now been sent so if you havent received your email on claims you should call. It states payments will still be made at the END of January and of course repeated the pay out will be significantly lower.
The customer service stated that we should know the pay out percentage in early January and will be sent emails on the amount refunded individually.
So there is NO truth on any percentage number as of yet!
Joseph says
Cheers for the update Lu, good to know!
Tan says
I spoke to Wonga a few days ago. They rejected 4 loans and accepted remainder as part of redress payout, approx £9,000. One of the loans they rejected I took out was in 2018 and the others were in 2009. I really wanted the 2018 loan removed as I am currently trying clean up credit file, as would like to apply for a mortgage in a few years time.
I rang them initially and then sent my credit reports, to evidence the debt and hardship I incurred. They thought I was trying to appeal their overall redress decision but I simply emphasised I wanted one loan removed. I spoke to a very nice team leader/ manager and she kindly removed it for me, as in she advised me she ll sent the paperwork to the relevant credit reference agencies. I will check in Jan 2020 to see if this has been done. I think they might be still sending the paperwork off for everyone to the credit ref agencies, as they probably have to tie up everything before Jan so I think it’s worth asking. If you don’t ask/ email… you don’t get.
I ll have a few loans on my file from other providers (unfortunately) but this does clean up recent loans which might be seen adversely by mortgage lenders etc. And reduces the volume of loans, so definitely worth asking them.
Hope this helps you all.
Michaela says
Hey, thanks for this comment. So has the loan now been removed from your credit file? Thanks xx
Tan says
Thank you Sara for this site and all the advice you give everyone, including me. You are an amazing woman. I hope you know and realise this. Just amazing! After torturous and tragic decade, I am nearly debt free thanks to you/ your forum and the community of people who post on your website, you maintain so well and with dignity. You are just a wonderful human being and someone to look up to. My sincere thanks to you and your website. Tx
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Good luck for 2020 and I hope you get your mortgage!
Abi says
Hi, I had a text to say my redress assessment is ready and to update my email Address which I’ve done but I haven’t heard anything since, what does redress assessment mean! I’m unsure
Becci says
A text?
Have you received your redress email containing your redress amount and a list of accepted/refused loans?
If you are unsure I would ring customer services I know they have been emailing people to ensure contact and payment details are up to date.
This is done by logging on to Wonga.
Abi says
Yeah it was a text and it said ‘your redress assessment is ready, please contact Wonga to update your current email address’ so I updated my email address as it was years ago I had my account with an email address I don’t have access to anymore but I haven’t heard anything since x
Becci says
So you have no idea of any amount you are owed?
Sorry about the ‘100 questions’
How did you update your email address, I mean was it through a phone call to customer services?
I’d certainly be ringing them as soon as you can to get clarification
Abi says
No I have no idea! I had to ring Wonga to update the email address and I asked the guy on the phone and all he said was ‘they will email you’ so I said ‘but what if they have emailed me but it’s gone to my old address’ and he said ‘rest assured they will email you’ so I emailed Wonga asking if any previous correspondence that’s been email emailed to my previous address could it be forwarded to my new one but that was last week and nobody has responded to the email :(
Becci says
It sounds odd to me that you haven’t received any confirmation either way.
I’d be ringing them and chasing this up, (02071388330) and also confirm with them that they do actually send out texts. I hope this gets sorted out for you soon!
Stephen says
Hey Abi
I’m in the same boat- got the same text and updated my email address with them on live chat. Chased again this week and they just said they have lots of complaints to deal with. Makes no sense?! Why text to say redress email is ready and then not send it?!
Chantelle says
I called wonga as I still haven’t had my email. It continuously says on the phone that all assessments have been completed and all emails have now been sent out…finally got through to speak to someone and i got informed that my assessment is still waiting to be done. Is anyone else still waiting? Something doesn’t feel right as i’m not really going to have any chance to appeal and i’ve had about 50 loans with them.
Stephen Martin says
Hi there
Yes I’m still waiting! Got a text over 2 weeks ago saying it was ready and to confirm email details. i confirmed them and have still received nothing! Just called them and got told my claim email is still waiting to be sent and I’m to continue waiting. It’s a joke!
Mark says
Exactly the same as me, I got the text around 2 weeks ago saying my redress amount is ready and to confirm my email, I rang wonga straight away and they already had my email but I had to confirm it but I’ve heard nothing since
Chantelle says
Hello – i have just received my redress for £3000 now (if only). So fingers crossed yours should be with you shortly!
Stephen says
Oh that’s good to hear – thanks for the update. Here’s hoping mine will come soon!
Mr and Mrs C says
I have just got off the chat with them, they had sent my email to my old email address, despite me emailing to tell them to change it numerous times. I have now got my redress email, would be happy with the figure if we were going to get that :(
Rich Barter says
Looking for some advice. I have asked Equifax to remove all the wonga accounts currently on my report using the notice of correction function. I sent them the email confirming all the loan complaints had been successfully upheld and that they would be removed from my credit report anyway in the coming months. If Wonga don’t reply to Equifax within 21 days they will be removed now instead of waiting for Wonga which I’m not prepared to do! It could take years for them to be removed and I need them gone now! The money I’ll get is just a bonus, the true victory is not having these loans on my record anymore. Has anyone done this and was it a good idea?
Tracy says
I have now I’ve seen your post. Excellent idea, let’s hope they come off
Richard Barter says
Glad you agree! :)
Sara (Debt Camel) says
It’s not going to take years for Wonga to remove the unaffordable loans. The administrators want this all shut down sooner rather than later.
Richard Barter says
Fingers crossed! Thanks :)
Tan says
I called them in regards to one of the rejected ones I took out in 2018, as this would have stayed on for four years or so on my credit file. They stated they will write to the credit reference agencies and they sent me correspondence to confirm they ok do this. All the accepted ones should also come off too.
“Thank you for your recent communication about reporting your data to the credit reference agencies.
We can confirm a request has been sent to the credit reference agencies to update your credit file. Please allow 10-30 days to reflect on your credit file.
If you have any questions, please call us on 0207 138 8330.”
Tan says
Then a few days later I received this:
Following our recent correspondence, please accept this email as confirmation that we have asked the credit reference agencies (Callcredit and Equifax) to update your credit file as agreed. Please allow up to 30 days for this change to reflect on your credit file.
If you want to check on the progress of your credit file update, please contact the credit reference agencies directly through the links below and provide them with your contact details and the reference numbers which are at the top of this email.
I have noticed though it does affect your credit score, as recently I had some Wageday advance ones removed and credit score took a slight dip but I think long terms it’s a brilliant. It’s hard to get a decent mortgage or a loan if you have these kind of loans on your file. As you long as you have another 6-7 months to allow for repairing your credit file I would ask them to do it, ie: not getting ready to apply for a mortgage etc in the next few months. By then if you maintain your file well, your score will shoot you and you ll have these dreadful loan agreements off your file. That’s what I am trying to do at present.
E says
Hi all, I had email from Wonga today saying my outstanding balance had to be paid off by 20th December- originally I was in payment plan with debt collectors who emailed me a couple weeks back saying Wonga were taking debt back. The email stated that they could not accept any payments towards the loan after 20th dec and they couldn’t issue stat notices but my credit file will reflect the unpaid balance. What happens now as I can’t afford to pay the £500 this close to Christmas ?
Sara (Debt Camel) says
it’s an interesting question! The administrators haven’t said. They have previously said they won’t sell the open loans to a debt collector – I suppose they could change their mind. Or if they won’t do that and won’t let you carry on making payments, what can they do but write the debt off? I suppose there may be another option but I don’t know what it is.
E says
Thank you Sara, I have emailed them asking them if I could do repayment plan and if not what happens if I don’t pay by 20th December so will just wait and see.
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Whatever you do, don’t borrow any money to repay this – it is a debt where interest is frozen.
E says
I would never borrow again x Had a reply from them this morning saying they cannot offer repayment plans and will contact me after the 20th when they know what is going to happen to outstanding balances
Sara (Debt Camel) says
Thanks for that information.