An IVA is binding on all the creditors for the debts included in the IVA - but what happens if a debt is accidentally forgotten at the time, or only later emerges? If this has happened to you, you are going to need to talk to your IVA firm about your situation because IVAs can be very "individual", but this article looks at what commonly can be done. First I'll look at the usual case where a … [Read more...]
Articles about what happens in an IVA
This page, and the following ones, list all Debt Camel articles about the practical aspects of IVA - from what happens at your first annual review to what you can expect after you make your last payment.
What is an IVA and how do they work? gives an overview for anyone thinking of starting an IVA. IVAs are great options for some people, but they are too often "sold" as an easy, affordable option to people who have better alternatives for sorting out their debts. Do your research!
If you are interested in debt policy and news, look at the IVA News Archive.
Bankruptcy, IVA, DRO & your credit rating
If your debts are so bad that you are going to have to choose one of the three types of insolvency, you know this will wreck your credit rating, but how long will this continue? This article answers this and other you may have about the effect of insolvency on your credit record such as Will you ever be able to get credit again? What about a mortgage? Is bankruptcy worse than an IVA or a DRO for … [Read more...]
Is your pension safe in an IVA?
Many people who are over 55 can take some or all of their pension pot in cash before they actually retire. You need to know how this may affect you if you are considering an IVA. If you already have an IVA, you may be wondering if your pension is safe. First a warning: IVAs are individual arrangements and it is possible for almost anything to be included or excluded in the detailed terms and … [Read more...]
How IVA, DRO or bankruptcy affect affordability complaints
If you have been insolvent - bankrupt, had an IVA or a Debt Relief Order (DRO) - then you need to know how this affects a claim for a refund for a financial product. You can't make a new claim for a PPI refund - the deadline for this passed at the end of August 2019. But you can still make affordability complaints and other sorts of compensation eg for packaged bank accounts. New credit … [Read more...]