If you have too much debt, you may not want to do anything that will harm your credit score. But do you have any better alternatives? That depends on three factors: what is your credit record like at the moment? If it isn't good, then it isn't worth trying to protect! Check your credit score now, so you have accurate information. can you make the monthly payments to your debts? The … [Read more...]
Other Money
I write about a lot of Personal Finance that isn't directly about problem debts. Those articles are gathered here.
Spending - reducing or controlling it is usually essential if you want to reduce your debts. So Budgeting is another big topic.
Your grandparents used a pen and paper, but now we have Apps to make all this easier.
Mortgages - sometimes thought of as the only good sort of debt!
Credit ratings - important if you have too much debt or very little!
An emergency fund – how much do you need & how to save it
A lot of personal finance advice starts out with “Everyone needs an emergency fund”. A survey showed that a third of middle-class families couldn’t pay an unexpected bill of £500 without borrowing, so the lack of savings is a very widespread problem. But what if you already have debts that you are paying off? Accumulating an emergency fund will delay clearing the debts … but having a rainy day … [Read more...]
Get a simple budget that works – don’t make excuses!
You need something that puts you in control of your spending. Your grandparents used to budget using a pencil and paper. But they didn't have contactless cards and mobile bills and overdrafts and credit cards and takeaways... Now many people find it harder to budget and feel they have lost control. For a budget to make your life easier, it has to be realistic and not time-consuming. This … [Read more...]
Should paying your rent help you get a mortgage?
It sounds like common sense to say that if you have paid £880 rent a month for a couple of years then you can obviously afford a mortgage costing £880 a month. And if you live in London or the south-east, you will probably add that rents are so high you can't afford to save much for a deposit, so you need your good rental payment record to be taken into account in a mortgage application. This … [Read more...]
Can I overpay my interest only mortgage?
Mrs M asked: I have an interest-only mortgage of £91,000 with 11 years left, with no plan to repay it at the end. It was originally a repayment mortgage, but when I couldn’t afford the payments the bank suggested I switch to an interest-only mortgage. I went through with my bank an option to change to repayment but they didn’t accept me. Can I pay extra each month? Will it reduce the debt and … [Read more...]
LOQBOX – how saving can improve your credit score
LOQBOX is a clever product that can help improve your credit score as you save regular amounts of money. And there are no fees at all. Which sounds good, doesn't it! I'm tired of suggesting that people with poor credit scores should get a "bad credit card", use it each month and repay it in full each month. That works work well if you can stick to the plan... but one 24 year old I was talking … [Read more...]
Open Banking has started – should you care?
Open Banking – never heard of it? Or seen the headlines but your eyes glazed over? It started on 13th January 2018. Over the following months and years, it’s going to change banking and payments in Britain forever. It is going to take a while - months or even years - before we know the full implications but find out what it might affect so you know what to look for. It may be brilliant, it … [Read more...]
How to add a Notice of Correction to a credit record – and is it worth it?
Finding something negative on your credit record is bad enough - but it feels a lot worse if you think it is wrong or unreasonable. You have the legal right under the Consumer Credit Act to add a "Notice of Correction" to your credit report if you feel something is misleading or you want to provide an explanation. What is a Notice of Correction? A Notice of Correction is something you … [Read more...]
Can I get another car after VT or is part exchange better?
A reader asked: I want to terminate my PCP car finance. The car's fine, good condition, but we now need a bigger car. According to my contract I can hand it back. But I am going to need to get another car, so I am worried this will harm my good credit record. Would part exchange be better? Your right to end a PCP contract early Personal Contract Purchase (PCP) is the most common way to buy … [Read more...]
What are your car finance options?
Cash is often the most cost-effective way to buy a car. But this isn’t always possible, especially if you have money problems. In 2018 more than 80% of new cars in Britain were bought on finance - but that doesn't mean it's going to be right for you! The four ways to finance your car a personal loan - a loan from your bank or building society to spread the cost over 1 to 7 years. Here … [Read more...]