Lots of people want to consolidate all their debts into one loan. Making just one monthly payment sounds simpler. And the interest could be lower - a big improvement, surely? Consolidating can sometimes be a good idea, but you have to be careful to get it right. Most debt advisors have seen this go badly wrong for too many clients... So if you want to get this right, here are the five big … [Read more...]
Consolidation loans
They sound such a great idea - cheaper and making your life simpler.
But sometimes you can't get offered a large enough loan. And sometimes they go badly wrong.
“Can I get a debt consolidation loan with a bad credit score?”
A reader asked: Are there debt consolidation options for really bad credit? I have a lot of debt and I'm not sure how to start getting out of it with a suitable loan or a credit card. A credit card won't work There are some of "bad credit rating" offers at the moment but they are only for 6 months and you will only get a very small credit limit. And after the six months, the card interest … [Read more...]
Is it better to consolidate debt or snowball it?
A reader asked about the best way to clear debt: "I owe about 12k and my partner a bit more. We are well paid but we can't rely on the bonuses and we want to get a house as soon as possible. What do you suggest? Preferably easy as we both work long hours - please don't tell me to take sandwiches to work!" First well done on taking the decision to do something about your debts. It's pretty easy … [Read more...]