In mid November 2021, ClearScore has finally adopted the new 1000 Equifax credit scores. Equifax credit scoring changed in April 2021, when it switched to calculating scores out of 1000 - they used to be calculated out of 700. It also changed the bands used to describe your credit rating. Equifax didn't make an announcement about these changes. The Equifax Credit Report & Score was … [Read more...]
Other Money
I write about a lot of Personal Finance that isn't directly about problem debts. Those articles are gathered here.
Spending - reducing or controlling it is usually essential if you want to reduce your debts. So Budgeting is another big topic.
Your grandparents used a pen and paper, but now we have Apps to make all this easier.
Mortgages - sometimes thought of as the only good sort of debt!
Credit ratings - important if you have too much debt or very little!
“Will Experian Boost help my credit score?”
A reader asked if she should sign up to Experian's Boost. Are any disadvantages? Would it really help her credit score? Experian's new Boost facility was introduced in the UK in November 2020: it can increase your Experian Credit Score by a maximum of 101 points; it is set up so it can never harm your credit score. Hundreds of thousands of people have used it. Let's see how it … [Read more...]
Should you get a joint account for the bills?
Should we use a joint account for everything? Or get a joint account only for the bills? How will a joint account affect our credit scores? Is it best to both use the same bank? I've seen a few questions about how couples share finances recently, so I've brought them together into one article. Should we use a joint account for everything? Don't rush into this! Not only are you linking your … [Read more...]
Save a house deposit or pay off debt?
A reader asked: "A friend said not to pay my defaulted debts off but save money towards a deposit for a mortgage - is this a good idea?" It's often unwise to rely on friends for debt advice... They may be guessing, their situation may have been quite different from yours, or they may be assuming what happened to them years ago is still useful today. And in this case, the friend may know … [Read more...]
How fast can I improve my credit score for a mortgage?
Here are some questions I have seen recently about how long it takes to improve your credit score for a mortgage: I was foolish with credit cards for years but now I am determined to buy a house - how long will this take? My credit score is dreadful. My new partner has a good credit record and we want to get a mortgage. I have a poor credit rating but I have now inherited a deposit. How … [Read more...]
How much will my credit score change if … ?
How much will my credit rating go up or down? That is a very common question. But it's often tricky to answer! This article has some guideline numbers from Experian that may help. These are only indications - your credit score may not go up or down by this much. They assume nothing else has changed on your record. They also apply to single issues. If you have two defaults already, getting … [Read more...]
Buying too much online? 5 ways to cut back
A few taps on your mobile and that handbag, those kids' clothes or this kitchen gadget is on its way to you. Very convenient with busy lives and little time to go to the shops. Or when the shops are shut because of lockdown! But when money is tight or you want to save for something important, or you are just bored with being at home all the time, it can be just too easy to overspend. … [Read more...]
“Will partial settlement make it hard to get a mortgage?”
Ms F asked: "I have been in debt management for five years after my marriage breakdown. After an inheritance, I want to pay off my DMP as it will carry on for years. I could pay in full but my house needs some urgent work and my car is on its last legs. I asked about my credit score if I offer a partial settlement and was told this would show as partially settled on credit score file. Will I … [Read more...]
Credit Ladder – can renting boost your credit rating?
UPDATE: Now, Credit Ladder charges you £60 a year to report to Experian, Equifax, and TransUnion. I suggest you don't bother! As a means of paying to try to improve your credit score, this seems unnecessary. Reporting to three is very little better than reporting to one. Do yourself a favour and pay that £5 a month off a debt instead. Or add it to your savings account if you don't have any … [Read more...]
How Pardners work – friends save & borrow in an informal club
Rotating Savings and Credit Associations (ROSCAs) are arrangements that allow friends to save together and withdraw lump sums from the scheme. ROSCAs are unregulated, relying on trust. The Money Advice Service says "those who use [ROSCAs] say they encourage savings and allow people without bank accounts access to credit." They have different names around the world, including tanda in South … [Read more...]